18 / 15500 Results
  • December 21, 1995

    IDF completes withdrawal fr. Bethlehem. (MM 12/21; QY, VOP 12/21 in FBIS 12/22; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 12/22; JP 12/30)

    At PISMC mtg. in Jerusalem, PA demands Israel withdraw immediately fr. Abu-...

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  • November 7, 1995

    In Jerusalem, Acting PM Peres says he will not call early elections. (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 11/8)

    Shin Bet gives cabinet a preliminary report on security guarding PM Rabin at the peace rally;...

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  • October 11, 1995

    PM Rabin is put under tighter security following events at 10/10 speech, arrest of 2 Kach mbrs for damaging his car in attack similar to that against Housing M Ben-Eliezer 10/6. Shin Bet worries...

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  • October 1, 1995

    UN opens its 50th session in New York. On sidelines of the mtgs, FM Peres with local rabbis; discusses settler issue, future amendments to PLO covenant. (QY 10/2 in FBIS 10/4)


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  • September 11, 1995

    New EU rotating head, Spanish PM Felipe Gonzalez arrives in Jerusalem on 1st leg of regional tour to show EU political, economic support of the peace process; meets with PM Rabin then with Arafat...

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  • July 3, 1995

    King Hussein initiates mtg. with David Levy in Paris, discusses peace process, says Levy has "an important role" to play on the Israeli political scene. (IDF Radio 7/4 in FBIS 7/5)


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  • June 27, 1995

    In Washington, Syria, Israel reopen negotiations with military advisers. Israel ask Syria to make several confidence-building gestures, but Syria rejects taking such measures before signing an...

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  • June 18, 1995

    Georgian Pres. Eduard Shevardnaze meet with Pres. Weizman, PM Rabin, says Georgia will open embassy in Jerusalem before end of the yr. (QY 6/18, 6/19 in FBIS 6/19)

    Russian Dep. FM...

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  • March 26, 1995

    PA-Israeli delegations meet in Jericho to discuss next official round of negotiations on elections, redeployment scheduled for 3/28-29 in Cairo. Parties say sides are still divided but talks are...

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  • March 18, 1995

    Israeli Environmental M Yossi Sarid says Palestinian state will eventually emerge fr. negotiations; borders will probably coincide with separation plan; officially it will not be a state "but in...

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  • March 10, 1995

    Secy. of State Christopher meets with Arafat in Gaza; discusses Israeli security, redeployment; promises to push donors to fulfill aid pledges; announces gift of 200 military trucks; says teams fr...

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  • March 9, 1995

    FM Peres, Arafat hold positive mtg. at Erez; agree to open safe passages immediately, halt land confiscation and financing expansion of existing settlements, speed process at border crossings,...

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  • February 24, 1995

    NATO opens talks with 5 North African, Middle Eastern nations (incl. Israel, Egypt) in Bonn as part of its new focus on maintaining Mediterranean security in the face of rising Islamist movements...

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  • February 20, 1995

    Arafat meets with French Pres. François Mitterrand, FM Alain Juppé in Paris, calls on EU to pressure Israel to break impasse in talks. (WP, WT 2/21; MEI 3/3)

    Arafat flies to Tunis to...

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  • February 1, 1995

    FM Peres arrives in Cairo for brief mtg. with FM Musa on NPT issue, stresses Israel will not change position. Musa says Israel's refusal to sign NPT is fueling regional stability; its failure to...

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  • January 30, 1995

    Israel withdraws fr. 132 sq. mi. of Jordanian territory it captured in 1967, in compliance with peace treaty. Remaining 17 sq. mi. to be returned before 2/10. Likud criticizes PM Rabin for...

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  • January 25, 1995

    Arafat arrives in Amman for talks Palestinian-Jordanian relations with King Hussein. (JTV, RJ 1/25 in FBIS 1/26)

    PM Rabin's new settlement construction review comm. approves plan to build...

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  • January 7, 1995

    Syrian FM al-Shara` leaves Tehran for Riyad to deliver King Fahd message fr. Pres. al-Asad; says trip's aim is to improve Gulf-Iranian relations. (MM 1/11) (see 12/30, 1/4, 1/6)


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IDF completes withdrawal fr. Bethlehem. (MM 12/21; QY, VOP 12/21 in FBIS 12/22; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 12/22; JP 12/30)

At PISMC mtg. in Jerusalem, PA demands Israel withdraw immediately fr. Abu-Dis, Sawahirah villages nr. Jerusalem, both part of Bethlehem municipality under Oslo II. Israel says there was a mistake on the Oslo II maps, incorrectly placing the 2 villages in the withdrawal zone; it expects the PA to agree to the corrected maps that exclude them fr. the municipality. (QY 12/22 in FBIS 12/22)

Samiha Khalil, fmr. gen. secy. of the General Union of Palestinian Women and head of a respected West Bank charity, announces she will run against Arafat for the presidency as an independent in 1/20 elections. A PNC mbr., she says she will vote against amending the PLO covenant. (WT 12/28; CSM 1/4; WP 1/19)

PA, Hamas closed 4 days of their 1st formal, high-level reconciliation talks in Cairo, agree talks were positive but fail to reach accord. Hamas refuses to sign pledge to participate in Palestinian elections, cease attacks on Israeli targets, but agrees not to call for election boycott. (MM 12/18; MENA, VOP 12/18, MENA 12/19 in FBIS 12/19; CSM, WT 12/19; MENA, VOP 12/19 in FBIS 12/20; MM 12/20; MBC, RE, VOP 12/20, MENA, VOP 12/21 in FBIS 12/21; MENA, RMC, VOP 12/21, RE, SA 12/22 in FBIS 12/22; CSM, NYT 12/22; al-Quds 12/22 in FBIS 12/26; JP 12/30) (see 11/18)

Likud MK and fmr. DM Ariel Sharon announces that he will not run for PM, endorses party chmn. Benjamin Netanyahu. (QY 12/21, JP 12/22 in FBIS 12/22; JP 12/30)

Ahmad Tibi, Arafat adviser and head of the Israeli Islamic Movement, says his movement has created a party, the Arab Movement for Change, to participate in the 10/96 Knesset elections. (ITV 12/21 in FBIS 12/22) (see 9/10)

In s. Lebanon, IDF clashes with Amal, killing 3 Amal mbrs. (WT 12/26)

In Jerusalem, Acting PM Peres says he will not call early elections. (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 11/8)

Shin Bet gives cabinet a preliminary report on security guarding PM Rabin at the peace rally; says there were not enough bodyguards, guards failed to form a phalanx around Rabin, intelligence had inadequate information on Jewish extremists. (WP, WT 11/8; MM, NYT, WT 11/9)

In television, press interviews, Leah Rabin, Rabin's widow, accuses Netanyahu, Likud of inciting violence; blames them for Rabin's death. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/8)

Justice M Liba'i says the government is writing legislation to crack down on militants, tightening restrictions against inciting violence and perhaps banning demonstrations outside elected officials' homes. (IDF Radio, YA 11/7 in FBIS 11/8; WP 11/8)

Israeli police search Kfar Tapuah, a settlement nr. Nablus which has a large Kahane Chai following, looking for links btwn. the Amir brothers and the banned movements Kahane Chai, Kach. 4 rightist nationalists who praised Rabin's assassination are arrested, questioned, but released for lack of evidence. (MM 11/7; IDF Radio, QY 11/7 in FBIS 11/8; NYT, WP, WT 11/8)

Eyal, Kach leaders go underground, fearing their arrest by the IDF. Eyal head Avishai Raviv admits Yigal Amir was a mbr. of his organization. (NYT, WP 11/8) (see 11/4)

IDF eases closure, allowing Gaza laborers over 35 yrs old, West Bank laborers over 30 yrs old into Israel. (IDF Radio 11/7 in FBIS 11/7; NYT, WT 11/8) (see 11/4)

PM Rabin is put under tighter security following events at 10/10 speech, arrest of 2 Kach mbrs for damaging his car in attack similar to that against Housing M Ben-Eliezer 10/6. Shin Bet worries that Kach activists are too well acquainted with Rabin's schedule. (ITV 10/11 in FBIS 10/12)

IDF withdraws fr. West Bank villages of Qabatiyya, Yatta, Kharbata. (MM 10/11; QY, VOP 10/11 in FBIS 10/12; WP, WT 10/12; JP 10/21)

Zalman Shoval, director of Likud foreign relations, initiates campaign to have 100,000 Israelis sign a petition calling on the Pres. Clinton to support Dole bill on moving the U.S. embassy fr. Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. (MA 10/11 in FBIS 10/11)

PSF sentences 6 security agents to jail terms btwn. 2 wks and 6 mos for mistreating prisoners in PA custody. (VOP 10/12 in FBIS 10/13; JP 10/21)

Immediately after his release fr. prison, Palestinian Sa'id Kalbani is detained, shot in the knees by a group of Fatah Hawks. (JP 10/21)

In s. Lebanon, Hizballah attacks IDF position, wounding 1 IDF soldier. IDF, SLA retaliate, killing 1 Hizballah mbr., wounding 2. (MM 10/11; QY, VOL 10/11 in FBIS 10/11; Rl 10/11 in FBIS 10/12; JP 10/21)

UN opens its 50th session in New York. On sidelines of the mtgs, FM Peres with local rabbis; discusses settler issue, future amendments to PLO covenant. (QY 10/2 in FBIS 10/4)

Before leaving the U.S., PM Rabin tells reporters American Jews are not giving Israel sufficient financial assistance to help absorb immigrants, criticizes "fringe groups" which lobby Congress against official Israeli policy. (MM 10/3) (see 9/28)

On his return fr. the U.S., PM Rabin meets with Pres. Weizman to discuss presidential pardons for Palestinian women prisoners. (MM 10/3)

106 more Palestinian families arrive at detention camps on the Libyan-Egyptian border, joining 300 Palestinians awaiting their deportation. United Nations Human Rights Comm. calls on Libya to halt the expulsions. (MBC, MENA, VOP 10/1, MENA 10/2 in FBIS 10/2)

Likud submits bill calling for territorial continuity in the Jordan Valley fr. Beit She'an to the Dead Sea. (QY 10/1 in FBIS 10/2; MM 10/2)

In Nablus, Palestinian nationalist, Islamist personalities (incl. PA officials) hold conference, ratify a national honor charter to build civil society, avoid militarization of the society and national institutions. (PR 10/13)

100 settlers march across Israeli border into Jordan in protest of Oslo II, ask King Hussein prevent the enlargement of the Jericho enclave, show support for Likud bill submitted 10/1. IDF does not stop them. (QY 10/1, JP, QY 10/2, JT 10/3 in FBIS 10/3; CSM 10/2; WP, WT 10/3; JP 10/7; JP 10/24)

In New York, jury convicts Egyptian cleric Shaykh Omar `Abd al-Rahman, 9 others on 48 of 50 charges of conspiring to carry out a terrorist campaign of bombings, assassinations intended to destroy the , New York landmarks and force the U.S. to abandon its support of Israel, Egypt. (MENA 10/1 in FBIS 10/2; MM, NYT, WT 10/2)

New EU rotating head, Spanish PM Felipe Gonzalez arrives in Jerusalem on 1st leg of regional tour to show EU political, economic support of the peace process; meets with PM Rabin then with Arafat. (MM 9/12; JP 9/12 in FBIS 9/13; JP 9/23)

Lebanese M Michel al-Murr travels to Damascus to ask Pres. Asad to forbid entry to Palestinians deported fr. Libya unless they have visas to continue on to Lebanon. PM Hariri stresses that Lebanon is fully coordinating its position on the deportees with Syria. (MM 9/12)

U.S. protests Arab League, Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) plan to hold conference in Jerusalem 10/17-19. 70 states, excl. Israel have been invited. Arab League, OIC say U.S. approved plans 4 mos ago, but Israel's recent complaints let to formal U.S. disapproval. U.S. denies this. (WT 9/12)

PFLP mbrs Shahar and Yusuf Ra'i, wanted by Israel for killing 2 Israelis 7/18, are sentenced by the PA military court in Jericho to 7 yrs each. Israeli Justice M Liba'i calls trials a violation of the Oslo agmt. meant to avoid extraditing the pair. FM Peres says PA is not violating the DOP. (MM 9/12; IDF Radio, QY 9/12, QY 9/13 in FBIS 9/13; NYT 9/13) (see 8/27)

Likud party defector David Levy releases his new party's political platform, calling for secure peace; terming itself a "national-social centrist party" filling a vacuum btwn. the radical right (Likud), radical left (Labor); vowing not to withdraw fr. West Bank or give up Jerusalem, any settlements. (MA, QY 9/11 in FBIS 9/12)

The Israeli Interior Min. rejects Jonathan Pollard's request for citizenship. Pollard is currently jailed in the U.S. for spying on behalf of Israel. (QY 9/11 in FBIS 9/12; MM 9/29)

3 Hizballah mbrs. are killed in clash with IDF in s. Lebanon. (RL 9/11 in FBIS 9/12)

King Hussein initiates mtg. with David Levy in Paris, discusses peace process, says Levy has "an important role" to play on the Israeli political scene. (IDF Radio 7/4 in FBIS 7/5)

Knesset debates bill presented by Matza that would force PA to close 14 institutions operating in Jerusalem. Matza is only able to provide evidence of activity for 4. Of those, the PA agrees to close 3: the statistics, housing, and information bureaus. (JP 7/4 in FBIS 76) (see 2/10)

In Kfar Sava, 25,000 right-wing Israelis led by Likud's Netanyahu demonstrate against planned IDF redeployment. (MM 7/4)

In 2 clashes btwn. Hizballah, IDF in s. Lebanon, 2 IDF soldiers are killed, 5 wounded. IDF responds by shelling suspected Hizballah positions n. of self-declared security zone. (RL 7/3 in FBIS 7/3; MM, WP 7/4; JP 7/15)

In Washington, Syria, Israel reopen negotiations with military advisers. Israel ask Syria to make several confidence-building gestures, but Syria rejects taking such measures before signing an agmt. (FT, MM, WP, WT 6/28; SARR, 6/27, MA 6/28 in FBIS 6/28; WT 6/29; MEI 7/7; MEI 7/21)

In Cairo, PA, Israeli talks on transfer of authority reopen. Sides say Arafat has agreed to accept partial Israeli troop pullback in the West Bank, to be followed by elections and further withdrawal but is still calling for binding timetable. 1st pullout would be fr. Jenin, followed by Nablus, Tulkarm, Qalqiliyya by 11/15. Elections would be held within 22-35 days. 2d stage of withdrawal covering Ramallah, Bethlehem would take place 4-5/96. Areas of IDF, PA control would follow 6/17 zones proposal. No agmt. reached on size of proposed council. (JT, MENA 6/28 in FBIS 6/28; VOP 6/28, MENA, QY 6/29 in FBIS 6/30)

Likud head Binyamin Netanyahu submits to the Knesset what he claims to be a copy leaked to him of Israeli position paper on the Golan to be given to the Syrian delegation in talks in Washington. PM Rabin, FM Peres believe text to be a working paper drafted by the army, not given to Gen. Shahak. (MM 6/27; QY 6/27, 6/28 in FBIS 6/28; MM 6/28; ITV 6/28, QY 6/29 in FBIS 6/29; MM 6/29)

Georgian Pres. Eduard Shevardnaze meet with Pres. Weizman, PM Rabin, says Georgia will open embassy in Jerusalem before end of the yr. (QY 6/18, 6/19 in FBIS 6/19)

Russian Dep. FM Posuvalyuk meets with King Hussein in Amman, discusses peace process. (RJ 6/18 in FBIS 6/19)

FM Peres, DM Mordechi Gur brief Irish FM Spring on status of Jerusalem, Israeli relations with Lebanon, Syria; try to dissuade him fr. visiting Palestinian officials at Orient House. Spring then meets with Arafat in Gaza. (ITV, QY 6/18, HA 6/19 in FBIS 6/19; MM 6/19; IGPO 6/19 in FBIS 6/20)

David Levy, who quit Likud on 6/6, announces he will run for PM as head of his own party, tentatively called New Way. Party should have strong pull with pro-Likud North African, Arab Jews. (MM, NYT 6/19; QY 6/18, MA 6/19 in FBIS 6/19; MM 6/20; CSM 6/27)

IDF stops settlers fr. building road nr. Hashmona'im settlement. (IDF Radio 6/18 in FBIS 6/20)

Hizballah ambushes IDF patrol in s. Lebanon, killing 3 soldiers, wounding 7, losing 2 of their own. IDF shells Nabatiyya area in response, killing 1 Lebanese civilian. (QY 6/18, HA 6/19 in FBIS 6/19; MM, NYT, WP, WT 6/19; BT 6/29; JP 6/24)

PA-Israeli delegations meet in Jericho to discuss next official round of negotiations on elections, redeployment scheduled for 3/28-29 in Cairo. Parties say sides are still divided but talks are reaching a "practical stage," esp. on makeup of observer teams. (IDF Radio, VOP 3/26 in FBIS 3/27; MM 3/29)

Israeli FM Peres tells press "several" Jewish settlements in Gaza, West Bank will have to be removed as Israeli authority is replaced by Palestinian self-rule. Statement provokes outrage of Likud, settler groups. (Sunday Times of London 3/26 in FBIS 3/28)

3 alleged Hamas mbrs. cross into Gaza fr. Egypt nr. Rafah checkpoint. IDF captures 1; 2 others escape into PA territory. (QY 3/26, 3/27 in FBIS 3/27)

Israeli Environmental M Yossi Sarid says Palestinian state will eventually emerge fr. negotiations; borders will probably coincide with separation plan; officially it will not be a state "but in reality it will be." The statement, thought to be trial balloon, is denounced by PM Rabin, Likud. (QY 3/19, IDF Radio 3/20 in FBIS 3/20; WJW 3/23; ITV 3/24 in FBIS 3/28; JP 3/25; JP 4/1)

Secy. of State Christopher meets with Arafat in Gaza; discusses Israeli security, redeployment; promises to push donors to fulfill aid pledges; announces gift of 200 military trucks; says teams fr. Agricultural Dept., Pentagon will be sent to advise PA on medical, humanitarian, agricultural issues. Arafat promises to prosecute, punish "terrorists." (MM 3/10; VOP 3/10 in FBIS 3/13; WP, WT 3/11; MM 3/13; JP 3/18)

Likud leader Netanyahu meets with Secy. of State Christopher, says if he wins 1996 election he will not expand Palestinian self-rule, bargain with Syria for the Golan. (NYT 3/11)

UNRWA Commissioner-General Ilter Türkmen arrives in Gaza for 1-wk. visit, briefs Arafat on donor mtg. (UNRWA News 3/22)

Matti Peled, one of the 1st Israeli officials to call for talks with the PLO (1975), dies in Jerusalem. (JP 3/18)

FM Peres, Arafat hold positive mtg. at Erez; agree to open safe passages immediately, halt land confiscation and financing expansion of existing settlements, speed process at border crossings, increase number of Palestinian workers in Israel to 21,000, discuss releasing prisoners, hold regular mtgs. to exchange security information; announce agmt. to try to reach consensus on elections, Israeli withdrawal by 7/1. (MM 3/9; VOP 3/9 in FBIS 3/9; QY, VOP 3/9, VOP 3/10 in FBIS 3/10; MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/10; VOP 3/10 in FBIS 3/13; WJW 3/16; MEI 3/17; JP 3/18; WT 3/19)

Secy. of State Christopher holds friendly mtg. with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo but fails to reach compromise on NPT issue, then heads to Israel, meets with PM Rabin, FM Peres to discuss Syrian track. Rabin gives Christopher "serious proposal" to hand Syrian Pres. al-Asad, reportedly offering to withdraw fr. all of Golan in stages if Syria begins normalizing relations. Rabin also blames Syria, Egypt for urging Gulf states to slow normalization. Christopher then meets with Likud leader Netanyahu to asses opposition's stance. (MM 3/9; MENA 3/9 in FBIS 3/9; IDF Radio, ITV 3/9, QY 3/10 in FBIS 3/10; FT, MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/10; ITV, QY 3/10, HA, RMC 3/12 in FBIS 3/13; MA 3/12 in FBIS 3/14; HA 3/15 in FBIS 3/15; JP 3/18; MEI 3/31; NYT 4/1; MEI 4/14)

Task Force for Economic Development in the Middle East meets in Washington. U.S. presents proposal for regional bank with $5 b. base capital to do project lending only. EU gives counterproposal for "financial intermediation organization" without its own capital base to put together private sector deals, financing. 30 countries, organizations attend, incl. Egypt, Jordan, PA, Saudi Arabia, excl. Lebanon, Syria. (MM 3/10, 4/27)

FM Peres says Israel has lifted its naval blockade on s. Lebanon in honor of Secy. of State Christopher's visit, as a good will gesture. (HA, RL 3/10 in FBIS 3/10; VOL 3/10 in FBIS 3/13; NYT, WP 3/11; MEI 3/17; MEI 3/31)

PM Rabin, King Hussein meet in Aqaba, discuss difficulties on Syrian track. Rabin tells king he asked Secy. of State Christopher to forgive Jordan's debt. (JTV 3/9, QY, RJ 3/10 in FBIS 3/10; MM 3/10)

NATO opens talks with 5 North African, Middle Eastern nations (incl. Israel, Egypt) in Bonn as part of its new focus on maintaining Mediterranean security in the face of rising Islamist movements. (MM 2/20; CSM 2/24)

Lebanese Pres. Hrawi calls on U.S., Russia to pressure Israel stop naval blockade, shelling of s. Lebanon. (RL 2/24 in FBIS 2/27) (see 2/23)

Islamic Development Fund for Investment and Export Security of the Organization of Islamic Conference says it has earmarked $50 m. for agricultural development in autonomous areas. (VOP 2/24 in FBIS 2/28)

Frank Luntz, close advisor of House Speaker Newt Gingrich who masterminded Republican's 1994 victory, announces he will be advising Likud party leader Benjamin Netanyahu on his 1996 campaign for PM. (WT 2/24)

Arafat meets with French Pres. François Mitterrand, FM Alain Juppé in Paris, calls on EU to pressure Israel to break impasse in talks. (WP, WT 2/21; MEI 3/3)

Arafat flies to Tunis to prepare for PLO Executive Comm. mtg. 2/21. In what is largely seen as snub to Arafat, no sr. PLO mbrs. meet him at airport; Mahmud Abbas leaves country hours before arrival; Faruq al-Qaddumi forces Arafat to come to his office for mtg. (WT 2/22; MM 2/28)

1,000 Palestinians are allowed to return to jobs in Israel. PM Rabin says 10,000 will eventually be allowed back in. (MM 2/2)

Israeli Atty. Gen. Mikhael Ben-Ya'ir confirms IDF reports Israeli undercover police have been carrying out joint patrols around Jericho with armed settlers for past 2 wks; says patrols exists, are a problem, but will continue. (IDF Radio 2/20 in FBIS 2/23; HA 2/27 in FBIS 2/28)

Israel's West Bank Border Police Cmdr. Yitzhak Aharonovitz says joint Israeli-PA patrols have assumed many IDF duties in Jenin, Nablus, Hebron, will soon be given responsibilities in Bethlehem, Tulkarm as part of separation plan being finalized by army. (JP 2/21 in FBIS 2/23)

Likud files no-confidence motion against Rabin government for deciding to ease closure on o.t. to reduce tension with PA, says it threatens Israeli security. (QY 2/20, JP 2/21 in FBIS 2/21; QY 2/22 in FBIS 2/23)

FM Peres arrives in Cairo for brief mtg. with FM Musa on NPT issue, stresses Israel will not change position. Musa says Israel's refusal to sign NPT is fueling regional stability; its failure to abide by DOP has caused recent violence; says Egypt will pressure Israel to state a date for troop withdrawal fr. West Bank in emergency summit 2/1. (MENA 2/1 in FBIS 2/2; MM, NYT 2/2)

U.S. State Department releases annual human rights report on Israel and the o.t.; criticizes PA for 11/18 violence; Israel for abusing detainees, treatment of Israeli Arabs. Israelis say report is balanced. (MM 2/2; WJW 2/9)

UN Human Rights Comm. (UNHRC) monitor in Israel, Rene Felber, quits his position; suggests position be eliminated since Israel does not act on his reports, he believes condemning Israel for abuses does not help peace talks. UNHRC expresses shock. (WT 2/4)

Israel, PA reach final agmt. on Gaza port, announce construction will begin within 1 mo. (ITV 2/1 in FBIS 2/6)

Jerusalem Planning and Construction Comm. approves construction of 6,500 houses for new neighborhood in southern Jerusalem. 2,000 dunums of Palestinian land will be confiscated for the project. (QY 2/1 in FBIS 2/1)

1000's of Israelis gather in Tel Aviv to protest continuation of peace process. MKs fr. Likud, Tsomet, Moledet, Yi'ud, Shas participate. (MM 2/2)

IDF raids Hamas charities in West Bank, confiscates files, says charities are funneling money for military operations. (QY 2/1 in FBIS 2/1)

Israel withdraws fr. 132 sq. mi. of Jordanian territory it captured in 1967, in compliance with peace treaty. Remaining 17 sq. mi. to be returned before 2/10. Likud criticizes PM Rabin for withdrawing without explicit legislative approval. (MM 1/30; QY, RJ 1/30 in FBIS 1/31; NYT, WP, WT 1/31; JTV 1/31 in FBIS 2/1; JTV 2/3 in FBIS 2/7; JP 2/11; MEI 2/17)

Representatives of 30 donor countries hold 1st mtg. in Gaza to address last yr.'s problems, plans for improvement. Israeli delegation does not show up. Parties note that only $64 m. of $125 m. emergency funds promised to PA at Brussels mtg. 11/30 have arrived. (JP 1/31)

U.S. Consul General Eddington delivers letter fr. Pres. Clinton regarding peace process, U.S.-Palestinian relations to Arafat in Gaza. Arafat gives Eddington written reply for Clinton. (VOP 1/30 in FBIS 1/31)

PA opens 2 comptrollers offices in Gaza, Ramallah to oversee PA Ms, municipal and rural councils, general associations but not security branches; investigate, resolve corruption cases. Gaza office headed by `Abd al-Karim al-`Aqluq, Ramallah office by Ziyad `Abu `Ayn, both senior Fateh mbrs. PA says Ramallah office has already received 50 complaints fr. the public. (QY 1/30 in FBIS 1/31)

New Palestinian group, National Movement for Change, announces its establishment in Gaza; accepts DOP as fait accompli, calls for removal of Israeli settlements, withdrawal of Israeli security forces fr. o.t., rejects linking Palestinian, Israeli economy, asks Arab nations to reject normalization with Israel. (MENA 1/30 in FBIS 1/31)

UN Security Council (UNSC) extends mandate of UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) for 6 mos. (VOL 1/30 in FBIS 1/31)

Arafat arrives in Amman for talks Palestinian-Jordanian relations with King Hussein. (JTV, RJ 1/25 in FBIS 1/26)

PM Rabin's new settlement construction review comm. approves plan to build more than 3,000 units, sell around 1,000 for 20,000 new settlers in 3 settlements surrounding Jerusalem. Housing M Ben-Eliezer says decision strengthens Israel's claim to Jerusalem. PA warns Rabin is jeopardizing talks. (QY 1/25 in FBIS 1/25; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 1/26; QY 1/26 in FBIS 1/26; JP 1/28; WP 1/31; MEI 2/3)

Settlers complain Rabin, his comm. did not approve construction of 2,700 of the units submitted for review. Finance M Avaraham Shohat, a comm. mbr., defends Rabin, saying current government has far outpaced the Likud's rate settlement expansion fr. 1979-92. (NYT, WP, WT 1/26)

Syrian VP Khaddam meets with delegation fr. 7 Jordanian opposition parties to discuss formation of united Arab front. (SARR 1/25, 1/26, SATV 1/26, SARR 1/27 in FBIS 1/31)

Arafat, PM Rabin each welcome Clinton's freeze on assets to prevent terrorism. (QY 1/25 in FBIS 1/25; IDF Radio 1/25 in FBIS 1/26)

Islamic Jihad, DFLP, PFLP, Hizballah each issue statement criticizing Clinton's freeze on U.S. assets, saying freeze is meaningless since they have no U.S. holdings. (MM 1/25; VOL 1/25 in FBIS 1/31; WP 1/26) (see 1/24)

UNRWA announces it has received $20 m. donation fr. Saudi Arabia for infrastructure, job creation in Gaza, plus $7.5 m. for Palestinian policemen's salaries (to be paid through UNRWA). (UNRWA News 1/25)

U.S. says it is unhappy with Egypt's threat to withdraw fr. NPT; says it will not pressure Israel to sign NPT; reprimands Egypt for signing "anti-Israeli" communiqué that followed fr. mtg. with King Fahd, Pres. al-Asad 12/29. (WP 1/26)

Palestinian police say they have arrested 20 mbrs. of Islamic Jihad, incl. the group's chief idealogue, Abdallah al-Shami; IDF says it has arrested over 100 Palestinians in West Bank on charges of inciting anti-Israel fervor since bombing 1/22. (NYT 1/26)

IDF, SLA air and ground forces attack Hizballah north of self-declared security zone. Hizballah unit ambushes IDF patrol, killing 1, wounding 1. IDF kills 3 attackers, strafes Hizballah positions. Hizballah shells IDF, SLA positions in return. IDF puts forces in northern Israel on high alert. (RL 1/25 in FBIS 1/25; VOL 1/25 in FBIS 1/27; MM, WP 1/26; MEI 2/17)

Syrian FM al-Shara` leaves Tehran for Riyad to deliver King Fahd message fr. Pres. al-Asad; says trip's aim is to improve Gulf-Iranian relations. (MM 1/11) (see 12/30, 1/4, 1/6)

PA Transportation M `Abd al-`Aziz al-Haj Ahmad says Palestinian-Israeli Supreme Liaison Comm. has agreed to allow vehicles with Palestinian license plates to enter Israel as of 1/8, provided individuals have permission to cross Green Line. (VOP 1/7 in FBIS 1/10)

Likud leaders accuse PM Rabin of fraud in 1992 elections after book by PLO negotiator Mahmoud 'Abbas is released, claiming Rabin asked PLO to stall peace talks so Labor would win election; in return Labor would legalize, enter talks with PLO. Rabin, 'Abbas deny charge, say 'Abbas's aide wrote book for him. (WP, WT 1/8; ITV, QY 1/7, VOP 1/8 in FBIS 1/9; MM 1/9; QY 1/8, ITV 1/9 in FBIS 1/10; JP 1/14, 1/21)