20 / 15500 Results
  • December 22, 1993

    PLO-Israel talks continue at Versailles, France, with participation of Norwegian officials. Progress on border security reported. (NYT, WP, WT 12/23)

    Drive-by shooting in Baytuniya, West...

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  • December 12, 1993

    PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli PM Rabin meet in Cairo but fail to reach agreement on Israeli withdrawal fr. Gaza and Jericho, due to begin 12/13. The 2 leaders agree to meet again in 10 days, and...

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  • December 7, 1993

    Secy. of State Christopher meets PM Rabin, reports on talks with Syrian, PLO leaders. Christopher reportedly tells Rabin Syria ready to resume negotiations. Rabin says 1st priority is implementing...

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  • December 6, 1993

    Secy. of State Christopher meets PLO Chmn. Arafat at U.S. embassy in Amman. At press conference after 2-hr. mtg., Arafat appeals for U.S. pressure on Israel to meet 12/13 deadline for withdrawal...

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  • December 5, 1993

    Secy. of State Christopher meets in Damascus with Syrian Pres. al-Asad, who agrees to let U.S. investigators search for 7 Israelis missing in Lebanon and to grant exit permits to Syrian Jews by...

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  • December 4, 1993

    Secy. of State Christopher opens talks with PM Rabin, says "I don't know that there is an appropriate role for me.... I certainly don't want to interpose myself" in Israel-PLO negotiations. (NYT,...

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  • December 3, 1993

    Secy. of State Christopher arrives in Israel at start of Middle East tour. PM Rabin tells U.S. to stay out of Israel-PLO talks, saying "we do not need uncles, fathers, grandmothers and...

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  • November 23, 1993

    PLO-Israel talks on Israeli withdrawal fr. Gaza and Jericho resume in Cairo. Palestinian negotiator Nabil Shaath reports progress on release of Palestinian prisoners. (MENA 11/23 in FBIS 11/23;...

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  • November 16, 1993

    Alleged Hamas mbr. Shadi Muslih 'Isa, 18, attacks Israeli police officer, civilian at Erez crossing point, Gaza Strip, and is shot dead. (MM 11/16)

    16-yr.-old Palestinian student Rami...

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  • November 15, 1993

    Israeli and Palestinian negotiators resume in Cairo talks to implement 9/13 agreement. Talks center on size of IDF force around Gaza settlements, extent of Palestinian authority in Jericho, and...

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  • October 15, 1993

    PFLP leader Habash, following meetings in Damascus, says 10 Palestinian opposition factions will form new front to counter DoP, "rebuild the PLO on democratic bases." (MM 10/18)


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  • October 11, 1993

    PLO Central Council ends 2-day meeting in Tunis, votes 63-8 (9 abstentions) to approve Palestinian-Israeli DoP. 25 delegates to the 107-member council do not attend, including reps. of PFLP and...

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  • September 2, 1993

    Emergency meeting of Fateh Central Comm. convenes in Tunis to discuss agreement with Israel. (al-Ra'y 9/2 in FBIS 9/2; WP 9/3)

    Former Nablus mayor Bassam al-Shak'ah criticizes accord,...

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  • August 24, 1993

    PLO reportedly firing locally hired employees at PLO diplomatic missions, asking redundant Palestinian representatives to resign. (AFP 8/24 in FBIS 8/24)

    Jordan's King Hussein, in interview...

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  • August 22, 1993

    PLO rep. in Lebanon Shafiq al-Hut "suspends" mbrship. in PLO Exec. Comm. because of "political, financial and organizational" crises, calls for emergency meeting of PNC. (MM, WT 8/23)


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  • July 13, 1993

    Fateh delegation led by 'Abbas Zaki meets with 7 Palestinian factions opposed to peace process in Damascus. Organizations represented are PPSF, PLF, PFLP, DFLP, PFLPGC, al-Sa'iqah, and Islamic...

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  • May 29, 1993

    PFLP claims responsibility for 5/28 Hebron stabbing. (AFP 5/29 in FBIS 6/1)

    'Abd al-Salam al-Majali, head of Jordanian delegation to peace talks with Israel, is appointed PM, FM, DM, forms...

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  • May 11, 1993

    Palestinian delegation presents Israel with 10-point draft joint statement of principles on self-rule. (MM 5/12)

    Lebanese delegation presents 1st official peace talks document to Israel...

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  • March 13, 1993

    Hamas Amman rep. Muhammad Nazzal says Hamas supports Palestinian state in West Bank and Gaza as first step toward liberating all of Palestine; recognition of or dialogue with Israel is "out of the...

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  • March 8, 1993

    Rep. David Obey (R-WI), chmn. of House appropriations subcomm., suggests that Israel and Egypt may "one day" see their aid cut, as Pres. Clinton seeks to cut foreign aid by $2b over 5 years while...

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PLO-Israel talks continue at Versailles, France, with participation of Norwegian officials. Progress on border security reported. (NYT, WP, WT 12/23)

Drive-by shooting in Baytuniya, West Bank, kills 2 Israelis. Hamas claims responsibility. (MM 12/22; NYT, WP, WT 12/23)

Settlers in Hebron reportedly asked to surrender their guns as part of investigation into 12/4 murder of Talal al-Bakri. (WP 12/23)

Pres. Clinton says he will have an announcement on case of convicted spy Jonathan Pollard "soon," as administration sources say Dep. AG Philip Heymann will recommend that Pollard's sentence be reduced. (WP 12/23)

PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli PM Rabin meet in Cairo but fail to reach agreement on Israeli withdrawal fr. Gaza and Jericho, due to begin 12/13. The 2 leaders agree to meet again in 10 days, and say delay does not endanger DoP or 4/13/94 deadline for end of withdrawal. (NYT, WP, WT 12/13)

Lebanese Pres. al-Hirawi meets Syrian Pres. al-Asad in Damascus to discuss Secy. of State Christopher'secent tour and coordinate positions for next round of talks with Israel. (RL, VOL, SARR 12/12 in FBIS 12/13; MM 12/13)

U.S. officials say Morocco and Israel have reached a package of agreements, including El Al flights to Morocco and Royal Air Maroc flights to Israel, direct Moroccan-Israel telephone and postalinks, exchanges of visits by religious and business leaders, joint banking arrangements, and more frequent direct political contacts. (NYT 12/13)

Morton Klein, an opponent of Israel-PLO accord, elected pres. of Zionist Organization of America by vote of 144-127, and his slate of 10 candidates elected to top ZOA posts. Observers call election "clear victory for opponents" of DoP. (MM 12/14; WJW 12/16)

Palestinian gunmen attack Israeli bus in Hebron, West Bank, seriously wounding its driver. (NYT, WT 12/13)

Libyan leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi publicly invites Sabri al-Banna ("Abu Nidal") and Ahmad Jibril of PFLP-GC for a conference in Tripoli. (WT 12/13)

Secy. of State Christopher meets PM Rabin, reports on talks with Syrian, PLO leaders. Christopher reportedly tells Rabin Syria ready to resume negotiations. Rabin says 1st priority is implementing Israel-PLO DoP. Christopher calls that priority "entirely appropriate," but notes U.S. seeks "comprehensive solution in the region." Christopher also meets Palestinian delegation including Faisal Husseini, Ghassan al-Khatib, Zakariya al-Agha, and Hanan Ashrawi. (NYT, WP, WT 12/8; Qol Yisra'el 12/7 in FBIS 12/8)

PLO Chmn. Arafat, in Bonn, says 12/13 deadline for start of Israeli withdrawal "a sacred date," but a PLO source says Arafat told PLO Central Council and Exec. Comm. to expect a delay of 1 to 2 weeks. (NYT 12/8)

Thousands turn out for funeral procession fr. Tel Aviv through Jerusalem to Hebron of settlers killed 12/6. Settlers shoot at Palestinian houses and break car windows in Hebron. (NYT, WT 12/8; WT 12/9)

Shaykh Khalid Zakaria Sakallah, 45, killed by masked gunmen in Gaza. Both Hamas and Fateh condemn killing. (MM 12/8)

Secy. of State Christopher meets PLO Chmn. Arafat at U.S. embassy in Amman. At press conference after 2-hr. mtg., Arafat appeals for U.S. pressure on Israel to meet 12/13 deadline for withdrawal fr. Jericho, Gaza. Christopher declines to get involved in Israel-PLO talks, but calls for "timely implementation" of DoP schedule and pledges "non-lethal assistance" to Palestinian police. Christopher also meets separately with Jordan's King Hussein. PM Rabin claims there is "a tacit understanding" with PLO that deadline not firm. FM Peres says he will meet Arafat 12/9 at UNESCO conference in Spain. (NYT, WP, WT 12/7)

PM Rabin calls Syrian agreemento allow U.S. investigators to search for missing IDF soldiers in Lebanon "an important step forward" and "a big window of hope for the families" of the Israeli MIAs. (NYT 12/7)

Israeli Finance M. Avraham Shohat and PLO official Ahmad Qurai' resume Paris talks on economic issues. (Qol Yisra'el 12/6 in FBIS 12/7)

Palestinian gunmen attack settler van in Qiryat Arba, Hebron, killing 2 and wounding 3. Hamas claims responsibility for attack. Settlers riot, attacking Palestinian homes and cars. (NYT, WP, WT 12/7)

IDF undercover unit kills Hamas mbr. 'Abd al-Rahman Aruri, 31, on his front porch in Arura, nr. Ramallah. (MM 12/7)

Time magazine reports that convicted spy Jonathan Pollard passed a National Security Agency listing of foreign intelligence frequencies to Israel that later was received by Soviets, ruining several b. dollars' work and compromising lives of U.S. informants. Justice Dept., security officials reportedly advising AG Janet Reno against a pardon for Pollard. (WT 12/6, 12/7; NYT 12/7)

Israel, Laos reestablish diplomatic relations in agreement signed in New York. (Qol Yisra'el 12/7 in FBIS 12/8)

Secy. of State Christopher meets in Damascus with Syrian Pres. al-Asad, who agrees to let U.S. investigators search for 7 Israelis missing in Lebanon and to grant exit permits to Syrian Jews by end 12/93. Christopher calls talks "positive and constructive," al-Asad's moves "important humanitarian gestures." U.S. agrees to allow Kuwait to transfer 3 U.S.-made aircraft to Syria in a relaxation of sanctions on Damascus. (NYT, WP, WT 12/6; NYT 12/7)

Israel-PLO talks in Cairo and al-'Arish, Sinai, on Palestinian autonomy resume. (WT 12/6)

Jordanian, Israeli govts. sign accord on economic cooperation, initialed by negotiators in Washington 12/1. (MM 12/7)

Palestinian grocer Talal al-Bakri, shot 12/4 in Hebron by settlers, dies. 5 settlers arrested in connection with killing. (NYT, WP, WT 12/6)

Israeli AG Ben-Yair calls settlers' council a "seditious" organization, while Ag. M. Yaacov Tsur calls 12/4 shooting of Talal al-Bakri an incident of "Jewish terror." (MM 12/6)

Armed Palestinian, Khalid Awad Shihada, attacks Israelis on suburban Tel Aviv bus, killing reserve IDF soldier before being killed himself. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility for attack. Israelis demonstrate at attack site, some shouting "Death to Arabs!" (NYT, WP, WT 12/6)

Frmr. Israeli PM Shamir tells Zionist Organization of America mtg. in Baltimore that Israeli govt. has made a pact with "terrorists and murderers" in signing DoP, says agreement reflects "an Arab plan to destroy Israel in stages." (WT 12/7)

Secy. of State Christopher opens talks with PM Rabin, says "I don't know that there is an appropriate role for me.... I certainly don't want to interpose myself" in Israel-PLO negotiations. (NYT, WT 12/5)

PLO Exec. Comm. establishes committee to oversee negotiations with Israel. Names of mbrs. are not made public. (NYT 12/5)

Hamas list wins 81% of votes, all 9 seats in Gaza Islamic College student council elections. Fateh list wins 11%, Islamic Jihad 6%, and DFLP 2%. (Qol Yisra'el 12/4 in FBIS 12/6)

Settlers continue rioting in Hebron, firing submachine guns at Palestinian cars. 3 Palestinians wounded. Palestinian homes also fired upon, stoned. (NYT, WT 12/5)

Secy. of State Christopher arrives in Israel at start of Middle East tour. PM Rabin tells U.S. to stay out of Israel-PLO talks, saying "we do not need uncles, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers." (NYT, WT 12/4)

PLO Political Dept. head Faruq al-Qaddumi meets in Washington with U.S., World Bank officials to discuss economic development of o.t. (San'a' VOP 12/3 in FBIS 12/7)

Settlers rampage in Hebron, wounding 4 Palestinians. IDF does nothing to stop gunbearing settlers, but detains 20 Palestinian stone-throwers. In Gaza, alleged Fateh mbrs. open fire on 2 IDF posts; no casualties reported. (MM 12/3; NYT, WP, WT 12/4)

Israel Antiquities Authority's "Operation Scroll" scheduled to end. Search for ancient Hebrew and Jewish artifacts, started 11/14, involved 30 archaeologists and 300 workers, examined 350 sites, and cost $350,000. Operation protested by Palestinians, who say it violated 1954 UN convention on cultural artifacts and was intended to strip o.t. sites before Palestinian autonomy. (WP 12/4)

PLO-Israel talks on Israeli withdrawal fr. Gaza and Jericho resume in Cairo. Palestinian negotiator Nabil Shaath reports progress on release of Palestinian prisoners. (MENA 11/23 in FBIS 11/23; NYT, WT 11/24)

PLO-Israel talks on economic cooperation resume in Paris. (MM 11/24)

22 Palestinian graduates of Egyptian police academy cross into Gaza Strip to form nucleus of Palestinian police force. (NYT 11/24)

Muhammad 'Ali Fara of Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip, shot dead trying to evade IDF roadblock in Jabaliya camp. In Idnah, nr. Hebron, 'Abd al-Razzaq Shahada killed by premature detonation of roadside bomb. (Qol Yisra'el 11/23 in FBIS 11/23; NYT 11/24; WT 11/25)

12th Jordanian parliament opens; frmr. PM Tahir al-Masri elected speaker of lower house 57-22, defeating Islamic Action Front candidate. (MM 11/23)

Alleged Hamas mbr. Shadi Muslih 'Isa, 18, attacks Israeli police officer, civilian at Erez crossing point, Gaza Strip, and is shot dead. (MM 11/16)

16-yr.-old Palestinian student Rami Ghazzawi killed when IDF fires on youths stoning settler cars in al-Birah. 3 other students wounded. (MM 11/16)

Settlers in Hebron riot, overturning stalls at fruit and vegetable market and attacking Palestinian cars. (MM 11/16)

Israeli Justice M. David Libai, at Maale Ephraim settlement, warns settlers that no one could "take the law into his own hands," says govt. "will have to subdue any attempt to have influence by illegal means." IDF states it will act "firmly and aggressively" to stop settler assaults, will use "reasonable force." (MM 11/16; NYT 11/17)

PM Rabin tells Secy. of State Christopher 12/13 deadline for implementation of DoP may not be met. (MM 11/16, 11/17)

Israeli-Palestinian talks on implementation of Gaza-Jericho provisions of DoP resume in Cairo. Israeli delegation led by IDF Dep. Chief of Staff Amnon Shahak, Palestinian by PLO official Nabil Shaath. (Cairo TV 11/16 in FBIS 11/17)

Israel-PLO economic talks in Paris chaired by Fin. M. Avraham Shohat and PEDRA DG Ahmad Qurai' establish 3 subcomms. on trade and labor, taxation and banking, and currency. Subcomms. are to meet 11/23-25 in Paris, heads of delegations on 11/25. (Qol Yisra'el 11/16 in FBIS 11/17; MM 11/17)

Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) Gov. Muhammad al-Nabulsi says agreement reached with Palestinians to retain Jordanian dinar as o.t. currency, have CBJ supervise and monitor banking. (JTV 11/16 in FBIS 11/17)

Multilateral talks on Middle East environment end in Cairo with Israeli-Arab agreement on Gulf of Aqaba oil spills, dispute on Israeli nuclear waste, Jordan Valley land reclamation. Delegates fr. 40 countries, in 4th mtg., agree on 20 environmental projects. (MENA 11/16 in FBIS 11/17; MM 11/17)

Palestinian leaders in o.t., Jordan, "and elsewhere" submit memorandum to PLO Chmn. Arafat criticizing PLO performance, demanding reforms. (MM 11/17, al-Ray 11/18 in FBIS 11/18)

Knesset Golan caucus considers bill fr. Likud and NRP mbrs. to amend law annexing Golan to require majority of 80 MKs for any change in law. Labor mbrs. of caucus express sympathy with bill, which given current Knesset divisions would effectively bar negotiations with Syria. (MM 11/17)

Syrian VP Khaddam tells foreign correspondents PLO Chmn. Arafat "fell into a big trap" in signing DoP, notes "There are 4 million Palestinian refugees living outside the territories covered by the 'Gaza-Jericho First' agreement." Khaddam claims Arafat "abandoned coordination with the Arab parties," states "I believe the majority of the Palestinian people do not support the agreement." (MM 11/16; SARR 11/16 in FBIS 11/17)

Hizballah offensive on IDF and SLA; Katyusha barrages fired in "security zone," assaults on 2 IDF, 6 SLA posts. 12 SLA mbrs. taken prisoner, at least 2 IDF soldiers and 2 SLA mbrs. wounded. 1 Hizballah mbr. killed in attack. IAF bombs 3 Hizballah bases nr. Ba'labakk, knocks out radio antenna. "Black September 13 Brigades," Fateh group opposed to DoP, claims responsibility for katyusha barrage on Qiryat Shemona. (MM 11/16, 11/17; IDF Radio, AFP 11/16 in FBIS 11/17)

Turkish FM Hikmet Cetin, in interview with JP, says Syria behind Kurdish attacks in Turkey, Israel and Turkey should cooperate on counter-terrorism. (MM 11/16)

Israel Archaeologists Society calls for end to govt. Antiquities Authority search for scrolls in West Bank ("Operation Scroll"), saying search aims at denying Palestinian scholars access to materials and will complicate future Israeli cooperation with Palestinians and Jordan. (WT 11/17)

Israeli and Palestinian negotiators resume in Cairo talks to implement 9/13 agreement. Talks center on size of IDF force around Gaza settlements, extent of Palestinian authority in Jericho, and control of border crossings. (NYT 11/16)

Multilateral talks Environment Comm. holds session attended by delegates fr. over 40 countries in Cairo. (MENA 11/15 in FBIS 11/16)

Hebron settler kills Palestinian attacking him with hatchet; 2d attacker flees with settler's rifle. PFLP claims responsibility for attack fr. Beirut, names dead Palestinian as Muhammad Badawi Burkan, 26, of Hebron. Settlers riot, burning Palestinian vegetable stands and stoning Palestinian cars. In separate incident, Palestinian badly wounded in attack by Beit El settlers. (MM 11/15)

Hamas issues statement condemning PLO Chmn. Arafat's condemnation of 10/29 killing of settler Haim Mizrachi, calling it evidence of his "disgraceful submissiveness" and of his "readiness to liquidate the cause of our people." (MM 11/15)

Israeli Econ. Min. Shimon Shitreet says scope of support [for DoP] has diminished" due to recent killings of settlers. (CSM 11/16)

Qatar announces establishment of direct phone service to o.t., 1st Gulf state to do so. (MM 11/15)

U.S. Pres. Clinton assures Syrian Pres. al-Asad that U.S. and Israel support continued efforts for Syrian-Israeli agreement. Assurance transmitted in letter given Syrian FM al-Shara' by U.S. coordinator Dennis Ross, which also states Secy. of State Christopher will tour Middle East in early Dec. to pursue Arab-Israeli talks. (NYT, WP 11/16)

U.S. Dept. of Defense offers to sell Israel 20 modified F-15E (F-151) fighter-bombers, valued at $1.8 b. Israeli PM Rabin, after meeting with Secy. of Defense Les Aspin, says offer under consideration. (NYT, WP 11/16)

At meeting with journalists in Washington, Israeli PM Rabin identifies Ilam as major threat to Middle East peace, accuses Iran of supporting Somali militia leader Mohamed Farah Aideed. (WP 11/16)

Lt. Col. Muin Shabaita, 2d in command of Fateh militia in 'Ayn al-Hilwah refugee camp, Sidon, Lebanon, killed by unknown gunmen. Fateh security chief at 'Ayn al-Hilwah, Abi Husayn Farhud, blames FRC ("Abu Nidal" faction) for killing. (NYT, WP 11/16)

Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL) agrees to San Francisco court injunction not to use illegal means to gather information. ADL was found to have access to police files on Arab Americans, among other groups, and was accused in criminal investigation of providing information to South Africa and Israel. Civil suits by targets of ADL investigations remain open. (WP 11/16)

PFLP leader Habash, following meetings in Damascus, says 10 Palestinian opposition factions will form new front to counter DoP, "rebuild the PLO on democratic bases." (MM 10/18)

Yeshiva student stabbed by Palestinian at Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, West Bank. Curfew imposed on Hebron Palestinians; settlers rampage, injuring 6 Palestinians. DFLP (Hawatmah faction), in statement issued in Damascus, claims responsibility for knife attack, pledges "to escalate and expand our military operations against the enemy and the settlers in all the occupied Palestinian territories until we foil the Gaza-Jericho agreement." PFLP claims responsibility for 10/9 killing of 2 Israeli hikers near Jericho. (WP 10/16, WT 10/18)

Israeli PM Rabin visits Indonesia, largest country without diplomatic relations with Israel, and meets with Pres. Suharto, chairman of Nonaligned Movement, for over an hour. Rabin states he is looking for nonaligned support for peace process and cooperation with Israel. An Indonesian diplomat is quoted by NYT as saying establishment of Indonesian-Israeli diplomatic relations is "only a matter of time," but that Jakarta wishes "to see the Middle East peace process progress a bit further." Rabin also visits Singapore, Kenya. (NYT 10/16; MM 10/18)

PLO Central Council ends 2-day meeting in Tunis, votes 63-8 (9 abstentions) to approve Palestinian-Israeli DoP. 25 delegates to the 107-member council do not attend, including reps. of PFLP and DFLP, who boycott meeting, and several opponents of the accord who were not invited or barred fr. entering Tunisia, including Fateh mbr. Hani al-Hasan. Meeting also adopts resolution establishing Palestinian National Authority under Arafat to assume powers transferred by Israel. Turmoil surrounding meeting points to power struggle among Arafat loyalists as PLO figures contend for positions in nascent Palestinian administration in Gaza and Jericho. (WT 10/12; CSM, NYT, WP 10/13)

Applications for the Palestine Central Security Force (Palestinian police) reportedly far outstrip vacancies, with 30,000 applications issued for the 17,000-strong force. 4,000 forms are filled out in Hebron, while 10,000 are submitted in Gaza for 3,800 vacancies. (WT 10/11)

CIA informs Senate Govtl. Affairs Comm. that Israel has been providing China with advanced military technology for over a decade, including fighter aircraft, missiles, and tanks. Report estimates Israel-China weapons trade amounts to "several billion dollars," notes that Israeli weapons companies are expanding presence in China. Report asserts "the Chinese seek fr. Israel advanced military technology that U.S. and Western firms are unwilling to provide." Israeli embassy denies Israel has transferred U.S. technology to China, spokeswoman saying, "Israel adheres to all of its commitments to the United States with regard to its relationship with China." (NYT, WT 10/13)

Israeli PM Rabin meets in Beijing with Chinese PM Li Peng, toasts new Israeli-Chinese pacts on consular affairs, aviation. (MM 10/11; WT 10/12)

Emergency meeting of Fateh Central Comm. convenes in Tunis to discuss agreement with Israel. (al-Ra'y 9/2 in FBIS 9/2; WP 9/3)

Former Nablus mayor Bassam al-Shak'ah criticizes accord, calling those who negotiated it "connected to foreign interests that have nothing to do with the Palestinian-Israeli struggle." (MM 9/2)

Israeli FM Peres visits EC hq. in Brussels, asks for European aid to implement PLO-Israel accord. EC Pres. Jacques Delors pledges both financial and political support. (MM 9/2, 9/3)

Palestinians in Jordan estimated to number 1.8 m., roughly 40% of population. (JTV 9/2 in FBIS 9/3)

IDF Nahal soldier killed in ambush by Palestinians near Hebron. (MM 9/3)

PLO reportedly firing locally hired employees at PLO diplomatic missions, asking redundant Palestinian representatives to resign. (AFP 8/24 in FBIS 8/24)

Jordan's King Hussein, in interview, criticizes PLO for not coordinating with Amman on "Gaza-Jericho lst" proposal. PLO Chmn. Arafat meets Hussein, Jordanian PM al-Majali to work out differences. Joint Jordanian-Palestinian Comm. for Econ. Affairs holds 1st meeting in Amman. (MM 8/24, 8/25; Radio Jordan 8/24 in FBIS 8/25)

Faisal Husseini denies advocating Palestinian national salvation govt. in 8/22 Hebron speech. (al-Quds 8/25 in FBIS 8/25)

Israeli FM Peres, in Copenhagen, denies Yediot Aharonot report that he met with PLO official in Stockholm previous week, saying "I met only Swedes." (MM 8/24)

Israeli PM Rabin rejects GAO criticism of Arrow program, denies Israel transferred U.S. technology to 3d parties. (Qol Yisra'el 8/24 in FBIS 8/24; WT 8/25)

Alleged collaborator murdered in Qabatiya, West Bank. (Qol Yisra'el 8/25 in FBIS 8/25)

PLO rep. in Lebanon Shafiq al-Hut "suspends" mbrship. in PLO Exec. Comm. because of "political, financial and organizational" crises, calls for emergency meeting of PNC. (MM, WT 8/23)

Palestinian delegation head Faisal Husseini, addressing meeting in Hebron, warns Palestinian institutions are in a "state of total collapse," alludes to formation of "national salvation govt." to avert crisis. (MM 8/24)

DFLP head Nayif Hawatmah says large nmbr. of PLO Exec. Comm. mbrs. are considering "collective resignation" to protest Arafat's leadership. (RMC 8/22 in FBIS 8/23; MM 8/24)

Israel grants permanent residency to 6,000 Palestinians in o.t. under family reunification policy. (Qol Yisra'el 8/22 in FBIS 8/24)

Islamic Jihad claims 8/20 killing of guard at West Bank settlement. (VOL 8/22 in FBIS 8/24)

Fateh delegation led by 'Abbas Zaki meets with 7 Palestinian factions opposed to peace process in Damascus. Organizations represented are PPSF, PLF, PFLP, DFLP, PFLPGC, al-Sa'iqah, and Islamic Jihad. Delegation is to proceed to Amman for meeting with Hamas. (Algiers VOP, al-Rayv 7/14 in FBIS 7/15)

FM Peres proposes opening negotiations on final status based on Palestinian-Jordanian confederation in meeting with U.S. envoy Ross. (Ha Aretz 7/15 in FBIS 7/15)

U.S. delegation holds 2d meeting with Israeli leadership. Official statements are terse, but it is speculated discussions included tensions between Israel and Syria following escalation of violence in southern Lebanon. (MM 7/13)

2d U.S.-Palestinian meeting held at U.S. consulate in Jerusalem. (Qol Yisra'el 7/13 in FBIS 7/14)

Israeli rights group B'Tselem says 232 Palestinians under 17 killed by IDF since start of intifada, 38 in last 6 months. IDF calls such deaths "unavoidable," claims intifada casualties have declined, saying 166 Israelis, 1,859 Palestinians killed since outbreak of uprising. Report also states 100,000 Palestinians detained, 60,000 incarcerated over same period. (MM 7/13; Qol Yisra'el 7/13 in FBIS 7/15; WT 7/14)

Israeli police arrest 4 teenage members of "Kahane Lives" for the 11/92 grenade murder of a Palestinian in Jerusalem. (NYT 7/14)

Palestinian motorist shot dead by Border Police, second wounded in Hebron. (ITV 7/14 in FBIS 7/15)

PLO reconciliation meeting held in Damascus grouping representatives of Fateh, PFLP, and DFLP (Hawatmah faction). (al-Dustur 7/13 in FBIS 7/13)

PLO joins with Bangladesh, Iran, Malaysia, Pakistan, Tunisia, and Turkey in offer to send peacekeepers to Bosnia. (WP 7/14)

PFLP claims responsibility for 5/28 Hebron stabbing. (AFP 5/29 in FBIS 6/1)

'Abd al-Salam al-Majali, head of Jordanian delegation to peace talks with Israel, is appointed PM, FM, DM, forms cabinet to succeed PM Sharif Zayid bin Shakir. (RJN 5/29 in FBIS 6/1)

Palestinian delegation presents Israel with 10-point draft joint statement of principles on self-rule. (MM 5/12)

Lebanese delegation presents 1st official peace talks document to Israel rejecting Israel's 5/4 proposal for joint military working group, demanding timetable for withdrawal before consideration of peace treaty. (Davar 5/12 in FBIS 5/12)

Israeli Int. Min. Aryeh Deri (SHAS) withdraws his letter of resignation just before it would have gone into effect, giving PM Rabin 1 week to replace Ed. Min. Shulamit Aloni (Meretz) with a Laborite. The two mins. relinquish duties of their posts to Rabin for 1 week. (Qol Yisra'el 5/11 in FBIS 5/12; MM, NYT 5/12)

Hamas supporters prevent voting in Hebron U. campus elections. Minor scuffles end when trustees agree to hear grievances about Fateh's tactics in getting out the vote. Fateh supporters win by default in first victory at this Islamist stronghold. (MM, WP 5/12)

Hamas Amman rep. Muhammad Nazzal says Hamas supports Palestinian state in West Bank and Gaza as first step toward liberating all of Palestine; recognition of or dialogue with Israel is "out of the question." PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Mahmud 'Abbas calls the statement "political chicanery," but "a kind of retreat." (RMC 3/13, 3/14 in FBIS 3/15; MM 3/15)

Fateh issues statement accusing Fateh Revolutionary Council (Abu Nidal) of carrying out assassinations in southern Lebanon and promoting intra-Palestinian discord. Fateh "will not allow this to happen." (RMC, VOL 3/13 in FBIS 3/16)

Pres. Asad meets with Pres. Hirawi in Damascus. (SARA 3/13 in FBIS 3/15)

PM Hariri says Lebanon will not disarm resistance groups fighting Israel in the south until Israel withdraws from Lebanese territory. (Radio Lebanon 3/13 in FBIS 3/16)

IDF fires at car in Hebron, killing 3-year-old Palestinian girl. (Qol Yisra'el 3/14 in FBIS 3/15; WT 3/15)

Rep. David Obey (R-WI), chmn. of House appropriations subcomm., suggests that Israel and Egypt may "one day" see their aid cut, as Pres. Clinton seeks to cut foreign aid by $2b over 5 years while increasing aid to Russia next year by $300m. Clinton has pledged to maintain current levels. (WT 3/9)

Israeli Dep. FM Yossi Beilin protests to British amb. in Israel over UK decision to upgrade PLO contacts. (IDF Radio 3/8 in FBIS 3/8)

Haydar'Abd al-Shafi calls on Hamas and Islamic Jihad to behave "in a responsible way" after 3/7 clash inside Gaza mosque. (al-Fajr 3/9 in FBIS 3/9)

Jerusalem Post reports on quota for Arab pop. of Jerusalem set by govt. in 1973, consistently enforced through housing plans-in 1967, Arab pop. was 26% of total, today is 27%. City council may appeal the legality of the discriminatory quota to the High Court. (MM 3/8)

Elections at Hebron U. are postponed because of Ramadan and IDF's impeding access to campus (acc. to PLO supporters), or because PLO was afraid of defeat and wants more of its supporters inthe admin. (acc. to Islamists). PLO-Islamist fights ensue. Islamists have consistently won past elections. (MM 3/9)

Israel reopens Gaza checkpoints to Palestinian workers; 30,000 travel to jobs (see 3/2). Two Palestinians kill settler as he was driving them to work; Fateh Eagles claim responsibility. Settlers angrily protest, killing 1 Palestinian. (Qol Yisra'el 3/8 in FBIS 3/8; MM 3/8; WP 3/9)

IDF shoots Palestinian youth dead near Tulkarm. (ITV 3/8 in FBIS 3/9)

PLO official Khalid Muhammad al-Jassem is convicted of attempting to bomb three Israeli targets in New York City in 1973. (NYT 3/9)