152 / 15500 Results
  • February 4, 1999

    King Hussein returns to Jordan in critical condition, with no further hope for treatment. (AFP, JTV, RJ 2/4 in WNC 2/5; MM, NYT, WP, WT 2/5; NYT 2/6)

    Pres. Clinton, Arafat meet on sidelines...

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  • December 17, 1998

    U.S. stages 2d strike on Iraq, having hit more than 50 targets with over 200 Tomahawk missiles 12/16. Democratic congressmen accuse Republicans, many of whom questioned the timing of the attacks,...

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  • December 12, 1998

    As the House approves 4 articles of impeachment against him in Washington, Pres. Clinton arrives in Tel Aviv on 1st stop of 4-day visit. At the airport, PM Netanyahu offers Clinton a "lukewarm"...

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  • November 29, 1998

    In Jericho, the Palestinian-Israeli Steering and Monitoring Comm. (PISMC) discusses disputes over prisoner release, settlement expansion, confiscation of Palestinian land for bypass roads. (NYT 11...

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  • August 17, 1998

    In Washington, U.S. Pres. Bill Clinton testifies before a grand jury on his relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. In a televised address afterward he admits having an affair;...

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  • July 21, 1998

    PM Netanyahu says that he wants PA-Israeli negotiations to be expanded to include issues other than FRD. PA says that it entered the latest round of talks with the understanding that they would...

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  • June 16, 1998

    In Damascus, Syrian Pres. Asad, FM Shara`, Saudi FM Prince Saud al-Faysal discuss bilateral cooperation, peace process. (SATN 6/16 in WNC 6/18)

    In Washington, Lebanese PM Hariri meets with...

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  • March 24, 1998

    Arafat meets with Egypt's Pres. Mubarak in Cairo. (MENA, RE 3/24 in WNC 3/25)

    In Cairo, Arab League FMs discuss status of the peace process, forming united Arab...

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  • February 28, 1998

    PM Netanyahu sends media adviser David Bar-Ilan to Washington to call on Jewish-American leaders, Christian Right, allies in Congress to fend off expected U.S. government initiative...

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  • June 18, 1997

    EU special envoy Moratinos arrives in Syria. (SANA 6/18 in WNC 6/19)

    In Washington, U.S. cosmetics heir Ron Lauder holds confidential mtg. with Syrian Amb. Moualem to discuss ways of...

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  • April 7, 1997

    PM Netanyahu arrives in Washington for AIPAC conference, holds talks with Pres. Clinton, Secy. of State Albright (MM 4/7; MM, NYT, WP, WT 4/8; ITV 4/8 in WNC 4/9; CSM, NYT 4/9; MA, La...

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  • April 6, 1997

    In Minnesota, PM Netanyahu, King Hussein discuss ways of restarting Israeli-PA talks, especially Netanyahu's proposal for a Camp-David-style summit (see 4/1). (CSM, NYT, WP 4/7; RJ 4/7 in WNC 4/8...

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  • January 23, 1997

    PM Netanyahu says that if Arafat unilaterally declares a Palestinian state, Israel will retake zone B areas. (MM 1/23; IDF Radio 1/23 in WNC 1/24) (see 1/22)

    IDF demolishes Palestinian home...

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  • September 29, 1995

    In Washington, Pres. Clinton discusses Israeli-Syrian, Israeli-Lebanese talks with King Hussein, Pres. Mubarak. Mubarak then meets with Defense Secy. Perry, congressional leaders. (JTV, MENA 9/29...

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  • May 17, 1994

    Secy of State Christopher visits Jericho, commends "skill and efficiency" of Palestinian self-rule area.  After mtg. local admin., Christopher is escorted by Faisal Husseini on tour of Hisham...

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  • March 18, 1994

    UNSC passes Resolution 904 condemning Hebron massacre. U.S. abstains on "objectionable" passages in preamble. U.S. Amb. to UN Albright says U.S. allowed resolution to pass "with great reluctance"...

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  • February 22, 1994

    FM Peres criticizes some settlements in Gaza Strip as "totally illogical," saying Netzarim "has no agricultural importance, no economic importance, no security importance."  (MM 2/22)


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  • January 26, 1994

    PLO official Nabil Shaath says Israel-PLO talks in Cairo getting to detailed level, reports progress and exchange of drafts on security arrangements. (WP 1/27)

    King Hussein meets Secy. of...

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  • December 31, 1993

    Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Michel Sabbah says Catholic Church will insist that Israel stop barring Palestinians fr. entering Jerusalem, notes "Jerusalem is still to be discussed" between Vatican...

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  • December 10, 1993

    Secy. of State Christopher meets PLO Chmn. Arafat in Tunis, 1st visit by a U.S. secy. of state to PLO hq. Christopher delivers invitation fr. PM Rabin to Arafat for mtg. in Cairo, says both should...

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  • October 23, 1993

    Egyptian Pres. Mubarak arrives in Washington for meeting with U.S. Pres. Clinton on peace process, U.S. aid to Cairo. (WT 10/23, 10/24

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  • December 7, 1992

    Eighth round of peace talks begins in Washington. Truncated Palestinian delegation (see 12/6) appeals to the U.S. to intervene. White House announces that Pres. Bush will meet with all delegation...

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  • October 21, 1992

    Seventh round of Arab-Israeli negotiations begins in Washington, D.C., to continue until 11/20, with a 1-week break around the U.S. elections. Israeli chief negotiator with the Palestinians...

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  • July 25, 1992

    Arab foreign ministers meet with President Asad, conclude meeting in Damascus, issue final statement endorsing new round of peace talks, calling for participation of PLO and diaspora Palestinians...

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  • July 2, 1991

    Fighting breaks out between Lebanese army and PLO, allied Islamic forces as PLO forces refuse to evacuate positions east of Sidon, Army blockades Palestinian refugee camps of al-Mi'a wa Mi'a, 'Ayn...

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  • January 26, 1991

    Saudi and U.S. officials ready barricades and dispersal chemicals to try to keep oil slick flowing south from Kuwait from reaching desalinization plants on Gulf. Iraq says spill was caused by...

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  • January 1, 1991

    New York Times reports Iraq is encountering increasingly serious shortages in the gov't. food rationing program; declines of 25% to 50% in amount of basic food items are reported [NYT 1/2...

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  • December 11, 1990

    In Washington, Pres. Bush holds 2-hour meeting with Israeli P.M. Shamir, the 1st U.S.-Israel meeting since Gulf crisis began; Shamir calls talks "reassuring" [JDS 12/11, YA 12/12 in FBIS 12/12;...

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  • November 30, 1990

    Pres. Bush says he has invited Iraqi F.M. Aziz to Washington and is ready to send Sec. Baker to Baghdad in an attempt to find peaceful solution to Gulf crisis. [NYT, LAT, WP 12/1; CSM 12/3].

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  • November 20, 1990

    45 Democratic lawmakers file suit in Washington to try to force Pres. Bush to seek authority from Congress before ordering U.S. military attack in Gulf [LAT, NYT, MEM 11/21].

    New York...

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King Hussein returns to Jordan in critical condition, with no further hope for treatment. (AFP, JTV, RJ 2/4 in WNC 2/5; MM, NYT, WP, WT 2/5; NYT 2/6)

Pres. Clinton, Arafat meet on sidelines of Washington prayer breakfast despite protests fr. the Christian Right, boycott of breakfast by some congressmen, Christian groups. Clinton warns Arafat against declaring a state in 5/99, urges him to do more to ease Israeli safety concerns. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 2/5; JP, PR 2/12)

PA arrests 40 Palestinians on charges of planning attacks against Jewish settlers in Gaza for Hamas's military wing. (NYT, WT 2/5; JP 2/12)

IDF demolishes 2 Palestinian homes nr. Hebron. (Christian Peace Team press release 2/6)

UNSCOM head Butler says that he will not seek another term as chmn. when his contract expires in 6/99 but refuses to resign. (NYT, WP, WT 2/5) (see 1/6)

U.S. stages 2d strike on Iraq, having hit more than 50 targets with over 200 Tomahawk missiles 12/16. Democratic congressmen accuse Republicans, many of whom questioned the timing of the attacks, of being unpatriotic. Russia recalls its ambs. fr. Washington (for the 1st time since World War II), London; the Duma accuses the U.S. of "international terrorism." Lebanon denounces the operation. Jordan expresses regret. Syria opposes U.S. "double standards" in its Iraq, Israel policy. (MM 12/17; AFP, IRNA, MENA, Petra-JNA, RJ 12/17 in WNC 12/21; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 12/18; al-Thawra, Tishrin 12/18 in WNC 12/28; NYT, WP, WT 12/19; MENA 12/19, SATN 12/20, al-Ahram 12/21 in WNC 12/22; MEI 12/25)

Across the West Bank and in Gaza City, Palestinians protest the U.S.-led attack on Iraq. The largest demonstration, attended by 3,000 Palestinians, is held in Nablus. In el-Bireh, the IDF shoots, kills 1 Palestinian, injures 16 others. (WP, WT 12/18; MEI 12/25)

In Egypt, the government expresses its "regret" over the U.S.-led strike on Iraq; the Arab League, al-Azhar's chief cleric denounce use of military force; Cairo University students go on hunger strike to protest; Egyptian police lock American University in Cairo students on campus to keep them fr. demonstrating. (MENA, RE 12/17 in WNC 12/21)

As the House approves 4 articles of impeachment against him in Washington, Pres. Clinton arrives in Tel Aviv on 1st stop of 4-day visit. At the airport, PM Netanyahu offers Clinton a "lukewarm" greeting, warns that the Wye agmt. is unraveling, says he will not halt his criticism of the PA, which he accuses of violating every clause of the Wye accord. (ITV, MENA 12/12, JT 12/13 in WNC 12/15; NYT, WP, WT 12/13; GIU, NYT 12/14; PR 12/18)

In Damascus, 8 PLO opposition groups, Hamas, Islamic Jihad open 2-day conference to reaffirm opposition to the Oslo process, adherence to PLO charter. Jordan prevents 32 Palestinians fr. crossing border to attend. (JT, SA 12/12, JTV 12/13, JT 12/14 in WNC 12/15; MM 12/14; al-Majd 12/14 in WNC 12/17; MEI 12/25; al-Watan al-Arabi 1/1 in WNC 1/5)

Jordanian PM Fayiz al-Tarawnah arrives in Gaza for coordination mtg. with Arafat. Both men call on Palestinian prisoners to end their hunger strike (see 12/11). (RJ 12/12 in WNC 12/15; al-Majd 12/14 in WNC 12/16)

In Gaza, 100s of Palestinians demonstrate against Israel's refusal to release political prisoners. During similar demonstration in Bethlehem, PA police, IDF clash with Palestinians, leaving 7 injured. (NYT, WT 12/13)

Jordanian security arrests 8 Palestinians in Baq`a refugee camp for planning rallies for 12/14 to protest Arafat's annulment of the PLO charter. (JT 12/14 in WNC 12/15; al-Dustur 12/15 in WNC 12/16, 12/17)

In Jericho, the Palestinian-Israeli Steering and Monitoring Comm. (PISMC) discusses disputes over prisoner release, settlement expansion, confiscation of Palestinian land for bypass roads. (NYT 11/30; MEI 12/11)

In Washington, Arafat meets with Pres. Clinton, Commerce Secy. William Daley, Arab American business leaders. (NYT, WT 11/30)

On the eve of the Washington donor mtg., the Sunday Times of London reports that $20 m. in EU aid earmarked for housing projects for needy Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza has been used to build luxury apartments for Arafat supporters. (WT 11/30; PR 12/4; MEI 12/11; JP 12/14)

PM Netanyahu convenes special cabinet session to reassess Israel's occupation of s. Lebanon amid public outcry over increasing number of IDF casualties there. (20 soldiers have been killed in s. Lebanon this year, including 7 in the past 2 wks., compared to 39 last yr.) U.S. Amb. Edward Walker warns Netanyahu against harsh retaliation against Lebanon. Lebanese pres. Lahoud says Israel is only testing the new regime, he will not submit to Israeli blackmail. (WP, WT 11/29; ITV, RL 11/29 in WNC 12/1; MM 11/30; MM, WT 12/1; MM 12/2; WJW 12/3; JP 12/7; MEI 12/11)

In Gaza, PA police block Israeli trucks carrying building supplies to Netzarim settlement. IDF counters by blocking VIP entrance to Gaza to PA officials, while settlers block road nr. Netzarim to Palestinian traffic. (NYT 11/30)

IDF demolishes Palestinian home in East Jerusalem. (LAW 11/30; PR 1/8)

In Washington, U.S. Pres. Bill Clinton testifies before a grand jury on his relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. In a televised address afterward he admits having an affair; misleading the special prosecutor, the public. (MM 8/17; MM, NYT, WP, WT 8/18; IDF Radio 8/18 in WNC 8/19; MM 8/19; al-Thawra 8/19 in WNC 8/24)

PA lifts curfew on Jericho, saying that escaped prisoner, Hamas mbr. Imad Awadallah, is no longer in the area. (WP 8/18; ITV 8/19 in WNC 8/21; LAW 8/21; HA [Internet] 8/21; JP 8/22) (see 8/15)

PM Netanyahu says that he wants PA-Israeli negotiations to be expanded to include issues other than FRD. PA says that it entered the latest round of talks with the understanding that they would address 2 issues only: FRD, the PLO charter. No progress has been made in the talks thus far. (ITV 7/21 in WNC 7/23; WT 7/22)

Arafat, Israeli DM Mordechai separately consult Egypt's Pres. Mubarak regarding the latest round of negotiations. (MENA, RE 7/21 in WNC 7/23; WT 7/22; NYT 7/23)

EU special envoy Moratinos meets with Israeli FMin. officials. (WJW 7/23)

King Hussein announces that tests fr. his last visit to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, on 7/14 indicate that he has lymphatic cancer. (RJ 7/21, 7/22 in WNC 7/23, WT 7/22; RJ 7/22 in WNC 7/24; MM, WP 7/23; MEI 7/31)

At Rep. Gingrich's invitation, a PA delegation led by PC Speaker Qurai` arrives in Washington to meet with congressmen. This is the 1st time that Palestinian lawmakers have been invited to Capitol Hill since the PC was elected in 1/96. (WT 7/21; MM 7/23)

The Senate proposes same reductions in Egyptian, Israeli aid as the House did 7/15. Debates on the House and Senate versions will not be completed until 9/98 at the earliest. (WJW 7/23)

U.S. Principal Dep. Secy. of State for Near Eastern Affairs David Welch returns fr. leading delegation (including Turkish officials) on 5-day trip to n. Iraq to attempt to reconcile the Kurdistan Democratic Party, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan. The U.S. hopes to unite the 2 groups to increase pressure on Iraqi pres. Saddam Hussein. (GIU 7/17; MM 7/20, 7/30) (see 6/17)

Amal, Hizballah meet to discuss ways of coordinating their actions against the IDF, SLA in s. Lebanon. (RL 7/22 in WNC 7/23)

In s. Lebanon, an SLA convoy triggers a roadside bomb, killing 1 mbr., wounding 2. (VOL 7/21 in WNC 7/23) (see 5/10)

In Damascus, Syrian Pres. Asad, FM Shara`, Saudi FM Prince Saud al-Faysal discuss bilateral cooperation, peace process. (SATN 6/16 in WNC 6/18)

In Washington, Lebanese PM Hariri meets with Pres. Clinton, Secy. of State Albright, Asst Secy. of State for Political Affairs Thomas Pickering, Asst. Secy. Indyk, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger. (WP 6/17; RL 6/17 in WNC 6/18; WT 6/18; RL 6/18 in WNC 6/19; al-Safir 6/20 in WNC 6/23)

Iran, Jordan sign accords on shipping, resuming flights btwn. their countries. 1st Jordanian flight in 18 yrs. lands in Tehran. (IRBD Television 6/16 in WNC 6/17; Petra-JNA 6/16 in WNC 6/1)

After several unsuccessful attempts, Jewish settlers occupy a vacant, Palestinian-owned home adjacent to, but not in, Hebron's Jewish enclave. The Norwegian contingent of the Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH) files a protest with Israeli authorities, who try but fail to evict the settlers. (MA 7/3 in WNC 7/7)

Arafat meets with Egypt's Pres. Mubarak in Cairo. (MENA, RE 3/24 in WNC 3/25)

In Cairo, Arab League FMs discuss status of the peace process, forming united Arab stance on ways to deal with Israeli government. (MENA 3/24 in WNC 3/25)

In Washington, Israel's Communications M Limor Livnat meets with congressmen to urge them to pressure Pres. Clinton not to publicize a U.S. FRD plan. (ITV 3/24 in WNC 3/25) (see 3/3)

In Ankara, Turkey, Israel hold trade talks, sign trade protocol. (Anatolia [Ankara] 3/25 in WNC 3/27)

In Jerusalem, Israeli officials, reps fr. Russia's leading gas producer Gazprom discuss possibility of constructing pipeline to bring Russian gas to Israel via Turkey. (Interfax 3/24 in WNC 3/25)

New resistance group Lebanese Battalions for Resisting Israeli Occupation (LBRIO) stage 1st attack against IDF positions in s. Lebanon, with backup fr. Hizballah. Most LBRIO mbrs. are in their mid-20s, not officially mbrs. of any party or group, want to participate in resistance but do not want to join an Islamist group. According to Hizballah Secy. Gen. Hassan Nasrallah, LIBRO mbrs. are training, operating in tandem with Hizballah units until they are ready to operate on their own. (VOL 3/24 in WNC 3/25; al-Ahd [Beirut] 3/25 in WNC 3/27; al-Shira [Beirut] 3/30 in WNC 4/2)

PM Netanyahu sends media adviser David Bar-Ilan to Washington to call on Jewish-American leaders, Christian Right, allies in Congress to fend off expected U.S. government initiative to press Israel for an FRD. (MM 3/3; WT 3/4; WJW 3/12)

Alerted by Jordanian security, IDF intercepts 2 boatloads of arms being smuggled to the West Bank via the Dead Sea, detains 1 Palestinian, claims the arms were intended for the PA. PA denies charge. (WT 3/1; WT 3/2; PR 3/6; JP 3/7)

Jordan lifts curfew on Ma'an. (WT 3/1) (see 2/22)

1 Hizballah mbr. is killed in an attack on an SLA post in s. Lebanon. (RL 2/28 in WNC 3/5)

EU special envoy Moratinos arrives in Syria. (SANA 6/18 in WNC 6/19)

In Washington, U.S. cosmetics heir Ron Lauder holds confidential mtg. with Syrian Amb. Moualem to discuss ways of restarting the Syrian-Israeli talks, then briefs Secy. of State Albright. Israel's Dir. of Policy Planning Bar-Ilan says that the mtg. was not authorized, but was welcome, by Israel. (MM 7/7)

Israeli finance M Dan Meridor, a Likud mbr., resigns, saying he has lost faith in Netanyahu's leadership, the PM deliberately sabotaged his agreement with the Bank of Israel for currency liberalization. (MM 6/18; Globes [Internet], ITV 6/18 in WNC 6/19; MM, NYT, WJW, WP, WT 6/19; YA 6/19 in WNC 6/20; Globes [Internet] 6/19 in WNC 6/23; ITV 6/19, MA 6/20 in WNC 6/23; Globes [Internet] 6/19 in WNC 6/24; CSM, MM 6/20; WP 6/26; MEI 6/27)

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Senate Appropriations Subcomm. chmn., announces that the subcomm. will forward legislation to the full Appropriations Comm. without the annual $2.1 b. in foreign aid to Egypt; says Egypt is obstructing the peace process by refusing to attend multilateral talks, refusing Pres. Clinton's invitation to Washington 9/96, leading the effort to reimpose the Arab boycott, moving closer to Libya. State Dept. says that the administration stands behind its foreign aid request. (al-Wafd 6/20, al-Quds al-Arabi 6/23 in WNC 6/25; WT 6/21; MM 6/25; MM 8/14)

Syrian VP Khaddam arrives in Iran for talks with Pres. Rafsanjani on the peace process, Turkish intervention in n. Iraq, 6/10 House decision. (IRNA 6/18 in WNC 6/19; SA 6/19 in WNC 6/20)

After 11 mos. in office. Turkish PM Erbakan turns his resignation into Pres. Suleyman Demirel, says he is willing to enter a new coalition under Ciller. Legally it is Demirel who must ask Ciller to form a new government; he has not stated if he will abide by the new coalition arrangement. (AFP 6/18 in WNC 6/19; MM, NYT, WP, WT 6/19; MEI 6/27) (see 6/13)

UN Secy. Gen. Annan accepts a U.S. deal (passed by the House 6/11, the Senate 6/17) under which the UN would agree to reduce U.S. dues to 20% of the total budget by 1999, reduce U.S. peacekeeping to 25% by 1999, tighten the UN budget, reduce staff in exchange fr. the U.S. paying off $819 m. of its $1.3-b. debt over 3 yrs. The draft legislation must now be approved by the full Congress. (WT 6/19)

In Hebron, IDF clashes with Palestinians for 5th straight day, wounding 5. (MM 5/18; NYT 6/19; MEI 6/27)

In s. Lebanon, 3 SLA soldiers, 1 civilian are killed, 2 civilians are wounded by a roadside bomb. Israel blames Hizballah; responds by making in incursion into Jazzin, far n. of the self-declared security zone, arresting a number of youths, including a Lebanese soldier; submits complaint to ILMG, accusing Hizballah of planting the bomb. (VOL 6/18 in WNC 6/19; MM 6/26; MEI, MM 6/27)

PM Netanyahu arrives in Washington for AIPAC conference, holds talks with Pres. Clinton, Secy. of State Albright (MM 4/7; MM, NYT, WP, WT 4/8; ITV 4/8 in WNC 4/9; CSM, NYT 4/9; MA, La Repubblica [Rome] 4/9 in WNC 4/10; al-Thawra [Damascus] 4/9, RE, RL 4/10 in WNC 4/11; PR 4/11; al-Ahram [Cairo] 4/11 in WNC 4/17; WJW 4/17; MEI 4/18; MM 4/28)

In Amman, Jordan's Crown Prince Hassan, Arafat dep. Mahmud Abbas discuss Jordanian-PA coordination on political, economic issues. (RJ 4/7 in WNC 4/8)

In preparation for trial, Jordanian military team visits Israel to interview victims of the 3/13 Daqamsa shooting. (JT 4/9 in WNC 4/10) (see 3/27)

Vatican says that it has reached a critical stage in its relations with Israel, that Israel should renew its commitment to peace for normalization to progress further. (WJW 4/17)

In Moscow, Lebanese PM Hariri, Russian PM Viktor Chernomyrdin, Dep. FM Yevgeny Primakov discuss peace process, bilateral relations. (RL 4/7 in WNC 4/8; RL 4/8 in WNC 4/9)

In Manhattan, federal prosecutors for the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) open exclusion proceedings against Hamas political leader Abu Marzuq. Abu Marzuq is willing to withdraw his application to reenter the U.S. and agree to exclusion (i.e., immediate deportation), but INS says he cannot do so without either conceding or contesting the terrorism charge, otherwise he could be detained indefinitely. Abu Marzuq refuses to concede; contesting the charge could take yrs. The exclusion proceeding is closed; the INS does not have to reveal the sources of its evidence. (MM 4/8; NYT 4/13; WJW 4/17; MEI 4/18) (see 4/3)

The Knesset Finance Comm. agrees (by vote of 6-5) to demand that the PA detail the use of funds in its Bank Leumi account. Some MKs suspect the account is a secret petty cash fund. (Globes [Internet] 4/7 in WNC 4/9)

In Kharbata village nr. Ramallah, a Jewish settler opens fire with an M-16, handgun on Palestinians who stone his car, wounding 2. Villagers say the settler is known for intimidating local Palestinians, driving through the village instead of using the Jewish-only bypass road. (MM 4/7; WT 4/8)

Islamic University of Hebron holds student council elections. Hamas-Islamic Jihad list wins 19 of 35 seats; pro-Arafat Fatah lists wins 15 seats; PFLP 1 seat. (WT 4/8; MEI, PR 4/18; JP 4/19)

The Kuwaiti government denies the Comm. for the Defense of Islamic Issues permission to stage a rally outside parliament to protest Israel's policies on Jerusalem, U.S. support for Israeli actions. (AFP 4/7 in WNC 4/8)

SLA exchanges 3 Hizballah mbrs. being held at al-Khiyam prison in s. Lebanon for 1 SLA soldier held by Hizballah. (RL 4/7 in WNC 4/8)

In Minnesota, PM Netanyahu, King Hussein discuss ways of restarting Israeli-PA talks, especially Netanyahu's proposal for a Camp-David-style summit (see 4/1). (CSM, NYT, WP 4/7; RJ 4/7 in WNC 4/8; JTV 4/8 in WNC 4/9)

Netanyahu withdraws fr. a scheduled appearance before the Reform Jewish movement, the largest Jewish denomination in the U.S. Reform leaders regard the decision as a "deliberate affront." (WT 4/7) (see 4/1)

PA Higher Education M Ashrawi arrives in Washington to meet with Secy. of State Albright, U.S. special envoy Ross. (WP 4/7; MM 4/9)

The American Israel Public Affairs Comm. (AIPAC) annual 3-day conference opens in Washington. U.S. VP Al Gore, Amb. to the UN Richardson address the group. Gore praises "my friend Bibi" for his "passionate" devotion to Israeli security. (MM, WP 4/7; WP 4/8)

Nr. Tel Aviv, an explosion destroys a warehouse at a factory where Israel makes parts for the U.S.-funded Arrow antimissile missile. Israel says the explosion was accidental. (WT 4/7)

PM Netanyahu says that if Arafat unilaterally declares a Palestinian state, Israel will retake zone B areas. (MM 1/23; IDF Radio 1/23 in WNC 1/24) (see 1/22)

IDF demolishes Palestinian home nr. Jenin. (LAWE 2/13)

The IDF begins collecting taxes on cars fr. Lebanese citizens in s. Lebanon. The tax ranges fr. $7 to $30, depending upon the size of the car. (RL 1/23 in WNC 11/24)

Albright is sworn in as secy. of state. (NYT, WP, WT 1/24)

In Washington, UN Secy. Gen. Annan meets with Pres. Clinton, Congress. Clinton vows to work with Congress to pay all of the U.S. $1.3-b. debt to the UN, if Annan pushes UN reform. (NYT, WP, WT 1/24)

In Washington, Pres. Clinton discusses Israeli-Syrian, Israeli-Lebanese talks with King Hussein, Pres. Mubarak. Mubarak then meets with Defense Secy. Perry, congressional leaders. (JTV, MENA 9/29 in FBIS 10/1; NYT 9/30; JTV 10/9 in FBIS 10/10)

In New York, Israeli FM Peres meets with Qatar's Shaykh Hamad. (MM 10/2)

Jordanian opposition parties, independents attend antinormalization conference in Amman. This mtg. was originally scheduled for 5/29, but was banned by the government hours before it occurred. Organizers skirted the ban by holding the mtg. in private offices, rather than in a public forum. (JT 9/30, SARR 10/1, JT 10/2 in FBIS 10/2) (see 5/18, 5/29)

Kiryat Arba leader Zvi Katzover says he is forming a settler militia to take over IDF posts as IDF withdraws fr. Hebron, says 100s of settlers have already signed up. (WT 9/30)

2 days after he was arrested by 4 PSF mbrs, Palestinian-American Azzam Muhammad Ibrahim Muslih becomes the 4th to die in PA custody. (QY, VOP 9/29 in FBIS 10/2; NYT 10/1, 10/2; JP 10/7)

The Maronite Bishopric in Tyre lodges complaint with the UN observers in s. Lebanon, saying IDF forces confiscated and levelled 20,000 sq. m. of its olive groves nr. al-Duhayra. UN confirms the IDF has cordoned off the land with barbed wire. (RL 9/29 in FBIS 10/2)

Secy of State Christopher visits Jericho, commends "skill and efficiency" of Palestinian self-rule area.  After mtg. local admin., Christopher is escorted by Faisal Husseini on tour of Hisham Palace.  (MM 5/17; NYT, WP, WT 5/18; TJT 5/20)

Christopher meets twice with PM Rabin, discusses Israel-Syria negotiations.  "Officials" report 3-stage Israeli withdrawal plan, to take place over 5-8 yrs.  National Security Advisor Anthony Lake, in Washington speech, says U.S. seeks "real peace" btwn. Israel and Syria, will "participate in the security arrangements" reached by the parties. (NYT 5/18, 5/19)

IDF formally turns over Gaza Strip civil admin. to Palestinians in exchange of papers at Erez checkpoint btwn. Israel, Gaza Strip.  (MM 5/17; NYT, WP 5/18; Yediot Aharonot 5/18 in FBIS 5/18)

Israeli motorist kills Palestinian when he fires on stone-throwers in Nablus.  (TJT 5/20)

2 settlers killed, 1 wounded when their car ambushed nr. Bet Hagai settlement, south of Hebron.  Hamas claims responsibility for attack.  (MM 5/17; NYT, WP, WT 5/18; JP 5/28)

Israel Radio broadcasts recording of 5/10 speech by PLO Chmn. Yasir Arafat to Muslim congregation in Johannesburg, South Africa, in which Palestinian leader calls for "jihad to liberate Jerusalem."  PM Rabin calls speech "a clear violation" of PLO commitments under 5/4 agreement.  (MM, WP, WT 5/18)

UNSC passes Resolution 904 condemning Hebron massacre. U.S. abstains on "objectionable" passages in preamble. U.S. Amb. to UN Albright says U.S. allowed resolution to pass "with great reluctance" due to importance of restarting peace process. PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Yasir 'Abd-Rabbuh calls resolution "an important sep," but declines to commit to resumption of peace talks. (NYT, WP, WT 3/19)

Secy. of State Christopher announces that Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria have agreed to resume negotiations with Israel. Talks to resume 4/94 in Washington, D.C. Arab decision follows telephone lobbying with King Hussein, Pres. al-Hirawi, Pres. al-Asad by Pres. Clinton. (NYT, WP, WT 3/19)

Rachel Manning, 54, awaiting extradition to U.S. in 1980 bombing case, dies in prison nr. Tel Aviv. Manning and husband Robert, 43, were JDL/Kach mbrs. and prime suspects in 1985 bombing death of ADC Regional Director Alex Odeh. Robert Manning was extradited 7/93 and sentenced to life 2/7/94. (NYT 3/20; WJW 3/24)

FM Peres criticizes some settlements in Gaza Strip as "totally illogical," saying Netzarim "has no agricultural importance, no economic importance, no security importance."  (MM 2/22)

15 settler families, most fr. Ariel, sign petition for Knesset assistance to help them leave o.t.  MKs Yossi Katz (Labor) and Avraham Poraz (Meretz) submit Knesset bills calling for comprehensive compensation plan for settlers leaving o.t., while Labor MKs Haggai Merom and Avraham Burg set up "hot line" for settlers who wish to leave.  (MM 2/23)

Lebanese govt. officials, responding to U.S. concerns over violence in southern Lebanon, agree to restrain actions of guerrilla groups in south.  Int. M Bishara Mirhaj says "We will not approve of any operation that undermines the responsibility of the state in south Lebanon."  (NYT 2/25)

Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics puts Israeli population at end 1993 at 5.325 m., compared to 5.196 m. in 1992.  CBS says settlements' population at 115,000 compared to 105,000 in 1992, Palestinian population in o.t. 1.9 m.  (MM 2/23)

Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu meets in Washington with VP Al Gore, Senate Minority Leader Robert Dole.  Gore expresses both personal and official Clinton admin. opposition to Palestinian state, according to Netanyahu, while Dole says Senate would oppose posting U.S. troops on Golan.  (MM 2/23)

Jordanian Crown Prince Hassan expresses "respect and appreciation" for Saudi fund-raising drive for Islamic holy places in Jerusalem.  (RJ 2/22 in FBIS 2/23)

Senate confirms Strobe Talbott as dep. secy. of state by 66-31 vote.  Opponents had charged Talbott was overly critical of Israel while a journalist for Time magazine, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)  calling Talbott's articles "insulting, immature and incorrect," Sen. Minority Leader Robert Dole (R-KS) accusing Talbott of "clear anti-Israel bias." (MM, NYT, WP, WT 2/23)

PLO official Nabil Shaath says Israel-PLO talks in Cairo getting to detailed level, reports progress and exchange of drafts on security arrangements. (WP 1/27)

King Hussein meets Secy. of State Christopher in Washington, D.C. At news conference marking end of U.S. visit Jordanian ruler calls for "interfaith dialogue" on Jerusalem's holy places, reiterates that East Jerusalem should be restored to Arab rule. Hussein also says he hopes to meet Israeli PM Rabin "before too long." (NYT, WP, WT 1/27)

Qatari FM Shaykh Hamad bin Jassim alThani, visiting U.S., says Arab states have "been discussing" boycott of Israel and "are ready to take some action" on phasing it out. Al-Thani also confirms Israel and Qatar discussing supply of Qatari natural gas to Israel. (MM, NYT 1/27)

Resident of Jabaliya camp, Gaza, killed, presumably for collaboration with occupation. (Qol Yisra'el 1/27 in FBIS 1/28)

Company for Developing Old Jaffa announces agreement with Vatican on setting up Vatican embassy in Franciscan church in Jaffa, 1st embassy in Israel in historically Arab city. (MM 1/26)

Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Michel Sabbah says Catholic Church will insist that Israel stop barring Palestinians fr. entering Jerusalem, notes "Jerusalem is still to be discussed" between Vatican, Israel. (NYT 1/1)

Polls show that 1/3 of Israeli settlers in West Bank and Gaza Strip would leave if offered compensation in cash or housing in Israel proper. (NYT 1/1)

Frmr. Israeli negotiator Yossi Olmert says private, unofficial Syrian-Israeli talks were held 5/93-10/93 in Germany, Norway, Switzerland, and Turkey under auspices of Initiative for Peace and Cooperation in the Middle East, a branch of Washington, DC-based Search for Common Ground. (WT 1/1; Yediot Aharonot 1/2 in FBIS 1/3; MM 1/4)

Fateh Hawks hold rally in Gaza attended by hundreds. (WP 1/1)

2 Israelis killed in Ramla by Palestinian attackers. (MM 1/4)

Secy. of State Christopher meets PLO Chmn. Arafat in Tunis, 1st visit by a U.S. secy. of state to PLO hq. Christopher delivers invitation fr. PM Rabin to Arafat for mtg. in Cairo, says both should reach "agreement so the accord will move forward." Christopher also says he is "impressed" by PLO plans for economic development ino.t. Later Christopher meets in Rabat with Moroccan King Hassan II. (NYT, WP, WT 12/11; NYT 12/13)

3 Palestinians killed by settlers in ambush nr. Hebron. Kach movement claims responsibility for attack. (NYT, WP, WT 12/11)

Palestinian spokeswoman Hanan Ashrawi resigns fr. her PLO posts to form Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights. Ashrawi had earlier been nominated to head PLO office in Washington, D.C. (NYT, WP, WT 12/11)

PFLP mbr. Zaki Ahmad Najar killed in Jabaliya camp, Gaza Strip. PFLP says he died in gun-cleaning accident; other sources blame factional fighting or IDF undercover units. (NYT 12/14

Egyptian Pres. Mubarak arrives in Washington for meeting with U.S. Pres. Clinton on peace process, U.S. aid to Cairo. (WT 10/23, 10/24

Eighth round of peace talks begins in Washington. Truncated Palestinian delegation (see 12/6) appeals to the U.S. to intervene. White House announces that Pres. Bush will meet with all delegation heads at the end of this round (12/17). (NYT 12/8; Radio Jordan 12/7 in FBIS 12/8)

Three IDF soldiers are killed in drive-by shooting in Bayt Lahiya, Gaza Strip, the most costly single attack on the IDF by o.t. Palestinians since the beginning of intifada 12/9/87. Hamas-'Izz al-Din al-Qassim wing claims responsibility. (MM 12/7; WP 12/8; NYT 12/9; Qol Yisra'el 12/7 in FBIS 12/8)

DFLP-'Abd-Rabbuh faction calls for expanded meeting of DFLP leadership to discuss 12/3 Hawatima faction takeover of Rabbuh's Damascus HQ, still being held. (Sanaa VOP 12/7 in FBIS 12/8)

Separate IDF and Border Police undercover units clash by mistake, wounding 3, near Jenin. (MM 12/8)

Seventh round of Arab-Israeli negotiations begins in Washington, D.C., to continue until 11/20, with a 1-week break around the U.S. elections. Israeli chief negotiator with the Palestinians Elyakim Rubinstein gives letter to Palestinian delegation head Haydar 'Abd al-Shafi focusing on recent wave of violence in o.t. 'Abd al-Shafi responds with comments about Israel's handling of the Palestinian prisoner hunger strike. U.S. tells Palestinian negotiators they should drop insistence on full Israeli withdrawal from the W. Bank and Gaza Strip. (MM 10/21, 10/22; Qol Yisra'el 10/22 in FBIS 10/22; NYT 10/22)

Israel presents Syria with "fresh paperwork" to frame discussions of Golan Heights that reflects not new proposals, but more forthcoming language-talk of "territorial dimension" is replaced by explicit use of the word "withdrawal." Syrian delegation head Muwaffaq al-'Allaf says the Israeli ideas are "old and unsatisfactory." (MM 10/21, 10/22; Qol Yisra'el 10/22 in FBIS 10/22; NYT 10/22)

PLO pol. dept. head Faruq al-Qaddumi meets with French FM Roland Dumas in Paris. Chmn. Arafat meets with Spanish FM in Tunis. (Algiers VOP 10/22 in FBIS 10/23)

Israel accepts Tunis' offer to host next round (beginning 1/93) of multilateral talks on refugees. Israel rejects a proposal to include the issue of family reunification at upcoming refugee talks in Ottawa, saying it is an attempt to introduce the Palestinian right of return through the back door. (Ha'Aretz 10/22 in FBIS 10/22)

Tsomet party joins Likud and National Religious Party in submitting motion of no-confidence to be debated when the Knesset winter session opens 11/2. (Qol Yisra'el 10/21 in FBIS 10/22)

Palestinian gunmen attack IDF vehicle, wounding 2 soldiers, in drive-by shooting near Hebron. (MM 10/22

Arab foreign ministers meet with President Asad, conclude meeting in Damascus, issue final statement endorsing new round of peace talks, calling for participation of PLO and diaspora Palestinians, acknowledging Israeli "change of tone" but lack of commitment to peace. (NYT 7/26)

Secretary of State Baker says he would like to reconvene peace talks in Washington, D.C. on 8/10. (NYT 7/26)

IDF soldiers shoot at vehicle, killing 4- year-old Palestinian boy; vehicle reportedly was suspected of carrying "wanted" activists. (Qol Yisra'el 7/26 in FBIS 7/27)

Amal fighters clash with Israeli, SLA patrol in South Lebanon; Israeli artillery and helicopters shell and strafe Litani river basin, al-Tayyiba, Zawtar regions (Voice of the Mountain 7/26 in FBIS 7/27)

Fighting breaks out between Lebanese army and PLO, allied Islamic forces as PLO forces refuse to evacuate positions east of Sidon, Army blockades Palestinian refugee camps of al-Mi'a wa Mi'a, 'Ayn al-Hilwa. PLO officials in Tunis call for discussion with Lebanese government. (NYT, LAT, MEM 7/2; WP 7/3)

Israeli Housing Min. Ariel Sharon inaugurates new neighborhood of Israeli settlement of Mevo Dotan in the northern West Bank, one day after Pres. Bush described settlements as "counterproductive." (MEM 7/2; WP 7/3)

Palestinian leaders Hanan Ashrawi, Faisal Husseini meet with Secy. of State Baker in Washington, discuss U.S. peace initiative. (MEM 7/3)

Saudi and U.S. officials ready barricades and dispersal chemicals to try to keep oil slick flowing south from Kuwait from reaching desalinization plants on Gulf. Iraq says spill was caused by allied bombing; U.S. contends it was deliberate act by Iraqi troops [NYT, WP 1/27].

Patriot missiles intercept 5 SCUDS over Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Riyadh [IDF 1/26 in FBIS 1/28; NYT, WP 1/27].

Teheran radio reports 7 Iraqi planes have been allowed to make emergency landings in Iran, and that 1 of the planes crashed and exploded on landing. Teheran says planes will be impounded. U.S. says dozens of other Iraqi planes have been flown to Iranian airbases over past week [NYT, WP 1/27].

About 75,000 people march in Washington, D.C., protesting U.S. involvement in Gulf war; protest also takes place in San Francisco, while scattered counterdemonstrations, supporting Pres. Bush occur. Protesters also march in Bonn [NYT, WP 1/27].

Yasir Arafat meets with King Hassan in Rabat to discuss Gulf war [RADS 1/26 in FBIS 1/29].

New York Times reports Iraq is encountering increasingly serious shortages in the gov't. food rationing program; declines of 25% to 50% in amount of basic food items are reported [NYT 1/2].

4 Palestinians are killed in clashes with IDF as many defy curfews to celebrate 26th anniversary of 1st military operation of Fateh [JPD 1/2 in FBIS 1/2; NYT, LAT, WT, WP 1/2; LAT 1/3].

In New Year's speech, Pres. Mubarak warns Saddam Hussein that "the decision for peace rests in your hands" and that wrong decision would mean "sacrificing the lives of hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children" [NYT 1/2]; Iraq rejects Mubarak's warning [LAT 1/2].

In Washington, American Civil Liberties Union and 51 other organizations call on Congress to adopt resolution to prevent Pres. Bush from starting war without congressional approval [LAT 1/2].

Arab League completes its move to permanent headquarters in Cairo (cf. 1/2) [KUNA 1/2 in FBIS 1/3].

Israeli Labor party doves propose initiative calling for unconditional withdrawal of Israel from Gaza Strip within 2 years after approval of plan; Gaza would be handed over to UN or local gov't. [MEM 1/2].

In Washington, Pres. Bush holds 2-hour meeting with Israeli P.M. Shamir, the 1st U.S.-Israel meeting since Gulf crisis began; Shamir calls talks "reassuring" [JDS 12/11, YA 12/12 in FBIS 12/12; NYT, LAT, WT, WP, CSM 12/12; JPI 12/22].

Nearly 500 Western and Japanese hostages leave Iraq and Kuwait on chartered planes; State Dep't. believes 268 Americans have left since 12/8, but that about 500 Americans have chosen to remain behind [INA 12/11 in FBIS 12/12; NYT, LAT, WP 12/12].

France announces it will send an additional 4,000 men to the Gulf, raising total number of French troops to 10,000. Pentagon says Iraq has placed an additional 20,000 troops in and around Kuwait in the past week [NYT, WP 12/12].

Sec. Baker gives tentative and qualified support for Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze's proposal for nuclear-free Middle East once Iraq leaves Kuwait [LAT, WT, WP 12/12].

First Polish ambassador to Israel since 1967 presents his credentials as Poland and Israel resume ties [HAM 12/12 in FBIS 12/19].

Despite U.S. initial commitment on 10/2 to give Israel $400 million in housing loan guarantees for Soviet immigrants, Bush admin. is still in process of reviewing loan arrangements and loan has not yet been implemented [MEM 12/12].

Italian F.M. Gianni De Michelis tells Le Monde "we cannot allow [Israel] to dictate the present and future security in the [Middle East]. I think it is necessary from now on to isolate Israel. One has seen with Iraq that isolation can have good results" [MEM 12/13].

Pres. Bush says he has invited Iraqi F.M. Aziz to Washington and is ready to send Sec. Baker to Baghdad in an attempt to find peaceful solution to Gulf crisis. [NYT, LAT, WP 12/1; CSM 12/3].

Iraqi Revolutionary Command Council brands 11/29 UN ultimatum illegal and accuses U.S. of buying Sec. Council votes [LAT 12/1; MET 12/11].

PLO statement condemns 11/29 UN resolution; another statement "welcomes the U.S. inclination toward negotiation and dialogue" after Pres. Bush offers to send Sec. Baker to Iraq (cf. 12/1) [AFP, AVP 12/1 in FBIS 12/3; CDS 11/30 in FBIS 12/4].

UNLU call no. 64, "the call of pledge and continuity," asks for international protection for Palestinians and heralds beginning of in- tifada's 4th year [BVP 12/3 in FBIS 12/5].

Iraqi troops deliver fruit, vegetables, and cigarettes to the U.S. embassy in Kuwait, promise American diplomats they would return with more food and medical supplies; Pres. Bush says "this could be a positive sign" [NYT, LAT, WP 12/1].

Former U.S. def. secretaries Harold Brown and Robert McNamara urge Bush admin. to allow time for sanctions to work in Iraq before resorting to military action [NYT 12/3].

Israeli military order renews closure of 4 Palestinian universities in o.t. for additional 3 months [MEM 11/30; FJ 12/3].

UN Sec. Council unanimously approves 6-month renewal, until 31 May 1991, of UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) as buffer between Syrian and Israeli armies in Golan Heights [MEM 12/3].

Official Saudi source says Saudia Arabia has cancelled debts owed to it by Egypt; debts estimated at $4 billion [MEM 12/3].

Jerusalem Report magazine poll taken between 11/19 and 11/29 of 1,200 Israeli Jews finds 42% have become more hawkish toward Palestinians in o.t. in the past 3 years. Only 6% say intifada has brought about more dovish attitude, while 2 out of 3 Israeli Jews say they want to bar Palestinians from working in Israel. (Poll is not published until 12 December) [WT 12/7; MEM 12/13]

45 Democratic lawmakers file suit in Washington to try to force Pres. Bush to seek authority from Congress before ordering U.S. military attack in Gulf [LAT, NYT, MEM 11/21].

New York Times/CBS News poll finds 47% of respondents are increasingly worried Pres. Bush has been too quick to commit troops to Gulf, 51% expect U.S. to go to war, and 51% say Pres. has not explained clearly enough why troops are in Gulf [NYT 11/20].

In Paris, Sec. Baker meets with Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze; U.S. and USSR agree further UN action is needed to force Iraq out of Kuwait, but disagree on exact steps [NYT, WT, WP 11/21].

Israeli F.M. David Levy informs UN Sec.- Gen. Javier Perez de Cuellar that Israel will receive UN envoy Jean-Claude Aime if Amie's mission is not connected to 10/8 Haram al-Sharif killings [JDS 11/20 in FBIS 11/20; WT 11/21].

Israeli officer and 4 Palestinian guerrillas are killed in 8-hour firefight in S. Lebanon after Israelis ambush guerrilla squad [JDS 11/20 in FBIS 11/20; MEM 11/20; NYT, WP 11/21; MET 11/27]; Palestinian Popular Struggle Front (PPSF) claims responsibility for operation [QUD 11/20 in FBIS 11/21; MEM 11/20].

General strike called for by UNLU is observed throughout o.t. [MEM 11/20; FJ 11/26; MET 12/4].

Iraqi gov't. announces it will free all German hostages, acknowledging that move is meant to divide international coalition against Baghdad [BADS 11/20 in FBIS 11/20; NYT, WT, WP, CSM 11/21].

Chrmn. of Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Colin Powell says Iraq's decision to send 250,000 additional troops to Kuwait might create "new vulnerabilities" for Baghdad "rather than added strength" [NYT, WT, WP 11/21].

New York grand jury indicts Sayyid Nosair, Egyptian-born maintenance worker, on charges of assassinating Meir Kahane on 11/5 [WP 11/21].