24 / 15493 Results
  • December 31, 1993

    Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Michel Sabbah says Catholic Church will insist that Israel stop barring Palestinians fr. entering Jerusalem, notes "Jerusalem is still to be discussed" between Vatican...

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  • November 17, 1993

    Palestinian youths in al-Birah erect barricades, bum tires, and stone IDF soldiers after funeral of Rami Ghazzawi, killed 11/16. (MM 11/17)

    IDF res. sgt. Haim Darina stabbed to death at...

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  • November 2, 1993

    PLO delegation suspends participation in talks with Israelis at Taba, Egypt, complaining Israeli proposals on withdrawal fr. Gaza Strip and Jericho are a redeployment, not withdrawal. (NYT 11/4)...

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  • September 24, 1993

    Poll shows 68.6% of o.t. Palestinians, 72% of Gazans, 83.2% of Jericho residents support DoP. Poll, by Jerusalem Media and Communications Centre, also shows 64.4% support PLO as against 17.5% for...

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  • September 21, 1993

    PLO Chmn. Arafat leaves for tour of China, Malaysia, and Indonesia after brief stopover in Cairo following talks with King Hussein in Amman. (MENA 9/21 in FBIS 9/22)

    Fateh leader Muhammad...

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  • September 14, 1993

    PLO Chmn. Arafat, in Washington, breakfasts with 20 U.S. senators, appeals for U.S. loan guarantees for Palestinian entity and end to legislation restricting PLO activities in U.S. He then speaks...

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  • September 11, 1993

    PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. 'Abd Allah Hurani resigns in protest of DoP, Israel-PLO recognition, calls for emergency PNC meeting. (MENA 9/11 in FBIS 9/13)

    IDF shoots 2 Palestinians dead, wounds 8...

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  • September 1, 1993

    Oslo talks btwn. PLO, Israel on mutual recognition adjourn. (NYT, WP 9/2)

    Lebanese FM Faris Buwayz arrives in Damascus for talks with Pres. al-Asad, FM al-Shara' concerning DoP. (MM 9/1)...

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  • August 2, 1993

    Secy. of State Christopher begins mission to revive Arab-Israeli talks with meeting in Alexandria with Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, stating "the situation in Lebanon, perhaps paradoxically, has given a...

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  • July 23, 1993

    Hamas supporters defeat joint Fateh-PFLP slate in elections for Gaza Strip accountants' association. (MM 7/26)

    Hizballah katyushas hit northern Israel; IDF shells launch area in retaliation...

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  • May 17, 1993

    PLO peace talks follow-up committee issues report on 9th round, which ended 5/13. (al-Quds 5/20 in FBIS 5/24)

    FM Peres arrives in New Delhi on 1stever official Israeli visit to India....

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  • May 3, 1993

    In the working group on self-rule, Palestinian delegation proposes to discuss formnulation of joint statement of principles on the substance of self-rule. (Qol Yisra'el 5/3 in FBIS 5/4)


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  • April 26, 1993

    Head of U.S. State Dept. Policy Planning Samuel Lewis meets with PM Rabin, FM Peres in Jerusalem. (MM 4/27)

    Deportees march to Zumayriyya crossing-point in southern Lebanon, stage sit-in. (...

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  • March 29, 1993

    FMs of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and the PLO end 2-day meeting in Damascus, delay decision on resuming talks with Israel 4/20 in their final statement. (Radio Lebanon 3/29 in FBIS 3/30; NYT,...

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  • March 22, 1993

    Knesset rejects no-confidence motions submitted by Tsomet, NRP, and Likud, 50- 41. All SHAS MKs voted against the motions, all HADASH MKs abstained. (IDF Radio 3/22 in FBIS 3/23)


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  • March 12, 1993

    PM Rabin meets with Secy. of State Christopher in Washington. (Yedi'ot Aharonot 3/14 in FBIS 3/15)

    PLO Exec. Comm. mbrs. say PLO does not accept any timetable for return of deportees that...

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  • March 10, 1993

    U.S. and Russia invite parties to resume peace talks 4/20. Palestinian delegation refuses to accept letter of invitation in Jerusalem. Multilateral water talks are scheduled for Geneva 4/27. (AFP...

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  • March 2, 1993

    Faisal Husseini and Haydar 'Abd al-Shafi condemn 3/1 killings in Tel Aviv. Husseini receives letter from Secy. of State Christopher through U.S. consul-general in Jerusalem. (Qol Yisra'el, HaAretz...

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  • February 24, 1993

    Secy. of State Christopher meets with Palestinian officials, presents 6-point plan to resume peace talks: (1) U.S. statement calling expulsions illegal and pressing UNSCR 799; (2) 242 and 338 are...

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  • February 23, 1993

    Secy. of State Christopher meets in Israel with PM Rabin, FM Peres, then with Palestinians led by Faisal Husseini, who tell him that all deportees must be returned for talks to resume....

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  • February 17, 1993

    Faisal Husseini and 40 delegation associates visit area in Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip, where homes were leveled by IDF 2/11 to offer sympathy, rally support for negotiations. Hamas and PLO supporters...

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  • February 6, 1993

    Mufti of Jerusalem Sa'd al-Din al-'Alami, head of the Higher Islamic Council in the West Bank, dies. (Qol Yisra'el 2/7 in FBIS 2/8)

    IDF shoots 1 Palestinian youth dead, wounds 27 during...

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  • January 19, 1993

    Knesset votes 39-20 to revise 1986 law to legalize contacts with all factions of the PLO. (MM 1/13, 1/19; NYT, WP 1/20)

    U.S. State Dept. releases its annual human rights report, noting 62%...

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  • January 17, 1993

    Israeli Supreme Court begins hearing to determine final ruling on the legality of the 12/17 deportation of 415 Palestinians to Lebanon. (MM, NYT 1/18)

    Deported Palestinian symbolically...

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Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Michel Sabbah says Catholic Church will insist that Israel stop barring Palestinians fr. entering Jerusalem, notes "Jerusalem is still to be discussed" between Vatican, Israel. (NYT 1/1)

Polls show that 1/3 of Israeli settlers in West Bank and Gaza Strip would leave if offered compensation in cash or housing in Israel proper. (NYT 1/1)

Frmr. Israeli negotiator Yossi Olmert says private, unofficial Syrian-Israeli talks were held 5/93-10/93 in Germany, Norway, Switzerland, and Turkey under auspices of Initiative for Peace and Cooperation in the Middle East, a branch of Washington, DC-based Search for Common Ground. (WT 1/1; Yediot Aharonot 1/2 in FBIS 1/3; MM 1/4)

Fateh Hawks hold rally in Gaza attended by hundreds. (WP 1/1)

2 Israelis killed in Ramla by Palestinian attackers. (MM 1/4)

Palestinian youths in al-Birah erect barricades, bum tires, and stone IDF soldiers after funeral of Rami Ghazzawi, killed 11/16. (MM 11/17)

IDF res. sgt. Haim Darina stabbed to death at Nahal Oz crossing btwn. Gaza Strip and Israel by Palestinian student at Gaza City Islamic College, who is detained by Israeli civilian. Several dozen demonstrators protest recent killings in Jerusalem, some bearing signs calling PM Rabin a "traitor." (MM 11/18)

FM Peres, on Israel radio, warns settlers, saying law applies to "whoever is breaking a law, no matter to which nation he belongs." (MM 11/17)

Israeli Police and Energy M. Moshe Shahal meets in Cairo with Egyptian Oil, Electricity, and Ag. Ms on energy cooperation, setting up 30 mw solar power station to serve Aqaba, Taba, and Eilat. Shahal also carries message to Egyptian Pres. Mubarak fr. FM Peres. (MM 11/17; MENA 11/17, 11/18 in FBIS 11/18)

PLO delegation suspends participation in talks with Israelis at Taba, Egypt, complaining Israeli proposals on withdrawal fr. Gaza Strip and Jericho are a redeployment, not withdrawal. (NYT 11/4)

PFLP delegation holds talks in Baghdad with Iraqi Dep. PM Tariq 'Aziz, next day with VP Taha Yasin Ramadhan. (INA 11/2, 11/3 in FBIS 11/2, 11/3)

Israeli Mayor of Jerusalem Teddy Kollek defeated in mayoral election by Likud's Ehud Olmert by 60%-34% vote. Kollek had served for 28 years. Likud also wins Tel Aviv mayoralty with Ronni Milo defeating Avigdor Kahalani. Israeli local elections were seen in part as referendum on 9/13 PLO-Israel accord. Israeli PM Rabin comments, "I think what happened, especially in Jerusalem, has a negative aspect for us. I neither deny it nor hide it. It's a reality, and it's a very unpleasant one." (NYT 11/3, 11/4)

Poll shows 68.6% of o.t. Palestinians, 72% of Gazans, 83.2% of Jericho residents support DoP. Poll, by Jerusalem Media and Communications Centre, also shows 64.4% support PLO as against 17.5% for Islamist groups. (MM 9/24)

Israeli stabbed to death in Ranana, north of Tel Aviv, in 1st such attack inside Israel since DoP signed. Israel Radio says note pinned to body says killing done by "terror organization." (MM 9/24)

PLO Chmn. Arafat leaves for tour of China, Malaysia, and Indonesia after brief stopover in Cairo following talks with King Hussein in Amman. (MENA 9/21 in FBIS 9/22)

Fateh leader Muhammad Abu Sha'ban killed in Gaza. The treasurer of the Gaza Bar Association, head of Gaza Center for Human Rights, and former head of Fateh-affiliated Political Comms. is shot by unknown gunmen on his way home fr. a rally in support of PLO-Israel agreement. (NYT 9/22)

Knesset debates ratification of Israel-PLO accord. PM Rabin calls agreement "hope for an end to tears," says "we will no longer live by our swords alone." Rabin calls pact with PLO "the victory of Zionism, which has also won the recognition of its most sworn and bitter enemies." Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu, opposing accord, says "this agreement abandons security of Israeli citizens," argues "We want to give peace a chance, but first we want to give life a chance." (NYT, WP 9/22)

Rally in Jerusalem against PLO-Israel accord called by opposition parties, settler and religious groups, draws 20,000, mostly yeshiva students, according to Israel Radio. (NYT 9/22; WP 9/23)

Pope John Paul II meets Israeli Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau at Castel Gandolfo, Italy, 1st meeting ever be tween a Catholic pontiff and either of Israel's chief rabbis. Vatican stresses that meeting is purely religious, but speculation is rife that it represents progress toward Vatican diplomatic recognition of Israel. Rabbi Shlomo Goren, former Ashkenazi chief rabbi, denounces meeting as "blasphemy beyond expression," a "mockery," and "meaningless." (NYT 9/22)

PLO Chmn. Arafat, in Washington, breakfasts with 20 U.S. senators, appeals for U.S. loan guarantees for Palestinian entity and end to legislation restricting PLO activities in U.S. He then speaks to National Press Club luncheon and travels to New York for 1st visit to UN since 1974. (NYT 9/15)

Jordanian Amb. to U.S. Fayez Tarawneh and Israeli negotiator Eliakim Rubinstein, in Washington, sign "common agenda" for further negotiations. (NYT 9/15)

Israeli PM Rabin, returning fr. U.S., stops in Morocco for surprise meeting with King Hassan II. After 2 hours of talks, Rabin calls visit "a step toward diplomatic relations"; Hasan, head of ICO's Jerusalem Comm., calls PLO-Israel agreement "astep toward abetter future." (MM 9/14; NYT, WP 9/15)

PLO Pol. Dept. head Faruq Qaddumi holds talks in Baghdad with Iraqi Dep. PM Tariq 'Aziz, other Iraqi officials. Meanwhile, PFLP chief Habash meets in Damascus with Syrian VP Khaddam, who promisesupport for Palestinian "national righto a state with Jerusalem asits capital." (MM 9/15)

PFLP-GC, "unified leadership" of PFLP and DFLP, ALF all issue statements rejecting DoP. (QPAR, SANA, INA 9/14 in FBIS 9/14)

Baha al-Din al-Najr, 19, presumed Hamas activist, dies in suicide bomb attack on Gaza City police station. Also in Gaza, Ismail Sheber, 21, attempts to stab IDF soldier and is shot dead. Closure imposed on Gaza Strip by IDF 9/15-19. (IDF Radio 9/14 in FBIS 9/14; NYT, WP 9/15)

In Beirut, 15,000 (Hizballah claims 150,000) attend funeral of 8 Hizballah mbrs. killed 9/13 by Lebanese soldiers during demonstration against PLO-Israel accord. Hizballah leader Shaykh Hasan Nasrallah calls for resignation ofPM Rafiq Hariri's govt. over incident. (MM 9/14; NYT 9/15)

PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. 'Abd Allah Hurani resigns in protest of DoP, Israel-PLO recognition, calls for emergency PNC meeting. (MENA 9/11 in FBIS 9/13)

IDF shoots 2 Palestinians dead, wounds 8 in Ramallah during PFLP/Hamas-led march against Israel-PLO agreement. Other Palestinians wounded in clashes during demonstrations in Gaza, Jerusalem. 20,000 participate in 4 demonstrations in support of accord. (NYT, WP 9/12)

World Bank releases 6-volume report, prepared at request of Israeli and Palestinian negotiators, saying West Bank and Gaza Strip require at least $3 b. in aid over next decade. (NYT 9/12)

White House announces Israeli PM Rabin, PLO Chmn. Arafat will attend 9/13 signing of DoP. (NYT 9/12)

Pres. Clinton speaks by telephone with Saudi King Fahd, Syrian Pres. al-Asad, Jordanian King Hussein, and Israeli PM Rabin in effort to secure support for agreement. Clinton pledges Israel "additional guarantees" for its security, in part to keep Israeli public opinion supportive of peace process. (NYT, WP 9/12)

Damascus-based Palestinian opposition factions call for general strike in o.t., Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria 9/13 to protest Israel-PLO accord. Demonstrations against accords held in al-Wahdat, al-Baq'a refugee camps in Jordan. Jordan Times 9/11 in FBIS 9/13; NYT 9/12)

Oslo talks btwn. PLO, Israel on mutual recognition adjourn. (NYT, WP 9/2)

Lebanese FM Faris Buwayz arrives in Damascus for talks with Pres. al-Asad, FM al-Shara' concerning DoP. (MM 9/1)

Egyptian FM 'Amr Musa holds talks with Israeli officials in Jerusalem on text of Israel-PLO mutual recognition, forwards draft to PLO in Tunis. (MM 9/2)

PLO Chmn. Arafat flies to Rabat for consultations with Moroccan King Hassan on follow-up to Israel-PLO agreement. (MM 9/2; NYT 9/3)

PFLP head Habash tells French TV Arafat no longer represents Palestinians, vows PFLP will fight DoP "with all its might" because it ignores rights of diaspora Palestinians. DFLP chief Hawatmah, on RMC, calls DoP "sad, tragic," says it will allow Israel to "liquidate the intifada." (MM 9/2)

Pro-DoP rally at al-Najah University attended by 4,000, addressed by Arafat by telephone. Faisal Husseini meets in Jerusalem with opposition figures, who maintain anti-DoP position, while 15 injured in Gaza Strip when Hamas mbrs. stone pro-DoP rally. (MM 9/2)

Palestinian o.t. figures issue statement denouncing DoP, Arafat's leadership. (al-Ra'y 9/1 in FBIS 9/2)

King Hussein tells Ghassan Tueni of al-Nahar that "We in Jordan do not accept the imposition on us of any agreement to which we are not a party" in remarks excerpted on JTV. Hussein demands Arab summit to discuss consequences of PLO-Israel accord. (MM 9/2; NYT, WP 9/3)

Israeli Police Min. Moshe Shahal says Palestinian police to be set up under Oslo agreement "will not have authority to halt Israelis." (MM 9/2)

Secy. of State Christopher begins mission to revive Arab-Israeli talks with meeting in Alexandria with Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, stating "the situation in Lebanon, perhaps paradoxically, has given a new burst of energy to the negotiations." (NYT 8/3)

PLO Chm. Arafat meets Egyptian Pres. Mubarak after latter's talks with Secy. of State Christopher. (MENA 8/2 in FBIS 8/3)

Palestinian hijacks UNRWA bus in Gaza Strip, killing Israeli civilian employee of military government. (NYT 8/3)

Poll of Palestinians in o.t. conducted by Jerusalem Media and Communications Centre in conjunction with CNN and Dutch TV finds 51.7% oppose Palestinian-Jordanian confederation, 55.9% oppose continuation of peace talks on the Madrid formula, 50.1% support Palestinian withdrawal from talks, 87.7% believe PLO needs democratic reform, 32.9% support dividing Jerusalem, and 50.9% trust leadership of "national movements," as against 24.1% for "Islamic movements." Poll has margin of error of +3%, confidence level of 95%. (JMCC poll) Responding in part to complaints by Palestinian members of the Orthodox Church that the Patriarchate has been passing land to the Israeli government, Ecumenical Council of Orthodox Churches decides to boycott Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem Diodoros I. (al-Fajr 8/16)

Lebanese govt. orders army to prepare for redeployment in south. UN Secy.-Gen. Butrus-Ghalinforms Lebanese PM Rafiq Hariri of UN approval of move. (WP, WT 8/3)

Hamas supporters defeat joint Fateh-PFLP slate in elections for Gaza Strip accountants' association. (MM 7/26)

Hizballah katyushas hit northern Israel; IDF shells launch area in retaliation. (MM 7/23)

Palestinian-American Muhammad Jarad, arrested by Israel for allegedly providing finances for Hamas, released from Ramallah jail after a 6-month term. (WT 7/25; Qol Yisra'el 7/24 in FBIS 7/27)

Jerusalem's Arabic daily newspaper al-Fajr closes after 22 years of publication due to lack of funds. The paper's weekly English edition continues. (WT 7/24)

PLO peace talks follow-up committee issues report on 9th round, which ended 5/13. (al-Quds 5/20 in FBIS 5/24)

FM Peres arrives in New Delhi on 1stever official Israeli visit to India. Israeli delegation will then travel to China. (NYT 5/18)

IDF shoots Palestinian woman dead in Gaza Strip, shoots Palestinian youth dead in Bayta, West Bank. (Qol Yisra'el 5/17 in FBIS 5/17)

In the working group on self-rule, Palestinian delegation proposes to discuss formnulation of joint statement of principles on the substance of self-rule. (Qol Yisra'el 5/3 in FBIS 5/4)

Palestinians celebrate the return of another 14 post-1967 deportees, among them former Jerusalem mayor Ruhi al-Khatib (see 4/30). (MM, NYT 5/4; Qol Yisra'el 5/3 in FBIS 5/4)

Some 15,000 Russian immigrants outside Knesset protest absorption conditions. (ITV 5/4 in FBIS 5/5)

Israeli Border Police open fire on car running a roadblock, killing all 4 "wanted" Palestinian men inside, in the Gaza Strip. (Qol Yisra'el 5/4 in FBIS 5/6; NYT 5/5)

IDF kills 2 Hizballah gunmen in clash inside "security zone." (RFL 5/4 in FBIS 5/4)

Head of U.S. State Dept. Policy Planning Samuel Lewis meets with PM Rabin, FM Peres in Jerusalem. (MM 4/27)

Deportees march to Zumayriyya crossing-point in southern Lebanon, stage sit-in. (Qol Yisra'el, QPAR 4/28 in FBIS 4/29)

IDF shoot Palestinian boy dead in Gaza Strip. (Qol Yisra'el 4/26 in FBIS 4/27)

Sidon personalities call for end to intra-Palestinian fighting. (VOO 4/27 in FBIS 4/27)

FMs of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and the PLO end 2-day meeting in Damascus, delay decision on resuming talks with Israel 4/20 in their final statement. (Radio Lebanon 3/29 in FBIS 3/30; NYT, WP 3/30)

Hanan Ashrawi says Palestinians rejected 3/26 U.S. offers, adds that such assurances are basic rights, "not issues for blackmail, negotiations, or pressure." (MM 3/30)

PLO amb. in Cairo Said Kamal says Pres. Asad and Chmn. Arafat have entrusted Pres. Mubarak to negotiate a solution to the deportees and raise new peace talks ideas during his 4/6 talks with Pres. Clinton in Washington. (MM 3/29)

Jordanian PM Sharif Bin-Shakir tells MPs that his govt. does not accept Israeli-Jordanian draft agenda negotiated by the respective delegations and publicized 10/27/92. It is missing some key points, particularly on Jerusalem. (MM 3/30)

IDF shoots 1 Palestinian dead in Jalazun camp, West Bank. Palestinian worker kills settler near Khan Yunis. Settlers burn down mosque in Gaza Strip. (IDF Radio 3/29 in FBIS 3/30; Qol Yisra'el 3/30 in FBIS 3/31; WP 3/30)

Knesset rejects no-confidence motions submitted by Tsomet, NRP, and Likud, 50- 41. All SHAS MKs voted against the motions, all HADASH MKs abstained. (IDF Radio 3/22 in FBIS 3/23)

Settlers and right-wingers stage demonstration against govt. in Jerusalem, setting tires on fire and throwing objects at policemen. (Qol Yisra'el 3/22 in FBIS 3/23)

IDF shoots 4 Palestinians dead, among them a 12-year-old retarded boy, in Gaza Strip. Palestinian stabs 5 students, principal in Jerusalem high school. IDF seals assailant's home. Students, other Israelis riot, damaging West Bank cars, wounding 2. (Qol Yisra'el 3/22, 3/23 in FBIS 3/23; NYT, WT 3/23)

Joint Amal-Hizballah unit attacks Israeli, SLA positions just north of "security zone," killing 2 Hizballah fighters. Israel shells targets north of zone. (VOL, VOO, VOS 3/22, 3/23 in FBIS 3/23)

PM Rabin meets with Secy. of State Christopher in Washington. (Yedi'ot Aharonot 3/14 in FBIS 3/15)

PLO Exec. Comm. mbrs. say PLO does not accept any timetable for return of deportees that extends beyond June. (RMC 3/12 in FBIS 3/12)

Hamas Amman rep. Muhammad Nazzal says that talks in Amman with PLO this week covered Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, deportations, cooperation. (Jordan Times 3/13 in FBIS 3/15)

Gaza settlers announce they will no longer employ Palestinian workers. (Qol Yisra'el 3/12 in FBIS 3/12)

IDF shoots Palestinian youth dead in Hebron. IDF soldier is found shot dead near Jerusalem, and Palestinians stab female settler to death in Gaza Strip. (MM 3/12; MM, WT 3/15)

U.S. and Russia invite parties to resume peace talks 4/20. Palestinian delegation refuses to accept letter of invitation in Jerusalem. Multilateral water talks are scheduled for Geneva 4/27. (AFP 3/10 in FBIS 3/10; MM 3/10; NYT, WP 3/11)

PLO pol. dept. head Faruq al-Qaddumi meets with Syrian FM Shara' in Damascus. Qaddumi says Arab states may go to the talks without the Palestinians to "test U.S. intentions." PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Mahmud Abbas meets with Egyptian FM 'Amr Musa in Cairo. (RMC, SARA 3/10 in FBIS 3/10; MENA 3/10 in FBIS 3/11; MM 3/11)

Hamas and Fateh agree to establish intifada "joint command," other committees to enhance cooperation. (WT 3/11)

Israel lodges formal complaint with UNRWA over an official's alleged negligence during 3/2 incident in Gaza Strip (see 3/6). (Qol Yisra'el 3/10 in FBIS 3/11)

IDF shoots Palestinian youth dead near Jerusalem. IDF soldier stabbed, critically wounded in Nazareth. (Qol Yisra'el 3/11 in FBIS 3/11; WT 3/11)

Fateh official assassinated in Tyre, Lebanon. (Radio Lebanon 3/10 in FBIS 3/11)

New Jersey resident and chemical engineer Nidal Ayyad is arrested in connection with 2/26 World Trade Center bombing. (WP 3/11)

Faisal Husseini and Haydar 'Abd al-Shafi condemn 3/1 killings in Tel Aviv. Husseini receives letter from Secy. of State Christopher through U.S. consul-general in Jerusalem. (Qol Yisra'el, HaAretz 3/2 in FBIS 3/2; al-Quds 3/5 in FBIS 3/8)

U.S. severs contacts with Hamas, saying they were cultivated to keep up with "developments in the Islamic world," denying any "political dialogue." Hamas will for the first time appear in the State Dept.'s annual report on terrorism, tobe issued 4/1. (WT 3/3)

PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Mahmud Abbas meets with Russian FM Kozyrev in Moscow, discusses deportees. (al-Hayat 3/4 in FBIS 3/8)

Israeli Health Min. Haim Ramon (Labor) and Interior Min. Aryeh Deri (SHAS) urge govt. to consider unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. (NYT 3/3; Qol Yisra'el 3/2 in FBIS 3/2)

Council of Jewish Settlements in Judea, Samaria and Gaza calls on settlers to open fire if attacked with stones (first in air to deter, then at body if endangered). IDF strongly rebukes lst-ever such call by settlers. (HaAretz 3/3 in FBIS 3/3)

Peace Now reports settlement expansion in at least 8 sites. (Al Hamishmar 3/2 in FBIS 3/3)

Israeli driver stoned and shot dead by Palestinians in Rafah, Gaza Strip. Shots fired from an Israeli car being stoned in East Jerusalem kill 1 Palestinian. (MM 3/2; NYT 3/3; IDF Radio, Qol Yisra'el 3/2 in FBIS 3/3)

Secy. of State Christopher meets with Palestinian officials, presents 6-point plan to resume peace talks: (1) U.S. statement calling expulsions illegal and pressing UNSCR 799; (2) 242 and 338 are bases for talks and Jerusalem can be discussed; (3) binding Israeli commitment against expulsions; (4) speedy return of current deportees; (5) return of many post-1967 deportees; (6) Israeli commitment to stop human rights violations in o.t. Palestinians welcome the plan. Christopher tells them the U.S. has no current intention of resuming dialogue with the PLO. (NYT 2/25; Qol Yisra'el 2/24, 2/25 in FBIS 2/25; JTV 2/27 in FBIS 3/1; MEI 3/5)

PM Rabin meets again with Secy. Christopher, handing him a letter to deliver to Pres. Clinton calling for main effort on an Israeli-Syrian accord with resumption of talks. (Yedi'otAharonot 2/25 in FBIS 2/25)

IDF searches, closes Islamic and al-Azhar Universities in Gaza Strip for 1 week. (MM 2/25; Qol Yisra'el 2/24 in FBIS 2/25)

Sen. John Glenn (D-OH) distributes recent Russian intelligence rport stating Israel may have 100-200 nuclear weapons. (MM 2/25)

Secy. of State Christopher meets in Israel with PM Rabin, FM Peres, then with Palestinians led by Faisal Husseini, who tell him that all deportees must be returned for talks to resume. Palestinians read the secy. a letter from Chmn. Arafat, present 5-point memo assessing peace process. (NYT 2/24; Sanaa VOP 2/25 in FBIS 2/26)

Some 7,000 march against territorial compromise on the Golan Heights in Jerusalem. (MM 2/24)

Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies (Tel Aviv U.) publishes poll of non-settler, non-kibbutz mbr. Israeli Jewish pop. showing 58% believe the Arabs want peace, 95% of Israelis want peace; 29% favor Palestinian autonomy, 20% favor returning o.t. to Jordan; favor of a Palestinian state, annexation, and annexation with transfer each garnered 13%. 46% refuse to give back any of the Golan Heights, 33% would give back a small part. 75% believe military action can stop the intifada and terrorism, 60% feel the govt. has been too soft on this. (Davar 2/23 in FBIS 2/25)

Police Min. Moshe Shahal has set up team of jurists to work out a plan for o.t. police force to operate under the autonomy, one which will be a "clear expression of Palestinian self-rule." Historical models include British-French policing of the Hebrides. (Davar 2/23 in FBIS 2/26)

Israeli National Planning and Building Council subcomms. approve plan to build school for handicapped children in East Jerusalem, ending former Housing Min. Ariel Sharon's plan to build 200 Jewish housing units on the site. (Qol Yisra'el 2/26 in FBIS 2/26)

IDF shoots dead UN nurse watching demonstrations from his roof in Rafah, Gaza Strip-50th Palestinian killed by IDF since 12/17/92. (WT 2/24)

U.S. House Republican Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare releases "The New Islamist International," a report asserting Iranian backing of attacks on UN and Muslims in Bosnia while throwing blame on the Serbs, as well as other actions of intl. radical Islamist agenda. Report follows up similar 10/3/92 report. (WJW 4/22)

Faisal Husseini and 40 delegation associates visit area in Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip, where homes were leveled by IDF 2/11 to offer sympathy, rally support for negotiations. Hamas and PLO supporters chant allegiance. (MM 2/17)

Pres. Mubarak meets with Chmn. Arafat in Cairo. (WT 2/20; MENA 2/17 in FBIS 2/17)

Israeli Aircraft Industries announces U.S. Def. Dept. has awarded them and American co. TRW a $240m contract to build 56 unmanned airplanes. Sen. Daniel Inouye (DHI) announces U.S. has budgeted $57m to improve Haifa port, which will serve as U.S. Navy's major regional anchorage. But as chmn. of Senate def. appropriations subcomm., he tells Israeli officials that they should prepare for a possible cut in U.S. foreign aid. (MM 2/17; WT 2/18)

Jordan appoints Shaykh Sulayman al-Jabari Mufti of Jerusalem. (MM 2/19)

Israeli justice min. announces that Shin Bet agent in charge when Mustafa 'Akkawi died under 2/4/92 interrogation has been disciplined. (WT 2/18)

IDF shoots 2 Palestinian youths dead in West Bank; another shot dead, while fleeing, 10 minutes after curfew, in Gaza City. (NYT 2/19)

Hizballah and Israeli, SLA forces engage in largest artillery battle of the year, killing 3 Islamic fighters, 2 other Lebanese. Israel shells up to 30 villages, including Nabatiyya. (MM, NYT 2/18)

Mufti of Jerusalem Sa'd al-Din al-'Alami, head of the Higher Islamic Council in the West Bank, dies. (Qol Yisra'el 2/7 in FBIS 2/8)

IDF shoots 1 Palestinian youth dead, wounds 27 during funeral for those killed 2/5 in Gaza Strip. (MM 2/8)

Knesset votes 39-20 to revise 1986 law to legalize contacts with all factions of the PLO. (MM 1/13, 1/19; NYT, WP 1/20)

U.S. State Dept. releases its annual human rights report, noting 62% rise in IDF killings of Palestinians during 1991. (MM 1/20)

Pres.-elect Clinton transition team announces Edward Djerejian will retain his post as Asst. Secy. of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs; Dennis Ross, of Policy Planning, will become a consultant to the State Dept. on the peace process; Martin Indyk, exec. dir. of AIPAC-affiliated Washington Institute for Near East Policy, will become chief advisor on Arab-Israeli issues at the Nat'l. Security Council. (NYT 1/19)

Settlers open fire on Palestinian youths stoning their car, killing a 12-year-old boy, in Gaza City. Since 1/14, 5 Palestinians under the age of 15 have been killed in the Gaza Strip. (MM 1/19)

Kyrgyzstan's Pres. Askar Akayev, during a visit to Jerusalem, calls for "independence for the Palestinians." He is the 1st Muslim head of state to visit Jerusalem since Anwar Sadat. (MM 1/20)

Israeli Supreme Court begins hearing to determine final ruling on the legality of the 12/17 deportation of 415 Palestinians to Lebanon. (MM, NYT 1/18)

Deported Palestinian symbolically dismantle tents, hold protest march near Zumayriyya crossing point in southern Lebanon to mark 1 month since expulsion (NYT 1/18; VOL 1/17 in FBIS 1/19)

Egyptian FM 'Amr Musa and FM Peres meet in Jerusalem, discuss deportees issue. (MM 1/18; IDF Radio, Qol Yisra'el 1/17 in FBIS 1/19)

Peace Now accuses Israeli govt. of expanding settlements in areas where it pledged to curtail growth; criticizes road building program in o.t. at expense of roads inside the green line. (MM 1/18)

IDF shoots 3 Palestinians dead during clashes in Shati' camp, Gaza Strip. (MM 1/18)

U.S. shoots down Iraqi jet, mounts cruise missile attack on Iraqi industrial park near Baghdad, in response to Iraq's restriction of UN weapons inspectors and repudiation of the "no-fly zones." (NYT, WP 1/18)