12 / 15500 Results
  • December 10, 1997

    PA Central Bureau of Statistics begins its 1st census of the West Bank, Gaza, expected to last 15 days. After determining that existing legislation did not prevent PA census taking in East...

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  • December 8, 1997

    PA, Israel joint comm. on the Gaza port convenes. (al-Ayyam 12/9 in WNC 12/17)

    Al-Najah University holds student council elections. Of 81 seats, Hamas wins 40, Fatah 35. (al-Najah...

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  • December 5, 1997

    Secy. of State Albright meets with Netanyahu in Paris on her way to Africa to discuss his new FRD proposal. Netanyahu holds separate mtg. with French PM Lionel Jospin, FM Vedrine; stresses that EU...

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  • November 26, 1997

    Netanyahu holds talks with his cabinet about negotiations with the PA, discusses proposals for moving the peace process in 2 directions: (1) toward resolving outstanding issues, which would...

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  • November 17, 1997

    At the Doha summit, U.S. Undersecy. of State for Economic Affairs Stuart Eizenstat says that the administration will seek funding fr. Congress for the Middle East Development Bank in the FY 1999...

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  • October 13, 1997

    Palestine Observer Mission at the UN announces plans to introduce a resolution in the UN General Assemby (UNGA) by early 11/97 that would deny Israel's right to represent East Jerusalem, Golan...

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  • October 7, 1997

    PA-Israeli subcomm. mtgs. resume for 1st time in 7 mos. with a security subcomm. mtg. in Tel Aviv. Joint Steering Comm. will meet once every 2 wks. to discuss progress of 8 subcomms.(ITV 10/7 in...

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  • September 8, 1997

    On the eve of her departure, the State Dept. says it has abandoned hope that Secy. of State Albright will make progress during her tour of the Middle East; says she will not offer any new...

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  • August 6, 1997

    U.S. Secy. of State Albright endorses PM Netanyahu's plan for accelerated final status talks with the PA, stresses that no progress can be made until Israel is certain that the PA is making 100%...

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  • August 3, 1997

    PM Netanyahu tells his cabinet that Israel will not honor its peace agmts. with the PLO unless Arafat cracks down on Islamists. (MM 8/4)

    14-mbr. Knesset Internal Affairs Comm. delegation...

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  • July 22, 1997

    On the sidelines of th EU FMs' mtg. in Brussels, Arafat, Israeli FM Levy hold the highest Israeli-PA mtg. since the pair met in Malta 4/15. Afterward, both men say that they made significant...

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  • June 8, 1997

    In Cairo, Israeli cabinet secy. Dani Nave, PA Local Government M Erakat discuss ways of resuming talks, make no headway. Israel refused to convene the talks until the PA denied reports by a...

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PA Central Bureau of Statistics begins its 1st census of the West Bank, Gaza, expected to last 15 days. After determining that existing legislation did not prevent PA census taking in East Jerusalem, Israel quickly pushes legislation through Knesset banning any Palestinian "activity in East Jerusalem bearing a governmental and political character and which is inconsistent with the sovereignty of the state of Israel," arrests at least 1 census taker. (MM 12/10; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 12/11; PR 12/12; MA 12/12 in WNC 12/16; MEI, PR 12/19; IDF Radio 12/29 in WNC 1/1)

In Jerusalem, Arafat adviser Abbas discusses final status scenarios with Likud MK Dan Meridor. (YA 12/12 in WNC 12/15)

Turkey's Pres. Suleyman Demirel leaves OIC summit a day early in protest of other mbrs.'s calls for halt to normalization with Israel, failure to pass 2 pro-Turkish resolutions on Cyprus, Greece. (NYT 12/12)

Following executions 12/8, Jordan recalls its chargé d'affaires from Iraq, gives 7 Iraqi diplomats a wk. to leave the country, vows to close its border with Iraq if it goes through with the execution of a 5th student. (MM 12/11; SA 12/12 in WNC 12/15; NYT 12/14; JT 12/15 in WNC 12/16; MEI 1/16)

PA, Israel joint comm. on the Gaza port convenes. (al-Ayyam 12/9 in WNC 12/17)

Al-Najah University holds student council elections. Of 81 seats, Hamas wins 40, Fatah 35. (al-Najah Students Union Council press release 12/9)

Israeli DM Mordechai arrives in Ankara to discuss upcoming naval maneuvers with Turkey, the U.S.; improving intelligence coordination; cooperation in manufacturing missiles, tanks. (Bayrak Radio [Nicosia] 12/4 in WNC 12/9; MENA 12/9 in WNC 12/17; NYT 12/12; JT 12/17 in WNC 12/19)

Iraq executes 4 Jordanian students for smuggling auto parts. Iraq has recently rounded up 523 Jordanians suspected of "economic crimes." (MM 12/10, 12/11; RJ 12/16 in WNC 12/18; MM 1/6; MEI 1/16; MM 1/20)

Secy. of State Albright meets with Netanyahu in Paris on her way to Africa to discuss his new FRD proposal. Netanyahu holds separate mtg. with French PM Lionel Jospin, FM Vedrine; stresses that EU must take back seat to U.S. for the peace process to succeed. (MM 12/5; HA, IDF Radio, LCI Television [Paris] 12/5 in WNC 12/8; IDF Radio 12/5 in WNC 12/17; NYT, WP 12/6; HA, IDF Radio 12/7, YA 12/8 in WNC 12/9; WT 12/8; MM 12/9; JP 12/13; PR 12/19)

 Mossad officer Yehuda Gil admits relaying false information on Syria to the government for at least 6 of his 20 years at the agency. (MM 12/5; WP 12/6; ITV 12/6, IDF Radio, ITV 12/7 in WNC 12/9; NYT, WP, WT 12/7; al-Ba`th [Damascus] 12/7 in WNC 12/17; MM, WT 12/8; JP 12/13; see also MM 12/4)

 Russian special envoy Posuvalyuk arrives in Lebanon for talks with PM Hariri, Hizballah Secy. Gen. Hassan Nasrallah. Posuvalyuk then returns to Damascus. (ITAR-TASS, VOL 12/5 in WNC 12/8)

 In Gaza, IDF opens fire on Palestinian demonstrators, critically injuring a toddler, wounding 5. (WP 12/6)

 A day after the UN renews the old oil-for-food deal for 6 mos., Iraq stops pumping oil through its main pipeline to Turkey, says flow will resume when UN approves new plan for distribution of humanitarian goods bought with oil revenues; blames U.S. for blocking contracts to buy goods. (WP, WT 12/6)

In s. Lebanon, 3 Lebanese civilians are killed, 1 is wounded by IDF land mines. Hizballah responds by shelling IDF posts. (RL, VOL 12/5 in WNC 12/8; MEI 12/19)

In Beirut, unidentified gunmen open fire on car of Higher Islamic Shiite Council (HISC) head Imam Muhammad Mahdi Shams al-Din, wounding 1 bodyguard. HISC, Lebanese security claim incident was not an assassination attempt. (MENA, RL, VOL 12/5 in WNC 12/8; VOL 12/6 in WNC 12/9)

Netanyahu holds talks with his cabinet about negotiations with the PA, discusses proposals for moving the peace process in 2 directions: (1) toward resolving outstanding issues, which would require the PA to fulfill a set of requirements (mostly on "terrorism") within several mos. and Israel to implement 1 FRD; (2) toward accelerated final status negotiations. No agmts. are reached among the cabinet Ms. Talks will resume 11/30. (MM 11/26; MM, WT 11/27; NYT 11/28)

In Cairo, French FM Vedrine discusses peace process with Egyptian FM Musa. (RMC 11/27 in WNC 12/9)

Egyptian amb. to Israel Muhammad Basyuni, PA chief negotiator Local Government M Saeb Erakat discuss coordinating positions on FRD issue. (ITV 11/26 in WNC 12/9)

PA releases Fathi Subuh, a professor at al-Azhar's Gaza campus who was arrested 7/2 for putting questions on PA, al-Azhar corruption on his final exam. Charges were never filed against him, though he was informally accused of espionage, lewd behavior. He is forced to pay $7,100 bail, report to PA police daily. (PCHR 11/26; NYT 12/3; JP 12/6)

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)--comprising Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE-- holds ministerial mtg. on Iraq-UN conflict. Members' positions differ, but all agree that military solution is unacceptable. (MM 11/27, 11/28) (see 11/21)

At the Doha summit, U.S. Undersecy. of State for Economic Affairs Stuart Eizenstat says that the administration will seek funding fr. Congress for the Middle East Development Bank in the FY 1999 budget, MEDB operations can begin within 4 mos. of receiving funding, bank mbrs. have already started selecting projects (concentrating on cross-border infrastructure projects) to fund. The U.S. also signs a protocol for a new $60 m. equity fund to promote U.S. private investment in the West Bank/Gaza, Jordan. (MM 11/17)

Settlers begin construction of 6 new housing units in Hebron's Jewish quarter. (ITV 11/17 in WNC 11/21)

In Luxor, Egypt, gunmen aligned with the Islamic Group open fire on tourists in the Valley of the Kings, killing 58 foreigners, 3 Egyptians, wounding 24 foreigners. Police take chase, kill 6 gunmen. (ITV 11/17 in WNC 11/21; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/18; MM, WT 11/19; MM 11/20; MEI, MM 11/21)

Secy. of State Albright ends 2-day tour of the Gulf to discuss latest standoff btwn. Iraq, the UN. Finding no support fr. Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia for military action, U.S. agrees to try to reach negotiated settlement. U.S., UK present France, Russia with position paper, offering to allow Iraq to buy more goods with oil proceeds if it cooperates fully with UN inspection teams. Russia offers to lead mediation. (CSM, NYT, WP, WT 11/18; MEI 11/21) (see 11/13)

Russia expels Iranian accused of trying to buy missile technology. (WP 11/18)

Palestine Observer Mission at the UN announces plans to introduce a resolution in the UN General Assemby (UNGA) by early 11/97 that would deny Israel's right to represent East Jerusalem, Golan Heights, meaning credentials for Israeli reps. would have to be issued fr. Tel Aviv, symbolically cutting Israel's territory back to pre-1967 lines. The mission will also try to have its observer status upgraded to "special observer," so that reps. can participate in plenary session, on comms. and working groups. (WT 10/14, 10/17; NYT 10/24)

Jordan, Syria end 2 days of mtgs. on  water; sign minutes of mtg., agreeing to go ahead with construction of al-Wahda dam on the Yarmuk River in Syrian territory. (RJ 10/13, JT 10/14 in WNC 10/15)

After Canada receives an official apology fr. Israel for using forged Canadian passports in Mishal attack 9/25, Canadaian amb. returns to  Tel Aviv. (Radio Canada International 10/13 in WNC 10/15) (see 10/2)

Israel releases 2d batch 9 Jordanian detainees, flies them to Amman. (JTV 10/13 in WNC 10/15; CSM, WT 10/14; NYT 10/15) (see 10/6)

4,000 Palestinians attend rally in Nalbus to celebrate Shaykh Yasin's return to Gaza. (WT 10/14) (see 10/6)

Turkey begins pulling troops out of n. Iraq after its latest incursion against the PKK, which began on 9/21. (WT 10/14)

PA-Israeli subcomm. mtgs. resume for 1st time in 7 mos. with a security subcomm. mtg. in Tel Aviv. Joint Steering Comm. will meet once every 2 wks. to discuss progress of 8 subcomms.(ITV 10/7 in WNC 10/8)

LACC meets in Ramallah. (UNSCO press release 10/26)

In Washington, Pres. Clinton discusses status of peace process with Israeli pres. Ezer Weizman; rejects Weizman proposal for Camp David-style summit, saying sides are too far apart for success. (MM 10/8, WT 10/9; PR 10/10)

In Gaza, Hamas's Shaykh Yasin meets with Arafat; says that suicide bombings could be abandoned under certain conditions, but full truce would require full Israeli withdrawal fr. West Bank and Gaza, removal of settlements; stresses that Hamas is not challenging PA authority. (CSM, NYT 10/8)

In Beirut, Iraq, Lebanon hold talks on expanding trade, economic ties. (RL 10/7 in WNC 10/8)

In response to U.S. dipatch of an aircraft carrier to the Gulf 10/3, Iran announces that 10-day naval exercises involving more than 50 ships will begin 10/11. (NYT, WT 10/8; NYT, WP, WT 10/13; WT 10/14)

On the eve of her departure, the State Dept. says it has abandoned hope that Secy. of State Albright will make progress during her tour of the Middle East; says she will not offer any new proposals for resuming PA-Israeli talks. (WT 9/9)

Local Aid Coordiation Comm. (LACC) meets in Gaza. (PR 9/12)

Egyptian Trade Union Federation, the Central Comm. of the International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions hold emergency mtg., decides to halt normalization with Israel indefinately due to the status of the peace process. (MENA 9/8 in WNC 9/9)

1 Israeli injured in the 9/4 bombings dies, bringing death toll to 8, including the 3 suicide bombers. (WP, WT 9/9)

The PA says that it has arrested 35 suspected Hamas mbrs. since the 9/4 bombings. Netanyahu says arrests are only "cosmetic." (MM 9/8; CSM, WP, WT 9/9; NYT 9/10; PR 9/12; WP 9/13)

After they post bail, Israel releases Ilham Abu Salih, a Druze arrested 8/25 on suspicion of spying for Syria, and Nadia Fouad, an Israeli Arab held sine late 8/97 on suspicion of spying for Iraq. (WP 9/9)

11 Jordanian opposition parties led by the Muslim Brotherhood call on the government to release Hamas spokesman Ghawshah. (AFP 9/8 in WNC 9/9) (see 9/7)

U.S. Secy. of State Albright endorses PM Netanyahu's plan for accelerated final status talks with the PA, stresses that no progress can be made until Israel is certain that the PA is making 100% effort to fight "terrorism"; says that she will travel to the region at the end of the mo. (MM 8/6; ITV, QY 8/6 in WNC 8/7; NYT, WP, WT 8/7; IDF Radio, IGPO, ITV, MA, YA 8/7, Hatzofe 8/8 in WNC 8/8; MM, NYT 8/8; NYT 8/9; al-Thawra 8/9, IDF Radio 8/10 in WNC 8/12)

Jordan's Crown Prince Hassan, PM Majali meet with PM Netanyahu in Jerusalem. The crown prince terms the Israeli-Palestinian situation a "very dangerous crisis," recommends Israel adopt a softer line with the Palestinians, invites Netanyahu to visit Amman next wk. (MM, NYT 8/6; ITV, JTV, RJ, YA 8/6 in WNC 8/7; CSM 8/7; MA 8/7 in WNC 8/8; al-Ra'i 8/7 in WNC 8/11)

In Amman, King Hussein meets delegation fr. Israel's Histadrut Labor federation. (JTV 8/6 in WNC 8/8)

The U.S. group Builders for Peace, initiated by VP Al Gore to promote economic development in the territories, announces it is closing its doors, saying that "political conditions in the region . . . render the prospects of success for any given project remote." (Builders for Peace press release 8/6)

For the first day since the 7/30 bombings, Israel allows flour, vital goods, medical supplies to enter the West Bank, Gaza. (NYT 8/7; WT 8/8)

A delegation fr. the Syrian Chamber of Commerce travels to Iraq to discuss trade contracts under the UN oil-for-food agmt. (SA 8/7 in WNC 8/8; al-Quds al-Arabi 8/8 in WNC 8/11) (see 8/3)

IDF sends reinforcements to s. Lebanon. (RL 8/6 in WNC 8/7)

5 UNIFIL soldiers are killed when their helicopter crashes in s. Lebanon. UN suspects mechanical failure. (AFP, London Press Association 8/6, RL 8/7 in WNC 8/8; WP 8/7; JP 8/16)

In s. Lebanon, 1 SLA soldier is killed when Hizballah detonates a roadside bomb as his car passes. Hizballah also fires several katyushas toward n. Israel, but they land in s. Lebanon, causing no injuries. (MM 8/7; Voice of the South 8/7 in WNC 8/8; MM 8/8)

Lebanon files claim with ILMG regarding death of a civilian in s. Lebanon 8/5. (VOL 8/6 in WNC 8/7)

PM Netanyahu tells his cabinet that Israel will not honor its peace agmts. with the PLO unless Arafat cracks down on Islamists. (MM 8/4)

14-mbr. Knesset Internal Affairs Comm. delegation representing almost all Israeli parties (except Moledet, Shas, Tsomet) arrives in Amman for a 2 day visit to discuss the current impasse in PA-Israeli talks resulting fr. the 7/30 bombings; encourages King Hussein to personally mediate btwn. the sides. Jordanian parliamentary mbrs. boycott the delegation. (RJ 8/3, 8/4 in WNC 8/5; JT 8/5 in WNC 8/6; SA 8/5 in WNC 8/7)

Israel continues arresting Palestinians following the 7/30 bombings, bringing the total arrested to 116; also demolishes 3 Palestinian homes allegedly built without permits nr. Jerusalem. (WP 8/4; LAW 8/5; PR 8/8)

Israeli authorities prevent a delegation of 20 young campers fr. Qatar, UAE (who just completed a summer program sponsored by the PA Youth and Sports Min.) fr. leaving Gaza for Egypt. (al-Quds 8/4 in WNC 8/5; PR 8/8)

Nr. the West Bank Jewish settlement of Karmel, a Palestinian is fatally shot fr. a passing car bearing Israeli license plates. (ITV 8/3 in WNC 8/5; MM, WP 8/4; NYT 8/5)

Iraq, Syria form a joint tourism company, which will run 2 daily trips to transport businessmen btwn. the countries. (RMC 8/4 in WNC 8/5) (see 8/1)

On the sidelines of th EU FMs' mtg. in Brussels, Arafat, Israeli FM Levy hold the highest Israeli-PA mtg. since the pair met in Malta 4/15. Afterward, both men say that they made significant progress toward resuming Oslo II implementation negotiations. (MM 7/22; MM, NYT, WP, WT 7/23; YA 7/25 in WNC 7/28)

In Washington, Israeli cabinet secy. Nave holds 2d mtg. with U.S. special envoy Ross. (MM, NYT 7/23; WJW 7/24) (see 7/21)

In Jerusalem, Israeli pres. Ezer Weizman discusses with Arafat dep. Abbas ways of restarting the peace talks. (NYT 7/24)

On their way fr. attending a Fatah rally in Nablus in support PA policeman Col. Musaymi (see 7/20), 4 PC mbrs. (all Fatah mbrs.) are arrested by the IDF, detained under orders fr. "high places" at the IDF's West Bank military headquarters for 5 hrs. (PR 7/25)

In Tel Aviv, an Israeli Arab wielding a sword and knife stabs 2 Israeli women at a sidewalk cafe, lightly injures 11 others. In a separate incident in Gaza, a Palestinian woman stabs, slightly wounds an Israeli border guard nr. a Jewish settlement; is arrested by PA police. (WP 7/23; PR 7/25; JP 8/2)

PA reports that the IDF has sent 8 tanks, several armored personnel carriers, long-range 175-mm. Howitzer guns into Gaza to reinforce Gush Qatif settlement bloc. (al-Hayat al-Jadida 7/22 in WNC 7/23)

Syria allows businessmen to travel to Iraq individually, declaring void explicit restrictions on travel to Iraq that have been placed on Syrian passports since 1980. (RMC 7/22 in WNC 7/23) (see 7/19)

In Cairo, Israeli cabinet secy. Dani Nave, PA Local Government M Erakat discuss ways of resuming talks, make no headway. Israel refused to convene the talks until the PA denied reports by a Palestinian official, Israeli television that Israel had agreed to temporarily halt settlement construction in the West Bank, Gaza, and at Har Homa. After mtg., Arafat flies to Amman to discuss new initiatives with King Hussein. Follow-up mtg. is scheduled for 6/12 (WT 6/8; JTV 6/8 in WNC 6/10; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 6/9; JTV 6/9 in WNC 6/11; MM 6/10; MEI, PR 6/13; JP 6/21)

Low-level Jordanian ministerial delegation concludes 4-day visit to Washington for talks on the PA-Israeli talks. The delegation, headed by Dep. PM for Development Affairs Jawad al-Anani, met with National Security Adviser Samuel Berger, Secy. of State Albright, U.S. special envoy Ross. (JTV 6/8 in WNC 6/10)

UN Fifth Comm., which handles UN General Assembly (UNGA) budget matters, votes (58-2, with 52 abstentions) that Israel should reimburse the UN for $1.7 m. for expenses associated with the 1996 attack on its peacekeeping base in Qana, s. Lebanon (see 4/18/96). The U.S., Israel vote against. (WT 6/9; al-Riyad [Riyadh] 6/9 in WNC 6/18; al-Nahar 6/10, RL 6/11 in WNC 6/12; RL 6/11, VOL 6/12 in WNC 6/13; MEI 6/13)

Arafat appoints a team of officials, headed by his secy. Tayyib `Abd al-Rahim, to investigate the 5/24 GCO corruption report. (MEI 6/13)

In Baghdad, a Syrian Chamber of Commerce delegation signs $20 m. worth of commercial contracts with Iraq--the 1st since Syria, Iraq broke off relations in 1980s. A Lebanese business delegation is also in Baghdad to discuss holding an industrial exhibition there in 9/97. (MM 6/9; VOL 6/10 in WNC 6/11) (see 6/2)

King Hussein swears in fmr. information M, Marwan Mu`asher, as Jordanian amb. to the U.S. (JT 6/8 in WNC 6/10)

Survivors of the 1967 Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty hold a memorial service at Arlington Cemetery. Liberty skipper Capt. William McGonagle calls on Israel, the U.S. to release details of the assault, which killed 34, wounded 171 Americans; says he believes the attack was a result of "gross incompetence and aggravated dereliction of duty on the part of many officers and men of . . . Israel." (WT 6/9)

ILMG blames Israel/SLA for the death of 1 Lebanese civilian, wounding of 2 others 6/4; blames unnamed Lebanese rebels for death of SLA mbr the same day; warns all parties to adhere to the 4/96 understanding. (Radio Free Lebanon 6/9 in WNC 6/13; al-Safir 6/10 in WNC 6/12)