Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel continues with plans to expel Palestinian newspaper editor, writer, and poet Akram Haniyyah although he has not been charged with...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Guardian reports 3 Israelis and 6 Palestinians have been detained in connection with land fraud investigation [MG 8/24]....
Druze leaders ask government to restore electric power to Chouf region, blacked out for past 3 weeks; 6 IDF prisoners held by Fateh in Lebanon appear in Dutch TV program...
Israeli and Phalangist forces link in Beirut, encircling PLO forces inside city; Israeli tanks push NE of capital, move on Syrian positions; IDF seizes control of Baabda;...
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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel continues with plans to expel Palestinian newspaper editor, writer, and poet Akram Haniyyah although he has not been charged with any crime [WP 11/23]. Memorial march for a murdered Jewish student ends in anti-Arab violence in Jerusalem [LAT 11/24; FJ 11/28].
Arab World: Representatives of Fateh and the Syrian-based PFLP meet in Moscow to discuss plans to reconcile the two factions [NYT 11/24]. Egypt's Pres. Mubarak and Jordan's King Hussein end two days of talks in Cairo [LAT 11/24].
Military Action
Arab World: Palestinian forces seize Christian village of Maghdushah [F) 11/28]. 14 are killed, 39 wounded in fighting between Palestinians and Amal militiamen throughout Beirut and S. Lebanon [BS 11/24].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Guardian reports 3 Israelis and 6 Palestinians have been detained in connection with land fraud investigation [MG 8/24]. Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin warns Amal that Israel will not allow it to carry out attacks across the northern border [MG 8/25]. The Washington Post reports Knesset Internal Affairs Committee voted 7-4 to block construction of the Mormon Center on Mount of Olives [WP 8/24]. A new memorial, called the Center for Special Studies in the Memory of the Fallen of Israel's Intelligence Community, opens in Tel Aviv [NYT 8/25].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Andre Alush, 40, is shot and killed by lone gunman in Tulkarm. Curfew is imposed [WP 8/25]. Avi Oved, of Tiberias, is shot three times in the marketplace of Jenin. His condition is serious. Curfew is immediately imposed [WP 8/25]. Katyusha rocket fired from Lebanon falls in northern Israel, causing no casualties [WP 8/25].
Arab World: IDF carry out large-scale search operations in 3 south Lebanese villages: Qabrikha, Majd al-Salim, and Shaqra. Search follows firing of a katyusha into the Galilee earlier in the week. Several arrests are made and a variety of weapons seized [MG 8/25]. The Arab Socialist Ba'th party claims suicide bomber killed or wounded 60 at a SLA checkpoint; Israel's army radio says one Lebanese Christian soldier was killed and 2 others wounded [MG 8/25].
Druze leaders ask government to restore electric power to Chouf region, blacked out for past 3 weeks; 6 IDF prisoners held by Fateh in Lebanon appear in Dutch TV program broadcast in Israel, PLO says their mothers are welcome to visit them.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Stones thrown at car of Israel-appointed mayor of Jenin, who opens fire with his pistol; stone-throwing in Nablus, el-Bireh, Jalazon and al-Amari camps; shots fired from car passing Jalazon; curfews imposed on central Nablus and Ramallah; Hebron prison inmates start hunger strike; students hold protest strikes at Najah University, Hebron's Islamic University; bomb defused in Hebron school; 300 members of Israeli Committee for Solidarity with Birzeit distribute pamphlets and hold protest march in Hebron, call for disarming of West Bank settlers and dismantling of settlements.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Christian and Muslim leaders publicly demand disbanding of Amal militia and expulsion of Iranian Revolutionary Guards after yesterday's attack on Lebanese Army unit near Baalbek.
Arab Governments: President Mubarak, at rally of National Democratic Party, accuses PLO of inciting Egyptian people and army against government, warns the 40,000 Palestinians living in Egypt they can be deported, says he refused PLO request to operate radio station; Jordan bans all imports from Lebanon unless accompanied by proof they were made in Lebanon.
US and Other Countries: After 5 1/2 week trial, British court sentences three men, alleged members of Abu Nidal group, to 30-35 years for attempted assassination of Israeli Ambassador Shlomo Argov in June 1982.
Military Action:
Israeli and Phalangist forces link in Beirut, encircling PLO forces inside city; Israeli tanks push NE of capital, move on Syrian positions; IDF seizes control of Baabda; Beirut radio says IDF, with Phalangist support, moves to coast north of Beirut; Israeli navy closes Beirut port; Sharon visits Beirut for meetings with Phalangist leaders.
PLO leaders tour camps, hospitals, troop positions in Beirut; fighting flares between IDF and Syrians near highway; Phalangist officers, dressed in Israeli uniforms, are seen giving directions to Israeli tanks.
Reports from Tyre indicate no buildings untouched by shrapnel (Israeli military governor estimates only 30 percent of buildings destroyed); Palestinian Red Crescent Hospital in Sidon reports many patients dismem-bered in fighting (only one doctor remains to tend 58 patients after Israelis arrest Canadian, Norwegian, Palestinian doctors); all Sidon men aged 17-55, required to report to IDF for permits, many are arrested after going to IDF headquarters; 90 busloads of Palestinians reportedly taken away for questioning; Lebanese police report 9,583 killed, 16,608 wounded since Israeli air raids began 11 days ago (dead in Beirut estimated at 750); Israel now controls about half of Lebanon; Nabatiyeh reported "sanitized" by IDF before foreign correspondents allowed in; Israelis report 170 Israelis killed, 700 wounded, 10 captured, and 6,000 Palestinian guerrillas and 60 Syrians held; UK embassy advises nationals to leave.
Political Responses:
Israel/Occupied Territories: Israeli Defense Minister Sharon says IDF has "no intention" of taking Beirut; General Eitan says IDF mission is to smash PLO's political and military nerve center; Begin leaves for the US; Israeli agencies plan relief for Lebanon.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO vows to stand and fight; Lebanese President Sarkis, meeting with 10 Cabinet ministers at Presidential Palace (Israeli tanks 200 metres away), calls for setting up a Council of National Salvation; 3 appointees to Council, however, refuse to attend; Habib delivers Israeli withdrawal terms to Sarkis, and US Ambassador Dillon sends limousine to fetch Walid Jumblatt; Jumblatt demands wider representation of Lebanese leftists on Council-other members are Gemayel (Maronite Phalangist), Berri (Shiite Amal), Maalouf (Catholic), Foreign Minister Butros (Greek Orthodox), Prime Minister Wazzan (Sunni), and Presi-dent Sarkis (Maronite); Christians in Baabda reportedly welcome Israelis, guide them; Bashir Gemayel reportedly pushed as future president of Lebanon (election of new Lebanese president by Parliament scheduled for late August); Haddad tours southern Lebanon.
Arab Governments: Egypt relays Palestinian request for cease-fire in Beirut area to Israel; Mubarak meets with Saudi King Fahd (first contact since 1973 peace treaty signed).