9 / 15493 Results
  • December 13, 1995

    On his return fr. the U.S., PM Peres stops in Morocco to visit King Hassan. (QY 12/13, HA 12/14 in FBIS 12/14; MM 12/14, 12/15)

    8 Hamas mbrs. (incl. Abu Musamih, `Abd al-Khaliq al-Natshe,...

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  • August 22, 1995

    In Gaza, Arafat meets with German Economics M Carl-Dieter Spranger meets with Arafat in Gaza, Israeli Finance M Avraham Shohat in Jerusalem regarding economic aid. (VOP 8/22 in FBIS 8/23; JP 8/22...

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  • August 18, 1995

    U.S. Asst. Secy. of State Robert Pelletreau, National Security Council (NSC) adviser Mark Parris make 1-day trip to Jordan for consultations with Jordanian officials on recent Iraqi defections;...

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  • August 17, 1995

    Jordanian FM `Abd al-Karim Kabariti returns from 3-day visit to Saudi Arabia, reports a "new phase" of warmer Saudi-Jordanian relations is at hand. (Al-Ra`y 8/18 in FBIS 8/22)


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  • March 30, 1995

    PA Planning M. Shaath holds informal mtg. with donor states' representatives in Gaza, discusses $244-m. budget for FY 1996, says World Bank is ready to disburse to the PA $600 m. of outstanding...

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  • March 12, 1995

    Secy. of State Christopher is kept waiting 6 hrs, before mtg. with Saudi Arabia's King Fahd in Jidda; encourages support for Middle East Development Bank, easing of Arab boycott on Israel, funding...

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  • January 22, 1995

    2 explosions at bus stop at Beyt Lid junction, Israel, kill 19, wound 65. 2 more later die of wounds, leaving 21 Israelis dead. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility as retribution for murder of...

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  • January 17, 1995

    Jordanian-Israeli joint comm. on education, science, culture meets in Israel. Comm. mbrs. tour vocational, technical schools, discuss possible joint programs. (IGPO 1/18 in FBIS 1/19)


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  • January 11, 1995

    Officials fr. 39 countries, financial institutions meet at State Dept. in Washington to discuss Middle East regional finance. Israel, Egypt, Jordan, PA agree to work toward setting up regional...

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On his return fr. the U.S., PM Peres stops in Morocco to visit King Hassan. (QY 12/13, HA 12/14 in FBIS 12/14; MM 12/14, 12/15)

8 Hamas mbrs. (incl. Abu Musamih, `Abd al-Khaliq al-Natshe, Muhammad Abu Shama'a, Zahhar) travel fr. Gaza to Khartoum for 4 days of talks with diaspora Hamas leaders in advance of negotiations with the PA in Cairo 12/18-21. (MM, WT 12/13; IRNA [Tehran], VOP 12/13 in FBIS 12/14; MENA 12/16 in FBIS 12/18)

Syria releases 100's of Muslim Brothers, communists fr. jail, leaving only a handful of Muslim Brothers still in detention. (MM 12/15; RMC 12/17 in FBIS 12/18) (see 12/11)

Jordanian prosecutor general orders detention of Sawt al-Mar'ah chief editor for "slandering Iraqi president Saddam Hussein." (al-Dustur 12/18 in FBIS 12/19)

Saudi Arabia's Prince Khalid Bin Sultan calls for and end to sanctions on Iraq. (NYT 12/14)

In Gaza, Arafat meets with German Economics M Carl-Dieter Spranger meets with Arafat in Gaza, Israeli Finance M Avraham Shohat in Jerusalem regarding economic aid. (VOP 8/22 in FBIS 8/23; JP 8/22, QY 8/25 in FBIS 8/25; Handelsblatt [Duesseldorf] 9/14 in FBIS 9/15)

U.S. Asst. Secy. of State Pelletreau makes 2d visit to Jordan in less than 1 wk., briefs King Hussein on talks with Saudi Arabia's King Fahd, Kuwaiti officials; leaves for Washington. (AFP 8/22 in FBIS 8/22; JT 8/23 in FBIS 8/24)

Based on information received fr. `Abd al-Nasir Issa, a wanted Hamas mbr. arrested 8/19, Shin Bet uncovers "bomb-making factory" in West Bank, arrests 29 Hamas suspects, charges Issa as "mastermind" of 7/24, 8/21 bombings. Shin Bet says Issa confessed within hours of the 8/21 attack, after agents were permitted to use "exaggerated physical force" during interrogation. In hunt for other Hamas mbrs, Israel seals off Jericho, closes Allenby bridge crossing. (QY 8/23, 8/24 in FBIS 8/24; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 8/24; MM 8/25; WT 8/29; WJW 8/31; JP 9/9)

U.S. Asst. Secy. of State Robert Pelletreau, National Security Council (NSC) adviser Mark Parris make 1-day trip to Jordan for consultations with Jordanian officials on recent Iraqi defections; leaves for Saudi Arabia, Kuwait. PM Sharif Zaid Bin Shakir says U.S. is putting no pressure on Jordan to sever ties with Iraq. (Al-Dustur 8/19, Al-Ra`y in FBIS 8/21; RJ 8/18, AFP 8/22 in FBIS 8/22)

Israeli police continue to search Palestinian offices in East Jerusalem, searching for proof that they are official PA organs operating illegally in the city. 13 organization have been searched since 8/17. More checks are expected in coming days. (JP 8/18 in FBIS 8/18)

Arafat orders closure of Al-Quds newspaper for running a story in which his opponent Faruq al-Qaddumi criticized the PA. PSF men threaten editors. (QY 8/19 in FBIS 8/22; ITV, QY 8/20 in FBIS 8/23; MM 8/21, 8/29)

PA Preventative Security Force (PSF) mbrs detain 20 PFLP mbrs in Jericho, 3 DFLP mbrs in Gaza on suspicion of writing, circulating leaflets condemning the 8/11 agmt. (QY 8/18 in FBIS 8/18)

In Gaza City, PA police exchange gunfire with 3 Hamas mbrs (incl. Wa'il Nasir) wanted for planning suicide bombings; 8 Palestinians are injured. Angry Hamas supporters throw stones at police during the fight. After 5 hrs. the 3 surrender. IDF immediately lifts closure. (QY, VOP 8/18 in FBIS 8/21; WP 8/19; QY 8/19 in FBIS 8/22; MM 8/21; NYT, WP 8/22; NYT 8/25; JP 8/26) (see 8/17)

Jordanian FM `Abd al-Karim Kabariti returns from 3-day visit to Saudi Arabia, reports a "new phase" of warmer Saudi-Jordanian relations is at hand. (Al-Ra`y 8/18 in FBIS 8/22)

In East Jerusalem, Israeli police without warrants enter, search, photograph Land and Water Establishment (LAWE), Jerusalem Media and Communications Center, Palestinian Hydrology Group, PECDAR; question them on their relationship to the PA. (LAWE press release 8/17; QY 8/17 in FBIS 8/17; VOP 8/17 in FBIS 8/18) (see 8/14)

In Hebron, a 2-day mtg. on the city's future attended by 200 Islamist, nationalist figures ends. Parties call for evacuation of settlers, Palestinian sovereignty over the city. (QY, VOP 8/16, VOP 8/17 in FBIS 8/17)

Peace Now survey shows that 32% of settlers would leave the o.t. for compensation; 26% would stay under any conditions. (JP 9/9; JP 8/31 in FBIS 9/1)

IDF extends Gaza closure to 8/20 so PA can continue hunt for wanted Hamas man, Wa'il Nasir. (MM 8/17; QY 8/17 in FBIS 8/18)

PA Planning M. Shaath holds informal mtg. with donor states' representatives in Gaza, discusses $244-m. budget for FY 1996, says World Bank is ready to disburse to the PA $600 m. of outstanding loans the EU has pledged. (VOP 3/30 in FBIS 3/30)

In Washington, Jordan's King Hussein meets with U.S. Defense Secy. Adm. William Perry, discusses Jordan's strategic needs, role in preserving peace, security in the Middle East. (RJ 3/31 in FBIS 3/31)

Russian FM Kozyrev, Syrian Pres. al-Asad meet in Damascus, discuss Russian participation in peace process, NPT, sign 5-yr. cultural, scientific cooperation agmt. Rumors suggest al-Asad gives Kozyrev letter to take to PM Rabin 3/31. (SARR 3/30 in FBIS 3/31; MM 3/31)

Saudi Arabia says it will allow Israeli Arabs to enter kingdom for hajj only if they bear Palestinian passports, changes hajj quotas so Israeli Arabs fall under Palestinian, not Jordanian, quota. Israel refuses to permit passports' use. (YA 3/30 in FBIS 3/30; QY 3/30, AFP 3/31 in FBIS 3/31; QY 4/2 in FBIS 4/3) (see 3/29)

Arafat received delegation of Jewish U.S. Congress mbrs., discusses obstacles to implementation of DOP. (VOP 3/30)

IDF forbids PA Justice M Abu-Midyan fr. leaving Gaza for Jericho. PA protests. (VOP 3/30 in FBIS 3/31)

1 IDF soldier killed in s. Lebanon during clash with Hizballah. Israeli vessel patrols north, south of Tyre; gunboats fire warning shots at ports in continuation of blockade. (WT 4/1)

Secy. of State Christopher is kept waiting 6 hrs, before mtg. with Saudi Arabia's King Fahd in Jidda; encourages support for Middle East Development Bank, easing of Arab boycott on Israel, funding of PA's daily operations, NPT. King gives no response. (MM, NYT, WP 3/13; WT 3/14; WT 3/21)

FM Peres, Crown Prince Hassan meet in Amman; discuss implementation of peace treaty, possibility of establishing free-trade zone in Elat-Taba-Aqaba region, water projects, regional security, creation of regional bank; announce plans to meet with German Chancellor Helmut Kohl in Bonn regarding dam project 3/15. (RJ 3/12, JT 3/13 in FBIS 3/13; MM 3/13; QY 3/13 in FBIS 3/14)

In 1st visit by British head of state to Israel in 9 yrs, PM Major arrives in Israel for 2-day visit; promises to build closer trade ties to Israel, increase aid to the PA. (IGPO, QY 3/12, IGPO, QY 3/13 in FBIS 3/13; MM, WT 3/13; MEI 3/17; JP 3/18)

PA rearrests Shaykh al-Safadi fr. Gaza's Filastin Mosque for giving anti-PA sermon. (QY 5/14 in FBIS 5/15) (see 3/3)

Senior Israeli military officials say 100s of plainclothes Palestinian police are operating in Jenin, Nablus, Ramallah in a semiofficial manner, with the IDF's knowledge, settling civil disputes, investigating crimes. PA Planning M Shaath denies report. (HA, RMC, VOP 3/13 in FBIS 3/14)

Palestinian police find 2 bombs planted along road scheduled to be travelled by Arafat. IDF detonates them. (AFP 3/12 in FBIS 3/14)

2 explosions at bus stop at Beyt Lid junction, Israel, kill 19, wound 65. 2 more later die of wounds, leaving 21 Israelis dead. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility as retribution for murder of Hani Abed 11/2, settlement construction. For 1st time, Israeli Pres. Weizman calls for government to stop talks. Arafat denounces attack. (AFP, IDF Radio, ITV, QPAR, QY, RMC, VOP 1/22, HA, QY 1/23 in FBIS 1/23; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 1/23; ITV, QPAR, VOP 1/23 in FBIS 1/24; SARR, VOP 1/23 in FBIS 1/25; WJW 1/26; JP 1/28; WJW 2/2; MEI 2/3; WP 2/5)

PM Rabin calls emergency cabinet mtg. to discuss explosions at Beyt Lid; delays release of Palestinian prisoners, opening of safe passage btwn. Gaza, Jericho; announces Palestinians will be barred fr. entering Israel for "a number of days"; reiterates idea of national separation (see 10/19). (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 1/23; ITV 1/22, QY, VOP 1/23 in FBIS 1/23; MM 1/23; CSM 1/24)

U.S. Secy. of State Christopher calls Syrian FM al-Shara`, demands Syria stop providing safe haven to "terrorists," esp. Islamic Jihad leader Fathi Shiqaqi. Shiqaqi issues statement "reminding" U.S. he is in Syria only because Israel deported him. (MM 1/23; NYT, WT 1/24)

PA, Egypt, Jordan hold mtg. in Cairo to coordinate stance on 1967 refugees, discuss definition of "refugee" and requirements for right of return in preparation for negotiations with Israel. (MENA 1/22 in FBIS 1/24)

Multilateral talks steering comm. opens 2-day session in Cairo to discuss accomplishments of 5 working groups. Delegations fr. Egypt, Jordan, PA, Israel, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Japan, EU, U.S., Russia attend. (MENA 1/22, 1/23 in FBIS 1/23; RE 1/23 in FBIS 1/24)

PA Economics M Qurai` leads PA delegation to Amman for talks on bilateral relation with Jordanians in advance of Arafat visit 1/25. (JTV, RJ 1/22 in FBIS 1/23)

PM Rabin holds cabinet mtg. on settlement issue; creates comm. of 6 cabinet Ms, headed by him, to approve all housing plans for o.t., incl. privately financed construction. Building will be suspended until comm. meets later in wk. (IGPO, ITV 1/22 in FBIS 1/23; NYT 1/23; JP 1/28)

Israeli Dep. FM Beilin meets with Egyptian Pres. Mubarak in Cairo to discuss bilateral relations and NPT. (MENA 1/22 in FBIS 1/23; MM 1/23; WT 1/25)

Hizballah's political chief Shaykh Hassan Nasrallah states for 1st time that all 6 Israeli MIAs are dead. Israel asserts air force navigator Ron Arad is still alive. (RL 1/23 in FBIS 1/25; WT 1/24)

Jordanian-Israeli joint comm. on education, science, culture meets in Israel. Comm. mbrs. tour vocational, technical schools, discuss possible joint programs. (IGPO 1/18 in FBIS 1/19)

Israeli Housing Min. report leaked to Israeli press shows government authorized construction of 1,833 homes in West Bank in 1994, 3,230 for 1995, with emphasis on expanding areas around Jerusalem. (WT 1/18)

Jerusalem Comm. of the ICO ends 2-day mtg. in Morocco; issues statement criticizing Israel for law passed 12/26, calling on Israel to withdraw fr. occupied territories, incl. Jerusalem, demanding peace agmts. be based on UN Res. 242, 338, 425. Parties report high degree of coordination btwn. Jordanian FM al-Kabariti, Arafat. (RTM 1/17 in FBIS 1/18; MM 1/18)

Palestinians protest construction around 3 West Bank settlements. At Psagot, IDF troops fire rubber bullets, stun grenades at protestors led by PA Ms, injuring 3; detain, rough up PA M `Azmi al-Shu`aybi, Arafat advisors Ahmad Tibi, Marwan Barghouti. (CSM 1/17; QT 1/17 in FBIS 1/17; WT 1/18)

PFLP announces it will be closing some offices in Damascus, ceasing publication of paper, moving as many mbrs. as possible to home bases in West Bank, Gaza because of financial crisis. DFLP is taking similar steps. (Al-Bayan, Shihan 1/17 in FBIS 1/20)

Egyptian clerics, Muslim Brotherhood officials criticize Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia Shaykh Bin Baz's fatwa permitting peace with Israel. (al-Sha`b 1/17 in FBIS 1/25; MM 2/14) (see 12/21)

Officials fr. 39 countries, financial institutions meet at State Dept. in Washington to discuss Middle East regional finance. Israel, Egypt, Jordan, PA agree to work toward setting up regional bank despite EU, Saudi Arabian opposition at Casablanca conference 11/94. U.S. promises to lobby internationally for support for project. (NYT 1/12; JT 1/14 in FBIS 1/18)

Oman informs Israel it will delay establishment of diplomatic relations, apparently as a result of Alexandria summit 12/29. Israeli Dep. FM Beilin dismisses declaration as insignificant. (QY 1/11 in FBIS 1/12; MM 1/12; QY 1/17 in FBIS 1/17; MM 2/6)

Arafat meets with Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood officials, asks them to mediate btwn. PLO, Hamas. (AFP 1/11 in FBIS 1/12; Al-Sha`b 1/13 in FBIS 1/24; PR 1/15; Al-Musawwar 1/20 in FBIS 1/24)

UNRWA announces the following donations: $3.3 m. fr. Denmark for training centers in West Bank; $3.8 m. fr. Denmark for Gaza Hospital; $2.3 m. fr. Netherlands, $1.5 m. fr. Kuwait, $50,000 fr. Brazil, $40,000 fr. Portugal, $25,000 fr. Indonesia for UNRWA operations; $700,000 fr. Germany, $685,000 fr. Switzerland for education. (UNRWA News 1/11)

2 IDF soldiers lightly wounded when bomb explodes nr. their patrol at Kissufim crossing, Gaza. (MM 1/11)

Hizballah attacks IDF patrol in southern Lebanon. IDF, SLA respond, using planes, tanks, artillery. 4 Hizballah mbrs. killed; 2 IDF, 1 SLA soldiers, 3 civilians wounded. (IDF Radio 1/11 in FBIS 1/12; WP, WT 1/12)