U.S. troops begin leaving Gulf; Def. Sec. Cheney says U.S. will return average of 5,000 troops per day over next few weeks [LAT, WP, CSM 3/8; MET 3/19].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Unified National Command of the Uprising issues pamphlet calling for increased attacks on Jewish settlers and Palestinian collaborators...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir blocks inner cabinet vote on U.S. peace plan, suggests willingness to hold early elections [WP, NYT 3/10]. Speaking before...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: EEC delegation studying export of Palestinian products to Europe leaves occupied territories [FJ 11/29].
Other Countries: U.S....
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U.S. troops begin leaving Gulf; Def. Sec. Cheney says U.S. will return average of 5,000 troops per day over next few weeks [LAT, WP, CSM 3/8; MET 3/19].
En route to Saudi Arabia as part of 11-day Middle East tour, Sec. Baker says he will propose series of "confidence-building measures" between Israel and Arab states to open path to broader peace talks [LAT, NYT, WP, WT 3/8].
In Kuwait, at least 2 Palestinians have been shot dead and 5 others hospitalized from beatings and shootings, as Palestinians raise concerns about reprisals against their community in Kuwait [LAT, NYT, WP 3/8].
Israeli gov't. rejects Pres. Bush's call for solution to Arab-Israeli conflict that includes trading land for peace; F.M. David Levy says attempts to pressure Israel are not welcome [LAT, WT 3/8; JDS, IDF, PDS 3/7, MAA 3/8 in FBIS 3/8]; in separate statements, PLO and Egypt welcome what they call "positive elements" in Pres. Bush's 3/6 speech [AVP, MENA 3/7 in FBIS 3/8; MEM 3/7].
Palestinian journalist Taher Shriteh, jailed without charge on 1/28/91, is freed on bail after international campaign to gain his release (cf. 3/11) [NYT, MEM 3/8; AFP 3/8 in FBIS 3/11; MET 3/19].
House of Representatives votes to authorize $15.8 billion to pay for Gulf war, and also $650 million for Israel, and warns other nations that Congress "may consider appropriate action" if promised payments are not made [NYT, WP, WT 3/8].
Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar selects Switzerland's ambassador to Washington, Edouard Brunner, asspecial Middle East envoy to begin new high-priority search for solution to Arab-Israeli conflict [WP 3/8].
Palestinian leaders representing Fateh, PFLP, and DFLP, but not Hamas, meet in Jerusalem with visiting EC "troika" representatives including Italian F.M. Gianni de Michelis; EC ministers also meet with Israeli P.M. Shamir and D.M. Arens, then depart for Jordan [JDS 3/7 in FBIS 3/8; FJ 3/11; MET 3/19].
Border policeman in Nablus is stabbed, wounded; attacker escapes and army imposes curfew on Nablus and adjacent refugee camps [JDS 3/7 in FBIS 3/8]; 30 Palestinians are detained in Jerusalem after IDF opens fire on demonstrators [JDS 3/7 in FBIS 3/11].
Syria and Saudi Arabia sign wide-ranging cooperation agreement which both nations say was sign of desire to foster closer relations [MEM 3/8].
Italian F.M. de Michelis is quoted as calling for "internal revolt in the Palestinian [resistance] movement" now that PLO has "ruled itself out" of peace negotiations [MEM 3/7].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Unified National Command of the Uprising issues pamphlet calling for increased attacks on Jewish settlers and Palestinian collaborators [WP, NYT 3/11]. All 40 Palestinian workers in Israeli income and property tax office in Gaza have resigned [WP 3/12; CSM 3/14]. Israeli officials order Hebron National Bus Company closed for 1 day because workers observed strike on 3/9 [FJ 3/13]. Jewish settlers and Palestinians clash in Hebron [FJ 3/13]. Nabil al-Ja'bari, chairman of Hebron U.'s board of trustees, is ordered held under 6-month administrative dtention [FJ 3/13]. Closure of Birzeit U. is extended an additional month. Administrative detention of Faysal Husayni, head of Arab Studies Society, is renewed for 3 months [FJ 3/13].
Arab World: PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat rejects U.S. peace plan, says PLO must be directly represented in peace talks [NYT 3/12].
Other Countries: Sec. of State Shultz presses Israel to rethink concept of secure borders and to consider "ticking demographic time bomb" [NYT 3/11]. Canadian Sec. of State for External Affairs Joe Clark criticizes Israeli actions in occupied territories in speech before Canada-Israel Com. [NYT 3/13]. EEC issues statement expressing solidarity with families of Palestinians killed during the uprising; EEC also approves resolution condemning use of torture, expulsion, and arbitrary detention in W. Bank and Gaza Strip [FJ 3/13].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gaza hospitals report 2 Palestinians are shot, critically wounded by soldiers [WP 3/11]. In Dura village, several residents are arrested in clash with soldiers and settlers; collaborator from village reportedly flees to Kiryat Arba settlement [FJ 3/13]. Large demonstrations are reported in Jabalya camp and Gaza City [FJ 3/13]. In W. Bank, Tulkarm camp and Bani Na'im remain under curfew; Gaza's Beach, Burayj, and Khan Yunis camps are also under curfew [FJ 3/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir blocks inner cabinet vote on U.S. peace plan, suggests willingness to hold early elections [WP, NYT 3/10]. Speaking before members of Likud Bloc, Shamir vows to fight U.S. peace proposals [LAT 3/10]. General strike called by Unified National Command of the Uprising is observed in occupied territories [LAT 3/10]. Elderly Palestinian wounded 1/29 dies in hospital [FI 3/13].
Other Countries: Sec. of State Shultz calls on Congress not to pressure Israel publicly regarding new U.S. peace proposal [WP 3/10]. EEC defeats 3 trade protocols reducing tariffs on Israeli imports to EEC countries [FJ 3/13].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Hebron, Jewish settlers fire guns and vandalize Palestinian cars after Palestinian demonstration: Israeli troops intervene; 3 Palestinians are wounded by gunfire [WP, NYT 3/11]. In at least 2 clashes with Palestinian demonstrators on W. Bank, Israeli troops use "graveler" to disperse crowds; graveler fires pebbles at high velocity [LAT 3/10]. In Ramallah-area village of Silwad, soldiers use live ammunition to disperse stone-throwing crowds, killing 1 demonstrator. Another Palestinian is shot, wounded during clash between Palestinians and settlers in village of Turmus Ayah; youth later dies in Ramallah Hospital. At least 9 others are wounded by army gunfire. Several Palestinians are reported detained after attempto stab soldier [NYT 3/10]. Palestinian is killed by army gunfire in Samu', south of Hebron [WP 3/10]. At least 9 are wounded in fierce clashes with Israeli troops in Balatah refugee camp. Several Palestinians are injured by soldiers dispersing demonstrators in Far'ah camp and Jab'a village, near Jenin and Nablus. Curfews continue in 'Arrub camp, Gaza's Beach, Burayj, and Khan Yunis camps, and W. Bank villages of Bani Na'im and Biddu; Qabatiyyah village remains under curfew after 25 days [FJ 3/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: EEC delegation studying export of Palestinian products to Europe leaves occupied territories [FJ 11/29].
Other Countries: U.S. Justice Department announces NAPCO Inc. has pleaded guilty to charges of violating U.S. export law by smuggling equipment and weapon technology to Israel [WJW 12/3].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers disperse demonstration at Balatah refugee camp with rubber bullets, tear gas; numerous Palestinians are arrested. Curfew is imposed [FJ 11/29].
Arab World: Palestinian and Amal forces clash at Shatila refugee camp in Beirut; 1 Palestinian iskilled [FJ 11/29].