18 / 15500 Results
  • November 30, 1992

    Israeli govt. submits proposed amendment to Knesset that would permit contacts with the PLO. (Qol Yisra'el 11/30 in FBIS 12/1)

    Ramallah-based Palestinian Public Opinion Research Center...

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  • November 29, 1992

    After speech commemorating 1947 UN partition res., PM Rabin says Chmn. Arafat is blocking peace talks for personal, not ideological reasons, because the PLO, like the World Zionist Organization...

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  • November 27, 1992

    Israeli delegation presents Lebanon with proposal to establish a joint workingroup of military officers to discuss security arrangements on border. (Ha Aretz, Radio Lebanon 12/15 in FBIS 12/15)...

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  • November 26, 1992

    French Pres. Mitterrand concludes 2-day visit to Israel, after meeting with PM Rabin, FM Peres, Faisal Husseini. At news conference, Mitterrand says the PLO is "the only valid partner" in peace...

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  • November 24, 1992

    The Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls (COCOM), a 17-mbr. Western trade group established to monitor high-tech sales to communist countries, meets in Paris. Meeting is...

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  • November 21, 1992

    IDF undercover unit shoots dead armed Palestinian in Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip. (MM 11/23; Qol Yisra'el 11/21 in FBIS 11/24)

    IDF undercover unit shoots dead 2 wanted, unarmed Black Panther...

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  • November 20, 1992

    Arab delegates to Washington peace talks warn that unless the incoming Clinton administration prods Israel into concessions, they will abandon negotiations early next year. Syria accepts...

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  • November 18, 1992

    Vatican issues statement charging that Israel is "dragging its feet" in the effort to establish diplomatic ties. Statement precedes normalization pre-negotiations between respective FM officials...

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  • November 16, 1992

    Hamas-PLO reconciliation meeting in Khartoum collapses as Hamas fails to show up (see 10/11); Chmn. Arafat meets with Sudanese Islamic leader Hasan al-Turabi, who had offered to serve as mediator...

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  • November 15, 1992

    Palestinians demonstrate throughout o.t on 4th anniv. of declaration of the State of Palestine, are dispersed by IDF using tear gas and gunfire in Ramallah, Gaza, and Jerusalem. (Qol Yisra'el 11/...

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  • November 13, 1992

    Tel Aviv mayor and Likud mbr. Shlomo Lahat, after announcing he will not seek reelection, says he favors creation of an independent Palestinian state in the W. Bank and Gaza Strip. (Yedi'ot...

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  • November 12, 1992

    Israeli delegation rejoins refugee talks in Ottawa, after receiving written U.S. assurances that Palestinian delegation head Muhammad Hallaj is no longer a member of the PNC. Palestinians begin...

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  • November 11, 1992

    Israeli delegation walks out of multilateral talks on refugees in Ottawa, because Palestinian delegation head Muhammad Hallaj is a PNC mbr. Elie Sanbar, head of delegation at earlieround, had...

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  • November 9, 1992

    Peace talks resume in Washington. Israeli delegation warns Lebanese and Syrian delegations that if Syriand Hizballah fail to curb attacks on Israeli soil, Israel "will help them stop," and can...

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  • November 8, 1992

    PLO officials led by Faruq al-Qaddumi and Syrian officials led by Faruq al-Shara' meet in Damascus, discuss U.S. election, Israeli-Jordanian draft agenda, upcoming round of negotiations. (RMC 11/7...

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  • November 7, 1992

    In interview with al-Hayat, Chmn. Arafat urges Pres.-elect Bill Clinton to resume dialogue with the PLO. He also strongly criticizes Hamas, warning of "retaliation" if acts of violence continue in...

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  • November 6, 1992

    IDF captures 2 armed Hamas infiltrators from Jordan. (Qol Yisra'el 11/6 in FBIS 11/6)

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  • November 1, 1992

    PLO Exec. Comm. mbrs. meet with Jordanian PM Sharif Bin-Shakir, request (and receive) explanations of 2 points on the tentatively agreed Israeli-Jordaniangenda for talks-whether or not East...

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Israeli govt. submits proposed amendment to Knesset that would permit contacts with the PLO. (Qol Yisra'el 11/30 in FBIS 12/1)

Ramallah-based Palestinian Public Opinion Research Center releases poll of 1,000 o.t. residents on peace process. 68% said the negotiations have "a chance" for achieving peace; 25% see no hope in negotiations, whatever the terms. 76% accept autonomy if it leads to Palestinian sovereignty, 61% say rejectionists have no reliable agenda to confront the peace process. (al-Fajr 12/1 in FBIS 12/3)

Peace Now releases o.t. demographic survey, concluding that settlement movement in o.t. has failed, with inflated govt. investment over the years resulting in a small number of settlers who only provoke violence. Yesha Council (of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza) charges Peace Now with tailoring facts to fit their political orientation. (IDF Radio 11/30 in FBIS 12/1; MM 12/1)

Al-Quds al-Arabi publishes interview with Chmn. Arafat criticizing Syria for "adopting" the ten rejectionist factions, Iran and the Gulf states for supporting Hamas. (MM 12/1)

Katyusha rocket fired at IDF post in "security zone" (first such firing since 11/12), followed by bombardment of SLA positions north of zone. Israel, SLA shells Iqlim al-Tuffah region. (Radio Lebanon, VOL 12/1 in FBIS 12/1)

After speech commemorating 1947 UN partition res., PM Rabin says Chmn. Arafat is blocking peace talks for personal, not ideological reasons, because the PLO, like the World Zionist Organization after the founding of Israel, will become marginalized when a political settlement is reached. (Qol Yisra'el 11/29 in FBIS 11/30; MM 11/30)

On this UN-sponsored Day of Solidarity with the Palestinians, general strike observed in the o.t., King Hussein, Chmn. Arafat call for expanded UN role in peace negotiations. (Qol Yisra'el 11/29 in FBIS 11/30; MM, WT 11/30)

Russian amb. to Tunisia meets with Chmn. Arafat in Tunis, delivers message from Russian Pres. Yeltsin. (Algiers VOP 12/28 in FBIS 12/30)

IDF shoots Palestinian youth dead in Hebron. (Qol Yisra'el 11/29 in FBIS 11/30)

Israeli delegation presents Lebanon with proposal to establish a joint workingroup of military officers to discuss security arrangements on border. (Ha Aretz, Radio Lebanon 12/15 in FBIS 12/15)

IDF shoots Palestinian man dead in Gaza City. (Qol Yisra'el 11/27 in FBIS 11/30)

French Pres. Mitterrand meets with King Hussein in Amman. (JTV, Radio Jordan 11/27 in FBIS 12/1)

French Pres. Mitterrand concludes 2-day visit to Israel, after meeting with PM Rabin, FM Peres, Faisal Husseini. At news conference, Mitterrand says the PLO is "the only valid partner" in peace talks, and without its participation the talks cannot move forward. (MM 11/26, 11/27; ITV, Qol Yisra'el 11/26, 11/27 in FBIS 11/27; NYT 11/27)

Israeli appeals court rules that Palestinian Israeli poet Shafiq Habib is not guilty of fomenting violence in poems praising the intifada; overturns $3,100 fine, 3-year suspended jail sentence. (NYT, WP 11/27)

Israeli org. of Jews who left Arab countries in 1948 calls for precise accounting of property and assets left behind to use when issue of refugee compensation comes up at peace negotiations. (MM 11/26)

The Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls (COCOM), a 17-mbr. Western trade group established to monitor high-tech sales to communist countries, meets in Paris. Meeting is attended by new ex-Soviet nations - Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Armenia among others - to bolster intl. resolve to counter sensitive sales to "destabilizing" countries-Iran, Iraq, Syria, and others. (NYT 11/25)

General strike is widely observed in o.t. (Qol Yisra'el 11/24 in FBIS 11/25)

Commander of undercover IF unit that shot Palestinian boy dead 11/23 is relieved of his post. (WT 11/25)

IDF undercover unit shoots dead armed Palestinian in Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip. (MM 11/23; Qol Yisra'el 11/21 in FBIS 11/24)

IDF undercover unit shoots dead 2 wanted, unarmed Black Panther mbrs., apparently after they had surrendered and were handcuffed. IDF denies the charge, saying they were shot when 1 prepared to open fire on their unit. (MM 11/23)

Arab delegates to Washington peace talks warn that unless the incoming Clinton administration prods Israel into concessions, they will abandon negotiations early next year. Syria accepts invitation toresume negotiations in Washington 12/7. (NYT 11/21)

PLO office in London announces it sent a letter to the Pope asking to set up a Palestinian-Vatican commission similar to that of Israel and the Holy See, which is now exploring bilateral ties. (Reuters in MM 11/20)

Israeli Border Police shoot dead 2 armed Black Panther mbrs. near Jenin. (Qol Yisra'el 11/21 in FBIS 11/23)

AIPAC names new president. Steve Grossman, a businessman and chairman of the Massachusetts Democratic party, will replace David Steiner, who resigned 11/4. (NYT 11/21)

Vatican issues statement charging that Israel is "dragging its feet" in the effort to establish diplomatic ties. Statement precedes normalization pre-negotiations between respective FM officials. (WT 11/19; Qol Yisra'el 11/19 in FBIS 11/20)

Two pro-Syrian Lebanese National Resistance Front gunmen, 1 Hizballah gunman are killed in clashes and artillery exchanges with IDF near Nabatiyya, north of "security zone." (Qol Yisra'el 11/18 in FBIS 11/19; NYT 11/19)

German FM Klaus Kinkel meets with FM Shimon Peres and PM Rabin. (Qol Yisra'el 11/18 in FBIS 11/19)

Hamas-PLO reconciliation meeting in Khartoum collapses as Hamas fails to show up (see 10/11); Chmn. Arafat meets with Sudanese Islamic leader Hasan al-Turabi, who had offered to serve as mediator. Hamas releases statement in Amman demanding apology from Arafat for threatening their group, tying it to Iran (see 11/7). (MM 11/17; Jordan Times 11/17 in FBIS 11/17)

Jewish settlers toss grenade into crowded market of Jerusalem's Old City Muslim quarter, killing 71-year-old Palestinian man, wounding 11 others. Radical groups Kach and Kahane Hay both claim responsibility for the attack, 2 years after the assassination of Rabbi Meir Kahane in New York. (MM 11/16; MM, NYT, WT 11/17)

In Tel Aviv, some 100,000 demonstrate against territorial compromise on the Golan Heights. (WT 11/17; Qol Yisra'el 11/17 in FBIS 11/17)

Commission investigating Palestinian prisoner conditions issues 20 main recommendations that have been approved by the police min. (MM 11/16)

Palestinians demonstrate throughout o.t on 4th anniv. of declaration of the State of Palestine, are dispersed by IDF using tear gas and gunfire in Ramallah, Gaza, and Jerusalem. (Qol Yisra'el 11/15 in FBIS 11/16)

IDF uses antitank missiles to destroy 9 houses near Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip. (Hadashot 11/16 in FBIS 11/19) 

Israeli FM Shimon Peres meets with Pres. Mubarak, FM 'Amr Musa in Cairo. (MENA, Qol Yisra'el 11/15 in FBIS 11/16)

Likud Cent. Comm. votes to hold primary to elect its leader and next PM candidate next March. Move is seen as a political gain for Benyamin Netanyahu and David Levy, who campaigned for the primary, at the expense of Benny Begin. (WT 11/17) 

Israel begins withdrawal of armor and artillery from "security zone," S. Lebanon. (Qol Yisra'el, Radio Lebanon 11/15 in FBIS 11/16)

Tel Aviv mayor and Likud mbr. Shlomo Lahat, after announcing he will not seek reelection, says he favors creation of an independent Palestinian state in the W. Bank and Gaza Strip. (Yedi'ot Aharonot 11/13 in MM 11/13)

Hizballah and IDF each lose 1 in clash in "security zone." Israel shells targets north of zone. (Qol Yisra'el 11/13 in FBIS 11/13)

Israeli delegation rejoins refugee talks in Ottawa, after receiving written U.S. assurances that Palestinian delegation head Muhammad Hallaj is no longer a member of the PNC. Palestinians begin talks with demand for discussion of right of return for all refugees, including those from 1948. (Qol Yisra'el 11/12 in FBIS 11/13; WP 11/13)

Bir Zeit University (near Ramallah, W. Bank) holds student council elections. Pro-Fateh faction "shelved their differences" over the peace talks with a pro-PFLP faction and a pro-DFLP (Hawatima wing) faction, to form a united pro-PLO front, which defeated the pro-Hamas candidates by 66% to 33% of the vote. In winner-take-all election, 5 seats go to Fateh, 3 to PFLP, 1 to DFLP. (WP 11/12)

Hizballah lose 1 gunman, kill 1, wound 3 IDF soldiers, kill 1 UN soldier, in rocket and machine-gun attacks in "security zone." Israel attacks from the air and heavily shells Hizballah target villages north of "security zone." (Qol Yisra'el 11/12 in FBIS 11/12; Radio Lebanon 11/12 in FBIS 11/13; WT, WP 11/13)

U.S. Amb. to Israel William Harrop delivers message to PM Rabin urging "continue[d] restraint" vis-a-vis Hizballah, as long U.S. diplomatic efforts to quell the violence continue in Beirut and Damascus. (MM 11/13)

IDF fatally shoots Palestinian youth in Hebron, W. Bank. IDF opens fire on Khan Yunis demonstrators, injuring 19; 2 suspected collaborators are killed in Gaza Strip, under curfew since 11/11 (MM 11/13)

King Hussein announces amnesty in honor of his 58th birthday (11/14) that will free 140 political prisoners, including those sentenced 11/10. (WP 11/13)

Israeli delegation walks out of multilateral talks on refugees in Ottawa, because Palestinian delegation head Muhammad Hallaj is a PNC mbr. Elie Sanbar, head of delegation at earlieround, had already been barred as a member of the PLO Cent. Council (see 10/8). (MM, WP, WT 11/12)

Palestinian delegation presents report on o.t. human rights conditions to Israeli delegation, which has now agreed to discuss the issue. (MM 11/13; Qol Yisra'el 11/13 in FBIS 11/13) 

PM Rabin tells cabinet he must first consult U.S. Pres.-elect Bill Clinton on implications of amending 1986 law to legalize meetings with the PLO. (Qol Yisra'el 11/11 in FBIS 11/13)

Chmn. Arafat meets with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo. (MENA 11/11 in FBIS 11/12)

IDF fatally shoots 1 Palestinian in W. Bank, 3 in Gaza Strip, where demonstrations, clashes and a general strike following 11/10 gunbattle caused over 20 injuries. (MM 11/11; Qol Yisra'el 11/11 in FBIS 11/13; NYT, WP 11/12)

Israel builds up armored presence in "security zone" to the highest levels since 1985, and attacks Hizballah targets near Tyre, Lebanon. (NYT, WP 11/12)

Peace talks resume in Washington. Israeli delegation warns Lebanese and Syrian delegations that if Syriand Hizballah fail to curb attacks on Israeli soil, Israel "will help them stop," and can make life "intolerable on your side of the border as well." Several Katyusha rockets land in the Galilee, bringing the 2-day total to about 50, and prompting Israeli shelling of targets north of "security zone." (Qol Yisra'el 11/10 in FBIS 11/10; WP 11/10)

U.S. President-elect Bill Clinton tells PM Rabin he wants "no delay" in peace talks, would not object to a last-ditch mission to the region by James Baker to revive the talks. Rabin phoned his congratulations to the pres.-elect. (Qol Yisra'el 11/9 in FBIS 11/10; NYT 11/10)

PLO officials led by Faruq al-Qaddumi and Syrian officials led by Faruq al-Shara' meet in Damascus, discuss U.S. election, Israeli-Jordanian draft agenda, upcoming round of negotiations. (RMC 11/7, SARA 11/8 in FBIS 11/9)

PFLP and DFLP (Hawatima wing) issue joint statement rejecting Israeli-Jordanian agenda. (MM 11/9)

Chmn. Arafat issues "strict instructions" forbidding the killing, kidnapping, or threatening of any person in o.t., for whatever reason. (al-Sha'b 11/9 in FBIS 11/10; NYT 11/10)

Knesset subcomm. dealing with o.t. Civil Admin. matters tours Gaza Strip, meets with PLO officials and settlers. Opposition MKs boycott the tour because of its emphasis on meetings with Palestinian inhabitants. (Qol Yisra'el 11/8 in FBIS 11/9)

Israeli warplanes attack Hizballah base in Lebanon, killing 7, prompting Islamic Resistance to fire rockets into "security zone" and northern Israel. (Qol Yisra'el 11/9 in FBIS 11/9; NYT 11/11)

In interview with al-Hayat, Chmn. Arafat urges Pres.-elect Bill Clinton to resume dialogue with the PLO. He also strongly criticizes Hamas, warning of "retaliation" if acts of violence continue in the o.t. (AFP 11/7 in FBIS 11/9; NYT 11/10)

PLO Exec. Comm. mbrs., as well as Palestinian delegation head Faisal Husseini, meet with Jordanian FM Kamil Abu Jaber to discuss draft Israeli-Jordanian agenda for negotiations (see 11/1). Palestinians seek definite reference in the agenda to UNGA 194 (the right of return), and clarifications on wording of references to Palestinian o.t. (Jordan Times 11/8 in FBIS 11/9; MM 11/9)

PFLP Red Eagle gunmen shoot, kill suspected collaborator in Shabura camp, Gaza Strip. (Qol Yisra'el 11/7 in FBIS 11/10)

Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary bloc issues statement rejecting draft Israeli-Jordanian agenda as a retreat from declared peace principles, calling on govt. to not ratify it. Hamas issues similar statement. (Jordan Times 11/8 in FBIS 11/9)

King Hussein says it is time for Iraqis to end the rule of Saddam Hussein, install govt. of "pluralism, democracy." (NYT 11/8)

Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics releases latest figures showing that the Jewish birthrate has dropped to its lowest rate since 1948-2.6 children per woman. The Muslim rate is 4.7, slightly higher than last year, but much lower than the 1948 figure. Influx of immigrants kept the Jewish majority steady at 81.9%. (NYT 11/8)

IDF captures 2 armed Hamas infiltrators from Jordan. (Qol Yisra'el 11/6 in FBIS 11/6)

PLO Exec. Comm. mbrs. meet with Jordanian PM Sharif Bin-Shakir, request (and receive) explanations of 2 points on the tentatively agreed Israeli-Jordaniangenda for talks-whether or not East Jerusalem is included in the term "occupied territories" (it is), and how UN resolutions, the Palestinian right of return, and refugees in other countries factor into a solution of "the bilateral aspects of the refugee problem" (they will). PLO emerges "comfortable" with the agenda. (MM 11/2; RMC 11/2 in FBIS 11/4)

PM Rabin tells cabinet that the term "withdrawal" inlatest proposal to Syria applies to IDF forces, not to settlements on the Golan Heights, and that distinction has been made clear to Syria. (ITV 11/1 in FBIS 11/2)

Israel announces that Israeli and Jordanian negotiators have agreed to place the water issue at the top of the agenda when the talks reconvene 11/9. (Qol Yisra'el 11/1 in FBIS 11/6)

Head of Israeli delegation to talks with Lebanon, Uri Lubrani, announces that in the latest round Israel offered Lebanon an increased civilian govt. presence in the "security zone," and proposed bilateral talks between military officers. Lebanon has not accepted nor rejected either proposal. (Qol Yisra'el 11/1 in FBIS 11/2)

Itamar Rabinovich, head of the Israeli negotiating team with Syria, is appointed ambassador to the U.S., to take over in the coming months. (Yedi'ot Aharonot 11/1 in FBIS 11/3; NYT 11/2)

Israel shells eastern edges of "security zone," injuring 5 Lebanese civilians. (VOL 11/1 in FBIS 11/3)

Al-Hayat reports that Russia will sell Syria 36 fighter aircraft, 300 T-72 and T-74 tanks, and some Sa-10 and Sa-16 missile batteries (equivalents of the U.S. Patriot anti-missile system) as part of a 1991 $2 billion weapons accord. (WT 11/3)