7 / 15500 Results
  • December 22, 1994

    1st official Syrian-Israeli talks since suspension of negotiations 2/94 begin in Washington; are expanded to include military advisors fr. both sides in hopes of giving momentum to negotiations on...

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  • December 19, 1994

    Syrian, Israeli negotiators meet in Washington; U.S. Special Middle East Coordinator Dennis Ross observes. Military officers do not participate, pending agreement on composition of expanded...

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  • November 30, 1994

    Donor countries promise to release $125 m. of promised aid to PA immediately to help self-rule transition. Arafat says money will go to improving Gaza slums. (VOP 11/30 in FBIS 12/1; CSM, MM, WP,...

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  • September 15, 1994

    Palestinian military delegation arrives in Moscow for wk.-long stay, signs agmt. with Russian DMin. for delivery of 45 BT-82 armored personnel carriers, spare parts, ammunition for use by...

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  • June 9, 1994

    177 Palestinian prisoners released, including some Hamas mbrs. and killers of collaborators, allowed into Gaza Strip.  Another 240 prisoners to be "turned over" to Palestinian police in Jericho...

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  • June 5, 1994

    Palestinians clash with IDF in Hebron, Ramallah.  (WT 6/6)

    IDF closes 4 entrances to Nur Shams r.c., nr. Tulkarm.  (UNRWA News 6/15)

    Nabil Shaath says world community "moving...

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  • June 2, 1994

    IDF helicopters (4), IAF fighter-bombers (6) attack Hizballah base at `Ayn Kawkab, nr. Ba`albak, killing at least 26, as many as 45, and wounding 30 (up to 80), most teenagers in their beds. ...

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1st official Syrian-Israeli talks since suspension of negotiations 2/94 begin in Washington; are expanded to include military advisors fr. both sides in hopes of giving momentum to negotiations on the Golan. Israel sends military secy. Maj. Gen. Dani Yatom, IDF Chief of Staff Baraq; Syria sends Lt. Gen Hikmat al-Shishabi. (Ma'ariv 12/21, QY 12/22 in FBIS 12/22; QY 12/22, Ma'ariv 12/23 in FBIS 12/23; WP 12/23; NYT 12/24; WT 12/25; SARR 12/25 in FBIS 12/27; WT 12/26; NYT 12/31; MEI 1/6) (see 12/19)

Arafat cancels Fateh Central Comm. mtg. in Tunis at last minute, reportedly after learning he might be presented with a demand by the comm.'s majority to waive some of his powers, incorporate opposition into PA. (ITV 12/22 in FBIS 12/23; PR 12/24; MEI 1/20)

Arne Christianson, AIPAC legislative director and top Congressional lobbyist, announces he will leave AIPAC to become senior policy adviser to incoming House speaker Newt Gingrich. He will deal with budget, appropriations issues. Brad Gordon, current director of the House subcommittee on international operations, will replace Christianson at AIPAC. (WT 12/23: WJW 12/29)

2 IDF soldiers killed, 7 wounded when Hizballah attacks IDF post in southern Lebanon in retaliation for car bombing 12/21. (NYT, WP, WT 12/24; JP 12/31)

Palestinians, Israeli Peace Now activists begin sit-in to protest construction of 500 apartments in Efrat settlement in West Bank, nr. Jerusalem. (QY 12/22 in FBIS 12/22; PR 12/24; WT 12/31)

Hamas mbr. dies in West Bank, sparking Palestinian protests, clashes with IDF. IDF says man died when bomb he was making exploded; family says IDF killed him. (QY, VOP 12/22 in FBIS 12/22)

PM Rabin denies Israel is responsible for car bomb detonated in Beirut 12/21. (ITV 12/22 in FBIS 12/23)

UNRWA announces frmr. U.S. Amb. to Iraq April Glaspie will become agency's head of operations in o.t. (JP 12/23 in FBIS 12/23)

Syrian, Israeli negotiators meet in Washington; U.S. Special Middle East Coordinator Dennis Ross observes. Military officers do not participate, pending agreement on composition of expanded delegations. (MM 12/20; QY 12/20 in FBIS 12/20)

Likud leader Netanyahu says Israeli army officials already met secretly with Syrian Amb. Mu`allim, U.S. coordinator Ross in Washington this month. FM Peres does not deny mtg. took place. (MM 12/19; WT 12/20; MENA 12/21 in FBIS 12/22) (see 11/30)

Rabin's government wins no-confidence vote (56 to 41) brought by Ultraorthodox rabbis who used FM Peres comments that King David was an adulterer to force PM Rabin to bring religious parties into the coalition in hopes of derailing the peace process. (WT 12/19; NYT 12/19; IDF Radio 12/19 in FBIS 12/21; WJW 12/22)

FM Peres makes statement before Knesset denying contacts with Iraq, reaffirming support for sanctions after receiving "demand" fr. U.S. to help consolidate support for U.S. position on Iraq. (HA 12/21 in FBIS 12/22)

Arafat asks French FMin. to transport 2,000 Fateh cadres fr. camps in Sidon and Tyre, Lebanon, to Gaza to bolster police force, help contain Islamist opposition. Lebanese FM Faris Buwayz says Lebanon has no objection. (Al-Majd 12/19 in FBIS 12/20; Al-Ra'y 12/30 in FBIS 12/30; AFP 1/4, RL 1/5 in FBIS 1/5; MM 1/6)

Israeli Pres. Ezer Weizman arrives in Cairo for 3 days of talks with Pres. Mubarak. Weizman says UN Res. 242 must be applied to Jerusalem "so that part of it would remain Arab." (MM 12/19; MENA 12/19 in FBIS 12/20; MM 12/20, 12/21; MENA 12/20, QY 12/21 in FBIS 12/21)

Arafat meets with UNRWA delegation to discuss moving UNRWA headquarters to Gaza; meets with U.S. Congressional delegation to discuss recent events in peace process, Israeli land confiscation. (VOP 12/20 in FBIS 12/20; PR 12/24; MEI 1/6)

PFLP-GC says it is reducing its military, organizational cadres by 30% and stopping payments to families of martyrs and wounded because of financial problems. (Al-Muharrir 12/19 in FBIS 12/19; Shishan 1/27)

2 IDF soldiers, 1 Hizballah mbr., 1 Palestinian Islamic Revolutionary Army mbr. killed in clashes in southern Lebanon. IDF shells villages north of self-declared "security zone," wounding 1 civilian. (RL 12/19 in FBIS 12/20; MM 12/20, 12/21; QY 12/19 in FBIS 12/22; NYT 12/20)

Donor countries promise to release $125 m. of promised aid to PA immediately to help self-rule transition. Arafat says money will go to improving Gaza slums. (VOP 11/30 in FBIS 12/1; CSM, MM, WP, WT 12/1; Le Soir 12/1 in FBIS 12/2; JP 12/3; WJW 12/8; MEI 12/16)

Labor MK Ori Orr suggests Israel postpone troop withdrawal fr. West Bank but uproot some settlements ahead of schedule. Similar statements made separately by Environmental M Sarid. Comments widely thought to be "trial balloons" sent up by Rabin government. (JP, QY 11/30 in MM 11/30; MM 12/2)

Israel, Palestinians, donor countries sign "memorandum of understanding" outlining PA's needs for next 4 mos., issues of taxation, Israeli aid, contributions fr. donor countries. (QY 11/30 in FBIS 12/1)

Joint Jordanian-Israeli borders comm. ends 2nd 2-day round of talks in Aqaba. Each side delegates 3 teams to carry out primary delineation of border, to be completed 12/6. (PETRA 11/30 in FBIS 12/1)

Joint Jordanian-Israeli comm. on treaty implementation creates 2 subcommittees comprising representatives fr. armed forces and Mins. of Interior, Agriculture, Water respectively to implement Jordanian law in al-Ghamar, Baqurah areas by 1/95, in keeping with Jordan-Israel treaty annexes. (PETRA 11/30 in FBIS 12/1)

ITV reports Israeli Amb. Itamar Rabinovitch, Syrian Amb. Walid Mu`allim recently held talks in Washington on security arrangements in which senior army officers fr. both sides participated; some progress was made. (ITV 11/30, HA 12/1 in FBIS 12/1)

UNRWA approves $163,810 in new small-business loans for projects in Gaza, bring number of UNRWA loans to Gaza to 157. (UNRWA News 11/30)

IDF soldier is axed to death by Palestinian in Afula, northern Israel; IDF arrests 40 Hamas mbrs. in West Bank. (IDF Radio 11/30 in FBIS 12/1; MM, NYT, WP, WT 12/1; PR 12/4; WJW 12/8; JP 12/10)

Palestinian military delegation arrives in Moscow for wk.-long stay, signs agmt. with Russian DMin. for delivery of 45 BT-82 armored personnel carriers, spare parts, ammunition for use by Palestinian police. (MM 9/15; Al-Hayat 9/27 in FBIS 9/29)

UNRWA approves $250 m. worth of projects for Gaza, West Bank to be implemented over the next 2 yrs. (UNRWA News 9/21)

Libya's Pan-Arab Unity Min. releases statement saying Palestinian autonomy "must be fought," bringing Palestinian-Libyan relations to new low. (MM 9/15)

Arab League FM's meeting in Cairo reject Israeli steps to give Jordan distinguished religious role in Jerusalem; pledge they will not sign NPT unless Israel signs in move planned by Syria to pressure Israel to adhere to NPT, open installations to inspection. (AFP 9/15, VOP 9/16 in FBIS 9/16) (see 8/31)

177 Palestinian prisoners released, including some Hamas mbrs. and killers of collaborators, allowed into Gaza Strip.  Another 240 prisoners to be "turned over" to Palestinian police in Jericho denied entry.  (MM, NYT 6/10; UNRWA News 6/15)

Russian officials announce signature of agreements to implement military cooperation with Syria agreed to 4/94.  (WT 6/14)

Palestinians clash with IDF in Hebron, Ramallah.  (WT 6/6)

IDF closes 4 entrances to Nur Shams r.c., nr. Tulkarm.  (UNRWA News 6/15)

Nabil Shaath says world community "moving very, very slowly" on aid to Palestinian self-rule areas, PLO needs "bridging measures."  $7 m. received of $2.4 b. in aid pledged, according to Shaath.  (Qol Yisra'el 6/5 in FBIS 6/6; WT 6/8)

GCC foreign ministers issue statement "welcom[ing]" 5/4 Cairo Agreement as "positive step" toward "comprehensive" solution to Arab-Israeli conflict.  (Saudi TV 6/5 in FBIS 6/6)

Conservative Labor MKs form "3d Way" lobby group to limit amount of o.t. land ceded to Palestinians.  Group includes Agriculture M Yaacov Tsur, Dep. DM Mordechai Gur, 19 of 44 Labor MKs.  Lobby opposes Palestinian state, return to 1967 borders.  Group's outline of future o.t. settlement resembles "Allon Plan" of 1970s.  (WT 6/6; WJW 6/9)

Official Lebanese sources say Syria, Iran pressuring Hizballah to cease firing katyushas at Israel.  Reports follow 6/4 visit of Iranian FM Ali Akbar Velayati to Damascus.  (WT 6/6)

Arab League, Organization of the Islamic Conference condemn recent Israeli attacks on southern Lebanon.  (MENA, SPA 6/5 in FBIS 6/6)

Russian Chief of Staff Col. Gen. Mikhail Kolesnikov opens 3-day visit to Syria. (WT 6/21)

IDF helicopters (4), IAF fighter-bombers (6) attack Hizballah base at `Ayn Kawkab, nr. Ba`albak, killing at least 26, as many as 45, and wounding 30 (up to 80), most teenagers in their beds.  Hizballah fires 20 katyusha rockets at Israel in retaliation, 7 landing nr. Nahariya.  Lebanon, Syria denounce attack.  UN S.G. Butrus Butrus-Ghali expresses "concern" over attack. (RL 6/2 in FBIS 6/2; MM 6/2, 6/3; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 6/3; JP 6/11)

PLO Chmn. Arafat cancels appointments, reportedly suffering fr. "mild angina."  (MENA, RL, MBC TV 6/2 in FBIS 6/3; NYT, WP 6/3)

Protests continue in Ramallah, 2 Palestinians wounded as Justice M David Liba'i visits.  (JP 6/11)

Mtg. of UNRWA donors grouping 24 countries, European Union (EU) concludes in Amman.  (UNRWA News 6/15)

Israeli FM Peres meets Morocco's King Hassan during stopover in Rabat on return fr. visit to Mexico, Colombia, and Argentina.  (MM 6/3)