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  • December 24, 1991

    Third International Conference in Support of the Islamic Intifada in Palestine opens in Beirut. Speakers include Fateh-Uprising's Sa'id Musa Muragha (Abu Musa), Hizballah Gen. Secy. 'Abbas Musawi...

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  • October 24, 1991

    In Damascus, Arab foreign ministers agree to coordinate stands during peace conference, not to strike separate deals with Israel. Syria failed to garner support for proposal that none of the...

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  • October 22, 1991

    Faisal Husseini releases names of the fourteen Palestinians who will serve on the joint Palestinian-Jordanian negotiating delegation. Seven additional Palestinians will serve on a steering...

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  • October 21, 1991

    Chmn. Arafat travels to Egypt, his first trip to Egypt since the deterioration of PLO-Egyptian relations during the Gulf crisis. (MEM 10/21)

    At Tehran conference on Palestinian issue, PFLP-...

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  • June 4, 1991

    U.S. Def. Secy. Cheney announces proposed sale of 20 "Apache" helicopter gunships to Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, the second major arms transfer announced since Pres. Bush's 5/29 proposal to...

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  • May 15, 1991

    Arab League ministerial meeting opens in Cairo; in unopposed election, Arab League chooses Egyptian F.M. Esmat Abdel Meguid as its Sec.-Gen. for the next 5 years [MEM 5/15; WP, NYT 5/16; CDS, RMC...

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  • March 3, 1991

    U.S. forces round up more than 1,400 Iraqi soldiers-including a brigadier general-from island of Faylakah, the last piece of Iraqi-held Kuwaiti territory. Allies hold about 63,000 Iraqi POWs [LAT...

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  • February 16, 1991

    Arab members of coalition end 2-day meeting in Cairo, find Baghdad's conditions for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait unacceptable, call on Saddam to leave "without conditions or strings" [MENA 2/16 in...

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Third International Conference in Support of the Islamic Intifada in Palestine opens in Beirut. Speakers include Fateh-Uprising's Sa'id Musa Muragha (Abu Musa), Hizballah Gen. Secy. 'Abbas Musawi, representatives from Islamic Jihad [in o.t.], Hizballah Palestine. (Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran 12/24 in FBIS 12/26)

In Damascus, Arab foreign ministers agree to coordinate stands during peace conference, not to strike separate deals with Israel. Syria failed to garner support for proposal that none of the delegations would attend the third-stage talks on regional issues until Israel returned occupied Arab territories. (MEM 10/24; NYT 10/25)

In another move toward Saudi-PLO reconciliation, PLO Pol. Dept. Head Faruq al-Qaddumi meets with Saudi FM Prince Sa'ud al-Faysal while both attend Damascus foreign ministers meeting. The meeting, brokered by Egyptian pres. Husni Mubarak, was their first since the Gulf war, and reportedly led to Sa'ud pledging to restore Saudi ties with PLO. (MEM 10/25)

Palestinian delegate Sa'ib 'Urayqat creates an uproar in Israel by declaring to the press that "we are the PLO delegation." Palestinian negotiator Faisal Husseini later states that 'Urayqat was speaking for himself. (NYT 10/2)

Faisal Husseini announces seven Palestinians will form an advisory committee to work with the steering committee attached to the Palestinian delegation to the peace conference. They are: Radwan Abu 'Ayyash, Ziyad Abu Zayyad, Ahmad al-Yazji, Jamil Tarifi, Radi Jara'i, Salih Abu Laban, 'Abd al-Hadi Abu Khawsh. (MEM 10/25; Voice of Palestine 10/26 in FBIS 10/28)

Some 300 Palestinian fighters opposed participation in the peace talks occupy the offices of Fateh in the 'Ayn al-Hilwa refugee camp near Sidon, S. Lebanon, and overrun much of the rest of the camp. Action was reportedly led by Maj. Munir Makda, commander of Force 17, Fateh's security force. (NYT 10/25)

Ten Palestinian groups which had been attending Tehran-based conference on Palestine sign 13-point statement denouncing Madrid peace conference, calling for escalation of intifada. Among signatories were PFLP, DFLP [Hawatma faction], Palestinian Popular Struggle Front, al-Sa'iqa. (Radio Monte Carlo 10/24 in FBIS 10/25)

Israel re-opens its embassy in Moscow, closed since the USSR broke diplomatic relations with Israel in 1967. (NYT 10/25)

Lebanese Pres. al-Hirawi states Ta'if accord calls for "redeployment-not a withdrawal-of Syrian forces," but suggests that if Israel withdrew from S. Lebanon, Syria would withdraw its forces from Lebanon. (MEM 10/24)

Faisal Husseini releases names of the fourteen Palestinians who will serve on the joint Palestinian-Jordanian negotiating delegation. Seven additional Palestinians will serve on a steering committee and not participate in the actual talks. Chmn. Arafat asserts that the Palestinian delegates will represent the PLO because "every Palestinian is a member of the PLO." (NYT 10/23)

U.S. State Department indicates Secy. Baker will appoint a special Middle East representative to facilitate the bilateral negotiations which will constitutehe second phase of negotiations. (NYT 10/23)

PFLP, DFLP, Hamas issue joint statement in o.t. urging escalation of intifada, call for general strike 10/23 in opposition to peace conference. Statement also rejects claim that a majority of Palestinians favor talks. Spokesmen for PFLP, DFLP denounce 10/21 threat against Palestinian delegates issued by PFLP-GC head Ahmad Jibril in Tehran. Fateh also issues leaflet in o.t. calling on Palestinians to ignore PFLP-DFLP-Hamas call for strike on 10/23. (MEM 10/22)

Saudi Arabia releases $3 million to PLO. The funds, deducted from salaries of Palestinians working in Saudi Arabia as a "liberation tax," had been frozen following the deterioration of PLO-Saudi relations during the Gulf crisis. Agreement was recently reached about resuming transfers of the funds [see 9/26]. Some of the funds also came from Saudi donations to the Palestinian cause. (MEM 10/24)

Tehran conference on Palestine ends, establishes permanent secretariat in Tehran. (MEM 10/23, IRNA 10/23 in FBIS 10/24)

Chmn. Arafat meets with Lebanese pres. Ilyas al-Hirawin Paris, their first meeting since al-Hirawi's election as president. Talks focus on peace conference, Lebanese-PLO relations. (MEM 10/23)

Al-Hirawi later tells press conference that "not one shot" will be fired at Israel from Lebanon once Israeli forces are withdrawn from S. Lebanon. (MEM 10/23)

Chmn. Arafat travels to Egypt, his first trip to Egypt since the deterioration of PLO-Egyptian relations during the Gulf crisis. (MEM 10/21)

At Tehran conference on Palestinian issue, PFLP-GC Gen. Secy. Ahmad Jibril states Palestinian delegates to peace conference have "sentenced themselves to death." Arguments break out between delegates supporting, opposing participation in peace conference, including verbal exchanges between anti-Arafat delegates such as Sa'id Musa Muragha (Abu Musa), head of Fateh-Uprising, and PLO representatives. (MEM 10/22)

National Committee of Heads of Local Arab Councils, made up of mayors of Palestinian communities in Israel, votes unanimously to strike 10/24 and stage protest in Jerusalem to draw attention to under-financing of Arab municipalities by Israeli authorities. Vote comes in wake of increased calls for action on the question and strikes by Arab municipal workers demanding payment of back wages [see 8/20]. (MEM 10/22)

Israel releases 14 Lebanese prisoners held in Khiyam prison, S. Lebanon. A 15th detainee was released in Israel and returned to Lebanon. Islamic Jihad for Palestine in turn releases American hostage Jesse Turner. Turner had been held captivie since January 1987, and is the fourth Western hostage to be released since the current comprehensive, multilateral prisoner-hostage negotiations began earlier this year. (MEM 10/21, 10/22)

Israeli jets bomb Hizbullah headquarters in Jibshit, S. Lebanon, in retaliation for 10/20 deaths of three Israeli troops. (MEM 10/21)

U.S. Def. Secy. Cheney announces proposed sale of 20 "Apache" helicopter gunships to Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, the second major arms transfer announced since Pres. Bush's 5/29 proposal to limit arms supplies to region [see 5/30]. Cheney again denies any contradiction ipolicy. (NYT 6/5)

Israeli For. Min. Levy announces France has pledged $500 million in loan guarantees to build housing for immigrants to Israel. (MEM 6/5)

Israeli planes attack suspended Palestinian and Lebanese commando bases near Sidon, S. Lebanon, for second day. Two-day raids destroyed several ammunition, vehicle depots; 22 reported killed, 82 wounded in raids on bases of Fateh, PFLP, DFLP, Fateh-Revolutionary Council, Lebanese Popular Liberation Army. Raids are largest since the 1982 Lebanon war. (LAT 6/5; NYT, WP 6/6)

Prime Min. Shamir tells parliamentarians from Agudat Yisra'el party he opposes notion of "Jordan is Palestine," sees no value in replacing King Hussein with Arafat. (Radio Israel in FBIS 6/3)

Arab League ministerial meeting opens in Cairo; in unopposed election, Arab League chooses Egyptian F.M. Esmat Abdel Meguid as its Sec.-Gen. for the next 5 years [MEM 5/15; WP, NYT 5/16; CDS, RMC, MENA 5/15 in FBIS 5/16].

Meeting in Israel, Sec. Baker and P.M. Shamir draw up confidential document that acknowledges the obstacles to holding regional peace conference, but points toward fresh attempt to start Israeli-Palestinian talks [WP, LAT 5/16]. But Israel rejects Sec. Baker's proposals for bridging differences with Syria [MEM 5/15; NYT 5/16].

U.S. diplomatic and intelligence sources say that roughly 10 days ago, Israel told American military attaches in Tel Aviv that Israeli military action in southern Lebanon was possible; warning is seen as message to Lebanon and Syria not to take action against Israel-backed SLA [WP 5/16].

34-member team of international specialists arrive in Baghdad for week of on-site inspections of Iraq's nuclear facilities to ensure compliance with UN resolutions prohibiting Iraqi possession of weapons of mass destruction [MEM 5/15; WP, NYT, LAT 5/16].

Palestinians who met with Sec. Baker say that he told them American initiative did not envision eventual creation of Palestinian state: "Less than a state, more than autonomy," is how one participant put it [NYT, MEM 5/16].

On conclusion of 5-day meeting in Tunis Fateh Revolutionary Council calls for meeting of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and PLO to coordinate stands on Middle East issues [MENA 5/15, DUS 5/16 in FBIS 5/16].

U.S. forces round up more than 1,400 Iraqi soldiers-including a brigadier general-from island of Faylakah, the last piece of Iraqi-held Kuwaiti territory. Allies hold about 63,000 Iraqi POWs [LAT 3/4].

Refugees crossing into Iran and Syria from Iraq report demonstrations against Saddam Hussein has spread from Basra to 3 other cities in southern Iraq [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 3/4].

At UN, U.S. and allies offer to speed the flow of food and other relief supplies into Iraq after nonaligned nations press for formal easing of sanctions [NYT 3/4].

Pres. Mitterrand makes what diplomats describe as his clearest call yet for a Palestinian state [LAT 3/4]; Mitterrand also calls for international peace conference on Middle East [WP, MEM 3/4].

Presenting 9-item postwar agenda, Pres. Mubarak urges fresh start for Arabs, says Egyptians have no quarrel with Iraqi people and will help rebuild Iraq [LAT, NYT, WP, MEM 3/4].

UNLU issues call number 68, calling for "increased rallying around the PLO and adherence to it as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people" [AFP 3/3, JPD 3/4 in FBIS 3/5; AVP 3/5 in FBIS 3/6; MEM 3/5; JPI 3/16].

Israeli jets fly through Lebanese army machine gun fire and bomb Fateh base in southern Lebanon; it is 1st air strike since Gulf war ended [MEM 3/4; MET 3/12].

Israel lifts curfew on Gaza Strip for 1st time since 16 January, Gaza fishermen are permitted to put to sea; several towns and villages in W. Bank remain under curfew [MEM 3/4].

Arab members of coalition end 2-day meeting in Cairo, find Baghdad's conditions for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait unacceptable, call on Saddam to leave "without conditions or strings" [MENA 2/16 in FBIS 2/19; NYT 2/17]; countries also propose economic and defense arrangements to improve Middle East postwar security [WP 2/17], and reaffirm support for Palestinian state, without mention of PLO [MEM 2/18].

Soviet Union concludes conditions set by Baghdad for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait would render its 2/15 proposal meaningless [NYT, WP 2/17].

2 U.S. A-10 fighter-bombers are short down over Kuwait: Iraq says 130 civilians killed on 2/14 when British bombs hit marketplace in Falluja [AFP 2/16 in FBIS 2/19; NYT 2/17]. Iraq launches 2 SCUD missiles at southern Israel; no damage [JAA 2/16 in FBIS 2/19; NYT, MEM 2/18].

Likud supporters criticize MKs Dedi Zucker and Chaim Oron for their 2/13 report on settlement construction (see JPS 79), saying report led U.S. admin. to delay granting $400 million in housing loan guarantees [IDF 2/16 in FBIS 2/19].

As Israeli authorities continue selectively to release Palestinian workers from war-induced curfew, many Palestinians are finding Soviet Jewish immigrants have taken over their jobs, according to New York Times [NYT 2/17].

PLO revolutionary courts condemn to death, then execute, 20 Fateh members who had rebelled againstheir commander earlier in the week [NYT 2/17].

Yasir Arafat arrives in Amman from Iraq to meet King Hussein [NYT 2/17].