13 / 15500 Results
  • December 17, 1992

    Israel expels 415 suspected Muslim activists, 251 from the West Bank, 164 from the Gaza Strip to Lebanon. High Court of Justice temporarily blocks the expulsions, then votes 5 to 2 to permit them...

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  • August 13, 1992

    Pres. Bush announces that James Baker will leave his post as secy. of state 8/23 to become chief of staff at the White House. Baker will bring his 4 closest aides with him, will continue to direct...

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  • July 16, 1992

    Israeli govt. declares 1-week freeze on signing contracts for govt.-subsidized housing, including those affecting construction i the o.t. Freeze also is called on planning and early proceedings of...

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  • June 30, 1992

    Probable PM-elect Yitzhak Rabin drops call for 1-year settlement freeze, says "no new settlements" will be established while peace negotiations are underway. Labor's guidelines for the new govt....

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  • May 13, 1992

    Multilateral talks on refugees open in Ottawa with Palestinians asserting that solution for Palestinian refugees should be made through implementation of UN Gen. Assembly Res. 194, which calls for...

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  • April 27, 1992

    Fifth round of Arab-Israeli peace talks open in Washington. Israeli proposes agreement for municipal elections in selected o.t. localities. Israel insists such a plan is not a substitute for...

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  • April 1, 1992

    Meeting in Beirut, for. ministers of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, PLO approve Arab participation in upcoming round of peace talks in Washington. (MM 4/2)

    U.S. Congress passes foreign aid bill...

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  • March 18, 1992

    In a move destined to change the Israeli political system, Knesset votes to allow direct election of prime minister beginning with first Knesset elections after the upcoming 6/23 vote [first...

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  • March 12, 1992

    U.S. administration confirms it has begun investigating intelligence reports suggesting that Israel supplied China with technical data from Patriot missile system. On a visit to U.S., DM Arens...

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  • March 11, 1992

    State Dept. spokesman declines comment on report that Israel may have given China access to U.S. Patriot missile technology or perhaps even one of the Patriot missiles themselves [U.S. provided...

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  • February 20, 1992

    Following fist-fights with UNIFIL troops trying to halt their advance, IDF troops, tanks bulldoze through UNIFIL barriers and move out of "security zone" to attack villages in S. Lebanon suspected...

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  • February 19, 1992

    Hanan Ahhrawi announces that following discussions with State Dept. in wake of arrest of 2 negotiators [see 2/17], Palestinian delegation will attend next round of negotiations (IDF Radio 2/19 in...

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  • January 8, 1992

    Strikes break out in o.t. in protest of Israeli plans to deport 12 Palestinians. One Palestinian is killed, more than 25 others injured in confrontation with IDF in Gaza. (MM 1/8)


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Israel expels 415 suspected Muslim activists, 251 from the West Bank, 164 from the Gaza Strip to Lebanon. High Court of Justice temporarily blocks the expulsions, then votes 5 to 2 to permit them. UNIFIL forces try to block buses carrying deportees from traveling through their territory. Lebanese army blocks the deportees from entering govt.- controlled territory, leaving them stranded between Israeli and Lebanese checkpoints. (WP 12/17, 12/18; Qol Yisra'el, Radio Lebanon, VOL 12/17, 12/18 in FBIS 12/18; NYT 12/18)

Eighth round of Arab-Israeli peace talks ends. Arab parties boycott 12/17 meetings to protest deportations. PLO announces talks suspended until deportees allowed back. (Tunisian Republic Radio 12/17 in FBIS 12/18; NYT, WP 12/18)

Pres. Bush meets separately with all delegations involved in peace talks for 20-25 minutes each; he meets with Palestinians and Jordanians together, then with Jordanians alone for 15 minutes. (Radio Jordan 12/17 in FBIS 12/18)

Hamas denounces the expulsions as "total war"; their legitimate targets, previously limited to soldiers, now include "every Zionist in Palestine." Arab MKs condemn deportation ruling, threaten to withdraw support of governing coalition. UNLU issues supplement to call no. 90 condemning the deportations. (IDF Radio 12/17 in FBIS 12/18; AFP 12/17, Sanaa VOP 12/18 in FBIS 12/21)

U.S. State Department "strongly condemns the action of deportation". Pres.-elect Bill Clinton is critical, though not condemnatory of the expulsion. UN Secy.-Gen. Butrus-Ghali asks Israel to "rescind the expulsion order." (NYT 12/18

Pres. Bush announces that James Baker will leave his post as secy. of state 8/23 to become chief of staff at the White House. Baker will bring his 4 closest aides with him, will continue to direct the peace process, and will leave Lawrence S. Eagleburger as acting secy. of state. (WP 8/14)

In private meeting with top AIPAC executives, PM Rabin sharply criticizes the lobby for steering Israel toward an unneeded confrontation with the U.S. over the loan guarantees. According to the New York Times, Rabin said the organization "should not pursue their own initiatives, but rather take instructions from the Israeli embassy in Washington." (WP 8/16; NYT 8/22)

IDF shells Iqlim al-Tuffah, Litani River regions, overflies Nabatiyya and Sidon, S. Lebanon. (VOL, Radio Lebanon 8/13 in FBIS 8/13)

Israeli govt. declares 1-week freeze on signing contracts for govt.-subsidized housing, including those affecting construction i the o.t. Freeze also is called on planning and early proceedings of new roads in o.t. About 3,000 units in early stages in o.t. are affected by the freeze, and govt. is still unsure about what to do with 4,000 completed units unattached to infrastructure, 12,000 in various stages of construction, and about 500 completed units that have been populated in the o.t. About 60% of these 16,500 scheduled units are in "political settlements." Financial incentives encouraging settlement will be ended. (Qol Yisra'el, HaAretz 7/16 in FBIS 7/16; MM, NYT, WP 7/17)

The Jerusalem Report states that 100 of the 142 settlements in the o.t. are "political settlements" according to PM Rabin, and can therefore expect significant cuts in govt. aid. These include all 16 settlements inthe Gaza Strip, as well as large W. Bank settlements of Qedumim, Elqana, and possibly Ariel. (Likud MK and Ariel mayor Ron Nahman claims freeze will have "opposite result" in his settlement, plans to increase its pop. from 11,000 to 20,000 in a year.) (Al Hamishmar 7/16 in FBIS 7/16; HaAretz 7/17 in MM 7/17)

Fateh gunman shoots, wounds 3 unarmed Hamas supporters in Rafah, Gaza. Hamas gunmen shoot, wound 1 unarmed Fateh supporter. Some 1,000 Fateh supporters then raid mosque in Yibna camp, Hamas gunmen inside open fire, wound 8. IDF troops impose curfew on Yibna. Two-week total for Fateh-Hamas violence is 1 dead, about 150 wounded. (MM, WP 7/17)

Palestinians throughout o.t. stage commercial strike called for by PLO-backed UNLU to protest seige at al-Najah University. Palestinian-Israeli leaders including all 6 MKs meet to discuss strategy, form delegation to meet with PM Rabin concerning al-Najah. Some 250 prominent Palestinians begin hunger strike in Nablus to protest siege. (MM 7/16, 17; Qol Yisra'el 7/16 in FBIS 7/17)

U.S. State Dept. calls for "restraint" from Israel in its handling of situation at al-Najah University, Nablus. IDF soldiers continue to surround campus, searching all students who leave; students refuse to leave until army withdraws. (WP 7/17)

Faisal Husseini announces Israeli defense establishment proposal to deport wanted men in al-Najah University for 3 years as step to lifting siege; Palestinians are drafting counter-proposal, and have sent a letter to PM Rabin to lift siege and curfew of Nablus. (Qol Yisra'el 7/16 in FBIS 7/17)

PLO representative calls on UN Secy. Gen. Butrus Ghali to provide int'l. protection for Palestinians in o.t., implementation of res. 681 to deal with siege at al-Najah University. (Radio Algiers Network 7/16 in FBIS 7/17)

PM Rabin agrees to meet with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo after U.S. Secy. of State Baker's upcoming visit; meeting would be first such visit since 1986. (WP 7/17)

Palestinian "rejectionist" groups - Hamas and the Palestine National Salvation Front (PFLP-GC, Fateh Uprising, Communist Revolutionary Party, and Sa'iqa) - meet in Damascus to discuss strategy of blocking the peace process and escalating the intifada. (MM 7/16)

King Hussein arrives in Damascus for visit with Pres. Asad. (Syrian Arab Republic Radio 7/16 in FBIS 7/16)

Islamic Resistance attacks Israeli, SLA roadblock in Kafr Huna, S. Lebanon. Israel overflies Arqub region, strengthens positions in al-Qantara, al-Tayyiba with armored vehicles. (Radio Lebanon 7/16 in FBIS 7/17)

Syrian VP 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam says Syria will not withdraw to eastern Lebanon in September, states that Taef accord requires withdrawal within 2 years of constitutional adoption of political reforms. (VOL 7/16 in FBIS 7/16)

Probable PM-elect Yitzhak Rabin drops call for 1-year settlement freeze, says "no new settlements" will be established while peace negotiations are underway. Labor's guidelines for the new govt. also retreat from Labor positions on autonomy, elections, res. 242, reportedly to draw right-wing parties into emergent governing coalition. (Yedi'ot Aharonot 6/30 in FBIS 6/30; NYT 7/1)

Two senior Israeli fin. min. officials are installed at construction and housing min. to oversee the latter's financial activities, inspect contracts for compliance with finance min. budget. (Qol Yisra'el 6/30 in FBIS 6/30)

PLO political advisor Nabil Shaath and Palestinian delegation spokeswoman Hanan Ashrawi meet with German econ. min. Juergen Moellemann, min. of state for for. aff. Helmut Schaefer, hold "constructive and substantive" talks on economic aid for Palestinians. (MM 7/1)

Col. Anwar Madi, commander of PLO forces in S. Lebanon, is assassinated in 'Ayn al-Hilwa refugee camp near Sidon. Madi was chosen for the post on 6/8. Killing follows assassination of PLO security chief Atif Basaysu in Paris on 6/8. (NYT, WP 7/1)

Hizballah announces it will participate in planned Lebanese elections. (MM 7/2)

Twenty-seven U.S. senators end letter to Secy. of State Baker expressing concern over May State Dept. statements regarding UN Res. 194 on Palestinian right of return. (MEPARC 7/92)

Multilateral talks on refugees open in Ottawa with Palestinians asserting that solution for Palestinian refugees should be made through implementation of UN Gen. Assembly Res. 194, which calls for repatriation of refugees or compensation. Israel boycotts talks. (MM 5/12)

Responding to 5/12 U.S. statement regarding right of Palestinian refugees to return, PM Shamir states "There is only a Jewish 'right of return' to the Land of Israel." State Dept. clarifies 5/12 statement, reaffirming U.S. support for Res. 194 and Sec. Council Res. 237 (adopted 14 June 1967) regarding return of Palestinian refugees but adding that this remains a matter to be negotiated between Palestinians and Israel. (NYT, MM 5/14)

Multilateral talks on water open in Vienna with more than 30 delegations attending. (WP 5/14)

Palestinian negotiators Zakariyal-Agha, 'Abd al-Rahman Hamad are refused entry into Gaza by Israeli authorities at Rafah border crossing point for a second time after they again refused to allow border guards to search documents they were carrying [see 5/12]. (MM 5/15)

Annual assembly of World Health Organization passes resolution criticizing Israel for health conditions in o.t. (MM 5/14)

In Jerusalem, Jordanian-controlled Higher Islamic Council warns against intervention by "foreign or international bodies" in repair work to Islamic holy sites in E. Jerusalem, an apparent reference to Saudi attempts to finance repairs of shrines in coordination with UNESCO [Jordan has traditionally been responsible for shrines' maintenance] [see 4/29, 5/5, 5/11, 5/12]. (MM 5/13; NYT 5/14)

Shaykh Ishaq Idris Sakhouta, head of Cairo-based and Saudi-financed World Islamic League, begins visit to Israel and o.t. After praying at al-Aqsa mosque in E. Jerusalem, Sakhouta praises Israel's handling of Islamic shrines in Jerusalem during meeting with Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek [Sakhouta's visit is being financed by an Israeli tourist company which seeks to increase Muslim tourism to Islamic holy sites in o.t.] (MM 5/14)

IDF kill "wanted" Palestinian in Immatin, near Tulkarm. Separate gun battle between IDF and 3 Palestinians leaves 1 Palestinian wounded. (Qol Yisra'el 5/14 in FBIS 5/14

Fifth round of Arab-Israeli peace talks open in Washington. Israeli proposes agreement for municipal elections in selected o.t. localities. Israel insists such a plan is not a substitute for continued negotiations regarding Palestinian autonomy. Israeli-Jordanian talks center on water use. (MM 4/28; WP 4/29; NYT, MM 4/30; Jordan Television 4/28 in FBIS 4/29)

U.S., Russia issue invitations for upcoming third round, multilateral talks. Meetings dealing with five different topics are scheduled to be held in May in different world capitals: arms control, 5/11 in Washington; economic development, 5/11 in Brussels; water, 5/12 in Vienna; refugee problems, 5/13 in Ottawa; environmental issues, 5/18 in Tokyo. (NYT 4/29)

State Dept. announces Syria has informed U.S. it has lifted travel ban and restrictions on purchase and sale of property formerly applied to Syrian Jews [see 4/13]. (NYT, MM 4/28)

Israeli state comptroller issues report criticizing mismanagement, waste, and corruption in numerous government agencies. Report recommended criminal investigations in several instances of corruption within housing ministry, headed by Ariel Sharon [atty. gen. began investigating housing ministry 4/26 after comptroller informed him in advance of report's findings]. (NYT, MM 4/28)

Supporters of Hamas win all 10 seats in elections for student council of a teachers' academy in Ramallah. Hamas also calls on merchants in o.t. to observe strike in protest of resumption of peace talks. Strike observed in some localities in Gaza; in W. Bank, only shops in Hebron were closed. (MM 4/27, 4/29)

IDF states it has apologized for disturbing church services in Ramallah 4/24, but continues to dispute priests' account of what happened [see 4/24]. (MM 4/27)

Palestinian Popular Struggle Front's Central Committee ends meeting in Damascus [begun 4/25] in which it deposed Secy. Gen. Samir Ghawsha and replaced him with Khalid 'Abd al-Majid. (Radio Free Lebanon 4/28 in FBIS 4/29; al-Quds Palestinian Arab Radio 4/29 in FBIS 4/30; Sawt al-Kuwait 5/1, al-Hayat 5/2 in FBIS 5/8; INA 5/3 in FBIS 5/4)

Meeting in Beirut, for. ministers of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, PLO approve Arab participation in upcoming round of peace talks in Washington. (MM 4/2)

U.S. Congress passes foreign aid bill for rest of fiscal year which does not include $10 billion in loan guarantees to Israel. (MM 4/3)

State Dept. inspector general issues report stating that the department has failed to heed intelligence reports suggesting that an important U.S. ally-widely understood to be Israel-was making unauthorized transfers of U.S. military technology since about 1983. (NYT 4/2, WP 4/3)

EC "troika" arrives in Beirut for talks with Lebanese leaders on regional issues, upcoming multilateral economic talks [Lebanon has already announced it will not participate in multilateral talks]. (Radio Monte Carlo 4/1 in FBIS 4/2)

Security forces kill at least 4 Palestinians and wound 50 in Rafah, Gaza-most serious clash in o.t. in months. Rafah is curfewed shortly thereafter. In separate incident, 13 year-old boy is killed during confrontation with IDF in Tarqumiya, near Hebron. (NYT, MM 4/2; IDF Radio 4/5 in FBIS 4/6)

In a move destined to change the Israeli political system, Knesset votes to allow direct election of prime minister beginning with first Knesset elections after the upcoming 6/23 vote [first scheduled elections after that would be in 1996]. The law also lowers number of votes needed to bring down government from 70 to 61, and gives Knesset authority to approve cabinet. (WP, MM 3/19)

State Dept. announced Bush administration has issued a proposal to Israel whereby U.S. would grant $10 billion in loan guarantees over six years providing that Israel restrict settlement activity to completing housing started before 1/1/92. $300 million would be provided immediately under the plan, but the rest would be contingent upon a settlement freeze. Announcement also indicated that the administration is calling for a freeze on settlements throughout 1967 territories, the first time that the administration has used language suggesting that it seeks to halt settlement activity in E. Jerusalem as well as in W. Bank and Gaza. (WP 3/19)

In Beirut, Islamic Jihad claims responsibility for 3/17 bombing of Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires to avenge Israel's 2/16 assassination of Hizballah leader 'Abbas Musawi. (WP 3/19)

Leaflet allegedly distributed in Ramallah by PFLP calls for inclusion of Hamas in Unified National Command of the Intifada (Al Hamishmar 3/19 in FBIS 3/20)

IDF kills 3 Palestinians in three incidents in Gaza, West Bank. (MM 3/19)

U.S. administration confirms it has begun investigating intelligence reports suggesting that Israel supplied China with technical data from Patriot missile system. On a visit to U.S., DM Arens strongly denies charge. The controversy comes at a time when the State Dept.'s inspector general has formulated draft report [reported 3/13 in U.S. press] criticizing the department's bureau of politico-military affairs for failing to act on reports that Israel has been improperly transferring U.S.-made weapons to third countries. (WT 3/13; WP 3/14)

King Hussein meets with Pres. Bush in Washington, discusses possibility of announcing formation of a Jordanian-Palestinian confederation to help Palestinian delegates in their negotiations with Israel. Hussein also agrees that Jordan will "do its part" to enforce UN sanctions against Iraq. (NYT, WP 3/13; WP 3/17)

Pres. Asad accuses Israel of asking the U.S. to intercept N. Korean ship reportedly carrying Scud-C missiles to Syria [see 3/9]. Asad denied the vessel was transporting missiles. (WP 3/13)

IDF kills Palestinian in Janin, arrests dozens others. Army states all were members of the Black Panthers organization. (MM 3/12; WP 3/13; NYT 4/12)

State Dept. spokesman declines comment on report that Israel may have given China access to U.S. Patriot missile technology or perhaps even one of the Patriot missiles themselves [U.S. provided Israel with two Patriot batteries during the 1991 Gulf war on condition that Israel not share system's technology with other countries]. (WT 3/12)

IDF releases 180 Gazans detained in Ketziot-Ansar 3 detention camp following 3/10 announcement that some 300 Palestinians would be released to mark the Islamic holy month of Ramadan [see 3/101. (ITN 3/11 in FBIS 3/12)

Following fist-fights with UNIFIL troops trying to halt their advance, IDF troops, tanks bulldoze through UNIFIL barriers and move out of "security zone" to attack villages in S. Lebanon suspected of sheltering Islamic Resistance Movement bases which have been shelling N. Israel. Villages of Yatar, Kafra are captured. Several more rockets are fired at N. Israel, "security zone" and are answered with heavy IDF, SLA bombardment. Amal, communist party, armed civilians join the battle against Israeli forces. Two Israelis are killed and three wounded; at least 7 Hizballah fighters are killed and 17 wounded. In addition, 3 civilians and 4 Fijian UNIFIL troops are wounded. UN Secy. Gen. Butrus Ghali demands Israeli withdrawal while State Dept. calls on Israel, Syria, Lebanon to "exercise restraint." (Qol Yisra'el 2/20 in FBIS 2/20, FBIS 2/21; IDF Radio, Voice of Lebanon 2/20 in FBIS 2/21; WP 2/21)

PM Shamir wins renomination as head of Likud party. FM David Levy finishes second, Housing Min. Ariel Sharon third. (WP 2/21)

Arab League council begins emergency meeting on Israeli settlements. (MENA 2/20 in FBIS 2/21)

Hanan Ahhrawi announces that following discussions with State Dept. in wake of arrest of 2 negotiators [see 2/17], Palestinian delegation will attend next round of negotiations (IDF Radio 2/19 in FBIS 2/20)

Yitzhak Rabin elected head of Labor party, defeating incumbent Shimon Peres. (WP 2/21)

Islamic Resistance continues rocket attacks against Israeli targets. Most fall within "security zone," but 13 Israelis are injured when rockets land in N. Israel. IDF, SLA artillery continue bombarding S. Lebanon. (Qol Yisra'el 2/19 in FBIS 2/19, FBIS 2/20)

Strikes break out in o.t. in protest of Israeli plans to deport 12 Palestinians. One Palestinian is killed, more than 25 others injured in confrontation with IDF in Gaza. (MM 1/8)

U.S. State Dept. confirms it has granted a visa to Nabil Sha'th, top advisor to Chmn. Arafat. Sha'th is officially visiting to address a meeting of Arab-Americans, but his visit coincides with upcoming peace talks. (MM 1/8)

Opposition MKs Zucker and Oron release documents indicating government has begun 18,000 new homes in W. Bank during past 18 months. (WP 1/9)