Vatican Undersecy. for Foreign Relations Msgr. Claudio Celli and Israeli Dep. FM Yossi Beilin sign 15-point "fundamental agreement" establishing diplomatic relations. (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 12/31)...
December 30, 1993
December 6, 1993
Secy. of State Christopher meets PLO Chmn. Arafat at U.S. embassy in Amman. At press conference after 2-hr. mtg., Arafat appeals for U.S. pressure on Israel to meet 12/13 deadline for withdrawal...
November 24, 1993
PLO-Israel talks on transfer of authority over health, education, and other services open in al-Arish, Egypt. Israeli delegation headed by Brig. Gen. Gadi Zohar, head of Civil Administration in...
November 21, 1993
PLO Chmn. Arafat orders Palestinian forces to prepare to enter o.t. to form Gaza-Jericho police force. (CSM, NYT, WT 11/22)
Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza issues...
November 18, 1993
Settlers demonstrate at Israel-Gaza Strip crossing points to protest 11/17 killing of IDF soldier Haim Darina, but IDF presents them fr. blocking roads. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility for the...
October 25, 1993
Israel begins release of 660 Palestinian prisoners over 2 days under agreement reached with PLO in Taba, Egypt (see 10/21). (NYT, WP, WT 10/26)
Attempted car-bomb attack in o.t. injures 2...
September 28, 1993
PFLP, DFLP announce they are exploring reuniting 2 leftist factions, split since 1969. Fateh Cent. Comm. mbr. Hani al-Hasan, an opponent of DoP, meets in Damascus with PFLP's Habash, DFLP's...
September 26, 1993
19-year-old alleged Hamas mbr. killed in abortive car-bomb attack in Gaza Strip. (NYT, WT 9/27)
PLO Chmn. Arafat concludes 2-day visit to Turkey, appealing for Ankara's continued support of...
September 25, 1993
19-year-old alleged Hamas mbr. killed in abortive car-bomb attack in Gaza Strip. (NYT, WT 9/27)
PLO Chmn. Arafat concludes 2-day visit to Turkey, appealing for Ankara's continued support of...
September 22, 1993
Gaza funeral of Muhammad Abu Sha'ban attracts over 2,000 mourners; message fr. PLO Chmn. Arafat calls on Palestinians "to reject violence and terrorism." (NYT, WT 9/23)
Egyptian Pres....
September 21, 1993
PLO Chmn. Arafat leaves for tour of China, Malaysia, and Indonesia after brief stopover in Cairo following talks with King Hussein in Amman. (MENA 9/21 in FBIS 9/22)
Fateh leader Muhammad...
September 20, 1993
Arab League FMs endorse DoP, declare the agreement "an important step toward realizing the land-for-peace principle," but that it "must be completed by immediate steps ... to guarantee Israeli...
September 15, 1993
Nayif Hawatmah of DFLP, George Habash of PFLP meet in Tripoli with Libyan leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi. Libya and Iraq are only Arab states to explicitly oppose PLO-Israel agreement. (NYT 9/16, 9/17...
September 11, 1993
PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. 'Abd Allah Hurani resigns in protest of DoP, Israel-PLO recognition, calls for emergency PNC meeting. (MENA 9/11 in FBIS 9/13)
IDF shoots 2 Palestinians dead, wounds 8...
September 1, 1993
Oslo talks btwn. PLO, Israel on mutual recognition adjourn. (NYT, WP 9/2)
Lebanese FM Faris Buwayz arrives in Damascus for talks with Pres. al-Asad, FM al-Shara' concerning DoP. (MM 9/1)...
August 31, 1993
Yediot Aharanot prints English text of Israeli-Palestinian Declaration of Principles (DoP), 1st publication of agreement. (MM, WP, WT 9/1)
Opening of 11th round bilateral Arab-Israeli peace...
August 24, 1993
PLO reportedly firing locally hired employees at PLO diplomatic missions, asking redundant Palestinian representatives to resign. (AFP 8/24 in FBIS 8/24)
Jordan's King Hussein, in interview...
August 14, 1993
PLO official Bassam Abu Sharif proposes forming Palestinian govt. in Jericho to negotiate final-status arrangements with Israel. Israeli Health Min. Haim Ramon rejects offer, but notes "PLO-Tunis...
August 5, 1993
Israeli Environment Min. Yossi Sarid is reported to have met with PLO official Nabil Shaath with PM Rabin's knowledge. Rabin's spokesman denies meeting was on behalf of PM. Shaath refuses to...
July 10, 1993
Palestinian chief negotiator Haydar 'Abd al-Shafi, in "A Second Open Letter to the Palestinian Masses," published in the East Jerusalem newspaper al-Quds, calls on the PLO to "adopt the principle...
July 8, 1993
U.S. delegation led by Dennis Ross meets with PM Rabin, FM Peres at start of tour of Israel, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. Ross says trip is to "narrow the gaps" in Israeli, Arab positions. (NYT 7/9...
March 14, 1993
Hamas Amman rep. Muhammad Nazzal denies PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Mahmud Abbas's 3/13 statement that Hamas position on Palestinian state in o.t. is a retreat; position has been consistent since 1988. (...
March 7, 1993
U.K. resumes top-level contacts with PLO (see 3/6). (IDF Radio 3/8 in FBIS 3/8; WP 3/10)
In interview taped 2/28 and broadcast today, King Hussein says if Palestinians boycott upcoming...
February 5, 1993
Israel releases list of 101 deported Palestinians who may return immediately to the o.t. Deportees refuse to accept the list and pledge that none will return until all are allowed back. (Qol Yisra...
February 1, 1993
As part of U.S.-brokered deal, Israel offers to allow 100 Palestinian deportees to return, to reduce the exile period to 1 year and allow relief to the remaining 296. U.S. Secy. of State...
January 16, 1993
IDF kills 10-year-old Palestinian girl, wounds 15 in dispersing Gaza Strip demonstrations. (WT 1/17)
King Hussein flies to Muscat for talks with Sultan Qaboos. Visit closely follows PLO...
Vatican Undersecy. for Foreign Relations Msgr. Claudio Celli and Israeli Dep. FM Yossi Beilin sign 15-point "fundamental agreement" establishing diplomatic relations. (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 12/31)
PLO Chmn. Arafat meets in Cairo with Egyptian FM 'Amr Musa, refuses to accept Israeli proposals on Gaza-Jericho agreement. Arafat flies to Amman for consultations with Jordan's King Hussein. (RJ 12/20 in FBIS 1/3; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 12/31)
3 Fateh-Uprising guerrillas killed by IDF while crossing Lebanon-Israel border. IDF rockets village in southern Lebanon in retaliation. (Qol Yisra'el 12/30 in FBIS 12/30; CSM, NYT, WT 12/31)
Demonstrations in Gaza mark anniversary of founding of Fateh. (WP, WT 12/3)
Syrian Chief Rabbi Ibrahim Hamra confirms govt. is issuing exit visas to Jews at rate of 25-30 a day. Hamra says community numbers 1,250 and that not all who receive visas will leave. (WP 12/31)
30 Japanese businesses announce plans to form Japan-Israel Business Club to promote Japanese-Israeli trade. (WT 12/31)
Secy. of State Christopher meets PLO Chmn. Arafat at U.S. embassy in Amman. At press conference after 2-hr. mtg., Arafat appeals for U.S. pressure on Israel to meet 12/13 deadline for withdrawal fr. Jericho, Gaza. Christopher declines to get involved in Israel-PLO talks, but calls for "timely implementation" of DoP schedule and pledges "non-lethal assistance" to Palestinian police. Christopher also meets separately with Jordan's King Hussein. PM Rabin claims there is "a tacit understanding" with PLO that deadline not firm. FM Peres says he will meet Arafat 12/9 at UNESCO conference in Spain. (NYT, WP, WT 12/7)
PM Rabin calls Syrian agreemento allow U.S. investigators to search for missing IDF soldiers in Lebanon "an important step forward" and "a big window of hope for the families" of the Israeli MIAs. (NYT 12/7)
Israeli Finance M. Avraham Shohat and PLO official Ahmad Qurai' resume Paris talks on economic issues. (Qol Yisra'el 12/6 in FBIS 12/7)
Palestinian gunmen attack settler van in Qiryat Arba, Hebron, killing 2 and wounding 3. Hamas claims responsibility for attack. Settlers riot, attacking Palestinian homes and cars. (NYT, WP, WT 12/7)
IDF undercover unit kills Hamas mbr. 'Abd al-Rahman Aruri, 31, on his front porch in Arura, nr. Ramallah. (MM 12/7)
Time magazine reports that convicted spy Jonathan Pollard passed a National Security Agency listing of foreign intelligence frequencies to Israel that later was received by Soviets, ruining several b. dollars' work and compromising lives of U.S. informants. Justice Dept., security officials reportedly advising AG Janet Reno against a pardon for Pollard. (WT 12/6, 12/7; NYT 12/7)
Israel, Laos reestablish diplomatic relations in agreement signed in New York. (Qol Yisra'el 12/7 in FBIS 12/8)
PLO-Israel talks on transfer of authority over health, education, and other services open in al-Arish, Egypt. Israeli delegation headed by Brig. Gen. Gadi Zohar, head of Civil Administration in West Bank, PLO delegation by Jamal Tarifi. (MM 11/24)
PLO-Israel economic subcomms. on trade and labor, fiscal issues, and banking and finance begin sessions in Paris. (MM 11/24)
Hamas-PFLP-DFLP coalition opposed to DoP wins all 9 seats on Birzeit University student council, defeating Fateh-PPP slate favoring DoP. Result ends 16 yrs. of domination of student council by Fateh. (MM 11/24, 11/25; NYT 11/25)
Imad 'Aql, 21, alleged head of Hamas "'Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades" military wing, killed in shoot-out with IDF at Gaza City roadblock. PM Rabin calls action a "great achievement"; IDF Chief of Staff Barak terms it an "important achievement in the war against terror." Hamas, Fateh call 3-day general strike in protest. In al-Burayi camp, alleged drug trafficker Muhammad Ilian, 32, stabbed to death by masked Palestinians. (Qol Yisra'el 11/24 in FBIS 11/26; NYT, WP, WT 11/25)
Jordan's King Hussein pays official visit to Egypt, meeting Pres. Mubarak and ending 3 yrs' estrangement over Jordan's stance in 1990-91 Gulf crisis. (NYT, WP, WT 11/25)
PLO Chmn. Arafat orders Palestinian forces to prepare to enter o.t. to form Gaza-Jericho police force. (CSM, NYT, WT 11/22)
Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza issues statement pledging "militant direct action" against Israel-PLO DoP, urging settlers to ignore Palestinian police. (NYT 11/22)
Jordan's King Hussein meets in Damascus with Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad to coordinate positions prior to tour by Secy. of State Christopher. 2 sides affirm "necessity of reaching a just and comprehensive peace." (MM, NYT 11/22)
PM Rabin returns to Israel after 10-day tour of U.S., Canada. At press conference, Rabin says Israel will try to meet 12/13 deadline for withdrawal fr. Gaza and Jericho, but says "it's not a holy date." (Qol Yisra'el 11/21 in FBIS 11/22; MM 11/22)
House of Representatives passes 425-1 resolution urging Arab League to lift boycott of Israel. (WJW 11/25)
Settlers demonstrate at Israel-Gaza Strip crossing points to protest 11/17 killing of IDF soldier Haim Darina, but IDF presents them fr. blocking roads. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility for the attack. (MM, RMC 11/18)
PLO establishes Development and Construction Bank under World Bank supervision to receive international funds for Palestinian development. (Al-Dustur 11/18 in FBIS 11/18)
Israeli Energy M. Moshe Shahal signs agreement with Egyptian Oil M. Hamdi al-Banbi on preparations for Egypt-Israel natural gas pipeline. (Qol Yisra'el 11/19 in FBIS 11/19)
King Hussein names 23 mbrs. of 40-mbr. Jordanian senate, including frmr. PM Zaid Rifa'i and Senate spkr. Ahmad Lawzi. (MM 11/19)
French FM Alain Juppe holds talks with Syrian Pres. al-Asad at start of tour of Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon, proceeds to Amman for talks with Jordan's King Hussein. (MM 11/19; SARR, JNA 11/18 in FBIS 11/18)
Israeli archaeologists in "Operation Scroll" report finding 2d century A.D. manuscripts and artifacts in Wadi Qarantal, nr. Jericho. (NYT 11/19)
Israel begins release of 660 Palestinian prisoners over 2 days under agreement reached with PLO in Taba, Egypt (see 10/21). (NYT, WP, WT 10/26)
Attempted car-bomb attack in o.t. injures 2 Israeli prison officials. 18-year-old Palestinian driver, suspected to be Hamas mbr., arrested. (WT 10/26)
U.S. Pres. Clinton and Egyptian Pres. Mubarak hold talks in Washington. At joint press conference, Mubarak offers to mediate between Israel and Syria. Both heads of state urge the 2 sides to resume talks, Clinton observing, "There can't be total peace in the Mideast unless there is some kind of peace with Syria." (NYT, WP 10/26)
American Jewish Congress delegation holds meeting in Amman with King Hussein, Crown Prince Hassan aimed at ending Arab boycott. Group had previously met Egyptian, PLO, and Saudi officials. (JTV 10/25 in FBIS 10/26)
PFLP, DFLP announce they are exploring reuniting 2 leftist factions, split since 1969. Fateh Cent. Comm. mbr. Hani al-Hasan, an opponent of DoP, meets in Damascus with PFLP's Habash, DFLP's Hawatmah, and Khalid al-Fahum of PNSF. (AFP, RMC 9/28 in FBIS 9/29)
IDF raids Islamic center-comprising mosque, kindergarten, and public library-in Gaza City. 30 Israeli soldiers search female teachers, frighten schoolchildren, and defile mosque by not removing boots upon entry. (WT 9/29)
Israeli newspapers HaAretz, Ma'a nv, Davar report that Israeli PM Rabin and Jordanian King Hussein met 9/26 in Aqaba to discuss future relations in wake of PLO-Israel accord. Both Rabin's spokesman and Palace officials in Amman deny meeting. Ma'aniv publishes list of 22 meetings Hussein held with Israeli leaders between 1963 and 1991. (MM 9/28; NYT, WP 9/29)
Senate Foreign Relations Comm. approves by voice vote Middle East Peace Facilitation Act. Bill waives ban on U.S. relations with and aid to PLO. Measure passes full Senate next day. (WP, WT 9/29)
American Jewish Comm. poll shows 90% of American Jews believe Israel will gain fr. recognizing PLO; 57% favor establishment of a Palestinian state; 42% believe PLO cannot be trusted to honor commitments on terrorism; 47% oppose continued settlement activity in o.t.; 43% support it. (WP 9/28)
19-year-old alleged Hamas mbr. killed in abortive car-bomb attack in Gaza Strip. (NYT, WT 9/27)
PLO Chmn. Arafat concludes 2-day visit to Turkey, appealing for Ankara's continued support of Palestinians. (MM 9/27)
Jordanian King Hussein affirms that Palestinians holding Jordanian citizenship will lose political rights in Jordan if they vote in elections for Palestinian autonomous authority in o.t., but will retain civil rights as Jordanian citizens if they remain in the country. Jordanian Info. Min. Ma'an Abu Nuwar adds that Jordan will not accept Palestinian refugees who might be expelled fr. Syria and Lebanon, saying "our land and our economy cannot take it anymore." (NYT 9/27; CSM 9/28)
Official Syrian media, responding to call by Israeli FM Peres for Arabs to lift boycott of Israel, urge Arab states to maintain, tighten boycott. Damascus Radio says Peres's statements mean "Israel wants everything in return for nothing," while govt. newspaper Tishrin carries same message. (WT 9/27)
19-year-old alleged Hamas mbr. killed in abortive car-bomb attack in Gaza Strip. (NYT, WT 9/27)
PLO Chmn. Arafat concludes 2-day visit to Turkey, appealing for Ankara's continued support of Palestinians. (MM 9/27)
Jordanian King Hussein affirms that Palestinians holding Jordanian citizenship will lose political rights in Jordan if they vote in elections for Palestinian autonomous authority in o.t., but will retain civil rights as Jordanian citizens if they remain in the country. Jordanian Info. Min. Ma'an Abu Nuwar adds that Jordan will not accept Palestinian refugees who might be expelled fr. Syria and Lebanon, saying "our land and our economy cannot take it anymore." (NYT 9/27; CSM 9/28)
Official Syrian media, responding to call by Israeli FM Peres for Arabs to lift boycott of Israel, urge Arab states to maintain, tighten boycott. Damascus Radio says Peres's statements mean "Israel wants everything in return for nothing," while govt. newspaper Tishrin carries same message. (WT 9/27)
Gaza funeral of Muhammad Abu Sha'ban attracts over 2,000 mourners; message fr. PLO Chmn. Arafat calls on Palestinians "to reject violence and terrorism." (NYT, WT 9/23)
Egyptian Pres. Mubarak and Syrian Pres. al-Asad hold 3 hours of talks in Alexandria, agree Israel must pursue negotiations with Syria. Al-Asad foresees no early breakthrough in talks, while Mubarak insists "the Golan should be returned back to Syria" to secure peace. (MM 9/22; NYT 9/23)
Syrian VP Khaddam meets Sa'id Musa Muragha ("Abu Musa"), leader of Fateh-the Uprising, 1 of 10 Palestinian factions opposed to DoP. (RMC 9/22 in FBIS 9/24)
Association of Israeli-Palestinian Physicians for Human Rights petitions Israeli High Court of Justice to close Ketziot ("Ansar III") prison camp because of "inferior conditions of imprisonment" of Palestinians detained there. (MM 9/23)
Jordanian Min. of State Jawad al-Anani says Palestinians living in Jordan will not be allowed to vote in both Jordanian and o.t. elections, saying King Hussein and PLO Chmn. Arafat agreed to avoid "duplication." (MM 9/23)
PLO Chmn. Arafat leaves for tour of China, Malaysia, and Indonesia after brief stopover in Cairo following talks with King Hussein in Amman. (MENA 9/21 in FBIS 9/22)
Fateh leader Muhammad Abu Sha'ban killed in Gaza. The treasurer of the Gaza Bar Association, head of Gaza Center for Human Rights, and former head of Fateh-affiliated Political Comms. is shot by unknown gunmen on his way home fr. a rally in support of PLO-Israel agreement. (NYT 9/22)
Knesset debates ratification of Israel-PLO accord. PM Rabin calls agreement "hope for an end to tears," says "we will no longer live by our swords alone." Rabin calls pact with PLO "the victory of Zionism, which has also won the recognition of its most sworn and bitter enemies." Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu, opposing accord, says "this agreement abandons security of Israeli citizens," argues "We want to give peace a chance, but first we want to give life a chance." (NYT, WP 9/22)
Rally in Jerusalem against PLO-Israel accord called by opposition parties, settler and religious groups, draws 20,000, mostly yeshiva students, according to Israel Radio. (NYT 9/22; WP 9/23)
Pope John Paul II meets Israeli Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau at Castel Gandolfo, Italy, 1st meeting ever be tween a Catholic pontiff and either of Israel's chief rabbis. Vatican stresses that meeting is purely religious, but speculation is rife that it represents progress toward Vatican diplomatic recognition of Israel. Rabbi Shlomo Goren, former Ashkenazi chief rabbi, denounces meeting as "blasphemy beyond expression," a "mockery," and "meaningless." (NYT 9/22)
Arab League FMs endorse DoP, declare the agreement "an important step toward realizing the land-for-peace principle," but that it "must be completed by immediate steps ... to guarantee Israeli withdrawal fr. the entire Syrian Golan." Iraqi FM Muhammad Sa'id Sahhaf refuses to support declaration. (MM, WP 9/21)
Secy. of State Christopher announces U.S. will convene international conference to raise funds to implement PLO-Israel accord. Christopher also announces U.S. will provide $250 m cver 2 years to Palestinian autonomous authority, urges international community to support PLO-Israel accord to produce "tangible improvements in the security and daily lives of Palestinians and Israelis." (MM 9/20; NYT 9/21; CSM 9/22)
PLO Chmn. Arafat flies to Amman to discuss implementation of Israel-PLO agreement with Jordan's King Hussein. Speaking to reporters, Arafat defends accord as "the maximum we could get," predicts "at the end of this year or the beginning of next year, God willing, I expect to go to Jericho-and Gaza." (NYT, WP, WT 9/21)
Israeli delegation arrives in Tunis to prepare for conference on Palestinian refugees, met by Tunisian, PLO officials. (WT 9/21)
Nayif Hawatmah of DFLP, George Habash of PFLP meet in Tripoli with Libyan leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi. Libya and Iraq are only Arab states to explicitly oppose PLO-Israel agreement. (NYT 9/16, 9/17)
U.S. Pres. Clinton, in telephone conversation with Jordan's King Hussein, discloses U.S. will release $30 m. in aid to Amman frozen due to Jordan's position in 1990-91 Gulf crisis. Release is due to signing of Jordan-Israel common agenda. Clinton also calls Syrian Pres. al-Asad, urges him to rein in Damascus-based Palestinian factions opposed to PLO-Israel agreement. (NYT 9/16; CSM, NYT 9/17; NYT 9/18)
U.S. joins with Russia, Egypt, and Israel to eliminate, revise, or defer 32 UNGA resolutions critical of Israel. Resolutions to be changed or discarded include those establishing Comm. on Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, criticizing Israeli human rights practices, examining Israeli-South African relations, and calling on Israel to renounce nuclear weapons. (NYT 9/16)
PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. 'Abd Allah Hurani resigns in protest of DoP, Israel-PLO recognition, calls for emergency PNC meeting. (MENA 9/11 in FBIS 9/13)
IDF shoots 2 Palestinians dead, wounds 8 in Ramallah during PFLP/Hamas-led march against Israel-PLO agreement. Other Palestinians wounded in clashes during demonstrations in Gaza, Jerusalem. 20,000 participate in 4 demonstrations in support of accord. (NYT, WP 9/12)
World Bank releases 6-volume report, prepared at request of Israeli and Palestinian negotiators, saying West Bank and Gaza Strip require at least $3 b. in aid over next decade. (NYT 9/12)
White House announces Israeli PM Rabin, PLO Chmn. Arafat will attend 9/13 signing of DoP. (NYT 9/12)
Pres. Clinton speaks by telephone with Saudi King Fahd, Syrian Pres. al-Asad, Jordanian King Hussein, and Israeli PM Rabin in effort to secure support for agreement. Clinton pledges Israel "additional guarantees" for its security, in part to keep Israeli public opinion supportive of peace process. (NYT, WP 9/12)
Damascus-based Palestinian opposition factions call for general strike in o.t., Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria 9/13 to protest Israel-PLO accord. Demonstrations against accords held in al-Wahdat, al-Baq'a refugee camps in Jordan. Jordan Times 9/11 in FBIS 9/13; NYT 9/12)
Oslo talks btwn. PLO, Israel on mutual recognition adjourn. (NYT, WP 9/2)
Lebanese FM Faris Buwayz arrives in Damascus for talks with Pres. al-Asad, FM al-Shara' concerning DoP. (MM 9/1)
Egyptian FM 'Amr Musa holds talks with Israeli officials in Jerusalem on text of Israel-PLO mutual recognition, forwards draft to PLO in Tunis. (MM 9/2)
PLO Chmn. Arafat flies to Rabat for consultations with Moroccan King Hassan on follow-up to Israel-PLO agreement. (MM 9/2; NYT 9/3)
PFLP head Habash tells French TV Arafat no longer represents Palestinians, vows PFLP will fight DoP "with all its might" because it ignores rights of diaspora Palestinians. DFLP chief Hawatmah, on RMC, calls DoP "sad, tragic," says it will allow Israel to "liquidate the intifada." (MM 9/2)
Pro-DoP rally at al-Najah University attended by 4,000, addressed by Arafat by telephone. Faisal Husseini meets in Jerusalem with opposition figures, who maintain anti-DoP position, while 15 injured in Gaza Strip when Hamas mbrs. stone pro-DoP rally. (MM 9/2)
Palestinian o.t. figures issue statement denouncing DoP, Arafat's leadership. (al-Ra'y 9/1 in FBIS 9/2)
King Hussein tells Ghassan Tueni of al-Nahar that "We in Jordan do not accept the imposition on us of any agreement to which we are not a party" in remarks excerpted on JTV. Hussein demands Arab summit to discuss consequences of PLO-Israel accord. (MM 9/2; NYT, WP 9/3)
Israeli Police Min. Moshe Shahal says Palestinian police to be set up under Oslo agreement "will not have authority to halt Israelis." (MM 9/2)
Yediot Aharanot prints English text of Israeli-Palestinian Declaration of Principles (DoP), 1st publication of agreement. (MM, WP, WT 9/1)
Opening of 11th round bilateral Arab-Israeli peace talks in Washington eclipsed by news of Israel-PLO agreement. Eliakim Rubenstein, head of Israeli delegation, remains in Israel while rest of delegation goes to U.S. Rubenstein is rumored to be considering resigning out of opposition to dealing with PLO. (MM 9/1)
Secy. of State Christopher says U.S. will "strongly support" DoP, hints U.S. position on PLO will change due to Israel-PLO accord. (MM, WP 9/1)
PLO Chmn. Arafat concludes meetings in Alexandria with Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, leaves for Khartoum to explain agreement to Sudanese govt. (MENA 8/31 in FBIS 9/1)
Commercial strike in o.t. called by opposition factions only partially observed. (Qol Yisra'el 8/31 in FBIS 8/31)
Poll shows 76.4% of Gazans support Israel-PLO agreement. (ITV 8/31 in FBIS 9/1)
16-year-old Azzam Abu Irmanah shot dead by IDF in Nusayrat refugee camp, Gaza; 3 others wounded in separate incidents. (MM 8/31)
PLO officials in Amman report that PIA brigade in Jordan is being retrained to serve as police in o.t. (MM 8/31)
Jordan's King Hussein flies to Damascus for emergency talks with Syrian Pres. alAsad concerning PLO-Israel agreement. Syrian spokesman Jubran Kourieh calls accord "a surprise to the 2 countries and over which there has been no coordination btwn. the Arab parties." (MM 8/31, 9/1; NYT 9/1)
Hamas spokesman in Amman Muhammad Nazzal says Islamist group will continue to fight for complete Israeli withdrawal, but says organization may take part in elections in enclaves vacated under "Gaza-Jericho lst" plan. (MM 8/31)
PLO reportedly firing locally hired employees at PLO diplomatic missions, asking redundant Palestinian representatives to resign. (AFP 8/24 in FBIS 8/24)
Jordan's King Hussein, in interview, criticizes PLO for not coordinating with Amman on "Gaza-Jericho lst" proposal. PLO Chmn. Arafat meets Hussein, Jordanian PM al-Majali to work out differences. Joint Jordanian-Palestinian Comm. for Econ. Affairs holds 1st meeting in Amman. (MM 8/24, 8/25; Radio Jordan 8/24 in FBIS 8/25)
Faisal Husseini denies advocating Palestinian national salvation govt. in 8/22 Hebron speech. (al-Quds 8/25 in FBIS 8/25)
Israeli FM Peres, in Copenhagen, denies Yediot Aharonot report that he met with PLO official in Stockholm previous week, saying "I met only Swedes." (MM 8/24)
Israeli PM Rabin rejects GAO criticism of Arrow program, denies Israel transferred U.S. technology to 3d parties. (Qol Yisra'el 8/24 in FBIS 8/24; WT 8/25)
Alleged collaborator murdered in Qabatiya, West Bank. (Qol Yisra'el 8/25 in FBIS 8/25)
PLO official Bassam Abu Sharif proposes forming Palestinian govt. in Jericho to negotiate final-status arrangements with Israel. Israeli Health Min. Haim Ramon rejects offer, but notes "PLO-Tunis is a meaningful eement even in the current negotiations." PLO envoy to Jordan Hakam Balawi says Abu Sharif's statements "not authorized." (Radio Lebanon, IDF Radio, Radio Jordan 8/14 in FBIS 8/16)
Jordan reportedly arrests 10 mbrs. of Islamist al-Tahrir party for attempted assassination of King Hussein. (RMC 8/14 in FBIS 8/16)
Israeli Environment Min. Yossi Sarid is reported to have met with PLO official Nabil Shaath with PM Rabin's knowledge. Rabin's spokesman denies meeting was on behalf of PM. Shaath refuses to confirm or deny meeting, says Palestinians "cannot accept" 6/30 U.S. paper (MBC Television 8/5 in FBIS 8/6; NYT 8/6)
Secy. of State Christopher meets with Jordan's King Hussein in Amman, then again with Palestinian and Israeli representatives in Jerusalem, bringing message from Syrian Pres. al-Asad to Israeli PM Rabin. Christopher states in Amman "there's been absolutely no change in the United States's position" on status of o.t. or Jerusalem (see 7/21). Rabin calls current shuttle diplomacy "a change for the better," says Palestinians "cannot get their act together." Christopher announces he will revisit Syria and assume role of "active intermediary." Palestinian delegation gives Christopher PLO memo on draft "statement of principles," but only after modifying it due to disagreements with Tunis's statements on jurisdiction of self-governing authority and Jerusalem. (JTV 8/5 in FBIS 8/6; Sawt al-Sha'b 8/5 in FBIS 8/5; Qol Yisra'el 8/5 in FBIS 8/6; NYT, WP 8/6)
Hizballah launches rockets into "security zone." IDF and SIA return fire. (WP 8/6)
Palestinian chief negotiator Haydar 'Abd al-Shafi, in "A Second Open Letter to the Palestinian Masses," published in the East Jerusalem newspaper al-Quds, calls on the PLO to "adopt the principle of collective leadership on a democratic and logical basis." He says that Palestinian leaders "have failed over and over in concentrating our own potential in the name of our cause," and advocates a "comprehensive national dialogue" as the solution to Palestinian difficulties. (al-Quds 7/10 in FBIS 7/15; full text in al-Fajr 7/19)
Pro-PLO bloc wins Arab Journalists' Association elections in Jerusalem, delayed 7 months due to internal dissension. (al-Fajr 7/19)
Egyptian FM 'Amr Musa meets with U.S. Special Coordinator Ross in Cairo. (MENA 7/10 in FBIS 7/12)
King Hussein orders first Jordanian multiparty elections since 1956 to be held in November. (NYT 7/1 1)
U.S. delegation led by Dennis Ross meets with PM Rabin, FM Peres at start of tour of Israel, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. Ross says trip is to "narrow the gaps" in Israeli, Arab positions. (NYT 7/9)
Arafat and King Hussein at meeting in Amman establish Palestinian-Jordanian joint committee made up of Jordanian ministers, PLO Exec. Comm. mbrs., peace delegates. (al-Dustur 7/8 in FBIS 7/9)
Fateh Cent. Comm. mbr. Khalid al-Hasan proposes Swiss-style cantonal solution to Palestinian-Israeli conflict. (AFP 7/8 in FBIS 7/9)
IDF kills wanted Palestinian in Rafah, Gaza Strip. (Qol Yisra'el 7/8 in FBIS 7/8; NYT 7/9)
PFLP-GC fighters ambush IDF patrol in southern Lebanon, killing 2 and wounding 3. (WP 7/12)
7 Islamic fundamentalists, followers of Shaykh 'Abd al-Rahman, hanged in Cairo. (NYT 7/9)
Hamas Amman rep. Muhammad Nazzal denies PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Mahmud Abbas's 3/13 statement that Hamas position on Palestinian state in o.t. is a retreat; position has been consistent since 1988. (al-Sharq al-Awsat 3/15 in FBIS 3/17)
Israeli Env. Min. Yossi Sarid calls for PLO-led Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip. (IDF Radio, Qol Yisra'el 3/14 in FBIS 3/15)
Israeli National Police Commissioner Yaacov Temer calls on Israelis to carry handguns for self-defense, to increase public security. Police Min. Moshe Shahal criticizes the appeal. (Qol Yisra'el 3/14 in FBIS 3/15; WP 3/15)
King Hussein meets with PLO Exec. Comm. mbrs. Faruq al-Qaddumi and Mahmud Abbas, in course of 2 days of Jordanian-Palestinian meetings. FM Kamil Abu Jaber says the deportees issue "should be resolved" by 4/20. (JTV 3/14 in FBIS 3/15; MM 3/15)
U.K. resumes top-level contacts with PLO (see 3/6). (IDF Radio 3/8 in FBIS 3/8; WP 3/10)
In interview taped 2/28 and broadcast today, King Hussein says if Palestinians boycott upcoming peace talks, Jordan will also boycott. (WT 3/8; MM 3/11)
Hamas and Islamic Jihad clash in a mosque in Gaza City, apparently over "control" of the mosque (one of the biggest in the Gaza Strip), wounding 10. (Ha'Aretz 3/8 in FBIS 3/8)
Israel releases list of 101 deported Palestinians who may return immediately to the o.t. Deportees refuse to accept the list and pledge that none will return until all are allowed back. (Qol Yisra'el 2/5 in FBIS 2/5; Radio Lebanon 2/5 in FBIS 2/8; NYT 2/6)
Palestinian UN rep. Nasir al-Kidwa meets with UN Secy.-Gen. Butrus-Ghali, informs him of the PLO's decision not to participate in any peace talks until UNSCR 799 is implemented. (Sanaa VOP 2/5 in FBIS 2/8)
Chmn. Arafat meets with King Hussein in Amman, then flies to Cairo for 3-day visit. Talks with Pres. Mubarak focus on the deportees and peace talks, as well as arranging a Secy. of State Christopher-Arafat visit when the former visits the region beginning 2/17. (MENA, RJN, RMC 2/5 in FBIS 2/8)
Two polls find 61% and 54% of Israeli Jews are against the U.S.-Israeli package deal to allow 100 deportees back. (MaAriv, Yedi'ot Aharonot 2/5 in MM 2/5)
IDF shoots 3 armed Palestinians dead in a car in the Gaza Strip. IDF shoots 2 dead, wounds 30 more Palestinians in ensuing demonstrations. (NYT 2/6; MM 2/8)
As part of U.S.-brokered deal, Israel offers to allow 100 Palestinian deportees to return, to reduce the exile period to 1 year and allow relief to the remaining 296. U.S. Secy. of State Christopher says "further action by the UNSC is unnecessary"; Israel's offer came with a U.S. pledge to block any sanctions. (MM, NYT, WP 2/2)
PLO, Palestinian spokeswoman Hanan Ashrawi reject Israel's "100" offer. (Algiers VOP 2/1 in FBIS 2/2; WP 2/2)
Chmn. Arafat meets with King Hussein in Amman, then leaves for Baghdad. (Radio Jordan 2/1, Jordan Times 2/2 in FBIS 2/2)
Israel announces it has arrested a 3rd Palestinian-American connected to Hamas (see 1/31). (Qol Yisra'el 2/1 in FBIS 2/1)
EC FMs meeting in Brussels welcome Israel's "100" offer, but have yet to determine whether it is sufficient to resume negotiations on extending economic cooperation with Israel. FM Peres is attending. (NYT 2/2)
U.S. announces it will include the actions of Hamas in its annual global terrorism report, officially labelling the org. as "terrorist." (WT 2/3)
IDF kills 10-year-old Palestinian girl, wounds 15 in dispersing Gaza Strip demonstrations. (WT 1/17)
King Hussein flies to Muscat for talks with Sultan Qaboos. Visit closely follows PLO leader Mahmud Abbas' visit to Saudi Arabia (see 1/11). (MM 1/15)