U.S. special envoy Ross arrives in the Middle East. Ross gives Netanyahu a letter fr. Pres. Clinton, expressing respect Netanyahu's decision to move forward on an agmt. despite his hard-line views...
December 30, 1996
December 21, 1996
U.S. special envoy Ross arrives in Israel, meets with PM Netanyahu, heads to Gaza for talks with Arafat. (ITV 12/21 in WNC 12/24; NYT, WP, WT 12/22; NYT 12/23; JP 12/28)
In Hebron, a...
December 16, 1996
Israeli, PA talks on Hebron resume for 1st time in 9 days. (ITV 12/16 in WNC 12/18; PR 12/20)
PA negotiator Erakat, Netanyahu adviser Molho meet briefly in Jerusalem to try to ease tensions...
December 13, 1996
Jordanian Information M Mu`asher meets with PM Netanyahu. (JT, RJ 12/13 in WNC 12/16)
Israeli cabinet reinstates large subsidies (incl. tax brakes, business grants) for West Bank settlers....
December 10, 1996
Israel says that, under a Hebron deal, PA policemen may operate in H2 as part of joint mobile units. (Hatzofe 12/10 in WNC 12/11)
Jordanian Information M Marwan Mu`ashir begins 5-day...
November 28, 1996
PC concludes weekly 2-day session in Ramallah. Talks focus on Jerusalem: PC mbrs. complain that numerous ministries deal with issues related to Jerusalem, but without coordination; ask Waqf...
November 21, 1996
In Jerusalem, Israel, PA hold "expanded" round of talks on Hebron. The 2 sides discuss the possibility of another Arafat-Netanyahu mtg. A dispute arises over the Rafah airport: Israel demands that...
November 20, 1996
Consultative Group meets in Paris. (MM 11/20; CSM, MM, WT 11/21; al-Quds 11/25 in WNC 11/29; WJW 11/28)
Speaker of the European Parliament, Klaus Hansach, addresses the PA...
November 19, 1996
At the UN Security Council (UNSC) in New York, U.S. vetoes a 14-1 decision to reelect Secy. Gen. Butros Butros-Ghali to a 2d, 5-yr. term. This vote is expected to be the 1st in a series btwn. now...
November 7, 1996
In Jerusalem, PM Netanyahu meets with settler leaders; says settlers will be "compensated" for any redeployment in Hebron; vows to personally oversee expansion of West Bank, Gaza settlements;...
October 29, 1996
Israel, PA resume talks on Hebron. (NYT, WT 10/30)
In Jerusalem, 10,000 Israelis rally to support Jewish settlement in Hebron. (MM 10/30)
Russian FM Primakov arrives in Beirut on 2d...
October 25, 1996
PA-Israeli talks on Hebron continue. Arafat reportedly demands that Netanyahu commit to completing IDF redeployment in the West Bank, opening Rafah airport. (MM 10/25; ITV 10/25 in WNC 10/29; WT...
October 24, 1996
PA-Israeli security, civil talks continue in Jerusalem, reportedly stick on issue of reopening al-Shuhada Street, 1 of the main streets in Hebron, to Palestinian traffic. Israel says this would be...
October 23, 1996
PISMC draws up a "joint paper," compiling a list of 15 points of contention (reportedly incl. hot pursuit, opening of al-Shuhada Street, type of weapons to be carried by PA police, movement of...
October 22, 1996
In Tel Aviv, Israeli, PA talks on civil authority in Hebron reportedly reach agmt. Later in the day, talks on Hebron security resume in Jerusalem. U.S. special envoy Ross thinks an agmt. can be...
October 16, 1996
As PA-Israeli subcomms. continue talks in Taba, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Arafat meets with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo, denounces Israeli proposal for Hebron as "racist." The plan, similar to that proposed...
October 15, 1996
King Hussein returns to Jericho with Arafat for his 1st visit to the West Bank since it was lost to Israel in 1967. (RJ 10/15, RE, RJ 10/16 in WNC 10/17; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 10/16; PR 10/18; MM...
October 7, 1996
At Erez, 2d day of Israeli-PA talks focus Hebron, security; deadlock on issue of redeployment in Hebron, with Israel demanding IDF lookout posts over Arab neighborhoods, buffer zones separating...
October 2, 1996
Arafat, Netanyahu end 2-day summit in Washington without resolving their differences, agree to begin nonstop intensive negotiations at Erez 10/6 on disputed issues. (MM 10/2; al-Dustur [...
September 30, 1996
In Jerusalem 10's of ultraorthodox Jews attempt to storm the al-Aqsa Mosque compound but are kept back by Israeli police. In Hebron, 5,000 settlers rally against IDF redeployment in the city. (MM...
September 29, 1996
IDF bans Palestinians fr. traveling btwn. West Bank cities, villages; warns it will reenter Palestinian cities (zone A) to disarm PA security forces if the forces fire on IDF again. Tanks remain...
September 25, 1996
In the worst fighting since the peace process began, Palestinians, IDF clash in Ramallah. IDF shoots rubber bullets, stun grenades, live ammunition at protesters. IDF, PA security forces engage in...
September 24, 1996
PM Netanyahu arrives in London on 1st stop of 3-day EU tour to garner support for his hard-line attitude toward the peace process; meets with PM John Major. (MM 9/24; LPR 9/24 in WNC 9/27; MM, WP...
September 12, 1996
Egypt says it will host economic summit in Cairo in 11/12-14 as planned. (MM, WP 9/13; al-`Arabi 9/16 in WNC 9/27) (see 8/22)
Acting on a tip (possibly fr. the U.S.), Hong Kong...
August 29, 1996
Palestinians observer 4-hr. general strike in West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem. (MM 8/29; CSM, NYT, PR, WP, WT 8/30; MEI 9/6)
To dispel tensions with the PA, Israeli PM Netanyahu dispatches...
August 28, 1996
On his way fr. Gaza to the weekly PC session in Ramallah, Arafat's helicopter is forced to hover for 45 mins. before being permitted to land. At the PC, Arafat accuses Israel of "declaring a state...
August 20, 1996
Israel demolishes 2 Palestinian homes in Jerusalem suburbs for being built without a permit. (LAWE 8/21)
In s. Lebanon, 2 IDF soldier are killed when one IDF patrol fires on another by...
August 18, 1996
Israel's ministerial forum on Hebron reconvenes to discuss redeployment issue. (ITV 8/18; MM 8/19; IDF Radio, YA 8/19 in WNC 8/21) (see 8/15)
Hebron settler leaders hold mtg. to discuss how...
August 14, 1996
PC opens weekly 2-day session in Nablus. (PR 8/23)
Higher Joint Israeli-Palestinian Civilian Comm. holds mtg. in Jerusalem. (MM 8/14; QY, VOP 8/14 in FBIS 8/15; CSM, WP, WT 8/15; PR 8/23;...
August 13, 1996
Jordan implements IMF-sanctioned cut in food prices, almost tripling the cost of bread. (JT 8/13 in FBIS 8/13; MM, WP 8/14)
YA reports that 130 Jewish families have moved to settlements in...
U.S. special envoy Ross arrives in the Middle East. Ross gives Netanyahu a letter fr. Pres. Clinton, expressing respect Netanyahu's decision to move forward on an agmt. despite his hard-line views, inviting him to visit Washington soon. Israel's Shahak, PA's Abbas hold intense negotiations in Jerusalem. (NYT, WT 12/31; NYT, WP 1/1; MM 1/2)
Under pressure from FM Levy, Netanyahu agrees to submit any Hebron deal for cabinet approval. 7 of 18 cabinet mbrs. have said that they would veto an agmt. or abstain; 2 are uncertain of how they would vote. (WP 1/1; NYT 1/2)
In the largest protest against the PM since he was elected in 5/96, 100,000s of Israeli workers across the country, led by Histadrut labor federation, walk off their jobs to protest Netanyahu's plans to raise taxes, slash services, sell state companies. (YA 12/30 in WNC 12/31; WP, WT 12/31; MEI 1/10)
U.S. special envoy Ross arrives in Israel, meets with PM Netanyahu, heads to Gaza for talks with Arafat. (ITV 12/21 in WNC 12/24; NYT, WP, WT 12/22; NYT 12/23; JP 12/28)
In Hebron, a scuffle btwn. settlers, Palestinian children escalates into a melee btwn. 100s of settlers, Palestinians. IDF soldiers intervene; hit, kick, punch Palestinians, leaving 1 unconscious; arrests 2 Palestinians. (NYT, WP, WT 12/22; JP 12/28)
A group of Christian churches, nongovernmental organizations, individuals forming the coalition of Churches for Middle East Peace takes out an ad in the NYT calling for a shared Jerusalem, assuring the rights of all religions in the city. (NYT 12/21)
Ignoring U.S. appeals (see 12/20), Turkey, Iran sign 7 trade accords, granting each other most favored nation trading status, increasing the annual volume of trade btwn. the countries fr. $960 m. to $2 b., establishing a joint chamber of commerce, outlining maritime cooperation. Agmts. were drafted by the joint economic commission 12/16. (NYT, WP, WT 12/22; IRNA, VIRI 12/22, IRNA 12/23 in WNC 12/24; CSM, 12/24; WT 12/25)
Israeli, PA talks on Hebron resume for 1st time in 9 days. (ITV 12/16 in WNC 12/18; PR 12/20)
PA negotiator Erakat, Netanyahu adviser Molho meet briefly in Jerusalem to try to ease tensions that have built up since Israel's 12/13 decision to restore settler benefits. (CSM, WP, WT 12/17) (see 12/5)
Pres. Clinton criticizes Israel for planning to expand Jewish settlements in the West Bank, reinstating benefits to West Bank settlers. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 12/17; CSM, MM 12/18; WJW 12/19; IDF Radio, YA 12/19 in WNC 12/23; MEI 12/20; JP 12/28) (see 12/13)
IDF unseals Ramallah. (PR 12/20) (see 12/11)
In Washington, representatives of 29 nations (incl. Arab states, Brazil, Canada, the EU, Japan, the U.S.) pledge $3.2 b. toward the post-civil war reconstruction of Lebanon. The U.S. promises $20 m. over several yrs. (incl. $12 m. next yr. for education, environment). EU states pledge $1.5 b. (MM 12/16; RL 12/16 in WNC 12/17; MM, WP, WT 12/17; RL 12/17 in WNC 12/18; MM 12/18; al-Safir 12/18 in WNC 12/23; MEI 12/20; RL 12/23 in WNC 12/24; WJW 12/26; al-Safir 1/14 in WNC 1/17; CSM 1/15)
In Ankara, the 13th Iranian-Turkish joint economic commission session opens. (IRNA 12/16 in WNC 12/18, 12/19; MM 12/19)
ILMG meets at Naqura to consider a complaint by Israel regarding the launching of rockets into n. Israel 12/13. Although the Lebanese delegation does not believe katayushas actually were fired, the group concludes that at least 1 rocket, launched by an unknown party, landed in n. Israel. (RL 12/16 in WNC 12/17; RL 12/16 in WNC 12/18; RL 12/17 in WNC 12/19; MM 12/19; IGPO 12/26)
Jordanian Information M Mu`asher meets with PM Netanyahu. (JT, RJ 12/13 in WNC 12/16)
Israeli cabinet reinstates large subsidies (incl. tax brakes, business grants) for West Bank settlers. The U.S. says the move is "troubling," "clearly complicates the peace process." (MM 12/13; MA 12/13 in WNC 12/16; IGPO 12/13, ITV 12/16 in WNC 12/17; LAWE, NYT, WP, WT 12/14; IGPO, WP 12/15; CSM, MM, WT 12/16; MEI, PR 12/20; JP 12/21)
In Gaza, 15,000 Palestinians attend antisettlement rally called by Hamas and approved by the PA. Hamas spokesman Mahmud Zahhar announces that Hamas soon will open political offices in Gaza (with PA permission) as a transitional step for "greater participation in public life"; West Bank offices are planned. (NYT 12/14; CSM 12/16; ITV 12/17 in WNC 12/19; MEI, PR 12/20; al-Quds 12/20 in WNC 12/26; JP 12/21)
After France drops its threat to veto him, UNSC chooses Ghana's Annan, current undersecy. gen. for peacekeeping operations, for secy. gen. The full UN General Assembly (UNGA) is expected to officially elect him 12/17. (NYT, WP, WT 12/14; CSM 12/16; MEI 12/20) (see 12/6)
Katayusha rockets are fired fr. s. Lebanon into n. Israel, in the first crossborder attack since the wide-scale Israeli-Lebanese fighting in 4/96. No one is injured, but a cow is killed. Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), Hizballah, PFLP, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) deny responsibility. (RL 12/13, RL, RMC 12/14, RL 12/15 in WNC 12/17; NYT, WP 12/14; RMC 12/15 in WNC 12/16; RL 12/15 in WNC 12/17; RL 12/16 in WNC 12/18; JP 12/21)
Israel says that, under a Hebron deal, PA policemen may operate in H2 as part of joint mobile units. (Hatzofe 12/10 in WNC 12/11)
Jordanian Information M Marwan Mu`ashir begins 5-day trip to Tel Aviv, emphasizes Jordan's concern over Israeli settlement policy. (JT 12/10 in WNC 12/11; IDF Radio 12/11 in WNC 12/12; MEI 12/20)
The U.S. consul general says that Israel is threatening to revoke residency rights of Palestinian-Americans living in Jerusalem unless they give up their U.S. passports. The U.S. protests, says it knows of 60 cases when Israelis threatened Americans with the loss of their Jerusalem IDs. (WP 12/10; PR 12/20; JP 12/21)
Israel grants special entry permits to 120 Palestinian journalists accredited by the IGPO. (IGPO 12/10 in WNC 12/12)
PA allocates only $40,000 of the $70,000 necessary to stage the annual Christmas celebrations in Bethlehem. (WT 12/11; WT 12/23; PR 12/20)
In Beirut, EU special envoy Moratinos meets with Lebanese FM Buwayz. (RL 12/10 in WNC 12/11; MEI 1/24)
Iraq says it will give Turkey priority in exporting Iraqi oil now that the UN oil-for-food deal has been implemented. (INA 12/10 in WNC 12/11) (see 12/9)
ILMG continues discussions begun 12/9. (RMC 12/10 in WNC 12/11; RL 12/10 in WNC 12/12)
PC concludes weekly 2-day session in Ramallah. Talks focus on Jerusalem: PC mbrs. complain that numerous ministries deal with issues related to Jerusalem, but without coordination; ask Waqf's to account for its use of donations to the city fr. diaspora Palestinians; suggest a Jerusalem ministry be established. (PR 12/6)
In Jericho, Jordanian PM `Abd al-Karim Kabariti, Arafat discuss peace process, bilateral ties. (RJ 11/28 in WNC 12/2)
South Africa calls on Israel to withdraw fr. Hebron; to take action to show that it intends to comply with existing peace agmts.; to refrain fr. provocative actions, such as the 9/24 tunnel opening. (South African Press Association 11/28 in WNC 12/2) (see 9/10)
Jewish settlers confiscate 120 acres of Palestinian land around Urtas village nr. Bethlehem. (PR 12/6)
In Jerusalem, Israel, PA hold "expanded" round of talks on Hebron. The 2 sides discuss the possibility of another Arafat-Netanyahu mtg. A dispute arises over the Rafah airport: Israel demands that the PA tear down the terminal, which already has been completed, and build it elsewhere. (RJ 11/21 in WNC 11/22; ITV 11/21, MA 11/22 in WNC 11/25; WJW 11/28)
In a press interview, Egyptian Pres. Mubarak says that Egypt "will not stand idly by" if Israel attacks Syria. Israel denounces the statement as provocative; Syria welcomes it. (al-Nahar 11/21 in WNC 11/26)
2 Palestinian boys are killed, 3 are wounded when they uncover an 1967-era Israeli land mine nr. Jenin. PA-Israeli joint patrol searches the area, discovers 2 more mines. (PR 11/29)
Consultative Group meets in Paris. (MM 11/20; CSM, MM, WT 11/21; al-Quds 11/25 in WNC 11/29; WJW 11/28)
Speaker of the European Parliament, Klaus Hansach, addresses the PA Palestinian Council (PC) in Ramallah, calls for expediting the Israeli-PA negotiations. (PR 11/29)
Israel issues 14-page report alleging major violations of the Oslo accords by the PA, accusing PA leaders of deliberately stirring up the riots that followed the 9/24 tunnel opening. (WT 12/19)
U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) meets with PM Netanyahu in Israel; heads to Damascus to deliver message to Pres. Asad, discuss obstacles to the peace process; returns to Israel to brief PM Netanyahu. According to Specter's aides, no new basis for resuming negotiations was offered by Israel. This is Specter's 2d such trip recently; on 8/28 he transmitted a letter fr. Netanyahu to Asad in Damascus. (SATN 11/20 in WNC 11/22; MM 11/21, 11/22)
In Beirut, Hizballah Gen. Secy. Hasan Nasrallah, French Amb. Jean-Pierre La Fond hold their 1st mtg., discuss work of the Israel-Lebanon Monitoring Comm. (ILMG). (al-Safir 11/21 in WNC 11/25)
At the UN Security Council (UNSC) in New York, U.S. vetoes a 14-1 decision to reelect Secy. Gen. Butros Butros-Ghali to a 2d, 5-yr. term. This vote is expected to be the 1st in a series btwn. now and 1/97, when the final decision on the secy. gen. must be made. U.S. amb. to the UN Madeline Albright says the U.S. is prepared to use its veto indefinitely; if African nations want a secy. gen. fr. their continent, they should begin looking for another person. (MM 11/19; RE 11/19 in WNC 11/21; MM, WP, WT 11/20; RE 11/20, al-Dustur, al-Ra'i 11/21 in WNC 11/22; MM 11/21; al-Quds al-Arabi 11/21, al-Dustur 11/22 in WNC 11/25; NYT 11/22; RE 11/22 in WNC 11/26; WJW 12/5)
King Hussein says that the only way to break the logjam in current PA-Israeli talks is for Israel to fully implement its original agmts. with the Palestinians, says Jordan would support Palestinians in their quest for a an independent country. (WT 11/20)
Israel's mayor of Jerusalem Ehud Olmert presents Housing M Meir Porush with a plan to build 2,200 housing units btwn. Pisgat Ze'ev and al-Za'im junction in a bid to link French Hill in East Jerusalem with Ma'ale Adumim. (IDF Radio 11/19 in WNC 11/20; CSM 1/9)
Some Jewish settler leaders say that they have received death threats fr. extremist settlers for suggesting that the shrine-like grave of Baruch Goldstein, who massacred 29 Arabs in Hebron 2/25/94, be dismantled. Goldstein's grave has become a pilgrimage site, with gardens, a fountain, and benches, where visitors meditate, read religious texts. (WT 11/20)
2 Israeli border policemen are arrested after Israeli television airs amateur videotape showing them beating Palestinian workers who were caught in Jerusalem without permits. Justice Min. says it is investigating another incident in which 3 border guards are accused of beating 8 Palestinians caught trying to cross into Israel nr. Qalqilya. (MM 11/19; CSM, WP, WT 11/20; WJW 1128; JP 11/30)
Palestinian human rights activist Iyad Sarraj says that Israel has refused to issue him a visa to attend a conference in Norway, saying he must stay in Gaza for security reasons. (WT 11/20)
German court sentences Palestinian woman to 12 yr. in jail for participation in 1977 hijacking of a Lufthansa airliner in Mallorca, Spain. She was arrested in 1994 in Oslo and extradited to Germany. (WP 11/20)
In Jarju', s. Lebanon, an Israeli shell filled with nails hits a residential home, causing damage but no injuries. (RL 11/21 in WNC 11/22)
In Jerusalem, PM Netanyahu meets with settler leaders; says settlers will be "compensated" for any redeployment in Hebron; vows to personally oversee expansion of West Bank, Gaza settlements; promises 3,500 new housing units in West Bank areas around Jerusalem. (MM, WP 11/8; NYT 11/15; JP 11/16)
Israeli DM Mordechai meets with YESHA settlers' council, Hebron settler leaders. Settler leaders ask for more building permits, stepped-up security around settlements. (ITV 11/7 in WNC 11/12, 11/13)
In Washington, Secy. of State Christopher resigns his post. During his tenure as secy. of state, he has traveled to Israel 35 times, to Syria 24 times. He will stay on until a new secy. of state is appointed. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/8; WJW 11/14)
Lebanese Pres. Hrawi issues decree appointing the new Lebanese government. (RL 11/7 in WNC 11/12; MEI 11/22) (see 10/15)
Israel, PA resume talks on Hebron. (NYT, WT 10/30)
In Jerusalem, 10,000 Israelis rally to support Jewish settlement in Hebron. (MM 10/30)
Russian FM Primakov arrives in Beirut on 2d leg of regional tour; hold brief talks with Pres. Hrawi, FM Buwayz. (RL 10/29, 10/30 in WNC 10/31; WT 10/30)
Israel approves construction of 8,000 housing units in 3 West Bank settlements. Though this construction will mean the creation of a new settlement bloc, to be named Mod'in Ilit, the plans to build the units were approved yrs. ago and were frozen by the Labor government. (YA 10/29 in WNC 10/30; WT 10/30)
Interior M Eliyahu Suissa eases licensing regulations for firearms--a move expected to more than double the estimated 300,000 registered assault weapons owned by Jewish civilians. Previously, only settlers, Israelis working in the occupied territories, truckers transporting valuables/explosives, auxiliary police could be armed. Now anyone who has served in a combat unit may do so. Explaining his decision despite sharp protest by Israeli police, he says "I don't want to give everyone weapons; I want to give them to those people I can count on." (WP 10/30; WT 10/31)
Following funeral of boy killed 10/28, Palestinians, IDF clash again in Hussan. (MM 10/29; MM, WP, WT 10/30)
PA-Israeli talks on Hebron continue. Arafat reportedly demands that Netanyahu commit to completing IDF redeployment in the West Bank, opening Rafah airport. (MM 10/25; ITV 10/25 in WNC 10/29; WT 10/26; YA 10/27 in WNC 10/29)
Israel releases list of the 10 "most serious violations" of Oslo by the PA: PA police firing on IDF, ignoring bans on illegal weapons and disbanding independent militias, refusal to extradite individuals suspected of terrorism, incitement to violence against Israel, failure to change the PLO covenant, opening offices in Jerusalem, hiring "Palestinian terrorists" to serve in the PA police, exceeding the agreed upon number of PA police, injuring human rights and the rule of law, conducting diplomatic relations. (IGPO 10/25 in WNC 10/30; HA 10/28 in IL 10/28; PR 11/1; WJW 12/5)
French Pres. Chirac makes brief stops in Lebanon to meet with in Cairo before returning to Paris. (MM 10/25; RE, RL 10/25 in WNC 10/29; WT 10/27; MM 10/30)
Germany begins 2d mediation effort to settle the issue of Israeli pilot Ron Arad (downed over Lebanon in 1986 and believed to be held by Hizballah), Lebanese political prisoners in Israeli jails (incl. Dirani, Obeid). Germany's 1st mediation effort resulted in a prisoner swap 7/21. (RL 10/25, 10/26 in WNC 10/29; al-Safir 10/29 in WNC 11/4; MM 11/11) (see 9/25)
Hizballah detonates 4 roadside bombs in s. Lebanon, killing 2 IDF soldiers, wounding 5. (MM 10/25; QY 10/25 in IL 10/25; JP 11/2)
PA-Israeli security, civil talks continue in Jerusalem, reportedly stick on issue of reopening al-Shuhada Street, 1 of the main streets in Hebron, to Palestinian traffic. Israel says this would be a security risk. (ITV 10/24, MA, YA 10/25 in WNC 10/29)
In Amman, French Pres. Chirac signs protocol granting Jordan $15 m. for water, medical, telecommunications, meteorological projects; leaves for Beirut. (MEI, MM, NYT 10/25; WT 10/27; JP 11/2)
Despite Netanyahu's refusal to declare a national day of mourning, a memorial service for fmr. PM Rabin is held at Mt. Herzl. PM Netanyahu attends but is asked by the Rabin family not to make a statement. (MM, WJW 10/24; CSM, NYT, WT 10/25; JP 11/2; MEI 11/8)
In n. Iraq, KDP, PUK halt fighting, adhere to U.S.-brokered cease-fire. (WT 10/25) (see 10/23)
PISMC draws up a "joint paper," compiling a list of 15 points of contention (reportedly incl. hot pursuit, opening of al-Shuhada Street, type of weapons to be carried by PA police, movement of joint patrols) that have not been solve in the past 3 wks. of talks. (MM 10/23; RJ 10/23 in WNC 10/25; NYT 10/24; IDF Radio 10/24 in WNC 10/25; ITV 10/24 in WNC 10/29)
In Ramallah, French Pres. Chirac becomes 1st foreign head of state to address the PC. Chirac then leaves for Amman to meet with King Hussein. (MM 10/23; JT, JTV, LCI 10/23 in WNC 10/25; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 10/24; MEI 10/25; NYT, WT 10/27; JP 11/2)
Knesset Financing Comm. approves funds needed to complete 2,400 housing units in West Bank settlements whose construction was frozen by the previous Labor government. (ITV 10/23 in WNC 10/25)
Fearing a suicide bombing on the 1-yr. anniversary of the assassination of Islamic Jihad leader Fathi Shiqaqi 10/26, Israel seals the West Bank, Gaza. Israeli police shoot, wound 1 Palestinian who walks away fr. a checkpoint btwn. Ramallah, Jerusalem after refusing to show his ID. (ITV 10/23 in WNC 10/25; WP 10/24; CSM 10/25; PR 11/1)
After a wk. of talks in Turkey, U.S. Asst. Secy. of State Pelletreau announces that the KDP, PUK have agreed in principle to an immediate cease-fire, although their fighting continues in Koi Sanjak. (CSM, NYT, WT 10/24) (see 10/17)
In Tel Aviv, Israeli, PA talks on civil authority in Hebron reportedly reach agmt. Later in the day, talks on Hebron security resume in Jerusalem. U.S. special envoy Ross thinks an agmt. can be reached within the next 2 wks. (RJ 10/22 in WNC 10/25; MM, NYT, WP, WT 10/23; WJW 10/24)
French Pres. Chirac visits East Jerusalem. (MM 10/22; IDF Radio 10/22 in WNC 10/23; LCI 10/22 in WNC 10/25; NYT, WP, WT 10/23; CSM, MM 10/24; MEI 10/25; JP 11/2; MEI 11/8)
In Beirut, Lebanese, French officials negotiate aspects of a partnership agmt. that they hope to sign by the end of the year. Outstanding issues (agriculture, rights of institutions and serviced, immigration) must wait until new Lebanese government is formed. (RL 10/22 in WNC 10/24)
Nr. Ramallah, IDF shoots (live ammunition), kills Palestinian youth during antisettlement protest. Also in the West Bank, a Palestinian motorist is killed when his car is fired upon nr. Ofra settlement. (MM 10/22; LAWE 10/23)
YA reports that several Turkish air force crews recently participated in joint training, military exercises with the Israeli air force in the Negev. (YA 10/22 in IL 10/22)
Lebanon's Press Association Council complains that "newspapers are not exercising . . . self-censorship," are publishing topics banned under the new media law (see 9/17); orders newspapers to cease publishing direct interviews with Israeli officials. (al-Nahar 10/23 in WNC 10/24) (see 10/2)
Birri is reelected as Lebanon's parliamentary speaker. (RL 10/22 in WNC 10/24; WT 10/23)
As PA-Israeli subcomms. continue talks in Taba, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Arafat meets with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo, denounces Israeli proposal for Hebron as "racist." The plan, similar to that proposed 10/7, calls for redefinition of H1 (Palestinian) and H2 (Israeli) zones, allowing Israel to retain civil control of the city, incl. zoning and planning control, which could be used to increase settlements in and around Hebron. (MM 10/16; IDF Radio, ITV, RE 10/16 in WNC 10/19; CSM, MM, NYT, WT 10/17; PR 10/18) (see 10/15)
In an unprecedented incident, Shin Bet says that it ordered IDF troops to appear without weapons when PM Netanyahu visited an army base last wk. because of rising distrust of Netanyahu within the military. Top army cmdrs. are upset at being left out of crucial security decisions. (MM 10/16; WT 10/17, 10/18; JP 10/26)
SLA cuts electricity to some villages in s. Lebanon after villagers ignore its announcement of conscription of local men btwn. the ages of 15 and 40 for a new camp nr. Bint Jubayl. (RL 10 16 in WNC 10/17; RL 10/17 in WNC 10/19)
King Hussein returns to Jericho with Arafat for his 1st visit to the West Bank since it was lost to Israel in 1967. (RJ 10/15, RE, RJ 10/16 in WNC 10/17; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 10/16; PR 10/18; MM 10/24; MEI 10/25; JP 10/26)
PISMC continues mtgs. in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, while an indirect dialogue is held btwn. Arafat, Netanyahu, mediated by U.S. special envoy Ross. Arafat proposes that the U.S. add a military contingent to the TIPH to ease Israel's security fears on Hebron. Israel rejects the idea. (HA, ITV, JP, YA 10/15 in WNC 10/17; CSM, MM, NYT, WT 10/16; HA, YA 10/16 in IL 10/16) (see 10/14)
35,000 Palestinian workers begin entering Israel. Internal closure on Nablus is lifted. (HA 10/16 in IL 10/16; PR 10/18) (see 10/10)
ILMG continues to discuss 10/12 Israeli shelling of a s. Lebanese village. Also in s. Lebanon, Lebanese woman steps on Israeli mine planted in olive grove to deter Hizballah attackers, is severely wounded. (RL 10/15 in WNC 10/17; WT 10/16) (see 10/14)
Lebanon publishes results of 1st census since 1932, showing a population of 3.1 m., lower than expected given 150,000 deaths during the 1975-90 civil war. The census took 2 yrs. to complete, does not incl. statistics on refugee camps. (WT 10/16)
Lebanese PM Hariri's government resigns to make way for new cabinet following recent national elections. (WT 10/16; MEI 10/25) (see 9/15)
PUK halts its advance outside Irbil, says it has no plans of trying to retake the city. (WP, WT 10/16) (see 8/31, 10/14)
At Erez, 2d day of Israeli-PA talks focus Hebron, security; deadlock on issue of redeployment in Hebron, with Israel demanding IDF lookout posts over Arab neighborhoods, buffer zones separating settlers fr. Palestinians, pistols only for PA police, rights hot pursuit into Palestinian areas. (RJ 10/7 in WNC 10/8; al-Quds, ITV, QY 10/7 in WNC 10/10; MM, WT 10/8; QY 10/8 in IL 10/8; WP, WT 10/9; IGPO 10/8 in WNC 10/11; CSM 10/10)
AIPAC heads arrive in Israel on unscheduled visit to warn PM Netanyahu about growing criticisms in Congress of Israeli policy. (ITV 10/7 in WNC 10/10)
Knesset inaugurates al-Haq mosque, a prayer room in the Knesset building for the use of Muslim MKs. (YA 10/11 in IL 10/11; WJW 10/17)
Turkey signs deal with Libya to triple trade btwn. the 2 nations. Libya agrees to pay money owed Turkish contractors (see 8/22). U.S. denounces the agmt. (JANA [Tripoli] 10/7 in WNC 10/8; VIRI 10/7 in WNC 10/10; NYT 10/8; MM 10/9; Anatolia [Ankara] 10/9 in WNC 10/11)
In Mali, Secy. of State Christopher begins "unusually blunt" 5-nation African tour to urge sub-Saharan countries to put up a candidate to replace UN Secy. Gen. Butros-Ghali. It is the 1st trip in 6 yrs. by a secy. of state to sub-Saharan Africa. (NYT, WT 10/8; NYT 10/10, 10/11)
Arafat, Netanyahu end 2-day summit in Washington without resolving their differences, agree to begin nonstop intensive negotiations at Erez 10/6 on disputed issues. (MM 10/2; al-Dustur [Amman], ITV, JTV 10/2, MA, RE 10/3 in WNC 10/4; CSM, MM, NYT, WJW, WP, WT 10/3; RE 10/3 in WNC 10/4; ITV, QPAR, al-Quds, al-Quds al-Arabi, VOA 10/3, al-Ra'i 10/4 in WNC 10/7; MM, WP 10/4; ITV 10/8 in WNC 10/11; PR 10/11; MEI 10/25)
Israeli, PA officers meet to discuss reopening Qarni crossing export of Palestinian goods into Israel. Israel demands that Palestinians at the checkpoint be unarmed. PA refuses. No agmt. is reached. (ITV 10/2 in WNC 10/4)
Anticipating possible failure of Washington talks, IDF moves more troops and heavy weapons, incl. tanks, helicopters, sniper squads, to the outskirts of zone A areas. (YA 10/2 in WNC 10/3; ITV 10/2 in WNC 10/4; WP, WT 10/3; MA 10/4 in WNC 10/7)
In Hebron, IDF fires on Palestinian protesters, killing 1 boy, wounding 2 men. 4 other Palestinians are wounded during protest nr. Halhul. (ITV 10/2 in WNC 10/4; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 10/3)
In Jerusalem, 50,000 Israelis march in support of Netanyahu. (WT 10/3)
Turkey's PM Necmettin Erbakan arrives in Cairo on 1st leg of 6-day regional tour. Meanwhile in Tripoli, Turkish, Libyan delegations begin talks on strengthening bilateral cooperation, with emphasis on economic, industrial issues. (WT 10/2; JANA [Tripoli] 10/3 in WNC 10/4)
Turkey announces plans to increase its electricity purchases from Iran to 3 b. kw/h. (IRNA 10/2 in WNC 10/4)
Lebanon's Council of Ministers grants al-Manar Television, al-Nur Radio temporary exclusion fr. the new media law (see 9/17), allowing them to continue broadcasting news of the resistance. They will both still be banned fr. broadcasting other political news, programs as of 11/30. (RL 10/2 in WNC 10/4)
In s. Lebanon, 2 IDF officers are wounded in clash with Hizballah. (ITV 10/2 in WNC 10/4)
In Jerusalem 10's of ultraorthodox Jews attempt to storm the al-Aqsa Mosque compound but are kept back by Israeli police. In Hebron, 5,000 settlers rally against IDF redeployment in the city. (MM 9/30)
Dep. cmdr. in chief of the Syrian army, Chinese military delegation discuss ways of improving bilateral military cooperation. (SARR 9/30 in WNC 10/2)
IDF bans Palestinians fr. traveling btwn. West Bank cities, villages; warns it will reenter Palestinian cities (zone A) to disarm PA security forces if the forces fire on IDF again. Tanks remain outside zone A areas. More IDF checkpoints are set up along West Bank roads. PA-Israeli joint patrols resume in Gaza. In Jerusalem, the archaeological tunnel is reopened (see 9/27), leading to some stone-throwing incidents. 4 wounded Palestinians have died in the past 2 days, raising the death toll since 9/25 to 70. (IDF Radio, ITV 9/29 in WNC 10/1; NYT, WP, WT 9/30; NYT 10/1; MEI, PR 10/4; JP 10/5)
Arafat, Netanyahu agree to meet in Washington 10/1-2 to discuss recent violence, peace process. Jordan's King Hussein accepts invitation to attend; Egypt's Pres. Mubarak declines, sends FM `Amr Musa to observe. (IDF Radio, MBC, RMC 9/29, IGPO 9/30 in WNC 10/1; RE 9/29 in WNC 10/2; JTV 9/29 in WNC 10/3; CSM, MM, NYT, WT 9/30; MEI 10/4)
In the worst fighting since the peace process began, Palestinians, IDF clash in Ramallah. IDF shoots rubber bullets, stun grenades, live ammunition at protesters. IDF, PA security forces engage in firefight. 7 Palestinians are killed, 100s (incl. 2 EA mbrs., the mufti of Jerusalem) wounded; 8 IDF soldiers are injured by rocks, bottles; Ramallah is declared closed military zone; West Bank, Gaza are sealed. Clashes also occur in Bethlehem (wounding 12 Palestinians, 2 Israelis), East Jerusalem. In Ramallah, Bethlehem fighting dies down when officers fr. IDF, PA negotiate cease-fire, pullback. PM Netanyahu, Israel officials accuse PA of instigating violence. PA says outbursts were spontaneous reaction to 9/24 tunnel opening, months of closure. (MM 9/25; IDF Radio, IGPO, ITV, JTV, al-Quds al-Arabi, RMC 9/25 in WNC 9/27; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 9/26; MM 9/27; TJT 9/27 in WNC 10/1; MEI, PR 10/4)
Egyptian Pres. Mubarak receives phone calls fr. Arafat, Netanyahu, appealing to Egypt to intervene to calm the situation in the territories; suggests holding Arafat-Netanyahu mtg. in Cairo. Mubarak adviser Baz holds urgent phone conversations with U.S. special envoy Ross. (RE 9/25, 9/26 in WNC 9/27; MBC 9/26 in WNC 9/30)
PM Netanyahu arrives in Paris, meets with Pres. Jacques Chirac, leaves for Bonn. (WP 9/26)
At the UN, Israeli FM Levy signs Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, briefs U.S. special envoy Ross on events in West Bank, Gaza. Ross says U.S. demands that Israel "make a gesture" concerning the tunnel. (ITV 9/25 in WNC 9/27; ITV 9/26 in WNC 9/30)
Egyptian Pres. Mubarak invites fmr. PM Peres to visit Cairo. Peres accepts but sets no date. (IDF Radio 9/25 in WNC 9/27)
Tel Aviv district court extends for 3 mos. the remand of Hizballah's Shaykh `Abd al-Karim Obeid (abducted fr. Lebanon in 7/89), fmr. Amal leader Mustafa al-Dirani (abducted fr. Lebanon 5/21/94). (ITV 9/25 in WNC 9/27) (see 2/23)
ILMG opens 3d day of mtgs. to discuss issues raised 9/24 and new Lebanese complaints concerning Israel's expulsions 9/22, repeated Israeli attacks; releases statement stressing that firing fr. populated areas endangers civilians, Hizballah should refrain fr. carrying out attacks fr. or nr. villages. Lebanese FM Buwayz complains of U.S. bias toward Israel in ILMG. (RL 9/25, 9/26 in WNC 9/27; RL 9/26 in WNC 9/30)
In Damascus, Iranian, Syrian cultural attachés discuss expanding cultural ties. (IRNA 9/26 in WNC 9/30)
PM Netanyahu arrives in London on 1st stop of 3-day EU tour to garner support for his hard-line attitude toward the peace process; meets with PM John Major. (MM 9/24; LPR 9/24 in WNC 9/27; MM, WP, WT 9/25)
Under heavy police guard, Israel undertakes a surprise predawn excavation to complete a long disputed archeological tunnel that runs along the al-Aqsa mosque compound. The 12-yr.-old project was completed only on the personal orders of PM Netanyahu, who intended it as a message to Palestinians that Israel is the sole sovereign in Jerusalem. PA denounces tunnel work, calls for general strike 9/25. During the day, Palestinians at the mosque clash with police, hurl stones at Jews at the Western Wall. Jordan's King Hussein is furious that Gold did not warn him of the tunnel opening in their mtg. 9/22. (MM 9/24; JTV, RJ 9/24 in WNC 9/27; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/25; WJW 10/3; MEI, PR 10/4; MM 10/9; WT 10/11)
In Hebron, IDF orders 6-mo. closure of 2 charity organizations allegedly linked to Hamas. Palestinians clash with IDF over reopening the central market (see 9/16). (HA 9/24 in IL 9/24; RMC 9/24 in WNC 9/27)
Following Israel's Yom Kippur holiday, ILMG reconvenes in Naqura to discuss complaints filed by Lebanon, Israel. (ITV, RL 9/24 in WNC 9/27; NYT, WT 9/25; JP 10/5) (see 9/22)
IDF, Amal clash in s. Lebanon, leaving 2 Amal mbrs. dead. (RL 9/24 in WNC 9/27; CSM, MM, NYT, WT 9/25; RL 9/25 in WNC 9/27; JP 10/5)
Egypt says it will host economic summit in Cairo in 11/12-14 as planned. (MM, WP 9/13; al-`Arabi 9/16 in WNC 9/27) (see 8/22)
Acting on a tip (possibly fr. the U.S.), Hong Kong customs impounds Syria-bound, N. Korean cargo shipment marked "finished goods," found to contain heavy artillery (incl. Howitzers, Russian made M-46 field guns). It is legal to ship arms through Hong Kong but illegal to falsely declare goods. (Kong Standard, South China Morning Post 917, 9/18 in WNC 11/12)
Iraq again fires surface-to-air missiles at U.S. warplanes in the expanded s. no-fly zone, causing no damage. U.S. announces it will position stealth bombers at airfields in Kuwait. Turkey agrees to allow 2,500 Iraqi oppositionist transit through Turkey as part of U.S. plan to evacuate its allies fr. the Kurdish enclave, provided none were connected with the CIA, PKK; U.S. says if those sponsored by the CIA can escape fr. Iraq, it will "certainly look sympathetically" on their appeals for asylum. U.S. dispatches 2d aircraft carrier to the region. (MM 9/12; NYT, WP, WSJ 9/13; WP 9/17, 9/18; al-Ahram 9/19 in WNC 9/30; MEI 9/20) (see 9/11)
Hatzofe reports that changes to Oslo II maps were agreed to and signed in 1/96 but have been kept secret. The 5 changes were only of several dozen meters. 3 favored the Israelis: moving the access road for Qedar settlement and the forests west of Ma'ale Adumim fr. zone B to C; moving the Ashkenazi Jewish cemetery of Hebron fr. zone A to C; moving the Ramallah and Bir Nabala oxidation pools, which incl. parts of the land designated for the Psagot-Kokhav Yi'aqov bypass road, fr. zone A to C. 2 changes favored the PA: moving a strip of land n. of Janin fr. zone C to A; expanding the zone B area of Abu-Dis e. to the Israeli municipal boundary of Jerusalem. (Hatzofe 9/12 in WNC 9/16)
Palestinians observer 4-hr. general strike in West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem. (MM 8/29; CSM, NYT, PR, WP, WT 8/30; MEI 9/6)
To dispel tensions with the PA, Israeli PM Netanyahu dispatches his personal atty. Yitzhak Molho to meet with Arafat in Ramallah; authorizes adviser Gold to meet later in day with Arafat adviser Abbas. Senior Israeli negotiator IDF chief of staff Lt. Gen. Dan Shomron holds 1-hr. talk with PA counterpart PA Local Government M Saeb Erakat in Jerusalem, agrees to resume PISMC mtgs. next wk. (RMC 8/29 in WNC 8/30; NYT, WP, WT 8/30; MBC 8/30 in WNC 9/4; MM 9/2)
In Rome, Egypt's Baz, Italy's FM Lamberto Dini discuss peace process, 8/27-28 mtgs. in Paris. (RE 8/29 in WNC 9/3)
Israeli government approves construction of 2,000 new housing units in West Bank settlements around Jerusalem. (CSM, WP 8/30)
Deputy Jerusalem Mayor Shmuel Meir says the government has issued demolition orders for 70 Palestinian homes in the city that have been constructed without permits. (YA 8/30 in WNC 9/5; PR 9/6)
Israel blames Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) for shooting at bus 8/28, arrests 1 suspect. (HA 8/29 in IL 8/29)
Jordanian police raid JPD headquarters in Karak, arrest a number of party leaders. (SATN 8/29 in WNC 9/3) (see 8/18)
Hizballah ambushes IDF patrol in s. Lebanon, killing 1 soldier. Both sides then exchange gunfire, wounding 2 Lebanese civilians. (RL 8/29 in WNC 9/3; MM 8/30; QY 8/30 in IL 8/30; JP 9/7)
U.S.-brokered cease-fire goes into effect in n. Iraq. PUK, KDP agree to hold peace talks in London 8/30. (MM 8/29) (see 8/28)
On his way fr. Gaza to the weekly PC session in Ramallah, Arafat's helicopter is forced to hover for 45 mins. before being permitted to land. At the PC, Arafat accuses Israel of "declaring a state of war against the Palestinian people," rejects U.S. appeal for an Abbas-Gold meeting. For 1st time since 1993, he calls for 1-day general strike 8/29, prayer rally in Jerusalem's al-Aqsa Mosque for 8/30. PM Netanyahu warns Arafat against an escalation of rhetoric, violence. (MM 8/28; ITV 8/28 in WNC 8/30; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 8/29; ITV 9/2 in WNC 9/4)
UN Coordinator Larsen leaves Paris for Israel immediately after Arafat speech to attempt to "serious crisis" btwn. PA, Israel. (WP 8/29)
Israel, Turkey sign defense industry deal, stepping up military cooperation. Agmt. includes technology exchanges, is expected to pave way for $650-m. deal for Israel to overhaul 54 Turkish F-4 Phantom jets. Iran expresses concern. (CSM, MM, WP 8/29; VIRI 8/29, TDN 8/30 in WNC 9/3; VIRI 8/29 in WNC 9/4; RJ 9/4 in WNC 9/6 JP 9/7)
In Tulkarm, IDF demolishes 5 Palestinian homes built without permits. (PR 9/6)
Israeli police release Human Rights Watch employee Tarabiyya, arrested 8/19. (IDF Radio 8/28 in WNC 8/30; JP 9/7)
Unidentified gunmen open fire on an Israeli bus traveling on a Israeli-only bypass road to the Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba in the West Bank, slightly wounding 2. (MM, NYT, WP 8/29; MA 8/30 in WNC 9/5)
Israeli police arrest 3 Palestinians who pitch tents at site of clinic in East Jerusalem which was demolished 8/27. (WT 8/29)
Amal attacks 2 SLA patrols in s. Lebanon, killing 1 soldier, wounding 5. (RL 8/28 in WNC 8/30)
Iran, Turkey connect electricity grids in keeping with agmt. signed by Turkish PM Erbakan during his 8/11-13 visit. (VIRI 8/18 in WNC 9/3)
In n. Iraq, KDP, PUK fighting intensifies, with the PUK gaining the upper hand. Iran calls for talks to end fighting, is generally seen as being the winner of the current crisis. (MM 8/27) (see 8/25)
Israel demolishes 2 Palestinian homes in Jerusalem suburbs for being built without a permit. (LAWE 8/21)
In s. Lebanon, 2 IDF soldier are killed when one IDF patrol fires on another by mistake. (MM 8/20; RL 8/20 in WNC 8/22; ITV 8/20 in WNC 8/23; MM, WT 8/21; MM 8/22) (see 8/16, 8/19)
Jordan eases curfew on Karak, arrests at least 14 mbrs. of the ASB, which says it had nothing to do with instigating riots. Information M Marwan Mu`asher say 4 journalists for al-Bilad (incl. its publisher, chief editor), 1 fr. al-Aswaq have been detained on charges of carrying inaccurate and misleading reports, direct involvement in recent riots. (CSM, MM 8/20; RJ 8/20 in WNC 8/22; JT, RJ 8/20, RJ 8/21 in WNC 8/23; JT 8/20, 8/21 in WNC 8/24; CSM, MM, NYT, WT 8/21; WT 8/22; al-Dustur, JT 8/22, al-Ra'i 8/24 in WNC 8/27; JT 9/5 in WNC 9/6) (see 8/18)
Israel's ministerial forum on Hebron reconvenes to discuss redeployment issue. (ITV 8/18; MM 8/19; IDF Radio, YA 8/19 in WNC 8/21) (see 8/15)
Hebron settler leaders hold mtg. to discuss how they will react if the government goes through with plans to redeploy. Kach mbrs. propose attacking Palestinians in the city after a pullback. (ITV 8/18 in WNC 10/3; YA 10/17 in WNC 10/22)
Israeli Interior M Eliyahu Suissa says his min. is working out a plan to be submitted to the government for approval that calls for expanding Jerusalem's area by annexing many settlements abutting it, incl. some that lie across the Green Line such as Ma'ale Adumim, Giv'at Ze'ev. (MM 8/19; MA, QY 8/19 in WNC 8/21)
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, FM David Levy meet to resolve differences; agree to set up negotiations oversight comm., steering comm. for talks with Syria that will both incl. the PM, FM, DM. Netanyahu also agrees to redesignate all the head of the "Jordan desk" in the PM's office as "staff"; do the same for all geographic desk officers in the PM's office, so there is no overlap with the FMin.; improve coordination btwn. the PM's office, FMin. (MM, NYT 8/19; WJW 8/22; JP 8/31) (see 8/14)
PA Preventive Security Forces (PSF) bulldozes 5 Palestinian houses in Khan Yunis, saying the houses were build on government property that will be used for housing projects in the future. Owners of the homes said they received building permits fr. the PA Housing Min. (PR 8/23)
Bread riots continue in Amman, nearby Jordanian villages. In the past 3 days, 300 have been arrested, 40 injured in the countrywide protests. Many of those arrested are mbrs. of leftist political groups, such as the pro-Iraqi Arab Socialist Ba`th party (ASB), Jordan People's Democratic party (JPD), Jordanian Communist party. (RMC 8/18, 8/19 in WNC 8/21; JT, JTV 8/18, al-Ra'i 8/20 in WNC 8/22; MM, NYT, WP, WT 8/19; MEI 9/6) (see 8/17)
Lebanese parliamentary elections begin with Mount Lebanon district. Hizballah's 1 candidate is defeated, as is influential Greek Orthodox opposition figure Albert Mukheiber. 32 of the 35 seats go to progovernment candidates. There will be voting on 5 consecutive Sundays in separate regions. The last elections, boycotted by Christians, were held in 1992. (VOL 8/18 in WNC 8/21; WT 8/19; RL 8/19 in WNC 8/21; CSM 8/19, 8/20; MM 8/21, 8/28; MEI 9/6; CSM 9/10)
Israel's National Oil Exploration Company announces it has discovered oil in s. Israel, nr. Beersheba. The site, which could produce 600 bpd, is a sign oil could exist in significant quantities in the area. (WJW 8/22; JP 8/24)
PC opens weekly 2-day session in Nablus. (PR 8/23)
Higher Joint Israeli-Palestinian Civilian Comm. holds mtg. in Jerusalem. (MM 8/14; QY, VOP 8/14 in FBIS 8/15; CSM, WP, WT 8/15; PR 8/23; JP 8/24)
Arafat sends letter to Pres. Clinton, urging him to block Israel's expansion of settlements. State Dept. says it has asked PM Netanyahu for clarification of statements made by Israeli government officials that the settler population would grow. (MM 8/14; VOP 8/14 in FBIS 8/15; WP, WT 8/15)
Jordan implements IMF-sanctioned cut in food prices, almost tripling the cost of bread. (JT 8/13 in FBIS 8/13; MM, WP 8/14)
YA reports that 130 Jewish families have moved to settlements in the Golan since Netanyahu's election win. (MM 8/13)
Nr. Jerusalem, Israel demolishes 2 Palestinian homes allegedly built without permits. (PR 8/23) (see 8/12)
Turkey, Iraq close 3 days of talks on improving political, trade relations and security issues; sign extradition agmt. (Sabah [Istanbul] 8/14, Milliyet [Istanbul] 8/15 in WNC 8/21) (see 8/12)