7 / 15500 Results
  • October 19, 1991

    Chmn. Arafat meets Pres. al-Asad in Damascus, the first time the two bitter rivals have met since 1983. The two reportedly agree that the multilateral Arab-Israeli talks on regional cooperation,...

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  • March 25, 1991

    White House and State Dep't. denounce Israeli decision to deport 4 Gaza Palestinians, suggesting that action could jeopardize efforts to bring about peace; Israeli Housing Minister Ariel Sharon...

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  • March 4, 1991

    Rebelling Iraqis have emptied prisons and executed loyalists to Saddam Hussein in fundamentalist uprising that has spread anarchy across southern Iraq in the last 4 days, according to refugees....

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  • March 3, 1991

    U.S. forces round up more than 1,400 Iraqi soldiers-including a brigadier general-from island of Faylakah, the last piece of Iraqi-held Kuwaiti territory. Allies hold about 63,000 Iraqi POWs [LAT...

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  • March 2, 1991

    New York Times reports that Bush admin. began planning offensive campaign to remove Iraq from Kuwait as early as September 1990, despite public insistence that U.S. troops were to defend...

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  • February 16, 1991

    Arab members of coalition end 2-day meeting in Cairo, find Baghdad's conditions for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait unacceptable, call on Saddam to leave "without conditions or strings" [MENA 2/16 in...

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  • January 17, 1991

    After day of multinational force bombing successes against Iraq, Baghdad fires as many as 8 SCUD missiles at Israel, hitting Tel Aviv, Haifa, and less populated areas [NYT, LAT, WT, WP, MEM 1/18...

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Chmn. Arafat meets Pres. al-Asad in Damascus, the first time the two bitter rivals have met since 1983. The two reportedly agree that the multilateral Arab-Israeli talks on regional cooperation, envisaged as the third-stage of the peace process, would be futile unless Israel agrees to withdraw from the o.t. (MEM 10/21)

Asad had earlier met with Soviet FM Pankin, while FM al-Sharaa received the U.S., Soviet ambassadors who issued invitation to attend the peace conference. Syria indicated it would formally respond to the invitation in a few days' time. (WP 10/20)

Palestinian negotiator Faisal Husseini submits list of 14 Palestinian delegates to peace conference to U.S. consul in Jerusalem. (WP 10/20)

Jordan formally accepts the U.S.-Soviet invitation to attend peace conference. (WP 10/20)

Gulf Cooperation Council Secy. Gen. 'Abdullah Bishara indicates he will head GCC delegation to peace conference. (AFP 10/19 in FBIS 10/21)

Israel reports it has received positive information that one of its five missing soldiers in Lebanon, Yossi Fink, is dead, in a move which may expedite the ongoing comprehensive prisoner-hostage exchange negotiations. (WP 10/20)

"International Conference in Support of the Islamic Revolution in Palestine" opens in Tehran with 800 delegates from 60 countries in attendance. PNC Speaker 'Abd al-Hamid Sa'ih, delegates from the main constituent PLO groups attend, as do representatives of Hamas, Islamic Jihad of Palestine [Fathi Shaqaqi], and groups within the Palestinian National Salvation Front. Iranian pres. Hashimi Rafasanjani declares Iran is willing to send troops to help establish a Palestinian state. (WP 10/20; MEM 10/21, 10/23)

White House and State Dep't. denounce Israeli decision to deport 4 Gaza Palestinians, suggesting that action could jeopardize efforts to bring about peace; Israeli Housing Minister Ariel Sharon calls for mass deportations of activists from o.t. [LAT, WT 3/26].

Iraq submits to UN detailed list of Kuwaiti gov't. property it took from the emirate, including $457 million in gold and $600 million in currency [LAT 3/26].

Bahraini F.M. says that overall "security arrangement" will be negotiated to insure permanent military presence by Western and friendly Arab nations in Gulf region [NYT 3/26].

In interview with Toronto Star, Yasir Arafat offers peace plan, says PLO would accept UN buffer zone on Palestinian side of border between Israel and future Palestinian state [WT 3/26; AFP, JDS 3/25, AGS 3/26 in FBIS 3/26].

Pres. Asad and King Hussein meet in Damascus as part of Arab fence-mending effort [WT 3/26; ADS, DDS 3/26 in FBIS 3/26; MET 4/2].

Israelis successfully test fire Arrow antiballistic missile; it is 2d test flight, and coordinated with American military [JDS 3/25 in FBIS 3/26].

Rebelling Iraqis have emptied prisons and executed loyalists to Saddam Hussein in fundamentalist uprising that has spread anarchy across southern Iraq in the last 4 days, according to refugees. Seven cities are reportedly in opposition hands [NYT, LAT, WP, CSM 3/5; AFP 3/4 in FBIS 3/5].

Kuwait's Crown Prince returns to Kuwait City amid celebratory gunfire; Kuwaitis who remained in their country during occupation say they expect significant democratic reforms when all rulers have returned [MEM 3/4; LAT, NYT, WP 3/5; CSM 3/6].

In interview with Guardian in London, Yasir Arafat says he is worried that Kuwaiti military will kill Palestinians in Kuwait; military in Kuwait City is reportedly detaining over 10,000 Iraqis and Palestinians [WT 3/5].

Pres. Bush says Iraq has turned over information about location of minefields in Kuwait; Bush adds disengagement is proceeding quickly and that Iraqis are cooperating [LAT 3/5].

White House says it is "collecting evidence" on war crimes, but that it will be up to "countries in the region" to initiate any trial of Iraqi officials [LAT 3/5].

At Vatican summit, Pope John Paul II tells church leaders from countries most directly involved in Gulf war that lasting Middle East peace depends on resolution of all of the region's problems [MEM 3/4; LAT 3/5].

As Sec. Baker's visit to Israel approaches, Israeli Construction and Housing Ministry announces that 1,000 additional housing units will be built in Golan Heights [JDS 3/4 in FBIS 3/4].

Palestinian family files suit against Jewish seminary over rights to house in Old City's Muslim quarter; theology student was found murdered in basement of house last week [NYT 3/5].

UNRWA claims that Israeli soldiers in Gaza Strip had beaten 2 of its members in 2d such incident in 10 days [NYT, MEM 3/5].

EC foreign ministers elect to give inexpensive loans totalling $210 million to Israel, along with $36 million in interest subsidies. Palestinians in o.t. are to receive from EC $80 million in grants [MEM 3/51. 

U.S. forces round up more than 1,400 Iraqi soldiers-including a brigadier general-from island of Faylakah, the last piece of Iraqi-held Kuwaiti territory. Allies hold about 63,000 Iraqi POWs [LAT 3/4].

Refugees crossing into Iran and Syria from Iraq report demonstrations against Saddam Hussein has spread from Basra to 3 other cities in southern Iraq [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 3/4].

At UN, U.S. and allies offer to speed the flow of food and other relief supplies into Iraq after nonaligned nations press for formal easing of sanctions [NYT 3/4].

Pres. Mitterrand makes what diplomats describe as his clearest call yet for a Palestinian state [LAT 3/4]; Mitterrand also calls for international peace conference on Middle East [WP, MEM 3/4].

Presenting 9-item postwar agenda, Pres. Mubarak urges fresh start for Arabs, says Egyptians have no quarrel with Iraqi people and will help rebuild Iraq [LAT, NYT, WP, MEM 3/4].

UNLU issues call number 68, calling for "increased rallying around the PLO and adherence to it as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people" [AFP 3/3, JPD 3/4 in FBIS 3/5; AVP 3/5 in FBIS 3/6; MEM 3/5; JPI 3/16].

Israeli jets fly through Lebanese army machine gun fire and bomb Fateh base in southern Lebanon; it is 1st air strike since Gulf war ended [MEM 3/4; MET 3/12].

Israel lifts curfew on Gaza Strip for 1st time since 16 January, Gaza fishermen are permitted to put to sea; several towns and villages in W. Bank remain under curfew [MEM 3/4].

New York Times reports that Bush admin. began planning offensive campaign to remove Iraq from Kuwait as early as September 1990, despite public insistence that U.S. troops were to defend Saudi Arabia and enforce UN sanctions [NYT 3/3].

Allied officials and Iraqi refugees report chaos and near anarchy in Basra as Iraqi troops leaving Kuwait arrive [NYT, WP 3/3].

American officer reports that dozens of Iraqi tanks, perhaps lost and without communications, attacked U.S. troops in worse violation of cease-fire. American forces repel attack, destroying about 60 vehicles and capturing about 80 tanks and personnel carriers; there are no American casualties [NYT, WP 3/3].

Senior U.S. admin. officials say Washington wants to maintain much larger military presence in Gulf region than it had before Iraq invaded Kuwait in order to deter aggression against U.S. allies [NYT 3/3].

UN Sec. Council adopts, by 11-1 vote, resolution 686 which reaffirms, in more detail, cease-fire conditions imposed on Iraq (cf. 3/3) [WP, MEM 3/4].

PLO leadership meets in Tunis, calls for urgent" measures to halt attacks and arrests of Palestinians in Kuwait [TDS, AFP 3/3 in FBIS 3/4; AVP 3/3 in FBIS 3/5].

Lebanon's Pres. Hrawi warns in speech that Palestinian guerrillas will no longer be allowed to attack Israel from Lebanon: we will not tolerate the use of Katyusha rockets to provoke an invasion of this country. The liberation of Palestine cannot be fulfilled by the firing of Katyusha rockets" [NYT 3/4; MEM 3/5]. 

Arab members of coalition end 2-day meeting in Cairo, find Baghdad's conditions for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait unacceptable, call on Saddam to leave "without conditions or strings" [MENA 2/16 in FBIS 2/19; NYT 2/17]; countries also propose economic and defense arrangements to improve Middle East postwar security [WP 2/17], and reaffirm support for Palestinian state, without mention of PLO [MEM 2/18].

Soviet Union concludes conditions set by Baghdad for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait would render its 2/15 proposal meaningless [NYT, WP 2/17].

2 U.S. A-10 fighter-bombers are short down over Kuwait: Iraq says 130 civilians killed on 2/14 when British bombs hit marketplace in Falluja [AFP 2/16 in FBIS 2/19; NYT 2/17]. Iraq launches 2 SCUD missiles at southern Israel; no damage [JAA 2/16 in FBIS 2/19; NYT, MEM 2/18].

Likud supporters criticize MKs Dedi Zucker and Chaim Oron for their 2/13 report on settlement construction (see JPS 79), saying report led U.S. admin. to delay granting $400 million in housing loan guarantees [IDF 2/16 in FBIS 2/19].

As Israeli authorities continue selectively to release Palestinian workers from war-induced curfew, many Palestinians are finding Soviet Jewish immigrants have taken over their jobs, according to New York Times [NYT 2/17].

PLO revolutionary courts condemn to death, then execute, 20 Fateh members who had rebelled againstheir commander earlier in the week [NYT 2/17].

Yasir Arafat arrives in Amman from Iraq to meet King Hussein [NYT 2/17]. 

After day of multinational force bombing successes against Iraq, Baghdad fires as many as 8 SCUD missiles at Israel, hitting Tel Aviv, Haifa, and less populated areas [NYT, LAT, WT, WP, MEM 1/18].

Saddam Hussein defies 2d day of bombing in Baghdad by touring Iraq's capital; vows to defeat multinational force and liberate Palestine; calls on all Arabs to help resist U.S. [NYT, LAT, WP, MEM 1/18].

Anti-U.S. demonstrations erupt in Algeria, smaller protests in European cities but European gov'ts. give full backing to war effort; Iran condemns U.S.-led invasion; Pres. Gorbachev blames Iraqi intransigence for war, but only after trying to get Pres. Bush to postpone attack long enough for Soviet diplomats to try to speak to Saddam Hussein; Japan pledges additional aid for allied effort [MEM 1/17; NYT 1/18].

Turkey's parliament authorizes U.S. fighters and bombers to launch attacks on Iraq from Incirlik Air Base near Adama on the Mediterranean [NYT, LAT, MEM 1/18].

New York Times reports of CIA's psychological warfare against Iraq: broadcasting anti-Saddam propaganda into Iraq, circulat- ing audio and video cassettes depicting Saddam's regime as corrupt, and smuggling radios into Iraq to receive American broadcasts [NYT 1/19].

Curfew in Gaza continues; Israel places West Bank under curfew [JDS, IDF 1/17 in FBIS 1/17].

PLO Executive Committee issues statement decrying U.S. for beginning Gulf war and calling for worldwide resistance [AVP, MAP, AFP 1/17 in FBIS 1/18; MEM 1/17; WP 1/18].