8 / 15500 Results
  • August 25, 2019

    In the West Bank, Israeli forces closed a major artery connecting Hebron and Bethlehem with central and northern West Bank. Israeli forces also arrested 5 Palestinians during late-night raids in...

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  • December 25, 1991

    PM Shamir chairs ministerial meeting to discuss formation of Jewish "civil guard" in o.t. (ITV 12/25 in FBIS 12/26)

    Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek leads demonstration against settlers who...

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  • August 29, 1991

    Lebanese general Michel 'Awn leaves Lebanon for France aboard French naval vessel. Two other 'Awn allies, Gen. 'Issam Abu Jamrand Gen. Edgard Ma'luf, also depart French embassy in Beirut, where...

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  • November 20, 1983

    Military Action:

    Israeli jets bomb guerrilla bases in areas around Sofar, Falougha and Bhamdoun, reportedly hit as-Saiqa, Syrian Baath party, PFLP-GC and Druze positions, intense and...

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  • November 17, 1983

    Military Action:

    French jets from carrier Clemenceau attack positions of Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Islamic Amal militia, east of Baalbek; RPGs fired at French position in Beirut;...

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  • March 17, 1983

    Military Action:

    Italian MNF attacked 4 times in Beirut, returns fire; IDF completes massive military exercise in South Lebanon and Golan Heights, Arens tells IDF in eastern Lebanon to be...

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  • November 23, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF reportedly spent lS215 m. in past 4 months building new roads linking military installations to Lebanese roads in South Lebanon; US Sixth Fleet soldiers on shore leave...

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  • June 7, 1982

    Military Action:

    Israeli troops seize Beaufort Castle, Nabatiyeh, Hasbaya; fighting continues in Tyre and nearby Palestinian refugee camps; air battle over Beirut suburbs between Israeli...

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In the West Bank, Israeli forces closed a major artery connecting Hebron and Bethlehem with central and northern West Bank. Israeli forces also arrested 5 Palestinians during late-night raids in and around Jericho, Tulkarm, and Bethlehem. Israeli settlers threw stones at Palestinian vehicles near Huwwara south of Nablus. In East Jerusalem, 2 Palestinians were arrested during late-night raids in Silwan and Issawiyya. In Israel, 1 Palestinian woman was killed and 2 of her relatives were injured when an unknown perpetrator opened fire on them in Jaffa. (WAFA, WAFA, WAFA 8/25; HA 8/27; PCHR 8/29)

 Israeli drones were shot down over Beirut in a Hezbollah-dominated neighborhood. 1 of the drones was carrying explosives. A Hezbollah spokesperson denied that Hezbollah had shot down the drones. Lebanon’s prime minister Saad Hariri called the drones an open attack on Lebanon’s sovereignty and an attempt to foment regional tensions. (AJ, AJ, HA 8/25; HA 8/26)

Commenting on Israel’s strikes in Syria on 8/24, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said in a speech that Israel did not hit Iran’s Quds Force but Hezbollah forces, killing 2 Hezbollah members. 1 commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard also denied that Israel had hit the Quds Force. (HA 8/25; HA 8/26)

An Iraqi group claimed that Israel killed 1 of its members in Iraq near the Syrian border in a drone attack. (AJ 8/25)

PM Shamir chairs ministerial meeting to discuss formation of Jewish "civil guard" in o.t. (ITV 12/25 in FBIS 12/26)

Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek leads demonstration against settlers who moved into contested homes in Silwan. (MM 1/2)

Shiite cleric Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah addresses Beirut conference on intifada. Representatives from Fateh-Revolutionary Council [Abu Nidal], PFLP, Iranian Revolutionary Guards also speak. (Voice of Oppressed 12/26 in FBIS 12/27)

GCC ends summit, reaffirms commitment to "Damascus Declaration." Meeting also issues "Kuwait Declaration" supporting peace talks based on UN Sec. Council resolutions 242, 338, 425, affirming GCC support of multilateral talks with Israel. (MM 1/2)

Israel, Zambia renew diplomatic ties broken since 1973. (Qol Yisra'el 12/25 in FBIS 12/31)

Lebanese general Michel 'Awn leaves Lebanon for France aboard French naval vessel. Two other 'Awn allies, Gen. 'Issam Abu Jamrand Gen. Edgard Ma'luf, also depart French embassy in Beirut, where the three had taken refuge since Oct. 1990. 'Awn departs Lebanon under terms of 8/26 amnesty passed by Lebanese parliament, which prohibits 'Awn from political activities or attempting to return from Lebanon. Amnesty does not include immunity from charges 'Awn embezzled $31 million. (WP 8/30; MEM 8/29)

After meeting in Libya, PLO Chmn. Arafat, Syrian vice pres. 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam, agree to form joint PLO-Syrian coordinating committee to begin meeting in early September. (Radio Monte Carlo 8/30 in FBIS 9/3; AFP 8/30 in FBIS 9/3)

Amal leader Nabih Birri declares Israeli airman captured in Lebanon in 1986 was transferred to Iranian Revolutionary Guards in 1988 for $500,000 and is now being held in Iran. Hizbullah sources claim, however, that the airman is being held by Revolutionary Guards near Ba'lbak, Lebanon. (MEM 8/29)

Military Action:

Israeli jets bomb guerrilla bases in areas around Sofar, Falougha and Bhamdoun, reportedly hit as-Saiqa, Syrian Baath party, PFLP-GC and Druze positions, intense and effective anti-aircraft fire deployed; brief exchanges of artillery fire between LAF and PSP around Souq al-Gharb; fierce fighting continues around Baddawi, PLO loyalists and rebels both claim control of major parts of camp; all areas of Tripoli come under rocket and artillery fire.


1 Israeli jet shot down by shoulder fired SAM-7, pilot is rescued by LAF patrol after parachuting into Beirut suburb, Syria says 2nd jet was downed; casualty reports from air raid range from 2-18 killed, 8 wounded, damage to targets reportedly minimal; no reliable estimates possible of casualties in Tripoli, ambulances unable to move; Red Cross estimates 13,000-15,000 refugees from fighting at camps are in Tripoli.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF says air raid in Lebanon is reaction to long chain of terrorist attacks against IDF in South Lebanon, 35 IDF soldiers killed, 64 wounded since redeployment to Awali on September 4; Arens, addressing Moral Majority delegation in Jerusalem, says there will be no withdrawal from the West Bank; minister without portfolio Ben Porat says his plan to rehouse 250,000 Palestinians now living in refugee camps will cost between $2 and $1.5 b. over next six years, Shamir to raise the subject in forthcoming meetings with Reagan; IDF say group of Muslim extremists has confessed to the killing of a Jewish religious student in Hebron on July 7; settlers block road near Halhoul after stone throwing incident, enter town, break windows of cars and houses.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel ends 2 days of meetings in Saudi Arabia with King Fahd.

US and Other Countries: Rumsfeld makes first official visit to Damascus, meets FM Khaddam; Iranian official says 14 Revolutionary Guards and about 30 Lebanese were killed in Israeli and French air raids near Baalbek last week; Soviet Union calls on PLO factions to cease senseless bloodshed, resolve differences through political means.

Military Action:

French jets from carrier Clemenceau attack positions of Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Islamic Amal militia, east of Baalbek; RPGs fired at French position in Beirut; fighting continues around Souq al-Gharb; pockets of Fateh loyalists continue to resist on fringes of Baddawi, shells fall in Tripoli; roadside bomb hits IDF patrol south of Sidon; US Marines begin 4 day rotation, 1400 new troops, veterans of Grenada invasion, to come ashore.


Lebanese police say 39 killed, 150 wounded in Baalbek air raid, several buildings destroyed; 1 IDF soldier killed, 5 wounded in Sidon explosion; Air France cancels Beirut flights until further notice; wave of arrests of civilians by IDF reported in South Lebanon.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: 2 students wounded by IDF during Gaza demonstration; 4000-6000 dunums confiscated from Beit Ula near Hebron.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat says no one can liquidate the PLO, it is not a military base, his forces will fight to defend Tripoli against Syrian plan of conquest.

Arab Govements: Saudi, Kuwaiti and Qatari officials meet in Damascus with FM Khaddam, seek to mediate cease-fire in Tripoli.

US and Other Countries: France says air attacks are necessary to prevent new terrorist actions against French forces in Lebanon by intervening first; US says it had advance notice of French air raids.

Military Action:

Italian MNF attacked 4 times in Beirut, returns fire; IDF completes massive military exercise in South Lebanon and Golan Heights, Arens tells IDF in eastern Lebanon to be patient; 500 Iranian Revolutionary Guards reportedly arrive in Baalbeck.


1 Italian soldier wounded in Beirut; in South Lebanon, Dutch UNIFIL soldier stabbed.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: After talks in Cairo, Trade Ministry Director General says Egyptians promised to resume issuing licenses for import of Israeli goods; indictments for conspiring to incite hostility between Muslims and Jews, other acts, filed against 29 Jews in connection with Temple Mount incident; head of Islamic Committee in Jerusalem asks UN Secretary General to protect al-Aqsa from further attacks; fourth school in 10 days closed in Beit Sahour after students demonstrate, raise Palestinian flag.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Executive Committee meets in Tunis.

US and Other Countries: US Ambassador to Israel Samuel Lewis gives Shamir detailed, written proposals for security arrangements in South Lebanon as part of agreement for Israeli troop withdrawal; Pentagon releases US Marine Corps Commandant letter to Defense Secretary Weinberger saying that IDF has been deliberately threatening lives of US officers in Lebanon, reveals previously classified incidents; Garter, in Damascus, says Reagan Administration suggestion that Syria has become puppet of Soviet Union is ridiculous.

Military Action:

IDF reportedly spent lS215 m. in past 4 months building new roads linking military installations to Lebanese roads in South Lebanon; US Sixth Fleet soldiers on shore leave in Haifa for first time since June.


Israel reportedly seeking alternative homes for 640 non-Arab detainees it wants to free from Ansar, but whose home countries refuse to admit them.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin, in first public appearance since his wife's death, meets Haig in Tel Aviv; Sharon confers in Israel with US General Starry, urges US to provide arms, IDF training for Lebanese Army; Economics Minister Meridor tells Knesset committee South Lebanon, refugee camps will be back to preinvasion conditions in one month, says UNRWA will give each displaced refugee family $450; Tehiya MK protests resettlement of refugees so near border; Haaretz publishes poll showing Likud support down to 30 percent from 41.5 percent before Beirut massacre, but Labor Party support rises only marginally; Jaffa Arabs protest new housing plan and relocation; Sulha (peace-making meeting) held between Nablus Chamber of Commerce and Elon Moreh settlers; Colonel Yigal Karmon meets with heads of three West Bank universities to clarify wording of new work permit for foreign lecturers (several West Bank lecturers dismiss change as "cosmetic"; Israeli official indicates those deported may return to teaching after signing new work permits); Karmon directive to pressure "extremist mayors" and neutralize pro-Jordanian West Bank Palestinians published in greater detail (dated October 29, it contains notes from October 24 conference and is signed by Ravi Avisar).

Palestinians/ Lebanese: West Bank Mayors Mohammed Milhem and Fahd Qawasme meet with Shultz in Washington, reportedly float two proposals for negotiations-one would have joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation with Palestinians not directly identified with PLO but authorized by them to negotiate, other would have same forces within broader Arab delegation; Lebanese foreign ministry asserts Iranian revolutionary guards involved in yesterday's attack on Baalbek city hall, as Foreign Minister Elie Salem meets Iranian ambassador to protest.

Arab Governments: Syria criticizes US role as Habib arrives for talks on troop withdrawals from Lebanon; Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassan Ali and Israeli Ambassador Sasson meet on bilateral issues, including Taba; on eve of Mitterrand's visit Mubarak says France and Egypt will give Reagan plan precedence over their own initiatives; reports that Egypt extradited 5 Palestinian students to Israel in early November after alleging their involvement in Sadat's assassination.

US and Other Countries: US official says Shultz needs more information on new work permit requirements to ensure that his concerns have been resolved; over 400 academics from 20 colleges and universities nation-wide sign petition to Congress to suspend military and economic aid to Israel; French President Mitterrand, in interview, says Palestinians should have their own state; EEC sends Danish envoy to Israel to seek halt to settlements.

UN: Arab governments fail to unseat Israel at special UNESCO session in Paris.

Military Action:

Israeli troops seize Beaufort Castle, Nabatiyeh, Hasbaya; fighting continues in Tyre and nearby Palestinian refugee camps; air battle over Beirut suburbs between Israeli and Syrian jets; Israeli troops converge on Sidon from 3 directions after airdropping leaflets to residents asking them to leave their homes within 2 hours; three waves of Israeli planes bomb and strafe southern Beirut; Begin and Ariel Sharon tour Beaufort Castle; Tyre is finally captured, in house-to-house combat, though pockets of resistance remain; UN re-ports 57 Israeli sorties flown over Lebanon; Israeli armored column pushes to within 12 miles of Beirut; assault on Jiye power plant cuts electricity to Beirut.

Two Syrian jets shot down over northern Israel, .2 in northern Lebanon; Israeli jets bomb and strafe Syrian positions at jezzine, east of Sidon (at least 5 Syrian soldiers killed); fierce battles fought with Israeli jets over Beirut; Syrian peacekeeping units in Beirut move equipment and ammunition to positions guarding highways to Bekaa valley.

PLO units resist in heavy fighting in Tyre and Sidon and at Saadiyat, 12 miles south of Beirut; Palestinian News Agency (WAFA) says 45,000 Israeli troops involved apd 400 killed since the invasion began; claim 45 Israeli tanks and 45 armored cars knocked out; personal security headquarters for Arafat reported hit; PLO accuses UNIFIL of "collaboration" with Israel in failing to counter invasion; Lebanese National Move-ment militias take positions near seafront to guard against Israeli invasion of Beirut.


Apartment buildings and structures at Arab University hit, hospitals report at least 60 wounded; refugees stream into Beirut; electricity cut off to Beirut; Israelis estimate Palestinian casualties at 2500; radio reports say hundreds of bodies litter streets of Sidon; fierce firefight on edge of Sidon reported, as fires rage on hillsides. Israel reports 25 killed, 7 missing, 1 captured, 96 wounded; PLO estimates Israeli casualties at 400.

Political Responses:

Israel/Occupied Territories: Begin turns over Beaufort Castle to Major Haddad, meets with Habib, rejects US call for restraint; Army Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan says taking of Beaufort Castle pushes guerrillas out of range of all Galilee settlements except near Golan Heights; blackout on news of troop movements maintained; Foreign Minister Shamir says Israeli aims go beyond pushing the PLO away from the border to "the PLO's final destruction as a terrorist and political factor"; Israel reportedly pressuring Haddad and the Phalange to join in attacks on the PLO (Bashir Gemayel resists); Peres and Rabin (Labor Party) meet with Begin over remarks of Sharon, and Peres calls for speedy end to the conflict; Mapam demands a halt to Israeli air attacks and a return to the cease-fire; Knesset meets to consider no-confidence motion introduced by Democratic Front for Peace & Equality; 60 left-wing students demonstrate near prime minister's of-fice; 150 march to Mt. Scopus campus. Israeli military police tighten border patrols to prevent goods looted from Lebanese homes coming into Israel.

Palestinians/Lebanese: PLO accuses UNIFIL of "collaboration" with Israelis; Bashir Gemayel resists Israeli pressure to attack PLO; WAFA reports Israeli troops number 60,000.

Arab Governments: High-level Iranian delegation, including heads of Iranian army and revolutionary guards, visits Syria.

US: Pentagon sends 5 US warships to the eastern Mediterranean in case the 4,000 Americans in Lebanon need to be evacuated.

UN: UN resolution calls for unconditional and immediate Israeli withdrawal and an end to all military activity within Lebanon and across its border with Israel (Israel's Ambas-sador says Israel will not comply); ABC reports UNIFIL officer received orders from UN headquarters not to resist Israeli forces.