276 / 15500 Results
  • January 6, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF moves 2 convoys of tanks, APCs, heavy armor, from South Lebanon to cease-fire line in Bekaa; Lebanese Army seals off and searches southern Beirut suburbs from Bourj al-...

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  • January 5, 1983

    Military Action:

    Israeli truck driver kidnapped and killed near Damour, bomb thrown at IDF near Hadath, Lebanese National Resistance claims responsibility; artillery and gunfire resume in...

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  • January 4, 1983

    Military Action:

    After day of quiet, renewed artillery exchanges in Tripoli, coastal road cut 20 miles south of city; IDF announces 4 Katyusha rockets found in South Lebanon.


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  • January 3, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF announces 5 Katyusha rocket launchers discovered 3 miles from border in South Lebanon on December 31.

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied Territories:...

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  • January 2, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF attacked twice in Sidon; fighting continues in Tripoli.


    Tripoli death toll for weekend is 17.

    Political Responses:


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  • January 1, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF vehicle ambushed near Kfar Sil; shelling between Aitat and Souk el-Gharb in morning, sniping during afternoon between Druze and Phalange forces, which IDF makes no...

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Military Action:

IDF moves 2 convoys of tanks, APCs, heavy armor, from South Lebanon to cease-fire line in Bekaa; Lebanese Army seals off and searches southern Beirut suburbs from Bourj al-Barajneh to Lailaki; fighting continues in Bab Mohsen and Bab el-Tabbaneh areas of Tripoli.


9 killed in Tripoli; 40-50 detained by Lebanese Army.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli, Lebanese and US negotiators meet at Kiryat Shemona, fail to agree on draft agenda proposed by US delegate Draper; Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan says Soviet SA-5 missiles in Syria are not a military threat, but of major political significance, as could be manned by Soviet personnel, and confirms that Syria is undergoing intense military expansion to have 2 additional armored divisions by 1984, all its artillery self-propelled, most tanks to be T-72s, more commando battalions; President Navon in Washington, says consensus within Israel is opposed to Palestinian state and returning to 1967 borders; Yesh Gvul ("There's A Limit") demonstration in front of Defense Ministry demands rights for conscientious objectors and freedom for those in jail; Costa Rican Minister of Public Security Angel Edmondo Solano Calderon and wife visit Israel as guests of Defense Minister Sharon; Kiryat Arba local council tears down 4 electricity poles providing electricity to 25 Palestinian families, claiming land is allocated to Givat Harsina settlement; military authorities close Nablus technical school for I week; American Principal of Ramallah Friends Girls School summoned by military governor, but refuses (along with 4 US teachers) to sign work permit containing anti-PLO clause.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat says in interview he will set up government in exile once the US recognizes the Palestinians' right to self-determination; Lebanese militia and political leaders meet in Tripoli to try to stop fighting.

US and Other Countries: Actress Elizabeth Taylor in Israel on a mission of peace and understanding decides not to go to Lebnon as Lebanese Government cannot guarantee her security, but Saad Haddad goes to Tel Aviv to meet Taylor.

Military Action:

Israeli truck driver kidnapped and killed near Damour, bomb thrown at IDF near Hadath, Lebanese National Resistance claims responsibility; artillery and gunfire resume in Tripoli one hour after 3 PM cease-fire announced by Rashid Karami.


2 IDF wounded near Hadath; press reports indicate 23 psychological injuries for every 100 casualties in IDF during Lebanon war, of which 2/3 do not return to combat.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon urges patience and perseverance on demand for normalization with Lebanon; High Court rejects petition of Negev Bedouin families to remain on land near Dimona designated a military area; Israeli papers publish photos of special jeeps equipped with army-supplied radios and 2 armed settlers used by Gush Etzion regional council to search for illegal Arab buildings.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Assad Germanos, Military Prosecutor heading Lebanese investigation into massacre, says he has made 3 visits to Sabra and Shatila, and hopes to finish his report by March or April; Rashid Karami, returning from Damascus, says Syrian Deputy Defense Minister Ali Aslan is in Tripoli to arrange cease-fire.

Arab Governments: Qatar, UAE and Oman call off visit of British Foreign Secretary Pym, causing him to cancel his trip.

US and Other Countries: President Reagan receives Israeli President Navon at White House, affirms that security of Israel is inescapably connected to peace in the Middle East; Reagan announces Special Envoy Habib will return to Middle East.

Military Action:

After day of quiet, renewed artillery exchanges in Tripoli, coastal road cut 20 miles south of city; IDF announces 4 Katyusha rockets found in South Lebanon.


UNRWA asks IDF for protection from Palestinian refugees in Sidon protesting delay in distribution of kerosene heating stoves, cement and winter clothing; 16-tent school operating in Ain el-Hilweh; 625 building plots cleared and allocated by UNRWA, 590 plots cleared by refugees, 850 plots allocated in Tyre; 40 killed, more wounded, large sections of Tripoli without electricity, water, telephone and basic food, hospitals short of supplies, many civilians living in shelters. 

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF spokes-man announces Syria is building 2 bases for Soviet SA-5 missiles, warns USSR not to deploy missiles in Syria; President Yitzhak Navon begins 2 week visit to US, will meet Reagan with Shultz, Kissinger, AFL-CIO, Jewish groups; Mapam MK Elazar Granot introduces motion in Knesset that Sharon be removed as Defense Minister and be replaced in Lebanon negotiations because of his leak about a separate agreement with Lebanese leaders and distortion of the facts of the war from its beginning; Foreign Minister Shamir charges that Lebanese Muslim leaders opposed to normalization with Israel are agents of foreign interests, and reiterates commitment to Eretz Israel, calling on international convention delegates to invest all efforts in aliya; Moshavim Herut and Mismeret will close illegal camps for Arab workers who will have to return to Gaza to sleep; Yitzhak Rabin, touring settlements, says Labor Party firmly opposed to any withdrawal to 1948 green line, that Camp David accord includes change in frontier to incorporate Jerusalem and Jordan Valley; Peace Now distributes document of military government which says Science and Technology Minister Yuval Ne'eman and his assistant MK Hanan Porat helped establish supervisory teams of settlers to guard state lands and may be used to deport Palestinians; Peace Now charges that Kiryat Arba council intends to pressure and persuade Arab shop-owners to leave Hebron; at his courtmartial, IDF paratrooper and Deputy Commander of Judea District Major David Mofaz, one of seven defendants, excuses his beating of Palestinian students at Hebron's Islamic University by charging that District Commander Lt. Col. Shalom Lugassi instructed soldiers to beat, pester and break watches of demonstrators, that Sharon said Arab rioters should have their testicles ripped off; West Bank Military Commander Yaakov Hartabi testifies soldiers acted properly and according to written and oral orders.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Prime Minister Shafik Wazzan calls Syrian Prime Minister Abdel Raouf al-Kassem, appealing for security measures to end fighting in Tripoli; Rashid Karami goes to Damascus; local Tripoli leaders Mohammed Ali Dannawi of Muslim Salvation Front and Farouk Mokaddam of October 24 Movement call for withdrawal of Syrian troops from Tripoli.

US and Other Countries: US Special Envoy Philip Habib summoned from vacation to Washington as President Reagan prepares a new initiative to break Lebanon stalemate.

Military Action:

IDF announces 5 Katyusha rocket launchers discovered 3 miles from border in South Lebanon on December 31.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF reservist, member of Yesh Gvul ("There's a Limit"), sentenced to 21 days in military prison for refusing to serve in Ansar; Circassian soldier sentenced to 1 year with 7 months suspended, for refusing to serve in Lebanon; Foreign Minister Shamir confirms direct negotiations with PLO on release of prisoners (held in Vienna between Arieh Eliav and Issam Sartawi beginning in October); official population statistics for 1982 released as 4,055,000 of which 12,000 in Golan, and 689,000 non-Jews, 13,000 immigrants; Druze notables from Aley reported waiting for 2 weeks to see Defense Minister Sharon; Histadrut decides to permit its holding companies to build homes for settlers in occupied territories, although contrary to Labor Party policy, in order to keep jobs for workers, and despite opposition by members of Mapam and Independent Liberal party; military authorities make arrests in Jalazon camp.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Third round of Lebanese-Israeli-US negotiations held in Khalde with no agreement on agenda, as Lebanon stresses troop withdrawal, Israel focuses on normalization, and US suggests waiving agenda and beginning substantive talks.

US and Other Countries: Private commission of US Jews, including rabbis, jurists and political leaders, set up to examine role of US Jewish organizations during World War Ii, disbands divided over draft report which says US Zionist organizations focused on postwar plans and creation of a state, not on rescuing Jews from Nazism.

Military Action:

IDF attacked twice in Sidon; fighting continues in Tripoli.


Tripoli death toll for weekend is 17.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet discusses fighting in Chouf, is briefed on Lebanese negotiations by Foreign Minister Shamir and David Kimche, hears of new security measures to be taken to reduce Israeli casualties in Lebanon; 3 members of Committee Against the War in Lebanon on trial for breach of peace after distributing leaflets in Haifa; Government agrees to 12% wage increase for public employees, averting general strike; official statistics show GNP did not increase in 1982, while real wages declined 3%; Begin's adviser on Arab Affairs Ben-yamin Gur-Arye says Begin will see if evacuation of Negev Bedouin families can be postponed; Bedouin township of Rahat forms labor council, the first in the Negev; Commission of Inquiry completes hearing of testimony, allowing Sharon to submit written answers instead of appearing for questioning; Moshe Reich, Israeli builder on West Bank, acquitted of blackmail, assault and threatened assault based on charges by Palestinians that he tried to force them to sell land; Jenin military governor warns Attorney Zuhair Jarrar not to complain to press about December 29 cut off of his electricity and water ordered by Israeli-appointed mayor Shihab Sanouri; Theodore Mann, chair of National Conference on Soviet Jews, announces 2,600 exit visas issued in 1982; PM Begin meets with relatives of Israeli prisoners, promises them no withdrawl of IDF from Lebanon until release of prisoners; Jerusalem police report series of raids on Jerusalem bookstores, seizing Palestinian flags, cassettes, T-shirts and other pro-PLO material.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Rashid Karami appeals to Syria to send envoy to stop fighting in Tripoli.

Arab Governments: Saudi Arabia says British Foreign Secretary Pym not welcome to visit after Thatcher government refuses PLO representative in Arab League delegation; Iraq announces that Saddam Hussein told Congressman Stephen Solarz (D-NY) on August 25, he accepts Israelis' need for security.

Military Action:

IDF vehicle ambushed near Kfar Sil; shelling between Aitat and Souk el-Gharb in morning, sniping during afternoon between Druze and Phalange forces, which IDF makes no attempt to stop; rocket, artillery and rifle exchanges in Tripoli between pro and anti-Syrian forces.


2 IDF wounded in ambush; 30 killed in Tripoli; heavy rains cause flooding in Beirut refugee camps.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Some Negev Bedouin from Tel Malhata remain past December 31 deadline for evacuation from their land due to proposed new air force base of Nevatim; restriction order on Ibrahim Dakkak, chair of the West Bank Engineer's Association, renewed for third 6 month period; year-old restriction order on Abed Abu Diab of the Jerusalem Electric Company, renewed another year; art exhibit opens in west Jerusalem, featuring prominent Palestinian and progressive Israeli artists.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: 18th anniversary of Fateh celebrated in Algiers; Palestinian women and children place wreaths on graves in cemetery in Beirut and march through camp; Lebanese Army harasses journalists trying to cover march; Walid Jumblatt and Nabih Berri demand disarming of Phalange.

US and Other Countries: Cardinal Terence Cooke celebrates mass with US Marines in Beirut.