4 / 15500 Results
  • January 13, 1991

    After 2 '/2-hour meeting with Saddam Hussein, Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar says only that he has gained a better understanding of Iraq's position in Gulf crisis. Before meeting with Perez de Cuellar...

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  • January 3, 1991

    Pres. Bush, saying he is making "one last attempt" to avoid war in Gulf, proposes Sec. Baker meet with Iraqi F.M. Aziz between 1/7 and 1/9 in Geneva [MEM 1/3; NYT, WP, WT, LAT, WP 1/4].


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  • August 26, 1990

    On 4-day visit to N. Africa, King Hussein meets Qaddafi in Tripoli to discuss Gulf crisis [ADS, AFP 8/26 in FBIS 8/27; LAT 8/27; MET 9/4].

    Iraq permit. 2 women and children from U.S....

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  • May 22, 1983

    Military Action:

    Phalange and Druze exchange artillery and small arms fire in Chouf after Druze sheikh killed by land mine in Kfarhim.


    23 killed, up to 100...

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After 2 '/2-hour meeting with Saddam Hussein, Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar says only that he has gained a better understanding of Iraq's position in Gulf crisis. Before meeting with Perez de Cuellar, Saddam Hussein tells radio audience that occupied Kuwait would remain 19th Iraqi province [LAT, WT, WP, NYT 1/14].

Bush admin. mobilizes interagency task force to recommend how to deal with complex political problems that will exist after Gulf crisis [LAT 1/14]; Kuwaiti planners also look towards rebuilding operations [WP 1/14].

Pentagon officials say massive Iraqi force entrenched in Kuwait would require weeks to withdraw completely [WP 1/141. Saudi King Fahd and Libyan leader Qaddafi appeal to Saddam Hussein to withdraw from Kuwait and spare his fellow Arabs [LAT 1/14].

Pres. Bush, saying he is making "one last attempt" to avoid war in Gulf, proposes Sec. Baker meet with Iraqi F.M. Aziz between 1/7 and 1/9 in Geneva [MEM 1/3; NYT, WP, WT, LAT, WP 1/4].

Libyan leader Qaddafi predicts Iraq will leave Kuwait to avoid international "catastrophe"; Qaddafi hosts hastily arranged 3-hour meeting with Pres. Mubarak, Pres. Asad, and Sudanese leader Omar Bashir to discuss Gulf crisis [MENA 1/3 in FBIS 1/3; DDS, SANA, RMC, JANA 1/3 in FBIS 1/4; MEM 1/3; WP, WT, LAT 1/4].

Sources in Algerian gov't. say Saddam has sought guarantees before evacuating Kuwait that Iraq will not be attacked subsequently by U.S. or Israel [WP 1/4].

Group of international judges say UN Sec. Council resolution authorizing use of force against Iraq is invalid because China, as a permanent member, had not backed it. Judges cite Article 27 of UN Charter as saying decisions of the Council require "affirmative vote" of all 5 permanent members [WT 1/4].

Citing national security and Iraqi threats, Britain expels 8 Iraqi embassy staff members and 67 other Iraqi nationals [NYT, WP, WT, LAT, MEM 1/4].

Guido de Marco, president of UN Gen. Assembly and 1st to visit o.t., witnesses stones being thrown at Israeli troops and soldiers answering with tear gas and rubber bullets during visit to Jabaliya camp [WP, WT 1/4].

Israeli troops shoot dead Palestinian and wound 6 others in Gaza; military reports soldiers chased masked Palestinians in Khan Yunis and opened fire when they would not halt [WT 1/4].

Pentagon reports number of Iraqi troops in and near Kuwait has grown to over 530,000 and multinational force arrayed against them now totals more than 580,000 [NYT 1/4].

Jerusalem court sentences reserve army Lt. Col. Yair Klein to 12 months in prison, suspends him for 3 years, and fines him $75,000 for training armed groups linked to drug barons in Columbia [JPD 1/4 in FBIS 1/4; WP 1/4].

Syrian D.M. and deputy P.M. Gen. Mustafa Talas arrives in Riyadh for meetings with Saudi defense officials [SPA, RIDS 1/3 in FBIS 1/4].

On 4-day visit to N. Africa, King Hussein meets Qaddafi in Tripoli to discuss Gulf crisis [ADS, AFP 8/26 in FBIS 8/27; LAT 8/27; MET 9/4].

Iraq permit. 2 women and children from U.S. embassy in Kuwait to leave the country; 3 are turned back at Turkish border; Saddam meets with Austrian Pres. Kurt Waldheim and frees 96 Austrians [WT, LAT 8/27].

Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze demonstrates Moscow's continued reluctance to take military role in Gulf crisis, saying USSR would leave it up to other countries to enforce naval blockade of Iraq [LAT, WT, WP, NYT 8/27].

Israeli military says it will begin blocking exports of Palestinian-produced fruits, vegetables, and other products shipped through Jordan to Iraq [NYT 8/27]. 

Military Action:

Phalange and Druze exchange artillery and small arms fire in Chouf after Druze sheikh killed by land mine in Kfarhim.


23 killed, up to 100 kidnapped in Chouf fighting.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Detectives investigating murder of 2 Russian nuns suspect fanatical Jewish opponents of Christian activity in the Holy Land, Russian convent and other Christian institutions in Jerusalem recently daubed with swastikas; 90% of government-employed doctors refuse to work in escalation of strike actions for higher wages begun March 2; High Court rules that Druze residents of Golan Heights must carry Israeli identity cards; Chief of Staff Levy says reserve duty will average 60-65 days this year if IDF remains in Lebanon for protracted period; Cabinet formally ratifies agreement with Lebanon.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem, in Paris, says Syrian position on Lebanese-Israeli-US accord is not final; Habib arrives in Beirut for meetings with Lebanese officials.

Arab Governments: Iraq says US-arranged Lebanese-Israeli accord constitutes a chain on Lebanon's sovereignty; Kuwait minister says agreement is an infringement on the rights of the whole Arab nation; Col. Qaddafi says rebellion in PLO has his material and moral support.