12 / 15500 Results
  • December 24, 1990

    Pentagon reportedly tells Pres. Bush that the dominant view held by American military officials is that U.S. troops will not be ready for offensive action against Iraq on 1/15, and that any attack...

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  • December 9, 1990

    More than 1,000 foreigners, including 163 Americans, fly out of Iraq; more flights are scheduled for 12/10 and 12/11 [NYT, LAT, WT, WP, CSM 12/10].

    Citing Defense Dep't. and White House...

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  • August 29, 1990

    White House formally announces sale of 24 jet fighters, 150 tanks, other hardware worth $2.2 billion to Saudi Arabia; sale causes concern among pro-Israel lobby and its congressional allies [MEM 8...

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  • August 14, 1990

    King Hussein flies to U.S. for meeting with Pres. Bush on Gulf crisis; Bush threatens to extend naval blockade to Aqaba if goods continue to flow from Jordan to Iraq [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 8/15].

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  • June 26, 1990

    Heads of state of 12 EC countries end 2-day summit in Dublin, issue statement on Middle East opposing Israeli settlement policy, calling for international conference, and for strengthening trade...

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  • April 30, 1990

    In speech marking 42nd anniversary of Israeli statehood Shamir says he will not "accept every proposal or idea of an American secretary of state." U.S. State Dep't. spokesperson Margaret Tutwiler...

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  • April 9, 1990

    Israel's Jewish Agency reports that during FY ending 3/31, only 175 of immigrants who were not sent to absorption centers settled beyond green line; also adds some 1,800 immigrants had settled in...

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  • March 28, 1990

    Likud and Labor accuse each other of trying to bribe rabbis from small religious parties who control deciding votes in attempts to form gov't. [WT 3/29].

    Customs officials in London...

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  • February 10, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Air Force source tells the Jerusalem Post that U.S. intends to sell 24 Apache attack helicopters to Egypt and 19 to Israel [JP 2...

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  • February 2, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel says it will give the U.S. a timetable for the expiration of its military contracts with South Africa [WP 2/3].


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  • February 1, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: The Jerusalem Post cancels publication of Essays on Human Rights, edited by Meron Benvenisti. Benvenisti sues to have...

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  • January 8, 1990

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF detains about 100 Palestinians in Ramallah area, seals 4 houses. In Gaza's Rimal neighborhood, army demolishes 1 house and seals another [FBIS...

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Pentagon reportedly tells Pres. Bush that the dominant view held by American military officials is that U.S. troops will not be ready for offensive action against Iraq on 1/15, and that any attack should be deferred until February at earliest (cf. 12/26) [NYT, WP 12/25].

Iraq recalls its ambassadors from major European capitals, Washington, and Tokyo for consultations over deadlock in Gulf crisis [NYT, LAT, WP 12/25].

Saddam Hussein reportedly says Tel Aviv will be his 1st target in the event war breaks out; Israel promises swift and terrible retribution if attacked [LAT, WT, WP 12/25].

The Satanic Verses author Salman Rushdie's statement from hidden location affirms his Muslim faith, says he will not publish paperback version of book (cf. 12/26) [LAT, WT 12/25].

Israel in 1990 received highest number of immigrants in one year since 1949; about 187,000 people, mostly Soviet Jews, have arrived to date, and authorities expect 200,000 by year's end [LAT, WT, WP 12/25].

Housing Minister Ariel Sharon announces gov't.'s plan to locate 2,500 more houses for Jewish settlers in o.t., almost certainly including new Soviet immigrants, despite past assurances new immigrants would not be settled in o.t. [WP 12/26; FJ 12/31].

W. Bank and Gaza observe general strike called for by UNLU; signs of Christmas are noticeably absent in Bethlehem [NYT, WT, WP 12/25].

Newly-appointed Lebanese P.M. Omar Karami forms 30-man pro-Syrian cabinet, half-Christian and half-Muslim. Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea refuses post because of cabinet's pro-Syrian tilt [BVL, BDS 12/24, AFP 12/25 in FBIS 12/26; AFP 12/24, BVL 12/26 in FBIS 12/27; NYT, WP 12/25].

More than 1,000 foreigners, including 163 Americans, fly out of Iraq; more flights are scheduled for 12/10 and 12/11 [NYT, LAT, WT, WP, CSM 12/10].

Citing Defense Dep't. and White House officials, New York Times reports Pentagon may have to ask Congress for additional $10 billion to $20 billion in spending authority to cover rising costs of Gulf deployment [NYT 12/10].

Sec. Baker says U.S. will not stand in way of talks between Iraq and Kuwait once Iraq complies with UN resolutions, leaving the 2 countries to negotiate anything, including fate of Bubiyan and Warba islands [MEM 12/10].

Jordan's King Hussein proposes Gulf peace plan that calls for compromise, talks among Arabs, and linking Palestine question to Gulf crisis [LAT, WP 12/10].

Former D.M. Yitzhak Rabin says "We must now recognize the fact that coexistence with the Palestinian population of the territories in one political framework has no chance," as New York Times reports that many Israelis are beginning to believe that only solution to Palestine question is permanent separation [NYT 12/10].

U.S. soldier in Saudi Arabia is killed when tractor-trailer truck overturns; he is 52d casualty of Operation Desert Shield [LAT 12/10].

Israeli soldier is killed, 2 are wounded when bombs explode outside military headquarters in Bethlehem; Palestinian is shot dead in Gaza after allegedly attacking soldier; Palestinians celebrate beginning of 4th year of intifada, despite being under curfew for 3d consecutive day [JDS 12/9 in FBIS 12/10, 12/19; LAT, WT, WP, MEM 12/10; CSM 12/11; BVP 12/11 in FBIS 12/12; JPI 12/15; MET 12/18].

Annual report issued by 'Uvda, the settlers' information center in Hebron, argues that number of incidents in o.t., such as stone throwing and placing barricades on roads, almost doubled in 3d year of intifada, rising from 39,411 incidents in 1989 to 71,754 in 1990 [HAA 12/10 in FBIS 12/13].

In Stockholm, retired lawyer Felicia Langer receives "Right Livelihood Award" for defending Palestinians in Israeli courts for more than 20 years [MEM 12/10]

White House formally announces sale of 24 jet fighters, 150 tanks, other hardware worth $2.2 billion to Saudi Arabia; sale causes concern among pro-Israel lobby and its congressional allies [MEM 8/29; LAT, CSM 8/30; WT 8/31; MET 9/11].

On tour of Gulf states, British defense secretary Tom King says he's sending 4 additional warships - 3 mine-hunters and 1 destroyer - to the Gulf [LAT 8/30].

U.S. C-5 military transport aircraft carrying supplies to Gulf troops crashes shortly after takeoff in W. Germany, killing 12 soldiers [MEM 8/29; NYT, LAT, WT, CSM, WP 8/30].

10 of 13 OPEC nations, meeting in Vienna, endorse temporary production increase to make up for supplies lost because of Gulf crisis; Iran opposes agreement, Libya and Iraq are absent [AFP 8/29 in FBIS 8/29; NYT, WP 8/30; CSM 8/31].

21-member World Islamic Council denounces Saudi Arabia for inviting "anti-Islamic U.S. troops" into Middle East [INRA 8/29 in FBIS 8/30].

Speech read on behalf of Yasir Arafat to meeting of UN nongovernmental organizations in Geneva says PLO does not take sides in Gulf crisis, links Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait to other "occupied" lands-Lebanon, Golan, and Palestine [AVP 8/29 in FBIS 8/30].

Qatar has expelled 20 PLO officials since beginning of Gulf crisis, according to Yasir Abd Rabbo [AFP 8/29 in FBIS 8/30]; Abd Rabbo also states that breaking the economic blockade against Iraq is an Arab responsibility [RAY 8/30 in FBIS 8/31].

Hamas distributes leaflet in O.T. calling for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait and Kuwaiti self-determination; UNLU also issues leaflet continuing its demand for withdrawal of foreign troops from Saudi Arabia and calls for strike on 9/26 "in solidarity with the Iraqi people" [JPD 8/30 in FBIS 8/30].

Japan unveils aid package to help finance international effort against Iraq, but package  draws criticism from U.S. because of absence of tangible aid to military buildup. Japanese program offers loans to Egypt, Turkey, and Jordan; sending 100 doctors, refrigeration equipment, and water to region (cf. 8/31) [MEM 8/29; NYT, WT 8/30].

Bethlehem Mayor Elias Freij says he supports UN formula for unconditional Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait, believing it to be the only way to head off a new disaster for Palestinians [WP 8/301.

King Hussein flies to U.S. for meeting with Pres. Bush on Gulf crisis; Bush threatens to extend naval blockade to Aqaba if goods continue to flow from Jordan to Iraq [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 8/15].

U.S. admin. officials disclose Pres. Bush has secretly approved future transfer of $1 billion worth of sophisticated fighter aircraft and anti-tank missiles to Egypt; approval still must come from Congress [WP 8/15].

In Damascus, U.S. ass't. sec. of state John Kelly meets with Pres. Asad to discuss Gulf situation [DDS 8/14 in FBIS 8/ 15].

Israel's ambassador to U.S., Moshe Arad, meets with Sec. of State James Baker at Arad's request to talk about Gulf crisis [JDS 8/15 in FBIS 8/15; WP 8/16].

Bethlehem mayor Elias Frayj strongly criticizes U.S. action in Gulf, saying that Palestinians and Arabs will not allow Iraqis to starve [JDS 8/14 in FBIS 8/14].

Rabbi Moshe Levinger, Jewish settler leader, is released from prison after serving 13 weeks of sentence for killing W. Bank Palestinian in 1988 [LAT 8/15].

Heads of state of 12 EC countries end 2-day summit in Dublin, issue statement on Middle East opposing Israeli settlement policy, calling for international conference, and for strengthening trade links with O.T. [TDS 6/27 in FBIS 6/28; MEM 6/28].

Jean-Claude Amrie meets with 5 Palestinian academicians, is presented with 12- point memorandum outlining situation in O.T. [RMC 6/26 in FBIS 6/27].

Internal IDF paper recommends that chief of staff and defense establishment change criteria for reporting incidents in O.T. so that daily occurrences are more accurately portrayed [HAA 6/26 in FBIS 6/26].

Egypt's F.M. Esmat Abdel Meguid meets with Pres. Bush in Washington, no "breakthroughs" on peace process are reported, but U.S. interest in reviving process is affirmed [WP 6/28].

Bethlehem Mayor Elias Frayj meets with D.M. Moshe Arens to discuss situation in O.T. [JAA 6/26 in FBIS 6/28].

F.M. David Levy rejects Sec. Baker's formula for Israeli-Palestinian negotiation, echoes Shamir in saying talks cannot include deportees or E. Jerusalem residents [JPD 6/27 in FBIS 6/27].

B'Tselem issues report "Violence against Minors in Police Detention," which claims teenagers interrogated by police and Shin Bet agents are routinely beaten, chained in awkward positions or in "punishment cells" for hours at a time [JPD 6/26 in FBIS 6/27].

Syria rejects invitation from P.M. Shamir for Pres. Asad to go to Jerusalem for peace talks, calls the offer "a trick" [NYT 6/27].

In speech marking 42nd anniversary of Israeli statehood Shamir says he will not "accept every proposal or idea of an American secretary of state." U.S. State Dep't. spokesperson Margaret Tutwiler responds: "saying yes to Sec. Baker's questions meant saying yes to the gov't. of Israel's plan" [WP, WT, LAT 5/1].

Plans to build road in Cairo through ancient Jewish cemetery has provoked outcry. Pres. Mubarak, eager to preserve relations with world Jewish community, agrees to study alternatives that would keep Al Basatin cemetery intact [WT 5/ 1].

Yasir Arafat arrives in Cairo to seek Pres. Mubarak's support for an Arab summit in May [MET 5/8-14].

U.S. hostage Frank Reed is freed in Beirut after 43 months of captivity [NYT, WP, WT, LAT 5/1].

Pres. Bush thanks Syria and Iran for help in securing freedom for 2 Americans in past 9 days. Robert Pohill delivers private message from his captors to Pres. Bush [WP, WT, LAT 5/1].

U.S. State Dep't. releases annual report "Pattern of Global Terrorism," which lists Syria and Iran as chief sponsors of state terrorism [WP, WT 5/1].

Bethlehem Mayor Elias Freij, visiting New York, says 4/11 occupation of St. John's Hospice by Jewish settlers was "not an isolated incident" but "the beginning of a premeditated effort" by Jewish settlers to obtain control of Christian properties [NYT 5/6].

Israel's Jewish Agency reports that during FY ending 3/31, only 175 of immigrants who were not sent to absorption centers settled beyond green line; also adds some 1,800 immigrants had settled in Jerusalem. JDS adds 41,500 total immigrants arrived during FY; 23,019 did not go to absorption centers, but looked after themselves [HAA, JDS 4/9 in FBIS 4/10].

Washington Times, citing unnamed defense sources, reports Israel is "reasonably close" to first test flight of experimental interceptor that could strike down incoming ballistic missiles; but deployment of these Arrow interceptors is at least 5 years away [WT 4/9].

New York Times reports Shimon Peres seems assured of 61 Knesset votes, majority needed to form new gov't. [NYT 4/ 11].

Syria's Pres. Asad receives Senator Bob Dole; says he wants better relations with U.S. and peaceful settlement to Arab-Israeli conflict [NYT, WT 4/10; DDS 4/9 in FBIS 4/10].

Representatives of Abu Nidal's Fateh Revolutionary Council begin talks in Beirut with Belgian delegation on exchanging Palestinian jailed in Brussels for 4 Belgians held captive since 1987 [NYT 4/10].

Elias Freij, Bethlehem's mayor, meets in Washington with Sec. of State Baker, discuss opposition to O.T. settlements [jDS 4/10 in FBIS 4/10].

Dahaf organization publishes poll that finds 80% of those Israelis surveyed want to change current electoral system, 78% want to directly elect P.M. [YA 4/9 in FBIS 4/10].

Likud and Labor accuse each other of trying to bribe rabbis from small religious parties who control deciding votes in attempts to form gov't. [WT 3/29].

Customs officials in London discover 40 American-made trigger devices for nuclear weapons that were being smuggled into Iraq [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 3/29]; U.S. intelligence sources report Baghdad is installing Soviet-built medium-range ballistic missiles [WT 3/29].

Yasir Arafat meets with Nobel laureate Mother Teresa in Calcutta, India. Mother Teresa says she will try to visit Jerusalem and Bethlehem this year [LAT 3/29].

U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee approves provision to Israel's request for $400 million loan for Soviet Jewish housing. Provision reduces loan origination fee from usual 1% of loan to .25% of loan, saving Israel $3 million. Other legislation reduces annual service charges [WT 3/30].

Hungarian official says the national airline, Malev, soon will resume flying Soviet Jews to Tel Aviv from Budapest on its regular flights. Hungary suspended direct and charter flights of emigrant Jews on 3/ 21; the official says the charter flights will not be resumed (cf. 4/1) [WT 3/29; NYT 3/30].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Air Force source tells the Jerusalem Post that U.S. intends to sell 24 Apache attack helicopters to Egypt and 19 to Israel [JP 2/10].

Arab World: PLO sends to European Community amessage regarding Soviet Jewish emigration to Israel [FBIS 2/14].

Other Countries: New York Times reports on poll sponsored by Tel Aviv's Israel-Diaspora Institute of 1,310 U.S. Jewish leaders; 74 percent of respondents favor talks between Israeli officials and PLO "moderates" [NYT 2/10].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF troops shoot, wound at least 30 Rafah Palestinians in clash at funeral of Arab killed 2/7 [FBIS 2/12; MET 2/20].

IDF seals off Nablus, Tulkarm, Bethlehem, and parts of Gaza Strip as Palestinians celebrate the 8th anniversary of the outlawed Palestine Communist Party [MET 2/20].

Palestinian dies of wounds received 2/8 [FBIS 2/12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel says it will give the U.S. a timetable for the expiration of its military contracts with South Africa [WP 2/3].

Jerusalem Domestic Service reports that Israel is sending 150,000 aliyah invitations per month to USSR [FBIS 2/14].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF closes 2 gov't-run schools in Khan Yunis indefinitely for rock-throwing incident [FJ 2/ 12].

Israeli army bulldozes 4 Palestinian homes in Bethlehem area, 1 in Shaqba village, near Ramallah [FJ 2/12].

Army places Bayt Anan, northwest of Jerusalem, under curfew [FJ 2/12].

At least 4 Palestinians wounded in clashes with IDF throughout O.T. [FJ 2/5].


Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: The Jerusalem Post cancels publication of Essays on Human Rights, edited by Meron Benvenisti. Benvenisti sues to have the book published as planned [LAT 2/2].

Israeli daily Ha'Aretz reports that a new settlement called Dugit will be established in the Gaza Strip by March 1990; it will be the 16th settlement in the Strip [FBIS 2/1].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: IDF closes Bethlehem Boys and Girls Secondary Schools after students conduct strikes and sit-ins to protest high tuition costs [FJ 2/12]; 5 schools are closed in Gaza for stone throwing at IDF patrols [FBIS 2/2].

Israeli military vehicle strikes, kills, 6- year-old Palestinian [FJ 2/5].

Palestinians in Nablus demonstrate, smash windows of military and settler's cars [FJ 2/51.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF detains about 100 Palestinians in Ramallah area, seals 4 houses. In Gaza's Rimal neighborhood, army demolishes 1 house and seals another [FBIS 1/8].

4 houses in Qusrah and 4 more in Tuqu', both near Bethlehem, are demolished [FBIS 1/9].

2 Palestinians, including an 11-year-old, are shot dead by IDF troops in Bayt Rima, 2 others are wounded [FBIS 1/9].