3 / 15493 Results
  • September 21, 1983

    Military Action:

    Fighting continues around Souq al-Gharb, with anti-government forces, reportedly including Hitten and Yarmouk brigades of PLA, using tanks and smokescreens; artillery and...

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  • September 8, 1983

    Military Action:

    Fighting continues at Souq al-Gharb, Aley, Beit Eddine and Deir al-Qamar; PSP forces capture Qabr Chamoun junction; shells fall in Khaldeh, Yarze, Baabda and other suburbs...

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  • August 4, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF attacks West Beirut by land, sea, air as IDF armored units advance on Palestinian areas on southern edge of city (negotiations broght to standstill; PLO puts up fierce...

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Military Action:

Fighting continues around Souq al-Gharb, with anti-government forces, reportedly including Hitten and Yarmouk brigades of PLA, using tanks and smokescreens; artillery and rocket fire hits Yarze and Baabda areas; US ships fire salvos for third consecutive day; Gemayel tours LAF positions along Souq al-Gharb-Kaifun ridge.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir, with majority in Knesset, is invited to form new government, extends invitation to Labor Alignment to join government of national unity; Sharon calls on US to send Marines into Chouf, use naval and air power to stop Druze forces, send warning to Syria and Soviet Union; Israeli acting mayor cancels Hebron council's successful petition to High Court for injunction against expansion of Jewish settlements in town's center.

US and Other Countries: Reagan says Marines' participation in MNF is absolutely crucial to ending Soviet-sponsored aggression against Lebanon; House Appropriations Committee votes 20-16 to cut off funds for Marines in MNF on December 1 unless Reagan invokes War Powers Act.

Military Action:

Fighting continues at Souq al-Gharb, Aley, Beit Eddine and Deir al-Qamar; PSP forces capture Qabr Chamoun junction; shells fall in Khaldeh, Yarze, Baabda and other suburbs, and around airport, near US Marine positions; LAF engages Shi'ite militiamen in Beirut district of Chiah; US Navy warship fires first rounds of 5-inch shells at PSP artillery position near Chemlan, southeast of Beirut, Marines also return fire; US jet overflies village of Deir al-Qamar; IDF patrol crosses Awali River, removes roadblock at village of Amayle.


LAF reports 2 killed, 6 wounded; PSP accuses Phalange militiamen of killing 40 Druze civilians in Abey, near Qabr Chamoun; bomb destroys Islamic lUnification Movement sports club in Tripoli, 5 killed, 25 wounded.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: McFarlane meets Gemayel, Wazzan in Beirut, Jumblatt in Damascus; Jumblatt says PSP forces will not fire on targets endangering MNF units.

Arab Governments: Saudi Arabia renews its diplomatic efforts toward a ceasefire, sends Prince Bandar Ibn Sultan to Damascus.

US and Other Countries: Rep. Clarence Long (D-MD) says he will seek legislative cut-off of funds for US MNF contingent unless Reagan seeks formal Congressional authorization under 1973 War Powers Act.

Military Action:

IDF attacks West Beirut by land, sea, air as IDF armored units advance on Palestinian areas on southern edge of city (negotiations broght to standstill; PLO puts up fierce resistance; all of West Beirut under rocket, artillery attack; offices of Wazzan, Lebanese Ministry of Information, Al-Nahar news-paper, UPI hit; Bristol, Commodore hotels hit; IDF takes up new positions in Lebanese army barracks, close to Bir Hassan-Kuwait Embassy junction; IDF tries to enter Sabra Shatila camps; IDF advances only 300-500 yards near Museum crossing); PLO fires on IDF forces backed up in East Beirut, shelling Ashrafiya, Yarze and Baabda areas.


Casualties estimated in hundreds, 80 percent civilian (American University Hospital alone receives 55 dead, 200 wounded; Beirut radio reports 300 killed, 670 wounded); fires rage throughout town; IDF maintains tight blockade; streets of East Beirut deserted; Islamic Asylum hit for third time; rescue capabilities deteriorate as fuel in short supply; only 80 firemen remain working (many casualties left to die in rubble); 19 IDF soldiers killed; 50 killed in East Beirut.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin tells 190 United Jewish Appeal contributors war will end soon because PLO cannot hold out., angrily attacks reported Percy statement asking Reagan to "bring Israel to its knees."

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Sarkis accuses Habib of stalling to allow IDF time to finish off PLO; volunteers in thousands flock to fight with PLO (most in eastern Lebanon).

Arab Govemments: Egyptian Ambassador to Israel called home "for consultations"; Egypt may not maintain diplomatic relations with Israel if IDF makes full-scale attack on Beirut.

Political Responses:

US and Other Countries: Reagan cables strong protest to Begin, saying attacks undermine Habib efforts (White House issues statement emphasizing necessity of re-establishing cease-fire); US discusses possible sanctions against Israel for first time in crisis management group and at session of National Security Council; France protests to IDF regarding attacks on embassy.

UN: Security Council draft resolution proposed by Spain, Jordan revised after US objections but still expected to be vetoed; Egypt, at UN, warns that Israeli actions threaten Camp David Accords.