16 / 15500 Results
  • June 13, 2000

    Israeli, PA teams open 2 sets of talks nr. Washington: final status issues at Andrews air force base (AFB) and interim issues at Bolling AFB. (MM, WT 6/13; NYT, WP, WT 6/14; WP 6/15)


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  • January 6, 2000

    At the Shepherdstown talks, Syria complains that Israel has refused to convene the technical comms. on withdrawal or water, agreeing to discuss the border issue informally only (see 1/4, 1/5);...

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  • November 25, 1999

    In Moscow, Russian dep. FM Vasily Sredin meets with ambs. of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, the PA, Syria and the Arab League envoy to discuss the peace process. (ITAR-TASS 11/26 in WNC 11/29)


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  • November 18, 1999

    In Jerusalem, the Israeli, PA final status teams hold their 4th round of talks, begin detailing their positions on issues that will be addressed in the framework agmt. on permanent status (FAPS)....

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  • August 2, 1999

    After being briefed by Erakat on his 8/1 mtg. with Sher, Arafat accuses Israel of a breach of trust, saying Israel is trying to "avoid the accurate and honest implementation of what has been...

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  • March 1, 1999

    Protest by Palestinian political prisoners against their detention in Israel's Megiddo jail turns into riot, injuring 3 Israeli policemen. Meanwhile, 44 Palestinians held in PA jails...

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  • February 8, 1999

    Funeral for King Hussein is held in Amman. 10s of world leaders attend, including large Israeli, U.S. delegation. On the sidelines, Clinton meets briefly with King Abdallah, Asad, Arafat,...

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  • November 18, 1998

    Israeli FM Sharon, PA cheif negotiator Mahmud Abbas meet at the Israeli FMin. in Jerusalem to discuss final status talks, progress of the PA-Israeli comms. on the economy, Gaza port, FRDs. (MM,...

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  • October 8, 1998

    PM Netanyahu meets with his security cabinet to discuss upcoming Washington talks; for the 1st time presents Ms with 2 2d FRD maps. (ITV 10/8 in WNC 10/14; NYT 10/10)

    U.S. envoy Ross,...

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  • October 6, 1998

    Secy. Albright holds 2d round of mtgs. with Arafat, Netanyahu. Netanyahu then heads to Ariel settlement for celebration marking Ariel's new city status (see 6/11) also attended by DM Mordechai,...

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  • April 26, 1998

    U.S. special envoy Ross, Asst. Secy. of State Indyk discuss upcoming London mtgs. with Arafat in Gaza, hold 2d mtg. with PM Netanyahu. (ITV 4/26 in WNC 4/27; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 4/27...

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  • March 2, 1998

    In Jerusalem, PM Netanyahu hosts mbrs. of Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (CPMAJO); calls on them to fend off expected U.S. government initiative to...

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  • December 28, 1997

    Israeli Infrastructures M Sharon takes Netanyahu, 7 cabinet mbrs. on a tour of the West Bank to underscore need for Israel to retain security zones after FRD. (IDF Radio 12/28, al-Quds 1/29...

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  • December 5, 1997

    Secy. of State Albright meets with Netanyahu in Paris on her way to Africa to discuss his new FRD proposal. Netanyahu holds separate mtg. with French PM Lionel Jospin, FM Vedrine; stresses that EU...

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  • October 28, 1997

    In Amman, Russian FM Primakov meets with King Hussein, Crown Prince Hassan. (ITAR-TASS [Moscow], JT, RJ 10/28 in WNC 10/29; MM 0/19; RJ 10/29 in WNC 10/30)

    Iraq, Syria hold water talks in...

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  • March 10, 1997

    PM Netanyahu replies to King Hussein 3/9 letter. (NYT, WP 3/12; MM, WJW, WT 3/13)

    Netanyahu begins 3-day trip to Moscow, urges Russia not to arm Iran, Syria. (MM 3/10; ITAR-TASS [Moscow] 3/...

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Israeli, PA teams open 2 sets of talks nr. Washington: final status issues at Andrews air force base (AFB) and interim issues at Bolling AFB. (MM, WT 6/13; NYT, WP, WT 6/14; WP 6/15)

Funeral ceremonies for Syrian pres. Hafiz al-Asad are held in Damascus, Latakia, and Asad's childhood home of Qardaha, where he is laid to rest in the family mausoleum. Attending are the heads of state of Egypt, France, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Turkey, and Yemen; the heads of the PA and Hizballah; plus senior reps. from Iraq, Russia, the U.S. Secy. of State Albright meets alone with Bashar al-Asad for 15 mins., says he is ready to continue discussions on talks with Israel. (MM, WT 6/13; ATL, DUS, HINA [Zagreb], Interfax, IRNA, ITAR-TASS, MENA, al-Quds, Rompres [Bucharest] 6/13 in WNC 6/14; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 6/14; MA, al-Quds 6/14 in WNC 6/15; JP, MEI, MM 6/16; Sabah [Istanbul] 6/15 in WNC 6/21; MIL 6/19 in WNC 6/27; MM 6/20; MEI 6/30)

After a wk. of coalition bargaining to keep his government together following the 6/7 Knesset vote, PM Barak's main partner, Shas (17 Knesset seats), announces it will quit the coalition at the next cabinet mtg. unless Barak agrees to bail out its financially strapped schools, to remove its schools fr. Education Min. oversight, and to legalize its pirate radio stations. Shas's departure would leave Barak with a minority government. (MM 6/13; MM, NYT, WP, WT 6/14; MM 6/15; MA 6/16 in WNC 6/19; WP 6/20; WJW 6/22)

The IDF bulldozes a Palestinian home in East Jerusalem to make way for a road. This is the 13th house demolition in East Jerusalem this yr. (WT 6/14)

At the Shepherdstown talks, Syria complains that Israel has refused to convene the technical comms. on withdrawal or water, agreeing to discuss the border issue informally only (see 1/4, 1/5); says it will not participate in further mtgs. of the security or normalization comms. until Israel agrees to discuss withdrawal formally. Pres. Clinton flies to Shepherdstown for 3d time this wk., holds 6 hrs. of talks with Barak, Shara` but does not break the impasse. (SA 1/6 in WNC 1/7; MM, NYT, WP 1/7; MEI 1/14)

Russia, the U.S. announce plans to host a FM-level mtg. of the multilateral steering comm. in Moscow on 2/1. (ITAR-TASS 1/6 in WNC 1/7; MM, WT 1/7)

The PA frees Qassim and Dudin, the last 2 Palestinians who signed the Petition of the 20. (NYT 1/7; LAW 1/12; MEI 1/28) (see 12/19)

Turkey's amb. to Washington hosts a farewell reception for outgoing Israeli amb. Zalman Shoval. (WT 1/7)

In Moscow, Russian dep. FM Vasily Sredin meets with ambs. of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, the PA, Syria and the Arab League envoy to discuss the peace process. (ITAR-TASS 11/26 in WNC 11/29)

Chmn. of China's National People's Congress, Li Peng, arrives in Israel on a 6-day visit aimed at strengthening bilateral ties, especially in military cooperation. (XIN 11/25 in WNC 11/26, 11/29; WP, WT 11/26; XIN 11/29 in WNC 12/1; AFP 11/30 in WNC 12/1; XIN 11/30, 12/1 in WNC 12/2; NYT, WT 12/2)

In Tulkarm, 600 Palestinians fr. West Bank refugee camps hold mtg. to demand that the PA to fight for the refugees' right of return during final status negotiations. (BADIL press release 11/29)

Palestinians in Gaza City strike to protest price hikes on basic goods, such as flour and gas; they accuse PA monopolies of banning imports fr. Israel, then increasing prices. PA says it will investigate. (MENL 11/25)

Turkey's court of appeals upholds the death sentence against Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) leader Abdallah Ocalan. The European Union (EU) warns that the decision may affect Turkey's chances of joining the EU. (MM 11/25; ATL 11/25 in WNC 11/26; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 11/26) (see 6/29)

In Jerusalem, the Israeli, PA final status teams hold their 4th round of talks, begin detailing their positions on issues that will be addressed in the framework agmt. on permanent status (FAPS). The PA demands that Israel compensate Palestinians damages suffered due to yrs. of occupation, stresses that Oslo agmts. do not give Israel the right to unilaterally decide the FRDs. (AYM 11/19 in WNC 11/23; WJW 11/25)

On the sidelines of OSCE talks, Egyptian FM `Amr Musa discusses with U.S. Secy. of State Madeleine Albright, Israeli PM Barak, Israeli FM Levy the possibility of resuming Syrian-Israeli talks; complains that implementation of Wye II is moving too slowly. (MENA 11/18 in WNC 11/22; MENA 11/19 in WNC 11/23)

At the OSCE talks, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey sign several agmts. to build an oil pipeline fr. Baku to Ceyhan. The U.S. pressed hard for the agmt., which is economically inviable yet will not be financed by the U.S., because it provides a route to move Caspian oil to the West that bypasses Iran, Russia. (ATL, Interfax, ITAR-TASS 11/18 in WNC 11/22; NYT, WP 11/19; Turan [Baku] 11/19, Iran News, Rossiyskaya Gazeta [Moscow] 11/20, Interfax 11/22 in WNC 11/23; NYT 11/21; MM 11/24)

In Cairo, Egyptian, Turkish officials discuss promoting bilateral trade, establishing free trade zone. Egypt agrees in principle to export gas to Turkey. (MENA 11/18 in WNC 11/22)

After being briefed by Erakat on his 8/1 mtg. with Sher, Arafat accuses Israel of a breach of trust, saying Israel is trying to "avoid the accurate and honest implementation of what has been agreed upon" under Wye. (NYT 8/3; MA, al-Quds 8/3 in WNC 8/5; MM 8/6)

Israeli PM Barak meets with Russian pres. Boris Yeltsin in Moscow for talks on the peace process, urges Russia to halt transfer of military technology to Iran, Iraq. (MM 8/2; Interfax, ITAR-TASS, NTV [Moscow] 8/2 in WNC 8/3; NYT 8/3; MM 8/4; Ekho Moskvy 8/6 in WNC 8/9)

In Cairo, PFLP closes 2 days of reconciliation talks with Fatah, PC mbrs. Although PFLP's Habash refuses to meet with Arafat, both groups describe the mtg. as a positive, agree to set up a follow-up comm. to outline principles of a comprehensive national dialogue that would create a unified position on final status talks with Israel. (NYT, WP, WT 8/2; al-Arabi, al-Quds 8/2 in WNC 8/5; MM, WT 8/3; al-Sha`b 8/6 in WNC 8/9; AYM 8/8 in WNC 8/10; MM 8/9) (see 7/30)

Israeli Finance M Shohat, PA Trade M Mahir al-Masri discuss Wye articles on economic issues, resuming mtgs. of the joint Israeli-PA economic comm., which has not convened for 2 yrs. (AYM 8/3 in WNC 8/5)

Israel's Environmental M Dalia Itzik tours Gaza with her PA counterpart Yusif Abu Safiyya. The pair discuss water pollution, destruction of green areas, possible joint projects. (NYT 8/4)

2-day Jordanian-Syrian Higher Comm. mtg. opens in Amman. Talks focus on economic relations. (JTV 8/2 in WNC 8/3; Petra-JNA, RJ 8/3, JT 8/4 in WNC 8/5) (see 7/22)

In Athens, a small homemade bomb explodes outside the offices of the Greece-Israeli Friendship Society, causing damage but no injuries. A caller claims responsibility on behalf of the previously unknown Black Star Group. (Athens News Agency 8/3 in WNC 8/5)

Turkey's military dismisses 58 officers suspected of being antisecularist Islamists or leftists. (WP, WT 8/4)

Protest by Palestinian political prisoners against their detention in Israel's Megiddo jail turns into riot, injuring 3 Israeli policemen. Meanwhile, 44 Palestinians held in PA jails without charge end mo.-long hunger strike (see 2/12), claiming that they have reached an agmt. with the PA to resolve their case. (AFP [Internet] 3/1; PR 3/5)

A Palestinian is shot, wounded by IDF when he tries to avoid a road block nr. Ramallah. (PR 3/5)

Jordanian, Israeli water officials meet in Amman to prepare funding proposals to the EU for joint water projects in the Jordan Valley. (JT 3/2 in WNC 3/4; al-Ayyam 3/3 in WNC 3/5)

Jordanian FM `Abdallah Khatib makes 1st high-level Jordanian visit to Kuwait since the 1990+n91 Gulf conflict. Kuwait says that bilateral relations have returned to normal. (Petra-JNA, Radio Kuwait 3/2, JT 3/3 in WNC 3/4; MM, WP 3/3; Xinhua 3/3 in WNC 3/5)

Pentagon confirms that the U.S., Britain, Turkey have signed their 1st agmt. on technical rules of engagement for air operations in n. Iraq, broadening rules of engagement for pilots for 2d time since 1/25. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/2)

Israel's atty. gen. files formal request for a larger group of High Court justices to reconsider the 2/25 decision not to extradite Sheinbein. (WP 3/2; WJW 3/4, 3/11)

Results of Iran's 2/26 local elections show that reform candidates allied with moderate Pres. Mohamed Khatami won a sweeping victory, taking all seats in Tehran, most seats nationwide. (WP, WT 3/2; NYT, WP, WT 3/3; MM, NYT, WP 3/8)

Lebanese brace for escalation in Israeli attacks following 2/28 incident. Israel's security cabinet threatens future strikes, but under strong international pressure, the IDF stages no attacks. (RL 3/1 in WNC 3/2; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 3/2; ITAR-TASS, MA 3/2 in WNC 3/4)

Funeral for King Hussein is held in Amman. 10s of world leaders attend, including large Israeli, U.S. delegation. On the sidelines, Clinton meets briefly with King Abdallah, Asad, Arafat, Netanyahu. DFLP head Nayif Hawatmah shakes hands with Israeli pres. Weizman. (MM 2/8; ATL, Interfax, ITAR-TASS, Kyodo, LPA, Weiner Zeitung 2/8 in WNC 2/9; MM, NYT, WP, WT 2/9; MM 2/10)

Turkey rejects Iran's call to resume tripartite talks with Syria on situation in n. Iraq, other regional issues. Tripartite talks began in 1992 but were halted by Turkey in 1994 to protest Syria's alleged increase in support to the PKK. (ATL 2/8 in WNC 2/9)

Israeli FM Sharon, PA cheif negotiator Mahmud Abbas meet at the Israeli FMin. in Jerusalem to discuss final status talks, progress of the PA-Israeli comms. on the economy, Gaza port, FRDs. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/19; ITV 11/20 in WNC 11/23)

Israel, the PA finalize procedures for Gaza airport. (ITV 11/19 in WNC 11/20; MM 11/24)

The PA runs text of the 5/98 Palestinian Weapons Control Law in Palestinian local newspapers. (MEI, PR 11/27)

In Amman, PC Speaker Ahmad Qurai` meets with Crown Prince Hassan to discuss final status negotiations. (Petra-JNA 11/18 in WNC 11/19, 11/20)

Israel complains that the U.S. is blocking its sale of Falcon air surveillance system, Arrow missiles to India. (ITV 11/18 in WNC 11/19)

Russia says that it is prepared to sell Syria hundreds of millions of dollars worth of military hardware; expects bilateral arms trade to be worth $5 b. over the next 5 yrs. (Interfax, ITAR-TASS 11/18 in WNC 11/19; al-Quds al-Arabi 12/2 in WNC 12/7; ITV 12/24 in WNC 12/28)

Israeli PM Netanyahu admits that 2 Israelis arrested in Cyprus 11/7 are Mossad agents but says that Israel was not spying on Cyprus or on Turkey's behalf. (ITV 11/18 in WNC 11/20)

IDF evicts settlers fr. hilltop nr. Keddumim, but takes no action against settlers who set up 6 mobile homes on hill nr. Halamish. (WT 11/19) (see 11/17)

PM Netanyahu meets with his security cabinet to discuss upcoming Washington talks; for the 1st time presents Ms with 2 2d FRD maps. (ITV 10/8 in WNC 10/14; NYT 10/10)

U.S. envoy Ross, Palestinian-Israeli Steering and Monitoring Comm. (PISMC) heads Saeb Erakat and Dani Nave discuss security at Gaza airport. (ITV 10/8 in WNC 10/14)

U.S. Asst. Secy. Indyk phones Syrian FM Shara` fr. Cairo to discuss crisis btwn. Syria, Turkey. Shara` calls on the U.S. to adopt a clear stand, back mediation efforts. Indyk publicly calls on Turkey to exercise self-restraint, then heads to Jordan to brief Crown Prince Hassan on Albright trip. (MENA 10/8 in WNC 10/9; SATN 10/8, RJ 10/9 in WNC 10/14)

In Moscow, Arafat briefs Russian Pres. Boris Yeltsin, PM Yevgeny Primakov, Duma Chmn. Gennady Seleznev on his recent mtgs. with Pres. Clinton, Secy. Albright. (Interfax, ITAR-TASS 10/8 in WNC 10/14)

Iran reports clash with Taliban troops along the border with Afghanistan, marking the 1st significant military incident in their 2-mo.-old standoff. Taliban denies any clash took place. 270,000 Iranian troops are facing 10,000 Taliban troops along the border. (NYT, WP, WT 10/9; MEI 10/16) (see 9/12)

Iranian FM Kharrazi arrives in Syria for talks with senior officials on lowering tensions with Turkey. (IRNA, SANA 10/8 in WNC 10/9; MM 10/9; IRNA, SANA 10/9 in WNC 10/14)

In a ceremony attended by Israeli mayor of Jerusalem Ehud Olmert and 50 mbrs. of the Ateret Cohanim settler group, 3 Jewish settler families move into a home in East Jerusalem. Israel also announces that 150 new housing units will be added to Ma'ale Mikhmas settlement nr. Ramallah. (AFP 10/9 [Internet])

In continuing clashes in Hebron, IDF troops open fire, killing a Palestinian protester, seriously wounding a news photographer, 20 other Palestinian protesters. (MM 10/8; CSM, NYT, PR, WT 10/9; WP 10/10; MEI, PR 10/16; JP 10/29)

Secy. Albright holds 2d round of mtgs. with Arafat, Netanyahu. Netanyahu then heads to Ariel settlement for celebration marking Ariel's new city status (see 6/11) also attended by DM Mordechai, Infrastructures M Ariel Sharon. (MM 10/6; ITV 10/6, JT 10/7 in WNC 10/8; NYT, WP 10/7; ITV 10/7 in WNC 10/9; NYT 10/8; PR 10/9; MEI 10/16; JP 10/17)

CIA Dir. George Tenet meets with Israeli, PA officials on security MOU. Israel, PA reach understanding on long-delayed opening of Gaza industrial park after an FRD agmt. is finalized, discuss forming an "anti-incitement" comm. (WP 10/8; ITV, QY 10/13 in WNC 10/15; MEI, PR 10/16) (see 9/8)

While Egypt's Mubarak shuttles btwn. Turkey's Demirel in Ankara and Syria's Asad in Damascus, Turkish PM Mesut Yilmaz cancels leaves for all troops, gives Syria a "last warning" on support for Kurdish separatists. (MM 10/6; ATL, ESC Television, INA, ITAR-TASS, MENA 10/6 in WNC 10/7; MENA, al-Sabil, SATN 10/6, ATL, al-Dustur 10/7 in WNC 10/8; CSM, MM, WP, WT 10/7; ATL, HA, HUR, Iran News, al-Liwa', MENA, MIL 10/7, ATL, MIL 10/8 in WNC 10/9; MM 10/8; MA 10/9 in WNC 10/14) (see 10/5)

In s. Lebanon, Hizbullah mbrs. detonate roadside bombs as an IDF convoy passes, killing 2 soldiers, wounding 6. (MM 10/6; WT 10/7; JP 10/17)

U.S. special envoy Ross, Asst. Secy. of State Indyk discuss upcoming London mtgs. with Arafat in Gaza, hold 2d mtg. with PM Netanyahu. (ITV 4/26 in WNC 4/27; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 4/27; PR 5/1)

In Ankara, the presidents of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey hold follow-up mtg. on transporting Caspian oil to Turkish ports, recreating a Eurasian transport corridor, spurring regional economic growth. (ITAR-TASS 4/26, Bakinskiy Rabochiy [Baku], Sabah [Istanbul] 4/28 in WNC 4/30; Milliyet [Ankara] 5/11 in WNC 5/13) (see 3/2)

In Jerusalem, PM Netanyahu hosts mbrs. of Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (CPMAJO); calls on them to fend off expected U.S. government initiative to press Israel for an FRD. (MM 3/3; WT 3/4; WJW 3/12; MM 3/18) (see 2/28)

UNSC unanimously approves 2/22 agmt., warning Iraq it will face "the severest consequences" if it breaks the agmt. China, France, Russia refuse to include explicit threat of force. Council settles for deliberately ambiguous language. U.S. officials stress that resolution does not prohibit an attack. (CSM, MM, NYT, WP 3/3; MM 3/4)

At close of 2-day mtg., Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Turkmenistan express support for construction of a "Eurasian Energy Corridor" pipeline linking Baku, Azerbaijan, with Ceyhan, Turkey. (ITAR-TASS 3/2 in WNC 3/5; Interfax 3/13 in WNC 3/17) (see 12/28/97)

Sheinbein's atty. accepts Israeli judge's 2/25 proposal, but Maryland state atty. says it would consider deal only if Sheinbein agrees to plead guilty. State Dept. says it might agree if it had some control over sentencing. (WP 3/2, 3/5)

Israeli Infrastructures M Sharon takes Netanyahu, 7 cabinet mbrs. on a tour of the West Bank to underscore need for Israel to retain security zones after FRD. (IDF Radio 12/28, al-Quds 1/29 in WNC 1/1; WT 12/29; JP 1/10) (see 12/23)

Saying that Pollard "has paid a heavier price than any other person convicted of a similar crime" in the U.S., PM Netanyahu orders the formation of a special ministerial team (PM, DM, FM, atty. gen., MKs Limor Livnat and Yuli Edelstein) to lobby for Pollard's release. (YA 12/29 in WNC 1/1; JP 1/3) (see 12/14)

Azerbaijan announces support for plan, backed by U.S., to transport Caspian oil, gas through Turkey. Meanwhile, Iran, Turkey, Turkmenistan sign agmt. opposed by U.S. to construct gas pipeline fr. Turkmenistan, through Iran and Turkey, to Europe. (Interfax [Moscow], IRNA, ITAR-TASS 12/28 in WNC 1/1) (see 11/19)

Secy. of State Albright meets with Netanyahu in Paris on her way to Africa to discuss his new FRD proposal. Netanyahu holds separate mtg. with French PM Lionel Jospin, FM Vedrine; stresses that EU must take back seat to U.S. for the peace process to succeed. (MM 12/5; HA, IDF Radio, LCI Television [Paris] 12/5 in WNC 12/8; IDF Radio 12/5 in WNC 12/17; NYT, WP 12/6; HA, IDF Radio 12/7, YA 12/8 in WNC 12/9; WT 12/8; MM 12/9; JP 12/13; PR 12/19)

 Mossad officer Yehuda Gil admits relaying false information on Syria to the government for at least 6 of his 20 years at the agency. (MM 12/5; WP 12/6; ITV 12/6, IDF Radio, ITV 12/7 in WNC 12/9; NYT, WP, WT 12/7; al-Ba`th [Damascus] 12/7 in WNC 12/17; MM, WT 12/8; JP 12/13; see also MM 12/4)

 Russian special envoy Posuvalyuk arrives in Lebanon for talks with PM Hariri, Hizballah Secy. Gen. Hassan Nasrallah. Posuvalyuk then returns to Damascus. (ITAR-TASS, VOL 12/5 in WNC 12/8)

 In Gaza, IDF opens fire on Palestinian demonstrators, critically injuring a toddler, wounding 5. (WP 12/6)

 A day after the UN renews the old oil-for-food deal for 6 mos., Iraq stops pumping oil through its main pipeline to Turkey, says flow will resume when UN approves new plan for distribution of humanitarian goods bought with oil revenues; blames U.S. for blocking contracts to buy goods. (WP, WT 12/6)

In s. Lebanon, 3 Lebanese civilians are killed, 1 is wounded by IDF land mines. Hizballah responds by shelling IDF posts. (RL, VOL 12/5 in WNC 12/8; MEI 12/19)

In Beirut, unidentified gunmen open fire on car of Higher Islamic Shiite Council (HISC) head Imam Muhammad Mahdi Shams al-Din, wounding 1 bodyguard. HISC, Lebanese security claim incident was not an assassination attempt. (MENA, RL, VOL 12/5 in WNC 12/8; VOL 12/6 in WNC 12/9)

In Amman, Russian FM Primakov meets with King Hussein, Crown Prince Hassan. (ITAR-TASS [Moscow], JT, RJ 10/28 in WNC 10/29; MM 0/19; RJ 10/29 in WNC 10/30)

Iraq, Syria hold water talks in Damascus, again urge Turkey to join in 3-way discussion. (INA 10/28 in WNC 10/30; al-Thawra 10/31 in WNC 11/6) (see 10/22)

At the close of 4 days of mtgs., Iran, Lebanon have signed 4 agmts. covering land and maritime transport, dual taxation, boosting trade, encouraging investment btwn. the 2 countries. Iran also agrees to request to provide Lebanon with crude oil at preferential prices. (SA 10/29 in WNC 10/30; see also MM 10/27, IRIB Television [Tehran] 10/27 in WNC 10/29)

PC mbr. Musa Abu Sabha is detained by Israeli police at Gaza checkpoint for driving a car reported stolen in Israel. PA atty. gen. demands that Abu Sabha's immunity be lifted, but PC Legal Council refuses, saying that he cannot be tried while in Israeli detention, he must be extradited to PA. (PR 11/7)

IDF demolishes 3 Palestinian homes nr. Bethlehem. (LAW 10/29)

IDF clashes with Hizballah in s. Lebanon, leaving at least 2 Hizballah mbrs. dead. (ITV 10/28 in WNC 10/29)

PM Netanyahu replies to King Hussein 3/9 letter. (NYT, WP 3/12; MM, WJW, WT 3/13)

Netanyahu begins 3-day trip to Moscow, urges Russia not to arm Iran, Syria. (MM 3/10; ITAR-TASS [Moscow] 3/10 in WNC 3/13; WT 3/11)

In Washington, Egyptian pres. Mubarak, Pres. Clinton jointly criticize Israel's construction plans for East Jerusalem; disagree on the U.S. veto of the 3/7 UNSC res.; discuss ways of reviving talks btwn. Syria, Israel. (CSM, MM 3/10; MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/11; MM, WJW 3/13; RE 3/14 in WNC 3/19; MEI 3/21)

In Tel Aviv, DM Mordechai, PA Information M Yasir `Abid Rabbuh, U.S. amb. Martin Indyk meet in a bid to ease tensions. (MM, NYT, WT 3/11; MM, WP, WT 3/12; WT 3/13; Vesti [Tel Aviv] 3/16 in WNC 3/20)

Nr. Hebron, 100 Palestinians try to stop Israeli workers fr. opening a road for Jewish settlers. 150 IDF soldiers beat them back with clubs, guns. (MM, NYT, WT 3/11; PR 3/14)

PA releases fr. Gaza jail 100 Hamas mbrs., including senior Hamas military figure Ibrahim Muqadima. Arafat again meets with Hamas political leaders. (MM 3/21; JP 3/22; WP 3/24; MM 3/25) (see 3/9)

Iranian FM Velayati arrives in Turkey to discuss improving bilateral relations. (IRNA, VIRI 3/10 in WNC 3/13; MM 3/19) (see 3/3)

Despite U.S. protests, the Vatican establishes full diplomatic relations with Libya. (NYT 3/11; WJW 4/17)

In s. Lebanon, a car bomb placed along a road frequented by IDF, SLA troops explodes, injuring 1 IDF soldier, 2 Lebanese children. (JP 3/22)