Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities ban distribution of al-Fajr Arabic daily on the W. Bank and Gaza for 2 weeks on charges that the newspaper...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities ban distribution of al-Fajr Arabic daily on the W. Bank and Gaza for 2 weeks on charges that the newspaper...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Electric Company (JEC) and Ministry of Energy reach initial agreement whereby JEC gives up concession for Jewish settlements...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ira Rappaport is found guilty of involvement inthe 1980 bombing of former Nablus Mayor Bassam Shaka'a's car. Rappaport is released on $...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ira Rappaport, leader of Israel's Jewish settlement movement, is charged with 1980 bombing that seriously wounded Bassam Shaka'a, former...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian-American Prof. Muhammad Shadid announces that Israeli authorities have revoked his work permit, forcing him to leave the...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Yitzhak Shamir is sworn in as PM, replacing Peres according to 1984 rotation agreement; he will serve 25 months; wins 82-17 confidence...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Ashdod, Gaza, Arab municipal worker is stabbed by unknown attacker (JP 10/20).
Arab World: Arab League Council ends two-day...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Housing Minister David Levy inaugurates two new Jewish settlements in Gaza Strip, bringing total to 15 (NYT 10/9). Funeral of...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Former political prisoner Hasan 'Abd al-Qadir Ilayan of Gaza dies in mysterious explosion near home village of Bayt Lahya, Gaza. Ilayan...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli P.M. Peres pardons seven more Shin Bet agents from Gaza bus hijacking incident (CSM, FBIS 8/25). Peres leaves Jerusalem for two-...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Egyptian and Israeli negotiators on Taba dispute announce agreement on all but two conditions for arbitration: arbitrators and...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres meets with 25 non-PLO Palestinians from West Bank and Gaza, mostly pro-Jordanian Israeli-appointed mayors not previously...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Leaflet signed "Preparatory Committee of a JordanianPalestinian Gathering" is distributed in Jerusalem and Gaza calling on "silent...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. V.P. Bush in Jerusalem meets 18 West Bank and Gaza Palestinians, most of them known to be pro-Jordanian, who urge U.S. to recognize...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Report on Gaza Strip, compiled by Meron Benvenisti's West Bank Date Base Project, is published, says "the situation is hopeless," calls...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Rabin, in Knesset, says Wald report on condition of IDF distorts army's ability and performance [FT 5/21]. Colonel...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Six Palestinian lawyers from the West Bank petition the High Court for permission to establish a local bar association. (In 1979 a bar...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gaza resident and ex-political prisoner Zaki Statiyyah, from Jabaliyyah refugee camp, is deported to Jordan, bringing total of...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: A Jerusalem court convicts Israeli army Capt. Shlomo Leviatan and Maj. Ronnie Gila of complicity in bombings carried out by anti-Arab...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Defense Ministry's coordinator of occupied territories affairs, Shmuel Goren, leaves for U.S. in effort to raise $500 million for...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Anatoly Shcharansky states his concern for human rights remains undiminished, extends to his adopted country, Israel; states he would...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel deports 2 more Palestinians to Jordan: 'Adnan Ghanim and A. 'Abd al-Majid Radad, both West Bankers released in the 5/20/85...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports 4 more Palestinians have been served deportation orders: Hasan Mahmud Ahmad al-'Amudi and...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities ban distribution of al-Fajr Arabic daily on the W. Bank and Gaza for 2 weeks on charges that the newspaper violated censorship regulations [FJ 12/25]. Israeli police and border guards demolish 5 Arab houses in al-Khawalid in Galilee, leaving -more than 30 homeless. Several residents who were trying to block the demolitions are arrested [FJ 12/25]. Israeli soldiers shoot and wound Bayt Sahur youth suspected of firebombing an army bus [FJ 12/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Electric Company (JEC) and Ministry of Energy reach initial agreement whereby JEC gives up concession for Jewish settlements in the occupied territories to Israeli National Electric (IEC). JEC will continue to serve its Palestinian customers [FJ 12/19]. Senior Israeli officials dispute White House Chief of Staff Donald Regan's reported testimony that Israelacked Pres. Reagan's approval for August 1985 arms shipment to Iran [NYT 12/18]. Finance Minister Moshe Nissim announces plan for major reform that would "desocialize" Israel's economy. Histadrut threatens strike if program is implemented [WT 12/18]. Palestinians held in converted Gaza army camp protest conditions and treatment at detention center [FE 12/19]. Jerusalem police arrest 5 Jewish men accused of violence against Palestinians in the last 3 weeks. Charges range from illegal demonstration to stone throwing and battering a small child [F 12/25].
Arab World: Director of PLO Political Department 'Abd al-Latif Abu Hijlah meets with British Foreign Ministry representative Patrick Nixon in Tunis [FJ 12/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ira Rappaport is found guilty of involvement inthe 1980 bombing of former Nablus Mayor Bassam Shaka'a's car. Rappaport is released on $10,000 bail [LAT 12/11].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Students from Jabaliyyah refugee camp throw stones at Israeli soldiers during march through camp streets. Sixteen-year-old girl shot and injured during demonstration in Gaza City [FJ 12/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ira Rappaport, leader of Israel's Jewish settlement movement, is charged with 1980 bombing that seriously wounded Bassam Shaka'a, former mayor of Nablus. Rappaport surrendered to police when he returned from 3-year stay in U.S. [WP 12/10].
Arab World: Egypt accuses Israel of using "violent repressive measures" against Palestinian protestors in occupied territories [BS 12/10; FJ 12/12].
Other Countries: Before the House Foreign Affairs Com., former U.S. National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane testifies that Israeli official David Kimche supplied him with a list of more than 800 "moderate" Iranian leaders. Vice Adm. John Poindexter, Lt. Col. Oliver North, and retired Air Force Gen. Richard Secord refuse to answer questions before the committee [WSJ 12/10].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Estimated 1,000 students and faculty members hold peaceful march from Birzeit U.'s new campus to the closed old- campus. Israeli troops force businesses in Ramallah, al-Birah, and Nablus to open [FJ 12/12]. Israeli military spokesman says troops fired in self-defense and student demonstration was "prepared in advance" [JP 12/10]. Palestinian youth is shot and seriously wounded in fight with Israeli soldier in Gaza; another is wounded when soldiers fire at stone-throwing marchers. Four Palestinians have been killed, at least 27 wounded in the last 6 days of Arab rioting [NYT, WP 12/10].
Arab World: Soviet ambassador in Beirut says his government is trying to mediate in battle between Amal and PLO [BS 12/10].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian-American Prof. Muhammad Shadid announces that Israeli authorities have revoked his work permit, forcing him to leave the country when his visa expires. Israeli action comes after the publication of a poll Shadid conducted showing that most Palestinians in the W. Bank and Gaza consider the PLO their representative [LAT 11/19; NYT 11/21]. General strike in E. Jerusalem protests Jewish anti-Arab violence that has erupted since the stabbing of a Jewish seminary student [FJ 11/21]. Israeli High Court upholds government decision to confiscate land from Sur Bahir, near Bethlehem. Land owners are fined for delaying forestry projects [FJ 11/21].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Yitzhak Shamir is sworn in as PM, replacing Peres according to 1984 rotation agreement; he will serve 25 months; wins 82-17 confidence vote in Knesset (WP, NYT 10/21). Two Gaza residents are attacked by three Israelis posing as policemen a day after an Arab is stabbed in Ashdod (FJ 10/24).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Ashdod, Gaza, Arab municipal worker is stabbed by unknown attacker (JP 10/20).
Arab World: Arab League Council ends two-day meeting, 86th ordinary session, in Tunis in presence of nine foreign ministers; condemns Hasan-Peres meetings; agrees to hold first summit meetings in four years (date and place to be set). Council decides member states will sever diplomatic ties with Ivory Coast to protest opening of Ivorian embassy in Jerusalem (FBIS, WP 10/20; AFP 10/19).
Military Action
Arab World: IDF confirm Israeli fighter pilot, shot down 10/16, is being held by Amal (NYT 10/20).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Housing Minister David Levy inaugurates two new Jewish settlements in Gaza Strip, bringing total to 15 (NYT 10/9). Funeral of slain Israeli settler in Gaza erupts into anti-Arab demonstration; crowdshout "Death to Arabs," military authorities close dozens of Arab shops in Gaza City (NYT, WP 10/9).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Former political prisoner Hasan 'Abd al-Qadir Ilayan of Gaza dies in mysterious explosion near home village of Bayt Lahya, Gaza. Ilayan was one of 605 released in 20 May prisoner swap between Israel and PFLP-GC (FJ 9/12).
Military Action
Arab World: Three French UNIFIL soldiers killed byt roadside landmine east of Tyre. Bomb is believed to have been planted by Shi'i militiamen (NYT 9/6).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli P.M. Peres pardons seven more Shin Bet agents from Gaza bus hijacking incident (CSM, FBIS 8/25). Peres leaves Jerusalem for two-day visit to Cameroon (with which Israel is to reestablish diplomatic relations) (CSM 8/25). Knesset Interior Committee recommends demolition of Arab village of al-Zubaydat, on grounds that homes were built "without license on state land" (FJ 8/29). In Golan Heights, Arab residents distribute leaflet rejecting their inclusion on Israeli voter registration roll (FJ 8/29).
Military Action
Arab World: Amal holds ceremony to commemorate killing of Shi'a militiamen in fight with French UNIFIL soldiers (FRIS 8/26).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Egyptian and Israeli negotiators on Taba dispute announce agreement on all but two conditions for arbitration: arbitrators and demarcation of boundaries of 700-meter beach [NYT, WP 8/11].
Arab World: In Baghdad, PLO Executive Committeends 2-day meeting with statement condemning U.S., Israeli, and jordanian plans to improve conditions in West Bank and Gaza as attempts to perpetuate Israeli occupation, calls for unity among all Palestinian factions [NYT 8/11; FJ 8/14].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF conducts military exercises on Golan Heights [JTA 8/11].
Arab World: IDF helicopter gunships attack Fateh and Abu Musa faction positions at 'Ain al-Hilwah and Mieh Mieh refugee camps in S. Lebanon following rocket attacks from S. Lebanon into Galilee [NYT, WP 8/111. Rivals for control of the Christian militias in Lebanon strike each other: Lebanese Forces rebel against leader Samir Ja'ja' and seize control of East Beirut [PI 8/11], hold it for 24 hours [LT 8/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres meets with 25 non-PLO Palestinians from West Bank and Gaza, mostly pro-Jordanian Israeli-appointed mayors not previously involved in peace process, to discuss plans to appoint Arabs from the occupied territories to head various departments of the Israeli military govemorates in the occupied territories and to give these officials powers to run daily affairs; Peres also suggests Arabs may be appointed mayors to West Bank cities which are currently run by Israeli officers [BG, JTA 8/4; FJ 8/8]. Chicago Tribune reports that P.M. Peres and Defense Minister Rabin approved plan to send $2 billion worth of weapons to Iran, in violation of U.S. policy [CT 8/3].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Leaflet signed "Preparatory Committee of a JordanianPalestinian Gathering" is distributed in Jerusalem and Gaza calling on "silent majority" to block the "opportunists" and support King Hussein's policies [FJ 8/1]. Israeli High Court rules the govt. may expel 45 American-born "Black Hebrews"; Interior Ministry spokesman says they will be deported within a few days [NYT 7/30].
Arab World: U.S. V.P. Bush arrives in Amman to meet King Hussein [NYT 7/31].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. V.P. Bush in Jerusalem meets 18 West Bank and Gaza Palestinians, most of them known to be pro-Jordanian, who urge U.S. to recognize the PLO [NYT 7/30, FJ 8/1, 8/8]. Israeli Central Planning Committee hears objections by 7 West Bank villages to an Israeli plan to confiscate 3,500 dunums of village land for constructing a highway linking Jerusalem with the village of Kufr Qasim [FJ 8/1].
Military Action
Arab World: Car bomb explodes in Muslim West Beirut, killing 25 and wounding 180, while mass funeral is being held in East Beirut for the victims of 7/28 bombing [NYT, WP 7/30].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Report on Gaza Strip, compiled by Meron Benvenisti's West Bank Date Base Project, is published, says "the situation is hopeless," calls territory "atime bomb" [LT 5/24].
Arab World: The New York Times reports President Mubarak and King Hussein met recently to discuss Egyptian-backed Palestinian self-rule in Gaza. Deposed Gaza Mayor Rashad al-Shawwa suggested idea, which would involve Egyptian consular services in East Jerusalem, Egyptian bank in Gaza, and legislative council [NYT 5/23]. Yasir Arafat declares to al-Bayan (Dubai) that PLO has decided to end its military presence in Tunisia.
Military Action
Arab World: New combat breaks out around Burj al-Barajinah, Sabra, and Shatila camps between Amal and Palestinians [OJ 5/24].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Rabin, in Knesset, says Wald report on condition of IDF distorts army's ability and performance [FT 5/21]. Colonel Emanuel Wald, former head of IDF planning, had accused the army on Israel TV of having buried his 700-page report on IDF weaknesses. Four men and 2 women, all of Nablus, are indicted by military court for kidnap-murder of Israeli soldier David Manos and membership in Fateh. Ibrahim 'Abdallah of Dayr Ballut is named ringleader [JP, JTA 5/21]. Italian Foreign Minister Andreotti meets deposed Hebron Deputy Mayor Mustafa Natshah, Gaza lawyer Fayez Abu Rahmah, deposed Gaza Mayor Rashad al-Shawwa, and al-Fajr editor Hanna Siniora [FJ 5/23].
Arab World: King Hussein orders arrest of leadership of Jordanian Communist party [NYT 5/21].
Military Action
Arab World: In suburban Beirut, Amal militiamen fight Palestinians for control of Burj al-Burajinah refugee camp, killing 2 and wounding 33. (Camp population: 11,000) [CSM 5/21].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Six Palestinian lawyers from the West Bank petition the High Court for permission to establish a local bar association. (In 1979 a bar association was set up in Gaza for the lawyers working there) [JP 5/6]. Israeli military court in Lod sentences 2 Palestinians from inside the Green Line to 21 years imprisonment for planting bombs in Israeli neighborhoods, finds them guilty of membership in the PFLP [JP 5/6]. Nablus military court sentences another Palestinian to 21 years imprisonment for stabbing an Israeli soldier in the chest on 12/14/85 [JP 5/6]. Presidents of Uruguay and Israel issue joint statement affirming the friendship between their countries and support for the M.E. peace process [JTA 5/6].
Arab World: Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad arrives in Amman for talks with King Hussein, his first visit to Jordan in 6 years [NYT, WP 5/6].
Other Countries: The leaders of the 7 largest industrial democracies, meeting at the Tokyo summit, adopt a joint statement condemning terrorism as an international scourge that "must be fought relentlessly and without compromise"; Libya is specifically mentioned as a source of terrorism [NYT, WP 5/6]. U.S. State Dept. calls on Syria to expel Abu Nidal organization from territory under its control [NYT 5/6].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gaza resident and ex-political prisoner Zaki Statiyyah, from Jabaliyyah refugee camp, is deported to Jordan, bringing total of Palestinians deported from the occupied territories since the onset of the "iron fist" policies last August to 34 [FJ 5/2]. Over 5,000 Israeli supporters of Gush Emunim stream into Hebron for a mass visit to the city; the visits are in the guise of Passover "tours" of Jewish sites and coincide with the 18th anniversary of the first Jewish "settlement" in Hebron during Passover week of 1968 when Rabbi Moshe Levinger brought a small group ostensibly for aseder in a hotel and then stayed, defying the government to evict them [JTA 4/28].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: British tourist Paul Appleby is shot dead outside the Garden Tomb in East Jerusalem [NYT, WP 4/28].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: A Jerusalem court convicts Israeli army Capt. Shlomo Leviatan and Maj. Ronnie Gila of complicity in bombings carried out by anti-Arab Jewish underground group [JP, WP 4/15]. U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Murphy meets with Bethlehem Mayor Iliyas Furayj at reception at American consulate in East Jerusalem; reports circulate that they discussed the "Gaza first" proposals being floated by some circles in Jerusalem; Murphy confirms he attempted to ease tensions between Israel and Syria during recent meetings with Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad [JP 4/15]. Students at Hebron Polytechnic demonstrate in protest of Tehiya convention; 70 students are arrested [JP 4/15; FJ 4/18].
Arab World: West Bank Palestinians travelling to Jordan are experiencing increased bureaucratic harassment, including passport confiscation and interrogation by Jordanian authorities; moves seem to be targetting Fateh supporters [JP 4/14].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Defense Ministry's coordinator of occupied territories affairs, Shmuel Goren, leaves for U.S. in effort to raise $500 million for Israeli scheme to "improve the quality of life" in the West Bank and Gaza; Palestinians oppose the objective of the trip, calling it a "prelude to autonomy" [FJ 3/21]. Ariel Sharon begins to mediate between Yitzhak Shamir and David Levy, rivals for control of the Herut party [NYT, TS 3/17].
Other Countries: U.S. State Dept. Counselor Edward Derwinski, returning from trip related to refugee affairs, states Palestinians displaced in the Arab-Israeli wars are "permanent refugees" and should be absorbed by the Arab world [JP 3/16; JTA 3/17]. Americans for a Safe Israel holds 1986 national conference [JW 3/28].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Anatoly Shcharansky states his concern for human rights remains undiminished, extends to his adopted country, Israel; states he would like to compare Israeli prison life to Soviet prison life, learn Arabic, visit West Bank [WP 2/19].
Other Countries: European Court of justice upholds Britain's right to ban North Sea oil exports to Israel [WSJ, JC 2/19].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Grenade is thrown at Israeli foot patrol in Gaza City, wounding 5 soldiers [JP 2/19].
Arab World: Israeli army moves large numbers of reinforcements into S. Lebanon, well beyond the "security zone," in search for 2 soldiers captured 2/17; tanks and helicopter gunships are employed [WP, LAT 2/19]. Iranian-linked Muslim faction warns it will kill 2 captured Israelis if army does not withdraw from S. Lebanon within 24 hours [NYT 2/19].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel deports 2 more Palestinians to Jordan: 'Adnan Ghanim and A. 'Abd al-Majid Radad, both West Bankers released in the 5/20/85 prisoner exchange. Ghanim was brutally tortured during his detention since 12/22/85, suffering severe head injury [FJ 2/14]. Peres proposes "devolution" of local, municipal affairs into hands of occupied territories residents states he is not advocating "unilateral autonomy" [JP 2/11]. Israelis, Palestinian leaders in occupied territories reject unilateral autonomy [MG, JP 2/11].
Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports 2 leading Palestinian diaspora leaders, Prof. Walid al-Khalidi, of Harvard University, and Hassib al-Sabbagh, Geneva-based financier, visited Amman last week to participate in negotiations between King Hussein, Yasir Arafat [JP 2/10]. Al-Fajr editor Hanna Siniora and Gaza lawyer Fayiz Abu Rahmah also participated in negotiations between Wat Cluverius and Yasir Arafat [JTA 2/10].
Military Action
Other Countries: Newsweek reports U.S. 6th Fleet jets have secretly been practicing precision attacks in the Negev desert for over 3 months [NWK 2/10].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports 4 more Palestinians have been served deportation orders: Hasan Mahmud Ahmad al-'Amudi and Jalal Hafiz Hisham 'Azayzah, both from Gaza, and Mahmud Fanun, from the West Bank, are charged with working for the PFLP; Adnan Ghanim, from Hebron, is charged with infiltrating from Jordan [JTA 1/28]. Bank of Israel announces Israel's foreign debt totalled $23.915 billion at end of last September [JP 1/28]. Kalandiya refugee camp residents attack soldier, try to steal his weapon after he hits a woman, girl with army vehicle while dodging stones thrown at him; police launch investigation into incident [JP 1/28].