IDF removes all military roadblocks on the exits of Palestinian cities, villages; says closure on al-Fawwar will be reimposed at 6 p.m. (VOP 3/18, QY 3/19 in FBIS 3/19)
Israel's High Court...
IDF removes all military roadblocks on the exits of Palestinian cities, villages; says closure on al-Fawwar will be reimposed at 6 p.m. (VOP 3/18, QY 3/19 in FBIS 3/19)
Israel's High Court...
PNA Planning M Shaath, Israeli negotiator Maj. Gen. Danny Rothschild initial early empowerment accord in Cairo giving PNA control of education, health, welfare, taxes, tourism; ability to amend...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Political prisoners in Hebron prison end 11-mo. hunger strike after officials promise improved conditions. Justice Ministry reveals...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor candidate Peres tells World Jewish Congress that Camp David not only basis for negotiations between Israel and Jordan. Peace Now...
Military Action:
Druze-Phalange militia gunbattles in Maarufiye-Bsada region, near Baabda; Lebanese internal security forces deployed in areas of Tripoli to monitor cease-fire.
Military Action:
Bazooka rocket fired at IDF positions near Yanta in Bekaa; new clashes between Phalange and Jumblatt forces in Chouf; IDF imposes curfew; Phalangists, Muslims, Lebanese...
Military Action:
Four IDF soldiers wounded in bazooka attack in Hamra district of West Beirut; Israel begins trucking half of captured PLO weapons to Israel despite Habib Agreement...
IDF removes all military roadblocks on the exits of Palestinian cities, villages; says closure on al-Fawwar will be reimposed at 6 p.m. (VOP 3/18, QY 3/19 in FBIS 3/19)
Israel's High Court rules that the IDF can demolish the homes of Palestinians suspected of involvement in the recent suicide bombings. PM Peres says his government is preparing a list of those Islamists who may be deported; families of those listed will not be deported. (MM 3/19; CSM, MM 3/20) (see 3/4-5)
Challenging Israeli censorship laws, the daily paper Ha'Aretz publishes the name of the new Mossad chief Maj. Gen. Danny Yatom. (NYT, WT 3/19; QY 3/19 in FBIS 3/19; CSM 3/20; MM 3/22) (see 1/10)
U.S. Amb. to Israel Martin Indyk relays to PM Peres a message fr. Pres. Clinton urging Israel to avoid a military operation against Hizballah in s. Lebanon. (ITV 3/19, RL 3/20 in FBIS 3/20; QY 3/22 in FBIS 3/22)
Israeli FM Barak says that the IDF will respond to increasing tensions in s. Lebanon by carrying out more operations, "even beyond the security zone"; warns that Israel may be forced "to act in a way that also harms the interests of the Lebanese government." Since 2/16, Hizballah attacks on IDF, SLA position have caused an unusually high number of deaths, injuries. (MA 3/19 in FBIS 3/19; ITV 3/20 in FBIS 3/21)
In Amman, Jordanian Information M Marwan Mu`asher received a U.S. Jewish delegation fr. B'nai B'rith. (RJ 3/19 in FBIS 3/20)
PNA Planning M Shaath, Israeli negotiator Maj. Gen. Danny Rothschild initial early empowerment accord in Cairo giving PNA control of education, health, welfare, taxes, tourism; ability to amend related laws subject to Israeli veto. All schools to be turned over by 8/29, other responsibilities by 9/12, provided financing is confirmed at mtg. of donor countries in Paris 9/9. Arafat asks for immediate $9.5 m. for running schools. Israel agrees to pay teachers' 1st-mo. salaries. Safe-passage corridor opens. (NYT, WP, WT 8/24; CSM 8/25; MENA, QY 8/24 in FBIS 8/25)
Pres. Clinton tells B'nai B'rith convention that U.S. will compensate Israel for any strategic advantages it relinquishes for peace. (QY 8/24 in IL 8/25; MM 8/26)
IDF announces it has begun evacuating some West Bank outposts in the Nablus area as part of the early empowerment agmt. (JP, MM 8/24)
Lebanese PM Rafiq Hariri meets with Hamas delegation to discuss elections, conditions of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. Lebanese Refugee Affairs M Walid Junblat says new houses to be built for Palestinian refugees in al-Quray'ah with help from UNRWA. (RL 8/24 in FBIS 8/25; Al-Safir 8/25 in FBIS 8/30; Al-Safir 8/30 in FBIS 9/1)
Pakistani PM Benazir Bhutto announces she will visit Gaza Strip 8/28 to meet with Arafat, but not visit Israel. (QY 8/24 in FBIS 8/25)
Israeli Finance, Interior Mins. reach agmt. with Israeli-Arab municipalities ending 39-day strike by heads of Arab towns. (HA 8/25 in IL 8/25)
Shin Bet, IDF arrest 10 mbrs. of Fateh Hawks accused of killing collaborators. (ITV 8/24 in FBIS 8/25; JP 9/3)
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Political prisoners in Hebron prison end 11-mo. hunger strike after officials promise improved conditions. Justice Ministry reveals names of 22 Jewish terror suspects; most linked with Gush Emunim. Com. For Prisoners spokesman Meir Indor claims Israeli gov't. approved terror undergound. Shekel devalued by 1.5% against US dollar.
Arab World: Syrian VP meets with Lebanese leaders in Beirut. Other Countries: American Jewish Com., American Jewish Congress & ADL of B'nai B'rith issue joint statement urging US to maintain oil reserves.
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Bomb found and defused in Kiryat Gat, Negev, bus station. Arab World: In S. Lebanon IDF kill 3 suspected of planting roadside bomb.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor candidate Peres tells World Jewish Congress that Camp David not only basis for negotiations between Israel and Jordan. Peace Now members end conference with decision to follow Labor Party platform in July elections. Israel Discount Bank announces 1983 loss of $17.2 million.
Arab World: Lebanese cabinet holds inauguration mtg. in absence of National Salvation Front leaders Berri, Jumblatt and Abdullah Rassi.
Other Countries: Israel asks US help in securing return of 3 Israelis seized yesterday in Syrian-held territory in Lebanon; claims they are diplomats. Before US Senate Appropriations Com., US amb. to UN Kirkpatrick slams criticism of Israel in Security Council. Addressing B'nai B'rith Caribbean District convention in Panama City, Costa Rican Pres. Monge responds to int'l. criticism for moving embassy to Jerusalem, vowing not to "give in to diplomatic terrorism."
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 IDF-trained Kiryat Arba settlers arrested in connection with 4/27/84 bombing plot confess to attack on Hebron Islamic College where 4 Arab students were killed and 33 wounded; 3rd man reportedly sought. Arab World: Syria reports 3 Israelis arrested (5/1/84) held in Syria. Israeli soldiers kill 1 and wound another suspected of planting roadside bomb south of Tyre.
Military Action:
Druze-Phalange militia gunbattles in Maarufiye-Bsada region, near Baabda; Lebanese internal security forces deployed in areas of Tripoli to monitor cease-fire.
Government offices, banks, shops and many schools reopen in Tripoli.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli officials say Government is prepared to allow UNIFIL a 2 month extension, to operate around Palestinian refugee camps above 25 mile security zone, do not want UNIFIL within security zone; MK Yitzhak Rabin says war in Lebanon was illegal use of IDF for far-reaching political goals; Defense Ministry informs Umm al-Fahm residents that 15,000 dunums of their land is declared a military zone and cultivation must cease; troops raid Najah University, remove Palestinian posters and flags; military authorities close Kadri Tukan high school after border police injured by stones following celebration of 18th anniversary of Fateh in Nablus; all Nablus and neighboring Balata camp under undeclared curfew; Israeli traffic stoned in Ramallah and Bethlehem, with total of 5 settlers injured during week; Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs spokesman Avraham Hoffmann says $150,000 promotion campaign will encourage Israelis to settle in West Bank, and provide clearing house for information on available housing, World Zionist Organization goal is 100,000 settlers by 1985, current number is 25,000.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat meets with Jordanian Prime Minister Mudar Badran, holds press conference in Amman in which he praises the Reagan plan for calling for a settlement freeze, and criticizes plan for denying Palestinian right to independent state; Abu lyad says meeting of Fateh Central Committee in Kuwait on 6 January rejected the Reagan plan; Lebanese-Israeli-US talks held in Khalde deadlocked over agenda as US compromise proposals are unacceptable, but new proposals submitted.
US and Other Countries: US State Department confirms several encounters between IDF and Marines in Beirut; Special Envoy Habib confers with Reagan, Shultz and Bush before leaving for Middle East, amid growing Administration frustration that delay in Israeli and Syrian troop withdrawals impede Jordan's involvement in peace negotiations as proposed in Reagan Plan; B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League releases report that anti-Semitic violence in US decreased by 15% in 1982, to 829 incidents, mostly in New York, California, New Jersey and Massachusetts; New York City Mayor Koch presents key to city to President Navon, pledges support of Israel, Navon tells Yeshiva University students to settle in Israel; Italian Defense Minister Lelio Lagorio, in Beirut, announces Italy considering sending another battalion to Lebanon, bringing total troops to 4,000.
UN: Senegal, Fiji, Norway, Ireland, Holland, Ghana, Finland, France, Sweden and Italy will keep troops in UNIFIL; Nigeria will remove troops from UNIFIL.
Military Action:
Bazooka rocket fired at IDF positions near Yanta in Bekaa; new clashes between Phalange and Jumblatt forces in Chouf; IDF imposes curfew; Phalangists, Muslims, Lebanese Army charge IDF with fomenting trouble to perpetuate its presence in area; State Department and US Marine contingent spokesman announce US infantrymen in four-man jeep patrols to enter East Beirut tomorrow at request of Gemayel, Lebanese Forces indicate they will acquiesce.
One IDF soldier wounded in crossfire and 10 Lebanese killed, 18 wounded in Chouf region; first tents erected for refugees at Ain el-Hilweh camp near Sidon; Lebanese farmers, merchants and members of Parliament complain of Israeli economic warfare charge Israel is "dumping" over $1 million/month of cheap fruits, vegetables, textiles and canned goods on Lebanese market, avoiding customs and possibly isolating Lebanon from traditional Arab markets.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir meets Draper, rejects participation in peacekeeping forces by Morocco and other countries that do not have relations with Israel, but would welcome Egyptian soldiers; West Bank Palestinians protest 65th anniversary of Balfour Declaration with rock throwing, tire burning, waving Palestinian flag; Israeli troops fire tear gas in Nablus, erect barricades in Rafah; two refugee camps under curfew suffer water and food shortages; Israeli envoy, speaking at Houston B'nai Brith meeting, claims 7,000 PLO guerrillas who were evacuated from Beirut have returned to Lebanon; public opinion poll indicates Likud gains, Labor loses popularity.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: President Gemayel returns from Morocco; Prime Minister Wazzan asks Parliament for emergency powers for 8 months to revise tax laws, increase treasury resources, reform civil service, citizenship and parliamentary election laws and links requested vote of confidence to approval of emergency powers; Wazzan again criticizes Israel for continued occupation of South Lebanon.
Arab Governments: Mubarak says he is willing to meet Begin anywhere to discuss disputes between their two countries, indicates Egypt has offered to buy disputed Taba hotel.
US and Other Countries: US announces military training teams, including 60 officers, will serve in Lebanon on temporary basis, and a small "security assistance office," staffed out of US European Command, will oversee upgrading of Lebanese forces; Pentagon officials estimate $135 million is available to Lebanon in cash and credits, and aid package includes 24 APCs and 12 155-mm artillery guns; State Department says no Moroccan troops would be added to peace-keeping force at least until after agreement on withdrawal of foreign forces.
Military Action:
Four IDF soldiers wounded in bazooka attack in Hamra district of West Beirut; Israel begins trucking half of captured PLO weapons to Israel despite Habib Agreement specifying all captured arms to be turned over to Lebanese Army; IDF dividing rest of arms between Lebanese Army and pro-Israeli Phalange.
ICRC estimates 293 bodies recovered to date in Shatila, still others buried in rubble of bulldozed homes and in mass grave 300 yards from IDF observation post.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon, testifying before parliament, says IDF coordinated entry of Phalangists into Shatila camp, let them pass through IDF lines around camp, fired flares to illuminate camp during massacre, says Gen. Drori, suspicious of Shatila events, temporarily suspended Phalangist activities but let them stay after meeting later in day; Likud Bloc defeats opposition motion to set up independent board of inquiry 48-42 after reluctantly agreeing to allow internal investigation; West Bank Civil Administrator Menachem Milson resigns over failure to investigate the massacre; Knesset defeats Labor motion to initiate full debate on decision to send IDF into West Beirut; Peace Now protesters expelled from Knesset gallery; general strike halts activities of 400,000 Palestinians in Israel; 64 are injured, at least 12 shot, during protests in Nazareth.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Army denies Eitan charge they refused to enter camps, assert they were to move into camps on schedule drafted by Wazzan; Army also denies IDF claim that many PLO fighters still in camps; Arafat, in first public appearance since the massacre, says Reagan betrayed him, claims IDF troops directly involved in killings by providing bulldozers to militia groups.
Arab Governments: Arab League, after 5-hour emergency meeting, accuses US of moral responsibility for massacre, issues PLO more financial backing.
US and Other Countries: Amnesty International asks UN to investigate massacre, asks Israel and Lebanon to cooperate; strong criticism of Israel in Congress, Senator Helms (D.-NC) says it would be "beneficial" if Begin resigns; congressional mail is strongly anti-Israel and beginning to call for US to use aid to force Israel to withdraw; Bnai Brith, American Jewish Committee, and American Jewish Congress call for inquiry into massacre.