28 / 15500 Results
  • December 30, 1997

    In Cairo, reps. fr. the Arab League, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, the OIC, the PA, Syria end wk.-long mtg. on Israeli policies toward the Palestinians, peace process. (JT 12/31 in WNC 1/2)


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  • December 25, 1997

    In Ramallah, Jordanian-PA joint ministerial comm. ends 2 days of talks on trade exchange and border-related issues. (JT, RJ 12/25 in WNC 12/29; al-Dustur 12/26, RJ 12/27, al-Ra`i 12/...

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  • December 2, 1997

    In Ramallah, Arafat discusses peace process, 11/30 Israeli cabinet decision with Jordanian PM al-Majali. (al-Dustur, al-Quds, VOA 12/3 in WNC 12/9; MEI 12/5; al-Majd 12/8 in...

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  • November 19, 1997

    Arafat says he is healthy despite the uncontrollable trembling of this lower lip, which an Israeli doctor has said may be a sign of Parkinson's disease. (WP 11/20; MEI 11/21; 11/30 in WNC 12/9)...

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  • November 18, 1997

    In London, Jordan's King Hussein, Israel's PM Netanyahu meet for the first time since Israel's attempted assassination of Hamas political leader Khalid Mishal in Amman 9/25. (MM, WT 11/18; SA, JT...

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  • November 16, 1997

    Doha economic summit opens. Only 6 Arab countries (Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Tunisia, Yemen) are among the 66 countries attending. U.S. Secy. of State Madeleine Albright, who originally planned...

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  • November 11, 1997

    In Cairo, PA negotiators brief Egypt's Pres. Mubarak on 11/3-6 Washington talks with Israel. Citing the talks' failure, Egypt announces that despite U.S. pressure, it will boycott the Doha...

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  • September 22, 1997

    In Amman, unidentified assailants slightly wound 2 Israeli embassy guards enroute to work in a drive-by shooting. Guards fire back, possibly wounding 1 attacker. King Hussein condemns the attack,...

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  • August 26, 1997

    In Tel Aviv, Jordan, Israel hold talks on Jordan Valley development, water desalination project, protecting Jordan River fr. salt water pollution. (JT, JTV 8/26 in WNC 8/27; al-Dustur 8/27...

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  • August 22, 1997

    Israel annouces plans to build a dam just inside the boundary of land claimed by Syria. U.S. criticizes the decision; Syria says that it proves that Israel does not want peace; Jordan says that it...

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  • August 16, 1997

    In Gaza, Palestinian Authority (PA) head Yasir Arafat meets with Yitzhak Molho, personal atty. and adviser to Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyhau. No details about the mtg. are released. (WT 8/18)

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  • August 13, 1997

    Before leaving for Washington, U.S special envoy Ross says that Secy. of State Albright is planning to make her 1st trip to the region, possibly in 9/97. Timing will depend on how well/quickly PA-...

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  • July 30, 1997

    2 suicide bombers dressed as ultra-Orthodox Jews detonate explosives in a crowded market in Jerusalem, killing 13 Israelis, wounding more than 170 Israelis, Palestinians. IDF immediately seals the...

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  • July 24, 1997

    Senior coalition MKs charge that Dr. Nimrod Novick, a fmr. adviser of Peres, delivered a document to the U.S. administration, outlining a U.S. initiative for resumption of Israeli-PA talks. (MM 7/...

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  • July 12, 1997

    In Nablus, a bomb explodes nr. an IDF vehicle passing by Joseph's Tomb, injuring 2 soldiers. The IDF closes the main roads to the nearby villages of Bayt Furik, Bayt Dajan. (PR 7/18)


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  • June 17, 1997

    In Amsterdam, a 2-day mtg. of EU leaders closes. Attendees issue statement for the 1st time urging Israel not to rule out the possibility of a Palestinian state. (MM 6/18)

    In Washington, U....

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  • June 4, 1997

    PM Netanyahu presents "Allon plus" final settlement proposal to his inner cabinet. (IDF Radio 6/4 in WNC 6/5; ITV 6/4, RE, YA 6/6 in WNC 6/9; MM, WT 6/5; ITV, MA, RE 6/5 in WNC 6/6; PR 6/6; MM 6/9...

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  • June 3, 1997

    Fmr. IDF Chief of Staff Ehud Barak wins Labor party elections for party leader, defeating MKs Yossi Beilin, Shlomo Ben-Ami, Ephrahim Sneh; says he would not join a unity government with Likud. Fmr...

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  • May 9, 1997

    U.S. special envoy Ross holds separate mtgs. with Israeli DM Mordechai, PA's Arafat; makes no progress. (AFP 5/9 in WNC 5/12; MEI 5/16)

    PSF, Shin Bet, CIA representatives meet in Tel Aviv...

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  • April 15, 1997

    U.S. special envoy Ross arrives in the Middle East; holds talks in Gaza with Arafat, in Jerusalem with Netanyahu. (WP 4/15; CSM, WP 4/16)

    EU-Mediterranean business conference opens in Malta...

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  • April 1, 1997

    In Washington, Pres. Clinton, Jordan's King Hussein discuss ideas for restarting Israeli-PA talks, policy toward Iraq. (NYT, WP, WT 4/2; al-Dustur, al-Ra'i, RJ 4/2 in WNC 4/3; NYT,...

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  • March 27, 1997

    After separate 2-hr. mtgs. with Arafat, King Hassan in Rabat, Morocco, U.S. special envoy Ross heads to Israel where he holds 3-hr. talks with PM Netanyahu, gives no details of the mtgs. (MM, WT 3...

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  • March 22, 1997

    In Hebron, Palestinian protesters clashes with IDF troops for 2d day. IDF responds with live ammunition, rubber bullets, tear gas, injuring over 100 Palestinians (including 20 wounded by live...

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  • March 21, 1997

    In Tel Aviv, a suicide bomber detonates explosive device killing himself, 3 Israelis, wounding 47. An anonymous caller claims responsibility on behalf of Hamas's Izzeddin al-Qassam Brigades,...

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  • March 19, 1997

    Netanyahu proposes that Israel, the PA bypass the 3 stages of FRD and hold Camp-David-style negotiations. Arafat refuses (ITV 3/19, IDF Radio 3/20 in WNC 3/21; MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/20; ITV 3/20, MA 3...

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  • March 1, 1997

    Palestinians, Israeli leftists demonstrate in Har Homa against Israel's construction plans. 100s of Palestinians (mostly affiliated with the DFLP) hold similar demonstration in Ramallah. (ITV 3/1...

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  • February 4, 1997

    PM Netanyahu cancels a trip to Jordan planned for 2/5 and postpones a mtg. with Arafat set for 2/6 after 2 Israeli helicopters, carrying an unusual amount of ammunition and explosives, collide...

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  • January 18, 1997

    In Beirut, Syrian officials arrest a Jordanian national of Palestinian descent, Dirar al-Karmi, for attacking a Syrian bus 12/18, take him to Damascus. (WT 1/19; MM 1/20; al-Dustur 1/20, 1/...

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In Cairo, reps. fr. the Arab League, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, the OIC, the PA, Syria end wk.-long mtg. on Israeli policies toward the Palestinians, peace process. (JT 12/31 in WNC 1/2)

In Cairo, PA Planning M Shaath briefs Egyptian FM Musa, Mubarak adviser Osama Baz on the peace process. (MENA 12/30 in WNC 1/1)

Jordan says that the experimental stage during which Israeli planes use the Aqaba airport is proceeding well, both sides are satisfied with results. (al-Dustur 12/30 in WNC 1/1)

Ramadan begins. (WP, WT 12/31)

In Ramallah, Jordanian-PA joint ministerial comm. ends 2 days of talks on trade exchange and border-related issues. (JT, RJ 12/25 in WNC 12/29; al-Dustur 12/26, RJ 12/27, al-Ra`i 12/29 in WNC 1/1; TJT 1/2 in WNC 1/7)

In Tel Aviv, a group of Israelis attack a diplomatic car belonging to the Jordanian embassy. (al-Ra'i 12/29 in WNC 1/1; YA 12/31 in WNC 1/2)

2 settlers are arrested for shooting at a Palestinian in the West Bank village of Arif. (ITV 12/25 in WNC 12/29)

In Ramallah, Arafat discusses peace process, 11/30 Israeli cabinet decision with Jordanian PM al-Majali. (al-Dustur, al-Quds, VOA 12/3 in WNC 12/9; MEI 12/5; al-Majd 12/8 in WNC 12/17)

In Jerusalem, Orient House head Faisal Husseini meets with French FM Vedrine. (al-Safir 12/3 in WNC 12/9)

EU special envoy Moratinos holds talks Lebanon with PM Hariri, FM Buwayz, Chamber Speaker Nabih Birri. (RL 12/2 in WNC 12/9)

After talks with Syrian pres. Hafiz al-Asad in Damascus, Austrian chancellor Klima says that Israel must implement FRDs, halt settlement construction, resume talks on the Golan Heights; "delaying tactics" are no longer acceptable. (Oesterreich Eins Radio Network [Vienna], SATN 12/2 in WNC 12/9)

Israel announces plans to increase the number of Palestinian laborers allowed into Israel fr. 52,000 to 140,000 within 5 yrs. to replace foreign workers. (WT 12/3)

Hizballah detonates roadside bomb in s. Lebanon, wounding 2 SLA mbrs. (VOL 12/2 in WNC 12/9)

Arafat says he is healthy despite the uncontrollable trembling of this lower lip, which an Israeli doctor has said may be a sign of Parkinson's disease. (WP 11/20; MEI 11/21; 11/30 in WNC 12/9)

Israel agrees to allow 250 civilian PLO employees to take up permanent residence in the West Bank/Gaza.(al-Dustur 11/19 in WNC 11/21; PR 11/21)

Israel court jails for 5 yrs. a PA Preventive Security Force (PSF) officer convicted of abducting an Arab informer for Israel fr. Jerusalem, taking him to Jericho, torturing him. (WP 11/20)

Israel places Gaza resident Ashraf Atta Ahmad Kandil under administrative detention in an Israeli prison for 6 mos. He is the only Gazan under administrative detention, along with 600 West Bank Palestinians. (PCHR 1/15)

Russia's minister of science and technology arrives in Israel for mtg. of the joint Russian-Israeli Economic Comm. to discus ways of increasing cooperation. (Globes [Internet] 11/19 in WNC 11/21)

Facing the erosion of its efforts to isolate Iran economically, U.S. announces new policy of pushing for a "Eurasian transportation corridor" (fr. Azerbaijan to Turkey) to bring Caspian oil to the West; pressuring Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan to shelve proposal for pipeline through Iran to the Gulf. U.S. Energy Secy. Federico Peña says U.S. has no plans to help finance the Eurasian corridor project. (NYT, WP, WT 11/20; MM 11/26)

Hizballah detonates roadside bomb in s. Lebanon, injuring 1 South Lebanon Army (SLA) mbr. (VOL 11/19 in WNC 11/21)

In London, Jordan's King Hussein, Israel's PM Netanyahu meet for the first time since Israel's attempted assassination of Hamas political leader Khalid Mishal in Amman 9/25. (MM, WT 11/18; SA, JT 11/19 in WNC 11/21; al-Dustur, JT, Star 11/20 in WNC 11/25; JP 11/29)

Doha economic summit ends. All participants sign final communiqué, including Israel, which unsuccessfully tried to block section stressing that Oslo negotiations are based on land for peace. 2 major Jordanian, Qatari investment companies sign $25-m. partnership, industrial investment agmt. (MM 11/18; WP, WT 11/19; JT 11/19 in WNC 11/21; SA 11/19 in WNC 11/25; WJW 11/27)

At the end of a 3-wk. evaluation following a sharp rise in casualties in s. Lebanon, top IDF officials unanimously reaffirm decision to stay in s. Lebanon until an agmt. on redeployment is achieved with Lebanon, Syria. (MM 11/19; YA 11/19 in WNC 11/21)

Knesset threatens Israeli banks with prosecution if they persist in refusing to identify owners of dormant Nazi-era accounts holding an estimated total of $57 m. (WT 11/19)

In Bethlehem, a Palestinian boy is shot dead by IDF sniper guarding DM Yitzhak Mordechai on visit to Rachel's Tomb. (MEI 12/5)

IDF demolishes Palestinian home, workshop in al-Ram, n. of Jerusalem. (PR 11/21)

Employing a "dual-track" strategy of military and diplomatic pressure, Russian FM Yevgeny Primakov opens talks in Moscow with Iraqi Dep. PM Tariq `Aziz, while U.S. pres. Bill Clinton sends 12 additional military aircraft to the Gulf, authorizes cmdrs. to deploy 30 more if they deem it necessary. (MM 11/18; CSM, MM, WP, WT 11/19) (see 11/17; ITV 11/19 in WNC 11/21; MEI 11/21)

Doha economic summit opens. Only 6 Arab countries (Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Tunisia, Yemen) are among the 66 countries attending. U.S. Secy. of State Madeleine Albright, who originally planned to stay for the whole 3-day conference, attends a few hrs. of the mtg., then leaves for Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia to discuss Iraq's failure to adhere to UN inspections requirements. (WT 11/16; al-Dustur, SATN 11/16, JT, Radio Qatar, SA 11/17 in WNC 11/19; CSM, MM, NYT, WP 11/17; WT 11/18, 11/19; JT 11/19 in WNC 11/21; MEI 11/21; WT 11/23; JP 11/29; Star 12/4 in WNC 12/9)

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu arrives in Indiana to attend mtg. of the General Assembly of Jewish Federations in Indianapolis, then heads to California for function honoring actor Kirk Douglas. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/17; MM 11/18)

In Cairo, PA leader Yasir Arafat briefs Egyptian pres. Husni Mubarak on his talks with U.S. Secy. of State Albright 11/15. (RE 11/16 in WNC 11/19)

Egypt returns its amb. to Qatar. (MENA 11/16 in WNC 11/19) (see 11/7)

Iraq offers to allow American UN Special Commission (UNSCOM) inspectors expelled 11/13 to return, provided UN experts fr. other nations are given equal authority. (NYT, WP, WT 11/17)

150 Palestinians clash with Israel Defense Force (IDF) troops following funeral for boy who was severely injured by IDF 11/11 and died 11/15. (WP 11/17)

In Cairo, PA negotiators brief Egypt's Pres. Mubarak on 11/3-6 Washington talks with Israel. Citing the talks' failure, Egypt announces that despite U.S. pressure, it will boycott the Doha economic summit. (MENA, RE 11/11 in WNC 11/12; NYT, WP, WT 11/12; WJW 11/13)

High-level EU delegation leaves Egypt for Jordan after visit of several hrs. (JTV, MENA 11/11 in WNC 11/12; RJ 11/12 in WNC 11/14)

At the Likud convention, Netanyahu backs away fr. call to abolish party primary elections in the face of pressue fr. party mbrs. (including fmr. Science M Benjamin Begin, fmr. Finance M Dan Meridor, Tel Aviv Mayor Roni Milo, DM Mordechai, Infrastructures M Sharon, Jerusalem Mayor Olmert) strong enough to split party, force new elections. (IDF Radio 11/11 in WNC 11/12; ITV, MA 11/12 in WNC 11/14) (see 11/9)

Israel's 1st El Al flight lands at Jordan's Aqaba airport. (HA, JT 11/11; al-Dustur 11/11 in WNC 11/12; JT 11/12 in WNC 11/14) (see 8/31)

Palestinian boy is left brain-dead when IDF opens fire with rubber bullets on crowd protesting reopening of the newly fortified Rachel's Tomb, a Jewish shrine in an Israeli-controlled salient in Bethlehem. (NYT 11/12, 11/14)

In Amman, unidentified assailants slightly wound 2 Israeli embassy guards enroute to work in a drive-by shooting. Guards fire back, possibly wounding 1 attacker. King Hussein condemns the attack, visits the guards in the hospital. (MM 9/22; JTV 9/22, JT al-Ra'i, al-Safir 9/23 in WNC 9/24; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/23; RJ 9/23, al-Dustur 9/24 in WNC 9/25; MM 9/24; WJW 9/25; JT 9/25 in WNC 9/26; JP 10/4)

Israel submits official request to the PA for extradition of 36 Palestinians considered "terror suspects." (IGPO 9/22; WT 9/24)

As of today, there are 103 West Bank Palestinians who have been stranded in Gaza since the 9/4 suicide bombings, 44 Gazans stranded in the West Bank. Israel has denied them permission to return to their homes. (PCHR 9/22) (see 8/19)

In Tel Aviv, Jordan, Israel hold talks on Jordan Valley development, water desalination project, protecting Jordan River fr. salt water pollution. (JT, JTV 8/26 in WNC 8/27; al-Dustur 8/27 in WNC 8/28; JT 8/28 in WNC 8/29)

More than 500 Jewish leaders, scholars fr. around the world gather in Basel, Switzerland, for 3-day commeoration of the 100th anniversary of the 1st Zionist Congress that launched the drive to create a Jewish homeland. The congress convened 22 times btwn. 1897  and 12/46. (WT 8/27; NYT 8/29; MM 9/2; WJW 9/4; JP 9/6)

Arafat says that he has resumed security cooperation with Israel to an extent that would permit U.S. Secy. of State Albright to visit the region next mo. Israel says the PA has not done enough, is enouraging demonstrations against the closure. (NYT 8/27)

In Bethlehem, Palestinians protest continued internal closure, clash with IDF troops at checkpoints leading out of town. PA police stand by but do not intervene. An elementary school is evacuated, 10s of girls are taken to the hospital when 7 IDF teargas canisters land in the schoolyard. (Interfax [Moscow] 8/26 in WNC 8/27; MM, NYT, WP, WT 8/27; PR 8/29)

Israel releases 1 of the PA policemen arrested 7/15 on suspicion of plotting anti-Israeli attacks. (NYT 8/28)

IDF demolishes 3 Palestinian homes in the Ras al-Amud neighborhhod of Jerusalem; 2 in Qusra, 1 in Beita, both nr. Nablus. (LAW 8/26; PR 9/5) (see 7/26)

The Israeli Justice Min. agrees to free a Palestinian, Imad Sabih, who has been jailed without charge for 2 yrs., to let him study in the Netherlands. Sabih will not be allowed to return to Israel or the occupied territories for 4 yrs. (NYT, WT 8/27; LAW 8/28; al-Ayyam 8/28 in WNC 9/4)

Iranian parliament passes bill allowing all foreign firms, excluding U.S. and Israeli firms, to register in Iran. Registered firms may engage in all lawful business activities in economic, commericial, industrial fields. (IRNA 8/26 in WNC 8/27)

Israel annouces plans to build a dam just inside the boundary of land claimed by Syria. U.S. criticizes the decision; Syria says that it proves that Israel does not want peace; Jordan says that it is "totally against the spirit" of the 1994 Jordan-Israeli peace treaty. (MM 8/22; AFP, RMC 8/24, RMC 8/25 in WNC 8/26; MM, NYT 8/26; al-Dustur, JT 8/26 in WNC 8/27; al-Dustur, al-Ra'i 8/27 in WNC 8/28; NYT 8/28; MM 10/28)

Netanyahu phones Secy. of State Albright to warn the U.S. that the peace process is in serious trouble, blames Arafat exclusively, claims PA is not abiding by understandings reached in mtgs. with U.S. special envoy Denis Ross 8/10+n13. (ITV 8/23 in WNC 8/26; WT 8/25)

PA Executive Authority (EA), PLO Exec. Comm. discuss report published in Jane's Foreign Report that Israeli military sources were considering setting up an ultrasecret special unit that would carry out "punitive actions" against Palestinian politicians. The report concludes that the group being considered might be similar to the Lakam unit of the 1970s--a unit that reported only to the PM, was unknown to the Shin Bet, Mosad. (NYT 8/24; WT 8/25)

Netanyahu's inner cabinet discusses Russian military aid to Iran. The cabinet proposes freezing economic cooperation projects with Russia if it continues to help Iran. (NYT 8/25) (see 8/21)

Hizballah detonates roadside bomb in s. Lebanon, killing 1 SLA mbr. (Voice of the South 8/22 in WNC 8/25; MEI 8/29)

In Gaza, Palestinian Authority (PA) head Yasir Arafat meets with Yitzhak Molho, personal atty. and adviser to Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyhau. No details about the mtg. are released. (WT 8/18)

The PA says it will match Israel's freeze (imposed since the 7/30 bombings) on transfers of monies owed the PA with a selective boycott of Israeli goods, calls for national unity talks with Palestinian groups opposed to the Oslo process. (NYT, WT 8/17; CSM, NYT 8/18; PR 8/22)

Jordanian Amb. to Israel Umar al-Rifa`i submits offical complaint to Israel, stating that he, Jordanian writer Nasir al-Din al-Nashashibi were harassed at an Israel checkpoint into Israel. (al-Dustur 8/17 in WNC 8/20)

PA police arrest 3 Palestinian car thieves who murdered an Israeli taxi driver in Jericho 8/14. Within hrs. the 3 men are tried, convicted to long prison terms. Israeli police praise the move, but government says cooperation in criminal matters does not prove that the PA is cracking down on "terrorism." (WT 8/17; NYT 8/18; CSM, WP 8/19; IGPO 8/28 in WNC 9/4)

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) attack Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) bases in s. Lebanon, drawing fire fr. the Lebanese army. No injuries are reported. (RL 8/16, 8/17 in WNC 8/20)

Before leaving for Washington, U.S special envoy Ross says that Secy. of State Albright is planning to make her 1st trip to the region, possibly in 9/97. Timing will depend on how well/quickly PA-Israeli-U.S. security coordination develops. (MM 8/13; al-Dustur 8/13, ITV 8/14 in WNC 8/15; MM, NYT, WP 8/14; MM, NYT, WT 8/15)

In Aqaba, King Hussein, PM Netanyahu discuss the current impasse in the peace process. (MM 8/13; JT, JTV, al-Ra'i, RJ 8/13 in WNC 8/14; RJ 8/13, JT, RJ, YA 8/14 in WNC 8/15; CSM, NYT, WP 8/14; NYT 8/15)

IDF demolishes 10 more Palestinian homes--8 in East Jerusalem, 2 in the West Bank. (LAW 8/13; WP 8/14)

In Baghdad, Syrian, Iraqi FMin. officials begin discussions on the demarcation of borders btwn. their countries. (SA 8/14 in WNC 8/15) (see 8/6)

ILMG concludes mtgs. begun 8/10, voices extreme concern over the escalation of serious incidents, urges all parties to refrain fr. conducting attacks that can affect civilian-populated areas. (RL 8/13 in WNC 8/14) (see 8/11)

2 suicide bombers dressed as ultra-Orthodox Jews detonate explosives in a crowded market in Jerusalem, killing 13 Israelis, wounding more than 170 Israelis, Palestinians. IDF immediately seals the West Bank, Gaza, preventing even town-to-town movement; suspends recognition of Palestinian passports; sends troops to seal the PA-controlled cities. A letter signed by Hamas's military wing, Izzeddin al-Qassam Brigades, takes responsibility, but Israeli security question its authenticity, Hamas political leader `Abd al-Aziz Rantisi says Hamas was not involved. (MM 7/30; IDF Radio, ITV, RE 7/30 in WNC 7/31; IDF Radio, ITV, JTV 7/30, MA, RAI Uno Television [Rome], RE, YA 7/31 in WNC 8/1; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 7/31; ITV 7/31 in WNC 8/6; CSM, WT 8/1; AFP, MAP [Rabat], VOA 8/1 in WNC 8/4; NYT 8/3; al-Dustur, al-Majd 8/4 in WNC 8/7; CSM 8/5; WJW 8/7; MEI, PR 8/8; JP 8/9; CSM 8/11)

In the wake of the bombings, PM Netanyahu, FM Levy phone Secy. of State Albright, demand that the U.S. put pressure Arafat. The Israeli cabinet suspends all contacts with the PA until Arafat acts against Islamists "with determination," destroys their infrastructure. However, 1 mtg. btwn. Israeli, PA security officials is held. Over night, an IDF helicopter hovers over Arafat's Gaza headquarters, an Israeli warplane circles the Gaza Strip. (MM 7/30; ITV 7/30 in WNC 7/31; MM, NYT, WP, WT 7/31; YA 7/31 in WNC 8/4; WT 8/1)

As a result of the bombings, U.S. special envoy Ross cancels plans to leave today for the Middle East to meet with Arafat, Netanyahu. (MM, WT 7/30; NYT, WP, WT 7/31)

In Amman, King Hussein receives Israeli Knesset "Coalition Bloc for Peace," comprising Gesher, Third Way, Yisra'el B'Aliya, Shas MKs and the dir. of Israel's International Center of Peace in the Middle East. (JTV 7/30 in WNC 7/31)

State Dept. lifts the 12-yr.-old ban forbidding Americans to travel to Lebanon after that government agrees to take new steps to improve security at various locations, pledges to ratify an international convention against hostage-taking. The decision does not include lifting the ban on flights by Lebanese carriers to the U.S. or by U.S. carriers to Lebanon. (MM, WP 7/30; RL, RMC 7/30 in WNC 7/31; WT 7/31; al-Safir 7/31 in WNC 8/1; RL 8/4 in WNC 8/5; WT 8/6; al-Safir 8/6 in WNC 8/8; MEI 8/8)

Saudi Arabian dissident Sayigh backs out of a plea agmt. with the FBI to cooperate in the al-Khobar bombing case; says that he is innocent of any wrongdoing; was pressured by Canadian immigration officials to make statements on the bombing to avoid being deported to Saudi Arabia, where he faces execution. (NYT, WT 7/31) (see 6/30)

ILMG opens 2-day mtg. to discuss 1 Lebanese, 3 Israeli complaints. (VOL 7/30, RL 7/31 in WNC 8/1)

UN extends the UNIFIL mandate for 6 mos. (RL 7/30 in WNC 8/1)

Israeli naval forces detain 5 Lebanese fishermen off the coast of s. Lebanon, interrogate them before releasing them. (RL 7/29 in WNC 7/30) (see 7/28)

Senior coalition MKs charge that Dr. Nimrod Novick, a fmr. adviser of Peres, delivered a document to the U.S. administration, outlining a U.S. initiative for resumption of Israeli-PA talks. (MM 7/24; YA 7/24 in WNC 7/25; ITV 7/24 in WNC 7/28)

At Erez checkpoint, Arafat, Labor Chmn. Barak meet; agree to set up joint comm. to exchange updates about the peace process. (IDF Radio 7/24 in WNC 7/25)

Ma'ariv publishes excerpts of what it claims are secret government documents about the permanent arrangement with the PA. According to the excerpts, which have similarities to the Abbas-Beilin proposal (see Doc. C3 in JPS 101), the Likud-led government would "agree to the existence of an independent Palestinian entity," with long-term restrictions on sovereignty. The documents reportedly also list in descending order of preference various options for each final status issue. Netanyahu admits the position paper was written but dismisses it as "not important," a draft, not policy. (MM 7/24; MA 7/24 in WNC 7/25, 7/28; MM 7/25)

Israeli Mayor of Jerusalem Olmert gives immediate permission for a right-wing American Jewish developer, Irving Moskowitz, to break ground for a new 70-unit Jewish settlement in the Palestinian neighborhood of Ras al-Amud. Netanyahu says the move is legal, but the timing is wrong; he will block the plan. PA calls move deeply provocative. (MM, NYT 7/25; IDF Radio 7/25 in WNC 7/28; NYT, WP, WT 7/26; ITV, YA 7/27, IDF Radio 7/28 in WNC 7/29; WJW 7/31; JP 8/2, 8/9)

Backed by Israel's Histadrut labor federation, 60,000 workers at state-owned companies observe 1-day strike in solidarity with Bezeq telephone company employees, who are protesting government privatization programs. (NYT 7/25, 7/26)

Pres. Mubarak says that Iran is seeking military cooperation with Egypt to counter the growing military ties btwn. Israel, Turkey; Egypt will not take an immediate decision on the request. (al-Ahram 7/24 in WNC 7/29)

Syria opens 4th border crossing with Iraq. (see 7/22)

IAF's consultative council votes (80-16) to boycott Jordan's 11/97 elections. (MM 7/24, 7/25; RMC 7/24 in WNC 7/25; al-Dustur 7/25 in WNC 7/28; al-Dustur 7/29 in WNC 7/30) (see 7/23)

In s. Lebanon, 5 SLA mbrs. are wounded by 2 car bombs. In a separate incident, 1 IDF soldier is injured when an IDF artillery gun misfires while shelling Hizballah positions. (RL 7/24 in WNC 7/25; WT 8/6)

In Nablus, a bomb explodes nr. an IDF vehicle passing by Joseph's Tomb, injuring 2 soldiers. The IDF closes the main roads to the nearby villages of Bayt Furik, Bayt Dajan. (PR 7/18)

In Hebron, 25 Jewish settlers start stone-throwing riot with Palestinians, prompting the IDF to intervene, wounding 9 Palestinians. IDF also places cement barriers along Shalala Street, which divides the PA-, Israeli-controlled enclaves; closes 50 Palestinian shops in Israeli-controlled downtown Hebron in retaliation for nearly 2 wks. of Palestinian protests, clashes. (NYT, WT 7/13; LAW 7/14)

In Ramallah, mbrs. of the PLO Exec. Comm. join in demonstrations to protest the expansion of Jewish settlements, anti-Muslim posters in Hebron. (PR 7/18)

The IAF Executive Bureau discusses whether it should follow the Muslim Brotherhood's lead and boycott 11/97 Jordanian elections, does not come to a final decision. Muslim Brotherhood issues formal statement outlining reasons for its decision to boycott. (al-Aswaq 7/12, al-Dustur, JT, al-Ra'i 7/13, RJ 7/14 in WNC 7/16; MM 7/14, 7/15; al-Quds al-Arabi 7/16 in WNC 7/18) (see 7/9)

In Ankara, PM Yilmaz's new government wins (281-256) its first vote of confidence. (WP 7/13)

Claiming they saw suspicious movements, IDF soldiers in s. Lebanon fire a shell at a 70-yr.-old Lebanese man collecting fodder for his cattle, killing him. Israel apologizes for the "accident." (RL 7/12 in WNC 7/16)

In Amsterdam, a 2-day mtg. of EU leaders closes. Attendees issue statement for the 1st time urging Israel not to rule out the possibility of a Palestinian state. (MM 6/18)

In Washington, U.S. secy. of state Albright informs visiting Crown Prince Hassan of U.S. plans to give Jordan $100 m./yr. in aid for the next 5 yrs. (al-Aswaq, al-Dustur, JT 6/17, RJ 6/18 in WNC 6/19; MM, WT 6/18; WJW 6/19; JT 6/19 in WNC 6/20; al-Dustur 6/20 in WNC 6/23; MEI 6/27)

The Senate passes a version of House Res. 1757 that contains a section prohibiting most financial transactions with "state sponsors of terrorism," including Syria. A conference comm. must now work out the differences btwn. the bills. (WJW 7/24; MEI 7/25) (see 6/11)

6 wks. after the IDF forcibly evacuated settlers fr. their outpost nr. Yitzhar settlement nr. Nablus (5/6), several settler families are living on the disputed site, guarded by IDF reservists, while IDF bulldozers break ground to expand the settlement and build a permanent IDF lookout. (YA 6/17 in WNC 6/19) (see 5/7)

Hani `Abd al-Rahim Sayigh, the Saudi accused of participating in the 6/25/96 al-Khobar barracks bombing, is extradited to the U.S. from Canada to provide testimony that could link Iran, Syria to the attack. Under his deal with the FBI, Sayigh will plead guilty to plotting a different attack that never took place in exchange for telling all he knows about the al-Khobar incident. (WP, WT 6/18; MM, NYT, WP, WT 6/19; MM 6/24) (see 3/30)

Iraq announces that it will begin rebuilding, expanding the al-Tanf border post with Syria in the next wk. (MEI 6/13; WT 6/18; MM 6/30) (see 6/2, 6/4, 6/14)

In Hebron, IDF troops clash with Palestinian demonstrators for the 4th day, wounding 17 Palestinian. An AP photographer is attacked, kicked in the head by a Jewish settler; IDF soldiers do not intervene. (WP, WT 6/18; MEI 6/27)

Visiting delegation of American Reform and Conservative Jewish leaders convinces PM Netanyahu to shelve the legislation that would give Orthodox rabbinical courts exclusive jurisdiction over government recognition of conversions to Judaism (see 4/1), form 7-mbr. comm. (comprising 5 Orthodox, 1 Reform, 1 Conservative) to investigate the issue. (WT 6/20)

PM Netanyahu presents "Allon plus" final settlement proposal to his inner cabinet. (IDF Radio 6/4 in WNC 6/5; ITV 6/4, RE, YA 6/6 in WNC 6/9; MM, WT 6/5; ITV, MA, RE 6/5 in WNC 6/6; PR 6/6; MM 6/9; MEI 6/13; JP 6/14)

In Cairo, Arafat, Mubarak, Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Abdullah hold tripartite mtg. on the peace process, Egyptian mediation. (RE 6/4 in WNC 6/5; MM 6/5)

Kuwait's acting PM Shaykh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah says that it is time to renew ties (severed during the 1990+n91 Gulf War) with Jordan, Yemen. (MM 6/5, 6/6; RJ 6/22, al-Dustur 6/23 in WNC 6/24; MM 6/23; SA 7/2 in WNC 7/7)

Based on the 5/24 GCO corruption report, the PA fires Atty. Gen. Khalid al-Kidra. Publicly, Kidra resigns, citing poor health, but is placed under house arrest immediately. (MEI, PR 6/13; JP 6/14; CSM 6/18; JP 6/21; WP 7/30)

IDF storms Bayt Fajjar village nr. Bethlehem, detains 27 Palestinians allegedly connected to Hamas. (ITV 6/4 in WNC 6/5; MA 6/5 in WNC 6/6)

UN Security Council unanimously approves 6-mo. extension to Iraq's oil-for-food deal. (WP 6/5)

4 explosive devises are detonated on a s. Lebanon road, killing 1 Lebanese civilian, wounding 2 others. 1 South Lebanon Army (SLA) mbr. is killed in a separate explosion. (AFP, RL 6 /4 in WNC 6/5)

Fmr. IDF Chief of Staff Ehud Barak wins Labor party elections for party leader, defeating MKs Yossi Beilin, Shlomo Ben-Ami, Ephrahim Sneh; says he would not join a unity government with Likud. Fmr. PM Shimon Peres did not run or endorse any of the candidates, though he is considered Beilin's mentor. (MM, WT 6/3; MM, WP, WT 6/4; ITV 6/4 in WNC 6/9; IDF Radio, YA 6/4 in WNC 6/5; MEI 6/13) (see 5/13)

Unnamed Palestinian sources say that the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) have not received any money fr. Libya since 1982; Fatah Uprising, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC), Popular Struggle Front still receive approximately $50 m./yr., which is less than what they received in the 1980s. (al-Dustur 6/3 in WNC 6/5)

U.S. special envoy Ross holds separate mtgs. with Israeli DM Mordechai, PA's Arafat; makes no progress. (AFP 5/9 in WNC 5/12; MEI 5/16)

PSF, Shin Bet, CIA representatives meet in Tel Aviv to discuss resuming Israeli-PA security cooperation. Shin Bet head Ami Aylon refuses to attend the mtg. in anger over PA claims that the Shin Bet was behind 2 suicide bombings 4/1 (see 5/4). (AFP, IDF Radio 5/9 in WNC 5/12; MM 5/13; NYT 5/17)

In Ramallah, Farid Bashiti, an East Jerusalem Palestinian accused of selling Arab homes and land to Jews, is found dead. Israeli police open an investigation. At Friday prayers at al-Aqsa, the PA-appointed mufti of Jerusalem, Ekrima Sabri, says Bashiti must not be prayed over or buried in a Muslim cemetery. (NYT, WP, WT 5/10; WT 5/11; IDF Radio 5/11 in WNC 5/13; WJW 5/15; MEI, PR 5/16; WJW 5/22) (see 5/5)

IDF destroys the foundations of a new UNRWA school in Abu-Dis, says the building permit was granted by mistake. The construction project is funded by donor countries. (PR 5/16)

In Amman, PM Majali, Iraqi dep. PM Aziz discuss bolstering bilateral relations, forming a united Arab stand on the peace process. (al-Dustur 5/10 in WNC 5/13)

In Beirut, a Lebanese court sentences Samir Ja`Ja` to life with hard labor for the attempted murder of Michel al-Murr in 3/91. 3 accomplices are each given 20 yrs. with hard labor. 2 others are acquitted. (RL 5/9 in WNC 5/13)

U.S. special envoy Ross arrives in the Middle East; holds talks in Gaza with Arafat, in Jerusalem with Netanyahu. (WP 4/15; CSM, WP 4/16)

EU-Mediterranean business conference opens in Malta. Arafat, Israeli FM Levy meet on the sidelines in the highest level contact since talks broke down in 3/97. (CSM, MM, WT 4/15; Radio France Internationale [Paris] 4/15 in WNC 4/16; CSM, MM 4/16; De Volkskrank [Amsterdam], SANA 4/16 in WNC 4/17; CSM, NYT, WP 4/17; MEI, PR 4/18)

On the sidelines of the Malta conference, Jordanian FM Tarawnah, Syrian FM Shara` discuss improving bilateral relations. (al-Dustur 4/23 in WNC 4/24)

In Surif, 3 critically ill Palestinians die when IDF troops enforcing curfew deny them access to medical treatment. (NYT 4/16)

Israeli police recommend felony indictments in the Bar-On affair be sought against Justice M Hanegbi, chief of staff Avigdor Lieberman, Netanyahu political ally and Shas head Arye Deri. (ITV 4/15 in WNC 4/16; MM, WP, WT 4/16; YA 4/16 in WNC 4/17) (see 2/28)

In Mina, Saudi Arabia, an estimated 210 Bangladeshi, Indian, Pakistani pilgrims participating in the Hajj are killed, 800 are injured when canisters of cooking fuel ignite tents. At least 70,000 tents are destroyed, leaving 100,000s of pilgrims temporarily without shelter. (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 4/16; MM 4/22, 4/24; MEI 5/2)

SLA releases 7 detainees fr. al-Khiyam prison in s. Lebanon to mark the end of Ramadan. (RL 4/15 in WNC 4/16)

In Washington, Pres. Clinton, Jordan's King Hussein discuss ideas for restarting Israeli-PA talks, policy toward Iraq. (NYT, WP, WT 4/2; al-Dustur, al-Ra'i, RJ 4/2 in WNC 4/3; NYT, WP 4/3; WT 4/8; RJ 4/12 in WNC 4/15; MEI 4/18) (see 3/19)

2 bombs explode nr. Jewish settlements in Gaza, killing 2, wounding 7 Palestinians. A wing of Islamic Jihad claims responsibility. (WP 4/1; AFP 4/1 in WNC 4/2; NYT, WP, WT 4/2; RMC 4/2 in WNC 4/3; PR 4/4; JP 4/12)

IDF troops shoot, kill 2 Palestinians in separate incidents: 1 during a demonstration; the other, an undercover PA policeman, as he approached an IDF checkpoint in an attempt to block other Palestinian protesters fr. advancing on the roadblock. (NYT, WP, WT 4/1; IDF Radio 4/1 in WNC 4/2)

The Knesset approves 1st reading of a bill that would grant the Orthodox rabbinical courts exclusive jurisdiction over those seeking to convert to Judaism, meaning that Jews converted by Reform or Conservative Jewish denominations would not be officially recognized as Jewish. Senior leaders of the Reform and Conservative movements in the U.S. (which represent 3 m. of the 3.5 m. U.S. Jews) threaten to withhold lobbying support, divert contributions to Israel away fr. the government if the bill is made law. (NYT, WP, WT 4/2; WP 4/3; WJW 4/10; NYT 4/17; Globes [Internet] 4/21 in WNC 4/24)

Hizballah attacks an SLA patrol in s. Lebanon, killing 1 SLA mbr., wounding 5. (RL 4/1 in WNC 4/2; WT 4/2)


After separate 2-hr. mtgs. with Arafat, King Hassan in Rabat, Morocco, U.S. special envoy Ross heads to Israel where he holds 3-hr. talks with PM Netanyahu, gives no details of the mtgs. (MM, WT 3/27; ITV, SANA 3/27 in WNC 3/28; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 3/28; MA 3/28 in WNC 3/31)

Israel sends tanks, troop reinforcements to surround PA self-rule areas in the West Bank. Palestinian protests throughout the territories continue. (MM 3/27; ITV 3/27 in WNC 3/28; NYT, WT 3/28; NYT 3/30)

Jordan's military investigation comm. into the 3/13 shooting of 7 Israeli girls concludes its interrogation of Pvt. Daqamsa, turns the case over to the military court. Daqamsa's lawyer claims that Daqamsa opened fire on the spur of the moment after the girls laughed at him while he was praying. (WP, WT 3/28; al-Dustur, al-Ra'i 3/28 in WNC 3/31) (see 3/22)

2 explosive devices are found in a drainage pipe nr. al-Aqsa Mosque, are disarmed by Israeli police. No one claims responsibility. (PR 4/4)

Israel arrests Israeli businessman Nahum Manbar on suspicion of selling chemical weapons parts to Iran. In a 12/95 interview, Manbar admitted selling arms to Iran, but denied that he sold any weapons that could harm Israel. (WT 4/17; NYT 4/18; JP 4/26)

In Hebron, Palestinian protesters clashes with IDF troops for 2d day. IDF responds with live ammunition, rubber bullets, tear gas, injuring over 100 Palestinians (including 20 wounded by live bullets). Some Palestinians throw stones at PA police, who intervene to push back demonstrators. (AFP 3/22 in WNC 3/31; NYT, WP, WT 3/23; SATN 3/23 in WNC 3/25; PR 3/28)

Israel closes the Allenby Bridge into Jordan to Palestinians. (RJ 3/22 in WNC 3/25)

PA orders rearrest of senior Hamas military figure Ibrahim Muqadima, who was released 3/19. Israel says it expects the PA to arrest 150 other Hamas, Islamic Jihad activists. (AFP, ITV 3/22 in WNC 3/25; WP, WT 3/23; WP 3/24)

Jordanian police prevent a 13-mbr. delegation fr. the al-Zubi tribe fr. visiting the Daqamsa family. (al-Dustur 3/23 in WNC 3/25) (see 3/19)

Jordan's Crown Prince Hassan receives Iraqi PM Tariq `Aziz for discussions on bilateral relations. (INA 3/22, JT 3/23 in WNC 3/25; al-Dustur 3/24 in WNC 3/26) (see 3/17)

In s. Lebanon, Hizballah detonates bomb outside home of SLA officer Kamal Nimr, killing him. (RL 3/22 in WNC 3/25; WT 3/23) (see 3/21)

In Tel Aviv, a suicide bomber detonates explosive device killing himself, 3 Israelis, wounding 47. An anonymous caller claims responsibility on behalf of Hamas's Izzeddin al-Qassam Brigades, though some Hamas leaders deny the claim. Netanyahu blames Arafat, criticizes the U.S. for ignoring his warnings, seals the West Bank and Gaza, hints he may suspend negotiations with the PA, denounces as "obnoxious and immoral" a reporter's question linking bombing and Har Homa. Arafat condemns the attack. (MM 3/21; IDF Radio, ITV, RJ, RE, SATN, VIRI 3/21 in WNC 3/24; AFP 3/21 in WNC 3/31; NYT, WP, WT 3/22; al-Ra'i, VOA 3/22, YA 3/23 in WNC 3/25; CSM 3/24; NYT 3/26; PR 3/28; JP 3/29)

IDF identifies the suicide bomber as Musa Ghanimat, a 28-yr.-old man fr. Surif village nr. Hebron (in area B); seals the village; places curfew on Hebron; arrests 13 people, including Ghanimat's 68-yr.-old father, other relatives; prepares to demolish family's house. Family mbrs. say that Ghanimat supported neither Hamas nor Fatah. (MM 3/21; IDF Radio 3/21 in WNC 3/24; WP 3/23; MA 3/25 in WNC 3/27; NYT 3/26; PR 3/28)

In Hebron, Palestinians protesting Israel's Har Homa, redeployment plans clash with armed settlers. IDF uses tear gas, rubber bullets on Palestinians to keep the two groups apart, injuring 30 Palestinians. (MM 3/21; IDF Radio 3/21 in WNC 3/24; YA 3/21 in WNC 3/24; NYT 3/22; PR 3/28)

Some 1,000 Palestinians in al-Baq'a r.c. in Jordan protest Israel's construction in East Jerusalem. (QPAR 3/21 in WNC 3/24)

U.S. vetoes a 2d UNSC resolution calling on Israel to halt construction at Har Homa. UNSC also issues statement expressing "revulsion" at today's bombing. (WP 3/21; RE 3/21 in WNC 3/24; NYT 3/22; WT 3/23; al-Dustur 3/23 in WNC 3/25; MM 3/24; al-Akhbar 3/24 in WNC 3/27; PR 3/28; MEI 4/18) (see 3/7)

King Hussein leaves for the U.S. for medical check-up, mtg. with Pres. Clinton. (RJ 3/21 in WNC 3/24; JT, RJ 3/23 in WNC 3/25)

In Baalbeck, Lebanon, a bomb explodes outside the home of a policeman, killing him, wounding 6 family mbrs. The bombers and their motive are unknown. (NYT 3/22)

Netanyahu proposes that Israel, the PA bypass the 3 stages of FRD and hold Camp-David-style negotiations. Arafat refuses (ITV 3/19, IDF Radio 3/20 in WNC 3/21; MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/20; ITV 3/20, MA 3/21 in WNC 3/24; CSM, MM 3/21; PR 3/28; JP 3/29)

Peaceful Palestinian protests continue at Har Homa, as IDF soldiers continue to deploy in force to guard construction workers. 200 Palestinians march in Ramallah, are kept away fr. Israeli checkpoints by PA security forces. (MM 3/19; NYT 3/20)

After receiving notice that their detentions had been extended without cause, 220 Palestinian administrative detainees being held without trial in Israel's Megiddo prison riot for 6 hrs. IDF soldiers fire tear gas, tents catch on fire, entire section of prison burns down. (LAW 3/23; PR 3/28, 4/18)

King Hussein accepts PM Kabariti's resignation, replaces him with fmr. PM `Abd al-Salam Majali, swears in new cabinet. Majali will lead a caretaker government until the 11/97 general elections. (MM 3/19; al-Dustur, JT, RJ, RMC 3/19 in WNC 3/20; JTV 3/19, al-Dustur, JT 3/20 in WNC 3/21; CSM, MM, NYT, WP 3/20; JT 3/20 in WNC 3/24, 3/25; al-Majd 3/24 in WNC 3/28; MM 3/25; JT 3/31 in WNC 4/1)

Jordan's Arab Organization for Human Rights, Islamic Action Front party, Jordan Bar Association separately announce that they have set up legal defense teams to represent Pvt. Daqamsa. In addition, more than 200 independent lawyers have volunteered to defend Daqamsa. (JT 3/19 in WNC 3/20) (see 3/18)

Cyprus, Lebanon sign extradition agmt. (RL 3/19 in WNC 3/21)

Hizballah attacks an IDF patrol in s. Lebanon, killing 1 soldier, wounding 3. (RL 3/19 in WNC 3/20; SATN 3/19 in WNC 3/21;MM 3/20)

Palestinians, Israeli leftists demonstrate in Har Homa against Israel's construction plans. 100s of Palestinians (mostly affiliated with the DFLP) hold similar demonstration in Ramallah. (ITV 3/1 in WNC 3/4)

In Amman, Jordanian opposition parties hold rally to show solidarity with Syria's stand on negotiations with Israel. (al-Dustur 3/2 in WNC 3/4)

King Hussein announces that he and Queen Nur will move out of al-Nadwa Palace into a house in the Amman suburbs, which will be called Bab al-Salam. Al-Nadwa Palace will be turned into a guest palace, and al-Hashimiyya Palace will be turned into a home for orphaned and homeless children. (JTV 3/1 in WNC 3/4)

PM Netanyahu cancels a trip to Jordan planned for 2/5 and postpones a mtg. with Arafat set for 2/6 after 2 Israeli helicopters, carrying an unusual amount of ammunition and explosives, collide over the Galilee on their way to s. Lebanon, killing 73 IDF soldiers, 13 of whom are officers. Over the past 3 yrs. 68 soldiers have been killed on duty in s. Lebanon. (RL 2/4 in WNC 2/6; MM, NYT, WP, WT 2/5; AFP 2/5 in WNC 2/7; CSM, MM, NYT, WP 2/6; al-Dustur, RMC 2/6 in WNC 2/7; RL, VOL 2/6, RL 2/7 in WNC 2/10; MM 2/7; RL 2/7 in WNC 2/11; JP 2/15)

In Nabatiyya, Lebanon, leading Hizballah figures, incl. Secy. Gen. Hussein Nasrallah and his deputy Shaykh Naim Kassem, meet to discuss party fundraising. (MM 2/7)

Syrian VP Khaddam arrives in Libya to meet with Col. Qadhafi. (SATN 2/4 in WNC 2/6)

IDF bulldozes Palestinian homes in Jabbah, nr. Hebron, and al-Khadir for having no permits. 10s of other families receive notices that their homes will be demolished to make way for a by-pass road. (LAWE 2/13) (see 2/3)

Citing security reasons, Shin Bet revokes the press permit of al-Hayat's Jerusalem bureau chief Ruba Husari, making it impossible for her to enter Israel fr. her home in the West Bank. (WP 2/6)

Lebanon, Brazil sign 2 protocols: one on cultural issues, the other on air transport. (RL 2/4 in WNC 2/6; RL 2/6 in WNC 2/7) (see 12/16)

IDF shells Kfar Roumman village n. of the Israeli self-declared security zone. Lebanon says it will submit a complaint to ILMG. ILMG has already found Israel responsible 3 times for shelling villages in violation of the 4/96 understanding. (RL 2/4 in WNC 2/6; WT 2/5)

The WP reveals that Secy. of State Albright's grandparents were Jews who died in the Holocaust, says her family hid their Jewish identity from her. Albright was raised a Catholic. (WP 2/4)

In Beirut, Syrian officials arrest a Jordanian national of Palestinian descent, Dirar al-Karmi, for attacking a Syrian bus 12/18, take him to Damascus. (WT 1/19; MM 1/20; al-Dustur 1/20, 1/21 in WNC 1/22; RL 1/21 in WNC 1/23)

At the end of the Iraqi-Jordanian Joint Comm. mtg. in Baghdad, Jordan, Iraq initial the minutes of a joint economic, trade, oil cooperation accord. (INA 1/18, 1/19 in WNC 1/22; MM 1/20; al-Ra'i 1/22 in WNC 1/23; RMC 1/26 in WNC 1/28) (see 1/15)