Commander of Israeli Air Force, Maj. Gen. Avihu Bin-Nun, says U.S. and Israel still have no mechanisms in place to coordinate military activities, and that U.S. may not be able to give Israel advance warning of mis- sile launches [NYT 1/16]; Bin-Nun also warns Jordan that should Israel be drawn into war, there is no way for his planes to approach Iraq except through Jordanian airspace [LAT, WP 1/16].
PLO reports that Hamza Abu Said, a dissident from Abu Nidal's Fateh Revolutionary Council, killed Abu lyad and two others; 3 Palestinians are killed and 30 wounded in clashes between IDF and Palestinians an- gered over assassinations; curfews are imposed to prevent further clashes; Israel says it had nothing to do with assassinations [AFP, JDS, IDF 1/15 in FBIS 1/15; NYT, WT, WP 1/16].
Saddam Hussein visits Iraqi troops in Kuwait [BADS 1/15 in FBIS 1/16; LAT 1/16].
Tens of thousands of anti-war protestors take to streets in Washington, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York, as well as elsewhere [LAT, WT, WP 1/16].
In strongest appeal since crisis began, King Fahd urges Saddam to "prove to the world that you are worthy of the responsibility you are shouldering in ruling Iraq" and leave Kuwait [LAT 1/16]; Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar also issues statement making final appeal to Saddam to leave Kuwait [NYT, LAT, WT, WP 1/16].
Pres. Mubarak sends last-minute proposal to Saddam Hussein, also asks Pres. Bush to delay military option [RMC 1/15 in FBI 1/16; WP 1/16].
British House of Commons votes 534-57 to endorse gov't. policy of waging war against Iraq [WP 1/16].