9 / 15493 Results
  • December 4, 1990

    Iraq's Revolutionary Command Council issues statement allowing all Soviet citizens to leave Iraq providing Soviet gov't. assumes responsibility for breaching worker contracts [MEM 12/4; NYT, LAT,...

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  • November 21, 1990

    Pres. Bush arrives in Jeddah, meets with King Fahd and the Emir of Kuwait. Bush announces his intention to meet with Pres. Asad in Geneva; decision prompts "anger and hurt" in Israel [SPA, DDS 11/...

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  • October 9, 1990

    Pres. Bush rebukes Israel for not acting "with more restraint" on 10/8, also says he would refuse to allow concern over Israeli-Palestinian conflict to deflect attention from Iraq's occupation of...

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  • September 11, 1990

    Speaking before joint session of Congress, Pres. Bush declares "Iraq will not be permit- ted to annex Kuwait," and hints military force might be used if economic sanctions fail [NYT, WT, WP 9/12;...

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  • September 4, 1990

    In testimony to House Foreign Affairs Committee, Sec. Baker calls for creation of U.S.-led NATO-style security structure in Middle East to prevent renewed Iraqi aggression even if present crisis...

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  • September 3, 1990

    Iraqi gov't says only state-run Iraqi Airways planes may land in Iraq; reaffirms that those people allowed to leave may do so only on these planes [LAT, WP 9/4; MET 9/11].

    Iraq refuses...

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  • September 1, 1990

    Saudi D.M. Prince Sultan says his country could not be used as staging ground for U.S. troops to rescue hostages or launch offensive strikes against Iraq: "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is not a...

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  • August 3, 1990

    Arab League foreign ministers, holding emergency meeting in Cairo, issue statement "condemn[ing] Iraqi aggression against Kuwait. . .reject[ing] any consequences resulting from such aggression," 7...

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  • August 2, 1990

    Iraqi troops invade Kuwait, take over country; attack comes less than 24 hours after 2 countries had broken off talks over Iraqi demands for territorial and financial concessions [MEM, WP, WT 8/2...

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Iraq's Revolutionary Command Council issues statement allowing all Soviet citizens to leave Iraq providing Soviet gov't. assumes responsibility for breaching worker contracts [MEM 12/4; NYT, LAT, WT, WP, CSM 12/5; INA 12/4 in FBIS 12/4].

After meeting in Cairo with Saudi and Syrian F.M.s, Pres. Mubarak urges creation of new Arab alliance grouping Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Syria as a "foundation to serve the Arab people." Tripartite statement is also issued. King Hussein of Jordan and Vice Pres. al-Beedh of Yemen fly to Baghdad to meet with Saddam Hussein and Yasir Arafat [MENA 12/4 in FBIS 12/5; NYT, LAT, MEM 12/5; WP 12/6; AVP 12/6 in FBIS 12/7; MET 12/18].

Kuwait's ambassador to U.S. says Bush admin. has assured his gov't.-in-exile that U.S. would make "absolutely no concessions" when it meets with Iraqi officials [NYT 12/5].

New York Newsday reports Kach party members mailed to a television reporter a "hit list," threatening lives of at least 8 supporters of Palestinian rights, including M.T. Mehdi, Arthur Hertzberg, Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said, and Anthony Lewis. Threats are aimed at avenging assassination of Kach founder Meir Kahane [WT, WP, MEM 12/5].

In Brussels, 12-country EC agrees that It- aly, current holder of EC presidency, could hold talks with Iraqi F.M. Aziz if Aziz first meets with Pres. Bush [MEM 12/5].

Responding to growing fear over rash of Palestinian knife attacks on Israelis, police broaden surveillance of Arab workers in Israel with spot check searches and new roadblocks along W. Bank [NYT, MEM 12/5].

Pres. Bush arrives in Jeddah, meets with King Fahd and the Emir of Kuwait. Bush announces his intention to meet with Pres. Asad in Geneva; decision prompts "anger and hurt" in Israel [SPA, DDS 11/21, JPD 11/22 in FBIS 11/23; LAT, NYT, WT, MEM 11/21].

Media report Iraq has defaulted on at least $2.5 billion in loans guaranteed by U.S. gov't. and taxpayers will have to pick up Baghdad's debts [LAT, WT 11/22].

IDF announces it has set up 90 military outposts along roads in o.t. during past 6 months at cost of NIS 200,000 ($100,000) each [JDS 11/21 in FBIS 11/21].

PLO Exec. Committee issues statement criticizing Israeli P.M. Shamir's 11/18 remark [BVP 11/22 in FBIS 11/23]; Arab League also condemns Shamir statement [TDS 11/21 in FBIS 11/27]; PLO sends 2 memorandums to UN Sec.-Gen., one concerning Shamir's remark, the other regarding Ariel Sharon's 11/19 announcement on housing in E. Jerusalem [TDS 11/21 in FBIS 11/23].

B'Tselem report says Israeli military authorities are again stepping up punitive house demolitions in o.t. [MEM 11/22; MET 12/4].

Draft 1991 budget from Israeli Finance Ministry allocates $6.5 billion for resettling Soviet Jewish immigrants, nearly 4 times the 1990 allocation. Only $6.1 billion is earmarked for defense. Knesset is to begin budget debate on 11/25 [MEM 11/22].

Kuwaiti gov't.-in-exile sets up 35-member advisory council made up of Kuwaiti citizens; Kuwait becomes 3d GCC nation, after Saudi Arabia and Oman, this month to declare itself in favor of broadening popular participation in state affairs [MEM 11/22].

New York-based Middle East Watch issues 3d report on conditions in Kuwait since 8/2, accusing Iraqi forces of summary executions, torture, and collective punishment [MEM 11/22].

Iraqi F.M. Aziz makes surprise visit to Oman, 1st by Iraqi official to Gulf state since 8/2 [MEM 11/22].

Pres. Bush rebukes Israel for not acting "with more restraint" on 10/8, also says he would refuse to allow concern over Israeli-Palestinian conflict to deflect attention from Iraq's occupation of Kuwait [MEM, NYT, WP, WT 10/10].

At UN Sec. Council U.S. proposes resolution censuring Israel for excessive use of force on Haram al-Sharif, but also deploring Palestinian violence against Israeli worshippers (cf. 10/10) [NYT, LAT, WP, WT, MEM 10/10].

Palestinians and Israeli Arabs mount scattered demonstrations in O.T. and Arab towns in Israel; Israeli Arab leaders call for 2-day strike beginning today to protest "gov't- inspired massacre"; IDF and police enforce curfews imposed on most densely populated Palestinian areas, and detain more than 40 leading Palestinians, including Faisal Husayni and deputy mufti of Jerusalem Muhammad al-Jamal (cf. 10/22, 10/24); UNLU leaflet calls on Palestinians to kill Israeli soldiers, settlers, and police; 2 border police in E. Jerusalem are stabbed and slightly wounded [MEM 10/9; NYT, LAT, WP, WT 10/10; AVP 10/9 in FBIS 10/11].

The 12 EC countries strongly condemn Israel for excessive use of force on Haram al-Sharif; EC also calls for UN peace conference to settle Arab-Israeli conflict [NYT, WT 10/10].

Saddam Hussein threatens to attack Israel if it persists in occupying Arab lands, and links Haram al-Sharif killings to Gulf crisis, saying Israel had exploited presence of U.S. troops in region to heighten tensions with Palestinians [NYT, LAT 10/10].

Saudi officials express concern that Haram al-Sharif killings could have the effect of weakening international alliance against Iraq [NYT 10/10]. 

Speaking before joint session of Congress, Pres. Bush declares "Iraq will not be permit- ted to annex Kuwait," and hints military force might be used if economic sanctions fail [NYT, WT, WP 9/12; CSM 9/13].

Iraq agrees to permit Arab-born male U.S. citizens to join women and children in airlift from occupied Kuwait [LAT 9/12].

Clovis Maksoud, Arab League's UN observer and its chief representative to the U.S., resigns citing bitter divisions in the Arab world since Iraq's invasion of Kuwait [NYT, WP 9/12; FJ 9/24].

Israel's 100,000th immigrant this year is greeted at Ben-Gurion Airport with fanfare and visit from Minister Yitzhak Peretz [WT 9/14; FJ 9/17].

King Fahd donates $5 million to international organizations concerned with aiding refugees from Kuwait and Iraq who have fled to Jordan [RTS 9/11 in FBIS 9/12].

In testimony to House Foreign Affairs Committee, Sec. Baker calls for creation of U.S.-led NATO-style security structure in Middle East to prevent renewed Iraqi aggression even if present crisis ends without warfare (cf. 9/5) [LAT, NYT, WP, MEM 9/5; CSM 9/6].

Speaking in Vladivostok, Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze calls for international conference on the Middle East that would include the Gulf crisis, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and Lebanon [WT, WP 9/5]; Israel sharply rejects the idea [JPI 9/15].

Washington Post reports that U.S. commander in Saudi Arabia Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf complained to Defense Dep't and White House about Saudi Lt. Gen. Khaled bin Sultan's remarks on 8/29 that any decision to use U.S. forces deployed in Kingdom would have to follow consultations between King Fahd and Pres. Bush. Bush conveyed to Saudi ambassador "military concern that U.S. forces be unquestionably under U.S. command," and ambassador reiterated what Saudis contend was original agreement between Fahd and Def. Sec. Cheney that U.S. forces were invited to Kingdom to defend Saudi Arabia from attack by Iraq [WP, MEM 9/4].

Cheney says U.S. would "consult closely" with Saudis before launching offensive action from Saudi territory, but stops short of saying whether Saudi approval would be required [MEM 9/5].

Bush admin. begins asking economic allies for at least $25 billion to help defray American military expenses and support countries that have been hurt by embargo on Iraq and Kuwait [LAT, WP 9/5].

Israeli finance minister Yitzhak Modai says if U.S. forgives Egypt's debt, Israel will demand that most of its $4.6 billion debt also be erased [LAT 9/5; MET 9/18].

Qatar expels more than 70 Palestinian families, including several PLO members, apparently because of Palestinian support for Iraq [NYT 9/5; MET 9/18].

Media report of growing crisis in Jordan as hundreds of thousands of refugees flee Kuwait and Iraq for the Hashemite kingdom [NYT, WP 9/5; MET 9/18].

As'ad al-As'ad, ass't sec.-gen. of Arab League, is named as acting sec.-gen. until replacement for Chedli Klibi is determined [TDS 9/4 in FBIS 9/5].

Iraqi gov't says only state-run Iraqi Airways planes may land in Iraq; reaffirms that those people allowed to leave may do so only on these planes [LAT, WP 9/4; MET 9/11].

Iraq refuses landing rights to British, Swiss, and French charter flights that were to have brought women, children out of Iraq and Kuwait [LAT 9/1, 9/2; NYT 9/4].

Iraqi F.M. Aziz urges nations with many citizens in Iraq and Kuwait to supply food to Iraq, saying it could not be responsible for what happened to them as a result of shortages [LAT 9/4].

Chedli Klibi, longtime Sec.-Gen. of Arab League, abruptly resigns, giving no reason, but it was widely reported he was upbraided by Saudi and Syrian officials for not putting sufficient pressure on Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait [AFP 9/3 in FBIS 9/4; WT, MEM 9/4; NYT 9/5; CSM 9/6; MET 9/11].

U.S. official reports American combat aircraft have been deployed in Oman, Qatar, UAE, and Bahrain for first time [NYT, MEM 9/4].

Pres. Mubarak meets with U.S. delegation including 15 senators led by Claiborne Pell (D-RI) and 22 representatives headed by Richard Gephardt (D-MO) [MENA 9/3 in FBIS 9/5].

As part of Gulf tour, British foreign sec. Douglas Hurd arrives in Jeddah for 2-day working visit, meets with Saudi officials, including King Fahd [SPA 9/3 in FBIS 9/6].

In speech marking 1,000th day of intifada, Arafat says Palestinians can only take sides against "Zionism and its imperialist allies," confirms the PLO Gulf peace initiative calling for "withdrawal of occupation forces from Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Lebanon, and the Golan," and that occupation forces should be replaced by UN [MEM 9/3].

Over 10,000 people gather at rally in Amman to celebrate 1,000th day of intifada and show support of Iraq [MEM 9/4]; in W. Bank, stores usually closed remain open in celebration [WT 9/5; LAT 9/6; FJ 9/10].

Sec. of Economic Development Group in E. Jerusalem says lack of funds coming from Gulf states and lost jobs of Palestinians could harm "tens of thousands of families" in O.T.; adds drying up of funds could hurt "the future of a Palestinian state" [LAT 9/4]; other officials agree [CSM 9/6].

Jerusalem Post reports 18,800 immigrants arrived in Israel in August, including 17,500 from USSR-more than in any one month since 1951 [MEM 9/3].

Israel's gov't-run television and radio ban the use of Arabic names for Palestinian villages and towns, ordering journalists and broadcasters to use the biblical Hebrew names [NYT 9/5; FJ 9/10].

Saudi D.M. Prince Sultan says his country could not be used as staging ground for U.S. troops to rescue hostages or launch offensive strikes against Iraq: "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is not a theater for any action that is not defensive for Saudi Arabia" and "war will be the last option" [NYT, WP 9/2; MEM 9/3].

Pres. Bush, Pres. Gorbachev announce they will meet in Helsinki on 9/9 with the Middle East on the agenda [NYT, WP 9/2].

Arab League Council of Foreign Ministers (attended by 13 of 21 members) announces resolutions on Gulf crisis issued at 2-day meeting in Cairo that call for: Arab solution based on League charter; respecting civilians and property; foreign nationals to be allowed to leave; reopening of diplomatic missions in Kuwait; and compensation for Kuwait. Any peace initiative not coming from League is rejected, an implicit reference to efforts by Jordan, PLO etc. [MENA 9/1 in FBIS 9/4; WP 9/2; MEM 9/3; JPI 9/8].

PLO leadership meets in Tunis, issues formal statement accusing Mubarak of personal responsibility for anti-Palestinian campaign in semi-official Egyptian media [MEM 9/3; FJ 9/10].

Arab League foreign ministers, holding emergency meeting in Cairo, issue statement "condemn[ing] Iraqi aggression against Kuwait. . .reject[ing] any consequences resulting from such aggression," 7 League members-Jordan, PLO, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, and Djiboutido not endorse statement; Gulf Cooperation Council statement condemns invasion, and Egyptian foreign ministry calls for withdrawal of Iraqi troops [MENA 8/3 in FBIS 8/6; MEM 8/6].

UNLU allegedly sends cable of support to Iraqi Pres. Saddam Hussein: "You [Saddam] have taken the first step toward the liberation of Palestine" [INA 8/3 in FBIS 8/6; MEM 8/6].

Iraqi troops invade Kuwait, take over country; attack comes less than 24 hours after 2 countries had broken off talks over Iraqi demands for territorial and financial concessions [MEM, WP, WT 8/2; WP, WT, NYT 8/3].

Invasion evokes swift condemnation from U.S., Western allies, Japan, and USSR. UN Sec. Council resolution condemns invasion. Israel calls for economic sanctions against Iraq and D.M. Arens says Israel will not tolerate any movement of Iraqi troops into Jordan [WP, WT, NYT, LAT 8/3].

Most Arab capitals ignore Kuwait's appeal for support, and urge foreign powers not to act so as to provide time for Arab diplomatic solution [WP 8/ 3]; Arab League foreign ministers hold emergency meeting in Cairo [MENA 8/2 in FBIS 8/2; MEM 8/3].

Following intense debate, Israeli gov't. adopts emergency plan to import 9,000 prefabricated houses and 5,000 trailer homes to ease severe housing shortage. Plan also allows for private entrepreneurs to import 6,000 more prefabricated houses by year's end [JDS 8/2 in FBIS 8/ 8; WP 8/3].

Semi-official Egyptian daily al-Ahram prints editorial warning that Egypt will take drastic measures if UNLU does not withdraw call no. 60 statement that Egypt is a U.S. puppet [MEM 8/2].

Israeli military helicopters strafe Shiite positions in al-Rashidiyah camp near Tyre, according to UNIFIL [JDS 8/2 in FBIS 8/3].