186 / 15500 Results
  • September 3, 1990

    Iraqi gov't says only state-run Iraqi Airways planes may land in Iraq; reaffirms that those people allowed to leave may do so only on these planes [LAT, WP 9/4; MET 9/11].

    Iraq refuses...

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  • August 5, 1990

    Washington Post reports Gulf crisis is boosting Israeli confidence over its relations with U.S.; Jerusalem sees crisis as Israeli windfall as Arafat is pushed further away from...

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  • August 4, 1990

    Islamic Conference Organization, meeting in Cairo, issues statement condemning Iraqi invasion of Kuwait; 6 of 30 states "refrained from approving" the resolution: Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen,...

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  • July 11, 1990

    Following new defense ministry policy, Israeli army has not been seen in Rafa district in Gaza since late May; reports say violence in Rafa has stopped and Palestinian flags fly from almost every...

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  • July 2, 1990

    Pres. Asad is quoted as saying a return to 1973 Geneva conference, which Syria did not attend, would provide "an adequate opportunity to achieve ajust peace in the Middle East" [MEM 7/2].


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  • May 14, 1990

    Rabbi Moshe Levinger is sentenced to 5 months in prison for shooting death of Arab merchant, is lauded as hero by supporters who carry him to prison on their shoulders [WT 5/15].


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  • May 9, 1990

    Interim P.M. Shamir endorses $1 billion plan to absorb another 150,000 Jewish immigrants into Israel [WT 5/10].

    Abdullah Omar Nasif, sec. gen. of World Islamic League sends messages to...

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  • April 29, 1990

    Interim P.M. Shamir accuses foreign gov't.s of trying to force him into negotiations with PLO. Shamir does not name foreign gov'ts., says intifada is merely "the tip of the iceberg" of Arab-...

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  • April 3, 1990

    Israel launches Earth-orbit satellite 1 day after Iraq's leader warned he would use chemical weapons against Israel. Labor party leader Peres says satellite should tell Saddam Hussein "that if he...

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  • March 9, 1990

    Confirming 3/8 statements by Davy Levy and Ruth Kaminker, Israeli housing ministry announces construction of 4,000 apartments for Soviet Jews; 2,000 for W. Bank, 2,000 for E. Jerusalem [LAT 3/10...

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  • March 4, 1990

    Responding to Pres. Bush's 3/3 comment, Shamir tells Jewish fund-raisers "There are no settlements in Jerusalem. It is part of Israel and it will never be divided again" [JDS 3/5 in FBIS 3/5; WP 3...

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  • March 3, 1990

    In California, Pres. Bush states "My position is that the foreign policy of the United Statesays we do not believe there should be new settlements in the West Bank or in East Jerusalem" [WP 3/6...

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  • February 6, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestine Human Rights Information Center reports that at least 130 Palestinian houses have been partially or totally sealed in the...

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  • January 22, 1990


    Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israeli Attorney General Yosef Harish opens criminal investigation of Science Minister Ezer Weizman, accused of meeting a PLO official...

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  • December 14, 1989


    Arab World: PLO is about ready to begin distribution of Palestinian ID cards, according to Jerusalem Domestic Service. Cards will initially be given to...

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  • December 9, 1989


    Arab World: In Amman, Husayn and Mubarak meet to discuss Israeli-Palestinian peace plan. In Cairo, PLO statement says PLO "is not obliged to accept any results of...

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  • December 4, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: D. M. Rabin says IDF efforts to control intifada have been unsuccessful, but that intifada accounts for "only 4 percent" of Israel's...

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  • December 1, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shin Bet head tells reporters that during the intifada's 2 years, more than 500 "terrorist squads" have been uncovered, and over 170...

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  • November 22, 1989


    Arab World: Lebanese President Rene Moawad is assassinated when an explosion destroys his car; 23 others are also killed. Moawad was in office only 17 days [FBIS...

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  • November 19, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arafat sends letter of support to jailed Israeli activist Abbie Nathan [MET 11/28].

    Ha'Aretz reports that total cost of...

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  • November 17, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: In an article in Ma'ariv, Israeli Justice Minister Dan Meridor says since the outbreak of the intifada 600 Palestinians have been...

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  • November 9, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike is observed in the O.T. [FBIS 11/16]. Unified National Command of the intifada issues leaflet number 48 [FBIS 11/14]....

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  • October 14, 1989

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike is observed in O.T. 3 Palestinians are wounded, 8 arrested in Qibya. Qibya and Kafr Malik placed under curfew. 18- year-old masked...

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  • September 17, 1989


    Arab World: PLO officials report Saudi Arabia gave the PLO $6 million in August to support the intifada; Riyadh has given $6 million a month since January [LAT 9/...

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  • September 9, 1989

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arab officer accused of collaboration in Qalqiliyyah is shot, killed, by masked gunmen. At least 3 other Palestinians accused of collaboration are...

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  • September 5, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In W.Bank, Palestinians refuse to set clocks back one hour, saying they would observe "Palestine time" for two more weeks; Israeli army...

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  • August 30, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF spokesperson says army has drawn up long-term plan that assumes Israel will still occupy the W. Bank and Gaza in the year 2000 [WP 8...

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  • August 29, 1989


    Other Countries: Algeria blocks Israel's admission to international conference in Geneva negotiating ban on chemical weapons in response to U.S. opposition to...

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  • August 24, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Th Israeli High Court of Justice upholds Central Command decision to deport Mahmud al-Matur, that 'Awda Ma'ali, Majid Labadi, and Taysir...

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  • August 21, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: CSM reports that by mid-August 91 alleged collaborators had been killed by fellow Palestinians since the intifada began [CSM 8/21]....

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Iraqi gov't says only state-run Iraqi Airways planes may land in Iraq; reaffirms that those people allowed to leave may do so only on these planes [LAT, WP 9/4; MET 9/11].

Iraq refuses landing rights to British, Swiss, and French charter flights that were to have brought women, children out of Iraq and Kuwait [LAT 9/1, 9/2; NYT 9/4].

Iraqi F.M. Aziz urges nations with many citizens in Iraq and Kuwait to supply food to Iraq, saying it could not be responsible for what happened to them as a result of shortages [LAT 9/4].

Chedli Klibi, longtime Sec.-Gen. of Arab League, abruptly resigns, giving no reason, but it was widely reported he was upbraided by Saudi and Syrian officials for not putting sufficient pressure on Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait [AFP 9/3 in FBIS 9/4; WT, MEM 9/4; NYT 9/5; CSM 9/6; MET 9/11].

U.S. official reports American combat aircraft have been deployed in Oman, Qatar, UAE, and Bahrain for first time [NYT, MEM 9/4].

Pres. Mubarak meets with U.S. delegation including 15 senators led by Claiborne Pell (D-RI) and 22 representatives headed by Richard Gephardt (D-MO) [MENA 9/3 in FBIS 9/5].

As part of Gulf tour, British foreign sec. Douglas Hurd arrives in Jeddah for 2-day working visit, meets with Saudi officials, including King Fahd [SPA 9/3 in FBIS 9/6].

In speech marking 1,000th day of intifada, Arafat says Palestinians can only take sides against "Zionism and its imperialist allies," confirms the PLO Gulf peace initiative calling for "withdrawal of occupation forces from Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Lebanon, and the Golan," and that occupation forces should be replaced by UN [MEM 9/3].

Over 10,000 people gather at rally in Amman to celebrate 1,000th day of intifada and show support of Iraq [MEM 9/4]; in W. Bank, stores usually closed remain open in celebration [WT 9/5; LAT 9/6; FJ 9/10].

Sec. of Economic Development Group in E. Jerusalem says lack of funds coming from Gulf states and lost jobs of Palestinians could harm "tens of thousands of families" in O.T.; adds drying up of funds could hurt "the future of a Palestinian state" [LAT 9/4]; other officials agree [CSM 9/6].

Jerusalem Post reports 18,800 immigrants arrived in Israel in August, including 17,500 from USSR-more than in any one month since 1951 [MEM 9/3].

Israel's gov't-run television and radio ban the use of Arabic names for Palestinian villages and towns, ordering journalists and broadcasters to use the biblical Hebrew names [NYT 9/5; FJ 9/10].

Washington Post reports Gulf crisis is boosting Israeli confidence over its relations with U.S.; Jerusalem sees crisis as Israeli windfall as Arafat is pushed further away from rapprochment with U.S. and Egypt [WP 8/6].

Arafat meets with Saddam Hussein in Baghdad [BVP, INA 8/5 in FBIS 8/6].

Islamic Conference Organization concludes Cairo meetings, issues statement supporting intifada, denouncing Israeli policy in O.T. [MENA 8/5 in FBIS 8/7].

16 Knesset members meet with pro. PLO Palestinian notables in Jerusalem, groups agree to work for peace; action is furthest any high-ranking group of elected Israeli officials have gone toward recognizing PLO as legitimate rpresentative of Palestinians [JDS 8/5, JPD 8/7 in FBIS 8/8; WT, MEM 8/6].

New York Times reports Israelis are among world's most heavily taxed people; that for economic reasons more than half the Americans who move to Israel give up and move back within 2 years [NYT 8/6].

Islamic Conference Organization, meeting in Cairo, issues statement condemning Iraqi invasion of Kuwait; 6 of 30 states "refrained from approving" the resolution: Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Sudan, and Mauritania [MENA 8/4 in FBIS 8/6].

Washington Post reports Iraqi invasion of Kuwait has created complex problems for Palestinian leadership; worries that popular Palestine support for Saddam Hussein will overshadow intifada [WP 8/ 5].

Yasir Arafat arrives in Alexandria and meets with Pres. Mubarak [MENA 8/4 in FBIS 8/6].

New York Times reports that housing shortages in Israel have forced 1,576 families to live in tents; gov't. officials say 17,135 immigrants arrived in July, of which 15,294 were from USSR [NYT 8/ 5].

Following new defense ministry policy, Israeli army has not been seen in Rafa district in Gaza since late May; reports say violence in Rafa has stopped and Palestinian flags fly from almost every high point [NYT 7/13].

Knesset rejects motion to investigate charges that former D.M. Yitzhak Rabin ordered soldiers to break bones of Palestinians at start of intifada. Charges stem from admission by many soldiers that they were following orders in beating Palestinians [NYT 7/12].

In Cairo on part of Middle East visit, Chrmn. of Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell tells Egypt and other U.S. aid recipients that Congress is pushing to hold down arms assistance. Powell meets with Pres. Mubarak [WT 7/12]; and later he flies to Amman to meet with King Hussein [ATS 7/11 in FBIS 7/12].

Pres. Asad is quoted as saying a return to 1973 Geneva conference, which Syria did not attend, would provide "an adequate opportunity to achieve ajust peace in the Middle East" [MEM 7/2].

P.M. Shamir appeals to Pres. Mubarak to work with Israel towards Middle East peace, and calls for meeting of Israeli, Egyptian, and U.S. foreign ministers [WT 7/3].

8 Palestinians were killed during June, the lowest total since intifada began; Palestinian and Israeli sources attribute tally in part to new policy of army restraint under D.M. Moshe Arens [NYT 7/3].

UN envoy Jean-Claude Amrie leaves Jerusalem for New York after having extended his visit "a number of days" for additional meetings [JPD 7/3 in FBIS 7/3].

D.M. Moshe Arens authorizes use of new punitive measure that permits "conditional deportation" of intifada leaders from their homes to supervised locations elsewhere in O.T. [HAA 7/2 in FBIS 7/ 3].

Arab poet Shafiq Habib is released from house arrest, where he was confined 2 weeks ago for inciting violence in his writings [JDS 7/2 in FBIS 7/3].

Israeli Arab and Communist Party member Tewfik Toubi resigns from his Knesset seat; he was Israel's longest-serving MK [MET 7/10].

Rabbi Moshe Levinger is sentenced to 5 months in prison for shooting death of Arab merchant, is lauded as hero by supporters who carry him to prison on their shoulders [WT 5/15].

Israeli authoritiesays they are considering reopening colleges and universities in O.T. that have been closed for over 2 years [NYT 5/15].

Thousands of Jordanians and Palestinians march near Jordan's border with W. Bank to show support for intifada. Police fire tear gas to keep crowd from converging on border; at least 53 are injured [NYT, WP 5/15].

Pres. Mubarak arrives in Moscow for meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev, first visit to USSR by Egyptian leader in 18 years [WT 5/15].

Interim P.M. Shamir endorses $1 billion plan to absorb another 150,000 Jewish immigrants into Israel [WT 5/10].

Abdullah Omar Nasif, sec. gen. of World Islamic League sends messages to Mikhail Gorbachev and Pres. Bush appealing for help to stop Soviet Jewish emigration to Israel [WT 5/10].

U.S. House Foreign Affairs subcommittees on Europe and the Middle East and on human rights hold first ever hearing on intifada [WP 5/10].

Israel accuses U.S. of working with Arab nations to draft resolution at UN against immigration toIsrael, interim F.M. Moshe Arens summons U.S. ambassador William Brown for meeting to discuss alleged U.S.-Arab collusion [WT 5/10; NYT 5/11].

UN Sec. Council puts off a vote on a resolution terming Jewish settlement in O.T. and E. Jerusalem illegal [WT 5/ 10].

Interim P.M. Shamir accuses foreign gov't.s of trying to force him into negotiations with PLO. Shamir does not name foreign gov'ts., says intifada is merely "the tip of the iceberg" of Arab-Israeli conflict [NYT, WT 4/20].

Organization of Islamic Dawn announces it will release U.S. hostage Frank Reed within 48 hours [NYT, WP, WT, LAT 4/30].

Pope John Paul II expresses "profound concern" over recent attempt to create Jewish settlement in Jerusalem's Christian quarter; seems to suggest Israel needs to be more sensitive, pointing out Jerusalem is sacred to 3 religions, and all rights must be respected [NYT 4/30].

Israel launches Earth-orbit satellite 1 day after Iraq's leader warned he would use chemical weapons against Israel. Labor party leader Peres says satellite should tell Saddam Hussein "that if he wants to deal with Israel, he should look for means other than the military one" [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 4/4; JDS, IDF 4/3 in FBIS 4/4].

Israeli human rights organization "In the Image" reports IDF soldiers killed fewer Palestinians in first quarter of 1990 than in any 3-month period since intifada began. 30 Palestinians were killed by IDF; 35 Palestinians were killed by fellow Palestinians over the same period, according to group [NYT 4/4].

Saddam Hussein's 4/2 statement angers Pres. Bush, who says "This is no time to be talking about using chemical or biological weapons. This is no time to be escalating tensions in the Middle East" [LAT 4/4].

Confirming 3/8 statements by Davy Levy and Ruth Kaminker, Israeli housing ministry announces construction of 4,000 apartments for Soviet Jews; 2,000 for W. Bank, 2,000 for E. Jerusalem [LAT 3/10].

PLO Exec. Committee member Mahmud Abbas reports Palestinian command has agreed to stop making public statements about Middle East peace efforts at this time, due to political turmoil in Israel [ITT 3/9 in FBIS 3/13].

U.S. denounces as "bellicose rhetoric" Pres. Asad's 3/8 statements pledging to continue war against Israel, states Asad should be "committing himself to peace, not war" [LAT 3/10].

Palestinians in O.T. observe general strike to mark start of 28th month of intifada [LAT 3/10].

In an unusually deep foray into Lebanon, Israeli warplanes bomb PLFP-GC bases north of Beirut killing 1, wounding 2 others [IDF, BDS 3/9 in FBIS 3/9; MET 3/20-26].

Responding to Pres. Bush's 3/3 comment, Shamir tells Jewish fund-raisers "There are no settlements in Jerusalem. It is part of Israel and it will never be divided again" [JDS 3/5 in FBIS 3/5; WP 3/6].

February is first month of intifada in which more Palestinians are killed by fellow Palestinians than by Israelis [WP 3/4].

Leading members of Likud, including David Levy and Moshe Katsav, speak out against modified U.S. proposal for peace talks between Israel and Palestinians; Levy threatens to resign if Cabinet agrees to offer [NYT 3/5].

Iranian envoy Mahmoud Hashemi meets in Damascus with Syrian for. min. Farouk Charaa to discuss effortso free Western hostages held in Lebanon [WP 3/5].

In California, Pres. Bush states "My position is that the foreign policy of the United Statesays we do not believe there should be new settlements in the West Bank or in East Jerusalem" [WP 3/6].

Shamir discusses Mideast peace process with Likud ministers amid reports he has decided to support U.S.-backed plan to convene Israeli-Palestinian talks in Cairo [WP 3/4].

Israel is requesting more than $1 billion in loans, gifts, and donations from American Jews and U.S. gov't. to help pay for resettling Soviet Jews [NYT 3/3].

Hamas has sent letter to Chrmn. Arafat and PLO leadership, stating Palestinian state is objective of intifada; Hamas also urged PLO to discontinue contacts with U.S. [BAY 3/3 in FBIS 3/5].

King Hussein spends day in Iraq holding talks with Pres. Saddam Hussein [ADS, ATS 3/3 in FBIS 3/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestine Human Rights Information Center reports that at least 130 Palestinian houses have been partially or totally sealed in the first 2 years of the intifada; also approximately 270 Palestinian homes have been demolished by IDF [NYT 2/7].

Likud Central Committee reschedules meeting postponed because of 2/4 bus attack in Egypt to 2/12 [FBIS 2/6].

Arab World: PLO officially denounces 2/4 bus attack in Egypt, says attack cannot be viewed in isolation from daily Israeli violence against Palestinians in O.T., reaffirms policies prohibiting armed actions outside Israel and the O.T. [NYT 2/7].

PNC in Amman sends Gorbachev a 5-page memorandum asking "in the name of human rights, we appeal to you to take speedy measures to stop the emigration to Soviet Jews" to Israel [LAT 2/7].

Other Countries: Environmentalists call on Pres. Bush to cancel $300 million project to build VOA and Radio free Europe radio transmitter in the Negev [WP 2/7].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Fajr reports 2 Israeli settlers shoot, kill 45-year-old Palestinian in Nablus [FJ 2/12].

At least 20 Gazans are injured in clashes with soldiers; IDF uses light aircraft to track demonstrators after about 400 youths gather near Rafah [FBIS 2/7]. 

Arab World: SLA checkpoint on the border of Israel's "security zone" comes under fire from unidentified fighters [FBIS 2/7].


Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israeli Attorney General Yosef Harish opens criminal investigation of Science Minister Ezer Weizman, accused of meeting a PLO official last year [NYT, FBIS 1/23].

UNLU issues intifada Call number 51 [FBIS 1/29].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli police release Faisal Husayni on bond. Husayni says his arrest "wasn't for any violations of the law, but it was a political move" [NYT, WP, LAT, FBIS 1/23].

IDF seals home in Baytunia. All schools in Jalazun camp remained closed for 9th consecutive day [FJ 1/29].

At least 16 Palestinians are wounded in Gaza confrontations with IDF [FJ 1/29].

Masked Nablus youths set fire to an Israeli bus, no injuries [FBIS 1/23; FJ 1/29].


Arab World: PLO is about ready to begin distribution of Palestinian ID cards, according to Jerusalem Domestic Service. Cards will initially be given to Palestinians living in U.A.E., followed by those in Kuwait and Qatar. Rather than replace existing passports, the cards will serve as additional identification [FBIS 12/15].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel:- 30-year-old Palestinian accused of collaboration is killed [MET 12/26].

Arab World: Lebanese Defense Ministry states it will cut Aoun's 15,000 troops off payroll. Sources expect Aoun to continue paying salaries from foreign aid or taxes levied in enclave [MET 12/26].

Police arrest 10 students in Irbid, Jordan after opening of display marking anniversary of intifada leads to brawl between Palestinians and Jordanians [MET 12/26].

Syrian military intelligence post in al-Rumaylah, S. Lebanon is attacked, reports of dead and wounded vary. Syrian commander accuses Fateh forces of carrying out attack. PLO condemns raid, says it will investigate Fateh involvement [NYT, WP, FBIS 12/15]. 


Arab World: In Amman, Husayn and Mubarak meet to discuss Israeli-Palestinian peace plan. In Cairo, PLO statement says PLO "is not obliged to accept any results of any meetings" if it is "not present or represented" [NYT 12/10].

New round of talks between PLO and U.S. begins in Tunis [FBIS 12/11].

Jordanian police clash with Palestinian protestors for the second day. Police use tear gas to quell disturbances. PLO reports it is not involved with demonstrations in Jordan [FBIS 12/11].

Other Countries: On behalf of Carter-Meniu Human Rights Foundation, ex. Pres. Jimmy Carter awards annual human rights prize to Al-Haq of Ramallah and newly-formed Israeli organization B'Tselem. 

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew is imposed on O.T. to stop celebration of intifada anniversary. 2 Palestinians are shot, killed in W. Bank village of Bani Naim [NYT 12/10].

26-year-old Nablus Palestinian is sentenced to life in prison for killing an alleged collaborator [FJ 12/18].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: D. M. Rabin says IDF efforts to control intifada have been unsuccessful, but that intifada accounts for "only 4 percent" of Israel's defense budget [NYT 12/5].

Arab World: Jordan's P.M. Zeid bin Shaker resigns and is replaced by Mudar Badran, who has held the office twice before. King Husayn asks Badran "to work with the PLO" and support the intifada [NYT, WP 12/5].

Arab Tripartite Committee on Lebanon concludes 2-day Riyadh meeting, issues communique calling on all parties involved to abide by Taif agreement [FBIS 12/5].

Other Countries: Arab nations at UN ask U.S. not to threaten UN with financial sanctions in future, and to allow PLO observer's seat to be placed near observer nations; in return Arabs will drop campaign to recognize Palestinian statehood [NYT, WP 12/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lsrael: 2 Israeli army reserve units made up of W. Bank settlers are deployed in Jericho and Ma'radah in W. Bank [FBIS 12/5].

General strike is observed in O.T. [FBIS 12/7].

Arab World: SLA and Amal forces exchange artillery fire in S. Lebanon [NYT 12/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shin Bet head tells reporters that during the intifada's 2 years, more than 500 "terrorist squads" have been uncovered, and over 170 Fateh squads exposed since Arafat renounced terrorism [FBIS 12/5].

Arab World: PLO delivers to Cairo and U.S. Ambassador Pelletreau memorandum conditionally accepting Baker's 5- point formula [FBIS 12/4; WP 12/7].

Arab Countries: agree to postpone until 12/3 UN vote recognizing Palestinian state [NYT 12/2].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: IDF forces ambush members of Palestinian "Black Panther" group in Nablus, kill the group's leader and 3 others; 3 more are wounded. IDF imposes curfew on Nablus [FBIS 12/ 7; MET 12/12].


Arab World: Lebanese President Rene Moawad is assassinated when an explosion destroys his car; 23 others are also killed. Moawad was in office only 17 days [FBIS 11/22; NYT, WP, LAT 11/23].

Other Countries: President Bush has received personal message from Arafat, delivered through U.S. embassy in Tunis; contents are not divulged; Bush does not plan reply [NYT, WP 11/23].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Bodies of 2 Palestinians suspected of collaboration are found; number of suspected collaborators killed during intifada stands at 144 [MET 12/5].

Military orders 2 Bethlehem houses destroyed. Authorities deport 5 Palestinians to Jordan, saying they lacked family reunification permit [FJ 11/27].

General strike called by Hamas is observed in O.T. At least 13 Palestinians are wounded in clashes with IDF [FBIS 11/29]


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arafat sends letter of support to jailed Israeli activist Abbie Nathan [MET 11/28].

Ha'Aretz reports that total cost of IDF activity to combat intifada since it began totals about IS1 billion [FBIS 11/20].

Other Countries: Amnesty International criticizes intifada leaders for endorsing killing of collaborators [MET 11/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 3 Palestinians wounded in clashes with IDF in Tulkarm and Nablus [FBIS 11/28].


Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: In an article in Ma'ariv, Israeli Justice Minister Dan Meridor says since the outbreak of the intifada 600 Palestinians have been killed, 350 houses demolished, over 10,000 Palestinians wounded, over 40,000 placed under detention, and 60 deported [FBIS 11/17].

Other Countries: PLO officials meet with Israeli Knesset members in Milan, Italy to discuss Israeli-Palestinian peace opportunities [FJ 11/27].

According to Ma'ariv, U.S. officials claim Israel Aircraft Industries was involved in attempts to smuggle U.S. missile navigation equipment to South Africa in violation of U.S. law [FBIS 11/20].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: IDF declares Ramallah and al-Bireh closed military zones [FJ 11/27].

Incidents in the Nur Shams and Tulkarm camps leave 2 Palestinians wounded from IDF gunfire. At least 8 others wounded in O.T. [FBIS 11/20].

Arab World: Citing PLO sources, Associated Press reports that about 200 dissident members of Abu Nidal organization were recently killed in liquidation campaign in Libya. 300 more fled to Algeria, Tunisia, and Lebanon [FBIS 11/17]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike is observed in the O.T. [FBIS 11/16]. Unified National Command of the intifada issues leaflet number 48 [FBIS 11/14].

Arab World: PLO Executive Committee meets in Tunis [FBIS 11/13].

Other Countries: U.S. Roman Catholic bishops unanimously approve policy statement declaring Palestinians have a right to an independent homeland that is balanced against Israel's right to secure borders [NYT, WP 11/10]. White House announces Pres. Bush will meet with P.M. Shamir on 11/15, during Shamir's visit to the U.S. [WP 11/10].

Military Action

Arab World: UNIFIL reports 27 Katyusha rockets are fired from Lebanon into Israel during the past 24 hours [FBIS 11/13]. 2 Israeli soldiers are wounded in the "security zone" in South Lebanon when a roadside charge explodes [FBIS 11/14].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike is observed in O.T. 3 Palestinians are wounded, 8 arrested in Qibya. Qibya and Kafr Malik placed under curfew. 18- year-old masked Palestinian is shot, killed in Hebron by IDF troops. Arsonists bum 30 dunums in the Kennedy Forest in W. Bank. Israeli car is torched in E. Jerusalem. Unified National Command of intifada issues leaflet number 47 [FBIS 10/17].


Arab World: PLO officials report Saudi Arabia gave the PLO $6 million in August to support the intifada; Riyadh has given $6 million a month since January [LAT 9/18].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army captures two guerrillas attempting to enter Israel from Jordan [MET 10/3]. At least 11 Nablus residents are beaten by IDF troops. W. Bank is placed under curfew. 3soldiers are injured by rocks thrown in Gaza [FBIS 9/21].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arab officer accused of collaboration in Qalqiliyyah is shot, killed, by masked gunmen. At least 3 other Palestinians accused of collaboration are also killed [NYT 9/11]. Anti-Israel protests in the O.T. mark the twenty-first month of the intifada; soldiers shoot, wound at least 14 Palestinians, arrest dozens [MET 9/19]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In W.Bank, Palestinians refuse to set clocks back one hour, saying they would observe "Palestine time" for two more weeks; Israeli army threatens to detain students who go to private school on "Palestine time." Army chief of staff, Dan Shomron, says the army's new policy is to arrest about 700 Palestinians accused of "distributing underground leaflets, enforcing strikes, painting graffiti . . . and attacking suspected collaborators" [NYT 9/6]. In separate interviews, Labor leader Peres says granting a visa to Arafat would not affect U.S. -Israeli relations, while P.M. Shamir reaffirms opposition to Arafat's entry into the U.S. [FBIS 9/6].

Arab World: Libyan authorities have told dozens of rebel movements around the world, including PLO splinter groups, to expect a cutback in funding and to close their offices in Libya [WP 9/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Tel Aviv 12- year-old Palestinian boy dies of wounds received 8/31; 36-year-old Palestinian in Rafah accused of collaboration is killed, another severely beaten [NYT 9/6]. Army closes 8 W. Bank schools, blaming students for demonstrations and stone throwing [FBIS 9/5; NYT 9/6]. A cooperative effort between IDF and the Air Force will allow IDF to use helicopters to help fight the intifada [FBIS 9/6].

Arab World: Israeli border troops clash with 3 Arab guerrillas in South Lebanon, 1 guerrilla killed [NYT 9/6]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF spokesperson says army has drawn up long-term plan that assumes Israel will still occupy the W. Bank and Gaza in the year 2000 [WP 8/31; MET 9/12]. Israeli defense source says over the past 3 weeks IDF and Shin Bet have rounded up some 170 W. Bank Palestinians who "make up the backbone of the hard core leadership of the intifada in the W. Bank" [FBIS 9/1].

Arab World: Yasir Arafat arrives in Cairo for talks with President Hosni Mubarak and senior Egyptian officials [FBIS 8/30].

Other Countries: UN Security Council adopts resolution "deploring" Israel's deportation of Palestinians, and calls on Israel to respect the Geneva Convention in the O.T. [WP 8/31]. The resolution passes with 14 of 15 Security Council members voting for it; the U.S. abstains [FBIS 9/1; MET 9/12].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two Israeli soldiers are wounded by stones in Khan Yunis. Classes for 10th and 11th grade students resume in the W. Bank. Curfew in Bayt Sahur is lifted, curfew is imposed on Dayr al-Balah. IDF Radio reports that the departure of workers for jobs in Israel is sporadic [FBIS 8/30]. Army reports 3 Katyusha rockets fired into the Galilee panhandle causing slight damage but no injuries, claims Hizballah is responsible [FBIS 8/311.


Other Countries: Algeria blocks Israel's admission to international conference in Geneva negotiating ban on chemical weapons in response to U.S. opposition to admitting PLO into the UN [NYT 8/30]. The World Tourism Organization's congress rejects PLO's request to join under the name Palestine. In a secret ballot 40 countries rejected the motion, 34 supported it, and 6 abstained [FBIS 8/30].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 26-year-old intifada leader in Gaza is shot, killed by troops; news of his death sparks demonstrations throughout Gaza [NYT 8/30]. Israeli security forces demolish two houses and seal five others [FBIS 8/30]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Th Israeli High Court of Justice upholds Central Command decision to deport Mahmud al-Matur, that 'Awda Ma'ali, Majid Labadi, and Taysir Aruri on grounds that deportations are necessary for security reasons [FBIS 8/24]. Israeli Justice Minister Dan Meridor says deportation is the best weapon against the intifada, and that since legal obstacles have been removed, the pace and number of deportations should be increased [FBIS 8/25].


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: CSM reports that by mid-August 91 alleged collaborators had been killed by fellow Palestinians since the intifada began [CSM 8/21].

Arab World: Palestine National Fund (PNF) offices in Amman are reopened [FBIS 8/22].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 3 Palestinians are killed, 6 wounded in clashes throughout O.T. General strike in W. Bank. IDF soldier in Tulkarm injured by a rock. Molotov cocktail hurled at a patrol in Jabaliyyah camp, no injuries. Police use rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse stone-throwing youths in E. Jerusalem. Curfew imposed on al-Ram and Dahiyat al-Barid, north of Jerusalem, following clashes between youths and IDF [FBIS 8/22].

Arab World: UNIFIL places forces on alert because of heavy Israeli and SLA military activity in S. Lebanon [FBIS 8/21].