Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Prime Minister's office reacts angrily to reports that US may postpone Begin's visit if no progress is made in Lebanon peace talks; Eitan...
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Prime Minister's office reacts angrily to reports that US may postpone Begin's visit if no progress is made in Lebanon peace talks; Eitan...
Military Action:
Lebanese Army units take control of Sabra and Shatila camps; IDF imposes 5 PM to 5 AM curfew throughout West Beirut, enters Sabra to protect population, Drori ordered by...
Military Action:
IDF jets attack, destroy Syrian anti-aircraft missile battery in Dahr el-Baydar east of Bhamdoun; PLO leader Hawatmeh visits PLO forces in Bekaa; Gemayel visits...
Military Action:
Israeli jets pound PLO, Syrians in big offensive, though truce reported later; Israeli tanks, planes begin large-scale offensive along Damascus highway (involves 200 tanks...
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Prime Minister's office reacts angrily to reports that US may postpone Begin's visit if no progress is made in Lebanon peace talks; Eitan is criticized by Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee for comments on Lebanon yesterday; former military intelligence chief Shlomo Gazit, now President of Ben Gurion University in Beersheba, says Arafat's success is the large number of men Israel keeps mobilized to prevent terrorism, that security forces should not be kept on alert in the West Bank; El Al airlines resumes operations after 4 month strike over issue of flights on Sabbath and Jewish holidays; Minister for Science and Development Yuval Ne'eman, acting chair of Cabinet settlement committee, issues communique that settlements in West Bank, Gaza Strip and Golan Heights will continue despite US criticism; Israeli military experts reported organizing Zairian army; military roadblock around Najah University effectively implementing Order 854 which requires students from other districts to have special permit to attend university; Civil Administration says it is not involved in land dispute over Hebron municipality electricity pylons torn down by Kiryat Arba residents, that IDF is responsible; military authorities declare Hebron closed military area to prevent 50 Peace Now members from assisting Hebron residents re-erect and guard electricity pylons.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Chairman Arafat meets with CPSU Secretary-General Yuri V. Andropov and Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko, Arafat and Andropov declare that US shares full responsibility for Israel's criminally aggressvie actions because it gives Israel all the assistance it needs; Lebanese Government states preference for expanded role for UNIFIL throughout Lebanon after withdrawal of Israeli, Syrian and Palestinian forces; Dany Chamoun visits Saad Haddad in Marjayoun and Christian notables in Klea.
Arab Govemnments: King Fahd confers in Riyadh with Walid Jumblatt; Morocco retracts announcement on Arab League delegation, saying no decision will be made until Arab foreign ministers meet in Marrakesh; President Assad tells visiting Arab news agencies' directors that Syria rejects current Middle East peace plans, but would attend an Arab summit to map out collective action.
US and Other Countries: 500 at United Jewish Appeal luncheon addressed by Israeli President Navon, who says both Labor and Likud parties agree that a return to 1967 borders is not acceptable, PLO is a terrorist organization, a West Bank Palestinian state would be a security threat to Israel and base for Soviet intervention in the region, that Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel, but he says that Israel would take into consideration any change in the PLO covenant; Italian General Confederation of Labor meets with leaders of Rome's Jewish community to formulate plans to combat anti-Semitism.
Military Action:
Lebanese Army units take control of Sabra and Shatila camps; IDF imposes 5 PM to 5 AM curfew throughout West Beirut, enters Sabra to protect population, Drori ordered by Sharon not to enter Shatila; Gemayel family member acknowledges involvement of Phalange forces in massacre; Phalange militia withdraws through IDF lines with truckloads of Palestinian prisoners.
Casualty figures being put at 1,800; Lebanese Army, ICRC begin to recover bodies of massacre victims.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet meets behind police barricades in emergency session at Begin's home for 3 ?h hours, unanimously rejects any Israeli responsibility for massacre, calls for national unity, issues statement that charges of IDF complicity in massacre are "blood libel"; Cabinet agrees to accept UN observers in Beirut and to continue IDF withdrawal from city; police use teargas to disperse several hundred demonstrators at Begin's Jerusalem home; Labor Party, Peace Now, some Knesset members protesting outside Begin's home chant "Begin is a murderer," "Fascism will not take over," 7 arrested, later released; 400 Peace Now members demonstrate at Lebanon border; 50 arrested in Tel Aviv demonstration called by Committee Against the War in Lebanon; liberal Likud deputy Zeigerman calls for Sharon resignation; General Eitan claims Morris Draper and Wazzan hindered IDF efforts to make direct contact with Lebanese Army, says "we don't give the Phalangists orders, and we are not responsible for them"; heavy traffic along Haifa-Tel Aviv road because of demonstrations by kibbutzniks protesting massacre.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Central Committee meets in Damascus; Arafat receives message from Brezhnev; Wazzan calls on Reagan to send back US Marines, charges US with "material and moral responsibility" for killings.
Arab Governments: Egyptian Foreign Minister Ali threatens to recall Egypt's Ambassador to Israel in protest, asks immediate IDF withdrawal from Beirut and redeployment of multinational peacekeeping force; Jordanian paper al-Dustour blames 13S for massacre.
US and Other Countries: Reagan insists IDF withdraw from Beirut, considers redeploying US troops in Beirut as part of new temporary peacekeeping force; State and Defense Departments' working groups study options; France, Italy express willingness to send back troops.
UN: US joins in unanimous approval of Security Council resolution which condemns 'fcriminal" massacre of Palestinian civilians in Beirut, orders 50 UN observers sent to Beirut area.
Military Action:
IDF jets attack, destroy Syrian anti-aircraft missile battery in Dahr el-Baydar east of Bhamdoun; PLO leader Hawatmeh visits PLO forces in Bekaa; Gemayel visits multinational troops in Beirut; 70 more weapons dumps confiscated by Lebanese Army in past two days.
Casualties: IDF says less than 3,000 people were killed in battle for Beirut (80 percent PLO guerrillas or other armed groups); French soldiers check for mines in old market of Beirut.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli parliament rejects Reagan proposals (Begin says US plan would repartition Israel, Shamir says US has disturbed peace process, Knesset votes 50-36 to endorse Begin's opposition to plan); Knesset debates conduct of war (Labor Party leader Bar-Lev says invasion was first war not essential to peace or Israeli security); Peace Now holds protest opposing war in front of Knesset.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO demands Israel supply list of its prisoners in return for allowing ICRC access to 8 IDF soldiers captured. Phalange surprised at and resents Sharon declaration that Israel will impose own special security arrangements on Lebanon if peace treaty not forthcoming; East Beirut celebrates exit of PLO forces; Lebanese deny plans for Gemayel to try Haddad for collaborating with Israelis; Gemayel advisers tell 4 Israeli Knesset members visiting Beirut that no early treaty with Israel possible (treaty raises fears of Arab boycott).
Arab Governments: Arab peace plan nears readiness at Fez talks (Syria pullout agreed if IDF forces withdrawn).
US and Other Countries: US expresses concern over IDF raid; Reagan and advisers meet over plans to seek removal of all foreign troops from Lebanon, announce Habib will return to Lebanon for Gemayel swearingin and that US Marines will be withdrawn beginning in 2 days.
Military Action:
Israeli jets pound PLO, Syrians in big offensive, though truce reported later; Israeli tanks, planes begin large-scale offensive along Damascus highway (involves 200 tanks, heavy artillery, rocket launchers); Palestinian camps, residential areas bombarded in first Israeli jet action over Beirut in 9 days; Lebanese government says IDF about to cut high-way in several places as IDF gains 4-5 miles; Syrian tank losses heavy, but Syrian troops restrain responses in effort to contain fighting; "wall-to-wall" Israeli tanks reported south of Beirut; two Israeli troop buses come under fire south of Tyre; Israeli artillery continues through night; IDF closing in on Aley; 50 Syrian tanks move across Syrian border to reinforce units in Lebanon; PLO units return Israeli gunfire from Burj al-Barajneh; general military mobilization in Syria.
Lebanese police estimate 27 killed, 80 wounded in new IDF bombing of Beirut; Israeli demolition teams dynamite buildings in Rashidiyeh refugee camp as all males are rounded up in Tyre; remaining residents of Rashidiyeh without food or medical care as Tyre residents refuse to help them; no walls higher than a few feet left in Rashidiyeh; Israeli officials announce Palestinian refugees are being denied tents because they fear a "temporary" solution will become permanent; 200,000 Palestinian refugees are in southern Lebanon, mainly around Sidon and Tyre.
Mobile bank units offer IDF all services, including facilitating purchase/ sale of securities on Tel Aviv stock market.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel agrees to new cease-fire after Habib request; divisions within Labor Party between doves, hawks sharpen; 150 demonstrate against invasion in front of Knesset and Peace Now sends telegram asking no extension of the war; Labor Alignment opposes all military penetration of Beirut; Begin defends invasion before 36 angry US Senators who question use of cluster bombs; Israel denies ABC use of satellite in Israel because it broadcast interview with Arafat; Begin meets Haig.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: National Salvation Council meets, makes some progress on plani including IDF withdrawal from Beirut, PLO withdrawal into camps, Lebanese Army posted inside city; highway reopening; possible use of French troops being discussed; PLO denounces USSR for only symbolic support; Jumblatt accuses Habib of "hot di-plomacy"; Phalangists state opposition to any Syrian presence in Lebanon and, for first time, allow unarmed non-Lebanese civilians to evacuate Beirut; Lebanese government tells UN and Arab League it will not renew mandate for Syrian troops after July 19.
US and Other Countries: US embassy advises all Americans to move to E. Beirut (ship due in Jounieh to evacuate Americans); UK, West Germany also advise nationals to leave; PM Thatcher rules out use of British troops in Lebanon; Greek Premier meets with PLO's Kaddoumi; Dutch parliament condemns Israeli invasion, 144-6; Norwegian leaders re-ject Israeli invitation to visit Lebanon.
UN: UNIFIL says it will concentrate on helping civilians.