Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel announces arrest of close to 50 "suspected terrorists" in Gaza Strip [LAT 10/15]. Mother of escaped prisoner recently killed in...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel announces arrest of close to 50 "suspected terrorists" in Gaza Strip [LAT 10/15]. Mother of escaped prisoner recently killed in...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gaza City shops observe 1-day strike [WP 10/11]. Yigdal Shahaf is shot in head, seriously wounded by unknown assailant near Damascus...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel lifts blackout on 10/6 shoot-out between IDF patrol and Palestinians in Gaza Strip [FJ 10/11]. District court in Jerusalem...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Yitzhak Shamir expresses anger over American Jewish Congress call for international peace conference and "realistic alternative"...
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israeli P. M. Yitzhak Shamir meets with 7 pro-Jordanian W. Bank Palestinians; the Palestinians later meet with Shmuel Goren, Israeli...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Kol Ha'Ir reports Herut Central Com. member Moshe Amirav has been holding secret meetings with Faysal Husayni, BZU Professor Sari...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military reports arrest on W. Bank of Fateh armed cell affiliated with Islamic Jihad [FJ 8/30]. Israeli Minister of Construction...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 'Isam Rushdi alShawwa refuses appointment as Gaza City mayor, insists elections must be held for municipal council [FJ 4/26].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops use force, tear gas to disperse women's demonstration in Ramallah, impose curfew on town and al-Birah. There are reports...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: F. M. Peres meets with 14 Palestinians in W. Jerusalem [FJ 3/271. Samiha Khalil, head of Family Rehabilitation Society, is denied...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Settlers close road near Rafah in retaliation for damage caused by Palestinian demonstrators [FJ 3/27].
Arab World: PLO spokesman...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel announces arrest of close to 50 "suspected terrorists" in Gaza Strip [LAT 10/15]. Mother of escaped prisoner recently killed in Gaza is released from detention [FJ 10/18]. Travel ban on Gaza residents is reinstated [FJ 10/18].
Arab World: Amal and PLO officials announce new agreement to end fighting around Sidon camps [CSM 10/15].
Other Countries: U.S. State Dept. announces PIO has been granted 6-week extension to comply with order closing the office [CSM 10/16].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians throw stones at IDF troops in E. Jerusalem. Israeli soldiers use tear gas to disperse demonstrating schoolgirls in Ramallah [LAT 10/15].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gaza City shops observe 1-day strike [WP 10/11]. Yigdal Shahaf is shot in head, seriously wounded by unknown assailant near Damascus Gate [WP 10/11; MET 10/24]. Caller allegedly from Force 17 later claims responsibility, charges Shahaf was Mossad agent [FJ 10/18]. Arab World: In speech to Jordanian Parliament, King Hussein blames Likud for dimmed prospects for peace conference, announces postponement of elections for lower house of Parliament for at least 2 years [WP 10/11]. PLO Executive Com. Chairman Yasir Arafat holds talks with Arab League Sec. Gen. Chedli Klibi in Tunis [FBIS 10/13].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In 3d consecutive day of violence in Gaza Strip, Israeli troops use live ammunition to disperse stonethrowing demonstrators at Gaza's Islamic University, injuring at least 3 students. In separate Gaza City incident, at least 8 Palestinians are wounded by Israeli troops firing live ammunition and tear gas at stone-throwing demonstrators [WP 10/11; FBIS 10/13].
Arab World: Hospitals near Sidon report 7 are killed, 10 wounded in daylong battles between Amal and Palestinian forces around 'Ayn al-Hilwah [WP 10/12]. IDF fighter planes strike PFLP target in Biqa' Valley [NYT 10/11; FBIS 10/13]. Lebanese fighters claim to down IDF helicopter during Biqa' raid; IDF denies allegation [FBIS 10/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel lifts blackout on 10/6 shoot-out between IDF patrol and Palestinians in Gaza Strip [FJ 10/11]. District court in Jerusalem upholds 6- month administrative detention order for Faysal Husayni, director of the Arab Studies Society [FJ 10/11]. Birzeit University students protest expulsion of Zakaria al-Nahhas, a graduate of BZU [FJ 10/11]. Military officials declare Gaza coast a closed military area, prohibiting fishermen from going to sea [FJ 10/11]. Sabah Hindi, brother of girl who died while in police custody, is released from prison [FJ 10/11]. Gen. Yitzhak Mordechai warns of clampdown on activities of Islamic Jihad [FBIS 10/8].
Arab World: PLO Central Com. ends 2-day meeting in Tunis [FJ 10/11]. Nabih Birri meets with Algerian Ambassador Hadi Missa'ud, requests Algerian intervention to enforce cease-fire in camps war [FBIS 10/8].
Military Action
Arab World: Palestinian fighters battle Amal forces in Maghdushah, Jinsnaya, and Baysur near Sidon [FBIS 10/7].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Yitzhak Shamir expresses anger over American Jewish Congress call for international peace conference and "realistic alternative" to military occupation of W. Bank and Gaza Strip [WP 10/7]. Sabah Hindi, whose sister died under mysterious circumstances while in police custody, is arrested and charged with plotting attack against border guards implicated in her death [FJ 10/11].
Other Countries: UNRWA Commissioner Gen. Giorgio Giacomelli calls on Amal to allow relief organization torebuild destroyed refugee camps before winter [FJ 10/11]. Fawwaz Yunis pleads not guilty in U.S. court to charges related to 1985 Beirut hijacking of Jordanianirplane [WP 10/7]. Faruq al-Qaddumi, head of PLO Political Department, meets with UN Sec. Gen. Perez de Cuellar in New York [FBIS 10/9].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza City, shoot-out between IDF patrol and Palestinians leaves 4 Palestinians, 1 Shin Bet officer dead; Israel alleges Palestinians belonged to Islamic Jihad; 2of the Palestinians killed escaped from Gaza Prison in May. Soldiers seize guns and ammunition found in Palestinians' possession. Police impose curfew [WP 10/8; FJ 10/11].
Arab World: Israeli warplanes conduct "mock raids" over 'Ayn al-Hilwah refugee camp near Sidon [MET 10/17].
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israeli P. M. Yitzhak Shamir meets with 7 pro-Jordanian W. Bank Palestinians; the Palestinians later meet with Shmuel Goren, Israeli coordinator for W. Bank, to discuss economic problems of the territory [FJ 10/11; MET 10/17]. Al-Fajr reports former Hebron Mayor Mustafa Natshah and Gaza attorney Fayiz Abu Rahmah have been denied permission to attend conferences abroad [FJ 10/4]. Abu Dis College of Science employees launch strike to protest ban on establishment of union [FJ 10/11]. Woman charged with attempting to stab Israeli border guard 10/2 is ordered back into custody [FJ 10/11]. Hebron University reopens after 2-week military-ordered closure [FJ 10/11]. Gaza taxi drivers file suit against city police department for excessive ticketing near Eretz crossing [FJ 10/11]. Palestinian youth wounded by IDF bullet dies in hospital [FJ 10/11]. Davar reports Irael and Nigeria have agreed to restore low-level diplomatic relations severed in 1973 [CSM 10/5].
Arab World: PLO accuses Amal of shelling Shatila refugee camp in attempt to undermine Sidon cease-fire agreement [FBIS 10/6].
Military Action
Arab World: SLA patrol attacks UNIFIL position, killing 1 Nepalese soldier [MET 10/17].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Kol Ha'Ir reports Herut Central Com. member Moshe Amirav has been holding secret meetings with Faysal Husayni, BZU Professor Sari Nusaybah, and al-Sha'b editor Salah Zuhaykah [FJ 9/27].
Arab World: PLO and Amal representatives announce agreement to end 3-year-long battle. PLO will give up posts near Sidon captured 10 months ago; Amal will halt siege of Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut and S. Lebanon [NYT 9/12; WP 9/13].
Other Countries: Israel confirms former ambassador to U. S. Meir Rosenne will serve as legal counsel to Israeli government in negotiations between U. S. and Israel to resolve Pollard spy case [WP 9/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military reports arrest on W. Bank of Fateh armed cell affiliated with Islamic Jihad [FJ 8/30]. Israeli Minister of Construction and Housing David Levy announces plan to establish 2 new settlements on W. Bank and to make Hadar Bitar settlement a settlement city [FJ 8/30]. Israeli crews, protected by soldiers and police, demolish 3 houses in Jenin area [FJ 8/30].
Arab World: Abu 'Ali Shahin, PLO representative in Lebanon, is injured in assassination attempt outside 'Ayn al-Hilwah refugee camp in Sidon [CSM 8/27; FJ 8/30].
Other Countries: U.S. Commerce Dept. levies $381,000 fine against NCR Corp. for participation by 9 subsidiaries in Arab boycott of Israel [WP 8/26].
Military Action
Arab World: In S. Lebanon security zone, 6 Israeli soldiers are wounded in mine explosion. Sources report mines were planted by SLA [CSM. 8/26]. Unidentified fighters attack UNIFIL patrol near Yatir, killing 1 Nepalese soldier, wounding 3 others [CSM 8/26].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 'Isam Rushdi alShawwa refuses appointment as Gaza City mayor, insists elections must be held for municipal council [FJ 4/26].
Arab World: Morocco's King Hassan bans all contact between Moroccans and PLO officialsfter PLO invites Polisario Front to attend PNC [FJ 4/26]. PLO officials state Abu al-'Abbas has become "too much of an embarrassment and a political liability" and is being dropped from Executive Com. [LAT 4/23].
Military Action
Arab World: In S. Lebanon, Israeli jets drop pamphlets waming against supporting anti-Israel fighters; Iraeli helicopters said alleged PLO bases near Sidon, wounding 13 [WP 4/24].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops use force, tear gas to disperse women's demonstration in Ramallah, impose curfew on town and al-Birah. There are reports of protests in Jalazun, Am'ari, Balatah, and Dahayshah refugee camps [FJ 4/12]. Students hold hunger strike at Bethlehem U. in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners [FJ 4/12]. Hebron's Polytechnic Institute is closed for 8 days after army finds "inciting material" at the school [FJ 4/12]. Student demonstration forces U.S. Consul General Morris Draper to suspend his visit to Birzeit University [FJ 4/12].
Other Countries: In Washington, Jordan's P. M. Zayd Rifa'i urges U.S. Sec. of State Shultz to support King Hussein's plan for international Middle East peace conference. King Hussein also promotes proposal with EEC members during meetings in Brussels [NYT 4/8]. Israeli F. M. Peres joins Palestinian and Soviet representatives at Rome meeting of Socialist International's Middle East Study Group discussion of possibilities for an international Middle East peace conference [WT 4/8]. W. German Chancellor Kohl meets with Israeli Pres. Herzog, expresses W. Germany's commitmento insuring Israel's security [LAT 4/8].
Military Action
Arab World: Syrian forces enter Shatila refugee camp in S. Beirut, ending 5-month Amal militia siege of camp; Ahmad Yamani (Abu Mahir), sec. of Palestine National Salvation Front, meets with other PLO leaders in Sidon to discuss PLO pullout from positions in the area [WP, NYT 4/8].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: F. M. Peres meets with 14 Palestinians in W. Jerusalem [FJ 3/271. Samiha Khalil, head of Family Rehabilitation Society, is denied permission to leave W. Bank to visit her injured children [FJ 2/27]. Officials release 5 Palestinians administratively detained in Jnaid Prison since Sept. 1986; 46 are still administratively detained at the prison [FJ 4/31.
Arab World: 'Abd al-Hamid al-Sa'ih announces Palestine National Council will convene in Algiers beginning 20 April [FJ 3/27].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli jets strike PLO base southeast of Sidon, killing at least 1 [PI 3/24].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Settlers close road near Rafah in retaliation for damage caused by Palestinian demonstrators [FJ 3/27].
Arab World: PLO spokesman denies American reports quoting Chairman Arafat as stating PLO would not have to participate in international conference [FJ 3/27].
Military Action
Arab World: Amal fighters shoot at group of women leaving Burj al-Barajinah refugee camp for supplies; 1 woman is killed, 1 injured [FJ 3/27]. Israeli fighter jets strike Palestinian base south of Sidon [FJ 3/27].