12 / 15500 Results
  • December 24, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Speaking in Bayt Sahur, Archbishop Desmond Tutu draws parallels between plight of South African blacks and Palestinians in O.T. [NYT,...

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  • December 17, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Washington Post reports Hamas made considerable gains in O.T. at expense of Fateh [WP 12/17].

    Israeli government...

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  • December 5, 1989


    Other Countries: Arab nations decide to defer action on UN resolution recognizing Palestinian state, yielding to U.S. warnings it would withhold funds if...

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  • October 1, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shimon Peres has asked the Bush administration to provide $400 million in loan guarantees to construct housing for the 100,000 Jewish...

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  • September 29, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Government closes Gaza Strip through 10/2 during Rosh Hashana [WP 9/29]. Hadashot poll determines the most hated person in Israel is...

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  • September 25, 1989


    Other Countries: Letter to Sec. of State Baker signed by 68 senators and drafted by Senators Mack (R-FL) and Lieberman (DCT), urges against granting a visa to...

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  • September 6, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: West Bank occupation authorities say 74 Arab foreigners have been expelled since 8/1, mostly to Jordan, for overstaying visitor's...

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  • September 5, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In W.Bank, Palestinians refuse to set clocks back one hour, saying they would observe "Palestine time" for two more weeks; Israeli army...

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  • July 13, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics states that 600 more people left Israel than arrived in 1988; overall population increasing at 1.6...

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  • July 5, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shamir bowing to right-wing pressure pledges that Likud will never return O.T. to "foreign sovereignty"; Palestinians in E. Jerusalem...

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  • May 30, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor party leader Shimon Peres states that Israel must give up Gaza as part of peace process [FBIS 6/1]. Soviet F. M. Shevardnadze...

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  • April 10, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Finance minister, leader of Labor party Shimon Peres states, "Now, the United States is, in fact, mediating between us and the PLO."...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Speaking in Bayt Sahur, Archbishop Desmond Tutu draws parallels between plight of South African blacks and Palestinians in O.T. [NYT, LAT 12/25; FBIS 12/28].

Shimon Peres asks Israel's Cabinet to approve $27.2 billion 1990 budget, including $5.3 billion earmarked for defense. The army seeks an extra $200 million to combat intifada [LAT 12/25].

The first Egyptian trade delegation to visit Israel arrives in Jerusalem. Israeli exports to Egyptotalled $6.2 million last year, while imports from Egypt totalled $3.2 million [FBIS 12/28].

Ariel Sharon suggests to the cabinet that the level of violence in territories could be reduced if Israel arrested or deported Faisal Husayni, Sari Nusaybah, and Jamil al-Tarifi [FBIS 12/28].

Arab World: Arafat meets with Mubarak in Cairo to discuss plans for preliminary peace talks in Washington [NYT 12/25].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's Supreme Court overturns decision by army's Judge Advocate General and directs army to court-martial Col. Yehuda Meir (ret.). This is the first time the High Court has moved against IDF. Col. Meir is accused of instructing troops to break limbs of Palestinian prisoners arrested in January 1988 [NYT, LAT 12/25; FBIS 12/27].

At least 25 Palestinians are wounded in clashes with IDF forces throughout O.T. [FBIS 12/27].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Washington Post reports Hamas made considerable gains in O.T. at expense of Fateh [WP 12/17].

Israeli government says missing air force navigator Ron Arad, shot down over Lebanon in 1986, is still alive and being held captive by Iran [MET 12/26].

French P.M. Michel Rocard arrives in Israel for meetings with Shamir and Peres [FBIS 12/15].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 7 Palestinians, including 10-year-old girl, are wounded when bomb is thrown into E. Jerusalem store [FJ 12/25].

Military closes indefinitely al-Tufah School in Gaza for stone-throwing incident [FBIS 12/19; FJ 12/25]. 


Other Countries: Arab nations decide to defer action on UN resolution recognizing Palestinian state, yielding to U.S. warnings it would withhold funds if resolution was passed [NYT 12/6].

U.S. undersecretary for Near Eastern and South Asian affairs John Kelly meets with Shamir, Arens, and Peres to brief them on Malta summit. Later Kelly flies to Cairo to brief Mubarak [FBIS 12/5, 12/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army shoots, kills 5 Arabs crossing into southern Israel from Egypt through the Sinai [NYT, WP, FBIS 12/6; JP 12/16].

Ha'aretz reports IDF plans to build prison in Gush 'Ezyon area. The jail would hold 4,000 inmates [FBIS 12/5].

Arab World: 5 Palestinians are killed in Ayn al-Hulwah camp near Sidon when masked man opens fire in street [FBIS 12/7].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shimon Peres has asked the Bush administration to provide $400 million in loan guarantees to construct housing for the 100,000 Jewish immigrants Israel expects from the Soviet Union over the next three years [NYT, WP 10/2].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 5 Palestinians are shot, killed, 3 others are wounded in clashes with IDF troops in O.T. General strike in Nablus, 2 Palestinians wounded. 3 IDF soldiers wounded from stones. Palestinian suspected of collaboration is found dead [FBIS 10/3].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Government closes Gaza Strip through 10/2 during Rosh Hashana [WP 9/29]. Hadashot poll determines the most hated person in Israel is Shimon Peres [FBIS 10/2].

Arab World: President Hosni Mubarak telephones P.M. Shamir and gives conditional offer to meet; they agree to arrange a future meeting [NYT, WP 10/1].

Other Countries: Sec. of State Baker wams that Middle East peace process would go "back to the drawing board," unless the Israeli cabinet either endorses the Egyptian 10-point plan or finds another way to bring Palestinians to the bargaining table [NYT, LAT 9/30].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army reduces sentences of 3 soldiers convicted of beating a Palestinian to death in custody from nine months to six [NYT 9/30; MET 10/10]. 2 Palestinians, 19 and 13, are shot, killed in clashes with soldiers; at least 2 others are wounded throughout O.T. [FBIS 10/3].


Other Countries: Letter to Sec. of State Baker signed by 68 senators and drafted by Senators Mack (R-FL) and Lieberman (DCT), urges against granting a visa to Arafat [NYT 9/26]. President Bush meets with Labor leader Peres for an hour; then meets with Likud's Arens after latter's complaint conceming Peres meeting [NYT 9/26].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 17-year-old Palestinian from Nablus is shot, wounded in clash with troops. 12-year-old from Jenin is wounded in clash. Rafah man suspected of collaboration is killed, another beaten [FBIS 9/26]. At least 7 Palestinians are wounded in O.T. IDF soldier is injured by rock in Khan Yunis [FBIS 9/27].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: West Bank occupation authorities say 74 Arab foreigners have been expelled since 8/1, mostly to Jordan, for overstaying visitor's permits [MET 9/19]. Shimon Peres sharply attacks Shamir and Rabin's request for Pres. Bush to raise $2 billion for restoring refugee camps [FBIS 9/7].

Arab World: Citing Lebanese Christian army commander Michel Aoun's "erratic and threatening behavior," U.S. evacuates its embassy in Beirut [NYT, WP, LAT 9/7].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza, Israeli troops fire at demonstrating Palestinians, injuring 21. UN workers charge Israeli authorities stopped an ambulance and arrested 2 Palestinians on their way to the hospital [MET 9/19].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In W.Bank, Palestinians refuse to set clocks back one hour, saying they would observe "Palestine time" for two more weeks; Israeli army threatens to detain students who go to private school on "Palestine time." Army chief of staff, Dan Shomron, says the army's new policy is to arrest about 700 Palestinians accused of "distributing underground leaflets, enforcing strikes, painting graffiti . . . and attacking suspected collaborators" [NYT 9/6]. In separate interviews, Labor leader Peres says granting a visa to Arafat would not affect U.S. -Israeli relations, while P.M. Shamir reaffirms opposition to Arafat's entry into the U.S. [FBIS 9/6].

Arab World: Libyan authorities have told dozens of rebel movements around the world, including PLO splinter groups, to expect a cutback in funding and to close their offices in Libya [WP 9/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Tel Aviv 12- year-old Palestinian boy dies of wounds received 8/31; 36-year-old Palestinian in Rafah accused of collaboration is killed, another severely beaten [NYT 9/6]. Army closes 8 W. Bank schools, blaming students for demonstrations and stone throwing [FBIS 9/5; NYT 9/6]. A cooperative effort between IDF and the Air Force will allow IDF to use helicopters to help fight the intifada [FBIS 9/6].

Arab World: Israeli border troops clash with 3 Arab guerrillas in South Lebanon, 1 guerrilla killed [NYT 9/6]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics states that 600 more people left Israel than arrived in 1988; overall population increasing at 1.6% per year; Jewish population at 1.3%; Muslim population at 3.7%; total population is 4,476,800; 82% of population is Jewish; 14% Muslim [FBIS 7/13]. Yossi Beilin, aide to Labor leader Peres, states that Israel holds indirectalks with PLO [FBIS 7/13, LAT 7/14].

Arab World: PLO officials state that PLO and Israel have held indirect talks [LAT 7/14].

Other Countries: British F. M. Geoffrey Howe meets with Bassam Abu Sharif, aide to Arafat [FJ 7/25].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Stone throwing Palestinian from Hebron is shot, killed. In Khan Yunis soldiershoot, kill 18-year-old Palestinian [FBIS 7/13, FJ 7/17].

Other Countries: Land mine kills SLA soldier in Israeli-imposed "security zone" in south Lebanon [MET 7/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shamir bowing to right-wing pressure pledges that Likud will never return O.T. to "foreign sovereignty"; Palestinians in E. Jerusalem will not be eligible to vote in O.T. elections; elections in O.T. will not be held until intifadah is over, and the Jewish settlements are expanded. Peres says that conditions place "heavy handcuffs on the peace process" [NYT, WP 7/6].

Arab World: Jordan announces that parliamentary elections, the first in 23 years, will take place 11/16 [FBIS 7/11].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Nablus 20- year-old Palestinian from Bayt Lid dies from wounds sustained 10 days earlier. In Gaza 103 Palestinians are shot, injured by troops; 20 are overcome by tear gas [FJ 7/10]. Army arrests 100 Palestinians in O.T. [LAT 7/6]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor party leader Shimon Peres states that Israel must give up Gaza as part of peace process [FBIS 6/1]. Soviet F. M. Shevardnadze calls Israel's plan for elections in O.T. "interesting" [FBIS 5/30]. D. M. Rabin states that standard of living in O.T. has dropped 40% due to uprising [FBIS 6/1]. Palestinian workers in W. Bank settlement, Ariel, must wear badges identifying them as foreign workers [NYT, FBIS 6/1].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Tulkarm soldiers open fire, wound 4 Palestinians. In Nusayrat troops seriously wound Palestinian [FBIS 5/31]. Arab World: SLA troops open fire, kill guerrilla in south Lebanon; SLA soldier is injured [FBIS 5/31].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Finance minister, leader of Labor party Shimon Peres states, "Now, the United States is, in fact, mediating between us and the PLO." Israeli settlers move into new settlement of Zofim [FBIS 4/10].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Hebron, troops shoot, kill 22-year-old Palestinian. In Bethlehem troops shoot, injure 3 Palestinians. In Duhayshah 5 Palestinians are injured. In Gaza at least 23 Palestinians are injured during protests [FJ 4/17].