Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dmonstrations and "almost complete" general strike in major W. Bank and Gaza Strip towns protest shootings of Palestinian students. More than 70...
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dmonstrations and "almost complete" general strike in major W. Bank and Gaza Strip towns protest shootings of Palestinian students. More than 70...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Israel, transfer of power is postponed indefinitely. Knesset passes vote of confidence in Shamir (NYT 10/16). One person killed, 70...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Housing Ministry Director Sasson Shila says Israel wants to double number of housing units in settlements in occupied...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities close Nablus offices of Construction and Public Institutions Unions and Union of Public Service Workers for one year...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Rafah, several dozen youths throw stones at IDF soldiers in violent demonstration commemorating anniversary of Sabra and Shatila...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Washington Post reports that investigationnto Shin Bet cover-up ended without recommendation of charges; national police chief...
Arab World: In East Beirut, French military attache is assassinated. Anonymous callers link killing to terror wave in France. Assassination is 123rd French...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dmonstrations are held throughout West Bank to commemorate anniversary of massacres at Sabra and Shatila (FJ 9/19). Strikes and...
Military Action
Arab World: Unidentified gunmen attack French UNIFIL battalion east of Tyre; no injuries (NYT 9/18).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shamir rejects international conference on Mideast (MEI 9/21).
Military Action
Arab World: In south Lebanon, French UNIFIL...
Arab World: Egyptian Pres. Mubarak and Israeli P.M. Peres meet in Alexandria (first time in five years Egyptian and Israeli leaders have met); Egypt returns...
Arab World: U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Murphy in Egypt for talks with Egyptian Pres. Mubarak on Egypt-Israeli summit and proposed Jordan-Israel-Egypt peace...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Former political prisoner Hasan 'Abd al-Qadir Ilayan of Gaza dies in mysterious explosion near home village of Bayt Lahya, Gaza. Ilayan...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel and Cameroon renew diplomatic relations (JP 8/27).
Military Action
Arab World: New UNIFIL commander Brig. Gen....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli P.M. Peres pardons seven more Shin Bet agents from Gaza bus hijacking incident (CSM, FBIS 8/25). Peres leaves Jerusalem for two-...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel closes two left-wing Arab newspapers, al-Mithaq and al-'Ahd, for allegedly supporting PFLP [LT 8/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Atleast 9 more West Bankers are served with 6-month town arrest orders this week, bringing total number of known arrestees during the...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: King Hussein has frozen all West Bank funds in Jordanian banks and has suspended all aid to public institutions in the territories,...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands attend Land Day protests held in Taybah village, Dayr Hanna, Kafr Saba, and Tel Sheva, in the Negev; rallies were organized by...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Over 150 Palestinians, Israelis replant olive saplings uprooted by the Nature Reserves Authority 3 weeks ago, north of Jerusalem; 6 ...
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dmonstrations and "almost complete" general strike in major W. Bank and Gaza Strip towns protest shootings of Palestinian students. More than 70 demonstrators are arrested. At least 6 Israelis are wounded [NYT 12/7]. Ramallah and al-Birah are placed under curfew; old campus of Birzeit University closed until January while left-wing politicians and press criticize security policies [CSM 12/9].
Arab World: SLA forces fire at Irish UNIFIL post, killing 1 Irish soldier. UNIFIL lodges official complaint with Israeli army [FJ 12/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Israel, transfer of power is postponed indefinitely. Knesset passes vote of confidence in Shamir (NYT 10/16). One person killed, 70 injured in Jerusalem as three grenades are thrown at group of IDF soldiers in swearing-in ceremony at Western Wall; area is sealed off as police search for suspects (NYT, WP 10/16). Responsibility for attack is claimed by PLO, DFLP, and Abu Nidal group (NYT 10/17). Twenty-nine Palestinians, including six children under 11, are detained (FJ 10/17).
Other Countries: At UN, representatives of nine countries involved in UNIFIL meet to discuss new protective measures. UN Secretary General Perez de Cuellar proposes spending an extra $10.5 million on 30 armored vehicles, reinforcement of UNIFIL positions, creation of three new positions, and shifting of headquarters (JP 10/6).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Housing Ministry Director Sasson Shila says Israel wants to double number of housing units in settlements in occupied territories from 60,000 now under construction (Fl 10/3).
Arab World: Former Jordanian P. M. Ahmad 'Ubaydat and 12 former Jordanian ministers send cable to Egyptian President Mubarak denouncing Egyptian-Israeli summit, which issued joint statement with no mention of Palestinian rights (FBIS 9/25).
Military Action
Arab World: In S. Lebanon, gunmen attack two Nepalese UNIFIL posts, wound one soldier (raising to 35 the number of UNIFIL soldiers wounded in last month) (NYT, WP 9/25). Underground group announces it has kidnapped Frenchman from East Beirut (NYT 9/25).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities close Nablus offices of Construction and Public Institutions Unions and Union of Public Service Workers for one year for "security reasons," alleging groups are linked to PFLP (Fl 9/26).
Arab World: Egypt's ambassador to Israel assumes functions in Tel Aviv (WP 9/24).
Other Countries: UN Security Council adopts resolution calling on Israel to withdraw troops from S. Lebanon and to permit UNIFIL to move up to border. U.S. abstains; 14 members of council vote in favor of resolution (WP 9/24).
Military Action
Arab World: IDF warplanes bomb Palestinian targets in Druze-controlled Shuf mountains southeast of Beirut, the tenth airstrike in Lebanon this year; two women are wounded. New York Times reports five wounded, four Druze villages bombed (NYT 9/24). Defense Minister Rabin tours SLA outposts before raid, vows to crush attempts to attack SLA which has lost 16 men in recent weeks. French continue to evacuate positions for safer ground (NYT, WP 9/23). Shamir says Israel is not planning an invasion (NYT 9/24).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Rafah, several dozen youths throw stones at IDF soldiers in violent demonstration commemorating anniversary of Sabra and Shatila massacres; Isma'il Abu Libdah, 19, is killed by IDF, and a ten-year-old boy is injured (Fl 9/26; FBIS 9/22).
Military Action
Arab World: French UNIFIL troops withdraw from nine of their positions to less exposed areas in response to anti-French violence in S. Lebanon (NYT 9/21).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Washington Post reports that investigationnto Shin Bet cover-up ended without recommendation of charges; national police chief David Kraus says report on matter was sent to Attomey General Yosef Harish (WP 9/19).
Other Countries: John Cardinal O'Connor of New York accepts invitation to visit Israel from PM Peres; Cardinal says "a homeland has to be provided for the Palestinian people" (NYT 9/20). UN Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar threatens to pull UNIFIL out of S. Lebanon and blames Israel for "major crisis" facing force; urges Security Council to take "urgent action" to get Israeli troops out of S. Lebanon (NYT 9/20).
Military Action
Arab World: Five French UNIFIL soldiers are wounded in S. Lebanon clashes (NYT 9/20).
Arab World: In East Beirut, French military attache is assassinated. Anonymous callers link killing to terror wave in France. Assassination is 123rd French fatality in Lebanon (including 26 French UNIFIL soldiers) in eight years (WP 9/19).
Other Countries: French government spokesman says terrorists are being manipulated by "groups" or "states" that want France out of the Mideast (WP 9/19).
Military Action
Arab World: In south Lebanon, two UNIFIL soldiers are wounded as attacks on UNIFIL continue: so far, 4 dead and 28 wounded in last five weeks (WP 9/19). Eighty members of "Nasserite Popular Liberation Army" are deployed outside 'Ayn al-Hilwah to serve as buffer between Amal and Palestinians (Fl 9/26).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dmonstrations are held throughout West Bank to commemorate anniversary of massacres at Sabra and Shatila (FJ 9/19). Strikes and demonstrations continue through 9/20; shops and businesses stay closed, students and workers remain at home (Fl 9/26). Israel announces it has licensed first Arab bank in West Bank since 1967. Bank, with headquarters in Amman and first branch in Nablus, will be allowed to deal in Israeli, Jordanian, and foreign currencies (FJ 9/19).
Arab World: Thousands of Lebanese in Tyre, Lebanon, led by Amal officials march in support of UNIFIL after 9/16 attack on French UNIFIL forces (for which Hizballah is held responsible). In south Lebanon general strike is held to show resident' support for continued UNIFIL presence. (Speaker of Lebanese Chamber of Deputies Husayn al-Husayni recently returned from Paris where he asked Pres. Mitterand not to recall French contingent) (NYT 9/18).
Other Countries: In Paris, five killed, 60 injured in bomb explosion, bringing to ten number killed in five bombings in last two weeks (WP, NYT 9/18). Peru grants PLO embassy status in Lima (Fl 9/26).
Military Action
Arab World: Unidentified gunmen attack French UNIFIL battalion east of Tyre; no injuries (NYT 9/18).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shamir rejects international conference on Mideast (MEI 9/21).
Military Action
Arab World: In south Lebanon, French UNIFIL soldier killed, five wounded in land mine explosion near Shi'i village of Babliyyah, ten miles east of Tyre, bringing to 130 number of UNIFIL soldiers killed (199 wounded) since force was formed eight years ago (NYT 9/14).
Arab World: Egyptian Pres. Mubarak and Israeli P.M. Peres meet in Alexandria (first time in five years Egyptian and Israeli leaders have met); Egypt returns ambassador to Israel, withdrawn after 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon; two states agree on arbitration over Taba; discuss Palestinian issue (NYT, WP 9/12). In Tunis, PLO Chairman Arafat meets EC representative Claude Cheysson (FBIS 9/14). Islamic Jihad denies it kidnapped American Frank Reed in West Beirut (CSM 9/12).
Other Countries: French government rejects demands for release of convicted terrorists in exchange for ending bomb campaign (WP 9/12). Washington Post reports Israeli Trade Minister Ariel Sharon visited Istanbul secretly for three days in July (WP 9/11).
Military Action
Arab World: IDF and SLA fight Shi'i guerrillas in south Lebanon; five UNIFIL soldiers wounded in crossfire; IDF use helicopter gunships and artillery against Shi'a who attacked SLA outpost.
Arab World: U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Murphy in Egypt for talks with Egyptian Pres. Mubarak on Egypt-Israeli summit and proposed Jordan-Israel-Egypt peace (MEI 9/14).
Other Countries: Pan Am airliner hijacked in Karachi by five Arabs: 21 dead, more than 100 injured. Pakistani authorities arrest four perpetrators on scene, arrest fifth later (NYT 9/6).
Military Action
Arab World: IDF soldier accidentally killed by other Israeli soldiers during attack on Hizballah outpost at Zibqin village four miles north of "security zone" (eighth IDF soldier this year, not including two kidnapped whose fate is unknown). IDF say Hizballah launched rocket attacks on northern Israel from this location; capture four fighters and take them to Israel; blow up six houses. Later, SLA shell village after one of its soldiers is killed in attack. P.M. Peres tours "security zone" with SLA commander Antoine Lahd, and says he does not want UNIFIL troops along Israeli border (JP 9/7; NYT 9/6; AFP 9/5).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Former political prisoner Hasan 'Abd al-Qadir Ilayan of Gaza dies in mysterious explosion near home village of Bayt Lahya, Gaza. Ilayan was one of 605 released in 20 May prisoner swap between Israel and PFLP-GC (FJ 9/12).
Military Action
Arab World: Three French UNIFIL soldiers killed byt roadside landmine east of Tyre. Bomb is believed to have been planted by Shi'i militiamen (NYT 9/6).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel and Cameroon renew diplomatic relations (JP 8/27).
Military Action
Arab World: New UNIFIL commander Brig. Gen. Gustave Hagglund meets Amal leader Nabih Birri. Israel Radio reports he says he will allow "freedom fighters" to pass through UNIFIL-controlled areas (FBIS 8/27).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli P.M. Peres pardons seven more Shin Bet agents from Gaza bus hijacking incident (CSM, FBIS 8/25). Peres leaves Jerusalem for two-day visit to Cameroon (with which Israel is to reestablish diplomatic relations) (CSM 8/25). Knesset Interior Committee recommends demolition of Arab village of al-Zubaydat, on grounds that homes were built "without license on state land" (FJ 8/29). In Golan Heights, Arab residents distribute leaflet rejecting their inclusion on Israeli voter registration roll (FJ 8/29).
Military Action
Arab World: Amal holds ceremony to commemorate killing of Shi'a militiamen in fight with French UNIFIL soldiers (FRIS 8/26).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel closes two left-wing Arab newspapers, al-Mithaq and al-'Ahd, for allegedly supporting PFLP [LT 8/13].
Military Action
Arab World: In southern Lebanon, Amal battles with UNIFIL: 3 dead, 17 wounded [NYT 8/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Atleast 9 more West Bankers are served with 6-month town arrest orders this week, bringing total number of known arrestees during the past 2 weeks to 18 [FJ 8/1].
Arab World: King Hussein returns from 2-day visit to Damascus [FJ 8/1]. Fateh Central Committee concludes 2-week meeting in Tunis in which it discussed recent Jordanian moves [FJ 8/1].
Military Action
Arab World: UNIFIL intercepts and disarms 4 armed guerrillas from the PFLP attempting to cross the S. Lebanon "security zone" on their way into Israel; the 4 are transported north of the zone [FJ 8/1].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: King Hussein has frozen all West Bank funds in Jordanian banks and has suspended all aid to public institutions in the territories, according to a report in 'Al Hamishmar [JP 4/18]. Inspectors of income tax and VAT departments, assisted by a strong force of police, raid Palestinian villages of Kafr Qasim, Jaljuliyyah, and Kafr Bara to collect debts; they impound TV sets, furniture, and 2 motor vehicles [JP 4/21].
Arab World: Radio Monte Carlo broadcasts that Yasir Arafat has notified Jordan that Amman-based Fateh military officer Abu Za'im has been relieved of his duties and that Jordan should suspend all contact with him [JP 4/18].
Other Countries: A U.S. federal judge rules that PLO Permanent Observer to the UN Zuhdi Tarzi may travel from New York to Cambridge, Mass. for a debate with Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, despite State Department travel ban [PI 4/20]. UN Security Council votes to extend UNIFIL mandate in S. Lebanon an additional 3 months; Soviet Union concurs in vote for first time since UNIFIL's creation, states it will begin contributions to UNIFIL budget [NYT 4/19; WP 4/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands attend Land Day protests held in Taybah village, Dayr Hanna, Kafr Saba, and Tel Sheva, in the Negev; rallies were organized by Rakah Communist party, National Committee of Arab Mayors, and the National Committee for the Protection of the Land [MG 3/31; JTA 4/1]. Palestinian shopkeepers in East Jerusalem close shops to commemorate 10th anniversary of Land Day, which coincided with Easter this year [LAT, TS 3/31].
Military Action
Arab World: Fighting continues for 3rd day between Palestinian and Shi'ite gunmen around Sabra and Shatila refugee camps; 6 Palestinians and 4 Shi'ites have been killed, and 40 people wounded [TS, NYT, BG 3/3 1]. Two UNIFIL, 1 SLA soldier die in 3 separate clashes over the weekend [JP 3/30; JTA 3/31].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Over 150 Palestinians, Israelis replant olive saplings uprooted by the Nature Reserves Authority 3 weeks ago, north of Jerusalem; 6 Israeli officials reportedly try to uproot some replanted saplings, army disperses both groups UP 1/26]. Israeli military delegation ends 5-day visit to Liberia for talks on "future cooperation" [JDW 1/25].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat arrives in Amman for talks with King Hussein [CSM 1/27]. Jordanian govt. sends parliament a new electoral law that would reassert Jordan's responsibility for the West Bank, provide representation for Palestinian refugees in Jordan; parliamentary legal committee is studying the law [NYT 1/26].
Other Countries: UN Undersecretary-General Brian Urquhart states PLO should accept UN resolutions 242, 338, that Israel should not dictate who represents Palestinians at peace talks [JP 1/26]. Interpol issues worldwide wanted notice for Abu Nidal [PI 1/31].
Military Action
Arab World: SLA shells Shi'ite village of Kafra in S. Lebanon, killing 1 UNIFIL soldier [NYT 1/26]. Libyan leader Col. Mu'ammar Qadhdhafi boards missile-bearing patrol boat, sails into Gulf of Sidra, 1 day after U.S. 6th Fleet began maneuvers off Libyan coast [WP 1/26].