7 / 15493 Results
  • December 19, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, Israeli police raid 2 Jewish seminaries in search of arms and "sabotage materials" after series of attacks against Arabs....

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  • October 26, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: At Jerusalem press conference, Australian priest claims that Mordechai Vanunu, who sold story of Israeli nuclear weapons secrets to ...

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  • October 19, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Ashdod, Gaza, Arab municipal worker is stabbed by unknown attacker (JP 10/20).

    Arab World: Arab League Council ends two-day...

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  • July 25, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. Vice Pres. Bush arrives in Jerusalem to meet P.M. Peres as start of M. E. tour [WP 7/26].

    Arab World: King Hassan II quits...

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  • May 26, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Defense Minister Rabin rejects P.M. Thatcher's call for free elections in occupied territories, says EEC should contributeo...

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  • April 16, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel has quietly moved hundreds of Ethiopian Jewish immigrants to the West Bank, despite U.S. opposition [PI 4/16]. Israeli military...

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  • January 30, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dr. 'Azmi Shu'aybi, 'Ali Abu Hilal, and Hasan 'Abd al-Jawad drop High Court appeal against deportation orders against them on grounds...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, Israeli police raid 2 Jewish seminaries in search of arms and "sabotage materials" after series of attacks against Arabs. No arms found; 1 man is arrested [PI 12/20]. Israeli military court in Gaza sentences 7 members of an "armed cell" to long prison terms [FJ 12/25]. After numerous charges of abuse, "Ansar II," a makeshift detention center in Gaza, is closed. Most detainees are released [FJ 12/25].

Arab World: Egyptian authorities arrest 6, accusing them of plotting to kill Israelis in the al-Ma'adi suburb of Cairo [FJ 12/25].

Other Countries: U.S. Pres. Reagan names Lawrence Walsh as independent counsel to investigate the arms sales to Iran and diversion of funds to the Nicaraguan contras [PI 12/20].

Military Action

Arab World: PLO and Amal continue their fight around Shatila and Burj al-Barajinah camps [GU 12/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: At Jerusalem press conference, Australian priest claims that Mordechai Vanunu, who sold story of Israeli nuclear weapons secrets to Sunday Times of London, and who disappeared from London 30 September was being held in Israel where he was taken against his will (NYT 10/27).

Arab World: Syrian Foreign Minister denies anyone in Syrian government was involved with bomb plot (WP 10/27).

Military Action

Arab World: In Lebanon, Syrian-brokered truce is declared between Amal and Palestinians at 'Ayn al-Hilwah and Mieh Mieh. Amal and Palestinian leaders meet with Syrian truce observer. But fighting continues between Amal and Palestinians at Rashidiyyah (one killed, 25 wounded) (NYT 10/27).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Ashdod, Gaza, Arab municipal worker is stabbed by unknown attacker (JP 10/20).

Arab World: Arab League Council ends two-day meeting, 86th ordinary session, in Tunis in presence of nine foreign ministers; condemns Hasan-Peres meetings; agrees to hold first summit meetings in four years (date and place to be set). Council decides member states will sever diplomatic ties with Ivory Coast to protest opening of Ivorian embassy in Jerusalem (FBIS, WP 10/20; AFP 10/19).

Military Action

Arab World: IDF confirm Israeli fighter pilot, shot down 10/16, is being held by Amal (NYT 10/20).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. Vice Pres. Bush arrives in Jerusalem to meet P.M. Peres as start of M. E. tour [WP 7/26].

Arab World: King Hassan II quits post as Arab League conference chairman over criticism for Peres meeting [NYT 7/28].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Defense Minister Rabin rejects P.M. Thatcher's call for free elections in occupied territories, says EEC should contributeo material improvement of territories [BG, MG 5/27]. P.M. Thatcher later meets 8 Palestinian leaders at British consulate in Jerusalem [CT 5/27], including Bethlehem Mayor Ilyas Furayj, Rashad al-Shawwa, and Hanna Siniora [CT, LT 5/27], who give her memo. Israeli Attomey General Zamir asks police to examine evidence in case involving Shin Bet head [NYT 5/27]. Zamir will proceed with prosecution of Shin Bet head Avraham Shalom [MG 5/27].

Arab World: King Hussein travels to Baghdad to meet Iraqi President Sadam Husayn [LAT 5/27]. Al-Ahram reports Syrian plot to assassinate PLO Chairman Arafat [MG 5/27] and replace him with Syrian-backed Khalid al-Fahum, former chairman of PNC. PLO Chairman Arafat meets in Tunis with Dutch Foreign Minister Hans van den Broek, president of EEC Council of Ministers, despite Israeli protests. Hafiz al-Asad, on official visit to Greece, condemns terrorism.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel has quietly moved hundreds of Ethiopian Jewish immigrants to the West Bank, despite U.S. opposition [PI 4/16]. Israeli military authorities order Hebron Polytechnic closed for 2 weeks following riots at the campus on 4/14 [FJ 4/18]. Foreign Minister Shamir states P.M. Peres spoke as the leader of the Labor party, and not as the leader of the country, when he last week called for recognition of the Palestinian nation [JP 4/17]. Students at al-Najah U. protest U.S. attack on Libya; Palestinian students at Ben-Gurion U. in Beersheba and Hebrew U. in Jerusalem also protest the attack [JP 4/17; FJ 4/18].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In al-Birah, an Israeli soldier kills a Palestinian running away from a bus at which he is said to have thrown something [JP 4/17]. West German tourist isshot and injured by unidentified gunman in Jerusalem's Old City [JP 4/17].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dr. 'Azmi Shu'aybi, 'Ali Abu Hilal, and Hasan 'Abd al-Jawad drop High Court appeal against deportation orders against them on grounds they cannot expect a reasonable decision [NYT 1/31]. Sephardi Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliahu proposes erecting a synagogue on the Haram al-Sharif [JTA 1/31].

Arab World: Talks break down between Yasir Arafat, King Hussein after 5days of discussion on how to secure role for PLO in M.E. peace process; PLO will accept UN resolutions 242, 338 only if the U.S. recognizes Palestinian righto self-determination within context of Jordanian-Palestinian confederation, and if U.S. guarantees effective peace conference [WP, BG 1/31]. Arab League condemns U.S. economic, military pressures against Libya, rejects Libya's demand for economic retaliation [WP, LAT 1/31]. Anonymous phone caller claims responsibility on behalf of Abu Nidal group for 1/29 killing of 2 Israeli soldiers in West Bank [BG 1/31].

Other Countries: U.S. vetos UN Security Council resolution stating "provocative" visit by Israel MKs "violated the sanctity of the Haram al-Sharif" in Jerusalem; vote is 13-1, with 1 abstention [NYT 1/31; JTA 2/3]. Reagan administration postpones indefinitely proposed $1.9 billion arms sale to Jordan [LAT 1/31; NYT, WP 2/1]. United Jewish Appeal announces its 1985 campaign raised total of $637 million, a $51. 1 million increase over the year before [JTA 1/31].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two gunmen open fire from a moving car outside Jerusalem's Old City, killing an Israeli undercover police detective investigating drug cases, injuring 2 others; 4 Palestinians are arrested [WP, NYT 1/31].