In Damascus, Arab foreign ministers agree to coordinate stands during peace conference, not to strike separate deals with Israel. Syria failed to garner support for proposal that none of the...
October 24, 1991
October 23, 1991
Prime Min. Shamir indicates he will head Israeli delegation to the peace conference, not FM David Levy. Invitations sent to the parties by the U.S., USSR had called for talks at the "ministerial...
October 19, 1991
Chmn. Arafat meets Pres. al-Asad in Damascus, the first time the two bitter rivals have met since 1983. The two reportedly agree that the multilateral Arab-Israeli talks on regional cooperation,...
October 17, 1991
PLO Central Comm. approves formation of joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation. (Radio Monte Carlo, Tunisian Republic Radio 10/18 in FBIS 10/18)
Soviet FM Boris Pankin arrives in Israel for...
April 11, 1991
After meeting in Washington with European leaders, Pres. Bush says U.S. and EC are in "total agreement' about the establishment of refugee shelters for Kurds in northern Iraq; Bush shies away from...
April 6, 1991
Iraq formally accepts U.N. Sec. Council cease-fire resolution; "While declaring that this resolution is unjust, [we] have found there was no other choice than to accept it in order to defeat the...
March 25, 1991
White House and State Dep't. denounce Israeli decision to deport 4 Gaza Palestinians, suggesting that action could jeopardize efforts to bring about peace; Israeli Housing Minister Ariel Sharon...
March 13, 1991
Sec. Baker holds 7-hour meeting with Pres. Asad in Damascus; American officials decline to comment on contents [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 3/14; CSM 3/15; MET 3/26].
Palestinian human rights workers...
In Damascus, Arab foreign ministers agree to coordinate stands during peace conference, not to strike separate deals with Israel. Syria failed to garner support for proposal that none of the delegations would attend the third-stage talks on regional issues until Israel returned occupied Arab territories. (MEM 10/24; NYT 10/25)
In another move toward Saudi-PLO reconciliation, PLO Pol. Dept. Head Faruq al-Qaddumi meets with Saudi FM Prince Sa'ud al-Faysal while both attend Damascus foreign ministers meeting. The meeting, brokered by Egyptian pres. Husni Mubarak, was their first since the Gulf war, and reportedly led to Sa'ud pledging to restore Saudi ties with PLO. (MEM 10/25)
Palestinian delegate Sa'ib 'Urayqat creates an uproar in Israel by declaring to the press that "we are the PLO delegation." Palestinian negotiator Faisal Husseini later states that 'Urayqat was speaking for himself. (NYT 10/2)
Faisal Husseini announces seven Palestinians will form an advisory committee to work with the steering committee attached to the Palestinian delegation to the peace conference. They are: Radwan Abu 'Ayyash, Ziyad Abu Zayyad, Ahmad al-Yazji, Jamil Tarifi, Radi Jara'i, Salih Abu Laban, 'Abd al-Hadi Abu Khawsh. (MEM 10/25; Voice of Palestine 10/26 in FBIS 10/28)
Some 300 Palestinian fighters opposed participation in the peace talks occupy the offices of Fateh in the 'Ayn al-Hilwa refugee camp near Sidon, S. Lebanon, and overrun much of the rest of the camp. Action was reportedly led by Maj. Munir Makda, commander of Force 17, Fateh's security force. (NYT 10/25)
Ten Palestinian groups which had been attending Tehran-based conference on Palestine sign 13-point statement denouncing Madrid peace conference, calling for escalation of intifada. Among signatories were PFLP, DFLP [Hawatma faction], Palestinian Popular Struggle Front, al-Sa'iqa. (Radio Monte Carlo 10/24 in FBIS 10/25)
Israel re-opens its embassy in Moscow, closed since the USSR broke diplomatic relations with Israel in 1967. (NYT 10/25)
Lebanese Pres. al-Hirawi states Ta'if accord calls for "redeployment-not a withdrawal-of Syrian forces," but suggests that if Israel withdrew from S. Lebanon, Syria would withdraw its forces from Lebanon. (MEM 10/24)
Prime Min. Shamir indicates he will head Israeli delegation to the peace conference, not FM David Levy. Invitations sent to the parties by the U.S., USSR had called for talks at the "ministerial level," a diplomatic phrase usually interpreted to mean participation by officials holding rank of foreign minister or below. (NYT 10/24)
Arab foreign ministers representing Syria, Egypt, Jordan, along with representative of Lebanon's foreign ministry and head of PLO political department meet in Damascus to discuss strategies for peace conference. They were later joined by foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, representing the Gulf states, and Morocco, representing North African states (except Libya). (MEM 10/23)
Strike called for 10/22 by three groups in o.t. partially observed in E. Jerusalem, elsewhere in West Bank, but not in Nablus, Jenin. Residents of Gaza city observe strike, but not those in the refugee camps. (MEM 10/25)
Members of the Jewish Ateret Cohanim seminary move into a house in the Muslim quarter of E. Jerusalem. Group claims the house was owned by Jews driven out by Palestinian rioting in 1929. Settlers occupying a building in Silwan seized 10/9 from Palestinian residents petition Israeli high court of justice to allow them to remain. Group also seeks permission to move into four other buildings from which they had been evicted by police. (MEM 10/24)
European Community official announces EC, Israel have reached agreement over long-standing dispute over status, place of residence of EC official who will be sent to monitor EC economic aid to Palestinians in the o.t. EC had sough to post the official in the territories; Israel objected, seeking to place the representativen Tel Aviv instead. The EC has set aside $100 million in aid for Palestinians in the o.t. (MEM 10/24)
Human rights organization Middle East Watch issues report on condition of 18,000-20,000 stateless Palestinians in Kuwait. The Palestinians, who were either born in Gaza during the British Mandate, during the period of Egyptian administration of Gaza (1948-67), or who are descendants of those born there, have lived in Kuwait for decades but do not hold citizenship in any country. They do not carry Israeli Gaza identity cards but merely hold Egyptian travel documents, and are thus unable to legally live anywhere. According to the report, Kuwait intends to expel these persons to Iraq 11/15. (MEM 20/24)
Chmn. Arafat meets Pres. al-Asad in Damascus, the first time the two bitter rivals have met since 1983. The two reportedly agree that the multilateral Arab-Israeli talks on regional cooperation, envisaged as the third-stage of the peace process, would be futile unless Israel agrees to withdraw from the o.t. (MEM 10/21)
Asad had earlier met with Soviet FM Pankin, while FM al-Sharaa received the U.S., Soviet ambassadors who issued invitation to attend the peace conference. Syria indicated it would formally respond to the invitation in a few days' time. (WP 10/20)
Palestinian negotiator Faisal Husseini submits list of 14 Palestinian delegates to peace conference to U.S. consul in Jerusalem. (WP 10/20)
Jordan formally accepts the U.S.-Soviet invitation to attend peace conference. (WP 10/20)
Gulf Cooperation Council Secy. Gen. 'Abdullah Bishara indicates he will head GCC delegation to peace conference. (AFP 10/19 in FBIS 10/21)
Israel reports it has received positive information that one of its five missing soldiers in Lebanon, Yossi Fink, is dead, in a move which may expedite the ongoing comprehensive prisoner-hostage exchange negotiations. (WP 10/20)
"International Conference in Support of the Islamic Revolution in Palestine" opens in Tehran with 800 delegates from 60 countries in attendance. PNC Speaker 'Abd al-Hamid Sa'ih, delegates from the main constituent PLO groups attend, as do representatives of Hamas, Islamic Jihad of Palestine [Fathi Shaqaqi], and groups within the Palestinian National Salvation Front. Iranian pres. Hashimi Rafasanjani declares Iran is willing to send troops to help establish a Palestinian state. (WP 10/20; MEM 10/21, 10/23)
PLO Central Comm. approves formation of joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation. (Radio Monte Carlo, Tunisian Republic Radio 10/18 in FBIS 10/18)
Soviet FM Boris Pankin arrives in Israel for talks with Israeli leadership, Palestinian negotiators, Secy. of State Baker. Visit is first visit by Soviet foreign ministry since USSR broke diplomatic relations with Israel in 1967. (WP 10/19)
Iranian Pres. Ayatollah 'Ali Khamane'i denounces peace conference, calls upon Muslims to participate in jihad to liberate Palestine. (MEM 10/23)
In Damascus, Presidents al-Asad, al-Hirawi co-chair first meeting of Syrian-Lebanese Supreme Council, set up by the May 1991 Syrian-Lebanese Treaty of Brotherhood, Cooperation and Coordination to coordinate affairs of the two countries. (Syrian Arab Republic Radio 10/17 in FBIS 10/21)
After meeting in Washington with European leaders, Pres. Bush says U.S. and EC are in "total agreement' about the establishment of refugee shelters for Kurds in northern Iraq; Bush shies away from "enclaves" that could later be used as claim to statehood by Kurds [NYT, WP, LAT, MEM 4/12].
In Damascus, Sec. Baker reportedly tries to persuade Pres. Asad to agree in principle to U.S. proposal for regional peace conference between Israel and Arab nations; officialsay talks were "inconclusive" [NYT 4/12; MET 4/23].
P.M. Shamir and several members of his cabinet unite behind firm rejection of Sec. Baker's suggestions that Israel curtail expansion of Jewish settlements in o.t. as goodwill gesture for peace [WP, CSM 4/12; JDS, JTN 4/11 in FBIS 4/12].
Sec. Baker meets in Cairo with Saudi and Egyptian officials, reportedly discussing how Palestinians would be represented at peace conference [WP, CSM 4/12].
American officials admit that U.S., Saudi Arabia, and some other Arab countries are looking to groom new Palestinian leadership to replace PLO [LAT 4/1.2; APS 4/18 in FBIS 4/18].
Iraq extends amnesty for Kurds for additional week, as 4/5 offer of amnesty is due to expire. Kurds not suspected of felonies may return home without retribution (cf. 4/18) [INA 4/11 in FBIS 4/12].
Iraq formally accepts U.N. Sec. Council cease-fire resolution; "While declaring that this resolution is unjust, [we] have found there was no other choice than to accept it in order to defeat the American-Zionist plot," says National Assembly speaker Saadi Mehdi Saleh [NYT, WP 4/7; BADS 4/7 in FBIS 4/8; INA 4/8 in FBIS 4/9; CSM 4/8; MET 4/16].
PLO leadership in Tunis endorses proposed meeting between Sec. Baker and o.t. Palestinians during Baker's upcoming visit to Israel [ADS 4/7 in FBIS 4/8].
Yasir Arafat arrives in Algeria, meets with Pres. Bendjedid to discuss postwar Gulf situation [AGS, APS 4/6 in FBIS 4/8].
Rep. Les Aspin, chrmn. of House Armed Services Committee, meets in Damascus with Pres. Asad. Aspin earlier met with King Hussein and Israeli D.M. Arens [DDS 4/6 in FBIS 4/9].
Israeli troops shoot dead 2 Palestinians in overnight clashes in West Bank [FJ 4/15; MET 4/16].
White House and State Dep't. denounce Israeli decision to deport 4 Gaza Palestinians, suggesting that action could jeopardize efforts to bring about peace; Israeli Housing Minister Ariel Sharon calls for mass deportations of activists from o.t. [LAT, WT 3/26].
Iraq submits to UN detailed list of Kuwaiti gov't. property it took from the emirate, including $457 million in gold and $600 million in currency [LAT 3/26].
Bahraini F.M. says that overall "security arrangement" will be negotiated to insure permanent military presence by Western and friendly Arab nations in Gulf region [NYT 3/26].
In interview with Toronto Star, Yasir Arafat offers peace plan, says PLO would accept UN buffer zone on Palestinian side of border between Israel and future Palestinian state [WT 3/26; AFP, JDS 3/25, AGS 3/26 in FBIS 3/26].
Pres. Asad and King Hussein meet in Damascus as part of Arab fence-mending effort [WT 3/26; ADS, DDS 3/26 in FBIS 3/26; MET 4/2].
Israelis successfully test fire Arrow antiballistic missile; it is 2d test flight, and coordinated with American military [JDS 3/25 in FBIS 3/26].
Sec. Baker holds 7-hour meeting with Pres. Asad in Damascus; American officials decline to comment on contents [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 3/14; CSM 3/15; MET 3/26].
Palestinian human rights workers and community leaders say more than 100 Palestinians have disappeared in the 2 weeks since allied forces recovered Kuwait; PLO says over 3,500 Palestinians have been detained at checkpoints. Bush admin. says this is "a big concern" [LAT, NYT, WT 3/14].
Taking 1st clear step to aid Iraqi insurgents, Pres. Bush accuses Iraq of violating cease-fire by using helicopter gunships against rebels; Bush warns Saddam Hussein against further use [NYT, LAT, WT 3/14; CSM 3/15].
Bush also warns Iran not to seize any Iraqi territory during rebellion [WP 3/14].
Demonstrators in Mosul, Iraq storm 2 prisons and release 4,000 political prisoners, according to Kurdish leaders. Clashes between loyalists and rebels are reported in Baghdad. Three-day Beirut conference of Iraqi opposition leaders ends with an appeal to Iraqi loyalists to help topple Saddam [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 3/14; KUNA, SANA, INRA 3/13 in FBIS 3/14].
Japan transfers equivalent of $8.6 billion to its Gulf Peace Fund, fulfilling its pledge of aid for allied forces, according to gov't. spokesperson. No mention is made of the fact that Japan had promised $9 billion [LAT 3/14].
Bassam Abu Sharif, advisor to Arafat, gives interview to Sky Television in which he suggests borders of Palestinian state are negotiable, offers other "concessions" (cf. 3/18) [AVP, BBC 3/13 in FBIS 3/14].
P.M. Shamir asks Aliyah Committee Chairman Ariel Sharon to withdraw his letter of resignation; Sharon complies [JDS 3/13 in FBIS 3/14].
Algerian National Television Service broadcasts 24-hour telethon to raise money for and express solidarity with people of Iraq [APS 3/14 in FBIS 3/14].