8 / 15500 Results
  • May 15, 1998

    In New York, PM Netanyahu meets with UN Secy. Gen. Annan, restates plans to withdraw fr. s. Lebanon but gives no time frame. (NYT, WP, WT 5/16)

    Jordanian PM Anani...

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  • March 8, 1998

    In London, PM Netanyahu ends unsuccessful 4-day EU tour to promote new peace initiative based on a Camp David-style summit with the PA, conditional s. Lebanon withdrawal. (MA 3/8, IDF...

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  • May 3, 1995

    Israel Housing Min. officials confirm that 134 acres confiscated 4/27 is part of plan to confiscate 1,100 acres of Arab land in Jerusalem for 7,000 new housing units to increase Jewish population...

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  • July 20, 1994

    Secy of State Christopher meets Jordan's King Hussein in Amman, Hussein telling press conference he will not sign a peace treaty at 7/25 summit with Israeli PM Rabin.  Hussein expresses "fervent...

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  • December 30, 1993

    Vatican Undersecy. for Foreign Relations Msgr. Claudio Celli and Israeli Dep. FM Yossi Beilin sign 15-point "fundamental agreement" establishing diplomatic relations. (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 12/31)...

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  • November 6, 1990

    In Geneva, King Hussein tells UN conference on global warming that Gulf war would result in an ecological catastrophe and death toll "beyond our wildest fears" [WP 11/7]; Hussein meets with P.M....

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  • March 3, 1990

    In California, Pres. Bush states "My position is that the foreign policy of the United Statesays we do not believe there should be new settlements in the West Bank or in East Jerusalem" [WP 3/6...

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  • November 23, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel continues with plans to expel Palestinian newspaper editor, writer, and poet Akram Haniyyah although he has not been charged with...

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In New York, PM Netanyahu meets with UN Secy. Gen. Annan, restates plans to withdraw fr. s. Lebanon but gives no time frame. (NYT, WP, WT 5/16)

Jordanian PM Anani arrives in Cairo to give FM Musa a message fr. King Hussein to Pres. Mubarak regarding their next steps in the peace process. (VOA 5/13 in WNC 5/14) (al-Ahram 5/14 in WNC 5/15)

In Geneva, UN Committee Against Torture convenes to discuss Israel's use of torture against Palestinian detainees. (Human Rights Watch press release 5/15)

Responding to the 5/14 violence, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Mary Robinson calls on Israel to respect the Palestinians' right of peaceful assembly, avoid excessive use of military force. (WP, WT 5/16)

Reacting to 5/14 clashes, Palestinians leaving Friday prayers at al-Aqsa Mosque throw stones fr. the mosque compound at Jews at the Wailing Wall below, causing no injures. In Hebron, IDF troops open fire on stone-throwing Palestinians along the dividing line btwn. PA, Jewish sectors, wounding an Israeli newspaper photographer. Similar clashes occur in Nablus. In Gaza, 100s of Palestinians attend funeral for nurse killed 5/14 while trying to evacuate the injured. In the Galilee, Israeli Arabs hold peaceful march to mark al-Nakba (see 4/14). (MM 5/15; ITV 5/15 in WNC 5/18; NYT, WP, WT 5/16)

Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon observe general strike to commemorate al-Nakba. (RL 5/15 in WNC 5/18)

In Cairo, 800 Egyptians hold rally at al-Azhar Mosque to mark 50th anniversary of al-Nakba, protest Israeli policies toward the Palestinians. (AFP, MENA 5/15 in WNC 5/18)

Israel's Cabinet Secy. Dani Nave visits Pollard to inform him of Netanyahu's 5/11 decision to recognize him as an Israeli agent. (ITV 5/15 in WNC 5/18; WP 5/17)

In London, PM Netanyahu ends unsuccessful 4-day EU tour to promote new peace initiative based on a Camp David-style summit with the PA, conditional s. Lebanon withdrawal. (MA 3/8, IDF Radio, MA, RJ 3/9 in WNC 3/10; CSM, MM, WP 3/9; MM 3/10) (see 2/23)

In Amman, Israeli Infrastructures M Sharon, Trade M Natan Sharansky meet with King Hussein to try to mend relations damaged after Mossad's attempt on Mishal, discuss economic issues. (Globes [Internet], JTV 3/8, IDF Radio 3/9 in WNC 3/10; NYT 3/9; RJ 3/9, JT 3/10 in WNC 3/11; JT 3/11 in WNC 3/12, JT 3/16 in WNC 3/17, JP 3/21) (see 2/24)

King Hussein makes brief trip to Cairo for talks on peace process with Pres. Mubarak. (JTV, MENA, RJ 3/8, RJ, VOA 3/9 in WNC 3/10)

Israel acknowledges that 18 mos. ago it began to make it harder for non-Jewish immigrants who have married Israelis to stay in the country by refusing to begin citizen proceedings or deporting them. Israel claims that cases of "convenience marriages" are on the rise, while critics claim it is a government policy of religious discrimination. (WP 3/9)

U.S. offers to lift restrictions on number of U.S. satellites it would hire Russia to launch if Moscow halts transfers of long-range missile technology to Iran. Russia denies transfers have taken place. (NYT 3/9; WT 3/10) (see 3/6)

UN Secy. Gen. Annan says that U.S. would need to consult with--but would not necessarily require authorization of--the UNSC before mounting a military strike on Iraq. (WP, WT 3/9; WT 3/12) (see 3/2)

PSF says that it recently uncovered a shop for making Uzi submachine guns in Gaza, does not know how many guns were made or sold. (QY, YA 3/8 in WNC 3/11)

Israel Housing Min. officials confirm that 134 acres confiscated 4/27 is part of plan to confiscate 1,100 acres of Arab land in Jerusalem for 7,000 new housing units to increase Jewish population of city by 10,000s. (CSM 5/3; WJW 5/4; MEI 5/12; JP 5/13; CSM 5/15)

U.S. Amb. to the UN Albright meets with King Hussein, PM Kabariti, discusses Jerusalem confiscations, U.S. policy toward Iran, Iraq, urges Jordan to joint NPT; heads to Cairo for talks with Pres. Mubarak on same issues. (MM 5/3; RJ 3/3 in FBIS 3/3; MENA 5/3, JT 5/4 in FBIS 5/4; WT 5/4)

Unidentified persons set fire to offices of al-Umma, a PFLP, anti-PA newspaper. (ITV 5/3 in FBIS 5/4) (see 4/26)

Secy of State Christopher meets Jordan's King Hussein in Amman, Hussein telling press conference he will not sign a peace treaty at 7/25 summit with Israeli PM Rabin.  Hussein expresses "fervent hope" for "comprehensive peace," but says Jordan will "move ahead" with negotiations irrespective of Syrian track.  Monarch asserts that "the holy sites in Jerusalem belong to the Muslim world as a whole."  (MM 7/20; NYT, WP, WT 7/21)

Israeli FM Peres, Jordanian PM and FM Majali, and U.S. Secy of State Christopher meet in Shunah, Jordan, pledge to seek peace.  Peres and Majali indicate state of war may be ended at 7/25 summit in Washington.  (JTV 7/20 in FBIS 7/21; MM 7/20; CSM, NYT, WP, WSJ, WT 7/21)

Palestinian-Israeli talks in Cairo on "early empowerment" of Palestinians conclude, Palestinian negotiator Shaath saying some progress made but Israel not willing to transfer real power in education, health, social, administrative, and financial affairs.  (MENA 7/20 in FBIS 7/21)

PNA Economy M Ahmad Qurai` denied entry to Jerusalem by Israeli authorities.  Qurai` was scheduled to address economic conference, which he speaks to by telephone.  Israel objects to any PNA activities in Jerusalem.  (TJT 7/22; JP 7/30)

IAF rockets Hizballah positions in Iqlim al-Tuffah and eastern Biqa` Valley, Lebanon.  Israel blames Hizballah for 7/18 bombing of building housing Jewish organizations in Buenos Aires, Argentina; Hizballah denies involvement.  (RL 7/20 in FBIS 7/21; NYT, WT 7/21)

Vatican Undersecy. for Foreign Relations Msgr. Claudio Celli and Israeli Dep. FM Yossi Beilin sign 15-point "fundamental agreement" establishing diplomatic relations. (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 12/31)

PLO Chmn. Arafat meets in Cairo with Egyptian FM 'Amr Musa, refuses to accept Israeli proposals on Gaza-Jericho agreement. Arafat flies to Amman for consultations with Jordan's King Hussein. (RJ 12/20 in FBIS 1/3; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 12/31)

3 Fateh-Uprising guerrillas killed by IDF while crossing Lebanon-Israel border. IDF rockets village in southern Lebanon in retaliation. (Qol Yisra'el 12/30 in FBIS 12/30; CSM, NYT, WT 12/31)

Demonstrations in Gaza mark anniversary of founding of Fateh. (WP, WT 12/3)

Syrian Chief Rabbi Ibrahim Hamra confirms govt. is issuing exit visas to Jews at rate of 25-30 a day. Hamra says community numbers 1,250 and that not all who receive visas will leave. (WP 12/31)

30 Japanese businesses announce plans to form Japan-Israel Business Club to promote Japanese-Israeli trade. (WT 12/31)

In Geneva, King Hussein tells UN conference on global warming that Gulf war would result in an ecological catastrophe and death toll "beyond our wildest fears" [WP 11/7]; Hussein meets with P.M. Thatcher to discuss Gulf crisis [NYT 11/7].

Sec. Baker holds short meeting with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo to discuss Gulf crisis [MENA 11/6 in FBIS 11/6].

Pentagon announces it is considering a call-up of army combat reserve units; Def. Sec. Cheney has given permission for Marines to summon 3,000 reservists to fill out brigade [WP 11/7].

Saddam orders the release of at least 77 Japanese hostages and 31 more from Western Europe after his meetings with former Japanese P.M. Nakasone [INA 11/6 in FBIS 11/6, 11/7; WP, NYT 11/7].

Two W. Bank Palestinians are shot to death near Nablus, apparently by Israeli civilian seeking revenge for Meir Kahane's 10/5 assassination; Kahane's followers in Israel threaten more retaliatory attacks, while gov't leaders appeal for restraint. In Brooklyn, thousands of Jews attend memorial service for Kahane [JDS 11/6 in FBIS 11/6; MEM 11/6; WP 11/7].

UNIFIL troops prevent Israeli soldiers from stationing surface-to-surface missile launcher into UNIFIL's area of operations in S. Lebanon; IDF says area is in "security zone" controlled by Israel [BVL, YA 11/7 in FBIS 11/7; MEM 11/8].

In California, Pres. Bush states "My position is that the foreign policy of the United Statesays we do not believe there should be new settlements in the West Bank or in East Jerusalem" [WP 3/6].

Shamir discusses Mideast peace process with Likud ministers amid reports he has decided to support U.S.-backed plan to convene Israeli-Palestinian talks in Cairo [WP 3/4].

Israel is requesting more than $1 billion in loans, gifts, and donations from American Jews and U.S. gov't. to help pay for resettling Soviet Jews [NYT 3/3].

Hamas has sent letter to Chrmn. Arafat and PLO leadership, stating Palestinian state is objective of intifada; Hamas also urged PLO to discontinue contacts with U.S. [BAY 3/3 in FBIS 3/5].

King Hussein spends day in Iraq holding talks with Pres. Saddam Hussein [ADS, ATS 3/3 in FBIS 3/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel continues with plans to expel Palestinian newspaper editor, writer, and poet Akram Haniyyah although he has not been charged with any crime [WP 11/23]. Memorial march for a murdered Jewish student ends in anti-Arab violence in Jerusalem [LAT 11/24; FJ 11/28].

Arab World: Representatives of Fateh and the Syrian-based PFLP meet in Moscow to discuss plans to reconcile the two factions [NYT 11/24]. Egypt's Pres. Mubarak and Jordan's King Hussein end two days of talks in Cairo [LAT 11/24].

Military Action

Arab World: Palestinian forces seize Christian village of Maghdushah [F) 11/28]. 14 are killed, 39 wounded in fighting between Palestinians and Amal militiamen throughout Beirut and S. Lebanon [BS 11/24].