Military Action:
Syria reported to have East German and Cuban military advisers assisting with newly acquired Soviet equipment and upgrading military command and control structure; Haddad...
Military Action:
Syria reported to have East German and Cuban military advisers assisting with newly acquired Soviet equipment and upgrading military command and control structure; Haddad...
Military Action:
Syrians fire two anti-aircraft missiles at IAF jets overflying Bekaa, both miss, Israeli military command accuses Syria of cease-fire violations; plans to deploy 1,800...
Military Action:
Arafat leaves Beirut by boat after tumultuous departure, farewells to Lebanese Muslim leaders (accompanied to ship by Wazzan, Salam); Syrian troops leave West Beirut, take...
Military Action:
IDF jets, artillery attack Palestinian areas of West Beirut for second day (Fakhani and stadium areas, Burj al-Barajneh, Shatila, Ramlet el-Baida, Lailake, road into...
Military Action:
IDF and PLO forces fight rocket, tank and artillery duels across Beirut in evening after a day of intermittent shelling; thousands of civilians flee to shelters;...
Military Action:
Syria reported to have East German and Cuban military advisers assisting with newly acquired Soviet equipment and upgrading military command and control structure; Haddad declares he has taken control of 25-mile zone of South Lebanon, establishes garrison post in Sidon, says purpose is to help legitimate authorities to restore sovereignty throughout the country; 150 French soldiers added to French MNF contingent, now numbers 2,200; Lebanese Cabinet decree places police at disposal of military commander, gives army right to arrest and try people threatening national security; IDF says it will increase patrols in Sidon in response to requests from Wazzan.
45 thefts of autos from Palestinians in South Lebanon reported by police.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin tells visiting members of European Parliament that their support for Reagan plan is destructive; Begin announces appointment of Moshe Arens to replace Sharon as Defense Minister; Parliament votes 61 to 56, with 1 abstention, to approve Sharon remaining in Cabinet without portfolio; Sharon receives ceremonial farewell with full military honors at Tel Aviv Defense Ministry; Israel reportedly plans to increase air force strength from 19 to 24 combat squadrons, deploying 600 high performance aircraft, by mid-1990s; Kalandia refugee camp and its UNRWA school, al-Amari camp, and the old Nablus market are placed under curfews; bus window smashed near Dheisheh camp, windows of Israeli cars broken in Ramallah; tires burned near Ramallah; one IDF soldier, one civil administrator injured by stones in Ramallah; Bethlehem Mayor Freij says Palestinians have only two months to prevent Israeli takeover of West Bank and Gaza from becoming an established fact.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: 16th session of Palestine National Council opens in Algiers, 360 members from 90 countries present, 180 from West Bank and Gaza absent; PLO Executive Committee reportedly will make following recommendations: Reagan plan is insufficient but not rejected, closer ties with progressive and democratic elements in Egypt, special link with King Hussein, confederation between independent Palestinian state and Jordan, PLO members to participate with Jordanians in any negotiations, endorsement of Arab League resolution at Fez, PNC to decide on question of contacts between PLO leaders and Israelis; Lebanese-Israeli-US negotiators at Khalde end 15th round of talks, announce they are putting into writing points of agreement reached so far.
US and Other Countries: Austrian Chancellor Kreisky says Reagan plan represents a change of attitude but as for solving the concrete questions, he is doubtful; US aerospace companies such as Northrop oppose use of Foreign Military Sales credits by Israel for development of the Lavie fighter, expected to compete in export market with such aircraft as General Dynamics F-16 and Northrop F-20; Defense Secretary Weinberger has talks with outgoing Israeli Ambassador Arens; Habib travels to Israel from Beirut; State Dept. expresses concern over murders of Palestinians in Sidon area.
Military Action:
Syrians fire two anti-aircraft missiles at IAF jets overflying Bekaa, both miss, Israeli military command accuses Syria of cease-fire violations; plans to deploy 1,800 Lebanese Army soldiers in East Beirut delayed by tensions in Chouf area; new fighting flares before IDF reimposes curfew; fighting in Aley erupts day after Druze militiamen ambush Lebanese Army soldiers; artillery battles break out after gunmen fire on car in village of Kaifoun; gunbattles continue in village of Souk el-Gharb; IDF jeep comes under fire in village of Bchamoun; explosion in West Beirut flat kills 2, wounds 8; Sidon placed under tight IDF control following 2 attacks on IDF soldiers in past week, allegedly by newly-formed Lebanese National Patriotic Front.
One Lebanese Army soldier killed, 3 wounded in ambush; some Palestinians released from Answar have been rearrested in past few days; 6 Israeli soldiers captured by PLO are interviewed by ICRC team in camp near Barr Elias in eastern Bekaa.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir warns that Syrian missile attacks may delay withdrawal of foreign forces; Meridor says Israel willing to make political commitment to welfare of Palestinian refugees in upcoming negotiations with Lebanese, will seek guarantee that Lebanese will not tear down houses built by refugees who lost their homes in the fighting; Mapam leader Shemtov says PLO willingness to dialogue with Israel should not be ignored; Israeli Cabinet says Israel will agree to negotiate Taba issue only if Egypt resumes talks on all outstanding issues between two countries and ends diplomatic freeze; Israeli Ambassador to US Moshe Arens proposes 6-month moratorium on new settlements, but Begin rejects request and Arens is heavily criticized in Jerusalem; Drori testifies that he did not know of hundreds of civilian deaths until Saturday afternoon, yet feared mass civilian killings by Phalange, may have been told of Eitan decision to let Phalange enter camps only at time Phalange learned of it, and says Phalange asked IDF for tractors, were given one with IDF markings removed.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Information Minister Roger Shikhani warns press of need for "wisdom" in deciding what they print to avoid imposition of censorship; Lebanese Cabinet endorses plan to use existing military liaison committee for future talks, expanded to include at least one civilian legal expert and US representatives; PLO's Abu Jihad says PLO will not withdraw until IDF does first and Lebanese Government signs written guarantee of safety of civilians, says US guarantee no longer reliable after massacre, PLO uninterested in Draper negotiations and will deal with Lebanese separately, would like to retain PLO military presence in Lebanon, perhaps through Lebanese PLA unit; PLO official Khalid al-Hassan, in New York, says establishment of Palestinian state a prerequisite to PLO acceptance of US peace plan.
Arab Governments: Egypt asks Israel to delay opening of luxury hotel at Taba.
Military Action:
Arafat leaves Beirut by boat after tumultuous departure, farewells to Lebanese Muslim leaders (accompanied to ship by Wazzan, Salam); Syrian troops leave West Beirut, take up new positions in Bekaa; Fathi Arafat welcomes 147 wounded in Greece.
Shootings on rise as evacuation nears end; IDF soldier wounded in mine ambush; traffic heavy in and out of West Beirut; IDF considers delaying release of al-Ansar detainees because of guerrilla attacks in Sidon, Tyre; Egged bus line of Israel plans to open line to Tyre, Sidon, Zaharani river.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon says occupied territories belong to Israel; Nablus women's associations visit Palestinian and Lebanese wounded in Haifa hospitals; Israeli journalist Uri Avneri interrogated by Israeli police concerning his interview with Arafat (Avneri claims interrogation aimed at silencing opposition to Begin/Sharon policies); IDF soldier Eli Gozansky sentenced to third prison term for refusing to serve in Lebanon (he had previously refused to serve in the occupied territories); 38 percent of Israelis support negotiations with PLO in public poll; pro-Begin group protests war reporting.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, before departure, holds press conference at home of Jumblatt (says 5000 killed, 48,000 wounded during invasion; 9,000 arrested, including 106 fighters, among which were wounded soldiers taken from Sidon, Tyre hospitals); 5 Maronites from Kaslik University meet Shamir in Jerusalem, ask US to support Phalange efforts to expel PLO, Syrians; Major Haddad watches evacuation as guest of IDF; PLO officials in Europe release files on Abu Nidal.
Arab Governments: Saudi King Fahd expresses willingness to drop his proposal for Israeli-Arab peace; King Hussein of Jordan visits Saudi Arabia, Iraq as part of Gulf tour; Arab foreign ministers agree on date for Fez summit.
US and Other Countries: State Department denies US proposed to Sharon a "demilitarized Palestinian state" in West Bank/Gaza Strip; Reagan Administration again reflects Israeli assertion that Jordan is a Palestinian state; Weinberger prepares for visit to Lebanon, Israel; poll in UK says majority of Britons support Palestinian rights; Israeli embassy attacked in Tokyo.
Military Action:
IDF jets, artillery attack Palestinian areas of West Beirut for second day (Fakhani and stadium areas, Burj al-Barajneh, Shatila, Ramlet el-Baida, Lailake, road into airport hit); Bekaa quiet (IDF rebuilding, resurfacing roads in area); two PLO attacks on IDF, one an ambush of soldiers near Bhamdoun, the other on military command center in Sidon (IDF, assisted by Phalangists, seals off city, sets curfew, searches vehicles and houses for guerrillas).
Salam says David Dodge (US educator kidnapped earlier in July) reportedly alive; WAFA says 56 killed, wounded in today's raids (estimates 182 casualties from IDF raids on West Beirut, Bekaa valley yesterday); civilians remain despite extensive damage in Fakhani (many buildings burn); IDF makes little effort at civil administration in the Bekaa, allowing Phalange to be in control; IDF continues blockade of West Beirut (despite some food getting through, doctors report rise in nutrition-related diseases).
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir says PLO does not want to leave Beirut, warns US of "grave danger" in tampering with UN Resolution 242; General Eliezer, in London, claims only 31,000 refugees have resulted from the Lebanese war (excluding Beirut), puts Arab deaths at 1,300 (including 1,000 "terrorists"); Eitan says Israel will not tolerate "war of attrition"; Israel plans to sell some of captured PLO weapons to Third World countries to offset the cost of the war; Begin signs agreement with the ultranationalist Tehiya Party (which opposes the Camp David Accords); 40 Palestinian women's societies in the occupied territories issue a statement demanding an end to the invasion, reaffirming their support for the PLO.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO denounces IDF raid as political act; PLO security actively seeking Dodge's release; PLO-Lebanese negotiations at a standstill while Habib tours Arab capitals; PLO spokesman says negotiations could be helped if US spoke directly to the PLO; Salam meets Wazzan, proposes timetable to make interim PLO withdrawals to other parts of Lebanon more acceptable; Bashir Gemayel, seeking support for his presidential bid, meets with Druze leader Arslan as slayings raise tensions between Phalange and Druze; Shiite Deputy Al-Zani released by Haddad forces; PLO representative in Paris slain by bomb (Abu Nidal and Jewish Armed Resistance both claim responsibility); Arslan meets with Israeli Druze leader Tarif, accompanied by Likud MK.
Arab Governments: Habib meets with Assad and Khaddam in Damascus (Syria reasserts view that focus of negotiations should be on achieving IDF withdrawal).
US and Other Countries: Weinberger cancels trip to California in concern over possible IDF invasion of Beirut; US officials reportedly see possibility of direct dealing with PLO if US forces sent to Beirut; Interior Secretary Watt's letter to Israeli Ambassador Arens, urging American Jews to support Administration energy policies to ensure US support for Israel, causes furor and is disavowed by White House.
Military Action:
IDF and PLO forces fight rocket, tank and artillery duels across Beirut in evening after a day of intermittent shelling; thousands of civilians flee to shelters; Palestinian areas of Barbir and Mazraa reportedly hard hit along with southern outskirts; PLO fire targets IDF emplacements in Hadeth, near East Beirut; shells land at major crossing points, Beirut racetrack, the airport and Burj al-Barajneh; 10 members of 50-man Lebanese security guard unit at airport wounded in shelling; Lebanese Defense Ministry indirectly accuses PLO of starting outbreak by shelling Galerie Semaan crossing; IDF using C-130 Hercules planes to ferry arms and equipment into Lebanon; IDF has reportedly widened and improved a small airstrip at Ansar, west of Nabatiyeh near detention camp.
Beirut experiences major gas shortages, gunfights break out at gas lines; despite token IDF troop pullback to let Wazzan pass and Israeli denial that food was being kept out of W. Beirut, IDF soldiers continue to turn away food lorries as well as fuel and medicine; IDF spokesman says Israel has captured 9,000 suspected PLO guerrillas, 30-60 reportedly being arrested every day; small bands still hiding in hills east of Sidon, occasionally attacking IDF troops; Lebanese police estimate 50 killed, 200 wounded in fierce artillery and rocket duels in the evening; Beirut's 3 main hospitals report 515 killed, 2,200 wounded at their facilities alone since the invasion.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Mayor Rashid al-Shawa of Gaza is dismissed by the Israeli Defense Ministry, becoming the seventh Arab mayor ousted since March after refusing to lift a 2-month municipal strike against cooperation with new Israeli "civil administration"; 35 IDF reserve soldiers involved in Entebbe rescue in 1976 protest the war in Lebanon in letter sent to Begin; 86 reserve officers and soldiers recently released from their units ask Defense Ministry not to be sent back to Lebanon, appeal for evacuation of all Israeli troops; Communications Minister Zipori opposes setting final deadline for getting "terrorists" out of Beirut; demonstrators in Nablus stone IDF soldiers, tear gas and gunfire used to disperse demonstrators; military authorities ban request of Palestine Bank in Gaza Strip to collect money for Lebanon war victims.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Beirut negotiations falter amidst contradictory signals: PLO leader Kaddoumi's statement in London that PLO has agreed to leave Beirut countered by PLO statement in Beirut that PLO has not agreed to leave country, only to move its headquarters from Beirut; adviser to Arafat Hani al-Hassan affirms agreement with Lebanese Government to pull PLO out of Beirut when an international force sanctioned by the UN and containing Americans enters the capital to guarantee the PLO's safe exit and protect remaining Palestinian civilians; Habib reportedly resists deployment of international force before PLO withdrawal to avoid any implicit US recognition of PLO; PLO rejects pullout by sea; PLO insists on maintaining political presence in Lebanon; Wazzan ends 5-day boycott of negotiations, takes PLO demands to Baabda following easing of IDF blockade; Bashir Gemayel states opposition to US troops entering Lebanon, says Lebanese Army should secure W. Beirut; Habib contacts Sharon, who reportedly favors a military solution.
Arab Governments: Syria refuses to receive PLO guerrillas from Lebanon, saying they should stay in Lebanon until they return to Palestine; Arab League delegation including PLO's Kaddoumi in London for talks.
US and Other Countries: Morris Draper, Habib aide, reportedly sent to Syria to get it to accept PLO forces temporarily; Habib reportedly rejects two-stage withdrawal; US Sixth Fleet waits off Lebanese coast; White House officials expect negotiation breakthrough soon, describe IDF cut-off of water and electricity as "outrageous"; issue reportedly taken up by Reagan in letter to Begin; Habib plan reportedly calls for IDF pullback of 1 km. while PLO forces begin evacuation; State Department says US "deeply regrets" Shawa dismissal; Britain declines role in peacekeeping force in Lebanon.