Speaking at joint press conference, Pres. Mitterrand, Pres. Gorbachev express support for international peace conference and Palestinian statehood [MEM 5/8].
Israeli officials and Western...
Speaking at joint press conference, Pres. Mitterrand, Pres. Gorbachev express support for international peace conference and Palestinian statehood [MEM 5/8].
Israeli officials and Western...
According to New York Times, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states have suspended some $40 million in monthly contributions to the PLO because of PLO's support of Iraq [NYT 10/18].
Iraqi troops invade Kuwait, take over country; attack comes less than 24 hours after 2 countries had broken off talks over Iraqi demands for territorial and financial concessions [MEM, WP, WT 8/2...
Syrian Pres. Asad returns to Damascus, concluding 3-day visit with Egypt's Pres. Mubarak [WP, NYT 7/17].
Arab League concludes meeting in Tunis, reports Arab states will boycott companies...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In al-Birah, firebomb attack on car seriously injures Jewish settler [WP 2/2; FJ 2/7]. Commercial strike in E. Jerusalem, W.Bank, and...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset com. votes to deny Rabbi Kahane his free postal privileges after he sent "hate mail" to Israeli Arabs [WP 2/18].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. Sec. of State Shultz opposes legislation to advance Israel $750 million (half of proposed two-year $1.5 billion economic aid plan)...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In demonstrations called for by Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, Palestinians in Nazareth and Kafr Yassif protest IDF brutality...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, The Foreign Press Assoc. protests 3/6 IDF treatment of 7 joumalists arrested near Tyre, S. Lebanon [NYT 3/7]. Led by Rabbi...
Speaking at joint press conference, Pres. Mitterrand, Pres. Gorbachev express support for international peace conference and Palestinian statehood [MEM 5/8].
Israeli officials and Western diplomats say Gulf states are weighing relaxation of Arab League economic boycott against Israel and firms that do business with Israel [WP 5/7]. Palestinian and PLO editorials attack Kuwait for planning to ease boycott [MEM 5/7].
Arriving in Riyadh, Def. Sec. Cheney opens efforts to negotiate sweeping changes in U.S.-Arab military relationship that would include permanently stationing weaponry and deploying large numbers of troops during rotating exercises in the Gulf region (cf. 5/9) [WP, NYT 5/7; SPA 5/6 in FBIS 5/7].
Syrian officials say that Lebanese guerrilas fighting against Israeli-backed militias in southern Lebanon should not lay down their weapons under Beirut's plan for disarming all militias: "Weapons of resistance groups ... cannot be touched until the Israeli enemy abandons the border strip" [NYT 5/7].
In letter to UN Sec.-Gen., Iraq asks for 5- year delay on paying war reparations so as to first rebuild its economy. U.S. ambassador to UN Thomas Pickering says Sec. Council is unlikely to ease that part of cease-fire agreement [NYT 5/7].
According to New York Times, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states have suspended some $40 million in monthly contributions to the PLO because of PLO's support of Iraq [NYT 10/18].
Expressing concern that U.S. could go to war against Iraq while Congress was in recess, Senate Foreign Relations Committee demands Pres. Bush obtain congressional approval before taking military action. Demand is rebuffed by White House and Sec. Baker, who says the pres. will "consult" with Congress if need be [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 10/18].
For. Sec. Hurd says he failed to convince Israelis to accept UN team investigating Haram al-Sharif incident; 28 prominent Palestinians cancel scheduled meeting with Hurd after local press reports 10/16 comments; Hurd says papers misinterpreted his comments [MEM 10/17; NYT, WT 10/18; JDS 10/17 in FBIS 10/17, 10/18].
Egypt's most prominent newspaper Al-Ahram assails King Hussein as co-conspirator with Saddam, saying King Hussein acknowledged in an interview with New York Times he knew in advance of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Al-Ahram's version of the interview is at odds with the Times article, which says King Hussein knew of the invasion only at 6:00 am on 8/2 [NYT 10/18].
Arab League emergency session, called for by Palestine to discuss Haram al-Sharif shootings, opens in Tunis (cf. 10/18) [SPA 10/17 in FBIS 10/18].
Iraqi troops invade Kuwait, take over country; attack comes less than 24 hours after 2 countries had broken off talks over Iraqi demands for territorial and financial concessions [MEM, WP, WT 8/2; WP, WT, NYT 8/3].
Invasion evokes swift condemnation from U.S., Western allies, Japan, and USSR. UN Sec. Council resolution condemns invasion. Israel calls for economic sanctions against Iraq and D.M. Arens says Israel will not tolerate any movement of Iraqi troops into Jordan [WP, WT, NYT, LAT 8/3].
Most Arab capitals ignore Kuwait's appeal for support, and urge foreign powers not to act so as to provide time for Arab diplomatic solution [WP 8/ 3]; Arab League foreign ministers hold emergency meeting in Cairo [MENA 8/2 in FBIS 8/2; MEM 8/3].
Following intense debate, Israeli gov't. adopts emergency plan to import 9,000 prefabricated houses and 5,000 trailer homes to ease severe housing shortage. Plan also allows for private entrepreneurs to import 6,000 more prefabricated houses by year's end [JDS 8/2 in FBIS 8/ 8; WP 8/3].
Semi-official Egyptian daily al-Ahram prints editorial warning that Egypt will take drastic measures if UNLU does not withdraw call no. 60 statement that Egypt is a U.S. puppet [MEM 8/2].
Israeli military helicopters strafe Shiite positions in al-Rashidiyah camp near Tyre, according to UNIFIL [JDS 8/2 in FBIS 8/3].
Syrian Pres. Asad returns to Damascus, concluding 3-day visit with Egypt's Pres. Mubarak [WP, NYT 7/17].
Arab League concludes meeting in Tunis, reports Arab states will boycott companies and institutions that help Jews immigrate to Israel [INA 7/16 in FBIS 7/ 17; WT, MEM 7/17].
UN Sec. Gen. Javier Perez de Cuellar asks 5 permanent members of Sec. Council to become involved in Middle East peace process; U.S. indicates readiness to examine de Cuellar's invitation, but has traditionally opposed greater UN involvement [MEM 7/17; NYT 7/18].
Israeli troops shoot, wound 11 Palestinians in Gaza; enter Rafa town and camp for first time in month and order residents to remove graffiti [NYT 7/17].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In al-Birah, firebomb attack on car seriously injures Jewish settler [WP 2/2; FJ 2/7]. Commercial strike in E. Jerusalem, W.Bank, and Gaza Strip continues [FJ 2/7]. Hebron U. reopens [FJ 2/7]. Other Countries: Charles Hill, executive assistant to U.S. Sec. of State Shultz, holds talks with Nimrod Novik, senior advisor to F. M. Peres [NYT 2/2].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Troops use tear gas, rubber bullets to break up rockthrowing demonstrations i Bethlehem, Hebron, Gaza Strip, and E. Jerusalem. Dayr al-Balah and Balatah are placed under curfew [LAT 2/2]. At least 42 Palestinians are shot, injured by soldiers during fierce battles in Nablus. Curfew isimposed on Nablus and Jalazun, 'Ayn Bayt al-Ma', and old and new 'Askar camps. Village of Ithna, near Hebron, is declared closed military area. Violent demonstrations are reported in Ramallah, al-Birah, Bayt Sahur, and Am'ari camp [FJ 2/7].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset com. votes to deny Rabbi Kahane his free postal privileges after he sent "hate mail" to Israeli Arabs [WP 2/18].
Arab World: PLO delegation led by Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) ends talks with Minister of Occupied Territories Affairs Marwan Dudin and other Jordanian officials in Amman with agreement on how to distribute Saudi contribution to joint PLO-Jordanian fund [WP 2/18].
Other Countries: Israeli P. M. Shamir and U.S. Sec. of State Shultz meet in Washington, discuss disagreement over international Middle East peace conference [NYT, WP 2/18].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: One woman is shot by police during 9th day of demonstrations in Khan Yunis [BG 2/18]. Authorities order Bethlehem University closed for 4 days, Birzeit U. for 2 days following demonstrations at both campuses. Demonstrations are reported in Gaza City, Rafah, and several camps [FJ 2/20].
Arab World: Amal temporarily lifts siege of Shatila and Burj al-Barajinah camps after PLO fighters agree to withdraw from posts in Maghdushah [FJ 2/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. Sec. of State Shultz opposes legislation to advance Israel $750 million (half of proposed two-year $1.5 billion economic aid plan) within 30 days of passage of aid bill, on grounds that early payment would harm economic recovery [P 6/20]. UNRWA announces cuts in services to Palestinian refugees because of reduction in its budget from $205 million to $165 million, with further cuts likely [FJ 6/2 1]. U.S. asks Red Cross to ask Israel of its plans for 766, mostly Shi'ite, prisoners held in Israel [NYT 6/19].
Arab World: Six Red Cross ambulances enter Burj al-Barajinah; Shi'ite-Palestinian fighting has left at least 625 dead and 2,500 wounded [FT 6/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In demonstrations called for by Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, Palestinians in Nazareth and Kafr Yassif protest IDF brutality in S. Lebanon, discrimination faced by Arabs in Israel and occupied territories [FJ 3/22]. Al Hamishmar reports Jordan's Min. for Religious Affairs dismissed Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Saad al-Din al-Alami; cites al-Alami's outspoken support of PLO Chmn. Arafat as one reason [NER 3/25].
Arab World: King Hussein states 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord is "last chance" for peace; asserts PLO must be part of peace plans [NYT 3/17].
Other Countries: US Sec. of State Shultz announces US will send State Dept. official Richard Murphy to Middle East soon to "maintain momentum" of peace talks [NYT, WP 3/16].
Military Action
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF raid Barish; 70 detained [WP 3/16]. IDF kill 2 Lebanese Army troops, 3 resistance fighters, N. of IDF defense line at Litani River [MG 3/16]. IDF arrest 4 journalists near Tyre [LT 3/16].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, The Foreign Press Assoc. protests 3/6 IDF treatment of 7 joumalists arrested near Tyre, S. Lebanon [NYT 3/7]. Led by Rabbi Moshe Levinger, more than 50 Gush Emunim settlers from Kiryat Arba march through downtown Hebron in celebration of Purim [FJ 3/15].
Other Countries: US Sec. of State Shultz testifies before Senate subcommittee that Israel has not made enough progress toward solving economic problems to warrant $2.6 billion in new aid [NYT 3/9].
Military Action
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF soldier killed in clash with Lebanese Army, resistance fighters after IDF kill 2 resistance fighters, pursue other suspects across last-stage withdrawal line near Kawthariyat al-Siyad [NYT, WP 3/7]. Resistance fighters battle SLA near Shukin; 4 SLA fighters wounded, 1 resistance commando killed [JP 3/8]. IDF position near Deir Qanun al-Nahr, SLA post near Qa'qa'iya Bridge attacked; no casualties reported [NYT 3/9]. IDF raid Hallusiya; 8 arrested; 4 houses destroyed. IDF raid Teir Filsay; arrest 14 [WP 3/8]. IDF raid Kafr Danis, make undisclosed number of arrests [LT 3/8]. SLA, Shin Bet forces kill 16-yr. old Insaf Kourani, wound 3 other women in Yatar; IDF, SLA block evacuation of wounded by Irish UNIFIL troops [LT, WP 3/8]. UNIFIL also report SLA attempts to block entrance of UNIFIL into village [WP 3/8].