Responding to 9/14 Iraqi move against French embassy in Kuwait, Pres. Mitterrand orders additional 4,000 soldiers and dozens of helicopters and tanks to Saudi Arabia [NYT, WP 9/16; CMS 9/17]....
September 15, 1990
December 20, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military orders all government schools in W. Bank closed for 2 days [LAT 12/21; FJ 12/27]. Israeli cabinet discusses violence in the...
October 11, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres praises U.S. interception of plane carrying 4 hijackers [BG 10/12].
Arab World: PLO officials in Tunis condemn U.S....
October 9, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports Amnesty International's recently published annual report for 1984 records that during 1984 "dozens of...
October 8, 1985
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli forces demolish homes of 5 members of Palestinian cell captured or killed in hills south of Hebron 10/6. Surif village placed...
October 7, 1985
Arab World: Funerals of 2 Palestinians killed in Israel's air raid on Tunis spark anti-Israel demonstrations in Cairo. Hundreds of students shout anti-Israel and...
September 23, 1982
Military Action:
French units of peacekeeping force begin arriving off Beirut port (Marines to be deployed near port and airport, more heavily armed French and Italian units will be...
Responding to 9/14 Iraqi move against French embassy in Kuwait, Pres. Mitterrand orders additional 4,000 soldiers and dozens of helicopters and tanks to Saudi Arabia [NYT, WP 9/16; CMS 9/17].
Pres. Gorbachev tells Italian F.M. De Michelis that Moscow would be willing to discuss Iraqi grievances against Kuwait, but only after Saddam withdraws [WP 9/16].
American officials say U.S. will postpone plans to seek repeal of UN resolution equat- ing Zionism with racism at this year's Gen. Assembly so as not to imperil Arab support for embargo against Iraq and U.S. military presence in Saudi Arabia [NYT 9/16].
Three-day "Conference on Arab Popular Movements" opens in Amman; attended by about 3,000 including 120 representatives of political organizations from 9 Arab countries (Egyptian and Syrian delegations reportedly prevented by their gov'ts from attending) (cf. 9/16, 9/17, 9/18) [MEM 9/13, 9/17; JTE 9/15 in FBIS 9/17, 9/18; CSM 9/17].
Meanwhile 5-day conference ends in Amman of Islamist leaders from Jordan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Tunisia, Yemen, Syria, Sudan, Algeria, and Turkey; Egypt reportedly prevented 7 top-level Islamist leaders from attending. Conference decides to send mediation team to Saudi Arabia and Iraq [MEM 9/17].
W. German Chancellor Helmut Kohl announces $2 billion aid package to support multinational forces in Gulf; says German constitution prevents him from sending troops [WP 9/16].
U.S. Air Force chief of staff Gen. Michael Dugan says in event of hostilities, American forces would employ massive bombing raids against Baghdad that specifically target Saddam Hussein and family, military centers, and power systems (cf. 9/17) [WP 9/16; FJ 9/24].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military orders all government schools in W. Bank closed for 2 days [LAT 12/21; FJ 12/27]. Israeli cabinet discusses violence in the occupied territories, defends army's handling of disturbances [LAT 12/21]. Davar reports police investigation into death of 'Awad Hamdan, Palestinian who died while in police custody, had uncovered evidence suggesting 1of 3 Israeli interrogators was involved in Hamdan's death; other interrogators will be reprimanded for lying to Landau Commission [FJ 12/27]. Israel orders Hebron U., Abu Dis College, and al-'Asriyyah Community College closed for 1 month because of recent student protests [FJ 12/27]. Umm al-Fahm residents protest Israeli measures in occupied territories, call for end to occupation [FJ 12/27]. In meeting with Pres. Herzog, Italy's Pres. Cossiga expresses concern about events in occupied territories [FBIS 12/22].
Arab World: Egypt delivers formal protest of Israel's handling of occupied territory disturbances to Israeli ambassador, the 5th such protest in 12 days. Hani al-Hassan, aide to PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat, arrives in Egypt for talks [NYT 12/21]. In Sidon, 7,500 Palestinian and Lebanese Muslim protesters join in anti-Israel march [CSM, LAT 12/21].
Other Countries: Pope John Paul II appeals for peace in Holy Land, expresses support for Palestinian people [WP 12/21].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Violent disturbances continue in W. Bank and Gaza Strip; at least 6 are shot, wounded in clashes with Israeli troops, 4 of them during large demonstration in West Bank's Far'ah refugee camp [LAT 12/21]. Curfews are imposed on Far'ah and 'Askar refugee camps [NYT 12/21]. Soldiers clash with large demonstration in Ramallah, and Am'ari, Jalazun, and Qalandiya refugee camps [FJ 12/27]. Protesters burn, destroy Egged bus carrying workers from Rafah [FJ 12/27].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres praises U.S. interception of plane carrying 4 hijackers [BG 10/12].
Arab World: PLO officials in Tunis condemn U.S. interception of Egyptian plane carrying 4 hijackers; PLO officials in Tunis say Tunisia had refused entry to an Egyptian airplane thought to be carrying the 4 hijackers before the plane left Egypt [NYT 10/11]. Anonymous telephone caller to Beirut newspaper threatens to strike at "U.S. interests" throughout the world if the 4 hijackers are hurt in prison [LT 10/12]. Egypt condemns the U.S. interception of plane carrying 4 hijackers, expresses "deep regret" at "surprising" American action [WP, NYT 10/12].
Other Countries: Bomb in office kills regional executive director of American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee in Santa Ana, Califomia, Alex Odeh, 37, and injures 7 others. Odeh had appeared on TV the night before and called Yasir Arafat "a man of peace." No one claims responsibility; Jewish Defense League praises the action [NYT, WP 10/12]. Public prosecutor in Italy charges 4 hijackers with murder, kidnapping, hijacking of a ship, and possession of arms and explosives. Uncertainty remains over how 2 other senior Palestinian officials also taken into custody when the plane carrying them was intercepted will be treated; they are Abu al-'Abbas, head of the faction of the Palestine Liberation Front which allegedly carried out the hijacking, and another unidentified PLO official [NYT, WP 10/12]. U.S. agrees to let Italians prosecute hijackers but will maintain extradition request [NYT 10/13]. Jewish Press reports House Ways and Means Committee has adopted legislation to exempt Israel Bonds from a 1984 provision which increases taxes on loans made at below market level interest rates. Israel Bonds, at interest rates of 4%, are far below market level [JWP 10/11]. Harvard U. announces Prof. Nadav Safran "erred" in not reporting use of CIA funds to organize conference on fundamentalist Islam and to write book on Saudi Arabian security; Safran will not be disciplined [NYT, WP 10/12]
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports Amnesty International's recently published annual report for 1984 records that during 1984 "dozens of regular, border and military police" were charged with offenses against detainees and 17 were subsequently sentenced. Report also notes use of various forms of ill treatment and torture of detainees by Israeli forces in both the occupied territories and S. Lebanon, as well as extensive use of town arrest orders [JP 10/9]. Def. Min. Yitzhak Rabin states 5 Palestinians recently captured or killed in Hebron hills received assistance from PLO headquarters in 'Amman [JP 10/10]. Palestinian students at al-Najah U. go on 1-day hunger strike in solidarity with administrative detainees' hunger strike inside prisons [FJ 10/11].
Arab World: Four hijackers of Achille Lauro surrender in Egypt. Yasir Arafat asks that the 4 be tumed over to the PLO for trial [NYT 10/10]. The 4 hijackers leave the ship after negotiating with PLO representatives. The agreement to let them go was based on early reports that no hostages had been harmed [WP 10/10]. Italy then announces American passenger Leon Klinghoffer, confined to a wheelchair, is missing, his body believed to have been thrown overboard [NYT 10/10]. Palestinian source in Cyprus says the 4 originally intended to "go to Israel and carry out some tasks there," and disobeyed orders by hijacking the ship [WP 10/10].
Other Countries: UN Sec. Council unanimously condemns hijacking of Achille Lauro [NYT 10/10]. Draft resolution to invite Yasir Arafat to address UN General Assembly during 40th anniversary celebration is circulated at UN [BG 10/10].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli forces demolish homes of 5 members of Palestinian cell captured or killed in hills south of Hebron 10/6. Surif village placed under curfew during demolitions [JP 10/9].
Arab World: Two senior PLO officials leave for Cairo to help Egyptian officials negotiate with the Achille Lauro hijackers [LAT 10/9]. Arafat tells Italian P.M. Bettino Craxi he "entirely condemns" the hijacking and does not know who is responsible [MG 10/9]. The Damascus-based faction of the Palestine Liberation Front, headed by Tala'at Ya'qub, denounces the hijacking of the Achille Lauro as piracy. An anonymous caller to Agence France Presse says the Abu al-'Abbas faction of the Palestine Liberation Front, allied with Fateh, is responsible for the hijacking [NYT 10/10].
Other Countries: U.S. seeks to obtain worldwide guarantee that no country will allow the Achille Lauro to dock in its port while the hijackers are still in control. Italy rejects use of force to try to rescue passengers on Achille Lauro [LAT 10/9]. Dutch Def. Min. Job de Ruiter announces Dutch troops will be withdrawn from UN peacekeeping force deployed north of Lebanese-Israeli border because of "concern for their safety" [MG 10/9].
Military Action
Arab World: Achille Lauro steams toward Syria, then Cyprus; is refused entry at both. Ship retums to Egyptian coast, hijackers begin negotiations with Egyptians [NYT 10/13].
Other Countries: U.S. guided missile destroyer Scott cuts short shore leave in Haifa to monitor hijacked Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro in Eastem Mediterranean [NYT 10/9].
Arab World: Funerals of 2 Palestinians killed in Israel's air raid on Tunis spark anti-Israel demonstrations in Cairo. Hundreds of students shout anti-Israel and anti-American slogans as the 2 are buried at the tomb of the unknown soldier in Cairo, where the families of the 2 men live [MG 10/8]. Pres. Mubarak sees Arafat's political advisor Hani al-Hasan in an unscheduled meeting; al-Hasan conveys thanks for Egypt's position on Israel's Tunis air raid [JP 10/8].
Other Countries: Diplomatic sources say the U.S. decided not to veto UN Sec. Counc. resolution condemning Israeli air raid because of fears Tunisian govt. would break diplomatic ties with the U.S. [LT 10/8; NYT 10/7].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: WAFA news agency claims PLO responsibility for blast destroying Jerusalem apartment building, claims 20 killed, including Israeli lintelligence agents. Israeli police say 1 died and 11 were injured in the explosion, which was caused by a gas leak [TS 10/8].
Arab World: Four heavily armed Palestinians hijack an Italian cruise ship, the Achille Lauro, carrying 400 passengers off the shore of Egypt. Officials at Port Sa'id say the hijackers, who identify themselves as members of the Palestine Liberation Front, demand the release of 50 prisoners held in Israel, including Samir Qantari, in exchange for the ship's passengers; they threaten to blow up the ship if their demands are not met. Yasir Arafat denies any PLO responsibility in the hijacking, vows to try to use his influence to end it [NYT 10/8, 9; WP 10/9]. Fighting breaks out again around Sabra and Shatila refugee camps. Radio stations say the fighting is between Lebanese Muslim and Palestinian militias; Amal states it is an intemal Palestinian problem. Tankfire is used against the camps and at least 1 person is killed [FT, BG 10/8].
Military Action:
French units of peacekeeping force begin arriving off Beirut port (Marines to be deployed near port and airport, more heavily armed French and Italian units will be deployed near Green Line); IDF tanks still parked in port area; gunmen open fire on Israeli patrol near former PLO office on Corniche Mazraa, second attack on IDF in two weeks.
ICRC says it found 298 bodies in Shatila and Sabra, will leave recovery of others to Lebanese; four bodies of Gaza Hospital Red Crescent employees found at Sports Stadium where both IDF and Phalange/Haddad militias interrogated massacre survivors.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Draper and Habib meet with Israeli officials to discuss Israeli withdrawal; Israeli government appoints new Civil Administrator of occupied territories, Colonel Yosef Lunz as Arab protests of massacre continue.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Amin Gemayel is sworn in as Lebanon's president, pledges to strengthen Lebanese ties with Arab world; Wazzan denounces Israeli statement that Lebanese Army refused to enter camps, saying Army refused to "be the instrument of Israeli policy" in disarming Palestinians while IDF surrounded camps.
Arab Governments: Egypt reassures Israel that recall of ambassador does not presage graver acts.
US and Other Countries: US says peacekeeping force ready to deploy whether or, not Israeli troops have left Beirut; US accuses PLO of violating withdrawal agreement by leaving large caches of arms behind.