U.S. extends invitations for second round, bilateral peace negotiations to convene 12/4 in Washington. Neither Israel nor Palestinians immediately accept, Israel because it favors holding talks in...
November 22, 1991
October 24, 1991
In Damascus, Arab foreign ministers agree to coordinate stands during peace conference, not to strike separate deals with Israel. Syria failed to garner support for proposal that none of the...
October 23, 1991
Prime Min. Shamir indicates he will head Israeli delegation to the peace conference, not FM David Levy. Invitations sent to the parties by the U.S., USSR had called for talks at the "ministerial...
October 18, 1991
In Jerusalem, Secy. of State Baker and Soviet FM Boris Pankin jointly announce that their governments have extended invitations to attend a Middle East peace conference to be held 30 October in...
October 17, 1991
PLO Central Comm. approves formation of joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation. (Radio Monte Carlo, Tunisian Republic Radio 10/18 in FBIS 10/18)
Soviet FM Boris Pankin arrives in Israel for...
February 21, 1991
After midnight meeting with F.M. Aziz in Moscow, Soviet leaders announce Baghdad has given "positive" response to Soviet peace plan; U.S. delays formal response until consultation with allies [NYT...
February 16, 1991
Arab members of coalition end 2-day meeting in Cairo, find Baghdad's conditions for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait unacceptable, call on Saddam to leave "without conditions or strings" [MENA 2/16 in...
January 17, 1991
After day of multinational force bombing successes against Iraq, Baghdad fires as many as 8 SCUD missiles at Israel, hitting Tel Aviv, Haifa, and less populated areas [NYT, LAT, WT, WP, MEM 1/18...
January 11, 1991
Arab-Americans object to FBI policy of questioning business and community leaders of Arab descent [MEM 1/11; NYT, LAT 1/12].
White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater says Gulf military...
U.S. extends invitations for second round, bilateral peace negotiations to convene 12/4 in Washington. Neither Israel nor Palestinians immediately accept, Israel because it favors holding talks in the Middle East and is angered that U.S. has pressed ahead with holding them in Washington, Palestinians because certain persons associated with their delegation might not be granted U.S. visas. Syria and Lebanon did not respond; Jordan immediately accepts. Invitations include U.S. suggestions on overcoming differences, an indication that U.S. intends to continue playing an active role in the peace making process. (NYT 11/23, 11/26; LAT 11/25)
Chief Palestinian negotiator Haydar 'Abd al-Shafi joins Faisal Husseini and PLO exec. comm. mbrs. Yasir 'Abd Rabbuh and Mahmud Abbas in Moscow for talks with FM Shevardnadze. Palestinians will push USSR to insist on direct PLO participation in multilateral discussions. (MM 11/22)
Israeli attorney general announces Israel will not prosecute Hanan Ashrawi on charges she met with PLO officials. (MM 11/22)
Fighting in S. Lebanon continues as SLA artillery bombards villages in Iqlim al-Tuffah region. (MM 11/22
In Damascus, Arab foreign ministers agree to coordinate stands during peace conference, not to strike separate deals with Israel. Syria failed to garner support for proposal that none of the delegations would attend the third-stage talks on regional issues until Israel returned occupied Arab territories. (MEM 10/24; NYT 10/25)
In another move toward Saudi-PLO reconciliation, PLO Pol. Dept. Head Faruq al-Qaddumi meets with Saudi FM Prince Sa'ud al-Faysal while both attend Damascus foreign ministers meeting. The meeting, brokered by Egyptian pres. Husni Mubarak, was their first since the Gulf war, and reportedly led to Sa'ud pledging to restore Saudi ties with PLO. (MEM 10/25)
Palestinian delegate Sa'ib 'Urayqat creates an uproar in Israel by declaring to the press that "we are the PLO delegation." Palestinian negotiator Faisal Husseini later states that 'Urayqat was speaking for himself. (NYT 10/2)
Faisal Husseini announces seven Palestinians will form an advisory committee to work with the steering committee attached to the Palestinian delegation to the peace conference. They are: Radwan Abu 'Ayyash, Ziyad Abu Zayyad, Ahmad al-Yazji, Jamil Tarifi, Radi Jara'i, Salih Abu Laban, 'Abd al-Hadi Abu Khawsh. (MEM 10/25; Voice of Palestine 10/26 in FBIS 10/28)
Some 300 Palestinian fighters opposed participation in the peace talks occupy the offices of Fateh in the 'Ayn al-Hilwa refugee camp near Sidon, S. Lebanon, and overrun much of the rest of the camp. Action was reportedly led by Maj. Munir Makda, commander of Force 17, Fateh's security force. (NYT 10/25)
Ten Palestinian groups which had been attending Tehran-based conference on Palestine sign 13-point statement denouncing Madrid peace conference, calling for escalation of intifada. Among signatories were PFLP, DFLP [Hawatma faction], Palestinian Popular Struggle Front, al-Sa'iqa. (Radio Monte Carlo 10/24 in FBIS 10/25)
Israel re-opens its embassy in Moscow, closed since the USSR broke diplomatic relations with Israel in 1967. (NYT 10/25)
Lebanese Pres. al-Hirawi states Ta'if accord calls for "redeployment-not a withdrawal-of Syrian forces," but suggests that if Israel withdrew from S. Lebanon, Syria would withdraw its forces from Lebanon. (MEM 10/24)
Prime Min. Shamir indicates he will head Israeli delegation to the peace conference, not FM David Levy. Invitations sent to the parties by the U.S., USSR had called for talks at the "ministerial level," a diplomatic phrase usually interpreted to mean participation by officials holding rank of foreign minister or below. (NYT 10/24)
Arab foreign ministers representing Syria, Egypt, Jordan, along with representative of Lebanon's foreign ministry and head of PLO political department meet in Damascus to discuss strategies for peace conference. They were later joined by foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, representing the Gulf states, and Morocco, representing North African states (except Libya). (MEM 10/23)
Strike called for 10/22 by three groups in o.t. partially observed in E. Jerusalem, elsewhere in West Bank, but not in Nablus, Jenin. Residents of Gaza city observe strike, but not those in the refugee camps. (MEM 10/25)
Members of the Jewish Ateret Cohanim seminary move into a house in the Muslim quarter of E. Jerusalem. Group claims the house was owned by Jews driven out by Palestinian rioting in 1929. Settlers occupying a building in Silwan seized 10/9 from Palestinian residents petition Israeli high court of justice to allow them to remain. Group also seeks permission to move into four other buildings from which they had been evicted by police. (MEM 10/24)
European Community official announces EC, Israel have reached agreement over long-standing dispute over status, place of residence of EC official who will be sent to monitor EC economic aid to Palestinians in the o.t. EC had sough to post the official in the territories; Israel objected, seeking to place the representativen Tel Aviv instead. The EC has set aside $100 million in aid for Palestinians in the o.t. (MEM 10/24)
Human rights organization Middle East Watch issues report on condition of 18,000-20,000 stateless Palestinians in Kuwait. The Palestinians, who were either born in Gaza during the British Mandate, during the period of Egyptian administration of Gaza (1948-67), or who are descendants of those born there, have lived in Kuwait for decades but do not hold citizenship in any country. They do not carry Israeli Gaza identity cards but merely hold Egyptian travel documents, and are thus unable to legally live anywhere. According to the report, Kuwait intends to expel these persons to Iraq 11/15. (MEM 20/24)
In Jerusalem, Secy. of State Baker and Soviet FM Boris Pankin jointly announce that their governments have extended invitations to attend a Middle East peace conference to be held 30 October in Madrid. Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and Palestinian negotiators will attend the meeting, scheduled to be opened by Pres. Bush and Pres. Gorbachev. First stage of process will be a three-day opening conference, followed by face-to-face negotiations among the parties. A third stage of talks, dealing with regional issues, would include other Middle Eastern countries. Announcement comes in wake of Baker's meetings with PM Shamir and with Palestinian negotiators, who provide Baker with a partialist of Palestinian delegates who will participate in a joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation after PLO Central Committee approved Palestinian participation in joint delegation. But Israeli officials delay giving Baker a final answeregarding Israel's participation because they were not shown the list of Palestinians. Earlier in the day, Pankin and Israeli FM Levy announced that Israel, USSR are restoring full diplomatic relations. The move culminates four years of improved relations, which began with the establishment of consulates in 1987 and the emigration of over 300,000 Soviet Jews to Israel. (MEM 10/18; WP 10/19)
PLO Central Comm. approves formation of joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation. (Radio Monte Carlo, Tunisian Republic Radio 10/18 in FBIS 10/18)
Soviet FM Boris Pankin arrives in Israel for talks with Israeli leadership, Palestinian negotiators, Secy. of State Baker. Visit is first visit by Soviet foreign ministry since USSR broke diplomatic relations with Israel in 1967. (WP 10/19)
Iranian Pres. Ayatollah 'Ali Khamane'i denounces peace conference, calls upon Muslims to participate in jihad to liberate Palestine. (MEM 10/23)
In Damascus, Presidents al-Asad, al-Hirawi co-chair first meeting of Syrian-Lebanese Supreme Council, set up by the May 1991 Syrian-Lebanese Treaty of Brotherhood, Cooperation and Coordination to coordinate affairs of the two countries. (Syrian Arab Republic Radio 10/17 in FBIS 10/21)
After midnight meeting with F.M. Aziz in Moscow, Soviet leaders announce Baghdad has given "positive" response to Soviet peace plan; U.S. delays formal response until consultation with allies [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 2/22].
Saddam Hussein delivers speech over Baghdad radio reaffirming Iraq's 2/15 proposal; says Iraq is ready for all-out war unless proposal is accepted [BADS 2/21 in FBIS 2/21; NYT, LAT, WP, MEM 2/22; MET 3/5].
U.S. Def. Sec. Dick Cheney says allied forces are braced for "one of the largest land assaults of modem times" as U.S.-Iraq clashes grow larger and more intense; U.S. command says allies have reached level of destruction specified by senior generals as minimum needed before ground offensive can begin [NYT 2/22].
SCUD missiles are fired at Saudi Arabia in 2 rare daylight attacks; Patriot missile intercept all; 9 American soldiers are killed in 2 helicopter crashes in Saudi Arabia [LAT, MEM 2/22; MET 3/5].
Kuwaiti gov't-in-exile contracts U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to help restore Kuwait's damaged water, power, and transportation systems after war. Contract runs for 90 days, valued at $45 million [LAT 2/22].
Saudi ambassador to U.S., Prince Bandar bin Sultan, warns that Yasir Arafat, King Hussein, and Pres. Saleh of Yemen will be made to pay dearly for supporting Iraq, signalling sharp break from Saudi prewar policy of trying to forge Arab consensus (cf. 2/26) [LAT 2/22].
Hours after long-disputed $400 million loan guarantees to Israel is approved, Israeli officials claim the amount is grossly insufficient; Immigration Min. Yitzhak Peretz says "In fact, it's a very small sum that only accounts for 3 or 4 percent of the overall figure" needed [NYT 2/22].
Amnesty International accuses members of allies of using war as pretext for human rights violations, citing Britain, Egypt, and U.S. for war-related abuses [MEM 2/21; LAT 2/22].
At Labor party bureau meeting MK Moshe Shahal expresses, for 1st time in public, support for creation of Palestinian state [IDF 2/21 in FBIS 2/22; MEM 2/22; JPI 3/2].
Arab members of coalition end 2-day meeting in Cairo, find Baghdad's conditions for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait unacceptable, call on Saddam to leave "without conditions or strings" [MENA 2/16 in FBIS 2/19; NYT 2/17]; countries also propose economic and defense arrangements to improve Middle East postwar security [WP 2/17], and reaffirm support for Palestinian state, without mention of PLO [MEM 2/18].
Soviet Union concludes conditions set by Baghdad for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait would render its 2/15 proposal meaningless [NYT, WP 2/17].
2 U.S. A-10 fighter-bombers are short down over Kuwait: Iraq says 130 civilians killed on 2/14 when British bombs hit marketplace in Falluja [AFP 2/16 in FBIS 2/19; NYT 2/17]. Iraq launches 2 SCUD missiles at southern Israel; no damage [JAA 2/16 in FBIS 2/19; NYT, MEM 2/18].
Likud supporters criticize MKs Dedi Zucker and Chaim Oron for their 2/13 report on settlement construction (see JPS 79), saying report led U.S. admin. to delay granting $400 million in housing loan guarantees [IDF 2/16 in FBIS 2/19].
As Israeli authorities continue selectively to release Palestinian workers from war-induced curfew, many Palestinians are finding Soviet Jewish immigrants have taken over their jobs, according to New York Times [NYT 2/17].
PLO revolutionary courts condemn to death, then execute, 20 Fateh members who had rebelled againstheir commander earlier in the week [NYT 2/17].
Yasir Arafat arrives in Amman from Iraq to meet King Hussein [NYT 2/17].
After day of multinational force bombing successes against Iraq, Baghdad fires as many as 8 SCUD missiles at Israel, hitting Tel Aviv, Haifa, and less populated areas [NYT, LAT, WT, WP, MEM 1/18].
Saddam Hussein defies 2d day of bombing in Baghdad by touring Iraq's capital; vows to defeat multinational force and liberate Palestine; calls on all Arabs to help resist U.S. [NYT, LAT, WP, MEM 1/18].
Anti-U.S. demonstrations erupt in Algeria, smaller protests in European cities but European gov'ts. give full backing to war effort; Iran condemns U.S.-led invasion; Pres. Gorbachev blames Iraqi intransigence for war, but only after trying to get Pres. Bush to postpone attack long enough for Soviet diplomats to try to speak to Saddam Hussein; Japan pledges additional aid for allied effort [MEM 1/17; NYT 1/18].
Turkey's parliament authorizes U.S. fighters and bombers to launch attacks on Iraq from Incirlik Air Base near Adama on the Mediterranean [NYT, LAT, MEM 1/18].
New York Times reports of CIA's psychological warfare against Iraq: broadcasting anti-Saddam propaganda into Iraq, circulat- ing audio and video cassettes depicting Saddam's regime as corrupt, and smuggling radios into Iraq to receive American broadcasts [NYT 1/19].
Curfew in Gaza continues; Israel places West Bank under curfew [JDS, IDF 1/17 in FBIS 1/17].
PLO Executive Committee issues statement decrying U.S. for beginning Gulf war and calling for worldwide resistance [AVP, MAP, AFP 1/17 in FBIS 1/18; MEM 1/17; WP 1/18].
Arab-Americans object to FBI policy of questioning business and community leaders of Arab descent [MEM 1/11; NYT, LAT 1/12].
White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater says Gulf military operation cost U.S. $10 billion in 1990, and that U.S. has received $6 billion "in cash and in-kind support from our allies to defray this cost" [NYT, LAT 1/12].
Pres. Saddam Hussein tells conference of Islamic leaders that he is preparing for holy war against multinational forces that could only be averted if greater priority is given to solving Palestine problem [NYT, LAT 1/12].
Senior UN officials urge Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar to ask Saddam for pledge to leave Kuwait immediately in return for international conference to address Palestine problem. Before leaving Geneva, Perez de Cuellar meets with EC leaders who offer peace proposal that includes stationing UN peacekeeping force in Gulf and convening international conference [MEM 1/11; NYT, LAT 1/12]; en route to Baghdad, Perez de Cuellar stops in Amman for meeting with King Hussein [ADS 1/11 in FBIS 1/14].
Pres. Gorbachev telephones Pres. Bush, and twice dispatches Soviet ambassador to White House to discuss Soviet's last-minute Gulf peace initiative [LAT 1/12].
Washington Post/ABC News poll finds 66% of respondents say U.S. should agree to international conference on Arab-Israeli issues if Iraq agrees to withdraw from Kuwait; 68% think if Iraqi doesn't withdraw, U.S. should go to war; 86% believe war is inevitable [WP 1/11].
4 PFLP fighters are killed in shootout with IDF troops in S. Lebanon [JDS 1/12 in FBIS 1/14].