4 hours of artillery and rocket barrages between Phalange and Druze militias over 20 mile arc from Chouf to Junieh, Beirut suburbs worst hit since last summer; helicopter...
IDF jets make repeated reconnaissance passes over Beirut as IDF armored units dig in around airport and trade small arms fire with PLO guerrillas in southern suburbs; PLO...
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Military Action:
4 hours of artillery and rocket barrages between Phalange and Druze militias over 20 mile arc from Chouf to Junieh, Beirut suburbs worst hit since last summer; helicopter carrying US Marine commander fired on, no injuries; artillery and rocket battles in Tripoli between pro- and anti-Syrian militias; Gemayel orders Lebanese Army and Air Force to attack and silence any positions firing on Beirut; IDF officers in Bekaa say Syrian military activity in the area is defensive, no signs of preparation for attack.
6-7 killed, 25-34 injured in artillery barrages in Chouf and Beirut; 1 IDF soldier killed, 9 injured by artillery shell near convoy; 1 killed, 4 wounded in Tripoli; American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee resumes shipments of cement to assist in reconstruction of refugee camps in South Lebanon.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli officials seek clarification of points in draft troop withdrawal agreement, special envoys Habib and Draper answer questions at Foreign Ministry; Chaim Herzog sworn in as president of Israel, says that political and ethnic tensions among Israeli Jews constitute a danger from within; 500 Arab college and high school students demonstrate in Nazareth against discriminatory recommendations for university tuitionfee policy; Nablus court issues 6 more injunctions preventing private company from preparing land for Elkana D settlement near Bidya; Jerusalem resident, beaten by yeshiva students while rescuing elderly woman last month, hospitalized in serious condition after being beaten again; physician and lawyer in Ramallah jailed after their offices searched by Israeli tax collectors seeking retroactive payment of value added tax, boycotted by West Bank professionals and merchants.
Arab Governments: Jordanian official says there are no prospects for the resumption of political dialogue between King Hussein and PLO Chairman Arafat on a joint stand to enter peace process; Syrian President Assad visits Riyadh, meets King Fahd; Ba'ath Party official says that after Syria's heavy sacrifices it has the right to discuss, take issue with and even oppose particular PLO action, criticizes Arafat for treating all Arab states alike.
US and Other Countries: US lifts unofficial ban on Navy ships visiting Israel, supply ship USS Savannah docks at Haifa to replenish stocks of Sixth Fleet ships anchored off Beirut; Jewish businessmen in Virginia form political action committee (PAC) to back pro-Israeli candidates; National Association of Arab Americans' spokesman says 24 PACs have been formed by pro-Israeli, Jewish American activists, NAAA considers forming PACs as well.
Military Action:
IDF tank detonates mine in Bekaa, no injuries reported; radio-controlled bomb explodes as IDF vehicle passes near Nabrah, in Chouf.
3 IDF soldiers wounded in Chouf attack; ICRC delegates visit 2 Israeli POWs held in Syria.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Lawyers representing Bidya residents send protest telegram to Defense Minister Arens, say border police failed to protect residents who held court orders enjoining developers from working on the land; Supreme Court refuses appeal by Ziad Abu Ein, extradited to Israel from US in December 1981, against conviction and life imprisonment for bomb attack in Tiberias in 1979.
Palestinians/ Lebanese-PLO Chairman Arafat and Syrian President Assad meet formally for first time since September, reportedly agree to coordinate military resources against IDF in Bekaa Valley; Haddad says he will accept no post other than commander of Lebanese forces in South Lebanon.
Arab Governments: Jordan restricts West Bank Palestinians entering Jordan to one month permits.
US and Other Countries: Shultz continues talks in Jerusalem, then returns to Beirut, says he thinks agreement possible by end of week, meets with Gemayel, Salem; Senate subcommittee hearing on US aid to Syria postponed after Reagan Administration expresses concern it could complicate Shultz mission.
UN: At WHO congress in Geneva, Israel blocks Kuwaiti-Libyan motion to put issue of mass illness on West Bank on agenda for full scale plenum debate.
Military Action:
Syrian and Israeli jets carry out reconnaissance flights over Bekaa Valley; PLO forces fire anti-aircraft guns at IDF planes in northern Lebanon.
About 100 Palestinian families in Sidon tell UNRWA officials that local residents have broken into their homes and threatened harm if they do not leave.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: 18 opposition MKs call Eitan's cockroach remark shocking and severe phenomenon that cannot be ignored, ask Arens to reprimand him, Arens refuses comment, says Eitan a national hero; Arens and Haddad meet in South Lebanon, Arens says Haddad is a great patriot; government investment in West Bank settlements and infrastructure estimated at $200m. a year; "No to Campaign Ribbons" group says thousands of reservists have refused to accept Lebanon ribbon; IDF lifts month long curfew on Dahariya; illegal publications confiscated at el-Bireh nurses' training college book fair, college closed; Interior Ministry bans publication and distribution of Palestine Press Services's daily newsletter on events in the West Bank, demands it be licensed like a newspaper and subjected to military censorship; southern district police commander accuses West Bank Waqf of interfering in politics and engaging in political activities.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Executive Committee meeting in Tunis postponed, Arafat travels to Bulgaria for 2 day visit.
Arab Governments: Egyptian Foreign Minister travels to Washington with message for Reagan; Mubarak meets Kissinger in Cairo; Egypt and Jordan agree to resume trade after 4-year interruption; Syrian President Assad meets DFLP's Naif Hawatmeh and PFLP-GC's Ahmed Jibril in Damascus.
US and Other Countries: US air and ground forces experts visit Israel to begin studying military data from Lebanon war; Albert Spiegel, Los Angeles businessman, quits as Reagan's Jewish affairs adviser.
Military Action:
IDF jets make repeated reconnaissance passes over Beirut as IDF armored units dig in around airport and trade small arms fire with PLO guerrillas in southern suburbs; PLO building ramparts at key intersections to impede IDF tank passage; Syria and PLO reinforcing units in Bekaa valley; IDF matches their efforts in adjacent zones.
IDF attack on Tyre resulted in losses of almost $75 m., loss of personal goods and autos may add another $10 m.; similar study of Sidon expected to show losses of around $100 m.; acting president of the American University of Beirut kidnapped, reportedly in return for kidnapping of Shiite in Phalange area; although food is entering Beirut, fuel is still cut, threatening hospital and sanitation services in W. Beirut; mounting piles of garbage reported in Beirut, as well as broken water mains; Palestinian refugees are returning to devastated camps for lack of other places to go; Lebanese farmers complain of Israeli imported fruit undercutting their market; Israeli Economy Minister Meridor, in US, says Israel is allowing food supplies from Saudi Arabia into Lebanon via Israel.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Economy Minister, in Washington, denies any limitations on supplying Beirut; debate erupts in Knesset on Lebanese situation; Knesset Foreign Affairs Committee told it will need to find winter shelter for about 20-30,000 Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese and PLO officials look to US for new initiative to stave off IDF assault on Beirut, pin hopes on Reagan meeting with Syrian and Saudi Foreign Ministers tomorrow; Hani al-Hassan and Salam both urge US to talk directly with PLO to speed negotiations; PLO leader Khalid al- Hassan travels to Washington as part of the Arab League delegation meeting Administration officials; Habib presents all parties with "final" proposals that call for a total Syrian/ Palestinian withdrawal from Lebanon and withdrawal of IDF to the port of Sidon.
Arab Governments: Syrian president Assad says Syrian troops will remain in Lebanon as long as IDF troops.
US and Other Countries: Habib meets with key Lebanese officials during day but makes little progress; Greece informs Lebanon it is willing to contribute 300 soldiers to a peace-keeping force; US, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Austria also have offered to participate; shipment of US cluster bombs halted to Israel until review of their use in Lebanon completed; Senator D'Amato of New York, in Jerusalem for talks, says Israel is prepared to use force to get PLO out of Beirut; Zaire's President Mobutu invites Begin to visit Zaire in August; Saudi foreign minister, on eve of meeting with Reagan, asks US to endorse Palestinian self-rule, negotiate directly with PLO.