Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports settler magazine Aleph Yud carries call for settlers to "prepare for civil war" [JP 11/4; JTA 11/6]....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports settler magazine Aleph Yud carries call for settlers to "prepare for civil war" [JP 11/4; JTA 11/6]....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ha'Aretz reports Israeli and Jordanian officials have been meeting secretly for over 2 months in negotiations [TS 11/2]. MK...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Order closing 5- month-old al-Darb newspaper takes effect. Attomey for the paper's publisher is able to schedule High Court hearing for...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Fierce clashes with army occur in Dheisheh camp in protest of collective arrests; cars stoned, one soldier injured. Soldiers beat...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Am'ari camp placed under 2-day curfew following stoning and fire bomb aimed at army patrol [FJ 9/20].
Arab World: Jordanian P.M....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel deports 18 Palestinians released in the 5/20 prisoner exchange to Jordan on grounds they cannot prove residency prior to 1967; 11...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army announces it has arrested Yusuf Muhammad Abu Armanah, 22, and Sa'id Fakhri Ibrahim Afanah, 23, both from Rafah, who have...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shops in East Jerusalem go on general strike again to protest closure of Hospice Hospital [FJ 8/2]. Proposal to erect a settlement on...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: All shops close in East Jerusalem in general strike to protest Israeli closure of the Hospice Hospital in Jerusalem's Old City [FJ 7/26...
Arab World: Arab League Sec. Gen. Chedli Klibi meets with Pres. Gemayel, Nabih Berri but fails to secure ceasefire in Beirut. Libya, Morocco, Saudi Arabia press...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports settler magazine Aleph Yud carries call for settlers to "prepare for civil war" [JP 11/4; JTA 11/6]. Knesset House Committee unanimously agrees to continue preparing amendment to house rules which would prevent introduction of racist or discriminatory legislation [JP 11/5]. Education Ministry orders youth weekly Hamtzan be barred from distribution in high schools after attorney general rules an article in it may constitute call to insurrection; article argues for need for "civil war for the sake of peace" [JP 11/10]. Two thousand demonstrators outside Knesset rally in favor of bill against racism [JP 11/5].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat arrives in Cairo for talks with Pres. Mubarak [NYT 11/5]. Saudi Arabia denies Israeli claims made before UN that Saudi Arabia exports oil to S. Africa, states Saudi Arabia is firmly committed to total embargo against S. Africa [JC 11/4].
Other Countries: Washington Post reports pro-Israel PACs in U.S. gave more money to Republicans than Democrats in first 6 months of this year, a sharp break from previous contribution pattems [WP 11/4].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb explodes in Haifa; no injuries [JTA 11/5]. Another bomb goes off in Ashkelon; no casualties [JTA 11/5].
Arab World: Suicide bomber 'Amir al-Aathar, 24, drives into SLA post in security zone, killing at least 3 in 2nd such attack in 24 hours; Syrian Social Nationalist party claims responsibility [BG 11/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ha'Aretz reports Israeli and Jordanian officials have been meeting secretly for over 2 months in negotiations [TS 11/2]. MK Geula Cohen states P. M. Shimon Peres has told her of a plan to return Golan Heights to Syria in exchange for Soviet permission to let 20,000 Soviet Jews emigrate [DT 11/2]. Al-Fajr reports formal charges of "incitement" have been filed against Ziad Abu 'Ain, who has been detained for 3 months under administrative detention order [FJ 11/1]. Kach movement sent threat letters to several Palestinian restaurant owners in Tel Aviv last week; Progressive List for Peace received similar threats by phone at their Tel Aviv office last week [FJ 11/1]. Israel's balance of payments deficit this year is expected to reach $5 billion, the same as last year [FT 11/7]. Eilat opens new duty-free port in efforto revive town's economy [LT 11/2].
Arab World: Jewish Week reports Israeli factory has marketed almost $12 million worth of agricultural machinery to Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Morocco, Iraq, and the oil-producing emirates of the Persian Gulf; according to the reporthe Arab govts. are aware of the transactions but choose not to take official notice [JW 11/1]. Jewish Week reports Sudan's former first Vice President Maj. Gen. 'Umar al-Tayyib went on trial last week, accused of conspiring with Israel and the U.S. to fly 10,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel in Operation Moses; if found guilty, al-Tayyib could be hanged. Former Pres. Ja'far Numayri is named as coconspirator in the case [JW 11/1].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Grenade is thrown at Israeli patrol in Gaza Strip; 2 soldiers lightly wounded [JTA 11/4].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Order closing 5- month-old al-Darb newspaper takes effect. Attomey for the paper's publisher is able to schedule High Court hearing for case for 10/6 [FJ 10/4].
Arab World: King Hussein meets with key U.S. congressmen to discuss proposed U.S. arms sale to Jordan [WP 10/2].
Other Countries: Pentagon officials meet Israeli diplomats, ask for list of U.S. weapons used in Tunis air raid [DT 10/4]. EEC countries empower their president to meet a joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation, following Britain's decision to invite the delegation, including 2 prominent PLO members, to London for talks [JP 10/2].
Military Action
Arab World: Israel bombs PLO headquarters in Tunis, claiming retaliation for Lamaca killings and W. Bank violence; 61 Palestinians and 12 Tunisians killed, over 100 injured. 8 U.S.-made F-15s and 8 F- 16s used in the attack, raising speculation Israel may have violated U.S. Arms Export Control Act. White House spokesman Larry Speakes describes attack as a "legitimate response" to "terrorist atacks" [NYT, JP 10/2]. Jordan and Egypt condemn raid, vow to continue peace process. Egypt suspends Taba discussions in protest [NYT 10/2]. Saudi Arabia calls for UN sanctions against Israel. England, Greece, Czechoslovakia, China, Rumania, France, Kuwait, UAE, Turkey, Jewish leaders condemn raid [NYT 10/2; MG, LT 10/3]. Washington claims no advance knowledge of the attack [NYT 10/2]. Three SLA soldiers killed by unidentified gunmen in the security zone [JP 10/2].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Fierce clashes with army occur in Dheisheh camp in protest of collective arrests; cars stoned, one soldier injured. Soldiers beat residents and erect checkposts [FJ 9/20]. Jalazun camp residents are attacked [FJ 9/20]. Committee in Solidarity with Birzeit U. demonstrates outside P.M. Peres' office denouncing recent measures [FJ 9/20]. Israeli For. Min. issues statement against upcoming British arms sales to Saudi Arabia and Jordan [JP 9/18].
Other Countries: Lebanese-bom Palestinian Ahmad al-Husayn Abu Suraya, 27, is charged in Rome with throwing ahand grenade into a crowded restaurant 9/16, in which 40 were injured. No organization claims responsibility for the attack. Abu Suraya was carrying a false Moroccan passport [WP, LAT 9/18]. British P.M. Thatcher states during a visit to Cairo that little-known members of the PLO "who have totally rejected terrorism" must be included in the next round of negotiations in the M.E. peace process [LT, MG 9/18].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers shoot and kill Munthir 'Awad Ibrahim 'Abd al-'Aziz, 18, of Gaza, after he reportedly refuses to stop as ordered. Israeli military sources claim soldiers fired at his feet; 3 bullets are found in his head [JP 9/18, 24; FJ 9/20, 27].
Arab World: Suicide car bomber hits SLA checkpost at Almun, in the security zone, killing or wounding 30 SLA militiamen, according to Lebanese govemment television; exact death and casualty figures unknown. A 30-second videotape made before the attack identifies the driver as a member of the Arab Socialist Union-Nasserite Organization, a Libyan-backed group [NYT 9/18].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Am'ari camp placed under 2-day curfew following stoning and fire bomb aimed at army patrol [FJ 9/20].
Arab World: Jordanian P.M. Zayd Rifa'i and Syrian P.M. 'Abd al-Ra'uf Kasm meet in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia to discuss ways of mending differences and paving the way for an Arab summit conference. The talks are termed "highly positive" and the two prime ministers agree to meet again in October [WP 9/16; WP, FT 9/18].
Other Countries: The Reagan admin. criticizes Israel for deporting 18 Palestinians [BG 9/17].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Several katyusha rockets land in the Galilee panhandle before dawn, reportedly fired from outside the security zone in South Lebanon; no injuries or damage reported. The attack is the 4th in 3 weeks [JP, BG 9/18].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel deports 18 Palestinians released in the 5/20 prisoner exchange to Jordan on grounds they cannot prove residency prior to 1967; 11 had appealed to the High Court and were rejected; the other 7 did not appeal [WP 9/16].
Arab World: Washington Post reports Saudi Arabia has decided to purchase 48 Britishmade Tornado jet fighters and 30 Hawk trainer and light combat aircraft as part of a $3 billion arms package since it cannot get a clear commitment from the U.S. administration on a proposed purchase of U.S.-made F-15 fighters. Israel strongly protestshe armsale [WP, LT 9/15].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army announces it has arrested Yusuf Muhammad Abu Armanah, 22, and Sa'id Fakhri Ibrahim Afanah, 23, both from Rafah, who have allegedly confessed to the 9/5 stabbing of an Israeli truck driver in Gaza. Their families' tar-paper residences have been destroyed [LAT 9/7; FJ 9/13]. MK Meir Kahane's Kach movement forms new group "Hatzala" (Parents for their Children) to oppose Min. of Education's plans to sponsor meetings between Israeli and Palestinian children. Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef strongly opposed the Ed. Min.'s plan last week, saying he would urge religious parents to remove their children from the national religious school network if it is implemented [JWP 9/6].
Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports 6 kidnapped members of the Lebanese Jewish community are being held by the Hizballah group [JP 9/61.
Other Countries: Congressional sources say administration has tentatively decided not to propose selling advanced F-15 fighter planes to Saudi Arabia. U.S. Sec. of State George Shultz announces U.S. is releasing the first $750 million of $1.5 billion in special economic aid approved last month by Congress for Israel. $250 million is going to Egypt, $53 million to Jordan, and $3 million is planned for aid to Palestinians in the occupied territories [WP 9/7]. Jewish Press reports the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council (NJCRAC) in the U.S. called on major Jewish groups and federations to condemn MK Meir Kahane during his upcoming visit to the U.S. and is putting pressure on the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. and television shows to cancel their invitations to Kahane to speak while here [JWP 9/6].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb explodes seriously wounding the man trying to place it in an Israeli market; 20 Palestinians are detained [LAT 9/7].
Arab World: Palestinian and Shi'ite gunmen battle for the 4th straight day around Burj al-Barajinah camp in south Beirut; 23 killed and 70 wounded ovemight. Shi'ite militia is backed by Soviet T-54 tanks. The DFLP issues a statement from Damascus accusing Amal militia of executing 17 Palestinian civilians in the street. The Druze and Murabitun militias have joined forces with the Palestinians against Amal militia [NYT, DT, WP, LT 9/7].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shops in East Jerusalem go on general strike again to protest closure of Hospice Hospital [FJ 8/2]. Proposal to erect a settlement on spot where two Afula schoolteachers were murdered is presented to Zionist Executive by Jewish Agency Settlement Department Cochairman Nissim Zvilli [JP 7/29]. Shimon Barda, head of the "Lifta Gang," is convicted by the Jerusalem district court of conspiring to blow up the Dome of the Rock. Sentencing will follow [JP 7/30]. Knesset finance committee freezes IS 354 million for Kiryat Arba's local council until Attomey General Zamir gives legal opinion on council's proposal to dismiss Palestinian workers [JP 7/30]. Knesset appoints seven-minister committee to make recommendations regarding punishment of those convicted of politically motivated killings [BG 7/29]. Voice of America reports Israel seeks American banks to operate in Israel, to boost ailing Israeli banking system; at least one is reportedly interested [JTA 7/3 1]. Koterit Rashit reports Israeli firms are studying 70 proposed business projects in China, including construction of 2 hotels and an airport. The Daily Telegraph cites report in Jane's Defence Weekly stating secret military links were opened between Israel and China in 1979, a $3 billion arms deal was recently concluded, and Israeli military advisers have served with Chinese ground and air force units [JC, DT 7/29].
Arab World: The United Arab Emirates is second state to confirm attendence at upcoming Arab summit meeting. Syria, Lebanon, and South Yemen will not attend [FT 7/30, LT 8/2]. Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Egypt back the summit call [JP 7/30, FT 7/31].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli planes attack Palestinian base used by the PFLP-GC in eastern Lebanon; no casualty reports [WP 7/30].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: All shops close in East Jerusalem in general strike to protest Israeli closure of the Hospice Hospital in Jerusalem's Old City [FJ 7/26]. P. M. Peres says Israel should not give up part of Golan Heights in deal with U.S.S.R. for emigration of Soviet Jews UP 7/25]. Kiryat Arba's new nine-member local council - pledged to firing its Arab employees, pressing private businesses to do likewise, and to preventing economic ventures with Arab investors - is formally installed; dozens of secular residents enter building to protest [JP 7/25]. Israeli civil administration governing the occupied territories announces high school matriculation exam results improved on West Bank this year; schools were closed less than in the past; 64 percent of West Bank students passed their exams this year, compared with 54 percent last year [JP 7/25].
Arab World: Jordanian diplomat Ziad Sati, 40, is assassinated in Turkey; Islamic Jihad takes credit [CSM 7/26, NYT 7/25].
Other Countries: Reagan administration presents Middle East arms transfer study to special closed session of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee as basis for request to sell new arms to Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Congressional supporters of Israel warn administration against pursuing the arms sale, saying it would provoke an "enormously divisive" debate [WP 7/24, 25, JTA 7/25, BG 7/26].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel frees 74 Lebanese Shi'a, 6 Lebanese Sunnis, and 20 Palestinians held at Atlit prison since April, when Israel transferred 1,200 detainees from its Ansar prison in south Lebanon to Israel. Three hundred are still in detention. Any prisoner now detained in south Lebanon by Israel is sent to new prison run by SLA at Khiyam village, in the security zone [NYT 7/24].
Arab World: Arab League Sec. Gen. Chedli Klibi meets with Pres. Gemayel, Nabih Berri but fails to secure ceasefire in Beirut. Libya, Morocco, Saudi Arabia press Syria for intervention in fighting. In Tunis, PLO Central Comm. holds emergency meeting to discuss Beirut fighting [NYT 5/27].
Military Action
Arab World: Fighting continues between Shi'ite, Palestinian forces in Beirut; at least 3 killed, 57 wounded; 26,000 have fled; Amal fires on Red Cross convoy attempting to enter Burj al-Barajneh [NYT, WP, LT 5/27]. IDF kill 13 resistance fighters inside "security zone" in S. Lebanon [LT 5/28].