Representatives from the Arab Democratic Party (led by 'Abd al-Wahhab Darawsha) and Progressive List for Peace (Muhammad Mi'ari) meet to discuss terms under which the two parties would campaign...
March 8, 1992
October 18, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The West Bank Data Base Project releases 2 reports: One charges there is a double standard in the justice system of the occupied...
October 6, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hamas, the Muslim fundamentalist leadership in the occupied territories, and the PLO-backed Unified National Command of the Uprising...
August 1, 1986
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Maj. Gen. Amos Yaron, on "study leave" since being criticized for not alerting his superiors to the Sabra and Shatila massacres...
November 1, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ha'Aretz reports Israeli and Jordanian officials have been meeting secretly for over 2 months in negotiations [TS 11/2]. MK...
July 30, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Knesset passes, by vote of 60-0, law banning future election lists that advocate racism [FJ 8/9]. Clause proposed by Justice...
July 5, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Lawyer Kamil Dahir, spokesman for the Progressive List for Peace, is forbidden to travel for one year, following visit to see Arafat...
June 11, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset House Committee lifts parliamentary immunity and freedom of movement from MK Muhammad Mi'ari, leader of Progressive List for...
June 5, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Peres asks MKs not to attend Pax Christi "International Peace Congress" in Amsterdam, in which delegates from PLO, Mapam, Labor...
February 16, 1985
Arab World: 6 mbrs. of the Progressive List for Peace, led by MK's Miari and Peled, meet with Chrmn. Arafat in Tunis [JP 2/11]. Attorney Gen. Zamir initiates...
November 14, 1984
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Central Bureau of Statistics reports October inflation rate of 24.3%. No Confidence motions presented in Knesset by Mapam, Civil Rights...
September 12, 1984
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gush Emunim squatters establish settlements Nachliel and Givat Helevona (a.k.a. Eli) north of Ramallah. Jewish squatters add 4 caravans...
June 28, 1984
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Supreme Court overrules Central Election Com. decision and allows Kach and Progressive List for Peace slates in July elections. About 40...
June 19, 1984
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Prisoners at Fara'a prison petition High Court to intervene to stop torture used there. Central Elections Commission votes 18- 17 to ban...
May 31, 1984
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 IDF officers arrested in connection with "TNT" activities; Dep. Knesset Speaker Cohen-Avidov calls Jewish terror suspects "the pride...
Representatives from the Arab Democratic Party (led by 'Abd al-Wahhab Darawsha) and Progressive List for Peace (Muhammad Mi'ari) meet to discuss terms under which the two parties would campaign for. the upcoming Knesset elections as a unified electoral list. (MM 3/9)
Settler sentenced to life imprisonment for 1990 killing of a Palestinian woman to avenge the earlier slayings of 2 Israelis. (Yedi'ot Aharonot 3/9 in FBIS 3/11)
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The West Bank Data Base Project releases 2 reports: One charges there is a double standard in the justice system of the occupied territories; the other argues the population of the occupied territoriess 1.7 million instead of the official Israeli figure of 1.4 million and that Palestinians in the occupied territories are worse off in terms of economic and social development than they were at the beginning of the occupation [WP, CSM 10/19]. Israel's Supreme Court rules that Kach cannot compete in upcoming Israeli elections, that the Progressive List for Peace can run. Kach leader Meir Kahane calls for Kach supporters to boycott the upcoming election [WP, NYT 10/19]. Report in Christian Science Monitor says that Palestinians living in the occupied territories and earning the equivalent of $16,000 per year are taxed at 55 percent, while Israeli settlers earning about $30,000 per year are taxed at 48 percent [CSM 10/ 19]. Police order Dar al-Tifl school in East Jerusalem closed for 10 days [FJ 10/23].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: During clashes in Nablus Israeli troops shoot, kill 2 Palestinian boys, wound 5 others including American press correspondent [WP 10/19, FJ 10/ 23]. Demonstrations occur throughout the occupied territories: in Gaza City 18-yearold Palestinian is shot, wounded; in Nusayrat 14-year-old Palestinian is shot, wounded; in Jerusalem 16-year-old Palestinian is shot, wounded [FJ 10/23].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hamas, the Muslim fundamentalist leadership in the occupied territories, and the PLO-backed Unified National Command of the Uprising agree to coordinate activities in the occupied territories [LAT 10/7]. The Progressive List for Peace withstands attempt by Likud and Tehiya to exclude it from upcoming Knesset elections; elections commission rules that the Progressive List for Peace does not oppose the Jewish nature of Israel [WP, LAT 10/7]. A general strike is called in Gaza in remembrance of the first anniversary of the killing of 4 Gazans [FJ 10/11]. Elementary and secondary schools open in East Jerusalem for the first time in over a month [FJ 10/11].
Other Countries: U.S. gives consular immunity to 50 members of Israel's military purchasing and trade mission in New York [WP 10/7]. British Labor party recognizes the PLO as the sole representative of the Palestinian people and the right of Palestinians to a homeland [FJ 10/11].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Nablus 27- year-old Palestinian is killed as troops fire on stone throwers [NYT 10/8], 3 Palestinians are shot [FJ 10/11]. Two Palestinians suspected of collaborating with the Israelis are shot, killed [WJP, LAT 10/7]. At least 19 Palestinians are injured in riots throughout Gaza [FJ 10/11].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Maj. Gen. Amos Yaron, on "study leave" since being criticized for not alerting his superiors to the Sabra and Shatila massacres 4 years ago, has been appointed Israel's military attache to the U.S., the Israeli army announces [WP 8/2]. Rev. Riah Abu al- 'Assal, of Nazareth, secretary of the Progressive List for Peace, is banned from leaving the country for one year [FJ 8/8].
Arab World: Lebanese President Jumayyil proposes emergency parliamentary session, calls for Syrian help in Lebanon [LT, PI 8/2].
Military Action
Arab World: Car bomb explodes in East Beirut, kills one, injures 30 [NYT 8/2].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ha'Aretz reports Israeli and Jordanian officials have been meeting secretly for over 2 months in negotiations [TS 11/2]. MK Geula Cohen states P. M. Shimon Peres has told her of a plan to return Golan Heights to Syria in exchange for Soviet permission to let 20,000 Soviet Jews emigrate [DT 11/2]. Al-Fajr reports formal charges of "incitement" have been filed against Ziad Abu 'Ain, who has been detained for 3 months under administrative detention order [FJ 11/1]. Kach movement sent threat letters to several Palestinian restaurant owners in Tel Aviv last week; Progressive List for Peace received similar threats by phone at their Tel Aviv office last week [FJ 11/1]. Israel's balance of payments deficit this year is expected to reach $5 billion, the same as last year [FT 11/7]. Eilat opens new duty-free port in efforto revive town's economy [LT 11/2].
Arab World: Jewish Week reports Israeli factory has marketed almost $12 million worth of agricultural machinery to Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Morocco, Iraq, and the oil-producing emirates of the Persian Gulf; according to the reporthe Arab govts. are aware of the transactions but choose not to take official notice [JW 11/1]. Jewish Week reports Sudan's former first Vice President Maj. Gen. 'Umar al-Tayyib went on trial last week, accused of conspiring with Israel and the U.S. to fly 10,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel in Operation Moses; if found guilty, al-Tayyib could be hanged. Former Pres. Ja'far Numayri is named as coconspirator in the case [JW 11/1].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Grenade is thrown at Israeli patrol in Gaza Strip; 2 soldiers lightly wounded [JTA 11/4].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Knesset passes, by vote of 60-0, law banning future election lists that advocate racism [FJ 8/9]. Clause proposed by Justice Minister Moshe Nissim bans election lists which reject the legitimacy of Israel as the "state of the Jewish people." Progressive List for Peace and the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (Israeli Communist party) abstained in Knesset vote; PLP spokesman Kamil Dahir submits resignation in protest of abstention vote. Two Palestinians are found dead near car in West Bank village of Tubas, in what police say was apparently an accidental detonation of a car bomb [WP 7/31]. Palestinian sources speculate they may have been murdered [FJ 8/2]. U. S. Asst. Defense Sec. Richard Perle announces Israel agrees to participate in Strategic Defense Initiative research [BG 7/31]. Jane's Defence Weekly reports that Israel's clandestine arms sales to China have bolstered its international weapons trade to $1.2 billion annually [MJ 8/16].
Arab World: Jordanian and PLO officials say 2 Palestinians acceptable to Israel - Hanna Siniora and Fayez Abu Rahmeh - are intended only as "consultants" to joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation [WP 7/31]. Al-Fajr English newspaper reports sources in Tunis say PLO condemns new West Bank committee set up by local pro-Jordanian figures to lobby for joint Jordanian-Palestinian moves [FJ 8/2].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Albert Buchris, 32, from Afula, shot to death in Nablus market. Nablus and 2 nearby refugee camps put under curfew; residents are teargassed, house-to-house searches are conducted for the weapon used in the killing. Al-Najah University is closed [WP, LAT 7/31, JTA 8/1].
Arab World: Syria delivers 50 Soviet-made T-54 tanks to Amal in south Beirut [DT 7/31].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Lawyer Kamil Dahir, spokesman for the Progressive List for Peace, is forbidden to travel for one year, following visit to see Arafat last February [FJ 7/7]. Israeli border guards and secret service beat up and arrest 3 Palestinians at Hakawati Theater during sit-in to protest one-day closure of theater to prevent scheduled Workers Unity Bloc conference [FJ 7/11].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset House Committee lifts parliamentary immunity and freedom of movement from MK Muhammad Mi'ari, leader of Progressive List for Peace [FJ 6/14], on grounds he voiced support for PLO and refused to condemn "PLO terrorism."
Arab World: Shi'a hijack Jordanian Alia airliner in Beirut to protest Arab League criticism of Shi'ite siege of Palestinian camps [NYT 6/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Peres asks MKs not to attend Pax Christi "International Peace Congress" in Amsterdam, in which delegates from PLO, Mapam, Labor party, Progressive List for Peace, Citizens Rights Movement, and Peace Now are expected to participate [JP 6/6]. Three Israelis charged in Jerusalem District Court in connection with murder of Jerusalem taxi driver Khamis Tutunji [JP 6/6]: Daniel Eizenmann, 26; Michal Hillel, 24; and Gil Fuchs, 20.
Arab World: Red Cross tries to enter Shatila camp, where 20 are believed to have died of cholera.
Other Countries: Hisham Sharabi states he is not interested in participating in peace talks, has not been approached by anyone [AP 6/6].
Arab World: 6 mbrs. of the Progressive List for Peace, led by MK's Miari and Peled, meet with Chrmn. Arafat in Tunis [JP 2/11]. Attorney Gen. Zamir initiates investigation to determine if group can be prosecuted under Israeli law for meeting with an "enemy agent" [JP 2/12].
Military Action
Arab World: IDF withdraws from Sidon area, beginning first stage of pullout from S. Lebanon; Lebanese army quickly takes up positions in Sidon, 'Ain al-Hilweh, Mieh Mieh [NYT 2/17, PI 2/17].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Central Bureau of Statistics reports October inflation rate of 24.3%. No Confidence motions presented in Knesset by Mapam, Civil Rights Movement, Progressive List for Peace & Hadash.
Arab World: IDF release 3 of 4 Shi'ite leaders held since 11/8, but retain Mahmoud al-Faqih; with UN mediation, Lebanon's cabinet decides to resume talks with Israel.
Military Action
Arab World: Shi'ite Imam Abdulla alAmin assassinated in Tawana village, S. Lebanon; Nabih Berri blames Israel.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gush Emunim squatters establish settlements Nachliel and Givat Helevona (a.k.a. Eli) north of Ramallah. Jewish squatters add 4 caravans to settlement at Tel Rumaida in al-Khalil (Hebron). In exchange for Progressive List for Peace (PLP) votes to support Shlomo Hillel as Knesset speaker, Labor agrees on 3 issues: to legislate against apartheid practices toward Palestinians, to approve proposed change in Umm al-Fahm's status to full township, and to consider favorably establishment of an Arab university in Israel. Canadian and British delegates meet with Palestinian mayors and community leaders in Jerusalem on eve of Int'l. Liberals Congress in Tel Aviv (9/13-16).
Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat returns to Tunis, meets Soviet delegation there. Nabih Berri & Walid Junblatt boycott weekly Lebanese cabinet meeting to press gov't. to discuss political reforms and conditions in S. Lebanon.
Other Countries: In US, representatives of 11 relief and community service organizations meet State Dept. officials to protest Israeli policy toward Palestinian universities.
Military Action
Arab World: Beirut Radio reports 4 IDF troops killed in 2 S. Lebanon bomb attacks; IDF soldier injured by land mine in S. Lebanon (9/10) dies of injuries.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Supreme Court overrules Central Election Com. decision and allows Kach and Progressive List for Peace slates in July elections. About 40 IDF soldiers, including elite Golani Brigade members, demonstrate against IDF presence in Lebanon, deliver written protests to PM Shamir and DM Arens. Town arrest renewed for 6 mos. for al-Fajr journalists Musa Jaradat & Fathi Jaradat in Sa'ir, near Hebron. Oslo University donates 2,000 books to Najah Nat'l. U.
Arab World: In Quneitra (Golan Heights) ceremony, Israel exchanges 291 Syrian soldiers & 20 Golan residents held prisoner for 6 POWs taken by Syria; bodies of 5 IDF and 72 Syrian casualties also exchanged.
Other Countries: Bomb explodes in Colombo hotel killing local woman; Sri Lanka police believe intended for 2 resident Israeli advisors.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Prisoners at Fara'a prison petition High Court to intervene to stop torture used there. Central Elections Commission votes 18- 17 to ban Arab-Jewish "Progressive List for Peace" from July ballot. Israeli police detain British and Italian military attaches on espionage charges for photographing Tel Hof airbase. At ZOA conference in Jerusalem, PM's advisor Hurwitz confirms Israel's welcome for support from militant US fundamentalist Christians.
Arab World: 4-man military com. begins work on plan to reunite Lebanese army.
Other Countries: Meeting in Hamburg, Universal Postal Union defeats [73-32, 15 abst.] Arab bloc initiative to expel Israel for violation of UN resolutions.
Military Action
Arab World: In gunfire exchange in Nabatiya, IDF shoot 7-yr.-old boy.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 IDF officers arrested in connection with "TNT" activities; Dep. Knesset Speaker Cohen-Avidov calls Jewish terror suspects "the pride of Israel;" Pres. Herzog denounces "TNT" for providing propaganda weapons to enemies. Sheli Alternative and Arab Proressive Movement form joint "Progressive List for Peace" for July elections headed by Mohammed Miari and Matti Peled.
Arab World: Lebanese PM Karami unveils program of his national gov't., asking for special power to govern by decree for 9 mos.
Other Countries: Israeli DM Arens meets US Sec. of Defense Weinberger at Pentagon to discuss "strategic cooperation;" both describe US-Israel relations as "best ever."