Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israeli government says that it has no official policy of settling Soviet Jewish immigrants in the O.T.; that every immigrant is free to choose his or her own place of residence [NYT, WP, LAT 1/31].
Other Countries: The Washington Post reports that Israel has stepped up its deportations of "non-resident" Palestinians in the O.T. [WP 1/30].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: IDF reopens UNRWA school in Nablus after 10 days of closure [FJ 2/12].
IDF bulldozes Palestinian home in Burin village, near Nablus [FJ 2/12]; another house in the Nablus is demolished, and 2 others are sealed [FBIS 1/31; FJ 2/5].
At least 11 Palestinians are wounded in clashes in the Gaza Strip, including a 12- year-old who lost an eye from bullet; 2 IDF soldiers are also wounded [FBIS 2/1].
Jewish settlers in Hebron smash windows of Arab homes, fire shots in the air [FBIS 2/1].
Arab World: Gen. Michel Aoun bans the Lebanese Forces Christian militia, saying there should be no "armed elements outside the framework of the [Lebanese] army." Move poses risk of intra-Christian war [WP 1/31].
Israeli army sends reinforcements to S. Lebanon "security zone" [FBIS 1/30].