Monday, March 13, 1995

Secy. of State Christopher arrives in Syria; discusses details of security arrangements for Golan with Pres. al-Asad; notes progress toward resumption of talks with Israel, incl. participation of military advisors, switching focus to post-withdrawal security arrangements rather than extent of withdrawal; says U.S. will "put forward options" for talks. Then flies to Jordan, meets with King Hussein to discuss debt issue (see 3/3); returns to Israel. (MM, WP 3/13; RMC, SARR 3/13 in FBIS 3/13; JTV, RJ, SARR, SATN 3/13 in FBIS 3/14; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/14; WJW 3/16; MEI 3/17 JP 3/18; JP 3/25; MEI 3/31; WT 4/19)

Jordanian-Israeli Follow-up Comm. meets in Dayr `Alla, reviews progress of subcomms., focuses on trade, transportation. Joint water comm. also meets in Dayr `Alla, finalizes discussions on line that will convey water fr. Lake Tiberias to King Abdullah Canal. (JTV 3/13 in FBIS 3/17)

Palestinian Arab League representative Muhammad Subayh says league mbrs. have passed PA proposal submitted to Jerusalem Comm. of the Arab League to build 10,000 housing units in East Jerusalem, with financing fr. Arab states. (al-Yawm 3/13 in FBIS 3/15)

The Netherlands opens representative office in Jericho. (VOP 3/13 in FBIS 3/14)

IDF raids Jenin Awqaf dept., confiscate files, documents on zakat funds. (VOP 3/13 in FBIS 3/14)