Military Action:
Tripoli cease-fire breaks down soon after visiting Syrians depart; grenades and sporadic sniper fire; artillery duels and ambush in Chouf, as Druze and Christian leaders...
Military Action:
Tripoli cease-fire breaks down soon after visiting Syrians depart; grenades and sporadic sniper fire; artillery duels and ambush in Chouf, as Druze and Christian leaders...
Military Action:
First PLO units to be evacuated to Syria publicly welcomed in Tartus (Israeli claim that overland evacuation "postponed" at Syrian request denied in Damascus); IDF tanks...
Military Action:
Cease-fire holds despite IDF jets zooming low over Beirut in the late afternoon, provoking anti-aircraft fire for the first time in days; IDF and PLO gunners exchanged fire...
Military Action:
IDF drops leaflets over W. Beirut for second day (hundreds leave city); IDF inching way along road parallel to highway toward Syrian positions in Metn valley; IDF...
Military Action:
Cease-fire holds, reportedly due to Haig resignation; IDF claims to have destroyed SAM batteries; 560 IDF tanks, 2400 armored personnel carriers, 120 howitzers around...
Military Action:
Over 90 Israeli jets attack and destroy Syrian SAM (surface-to-air missile) batteries in Bekaa valley; 16-22 Syrian MIGs reportedly shot down; Syria reports 19 Israeli jets...
Military Action:
Israeli troops seize Beaufort Castle, Nabatiyeh, Hasbaya; fighting continues in Tyre and nearby Palestinian refugee camps; air battle over Beirut suburbs between Israeli...
Military Action:
The Israeli Army invades Lebanon, with over 250 tanks and thousands of infantrymen rolling past UNIFIL forces at 11 AM; Sidon is bombarded, the coastal road cut, the...
Military Action:
Tripoli cease-fire breaks down soon after visiting Syrians depart; grenades and sporadic sniper fire; artillery duels and ambush in Chouf, as Druze and Christian leaders try to restore cease-fire; Haddad militia commander Ahmed Sheet blown up by car bomb in Nabatiyeh; other sabotage acts in recent weeks in Nabatiyeh reportedly aimed at IDF forces.
3 killed, 10 wounded in Tripoli; 1 killed, 3 wounded in Chouf; 21 others wounded in Nabatiyeh explosion.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin, in speech to World Zionist Congress, sees good chance of pullout agreement soon, reaffirms settlements are essential; Begin meets with Habib and Draper, who carry proposals to skirt issue of Jerusalem as venue for talks; Israeli military authorities close down Construction and Public Institutions Employees Union headquarters in Ramallah for two months, confiscate union files, arrest union secretary.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem, in meeting with Shultz, warns that lengthy occupation would lead to Israeli annexation of South Lebanon, Syrian/PLO protectorate in North Lebanon.
Arab Governments: Syrian Presidents Assad and Foreign Minister Khaddam meet with Gemayel special emissary Jean Obeid, express openness to partial, simultaneous withdrawal of all foreign forces from Lebanon, provided this is linked to a total withdrawal of IDF forces, affirm that Lebanese security forces should patrol Tripoli; Egyptian President Mubarak, in Vienna, calls on PLO to recognize Israel and declares support for Reagan peace plan.
US and Other Countries: Reagan sends letter to Begin urging Israel to agree to withdrawal timetable hours after Habib and Draper meet in Jerusalem with Begin; US announces $5 m. grant, $15 m. loan to Lebanon to help rebuild damaged homes; State Department sources say Israel is offering to sell Central American countries stocks of weapons captured from PLO; over 175 Representatives sign a letter to Reagan asking him to deny advanced weapons to Jordan unless Jordan participates in peace process; in Senate, Kennedy has almost 60 co-sponsors for resolution opposing more aid to Jordan if it continues to boycott peace talks.
UN: Israel and Lebanon join in unanimous General Assembly condemnation of September massacre, but Israel votes against another provision that calls massacre act of genocide; four other resolutions passed which demand that Israel rescind annexation of Golan Heights, support Lebanese efforts to restore its authority throughout its territory, deplore destruction of Palestinian cultural heritage during invasion and ask Israel for restitution.
Military Action:
First PLO units to be evacuated to Syria publicly welcomed in Tartus (Israeli claim that overland evacuation "postponed" at Syrian request denied in Damascus); IDF tanks head north from Beirut; PLO, Syrians fortify positions in Bekaa; two PLO groups leave Beirut for Syria, Sudan following massive public farewells (PLO overland evacuation to Syria postponed again, for "technical reasons"); Sharon allows Syrians to send trucks to remove heavy vehicles from Beirut; US Marines land at Beirut and US officer meets with PLO leadership to discuss guarding port area; IDF forces "thinned" near Beirut.
Casualties: 1 IDF soldier dies after being shot by sniper in Galerie Semaan (333rd IDF soldier killed); mine kills 4 Lebanese villagers near Jouayeh; Bekaa front quiet; 9 civilians killed, 27 wounded accidentally in farewell fusillades by LNM forces.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Temritories: Sharon meets with West Bank Village League heads concerning their participation in "autonomy" talks (later states opposition to Palestinian state because "it already exists" in Jordan); grenade hurled at IDF vehicle in Gaza Strip (fourth such incident in Occupied Territories in one week); Union of Palestinian Women's Committees from West Bank visit Palestinian and Lebanese victims of Israeli invasion in Haifa hospitals; Begin calls for resumption of autonomy talks with Egypt, claims "war" with PLO in West Beirut over; government announces 7 more settlements planned for West Bank, Golan Heights; Sharon says he expects Lebanon to sign peace treaty with Israel; Peres calls for establishment of commission of inquiry to examine government conduct of Lebanese war.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Opposition to Gemayel presidency among Lebanese Muslims remains strong.
Arab Govemments: Syria warns Gemayel against signing peace treaty with Israel; Saudi Prince Saud meets Assad in Damascus (Saudis reportedly involved in negotiations with US on withdrawal of forces from Lebanon); Saudi King Fahd donates $500 m. to repair damage to Sidon.
US and Other Countries: Habib, in Tel Aviv, asks Sharon to allow French soldiers to safeguard section of Beirut-Damascus road during evacuation and to restrain Phalange attacks; 3 US congressmen meet Begin in Israel; Reagan assures Congress of Marines' noncombat role in Lebanon in notification required under War Powers Act.
Military Action:
Cease-fire holds despite IDF jets zooming low over Beirut in the late afternoon, provoking anti-aircraft fire for the first time in days; IDF and PLO gunners exchanged fire around southern suburbs; 6 artillery rounds land near IDF checkpoint in Beirut port, interrupting activities on the docks.
Fuel seems to be the only commodity in short supply in W. Beirut; South Lebanon increasingly "Israelized" as Hebrew road signs multiply, El Al offices are set up; Beirut police now estimate 354 people have died in the capital since the June 25 air strikes, bringing known dead to 10,207 (excluding Syrian casualties along highway, casualties from battles around Aley, many hospital casualties).
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Leaders of Druze community in Golan Heights call off 5-month strike protesting Israeli annexation of the area; Shamir makes secret 2-day visit to Europe; Israeli official projects 150 percent increase in number of active duty reservists until March 1983; four percent compulsory "loan," based on earnings, announced by Israeli government to pay for invasion.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO and Lebanese police join in search for abducted AUB acting president; negotiations on PLO withdrawal suspended as participants await outcome of Washington talks.
Arab Governments: Saudi and Syrian foreign ministers send Arafat message saying that if PLO accepts UN Resolution 242, US will recognize PLO; Saudi foreign minister, in Washington, says Lebanese situation can be defused by pushing Palestinian self-determination and pledging to protect countries that take PLO guerrillas from attack by Israel; Syrian Information Minister Iskander calls on US to end its military and political support for the Israeli invasion.
US and Other Countries: Non-Aligned Movement fails to gain access for committee to Beirut; Saudi and Syrian foreign ministers meet with Reagan, outline plan for temporary evacuation of PLO to northern Lebanon before evacuation to other Arab countries; stress any agreement on evacuation must be endorsed by Arab League, scheduled to meet in a few days; envoys reportedly want US to guarantee IDF withdrawal; USSR endorses use of UN force to end Beirut impasse.
Military Action:
IDF drops leaflets over W. Beirut for second day (hundreds leave city); IDF inching way along road parallel to highway toward Syrian positions in Metn valley; IDF reconnaissance flights over Beirut continue; Syrian Army withdrawing from western parts of highway (some tanks commandeered by Phalangists).
IDF says 269 Israelis killed, 1255 wounded; 4 IDF soldiers injured east of Damour; captured Israeli pilot, in interview from Beirut, asks Israel not to invade Beirut.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli government says only few days will be allowed to see if PLO will accept its offer of safe passage from Beirut; military spokesman of northern command says IDF used cluster bombs; government bans video transmissions originating in West Beirut via Israeli facilities; Israeli soldiers demonstrate against war in Jerusalem (some of their relatives sign peace petitions); IDF soldiers skeptical of their own military news, reportedly increasingly listen to Lebanese radio; land confiscation near Bethlehem brings protests; Jewish Agency announces 10 new settlements in West Bank, 5 in Gaza Strip, 4 in Golan and 4 in Jordan Valley.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Political negotiations continue as diverse proposals exchanged (key issues: removing PLO presence, number that would leave, status of remaining Palestinian refugees); senior Israeli officials hold discussions with Phalange leaders in Beirut (wariness, some distrust reportedly growing between Israelis, Phalangists); PLO leaders reportedly pleased that Israeli government demands Sunday seemed addressed to PLO directly; Arafatr eportedlyd emands US/ USSR/ Gemayel guarantees of safe passage, continues to insist on IDF pullback; officers of Haddad's army complain Israel is ignoring their enclave in discussing future of Lebanon.
US and Other Countries: UK closes embassy in West Beirut.
Military Action:
Cease-fire holds, reportedly due to Haig resignation; IDF claims to have destroyed SAM batteries; 560 IDF tanks, 2400 armored personnel carriers, 120 howitzers around Beirut; IDF units skilled in urban fighting reportedly brought up from Golan; IDF and Syrians reinforcing units.
Fathi Arafat estimates 35,000 killed or wounded since June 4; in Beirut, people buried in mass graves; urgent appeals made for doctors, medical supplies; bodies rot in some buildings; refugees line up at social centers; Berbir Hospital (on Green Line) reports whole families killed, tnostly civilians; some patients victims of cluster bombs, burned by phosphorous and many amputations necessary; Bhamdoun casualties high, with 70 or more bodies along the highway; 2-day toll put at 300 killed, 2000 wounded; Lebanese newspaper shows babies burned by phosphorous, and elderly who are wounded and unable to flee fighting; most Beirut businesses, banks closed in western section; milk and eggs scarce and water low; "Begin amputations" commonplace in hospitals as a result of high-velocity projectiles which smash muscles, bones from pressure without break-ing skin; Islamic hospital hit, houses 850 elderly and mentally retarded.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Eitan, visiting highway taken by IDF, says he is "going to Damascus"; Sharon admits, in TV interview, IDF "exploited" cease-fire violations by Syrians to take highway; Rabin urges indirect talks with PLO to get them out of Beirut.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese and PLO meet to discuss US plan; Habib meets Sarkis; PLO jubilant at Haig departure as Arafat tours Fakhani district; PLO reports strong backing by USSR, France, Saudis (says Saudis threatened oil cutoff, withdrawal of Saudi investment in US, opening of diplomatic relations with USSR); PLO rejects Habib proposals, characterizing them as demanding unconditional surrender, not providing safety guarantees for withdrawing forces; Haddad forces stopping Palestinians at checkpoints, in joint work with IDF.
Arab Governments: Arab League meets in Tunis, fails to agree; Hussein in USSR on state visit; Egypt opposes forced disarming of PLO.
UN: US vetoes Security Council resolution calling for Israeli withdrawal; US and Israel are only countries voting against General Assembly resolution calling for IDF withdrawal and possible sanctions should it refuse; UN team formed to assess relief needs; 2 UN convoys reach Beirut with supplies (first relief shipments since Beirut encircled).
Military Action:
Over 90 Israeli jets attack and destroy Syrian SAM (surface-to-air missile) batteries in Bekaa valley; 16-22 Syrian MIGs reportedly shot down; Syria reports 19 Israeli jets shot down (air battle took place as Habib was delivering Israeli message in Damascus); Is-raelis capture Damour (say they will return it to Christian residents and help rebuild), establish bridgehead at Khalde, 4 miles south of Beirut; street fighting continues in Sidon as 2 more Israeli armored columns and infantry unit sent to consolidate control; Israeli naval vessels land troops between airport and Beirut, shell PLO-held areas of city; Israeli air-craft drop leaflets urging Beirut residents to stay off streets, mark houses with white cloth; Israeli troops in Golan boosted.
Palestinian resistance continues in Sidon; Israeli column halted near Beiteddine, with heavy losses.
Syria reports village 3 miles west of Damascus bombed (denied by Israelis); Syrians charge Israelis bombed, strafed fleeing civilians along Beirut-Damascus highway; Syria moves 16,000 more troops into Lebanon, beats back Israeli attempts to take highway.
United Nations command protests Israeli use of white phosphorous incendiary artillery in attacks on Tyre; UN food convoys barred from Tyre until June 8.
Lebanese Army gives scant resistance to Israeli advance; Lebanese army barracks in Sidon, Beiteddine and Hammana heavily bombarded by Israelis.
Thousands of Beirut residents flee to Bekaa valley; UN observers say Lebanese and Palestinian refugees urgently need water and food, that 41,000 Tyre residents gathered on beaches were left without food and shelter for 2 days; after Tyre residents allowed to return to homes, about 7,000 from refugee camps remain on beaches; Rashidiyeh refu-gee camp virtually destroyed; International Committee of the Red Cross reports "heavy damage" in Tyre, Sidon and that 1,200 Sidon residents urgently need medical attention. Israel reports 31 dead, 144 wounded.
Political Responses:
Israel/Occupied Territories: Israeli government blames Syria for provoking Israeli raid; still bars foreign journalists from coastal areas of southern Lebanon; Israel warns Jor-dan to stay out of fighting.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat urgently appeals to Arab countries to end the "massacre of the Palestinian people in Lebanon"; Palestinian group, reportedly followers of anti-PLO leader Abu Nidal, claim role in Argov shooting in statement delivered to Beirut AP office; Lebanese radio says Israel occupies 25 percent of Lebanese territory; Lebanese government meets, debates proposal to send Lebanese Army into West Beirut; Christian and Muslim groups urge support for Sarkis and Franjieh offers to put militia under Sarkis; Gemayel urges national unity government.
Arab Governments: Iraq announces it will withdraw from all Iranian territory in a week, redirect its efforts against Israel; Syria begins pulling troops out of Beirut back into Bekaa; Jordan's Prime Minister announces Jordan will allow transit facilities for any wishing to travel to Lebanon to fight Israel; Syria reportedly prepares to mobilize reserves; Kuwait, UAE and Qatar issue statements denouncing invasion.
US and Other Countries: US vetoes UN reso-lution condemning Israel as "unbalanced"; Reagan announces he will seek $25 m. in emergency aid for Lebanon from Congress; EEC foreign ministers condemn Israeli invasion; USSR plans to send medical supplies to Lebanon in a few days; Canada, France, Netherlands and the UK urge their citizens to leave West Beirut.
Military Action:
Israeli troops seize Beaufort Castle, Nabatiyeh, Hasbaya; fighting continues in Tyre and nearby Palestinian refugee camps; air battle over Beirut suburbs between Israeli and Syrian jets; Israeli troops converge on Sidon from 3 directions after airdropping leaflets to residents asking them to leave their homes within 2 hours; three waves of Israeli planes bomb and strafe southern Beirut; Begin and Ariel Sharon tour Beaufort Castle; Tyre is finally captured, in house-to-house combat, though pockets of resistance remain; UN re-ports 57 Israeli sorties flown over Lebanon; Israeli armored column pushes to within 12 miles of Beirut; assault on Jiye power plant cuts electricity to Beirut.
Two Syrian jets shot down over northern Israel, .2 in northern Lebanon; Israeli jets bomb and strafe Syrian positions at jezzine, east of Sidon (at least 5 Syrian soldiers killed); fierce battles fought with Israeli jets over Beirut; Syrian peacekeeping units in Beirut move equipment and ammunition to positions guarding highways to Bekaa valley.
PLO units resist in heavy fighting in Tyre and Sidon and at Saadiyat, 12 miles south of Beirut; Palestinian News Agency (WAFA) says 45,000 Israeli troops involved apd 400 killed since the invasion began; claim 45 Israeli tanks and 45 armored cars knocked out; personal security headquarters for Arafat reported hit; PLO accuses UNIFIL of "collaboration" with Israel in failing to counter invasion; Lebanese National Move-ment militias take positions near seafront to guard against Israeli invasion of Beirut.
Apartment buildings and structures at Arab University hit, hospitals report at least 60 wounded; refugees stream into Beirut; electricity cut off to Beirut; Israelis estimate Palestinian casualties at 2500; radio reports say hundreds of bodies litter streets of Sidon; fierce firefight on edge of Sidon reported, as fires rage on hillsides. Israel reports 25 killed, 7 missing, 1 captured, 96 wounded; PLO estimates Israeli casualties at 400.
Political Responses:
Israel/Occupied Territories: Begin turns over Beaufort Castle to Major Haddad, meets with Habib, rejects US call for restraint; Army Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan says taking of Beaufort Castle pushes guerrillas out of range of all Galilee settlements except near Golan Heights; blackout on news of troop movements maintained; Foreign Minister Shamir says Israeli aims go beyond pushing the PLO away from the border to "the PLO's final destruction as a terrorist and political factor"; Israel reportedly pressuring Haddad and the Phalange to join in attacks on the PLO (Bashir Gemayel resists); Peres and Rabin (Labor Party) meet with Begin over remarks of Sharon, and Peres calls for speedy end to the conflict; Mapam demands a halt to Israeli air attacks and a return to the cease-fire; Knesset meets to consider no-confidence motion introduced by Democratic Front for Peace & Equality; 60 left-wing students demonstrate near prime minister's of-fice; 150 march to Mt. Scopus campus. Israeli military police tighten border patrols to prevent goods looted from Lebanese homes coming into Israel.
Palestinians/Lebanese: PLO accuses UNIFIL of "collaboration" with Israelis; Bashir Gemayel resists Israeli pressure to attack PLO; WAFA reports Israeli troops number 60,000.
Arab Governments: High-level Iranian delegation, including heads of Iranian army and revolutionary guards, visits Syria.
US: Pentagon sends 5 US warships to the eastern Mediterranean in case the 4,000 Americans in Lebanon need to be evacuated.
UN: UN resolution calls for unconditional and immediate Israeli withdrawal and an end to all military activity within Lebanon and across its border with Israel (Israel's Ambas-sador says Israel will not comply); ABC reports UNIFIL officer received orders from UN headquarters not to resist Israeli forces.
Military Action:
The Israeli Army invades Lebanon, with over 250 tanks and thousands of infantrymen rolling past UNIFIL forces at 11 AM; Sidon is bombarded, the coastal road cut, the Lebanese oil refinery at Zahrani bombed, setting oil storage tanks afire; a bridge spanning the Litani, north of Tyre, is blown up; balloons are used to neutralize heat-seeking missiles. Israeli troops move, in three columns, to close in on Tyre, to take Nabatiyeh and Beaufort Castle, and to move from the Golan Heights towards Chebaa. Israeli troops land near the Zahrani river, in an attempt to cut off Palestinians retreating northward. Amphibious vehicles land near Rashidiyeh refugee camp while Israeli paratroopers land at another camp north of Tyre. Israeli planes drop Arabic language leaflets warning Tyre's 50,000 residents not to harbor PLO guerrillas. Thousands of Lebanese and Palestinians fleeing up the coastal road are bombarded.
Several PLO outposts reported taken along the 33-mile front, but Palestinian resist-ance reported fierce; PLO antiaircraft batteries shoot down Skyhawk jet near Nabatiyeh (pilot is captured), another near Sarafand, and 2 helicopters; PLO rocket attacks continue on western Galilee and the Haddad-controlled enclave; PLO claims to have destroyed 42 Israeli armored cars; resistance in Tyre is fierce, leading Israelis to bypass it on their northward sweep; fighting intense around Beaufort Castle.
Syrian artillery opens fire on Israeli forces following Israeli shelling of Syrian positions; Syrian army battling near Hasbaya, 10 miles north of the border.
Several UNIFIL units come under fire; UNIFIL troops at Khardali Bridge, below Beaufort Castle, come under fire but prevent Israeli troops from crossing bridge; UNIFIL protests use of incendiary artillery shells by Israelis in attacking Tyre; UN and Lebanese troops come under heavy Israeli fire near Tyre.
More than 300 people are reported killed June 4 and 5, over 500 wounded; Palestinians estimate 200 Israeli casualties; thousands fleeing towns of southern Lebanon are bombed by Israeli jets along the coastal road; casualties from June 4 bombing of Beirut estimated at 60 killed, 30 wounded. Norwegian UNIFIL soldier killed.
Rocket attacks on northern Galilee result in 3 deaths, 15 wounded, but property damage is extensive, Qiryat Shemona is hit badly; captured Israeli pilot shown at Beirut press conference.
Political Responses:
Israel/Occupied Territories: Israeli Ambassador to US, Moshe Arens, claims aim is to push PLO out of artillery range of northern Israel; Begin sends letter to Reagan asserting the same; Israeli Cabinet says Syrian forces will only be attacked if they engage Israeli troops; Yitzhak Rabin (Labor Party) calls on Israelis to support the government; Cabinet calls operation "Peace for Galilee"; Israeli Reserve Generals reported to plan visit to US and Europe to put Israeli case; extensive mo-bilization of Israeli reserves reported as over 1000 public buses mobilized to transport troops (the largest war call-up since 1978); Israel asserts it has no territorial claims on Lebanon.
Palestinians/Lebanese: Lebanese government holds emergency meeting, asks for immediate summit of 22-member Arab League; Lebanese media claim Israelis have used cluster and fragmentation bombs, warning civilians not to touch anything on the ground; President Sarkis summons ambassadors of US, USSR, France and the UK to the palace for a meeting; Arafat flies back to Beirut.
Arab Governments: Egyptian Cabinet and President Mubarak denounce Israeli invasion as aggression (strongest language since 1977); Saudi Arabian King Khalid sends messages to Reagan, other world leaders calling for "quick intervention" to halt Israeli ''massacre. "
US and Other Countries: Reagan joins 6 other leaders at Versailles urgently appealing for a cease-fire in Lebanon; Reagan urges "restraint" in letter to Begin; UK Prime Minister Thatcher says "hit list" of targets found on suspects arrested in Argov shooting include name of PLO London representative; USSR denounces Israel for launching fifth war against the Arabs.
UN: Security Council seeks a resolution acceptable to the US and Arab governments.