Bush admin. harshly criticizes King Hussein for Jordan's hosting conference of "anti- American radicals" in Amman; spokesperson hints meeting could damage U.S.-Jordanian relations [LAT 9/19];...
September 18, 1990
August 14, 1990
King Hussein flies to U.S. for meeting with Pres. Bush on Gulf crisis; Bush threatens to extend naval blockade to Aqaba if goods continue to flow from Jordan to Iraq [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 8/15].
... -
August 13, 1990
New York Times writes Yasir Arafat's support for Saddam Hussein has created rift in PLO leadership, with senior PLO officials deeply divided over what policy to follow and disturbed over...
August 8, 1990
Iraq announces it has annexed Kuwait; first U.S. troops arrive in Saudi Arabia [WP, NYT, LAT, WT 8/9].
P.M. Shamir, Israeli leadership praise Pres. Bush's decision to send troops to Saudi...
May 24, 1990
Appearing on Israeli television, Shamir says that if UN votes to send observer force to O.T., it should know that "this decision would not be implemented, as many other UN decisions against Israel...
April 18, 1990
In Amman, Arafat and King Hussein revive Jordanian-Palestinian joint committees, 1 for politics, 1 for information [QUD 4/20 in FBIS 4/24].
Interim P.M. Shamir is hurriedly seeking to...
February 26, 1990
Israeli F.M. Moshe Arens arrives in Warsaw to renew diplomatic ties with Poland; Polish gov't. newspaper issues detailed apology for past anti-Semitic acts [WP 2/27].
In Jerusalem, Shimon...
December 5, 1989
Other Countries: Arab nations decide to defer action on UN resolution recognizing Palestinian state, yielding to U.S. warnings it would withhold funds if...
August 6, 1989
Arab World: Assistant Secretary of State for Near East and South Asia John Kelly arrives in Jordan for talks with King Hussein, Prime Minister Zayd ibn-Shakir [...
August 3, 1989
Occupied Palestine/Israel: U. S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near East and South Asia John Kelly meets with 13 Palestinians from O.T.; Palestinians give Kelly...
Bush admin. harshly criticizes King Hussein for Jordan's hosting conference of "anti- American radicals" in Amman; spokesperson hints meeting could damage U.S.-Jordanian relations [LAT 9/19]; Jordan appears to have stopped sending foodstuffs to Iraq [NYT 9/19].
Reversing longstanding opposition to Soviet presence in Middle East, Saudi Arabia would now welcome Soviet troops as part of multinational force, according to Saudi F.M. Saud al-Faisal [NYT, LAT, WT, WP 9/19].
At hearing of House Foreign Affairs sub-committee on Europe and Middle East, congressmen, including committee chrmn. Lee Hamilton (D-Ind.), accuse Bush admin. of sending mixed signals to Saddam. Hamilton cites ass't sec. of state John Kelly's 7/31 testimony that U.S. has no defense treaty with Kuwait [LAT, NYT, WP, WT 9/19; MEM 9/21].
Pentagon reports of defensive buildup of Iraqi troops in Kuwait [NYT, WP 9/19].
UN Disaster Relief Office says number of refugees in Jordanian transit camps after fleeing Iraq and Kuwait is 34,876; UNDRO adds gov'ts of Sweden, Denmark, and Italy have offered funds to aid refugees [AFP 9/18 in FBIS 9/18]; Crown Prince Hasan Ibn-Talal says Jordan has already spent $57 million to accommodate estimated 500,000 refugees who have passed through Jordan since 8/2 [AFP 9/18 in FBIS 9/20].
Chrmn. Arafat arrives in Amman for meetings on Gulf crisis [ADS 9/18 in FBIS 9/18; CSM 9/19].
King Hussein flies to U.S. for meeting with Pres. Bush on Gulf crisis; Bush threatens to extend naval blockade to Aqaba if goods continue to flow from Jordan to Iraq [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 8/15].
U.S. admin. officials disclose Pres. Bush has secretly approved future transfer of $1 billion worth of sophisticated fighter aircraft and anti-tank missiles to Egypt; approval still must come from Congress [WP 8/15].
In Damascus, U.S. ass't. sec. of state John Kelly meets with Pres. Asad to discuss Gulf situation [DDS 8/14 in FBIS 8/ 15].
Israel's ambassador to U.S., Moshe Arad, meets with Sec. of State James Baker at Arad's request to talk about Gulf crisis [JDS 8/15 in FBIS 8/15; WP 8/16].
Bethlehem mayor Elias Frayj strongly criticizes U.S. action in Gulf, saying that Palestinians and Arabs will not allow Iraqis to starve [JDS 8/14 in FBIS 8/14].
Rabbi Moshe Levinger, Jewish settler leader, is released from prison after serving 13 weeks of sentence for killing W. Bank Palestinian in 1988 [LAT 8/15].
New York Times writes Yasir Arafat's support for Saddam Hussein has created rift in PLO leadership, with senior PLO officials deeply divided over what policy to follow and disturbed over PLO's "very negative" image in Gulf states [NYT 8/14]; Los Angeles Times reports PLO "may have written themselves out of the diplomatic script" by supporting Iraq, stance will make it nearly impossible for resumption of U.S.-PLO dialogue [LAT 8/14].
Gulf crisis has strengthened P.M. Shamir's gov't., political right seen as gaining supporters in Israel; many Israelis are purchasingas masks in event of Iraqi chemical attack. Israeli official says "the mood of Israelis is that there is no point negotiating with Palestinians who support a leader like Saddam Hussein, who wants to wipe us off the face of the earth" [LAT 8/13].
U.S. ass't. sec. of state, John Kelly, meets in Cairo with F.M. Esmat Abdel Meguid to discuss Gulf crisis [MENA 8/ 13 in FBIS 8/13]; then Kelly flies to Damascus to meet with Syrian officials [SANA 8/13 in FBIS 8/14].
Hamas leaflet distributed in O.T. calls on Palestinians to take their battle to Israeli soil, and for Baghdad to attack Tel Aviv if Iraq is attacked by Western powers [WT 8/14].
Iraq announces it has annexed Kuwait; first U.S. troops arrive in Saudi Arabia [WP, NYT, LAT, WT 8/9].
P.M. Shamir, Israeli leadership praise Pres. Bush's decision to send troops to Saudi Arabia; reaffirm Israel has no intention of getting involved in conflict; has not been asked by U.S. to become involved [NYT 8/9].
U.S. ass't. sec. of state for Near Eastern and South Asian affairs, John Kelly, arrives in Damascus to discuss Gulf crisis with Syrian officials [DDS 8/9 in FBIS 8/ 10].
Violence continues for 3d straight day in Jerusalem as Jewish rioters wound at least 80 Arabs to avenge killing of 2 Israeli teenagers; Police Chief Yaacov Turner says police will crackdown on violence, will use tear gas if necessary [WT 8/9].
Emanuel Christen, 1 of 2 Red Cross workers kidnapped in Sidon on 10/6/89, is released by group calling itself Palestinian Revolutionary Squads (cf. 8/13) [AFP 8/8 in FBIS 8/9; WT, WP, LAT, NYT 8/ 9].
Appearing on Israeli television, Shamir says that if UN votes to send observer force to O.T., it should know that "this decision would not be implemented, as many other UN decisions against Israel [have not been]" [WP 5/25]; Yitzhak Rabin believes Israel must oppose idea of UN observers, says "It is inconceivable that we, who observe international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention. . should accept the supervision of an element which. . .has participated in almost no peaceful process" [JDS 5/24 in FBIS 5/25; MET 6/5].
Bush admin., in effort to avoid confrontation with Israel, says it will discuss possibility of UN observer force in O.T., but objects to any permanent UN presence [LAT 5/25].
Members of House Foreign Affairs subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East blast State Dept's. 3/19 report saying PLO has honored its commitment to renounce terrorism, call report a "whitewash and a pack of lies"; ass't.sec. of state John Kelly defends report [WP 5/25J.
PLO Exec. Committee member Mahmud Abbas meets in Moscow with Soviet F.M. Eduard Shevardnadze to discuss past week's violence in O.T. [TASS 5/24; KUNA 5/25 in FBIS 5/25].
Head of Israeli Army's Central Command, Maj. Gen. Yitzhak Mordekhay, meets with 24 W. Bank Palestinians to explain Army curfews and actions following 5/20 killings. Palestinians are top officials in education and commerce [JDS 5/25 in FBIS 5/25].
5-member Soviet delegation arrives in Israel to investigate violence in O.T.; head of group, Mikhail Kapitsa, accuses Israel of acting like "an elephant in a china shop" [MEM 5/25; MET 6/5]; Bernard Kouchner, French minister of state for humanitarian aid, also arrives for fact-finding tour, says he is "deeply depressed" by conditions in Gaza [MEM 5/25; FJ 5/28].
In Amman, Arafat and King Hussein revive Jordanian-Palestinian joint committees, 1 for politics, 1 for information [QUD 4/20 in FBIS 4/24].
Interim P.M. Shamir is hurriedly seeking to establish new Jewish settlements in O.T. before his gov't. leaves office [WP, LAT 4/19].
Bulldozers, guarded by Israeli soldiers, level orange grove in Gaza Strip for construction of new Dugit settlement. Soviet F.M. spokesperson says "some circles in Israel continue to deliberately raise obstacles to a peaceful settlement in the Middle East" [WT 4/19].
Islamic Jihad says it will release one of its 3 hostages "within 48 hours" as a "goodwill initiative"; group also calls for asst. sec. of state John Kelly to come to Damascus "to coordinate final measures" [WP, LAT, WT 4/19].
Egypt's F.M. Esmat Abdel Meguid says Egypt intends to press for ban on "weapons of mass destruction" in Middle East [WP 4/19].
Israeli F.M. Moshe Arens arrives in Warsaw to renew diplomatic ties with Poland; Polish gov't. newspaper issues detailed apology for past anti-Semitic acts [WP 2/27].
In Jerusalem, Shimon Peres has told Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations that U.S. Sec. of State Baker's proposals for negotiations are acceptable to most of Israeli public [IDF 2/26 in FBIS 2/27].
PLO leaders have authorized Radwan Abu-'Ayyash, chrmn. of E. Jerusalem Journalists Association, to begin exploratory talks with State Dep't. officials John Kelly and Dennis Ross in Washington [MAA 2/26 in FBIS 2/26].
Israeli Arabs stage one-day strike pressing gov't. to put into place agreemento write off $50 million of debt accumulated by Arab town and city councils. About 4,000 Arabs march through Haifa in protest [NYT 2/27].
Israeli military authorities allow 16 community colleges in O.T. to reopen (combined enrollment of c.5,000) [NYT, WP, LAT 2/27].
At least 91 Palestinians are injured by IDF gunfire in one of the most violent days ever in Gaza Strip [NYT 2/26; LAT 2/27]; Israeli helicopter is used to teargas demonstrators [JDS 2/26 in FBIS 2/27].
Other Countries: Arab nations decide to defer action on UN resolution recognizing Palestinian state, yielding to U.S. warnings it would withhold funds if resolution was passed [NYT 12/6].
U.S. undersecretary for Near Eastern and South Asian affairs John Kelly meets with Shamir, Arens, and Peres to brief them on Malta summit. Later Kelly flies to Cairo to brief Mubarak [FBIS 12/5, 12/6].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army shoots, kills 5 Arabs crossing into southern Israel from Egypt through the Sinai [NYT, WP, FBIS 12/6; JP 12/16].
Ha'aretz reports IDF plans to build prison in Gush 'Ezyon area. The jail would hold 4,000 inmates [FBIS 12/5].
Arab World: 5 Palestinians are killed in Ayn al-Hulwah camp near Sidon when masked man opens fire in street [FBIS 12/7].
Arab World: Assistant Secretary of State for Near East and South Asia John Kelly arrives in Jordan for talks with King Hussein, Prime Minister Zayd ibn-Shakir [FBIS 8/8].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jabalya soldiers shoot, kill 15-year-old Palestinian, in Tel Aviv 16-year-old Palestinian from Khan Yunis dies from wounds received 8/2 [FJ 8/14].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: U. S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near East and South Asia John Kelly meets with 13 Palestinians from O.T.; Palestinians give Kelly letter stating that meeting is part of PLO-U.S. dialogue, rejects election proposal under Shamir's terms, demand that Israel accept territory for peace [FBIS 8/3].
Arab World: In Tunis Fateh opens 5th General Congress [FBIS 8/3].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Grenade thrown at Israeli patrol in Khan Yunis injures 3 Palestinians, 3 soldiers; troops respond by opening fire injuring 14 Palestinians [FJ 8/7, MET 8/15].