In Alexandria, Arafat, Mubarak discuss the Jerusalem issue, Arafat's planned mtg. with Pres. Clinton on the sidelines of the UN millennium summit in New York on 9/6. (MENA 8/26 in WNC 8/28)
August 26, 2000
August 21, 2000
In Alexandria, Egyptian pres. Husni Mubarak holds separate talks with Arafat, Meretz MK Yossi Sarid on the Jerusalem impasse; with Syrian FM Faruq al-Shara` on the Syrian, Palestinian tracks and...
July 22, 2000
At Camp David, PA, Israeli teams break for the Jewish Sabbath. Secy. of State Albright meets with Arafat to discuss core issues. (NYT, WP, WT 7/23; SA 7/23 in WNC 7/24)
Jordanian FM `Abd al...
August 22, 1999
Following a mtg. on the peace process with Egyptian pres. Husni Mubarak in Alexandria, PA head Yasir Arafat calls on the U.S. to step in and help break the PA's impasse with Israel over the Wye...
July 6, 1994
Israeli PM Rabin, FM Peres, and PLO Chmn. Arafat awarded UNESCO Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Award at Paris ceremony. Prize presented by frmr. Secy of State Henry Kissinger, who praises honorees...
September 22, 1993
Gaza funeral of Muhammad Abu Sha'ban attracts over 2,000 mourners; message fr. PLO Chmn. Arafat calls on Palestinians "to reject violence and terrorism." (NYT, WT 9/23)
Egyptian Pres....
September 19, 1993
PLO Chmn Arafat tells Arab League FMs meeting in Cairo that "the agreement we have reached is nothing but a first step," acknowledges "there can be no final settlement without a solution on all...
September 16, 1993
PLO Chmn. Arafat announces Hamas has agreed to not obstruct PLO efforts to implement PLO-Israel agreement, refrain fr. violence among Palestinians. Agreement allegedly signed 9/15 in Gaza by Fateh...
August 2, 1993
Secy. of State Christopher begins mission to revive Arab-Israeli talks with meeting in Alexandria with Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, stating "the situation in Lebanon, perhaps paradoxically, has given a...
August 6, 1990
Arafat returns to Alexandria and meets with Pres. Mubarak to try to persuade Egyptian leader to accept Iraqi-backed plan that would mean virtual capitulation by Kuwait in exchange for withdrawal...
August 4, 1990
Islamic Conference Organization, meeting in Cairo, issues statement condemning Iraqi invasion of Kuwait; 6 of 30 states "refrained from approving" the resolution: Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen,...
July 23, 1990
The "Troika" foreign ministers of the EC (Italy, Ireland, and Luexembourg) arrive for overnight visit in Israel; say opening of Israeli-Palestinian dialogue is essential to peace. Italian F.M....
September 11, 1986
Arab World: Egyptian Pres. Mubarak and Israeli P.M. Peres meet in Alexandria (first time in five years Egyptian and Israeli leaders have met); Egypt returns...
In Alexandria, Arafat, Mubarak discuss the Jerusalem issue, Arafat's planned mtg. with Pres. Clinton on the sidelines of the UN millennium summit in New York on 9/6. (MENA 8/26 in WNC 8/28)
In area B outside Jerusalem, 3 IDF soldiers are killed, 1 is wounded by friendly fire in a botched raid on the hideout of Palestinian Mahmud Abu Hanud, wanted for allegedly staging a 1997 Hamas bombing in Jerusalem that killed 21 Israelis. Abu Hanud is wounded but escapes to Nablus, where he is arrested by the PSF. The PA, angry that Israel did not give it advance notice of the raid, says it will try Abu Hanud in a PA court, not extradite him to Israel. (NYT 8/27; CSM, LAW, NYT, WP, WT 8/28; MM, NYT 8/29; MM, Palestine Report [Internet] 8/30; JP [Internet], MM, WJW 8/31; JP, MEI, NYT, WP 9/1; WJW 9/7; JP, MM, NYT, WP 9/8; JP 9/15)
In Alexandria, Egyptian pres. Husni Mubarak holds separate talks with Arafat, Meretz MK Yossi Sarid on the Jerusalem impasse; with Syrian FM Faruq al-Shara` on the Syrian, Palestinian tracks and possibly holding a mini-Arab summit on the peace process. (MENA 8/21 in WNC 8/22; MM 8/22; MENA 8/23 in WNC 8/24; WJW, WP 8/24)
At Camp David, PA, Israeli teams break for the Jewish Sabbath. Secy. of State Albright meets with Arafat to discuss core issues. (NYT, WP, WT 7/23; SA 7/23 in WNC 7/24)
Jordanian FM `Abd al-Ilah Khatib flies to Alexandria to discuss with Egyptian FM `Amr Musa "the results and information that [have] reached us on the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations . . . at Camp David." (MENA 7/22 in WNC 7/24; MM, NYT 7/24)
Following a mtg. on the peace process with Egyptian pres. Husni Mubarak in Alexandria, PA head Yasir Arafat calls on the U.S. to step in and help break the PA's impasse with Israel over the Wye implementation timetable. The PA is now asking Israel to complete Wye implementation by 11/30, but Israel says it cannot be completed until 2/00. (MENA 8/22 in WNC 8/23; NYT, WT 8/23; AYM 9/23 in WNC 8/26)
Norwegian FM Knut Vollebaek arrives in Israel on the 1st leg of a Middle East tour to discuss the peace process, aid issues. He meets with PM Barak and FM David Levy, who give him a message to deliver to Syrian pres. Asad, urging him to restart negotiations. (MA 8/23 in WNC 8/24)
In Cairo, PA head Yasir Arafat opens talks with Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) leader Nayif Hawatimah on uniting Palestinian factions ahead of Israeli-PA final status talks. This is the 1st time the pair has met since Oslo was signed in 9/93. (MENA 8/22 in WNC 8/23; MM, NYT, WP 8/23; MM 8/24; al-Ahram 8/25 in WNC 8/30; Jerusalem Times 8/27 in WNC 8/31)
Hizballah, the IDF clash in s. Lebanon, leaving 2 IDF soldiers wounded. (RL, VOL 8/22 in WNC 8/23; NYT, WP 8/23)
Israeli PM Rabin, FM Peres, and PLO Chmn. Arafat awarded UNESCO Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Award at Paris ceremony. Prize presented by frmr. Secy of State Henry Kissinger, who praises honorees for their "leap of faith." During talks on expanding Palestinian self-rule, Arafat demands more Palestinians be released, including Hamas leader Shaykh Ahmad Yasin, urges Jerusalem be designated an open city, and pledges elections "as quickly as possible." Both Rabin and Arafat tell reporters mtg. was successful. (MM 7/6; NYT, WP, WSJ, WT 7/7; TJT 7/8)
Jordan's King Hussein, Egypt's Pres. Mubarak meet in Alexandria to discuss planned Jordan-Israel peace talks. Jordanians stress need for comprehensive solution to Arab-Israeli conflict, deny differences with Syria over talks. (Jordan TV 7/6 in FBIS 7/7; NYT 7/7)
IDF officer killed, SLA soldier wounded during artillery, mortar exchanges with Hizballah nr. Rihan in "security zone." (MM, WP 7/7)
Rawhi al-Khatib, Jordanian Mayor of Jerusalem 1957-67, dies at 82. Khatib was expelled by Israel in 1968 after being deposed and refusing to work with Israeli Jerusalem municipality. (TJT 7/8; NYT 7/9; WP 7/10)
Gaza funeral of Muhammad Abu Sha'ban attracts over 2,000 mourners; message fr. PLO Chmn. Arafat calls on Palestinians "to reject violence and terrorism." (NYT, WT 9/23)
Egyptian Pres. Mubarak and Syrian Pres. al-Asad hold 3 hours of talks in Alexandria, agree Israel must pursue negotiations with Syria. Al-Asad foresees no early breakthrough in talks, while Mubarak insists "the Golan should be returned back to Syria" to secure peace. (MM 9/22; NYT 9/23)
Syrian VP Khaddam meets Sa'id Musa Muragha ("Abu Musa"), leader of Fateh-the Uprising, 1 of 10 Palestinian factions opposed to DoP. (RMC 9/22 in FBIS 9/24)
Association of Israeli-Palestinian Physicians for Human Rights petitions Israeli High Court of Justice to close Ketziot ("Ansar III") prison camp because of "inferior conditions of imprisonment" of Palestinians detained there. (MM 9/23)
Jordanian Min. of State Jawad al-Anani says Palestinians living in Jordan will not be allowed to vote in both Jordanian and o.t. elections, saying King Hussein and PLO Chmn. Arafat agreed to avoid "duplication." (MM 9/23)
PLO Chmn Arafat tells Arab League FMs meeting in Cairo that "the agreement we have reached is nothing but a first step," acknowledges "there can be no final settlement without a solution on all the Arab tracks." (NYT 9/20)
Israeli PM Rabin and Egyptian Pres. Mubarak meet in Alexandria to discuss implementation of PLO-Israel DoP. Rabin complains of Syrian support for Palestinian opposition factions, while Mubarak states, "I think Syria wants peace, genuinely wants to solve the problem and I have heard this fr. President Asad several times." (NYT 9/19, 9/20; MM 9/20; WP 9/23)
PLO Chmn. Arafat announces Hamas has agreed to not obstruct PLO efforts to implement PLO-Israel agreement, refrain fr. violence among Palestinians. Agreement allegedly signed 9/15 in Gaza by Fateh and Hamas reps. Arafat says pact paves way for 10/93 meeting in Yemen between PLO and opposition factions. Arafat travels to Alexandria to reassure Egyptian Pres. Mubarak of Palestinian gratitude for support in peace process. (MM 9/16; NYT 9/17; WT 9/18)
Syrian radio reports VP Khaddam met with DFLP leader Nayif Hawatmah, PFLP head George Habash. (MM, NYT 9/17)
Jordan begins police registration of illegal Palestinian residents. Estimated 60,000 residents of o.t. have overstayed temporary Jordanian visas this year. (Sawt al-Sha'b 9/16 in FBIS 9/17; MM 9/17)
Opinion surveys show that 60% of Israeli Jews support Israel-PLO agreement signed 9/13. (WP 9/17)
EC pledges $1 b. for Middle East programs. Funds are earmarked for hospital, 50,000 housing units in Gaza and building of Palestinian "administrative backbone." EC also considering funding large-scale regional programs, including highway system to link Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. EC commissioner for development aid Manuel Marin meets in Brussels with PLO official Nabil Shaath to discuss distribution of assistance. (WP 9/17)
Secy. of State Christopher begins mission to revive Arab-Israeli talks with meeting in Alexandria with Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, stating "the situation in Lebanon, perhaps paradoxically, has given a new burst of energy to the negotiations." (NYT 8/3)
PLO Chm. Arafat meets Egyptian Pres. Mubarak after latter's talks with Secy. of State Christopher. (MENA 8/2 in FBIS 8/3)
Palestinian hijacks UNRWA bus in Gaza Strip, killing Israeli civilian employee of military government. (NYT 8/3)
Poll of Palestinians in o.t. conducted by Jerusalem Media and Communications Centre in conjunction with CNN and Dutch TV finds 51.7% oppose Palestinian-Jordanian confederation, 55.9% oppose continuation of peace talks on the Madrid formula, 50.1% support Palestinian withdrawal from talks, 87.7% believe PLO needs democratic reform, 32.9% support dividing Jerusalem, and 50.9% trust leadership of "national movements," as against 24.1% for "Islamic movements." Poll has margin of error of +3%, confidence level of 95%. (JMCC poll) Responding in part to complaints by Palestinian members of the Orthodox Church that the Patriarchate has been passing land to the Israeli government, Ecumenical Council of Orthodox Churches decides to boycott Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem Diodoros I. (al-Fajr 8/16)
Lebanese govt. orders army to prepare for redeployment in south. UN Secy.-Gen. Butrus-Ghalinforms Lebanese PM Rafiq Hariri of UN approval of move. (WP, WT 8/3)
Arafat returns to Alexandria and meets with Pres. Mubarak to try to persuade Egyptian leader to accept Iraqi-backed plan that would mean virtual capitulation by Kuwait in exchange for withdrawal of Iraqi troops [MENA 8/6 in FBIS 8/6; WP 8/7].
UN Sec.Council votes to impose worldwide trade embargo on Iraq and Kuwait [WP, LAT, WT, NYT 8/7].
Two teenage Israeli boys, missing since 8/4, are founded stabbed to death near E. Jerusalem, triggering rampage by hundreds of Jews seeking vengeance against Arabs; 4 Palestinians are wounded in attacks. Police believe Palestinian nationalists are responsible for the deaths JDS 8/6 in FBIS 8/7; WP, LAT, WT, NYT 8/7]; Israeli Arabs denounce killings and reprisal violence [JPD 8/7 in FBIS 8/8; JPI 8/18].
Islamic Conference Organization, meeting in Cairo, issues statement condemning Iraqi invasion of Kuwait; 6 of 30 states "refrained from approving" the resolution: Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Sudan, and Mauritania [MENA 8/4 in FBIS 8/6].
Washington Post reports Iraqi invasion of Kuwait has created complex problems for Palestinian leadership; worries that popular Palestine support for Saddam Hussein will overshadow intifada [WP 8/ 5].
Yasir Arafat arrives in Alexandria and meets with Pres. Mubarak [MENA 8/4 in FBIS 8/6].
New York Times reports that housing shortages in Israel have forced 1,576 families to live in tents; gov't. officials say 17,135 immigrants arrived in July, of which 15,294 were from USSR [NYT 8/ 5].
The "Troika" foreign ministers of the EC (Italy, Ireland, and Luexembourg) arrive for overnight visit in Israel; say opening of Israeli-Palestinian dialogue is essential to peace. Italian F.M. Gianni De Michelis adds "the peace process is impossible without the Palestinians and without areal representative of the Palestinians" [MEM 7/23; WP 7/24]; Troika meets with Israeli F.M. David Levy; De Michelis hints EC is not likely to honor Israel's request for enhanced trade with integrated Europe in 1992 without peace progress (cf. 7/24) [JDS 7/23; MEM 7/24; MAA 7/24 in FBIS 7/24].
King Hussein meets Pres. Mubarak in Alexandria for "working visit" [MENA, ADS, 7/23 in FBIS 7/23].
PFLP spokesman denies that 4 persons killed by Jordanian troops on 7/21 belonged to his group [RMC 7/23 in FBIS 7/24].
Immigrant Absorption Minister Yitzhak Perez tells Knesset committee some 70,000 immigrants have arrived in Israel in 1990, 61,000 from USSR. He also says that beginning in August, 20,000 immigrants will arrive monthly UDS 7/23 in FBIS 7/24].
Arafat sends cable to Pres. Mubarak, reaffirming "strong fraternal ties" between Palestinians and Egyptians. Cable, 2d in 2 days, is seen as part of PLO efforts to diffuse tensions starting with Egyptian newspaper attacks on Arafat (cf. 7/19) [MEM 7/24].
Israeli and SLA artillery shell Iqlim al-Tuffah in S.Lebanon [BVL 7/24 in FBIS 7/24]; shelling wounds 5 Fateh soldiers [BVP 7/23 in FBIS 7/25].
Arab World: Egyptian Pres. Mubarak and Israeli P.M. Peres meet in Alexandria (first time in five years Egyptian and Israeli leaders have met); Egypt returns ambassador to Israel, withdrawn after 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon; two states agree on arbitration over Taba; discuss Palestinian issue (NYT, WP 9/12). In Tunis, PLO Chairman Arafat meets EC representative Claude Cheysson (FBIS 9/14). Islamic Jihad denies it kidnapped American Frank Reed in West Beirut (CSM 9/12).
Other Countries: French government rejects demands for release of convicted terrorists in exchange for ending bomb campaign (WP 9/12). Washington Post reports Israeli Trade Minister Ariel Sharon visited Istanbul secretly for three days in July (WP 9/11).
Military Action
Arab World: IDF and SLA fight Shi'i guerrillas in south Lebanon; five UNIFIL soldiers wounded in crossfire; IDF use helicopter gunships and artillery against Shi'a who attacked SLA outpost.