44 / 15500 Results
  • December 31, 1993

    Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Michel Sabbah says Catholic Church will insist that Israel stop barring Palestinians fr. entering Jerusalem, notes "Jerusalem is still to be discussed" between Vatican...

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  • December 12, 1993

    PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli PM Rabin meet in Cairo but fail to reach agreement on Israeli withdrawal fr. Gaza and Jericho, due to begin 12/13. The 2 leaders agree to meet again in 10 days, and...

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  • December 1, 1993

    Israeli kindergarten teacher killed, 3 settlers wounded by Palestinian gunmen in al-Birah. Hamas, DFLP claim responsibility for attack; IDF imposes curfew on al-Birah, Ramallah. Settlers block...

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  • November 25, 1993

    IDF fires on Gaza City Palestinians protesting killing of Hamas leader Imad 'Aql, wounding btwn. 16 and 37. Ahmad 'Abd Allah Zahama killed in incident. Fadil Ziyad, 18, wounded in clash with IDF...

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  • November 24, 1993

    PLO-Israel talks on transfer of authority over health, education, and other services open in al-Arish, Egypt. Israeli delegation headed by Brig. Gen. Gadi Zohar, head of Civil Administration in...

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  • November 16, 1993

    Alleged Hamas mbr. Shadi Muslih 'Isa, 18, attacks Israeli police officer, civilian at Erez crossing point, Gaza Strip, and is shot dead. (MM 11/16)

    16-yr.-old Palestinian student Rami...

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  • November 14, 1993

    Israeli cabinet mbrs., including Environment Min. Yossi Sarid and Dep. DM Mordechai Gur, call PLO Chmn. Arafat's condemnation of 10/29 killing of Israeli settler Haim Mizrachi inadequate, want...

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  • November 9, 1993

    PLO Chmn. Arafat, in Brussels, accuses Syria of "giving a free hand to the [Palestinian] opposition . . . fanatical groups and all extremists." (MM 11/9)

    Israeli and Palestinian negotiators...

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  • November 8, 1993

    Palestinian-Israeli talks on implementation of 9/13 agreement resume at undisclosed location in Cairo. Talks had been in hiatus since PLO walkout 11/2 over Israeli withdrawal proposals. (NYT 11/9...

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  • October 31, 1993

    West Bank settlers continue riots sparked by 10/29 killing of Beit El settler by Hamas militants. Also, Palestinian shot dead by IDF while trying to avoid roadblock at Qalqilya, West Bank, another...

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  • October 30, 1993

    Jewish settlerset fire to 8 Palestinian homes in al-Birah, stone Palestinian cars in Ramallah, block West Bank roads in protest over killing of settler Haim Mizrachi by presumed Hamas militants....

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  • October 22, 1993

    Israeli Police Min. Moshe Shahal announces easing of closure of Jerusalem to Palestinians, allowing all women, men over 40, and accompanied children under 16, as well as physicians, attorneys, and...

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  • October 18, 1993

    U.S. special coordinator for the Middle East peace process Dennis Ross begins Middle East tour to build on DoP, with visit to Cairo to meet Egyptian, Arab League leaders. (MENA 10/18 in FBIS 10/19...

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  • October 15, 1993

    PFLP leader Habash, following meetings in Damascus, says 10 Palestinian opposition factions will form new front to counter DoP, "rebuild the PLO on democratic bases." (MM 10/18)


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  • October 13, 1993

    PLO Chmn. Arafat meets Israeli Dep. FM Yossi Beilin in Tunis, presses for progress toward Israeli-Syrian accord. (WT 10/14)

    Palestinian and Israeli negotiators open meeting in Taba, Egypt,...

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  • October 9, 1993

    PLO rep. in Jordan Tayib 'Abd al-Rahim announces that 2 plots to kill PLO Chmn. Arafat have been foiled. 1 attempt was by Arafat bodyguards suborned by FRC ("Abu Nidal"), 2d by unidentified group...

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  • September 30, 1993

    800,000 Palestinians in West Bank hold commercial strike to protest arrest of "Black Panther" leader Ahmad Ikhmail. Technical Comms. head Sari Nusseibeh calls arrest "a provocative action," says...

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  • September 29, 1993

    IDF arrests Ahmad 'Awad Ikhmail and 4 other members of Fateh-affiliated "Black Panthers" group in raid in Qabatiya, West Bank. Ikhmail is described by Israeli officials as their most-wanted...

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  • September 12, 1993

    PLO Exec. Comm. releases official statement approving DoP. (Algiers VOP 9/12 in FBIS 9/13)

    PLO Chmn. Arafat arrives in Washington for signing of PLO-Israel Declaration of Principles, 1st...

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  • September 11, 1993

    PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. 'Abd Allah Hurani resigns in protest of DoP, Israel-PLO recognition, calls for emergency PNC meeting. (MENA 9/11 in FBIS 9/13)

    IDF shoots 2 Palestinians dead, wounds 8...

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  • August 24, 1993

    PLO reportedly firing locally hired employees at PLO diplomatic missions, asking redundant Palestinian representatives to resign. (AFP 8/24 in FBIS 8/24)

    Jordan's King Hussein, in interview...

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  • August 11, 1993

    Spokesman for PM Rabin confirms that Environment Min. Yossi Sarid notified Rabin before meeting with PLO official Nabil Shaath in Cairo in late July. Rabin approved, but did not endorse, meeting,...

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  • August 6, 1993

    Secy. of State Christopher returns to Damascus for further meetings with Syrian leadership, tells press conference he is "more encouraged than I thought I would be" for progress in peace talks. (...

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  • June 5, 1993

    PM Rabin announces recent arrests of about 120 suspected Hamas "hit team" mbrs. (WT 6/6; JP 6/19)

    IDF shoots Palestinian man dead in West Bank. (WT 6/6)

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  • June 4, 1993

    Israeli housing min. dir.-gen. Arye Mizrahi announces $1.5b plan to build roads between Israeli cities and settlements and West Bank Palestinian towns, financed "mainly from the U.S. loan...

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  • May 17, 1993

    PLO peace talks follow-up committee issues report on 9th round, which ended 5/13. (al-Quds 5/20 in FBIS 5/24)

    FM Peres arrives in New Delhi on 1stever official Israeli visit to India....

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  • May 10, 1993

    Palestinians protest Israeli delays in fulfilling promises by cutting its delegation to 3 and suspending 3 working groups (see 4/29). Faisal Husseini and Haydar 'Abd al-Shafi both boycott talks....

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  • May 8, 1993

    Palestinian radio reads letter from Chmn. Arafat to Islamic Jordanian MPs, "regretting" their "interference in national Palestinian affairs" in criticizing PLO return to peace talks in earlier...

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  • April 25, 1993

    Ten Palestinian rejectionist factions issue statement condemning resumption of peace talks, call for strike 4/27. (QPAR 4/25 in FBIS 4/27)

    IDF open fire on car ignoring orders to stop in...

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  • April 19, 1993

    Pres. Asad meets with Chmn. Arafat, PLO officials, and delegation mbrs. in Latakiafirst Asad-Arafat meeting in over a year. PLO group then travels to Amman. (WP, WT 4/20; RJN, SARR 4/20 in FBIS 4/...

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Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Michel Sabbah says Catholic Church will insist that Israel stop barring Palestinians fr. entering Jerusalem, notes "Jerusalem is still to be discussed" between Vatican, Israel. (NYT 1/1)

Polls show that 1/3 of Israeli settlers in West Bank and Gaza Strip would leave if offered compensation in cash or housing in Israel proper. (NYT 1/1)

Frmr. Israeli negotiator Yossi Olmert says private, unofficial Syrian-Israeli talks were held 5/93-10/93 in Germany, Norway, Switzerland, and Turkey under auspices of Initiative for Peace and Cooperation in the Middle East, a branch of Washington, DC-based Search for Common Ground. (WT 1/1; Yediot Aharonot 1/2 in FBIS 1/3; MM 1/4)

Fateh Hawks hold rally in Gaza attended by hundreds. (WP 1/1)

2 Israelis killed in Ramla by Palestinian attackers. (MM 1/4)

PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli PM Rabin meet in Cairo but fail to reach agreement on Israeli withdrawal fr. Gaza and Jericho, due to begin 12/13. The 2 leaders agree to meet again in 10 days, and say delay does not endanger DoP or 4/13/94 deadline for end of withdrawal. (NYT, WP, WT 12/13)

Lebanese Pres. al-Hirawi meets Syrian Pres. al-Asad in Damascus to discuss Secy. of State Christopher'secent tour and coordinate positions for next round of talks with Israel. (RL, VOL, SARR 12/12 in FBIS 12/13; MM 12/13)

U.S. officials say Morocco and Israel have reached a package of agreements, including El Al flights to Morocco and Royal Air Maroc flights to Israel, direct Moroccan-Israel telephone and postalinks, exchanges of visits by religious and business leaders, joint banking arrangements, and more frequent direct political contacts. (NYT 12/13)

Morton Klein, an opponent of Israel-PLO accord, elected pres. of Zionist Organization of America by vote of 144-127, and his slate of 10 candidates elected to top ZOA posts. Observers call election "clear victory for opponents" of DoP. (MM 12/14; WJW 12/16)

Palestinian gunmen attack Israeli bus in Hebron, West Bank, seriously wounding its driver. (NYT, WT 12/13)

Libyan leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi publicly invites Sabri al-Banna ("Abu Nidal") and Ahmad Jibril of PFLP-GC for a conference in Tripoli. (WT 12/13)

Israeli kindergarten teacher killed, 3 settlers wounded by Palestinian gunmen in al-Birah. Hamas, DFLP claim responsibility for attack; IDF imposes curfew on al-Birah, Ramallah. Settlers block roads, stone Palestinian cars in retaliation. (MM 12/1; NYT, WP, WT 12/2)

IDF declares Gaza Strip a "closed military area," barring journalists fr. reporting there. (MM 12/1)

Emergency PLO Exec. Comm. mtg. in Tunis called to discuss negotiations with Israel fails to reach quorum due to boycott by Mahmud 'Abbas, Yasir 'Abd-Rabbuh, Sulaiman al-Najab. (MBC TV 12/2 in FBIS 12/3; WT 12/2)

Egyptian and Israeli sources say Egyptian Pres. Mubarak has lifted restrictions on Egyptians travelling to Israel, ending police reviews and questioning. (WP 12/2)

Jordan and Israel initial agreement allowing Jordanian banks in West Bank to reopen. (Qol Yisra'el 12/1 in FBIS 12/3; NYT 12/5)

IDF fires on Gaza City Palestinians protesting killing of Hamas leader Imad 'Aql, wounding btwn. 16 and 37. Ahmad 'Abd Allah Zahama killed in incident. Fadil Ziyad, 18, wounded in clash with IDF 11/24 in Gaza, dies in hospital. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/26)

Israeli archaeologists report finding 5,000-yr.-old skeleton of Canaanite soldier in cave nr. Jericho as part of month-long search of 350 caves in West Bank. (NYT 11/26)

PM Rabin tells ITV 12/13 deadline for start of IDF withdrawal fr. Gaza and Jericho "not sacred." (MM 11/26; NYT, WT 11/27)

Al-Arish, Cairo talks recess, negotiations to resume next week. (MENA 11/25 in FBIS 11/26)

PLO-Israel talks on transfer of authority over health, education, and other services open in al-Arish, Egypt. Israeli delegation headed by Brig. Gen. Gadi Zohar, head of Civil Administration in West Bank, PLO delegation by Jamal Tarifi. (MM 11/24)

PLO-Israel economic subcomms. on trade and labor, fiscal issues, and banking and finance begin sessions in Paris. (MM 11/24)

Hamas-PFLP-DFLP coalition opposed to DoP wins all 9 seats on Birzeit University student council, defeating Fateh-PPP slate favoring DoP. Result ends 16 yrs. of domination of student council by Fateh. (MM 11/24, 11/25; NYT 11/25)

Imad 'Aql, 21, alleged head of Hamas "'Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades" military wing, killed in shoot-out with IDF at Gaza City roadblock. PM Rabin calls action a "great achievement"; IDF Chief of Staff Barak terms it an "important achievement in the war against terror." Hamas, Fateh call 3-day general strike in protest. In al-Burayi camp, alleged drug trafficker Muhammad Ilian, 32, stabbed to death by masked Palestinians. (Qol Yisra'el 11/24 in FBIS 11/26; NYT, WP, WT 11/25)

Jordan's King Hussein pays official visit to Egypt, meeting Pres. Mubarak and ending 3 yrs' estrangement over Jordan's stance in 1990-91 Gulf crisis. (NYT, WP, WT 11/25)

Alleged Hamas mbr. Shadi Muslih 'Isa, 18, attacks Israeli police officer, civilian at Erez crossing point, Gaza Strip, and is shot dead. (MM 11/16)

16-yr.-old Palestinian student Rami Ghazzawi killed when IDF fires on youths stoning settler cars in al-Birah. 3 other students wounded. (MM 11/16)

Settlers in Hebron riot, overturning stalls at fruit and vegetable market and attacking Palestinian cars. (MM 11/16)

Israeli Justice M. David Libai, at Maale Ephraim settlement, warns settlers that no one could "take the law into his own hands," says govt. "will have to subdue any attempt to have influence by illegal means." IDF states it will act "firmly and aggressively" to stop settler assaults, will use "reasonable force." (MM 11/16; NYT 11/17)

PM Rabin tells Secy. of State Christopher 12/13 deadline for implementation of DoP may not be met. (MM 11/16, 11/17)

Israeli-Palestinian talks on implementation of Gaza-Jericho provisions of DoP resume in Cairo. Israeli delegation led by IDF Dep. Chief of Staff Amnon Shahak, Palestinian by PLO official Nabil Shaath. (Cairo TV 11/16 in FBIS 11/17)

Israel-PLO economic talks in Paris chaired by Fin. M. Avraham Shohat and PEDRA DG Ahmad Qurai' establish 3 subcomms. on trade and labor, taxation and banking, and currency. Subcomms. are to meet 11/23-25 in Paris, heads of delegations on 11/25. (Qol Yisra'el 11/16 in FBIS 11/17; MM 11/17)

Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) Gov. Muhammad al-Nabulsi says agreement reached with Palestinians to retain Jordanian dinar as o.t. currency, have CBJ supervise and monitor banking. (JTV 11/16 in FBIS 11/17)

Multilateral talks on Middle East environment end in Cairo with Israeli-Arab agreement on Gulf of Aqaba oil spills, dispute on Israeli nuclear waste, Jordan Valley land reclamation. Delegates fr. 40 countries, in 4th mtg., agree on 20 environmental projects. (MENA 11/16 in FBIS 11/17; MM 11/17)

Palestinian leaders in o.t., Jordan, "and elsewhere" submit memorandum to PLO Chmn. Arafat criticizing PLO performance, demanding reforms. (MM 11/17, al-Ray 11/18 in FBIS 11/18)

Knesset Golan caucus considers bill fr. Likud and NRP mbrs. to amend law annexing Golan to require majority of 80 MKs for any change in law. Labor mbrs. of caucus express sympathy with bill, which given current Knesset divisions would effectively bar negotiations with Syria. (MM 11/17)

Syrian VP Khaddam tells foreign correspondents PLO Chmn. Arafat "fell into a big trap" in signing DoP, notes "There are 4 million Palestinian refugees living outside the territories covered by the 'Gaza-Jericho First' agreement." Khaddam claims Arafat "abandoned coordination with the Arab parties," states "I believe the majority of the Palestinian people do not support the agreement." (MM 11/16; SARR 11/16 in FBIS 11/17)

Hizballah offensive on IDF and SLA; Katyusha barrages fired in "security zone," assaults on 2 IDF, 6 SLA posts. 12 SLA mbrs. taken prisoner, at least 2 IDF soldiers and 2 SLA mbrs. wounded. 1 Hizballah mbr. killed in attack. IAF bombs 3 Hizballah bases nr. Ba'labakk, knocks out radio antenna. "Black September 13 Brigades," Fateh group opposed to DoP, claims responsibility for katyusha barrage on Qiryat Shemona. (MM 11/16, 11/17; IDF Radio, AFP 11/16 in FBIS 11/17)

Turkish FM Hikmet Cetin, in interview with JP, says Syria behind Kurdish attacks in Turkey, Israel and Turkey should cooperate on counter-terrorism. (MM 11/16)

Israel Archaeologists Society calls for end to govt. Antiquities Authority search for scrolls in West Bank ("Operation Scroll"), saying search aims at denying Palestinian scholars access to materials and will complicate future Israeli cooperation with Palestinians and Jordan. (WT 11/17)

Israeli cabinet mbrs., including Environment Min. Yossi Sarid and Dep. DM Mordechai Gur, call PLO Chmn. Arafat's condemnation of 10/29 killing of Israeli settler Haim Mizrachi inadequate, want evidence PLO can control situation. Police Min. Moshe Shahal says PLO must control Hamas, Islamic Jihad. Sarid says IDF not doing enough to control settlers. FM Peres, Justice Min David Libai ask A.G. Michael Ben-Yair to examine outlawing "Committee for Road Safety," Kach-affiliated sttler vigilante group. Peres says talks with PLO on implementing 9/13 agreement will proceed. (MM, NYT, WT 11/15)

"Black September 13 Brigades" issue statement claiming responsibility for 10/29 killing of settler Haim Mizrachi. (MM 11/15)

Israeli Antiquities Authority archeology teams fan out in Judean Desert, West Bank, in search for ancient Hebrew and Jewish artifacts. Move is protested by Palestinian researchers advising peace delegation as an attempt at last-minute looting of Palestinian cultural heritage. (NYT 11/15)

PLO Chmn. Arafat, in Brussels, accuses Syria of "giving a free hand to the [Palestinian] opposition . . . fanatical groups and all extremists." (MM 11/9)

Israeli and Palestinian negotiators meeting in Cairo release statement saying progress being made on Israeli withdrawal agreement, talks to resume next week. (WP 11/10)

Gaza Strip settlers block main road to Israel to prevent Palestinians fr. going to work, burn tires until dispersed by IDF. (WP 11/10)

Israeli Arab Sulayman al-Hawashla killed by presumed Muslin militants when his car rammed by hijacked garbage truck in Gaza City. (NYT, WP 11/10)

PLO official in Lebanon Zaid Wahba, personal envoy of Chmn. Arafat, shot and wounded by unknown assailant in Sidon. (CSM, WT 11/10)

Israeli PM Rabin meets with West Bank settlers, sets up joint settler-govt. comm. to address settlers' security concerns. Knesset defeats motions of no confidence in Rabin govt. by vote of 57-46, Shas party abstaining. (MM 11/9; NYT 11/10)

U.S. Trade Rep. Mickey Kantor announces International Trade Commission will investigate costs to U.S. business of Arab boycott of Israel. (MM 11/9)

Palestinian-Israeli talks on implementation of 9/13 agreement resume at undisclosed location in Cairo. Talks had been in hiatus since PLO walkout 11/2 over Israeli withdrawal proposals. (NYT 11/9)

Multilateral working group on regional economic cooperation opens 2-day meeting in Copenhagen. Meeting comes up with "Copenhagen Action Plan" for 35 ventures in 10 different economic areas. (MM 11/11)

Israeli settlers in West Bank and Gaza Strip block roads at 49 locations in protest of 11/7 attack on Rabbi Haim Druckman. Palestinian and his son shot and wounded near Tapuah settlement in Nablus area; "Committee for Security on the Roads" claims responsibility. Palestinian leader Faisal Husseini denounces settler violence, demands IDF "take full responsibility for the settlers," international buffer force. Israeli PM Rabin calls on settlers to "stop the avenging rioters and disturbers of the peace, in order to prevent deterioration and disorder that will harm us." (NYT, WT 11/9)

PLO Chmn. Arafat meets EC FMs in Brussels on trip to gain economic support for o.t. Visit coincides with reported resignation of Yusuf Sayegh fr. Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Construction. (MM 11/8)

Spain's King Juan Carlos arrives in Tel Aviv for 1st visit by a Western monarch to Israel. (MM 11/8)

West Bank settlers continue riots sparked by 10/29 killing of Beit El settler by Hamas militants. Also, Palestinian shot dead by IDF while trying to avoid roadblock at Qalqilya, West Bank, another killed by settler he stabbed. (NYT 11/1; Qol Yisra'el 10/31 in FBIS 11/1)

Ahmad al-Nahas, VP of Hilton International, announces hotel chain has been approached by Palestinian investors seeking to erect new hotel in Jericho to take advantage of new Palestinian self-governing authority. Israeli legislators also confirm that Moroccan businessmen have expressed interest in developing Israeli tourism. (CSM, WT 11/1)

Jewish settlerset fire to 8 Palestinian homes in al-Birah, stone Palestinian cars in Ramallah, block West Bank roads in protest over killing of settler Haim Mizrachi by presumed Hamas militants. Settler, abducted 10/29, found stabbed to death in burned car north of Ramallah. Also, Palestinian involved in land sales to Israelis killed by masked gunmen. (NYT, WP, WT 10/31)

Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, Syrian Pres. alAsad hold talks on peace process in Latakia. (SATV 10/30 in FBIS 11/1)

3,000 Palestinian women march in Rafah refugee camp, Gaza Strip, to demand immediate release of all remaining Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. (WP 10/31

Israeli Police Min. Moshe Shahal announces easing of closure of Jerusalem to Palestinians, allowing all women, men over 40, and accompanied children under 16, as well as physicians, attorneys, and students to enter the city as of 10/26. FM Peres announces "several hundred" Palestinian prisoners will be released soon, "more" as PLO-Israel talks proceed. (NYT, WP, WT 10/23)

Thousands attend funeral in Gaza of Fateh official As'ad Saftawi, murdered 10/21. (NYT 10/23)

Israeli military prosecutors announce indictment of Arab-American Muhammad Salah, 39, on charges of being Hamas's military commander. Salah was arrested 1/93 while on visit to West Bank. (WT 10/23

U.S. special coordinator for the Middle East peace process Dennis Ross begins Middle East tour to build on DoP, with visit to Cairo to meet Egyptian, Arab League leaders. (MENA 10/18 in FBIS 10/19; CSM 10/19)

West Bank settlers plan civil disobedience, tax revolt, other measures against Israeli-Palestinian DoP, according to Yechiel Leiter of Council of Jewish Settlements in Judea and Samaria. (WT 10/18)

Fateh, PPP urge boycott of Jerusalem municipal elections by East Jerusalem Palestinians. (MM 10/18)

PFLP leader Habash, following meetings in Damascus, says 10 Palestinian opposition factions will form new front to counter DoP, "rebuild the PLO on democratic bases." (MM 10/18)

Yeshiva student stabbed by Palestinian at Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, West Bank. Curfew imposed on Hebron Palestinians; settlers rampage, injuring 6 Palestinians. DFLP (Hawatmah faction), in statement issued in Damascus, claims responsibility for knife attack, pledges "to escalate and expand our military operations against the enemy and the settlers in all the occupied Palestinian territories until we foil the Gaza-Jericho agreement." PFLP claims responsibility for 10/9 killing of 2 Israeli hikers near Jericho. (WP 10/16, WT 10/18)

Israeli PM Rabin visits Indonesia, largest country without diplomatic relations with Israel, and meets with Pres. Suharto, chairman of Nonaligned Movement, for over an hour. Rabin states he is looking for nonaligned support for peace process and cooperation with Israel. An Indonesian diplomat is quoted by NYT as saying establishment of Indonesian-Israeli diplomatic relations is "only a matter of time," but that Jakarta wishes "to see the Middle East peace process progress a bit further." Rabin also visits Singapore, Kenya. (NYT 10/16; MM 10/18)

PLO Chmn. Arafat meets Israeli Dep. FM Yossi Beilin in Tunis, presses for progress toward Israeli-Syrian accord. (WT 10/14)

Palestinian and Israeli negotiators open meeting in Taba, Egypt, as Palestinian-Israeli DoP enters into force. PLO delegation headed by Nabil Shaath; Israeli, by IDF Dep. Chief of Staff Amnon Shahak. Talks center on size of Jericho autonomous region, size and powers of Palestinian police force, redeployment of Israeli troops, control over water resources, and security of Israeli settlers in o.t. Palestinians contend Jericho includes entire 133 sq. mi. Jericho district, while Israelis assert only town of Jericho, about 10 sq. mi., is to be handed over to Palestinians. PLO security official Amin al-Hindi excluded fr. Palestinian delegation over Israeli protests he was responsible for murder of Israeli athletes at 1972. Munich Olympics. Simultaneously, Israeli FM Peres and PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Mahmud 'Abbas meet in Cairo, agree on 5 steps for future negotiations including setting up liaison comm. and ministerial-level economic comm. Two sides urge "early resumption" of Arab-Israeli talks in Washington. (NYT, WP 10/14)

PLO Chmn. Arafat dismisses Fateh cmdr. in Lebanon Munir al-Maqdah, who had been critical of DoP and called for Arafat's resignation (see 8/23). (VOL 10/14 in FBIS 10/18)

General strike in o.t. called by Palestinian factions opposed to DoP observed throughout West Bank and Gaza Strip with exception of Jericho. (MM 10/13; CSM 10/15)

Lebanese FM Faris Buwayz, in interview with WT, faults DoP for not affirming Palestinian right of return, says "It is not fair to solve the Palestinian problem to create a Lebanese one.... implanting 400,000 Palestinians in Lebanon will create political, confessional, religious problems." (WT 10/13)

Israeli PM Rabin, in Beijing, admits Israel has sold arms to China, denies Israel broke U.S. laws against technology transfers and disputes CIA estimate that Israel-China arms trade amounts to billions of dollars a year, saying 1992-93 trade totaled $60 m. Rabin says "we have never done anything against American law" and asserts, "We are not stupid enough to endanger" U.S. aid to Israel. Rabin's 4-day visit to China includes meeting with Chinese DM Chi Haotian, tours of Chinese arms plants, and visit to Shanghai. (NYT, WT 10/14)

PLO rep. in Jordan Tayib 'Abd al-Rahim announces that 2 plots to kill PLO Chmn. Arafat have been foiled. 1 attempt was by Arafat bodyguards suborned by FRC ("Abu Nidal"), 2d by unidentified group that sought to bomb Arafat's plane. (WT 10/10)

2 Israeli hikers fr. Jerusalem stabbed and shot to death in Wadi Qilt, near Jericho in the West Bank. "Al-Aqsa Brigade" of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, in statement released in Amman, claims responsibility, says 3 killed. Statement declares, "We will never surrender or accept any concessions on the land of Palestine which will become a graveyard for the Jews." PFLP also claims responsibility. (NYT 10/10; MM, NYT, WT 10/11)

PFLP guerrilla killed by Israeli soldiers as he sails jet ski off Lebanese coast near Israeli border. UN sources report 2 killed, not 1. (NYT 10/10, 10/11)

Palestinian factions opposed to DoP-including DFLP (Hawatmah faction), PFLP, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad-announce in Damascus establishment of National Islamic Front to counter PLO. Alliance fails to call congress to elect new PLO leadership due to reluctance of Islamic groups to identify with secular PLO. Front's declaration calls Palestinian police to be set up under PLO-Israel accord "a traitor force, and an oppressive enemy force." (CSM 10/14)

Jordan denounces 9/23 Israeli court ruling on status of Haram al-Sharif, says it will continue with restoration work on Dome of the Rock regardless of Israeli stance. (MM 10/11)

800,000 Palestinians in West Bank hold commercial strike to protest arrest of "Black Panther" leader Ahmad Ikhmail. Technical Comms. head Sari Nusseibeh calls arrest "a provocative action," says it "creates an explosive situation." (MM 9/30)

Lebanese PM Hariri, speaking to UNGA, says DoP may "remain an isolated step" if not followed up, warns Lebanon "cannot provide a solution to the Palestinians who have been uprooted fr. their land," says international community bears responsibility for Palestinians' return. (MM 10/1)

Secy. of State Christopher meets in New York with reps. of GCC, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Oman, and Saudi Arabia, asks for immediatend to Arab boycott of Israel. Arab officials say action premature and public opinion against lifting boycott. Arab side also defers action on reversing UNGA resolutions critical of Israel. (WP 10/1)

IDF arrests Ahmad 'Awad Ikhmail and 4 other members of Fateh-affiliated "Black Panthers" group in raid in Qabatiya, West Bank. Ikhmail is described by Israeli officials as their most-wanted fugitive. (NYT 9/30)

Cyprus pardons, releases 3 Palestinians imprisoned for 1985 killing of 3 Israelis alleged to be Mossad agents. (Qol Yisra'el 9/30 in FBIS 10/1)

PLO Exec. Comm. releases official statement approving DoP. (Algiers VOP 9/12 in FBIS 9/13)

PLO Chmn. Arafat arrives in Washington for signing of PLO-Israel Declaration of Principles, 1st visit to U.S. since address to UN in New York in 1974. Arafat is greeted by Asst. Secy. of State Edward Djerejian on behalf of U.S. govt. (NYT, WP 9/13)

Islamic Jihad claims fatal attack on 3 IDF soldiers in Gaza, Israeli bus driver in Israel. Other sources place responsibility on Hamas. Attacks also mounted on Israeli bus in West Bank. Pres. Clinton calls upon PLO Chmn. Arafat to condemn attacks. 3 Palestinians die in other incidents. (RMC 9/12 in FBIS 9/13; MM, NYT, WP 9/13; CSM 9/14)

EC FMs meeting in Belgium approve 5- year, $604 m. Palestinian aid package. (NYT 9/13)

PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. 'Abd Allah Hurani resigns in protest of DoP, Israel-PLO recognition, calls for emergency PNC meeting. (MENA 9/11 in FBIS 9/13)

IDF shoots 2 Palestinians dead, wounds 8 in Ramallah during PFLP/Hamas-led march against Israel-PLO agreement. Other Palestinians wounded in clashes during demonstrations in Gaza, Jerusalem. 20,000 participate in 4 demonstrations in support of accord. (NYT, WP 9/12)

World Bank releases 6-volume report, prepared at request of Israeli and Palestinian negotiators, saying West Bank and Gaza Strip require at least $3 b. in aid over next decade. (NYT 9/12)

White House announces Israeli PM Rabin, PLO Chmn. Arafat will attend 9/13 signing of DoP. (NYT 9/12)

Pres. Clinton speaks by telephone with Saudi King Fahd, Syrian Pres. al-Asad, Jordanian King Hussein, and Israeli PM Rabin in effort to secure support for agreement. Clinton pledges Israel "additional guarantees" for its security, in part to keep Israeli public opinion supportive of peace process. (NYT, WP 9/12)

Damascus-based Palestinian opposition factions call for general strike in o.t., Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria 9/13 to protest Israel-PLO accord. Demonstrations against accords held in al-Wahdat, al-Baq'a refugee camps in Jordan. Jordan Times 9/11 in FBIS 9/13; NYT 9/12)

PLO reportedly firing locally hired employees at PLO diplomatic missions, asking redundant Palestinian representatives to resign. (AFP 8/24 in FBIS 8/24)

Jordan's King Hussein, in interview, criticizes PLO for not coordinating with Amman on "Gaza-Jericho lst" proposal. PLO Chmn. Arafat meets Hussein, Jordanian PM al-Majali to work out differences. Joint Jordanian-Palestinian Comm. for Econ. Affairs holds 1st meeting in Amman. (MM 8/24, 8/25; Radio Jordan 8/24 in FBIS 8/25)

Faisal Husseini denies advocating Palestinian national salvation govt. in 8/22 Hebron speech. (al-Quds 8/25 in FBIS 8/25)

Israeli FM Peres, in Copenhagen, denies Yediot Aharonot report that he met with PLO official in Stockholm previous week, saying "I met only Swedes." (MM 8/24)

Israeli PM Rabin rejects GAO criticism of Arrow program, denies Israel transferred U.S. technology to 3d parties. (Qol Yisra'el 8/24 in FBIS 8/24; WT 8/25)

Alleged collaborator murdered in Qabatiya, West Bank. (Qol Yisra'el 8/25 in FBIS 8/25)

Spokesman for PM Rabin confirms that Environment Min. Yossi Sarid notified Rabin before meeting with PLO official Nabil Shaath in Cairo in late July. Rabin approved, but did not endorse, meeting, spokesman says. Rabin states he "will not prevent a minister from meeting someone from the PLO, even though I don't think it's positive." Israeli PM does not rule out himself meeting with PLO, but asked if he would meet Chmn. Arafat, says "I hope not." (see 8/5) (MM 8/11, 8/12)

Israel grants visa to PNC mbr. and senior adviser to Palestinian peace delegation Hasan 'Abd al-Rahman, former PLO representative in U.S. and Canada, to visit his home village of Surda in the West Bank for his mother's funeral. (MM 8/11; WT 8/12)

Secy. of State Christopher returns to Damascus for further meetings with Syrian leadership, tells press conference he is "more encouraged than I thought I would be" for progress in peace talks. (MM 8/6)

Hizballah again fires on SIA positions in "security zone." IDF retaliatory fire causes several hundred refugees to flee toward Tyre. U.S. amb. Ryan Crocker signs agreement with Lebanese health min. for $1 m in U.S. medical assistance to victims of "Operation Accountability." (WP, WT 8/7)

3 Palestinian gunmen open fire at IDF roadblock at Dayr Balut in West Bank, killing 2 Israeli soldiers. 1 gunman killed, 2d wounded in exchange of fire. 3d gunman escapes by car. Another Israeli soldier, kidnapped 8/5 near Ramallah, is found dead. (NYT, WP, WT 8/7)

PM Rabin announces recent arrests of about 120 suspected Hamas "hit team" mbrs. (WT 6/6; JP 6/19)

IDF shoots Palestinian man dead in West Bank. (WT 6/6)

Israeli housing min. dir.-gen. Arye Mizrahi announces $1.5b plan to build roads between Israeli cities and settlements and West Bank Palestinian towns, financed "mainly from the U.S. loan guarantees." Roads would link Israeli ports to West Bank centers and Arab cities in the event of peace agreement. (JP 6/4 in MM 6/4; WT 6/6)

PLO peace talks follow-up committee issues report on 9th round, which ended 5/13. (al-Quds 5/20 in FBIS 5/24)

FM Peres arrives in New Delhi on 1stever official Israeli visit to India. Israeli delegation will then travel to China. (NYT 5/18)

IDF shoots Palestinian woman dead in Gaza Strip, shoots Palestinian youth dead in Bayta, West Bank. (Qol Yisra'el 5/17 in FBIS 5/17)

Palestinians protest Israeli delays in fulfilling promises by cutting its delegation to 3 and suspending 3 working groups (see 4/29). Faisal Husseini and Haydar 'Abd al-Shafi both boycott talks. Palestinians present U.S. with 10-point draft joint statement of principles on self-rule. Israel allows immediate return of 25 more Lebanon deportees, for a total of 126 (see 2/1); Palestinians reject offer. PLO is also displeased that Saudi Arabia has not yet honored its recent financial promises (see 4/19). (RMC, AFP 5/10 in FBIS 5/11; MM, WP 5/11; NYT 5/12; RJN 5/12 in FBIS 5/12)

UN Devt. Program (UNDP) releases report citing grave environmental damage in West Bank and Gaza Strip (MM 5/11)

Kuwait announces it is holding 16 suspects, mostly Iraqis, charged with attempting to assassinate former Pres. Bush during his visit 4/14-16. (MM 4/11)

IDF shoots 3 Hamas mbrs. dead in same Gaza-Egypt border region as those killed 4/8. (Qol Yisra'el 5/12 in FBIS 5/12; MM 5/12)

Palestinian radio reads letter from Chmn. Arafat to Islamic Jordanian MPs, "regretting" their "interference in national Palestinian affairs" in criticizing PLO return to peace talks in earlier letter to him. (Sanaa VOP 5/8 in FBIS 5/10)

IDF shoots dead 3 Hamas mbrs. at Gaza-Egypt border, as well as 1 Palestinian youth near Ramallah, West Bank. (WT 5/9; MM 5/12; Qol Yisra'el 5/12 in FBIS 5/12)

Ten Palestinian rejectionist factions issue statement condemning resumption of peace talks, call for strike 4/27. (QPAR 4/25 in FBIS 4/27)

IDF open fire on car ignoring orders to stop in West Bank, wounding 2 Israeli children. (MM 4/26)

Hizballah fires 6 rockets into "security zone"; IDF shells villages north of zone. SLA kill 2 DFLP gunmen in clash inside zone. (AFP 4/25, VOL 4/26 in FBIS 4/27; NYT 4/26)

Pres. Asad meets with Chmn. Arafat, PLO officials, and delegation mbrs. in Latakiafirst Asad-Arafat meeting in over a year. PLO group then travels to Amman. (WP, WT 4/20; RJN, SARR 4/20 in FBIS 4/20)

Peace Now calls on PM Rabin to seize the moment for peace, presents 10 principles. (MM 4/19)

Ten Palestinian rejectionist factions issue statement condemning current diplomacy seeking to resume peace talks. (QPAR 4/19 in FBIS 4/20)

Palestinian dentist, an UNRWA and Red Crescent official, is assassinated in Sidon, Lebanon. Fateh blames FRC, Mossad. Two FRC mbrs. are found dead in Sidon. (RFL 4/19 in FBIS 4/20; Voice of the PLO [Baghdad] 4/20 in FBIS 4/21)

Saudi FM Prince Saud Faisal calls on Gulf states to release funds to PLO, including the 5% "PLO tax" on Palestinian workers halted after the Gulf war. King Fahd pledges a contribution to the Jerusalem Fund. (MM 4/20; WT 4/20; SPA 4/19 in FBIS 4/20)

IDF undercover units shoot 1 Palestinian dead in West Bank, 1 in Gaza Strip. (MM 4/20)