38 / 15493 Results
  • November 22, 1990

    Beset by challenges from within Conservative party, British P.M. Margaret Thatcher announces her resignation [NYT, LAT, WP 11/23; CSM 11/26].

    Pres. Bush visits U.S. forces in Saudi Arabia,...

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  • February 18, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: O.T.'s trade deficit with Israel is cut by 66% in 1988, according to Bank of Israel UP 2/18]. Curfew is imposed on Tulkarm. Israel lifts...

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  • April 25, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two-day conference on unemployment among Palestinian university graduates in the occupied territories, held in East Jerusalem, concludes...

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  • November 6, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Mossad ex-director Amit announces private project to launch Israeli communications satellite. DM Rabin tells Knesset Israel has...

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  • September 6, 1984


    Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat meets with officials in Jedda, then flies to San'a' to discuss preparations for next PNC meeting.

    Other Countries: US vetoes UN...

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  • February 8, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset in emergency session on consequences of US withdrawal from Lebanon; proceedings classified.

    Arab World: Arafat arrives in Sana'a...

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  • December 29, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Encouraged by US urging to restore Egypt-Israel relations, Shafi Abdul Hamid received by Shamir. [Hamid is first ranking Egyptian diplomat to...

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  • December 27, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Postal workers strike for improved benefits and working conditions. Death penalty conferred on 2 Palestinian men, Maher & Karim Yunis,...

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Beset by challenges from within Conservative party, British P.M. Margaret Thatcher announces her resignation [NYT, LAT, WP 11/23; CSM 11/26].

Pres. Bush visits U.S. forces in Saudi Arabia, says they may have to face "some pain now to avoid even worse pain later," then flies to Cairo [NYT, LAT, WP 11/23; MET 12/4].

D.M. Tom King says Britain will send 14,000 more troops and additional tanks, aircraft, and ships to the Gulf by the end of the year, bringing total number of British troops there to more than 30,000 [NYT, LAT, MEM 11/23].

Visiting Sanaa, Yemen, Sec. Baker is rebuffed in efforts to persuade Yemen, only Arab country on UN Sec. Council, to support resolution authorizing use of force against Iraq. Pres. Saleh criticizes buildup of foreign forces in Gulf [SDS 11/22 in FBIS 11/23; SDS 11/23 in FBIS 11/26; NYT, LAT, WP, MEM 11/23]; Baker then flies to Jeddah [SPA 11/22 in FBIS 11/23].

PLO leader Yasir Arafat arrives in Baghdad, says he strongly supports Saddam Hussein's assertions that Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait must be tied to overall settlement of conflicts in region; adds there is no alternative to negotiations between Iraq and U.S. [BVP 11/22 in FBIS 11/27; NYT 11/26].

D.M. Moshe Arens instructs IDF to expand enlistment of Bedouins into its ranks [MAA 11/23 in FBIS 11/23].

Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek and E. Jerusalem Arabs praise Jerusalem district planning committee's decision to build 7,500 new apartments for Palestinians northwards from French Hill junction towards Ramallah [JPD 11/23 in FBIS 11/23; MEM 11/23; JPI 12/1].

Kuwaiti gov't.-in-exile extends $550 million medium-term loan to the Soviet Union on favorable terms; "observers" point to "political aspect" of loan [MEM 11/23]. 

Soviet Union and Israel sign agreement on scientific cooperation and exchanges of scientific information [TASS 11/22 in FBIS 11/28].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: O.T.'s trade deficit with Israel is cut by 66% in 1988, according to Bank of Israel UP 2/18]. Curfew is imposed on Tulkarm. Israel lifts night curfew imposed on Gaza Strip in order to allow workers to leave Gaza during upcoming 3-day strike [FBIS 2/21]. Tourism in Israel drops 14% in 1988 [NYT 2/19].

Arab World: Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze meets with Syrian pres. Asad [NYT, WP 2/19]. 50 intemational delegations meet in Sanaa, N. Yemen for conference sponsored by Yemeni Council for Peace and Solidarity to discuss Palestinian uprising, nuclear weapons, development, security [AYA 2/27]. Faruq al-Qaddumi meets with U.A.E. pres. Nuhayyan [FBIS 2/23].

Military Action Occupied Palestine/Israel: 14-year-old Palestinian from Rafah dies from wounds received 2/13 [FJ 2/27]. In E. Jerusalem 21-year-old Israeli is stabbed, killed by Palestinian [FBIS 2/21, FJ 2/27]. At least 6 Palestinians are wounded by Israeli troops on W. Bank [FJ 2/27].

Arab World: Israel shells UN peacekeeping patrol in Israeli-imposed security belt in S. Lebanon; 2 Norwegian soldiers are wounded [FBIS 2/21, MET 2/28].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two-day conference on unemployment among Palestinian university graduates in the occupied territories, held in East Jerusalem, concludes by selecting 6-member committee to study the growing problem [FJ 5/2]. A study by Abraham Cohen, published by the Institute of Arab Studies in Givat Haviva, found that Palestinians inside the Green Line earn 66% of what Israeli Jews earn, and have families about twice as large as Jewish families [DW 4/25].

Other Countries: U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in Boston stays lower court order allowing Zuhdi Labib Tarzi, PLO permanent observer at the UN, to travel to Cambridge for a debate at the Harvard Law School Forum with law professor Alan Dershowitz [BG 4/26; WP 4/27].

Military Action

Arab World: U.S. embassy communications officer Arthur Pollick is shot and wounded by unidentified assailant in San'a, N. Yemen [LAT, LT 4/26].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Mossad ex-director Amit announces private project to launch Israeli communications satellite. DM Rabin tells Knesset Israel has abandoned idea of achieving political gains with IDF in Lebanon. Foreign Min. announces plan to send relief supplies to hunger-stricken Africa with financing by US Presidential Task Force on Intl. Private Enterprize.

Arab World: Rebel Palestinian guerrilla leader Sabri al-Banna (Abu Nidal) dies of heart attack in Baghdad. Palestine National Fund meets in San'a'. Egypt permits 1st nuclear-powered US Navy ship to pass through Suez Canal.

Other Countries: US Pres. Reagan wins reelection by landslide. Military Action: Lebanese & Palestinian fighters ambush "national guard" leader Mahmoud Tabajah in Ghassab Tadmin, S. Lebanon, killing him & 2 aides for working with IDF.


Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat meets with officials in Jedda, then flies to San'a' to discuss preparations for next PNC meeting.

Other Countries: US vetoes UN Security Council resolution calling on Israel to "immediately lift all restrictions and obstacles" imposed on Lebanese civilians in Israeli-occupied S.Lebanon; US delegate calls resolution "unbalanced." Israel and Belize establish diplomatic relations


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset in emergency session on consequences of US withdrawal from Lebanon; proceedings classified.

Arab World: Arafat arrives in Sana'a from Kuwait for talks with Pres. Saleh.

Other Countries: US House Speaker O'Neill claims US shelling not authorized within War Powers Act. Pope John-Paul urges pull-out of MNF from Lebanon and calls for protection of Palestinian refugees there in appeal to US Pres. Reagan. French gov't. reacts critically to US decision to pull out of Beirut; engages in diplomatic efforts to reconvene UN Security Council for replacing MNF with UN force.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli patrol kills Israeli government ranger, shooting at wild dogs in field near Beit Lahiya, Gaza, mistaking him for Palestinian "guerrilla." Complaints registered with Tel Aviv police that Civil Defense volunteers from local high schools randomly beat Arabs; base commander Sarah Ruhamim, reportedly commanded pupils: "Get out of the patrol car and see that the Arabs get a beating; my daughter enjoys it terribly." Ruhamim resigned after sum- moned by CD commander. Arab World: USS New Jersey fires big guns for 5 hours at artillery positions behind Syrian lines. 6th/15th Lancers of British MNF withdraw from Beirut to aircraft carrier Reliant.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Encouraged by US urging to restore Egypt-Israel relations, Shafi Abdul Hamid received by Shamir. [Hamid is first ranking Egyptian diplomat to visit Israel since invasion of Lebanon.] On eve of cabinet mtg. over austerity measures, PM Shamir calls emergency mtg. for Herut members of Cabinet in unity attempt.

Arab World: Sidon port on general strike in response to Israel's occupation, recent killing of 3 and arrest of 2 local citizens. Aides in Sana'a, YAR announce Arafat approves military plan for future PLO action.

Other Countries: 13 retired US generals and admirals return from visit to Israel sponsored by B'nai Brith.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Postal workers strike for improved benefits and working conditions. Death penalty conferred on 2 Palestinian men, Maher & Karim Yunis, convicted of killing Israeli soldier in 1980; families maintain confessions were extracted by torture. 6 mo. town arrest order imposed on Khaled Qidra Abd al- Hadi, Deputy General Secretary of Gaza Lawyers Union.

Arab World: Arafat meets with Fateh Central Committee in Sana'a, YAR. Cease-fire called in Beirut; after 3 days fighting, about 60 (mainly Lebanese and Palestinian civilians) killed, 150 wounded. Egyptian foreign affairs advisor says US should open talks with Arafat, calling him "a voice of reason and moderation."

Other Countries: US State Dep't. assails Soviet cut in Jewish emigration as "an unmitigated act of evil."