19 / 15500 Results
  • May 15, 1998

    In New York, PM Netanyahu meets with UN Secy. Gen. Annan, restates plans to withdraw fr. s. Lebanon but gives no time frame. (NYT, WP, WT 5/16)

    Jordanian PM Anani...

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  • March 19, 1998

    In Washington, EU troika (FMs fr. the UK, Luxembourg, Austria), U.S. hold talks on how to proceed with the peace process. EU encourages U.S. to present its FRD proposal. (LPA 3/19 in...

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  • March 17, 1998

    After arriving in Israel, British FM Cook makes controversial visit to Har Homa. As a result, PM Netanyahu cuts mtg. with Cook short, cancels joint dinner in protest. Cook also meets...

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  • March 30, 1997

    Clashes btwn. the IDF, Palestinians intensify throughout the West Bank. In Surif, an IDF soldier allegedly rapes a Palestinian woman during a raid on a home; IDF admits that "indecent acts" took...

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  • June 5, 1996

    2-day PC mtg. opens. (QY 6/7 in FBIS 6/7; PR 6/14)

    In Aqaba, Jordan's King Hussein, Egypt's Pres. Mubarak, PA's Arafat hold follow-up mtg. to their 5/11+n12 unity summit to focus on ways of...

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  • September 28, 1995

    In Washington, Arafat, PM Rabin sign the Oslo II agmt. Syria, Lebanon send no representatives. (BT, CSM, MM, WJW 9/28; VOP 9/28 in FBIS 9/28; CSM, FT, MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/29; WJW 10/5; JP 10/7)...

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  • March 3, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian stabs, slightly injures Jewish youth in Hebron. Settlers react by attacking photographers [WP 3/4]. Sec. of State Shultz...

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  • February 1, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bethlehem U. reopens after 3-month military-ordered closure and immediately receives new closure order [NYT 2/4]. Hebron Polytechnic...

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  • December 22, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Def. Min. Rabin tours Gaza, says more troops are being deployed in occupied territories. According to Palestine Press Service, 2...

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  • March 6, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Central Bureau of Statistics reports 37% of occupied territories' work force employed in Israel during 1984: 50,000 from W. Bank, 40,000...

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  • May 3, 1984


    Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat visits Jordan for talks with King Hussein on joint position on Israeli-occupied territories. Syria reports 3 Israelis captured (5/1/84)...

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  • December 1, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Imam of Katibeh Mosque in Gaza given 18 mos. prison term for "incitement" after denouncing murder of Hebron U. students last July. Gaza artist,...

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  • April 12, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF reportedly constructing series of large and sophisticated military bases across South and central Lebanon, including airstrip at Damour, barracks and transport...

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  • April 10, 1983

    Military Action:

    6 separate attacks against IDF include tank damaged by mine near Kafr Shima, explosion on road south of Damour near IDF patrol, APC hit by explosion at Kabar Shamoun, small...

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  • April 4, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF artillery fired at Syrian positions in Bekaa after Syrian tractor fortifying positions reportedly crosses cease-fire line. 


    IDF releases...

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  • April 3, 1983

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied Territories: Hundreds of former residents of Birim, Maronite village on Israel's northern border evacuated in 1948, call on government to allow them to...

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  • March 30, 1983

    Military Action:

    Syrians and Israelis exchange tank and mortar fire east of Beirut for first time in 4 months; gun battles in Tripoli between rival militias; Beirut offices of Arab...

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  • January 9, 1983

    Military Action:

    Marines prevent IDF from entering Bourj-al-Barajneh for second time, but IDF moves into Lailaki using random anti-tank grenades and machine gun fire to search area; after...

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  • September 21, 1982

    Military Action:

    US Marines sail from Naples to Beirut; IDF continues to pull out troops from Beirut, but continues house-to-house searches for militia and arms; IDF troops seen loading...

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In New York, PM Netanyahu meets with UN Secy. Gen. Annan, restates plans to withdraw fr. s. Lebanon but gives no time frame. (NYT, WP, WT 5/16)

Jordanian PM Anani arrives in Cairo to give FM Musa a message fr. King Hussein to Pres. Mubarak regarding their next steps in the peace process. (VOA 5/13 in WNC 5/14) (al-Ahram 5/14 in WNC 5/15)

In Geneva, UN Committee Against Torture convenes to discuss Israel's use of torture against Palestinian detainees. (Human Rights Watch press release 5/15)

Responding to the 5/14 violence, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Mary Robinson calls on Israel to respect the Palestinians' right of peaceful assembly, avoid excessive use of military force. (WP, WT 5/16)

Reacting to 5/14 clashes, Palestinians leaving Friday prayers at al-Aqsa Mosque throw stones fr. the mosque compound at Jews at the Wailing Wall below, causing no injures. In Hebron, IDF troops open fire on stone-throwing Palestinians along the dividing line btwn. PA, Jewish sectors, wounding an Israeli newspaper photographer. Similar clashes occur in Nablus. In Gaza, 100s of Palestinians attend funeral for nurse killed 5/14 while trying to evacuate the injured. In the Galilee, Israeli Arabs hold peaceful march to mark al-Nakba (see 4/14). (MM 5/15; ITV 5/15 in WNC 5/18; NYT, WP, WT 5/16)

Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon observe general strike to commemorate al-Nakba. (RL 5/15 in WNC 5/18)

In Cairo, 800 Egyptians hold rally at al-Azhar Mosque to mark 50th anniversary of al-Nakba, protest Israeli policies toward the Palestinians. (AFP, MENA 5/15 in WNC 5/18)

Israel's Cabinet Secy. Dani Nave visits Pollard to inform him of Netanyahu's 5/11 decision to recognize him as an Israeli agent. (ITV 5/15 in WNC 5/18; WP 5/17)

In Washington, EU troika (FMs fr. the UK, Luxembourg, Austria), U.S. hold talks on how to proceed with the peace process. EU encourages U.S. to present its FRD proposal. (LPA 3/19 in WNC 3/20)

Jordan's King Hussein meets with Pres. Clinton in Washington, calls on the U.S. to open dialogue with Iraq to defuse tensions. Clinton briefs the king on 1/98 talks with Israel's Netanyahu, PA's Arafat; urges the king to encourage Arafat to support the 13.1% FRD proposal. (NYT, WT 3/20; al-Dustur, RJ 3/20 in WNC 3/23; JT 3/21 in WNC 3/24; MEI 3/27; JTV 3/29 in WNC 3/31)

Israeli Finance M Yaakov Neeman leaves for U.S. to meet with Jewish leaders in New York, convicted spy Pollard in North Carolina (see 3/6). Neeman had arranged mtgs. in Washington but was informed before he left that they had been canceled. (MA 3/19 in WNC 3/20; Globes 3/22 in WNC 3/24)

Israeli Infrastructures M Sharon sends letter to King Hussein, apologizing for 3/14 threat against Mishal. (ITV 3/29 in WNC 3/23; JT 3/24 in WNC 3/25; MEI, PR 3/27; JP 3/28)

In Amman, Iran, Jordan discuss upgrading culture, information cooperation. (RJ 3/19 in WNC 3/20)

In Gaza, Fatah supporters march fr. Rafah to Egyptian border to protest IDF shooting of 3 Palestinians in Hebron 3/10. (al-Ayyam 3/19 in WNC 3/24)

After arriving in Israel, British FM Cook makes controversial visit to Har Homa. As a result, PM Netanyahu cuts mtg. with Cook short, cancels joint dinner in protest. Cook also meets with Arafat, visits site of Dayr Yasin, where Jewish fighters massacred more than 100 Palestinians in 1948. (CSM, MM 3/17; IDF Radio, ITV, SA, YA 3/17 in WNC 3/19; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/18; IDF Radio, MA, MENA, al-Quds al-Arabi, SA 3/18, Les Echos [Paris] 3/19 in WNC 3/20; MM 3/19; PR 3/20; JP 3/28; CSM 4/6; MEI 3/27)

In Washington, King Hussein begins 4 days of mtgs. by discussing bilateral economic, military issues with Congress; bilateral relations, peace process with State Dept. (JTV 3/17 in WNC 3/20; JTV 3/18, RJ 3/19 in WNC 3/20; JTV 3/19, RJ 3/20 in WNC 3/23; WT 3/20)

UNGA resumes emergency session (last held 11/13) on Israel's construction at Har Homa, issues new condemnation (by vote of 120-3, with 5 abstentions) of Israel's failure to stop building at the site. U.S., Israel, Micronesia vote against; Australia, Bulgaria, Romania, Marshall Islands, Swaziland abstain. (MM, NYT, WT 3/18; MEI 3/27)

Palestinian child shot by IDF during Hebron demonstration 4/11 dies. (LAW 3/17; MEI 3/27)

Clashes btwn. the IDF, Palestinians intensify throughout the West Bank. In Surif, an IDF soldier allegedly rapes a Palestinian woman during a raid on a home; IDF admits that "indecent acts" took place, arrests the soldier. 1,000s of Palestinians in Bethlehem, Hebron, and Nablus, 100s in Janin demonstrate. The IDF deploys tanks around Bethlehem, Nablus; flies helicopter gunships over Nablus. PA police fire in the air, club, and shove protesters in Nablus, Hebron to prevent them fr. reaching Jewish sites. To date some 460 Palestinians have been injured (mostly by rubber bullets, tear gas) in West Bank clashes. (LAW, NYT, WP, WT 3/31; PR 4/4)

Jordan's King Hussein arrives in Washington for talks with Pres. Clinton, swears in Jordanian amb. to the U.S. Fayiz Tarawnah as his new FM. (WT 3/31)

The Knesset approves $53 m. for construction of public institutions in Golan Heights settlements; general planing and development in the Golan, Jordan Valley, Gaza coast. (Globes [Internet] 3/30 in WNC 4/1)

Saudi Arabia requests that suspect in al-Khobar bombing held in Canada be extradited to Saudi Arabia, not the U.S. (NYT, WP 3/31) (see 3/18)

2-day PC mtg. opens. (QY 6/7 in FBIS 6/7; PR 6/14)

In Aqaba, Jordan's King Hussein, Egypt's Pres. Mubarak, PA's Arafat hold follow-up mtg. to their 5/11+n12 unity summit to focus on ways of supporting the Palestinians when peace talks resume. (MM 6/5; MENA, RJ 6/5 in FBIS 6/5; JT, JTV, SARR 6/5 in FBIS 6/6; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 6/6)

Israel's dep. mayor of Jerusalem, Shmuel Meir, urges PM-elect Netanyahu to approve a plan to tear down 2,000 Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem that were built without permits, build 50,000 houses for Jews. (QY 6/6 in FBIS 6/6)

Israel's Justice Min. rejects an appeal demanding that blank ballots be counted in the PM elections. Were the blank ballots counted, neither Peres nor Netanyahu would have gained the 50% needed to win the premiership. (QY 6/5 in FBIS 6/6) (see 5/31)

IDF eases closure on West Bank, Gaza, allowing 22,000 married Palestinians over the age of 35 to attend their jobs in Israel. 350 Palestinian merchants are also allowed in. (QY 6/5 in FBIS 6/5) (see 6/2)

In Hebron, Jewish settlers seize, occupy Palestinian owned bathhouse. 1,000s of settlers hold street party to celebrate Netanyahu win. (MM 6/6, WT 6/8; MENA 6/8 in FBIS 6/10; PR 6/14)

In s. Lebanon, heads of Hizballah, the Higher Islamic Shiite Council meet to discuss local, regional developments arising fr. the Israeli elections. (RL 6/6 in FBIS 6/6)

In Washington, Arafat, PM Rabin sign the Oslo II agmt. Syria, Lebanon send no representatives. (BT, CSM, MM, WJW 9/28; VOP 9/28 in FBIS 9/28; CSM, FT, MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/29; WJW 10/5; JP 10/7)

Israeli FM Peres, Jordan's King Hussein, Arafat confirm that they have been discussing establishment of a confederation btwn. Jordan, self-rule areas. (IL 10/2)

Israel, EU initial cooperation and commerce agmt. (IL 10/2)

PM Rabin meets with representatives of American Jewish groups, warns them that lobbying against Israeli government policies would cause a serious rift in Israel's relations with the American Jewish community. (QY 9/29, 9/30 in FBIS 10/2; NYT 9/30; WJW 10/5; JP 10/7)

Israel closes borders with West Bank, Gaza until 10/1 to curb any Palestinian attacks on Israel in protest over Oslo II signing. In Hebron, 1,000 Jewish settlers protest the accord. (CSM, NYT 9/29)


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian stabs, slightly injures Jewish youth in Hebron. Settlers react by attacking photographers [WP 3/4]. Sec. of State Shultz voices support for joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation [WP 3/4].

Other Countries: Letter to Sec. of State Shultz signed by 30 U.S. senators criticizes P.M. Shamir's position on peace proposal [NYT 3/6; WP 3/7]. Shultz meets with King Hussein in London before flying to Jerusalem [NYT 3/5]. In U.S. House of Representatives, Rep. George Crockett, Jr. introduces bill to repeal order closing PLO's observer mission to UN [FJ 3/13].

Military Action Occupied

Palestine/Israel: Soldiers wound 4 Palestinians in violent clashes in W. Bank [WP 3/4].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bethlehem U. reopens after 3-month military-ordered closure and immediately receives new closure order [NYT 2/4]. Hebron Polytechnic Institute and Hebron U. are closed indefinitely. Israel postpones indefinitely reopening of schools in Nablus, Jenin, and Tulkarm [FJ 2/7]. In Nazareth, 50 Muslim, Christian, Druze, and Jewish leaders condemn Israeli measures in occupied territories, express support for uprising [FJ 2/7].

Arab World: Lebanese Shi'i coalition Islamic Resistance Front threatens to kill Israeli soldier held captive for 2 years [WP 2/2].

Other Countries: U.S. envoy Philip Habib meets with Egypt's Pres. Mubarak in Paris before returning to Washington [WSJ 2/2]. U.S. vetos UN Security Council resolution setting forth UN role in Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations and calling on Israel to abide by Geneva Convention terms [WP 2/2]. In Rome, Jordan's King Hussein visits with Pope John Paul II, meets with Egyptian F. M. 'Ismat 'Abd al-Magid [NYT 2/2].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In village of 'Anabta near Tulkarm, stone-throwing Palestinians attack army bus, settlers' cars, and police vehicle after blockading road. Israeli fires on demonstrators, killing 2, wounding 1. Officials are uncertain whether shots were fired by soldiers or settlers. Army patrol later disperses crowd with live ammunition, wounding 2 more. Settlers attack village during curfew, vandalizing houses, cars [WP 2/2; FJ 2/7]. Crowds throw rocks, bottles and block roads in cities, villages, and camps throughout W. Bank; 3 Palestinians are wounded in Jenin, and 2 are injured by army gunfire in Hebron-region village of Bani Na'im; village is placed under curfew. Violent disturbances are also reported in E. Jerusalem [WP 2/2; FJ 2/7]. Israeli authorities arrest 14 Palestinians during raid of Jerusalem's Thuri quarter [FJ 2/7]. More than 20 are arrested in early morning raid in Nablus [WP 2/2]. Balatah, new and old 'Askar, Duhayshah, Tulkarm, and Am'ari refugee camps and Nablus are under curfew [FJ 2/7]. In Gaza Strip, military imposes curfew on Burayj camp following violent stone-throwing demonstrations; curfew is lifted in Dayr al-Balah camp. Violent clashes are reported in Gaza Strip camps and cities; many Palestinians are injured by army gunfire and beatings [FJ 2/7]. At least 40 Palestinians have been killed since uprising began 12/9 [NYT 2/2]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Def. Min. Rabin tours Gaza, says more troops are being deployed in occupied territories. According to Palestine Press Service, 2 Palestinians wounded in jenin clash 12/21 die in hospital. Military bans distribution of al-Quds in W. Bank for 1 month [NYT, LAT 12/23]. Israel orders 4 Palestinian teachers colleges closed for 1 month: Abu Dis College of Science and Technology in Bethlehem, al-Tirah Teachers College, al-Shuyukhi College, and Ramallah's al- 'Asriyyah Community College; closure of W. Bank government schools is extended until 12/27 [FBIS 12/22; FJ 12/27]. Full commercial strike shuts down Nablus [FJ 12/27]. Hebron Polytechnic College is ordered closed for 1 month [FJ 12/27].

Other Countries: Reagan administration statement criticizes Israel's "harsh security measures and excessive use of live ammunition" in the occupied territories. U.S. abstains in UN Security Council vote, allowing passage of resolution strongly deploring Israeli actions in the Gaza Strip and W. Bank [LAT, NYT 12/23]. U.S. Jewish leaders express concern over violence in territories [WP 12/23]. U.S. Pres. Ronald Reagan signs State Dept. spending bill, which includes provision requiring closure of PLO observer mission to UN [NYT 12/24]. Jordan's King Hussein arrives in Moscow, meets with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev [CSM, LAT 12/23].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: At Gaza's Jabalya refugee camp, Palestinian youth is shot dead, at least 3 are wounded by Israeli troops; camp is placed under curfew. At least 3 Palestinians are wounded by Israeli gunfire during clashes in Jenin and Hebron villages of Yatta and Idna [LAT 12/23; WP 12/23, 12/24]. Scattered demonstrations are reported in W. Bank [NYT 12/23]. Israeli troops arrest at least 150 people in night raid on Burayj refugee camp [FJ 12/27]. Curfew is imposed on Qalqiliyyah after demonstrators bum Israeli military govemor's car [FJ 12/27]. Military erects cement barrier at Duhayshah refugee camp's main entrance in effort to prevent rock attacks on Israeli cars [FJ 12/27


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Central Bureau of Statistics reports 37% of occupied territories' work force employed in Israel during 1984: 50,000 from W. Bank, 40,000 from Gaza; 44,000 worked in construction, 13,000 in agriculture [JTA 3/7]. Housing Min. begins building permanent structures in 3 settlements formerly containing temporary housing: Atzmona in Gaza, Cadim in N. portion of W. Bank, and Na'ama in Jordan Valley [JP 3/6]. Haifa U. suspends Palestinian student leader Amir Makhoul, imposes sentences on 3 other Arabs, 1 Jewish student, for activities stemming from 1/17 disturbance at university during speech by MK Eitan [JP 3/7].

Arab World: After meeting with Pres. Mubarak in Hurghada, Egypt, King Hussein expresses support for 2/24 Mubarak proposal for talks between US, joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation [NYT, WSJ 3/7].

Other Countries: Reagan administration defersending Israel's $2.6 billion aid request to Congress for approval; states Israel has not made sufficient progress toward solving economic problems [NYT 3/7].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Authorities bulldoze 2 homes "illegally" built in Shuyuh [JP 3/7]. Roadside bomb explodes as settler's car passes in Hebron area; nearby note claims DFLP responsibility [JTA 3/8].

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: RPGs, shots fired at IDF, SLA posts in Shukin, Ansar; no casualties [JP 3/7]. IDF kill 2, wound 1 resistance fighter in Kafr Sir. SLA soldier wounded in Yatar. IDF raid Bidias; arrest 20 [DT, CSM, NYT 3/7]. IDF, Shin Bet agents arrest dozens in Tyre. Taxi driver killed by IDF near Tyre. IDF raid Burj Eliya; 12-yr. -old boy killed. Civilians in Teir Dibba forced to sit outside village during IDF raid [LT 3/7]. 7 Beirut-based journalists arrested by IDF near Tyre; later released [on 2/26 Israel issued ban on Beirut-based journalists in areas under IDF control] [NYT MG 3/7].


Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat visits Jordan for talks with King Hussein on joint position on Israeli-occupied territories. Syria reports 3 Israelis captured (5/1/84) admit to spying.

Other Countries: Guatemalan Jewish leader Sabbaj tells American Jewish Com. " Soviet intervention" in his region threatens future of Jewish community there by inevitable nationalization of businesses.

Military Action:

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Some of the 15 Israeli settlers detained on suspicion of West Bank bombing attempts admit to murdering at least 4 Palestinians in Hebron, and bombing that injured 2 West Bank mayors (6/1980).

Other Countries: Palestinian journalist and secretary of Arab Journalists' and Writers' Union Hanna Moqbil killed by gunman in Nicosia, Cyprus.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Imam of Katibeh Mosque in Gaza given 18 mos. prison term for "incitement" after denouncing murder of Hebron U. students last July. Gaza artist, Fathi Ghabin's detention extended for producing "inciting" posters. Raphael Eitan and Chaim Herzog lead public castigation of 6 Israeli POWs returned by PLO in November prisoner exchange and 2 others still captive for cowardly surrender. Gush Emunim settlers camp at Joseph's Tomb in Nablus declaring to create permanent Jewish presence there; Peace Now warns of demonstration next day, supports DM Zipori's position that encampment is illegal. Teachers in 10 Israeli gov't. schools in Ramallah and al-Bireh strike over low wages. Life sentences given 2 Palestinians charged with killing Ramallah Village League head (1981), and an attack on IDF officer imposed as "(mayor" of al-Bireh; 2 others sentenced to 12-14 years for attacking Israeli settler in Hebron.

Arab World: Arafat accepts outline of Saudi-organized ceasefire in Tripoli. After letter from Pres. Reagan reiterating US position, King Hussein says he is prepared to resume talks with Arafat on joint Palestinian-Jordanian approach to negotiations with Israel; in light of current struggle in Tripoli, Hussein promises to put "no conditions on him. " Rebel spokesman asserts Tripoli fighting results from Arafat's refusal to heed Coordination Committee proposals. Tyre municipality opens special employment office for men released from Ansar prison; appeals to UNRWA to provide jobs.

Other Countries: Meeting in Washington, Pres. Gemayel and Reagan agree to stand by May 17 Lebanese-Israeli agreement. US Sec. of Defense Weinberger tells Jewish leaders of Synagogue Council of America that Arafat is "irrelevant" to future of Middle East. Chile's FM ends visit to Israel; agreement reached to expand mutual trade and agricultural cooperation. Abu Ja'far, Dir. of PLO Political Dep't holds talks with Soviet charge d'affaires in Tunis; also received GDR, DPRK, Rumanian, Polish and Czech ambassadors on occasion of Int'l. Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People. Major oil co.s shipping under Liberian flag pressure Liberian gov't. to cancel plans for embassy in Jerusalem; ambassador reported looking for alternative location in Tel Aviv.


Arab World: Palestinian casualties in Lebanon mountain artillery exchanges: 2 PFLP fighters, 1from Struggle Front, 2 from Liberation Army and 1 from al-Saiqa killed; 2 from Struggle Front wounded. Israel-backed militia chief in S. Lebanon, Abu Saleh, quits to renew loyalty to Amal militia. 1983 to date, 71 Druze quit Israeli military for religious reasons (compares with 19 in 1982).

Military Action:

IDF reportedly constructing series of large and sophisticated military bases across South and central Lebanon, including airstrip at Damour, barracks and transport facilities at Sidon, fortified posts in Arkoub and Bekaa Valleys, logistics HQ near Marjayoun; Syrian forces and IDF exchange artillery fire in Bekaa; Haddad says he must formally be made military governor of South Lebanon.


9 suspects indicted for grenade attack that wounded 5 US Marines on March 16.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF seals 4 Dahariya homes of Palestinians who reportedly admitted to attacks in Hebron area, including stone-throwing that killed Israeli woman in January; IDF orders West Bank schools to remain closed until April 19, Jenin schools closed indefinitely; Umm Safa and Gibya residents report thousands of dunams seized for nearby Ateret settlement; molotov cocktail thrown at border police patrol in Bethlehem; Jerusalem Mayor Kollek warns civic and religious leaders of Shufat and Beit Hanina if they don't stop stone-throwing along road to Neve Ya'acov settlement then police and army will; Peace Now begins protests near site of proposed Upper Nablus settlement; court orders Ministry of Defense to pay compensation of IS2m. to family of Palestinian woman shot by Israeli soldier in April 1982, soldier given 5 months suspended sentence; Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs spokesman offers 3,939 apartments and building plots in West Bank and Gaza, announces campaign to expand 68 settlements, increase Jewish population in occupied territories 30-50,000 in next 18 months; Chief of Staff Eitan, in farewell statement to Cabinet, says there should be 10 new Jewish settlements for each stone-throwing incident, when Israelis have settled the land all the Arabs will be able to do about it is scurry around like drugged roaches in a bottle; 2 Likud MKs recommend that soldiers be instructed to aim higher if shooting at demonstrators' legs doesn't stop stone-throwing; Israeli Electric Corporation completes 4-year project to supply electricity to West Bank settlements and villages at cost of IS360m.; Association for Civil Rights says ban on section of '83 film is attack on freedom of expression, asks for its revocation.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO stresses importance of continuing relations and dialogue with Jordan; Habib participates for first time in troop withdrawal negotiations at Netanya.

Arab Governments: Mubarak says it is imperative PLO join Jordan to facilitate negotiations; Moroccan sources say proposed Arab summit later this week likely to be postponed; Jordan reportedly considering reducing ties to West Bank; King Hussein meets British Foreign Secretary; Syria says Hussein's refusal to enter talks shows US does not hold key to Middle East peace.

US and Other Countries: Shultz says there is no alternative to the Reagan plan, suggests PLO should lose its 1974 Arab League mandate as sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people if this authority is not exercised constructively; House Foreign Affairs subcommittee links sale of advanced US weapons to Jordan to commitment to recognize Israel and enter into direct negotiations with it, increases Reagan's requests for economic aid to Israel from $785m. to $850m., all grants, increases grant portion of military aid from $550m. to $850m. out of $1.7b. total, and approves same amount for FY 1985 in largest single legislative package of aid for Israel ever approved; CIA director Casey reportedly travelled secretly to Israel last week to convince Israelis that Lebanese Army can control South Lebanon.

Military Action:

6 separate attacks against IDF include tank damaged by mine near Kafr Shima, explosion on road south of Damour near IDF patrol, APC hit by explosion at Kabar Shamoun, small arms fire at IDF trucks in Beirut, bomb near troop buses, small arms fire at IDF patrols near Zaharani river.


IDF reports 1 soldier killed, 3 injured in attacks, Lebanese National Resistance Front says 20 IDF killed or wounded.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel makes no official response to Hussein's decision regarding negotiations, reportedly considers Reagan plan dead; new WZO settlement department plan calls for 57 new settlements in next 4 years, bringing total to 165, with Jewish population of West Bank 100,000 by 1986 and Jewish-Arab population parity at 1.3 million in 30 years; spokesman for Israeli Embassy in US says West Bank land is being sold in the US not by government but by private group associated with Kedumim settlement; 10,000 dunums from Surif village near Hebron declared state land under military order 59; High Court legalizes 1976 imposition of Value Added Tax (VAT) in occupied territories; Cabinet nominates Meir Rosenne, ambassador to France, to replace Arens as ambassador to US.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO officials deny Jordanian statement that Hussein and Arafat had reached agreement on a course of political action; Issam Sartawi assassinated at Socialist International congress in Portugal, Abu Nidal group claims responsibility.

Arab Governments: Jordan says Hussein and Arafat had reached agreement in principle and detail, PLO now proposes different course, so Jordan will not enter peace talks on basis of Reagan plan, will not act separately or in lieu of any party, and will leave it to PLO and Palestinian people to choose the ways and means for the salvation of themselves and their land.

US and Other Countries: Reagan says radical elements in PLO introduced changes in peace proposals that are an impediment, and are unacceptable to King Fahd, King Hussein and to US; Reagan telephones Kings Fahd, Hussein, and Hassan II of Morocco.

Military Action:

IDF artillery fired at Syrian positions in Bekaa after Syrian tractor fortifying positions reportedly crosses cease-fire line. 


IDF releases Jibsheet's Sheikh Rageb Harb, whose arrest on March 18 prompted strikes and demonstrations; ICRC tells IDF that Lebanese in Sidon are threatening Palestinian refugees in camps and villages; Austrian special envoy leaves Damascus to report to Chancellor Kreisky on status of negotiations for PLO-Israel prisoner exchange.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: 7 arrested in Sakhnin for offenses during Land Day; doctors from US Center for Disease Control begin study of mass illness; chairman of West Bank Medical Association says ICRC investigator denied making statement attributed to him yesterday by Israeli authorities; schools in Jenin and Hebron districts closed for 1 week; Tulkarm and Nablus under curfew; molotov cocktail thrown at IDF patrol in Jalazon camp; 17 year-old Palestinian dies of head injuries sustained in Jenin on March 27, family says soldier struck him with bottle, IDF says he was injured by stones; IDF arrests two carloads of Palestinians said to be driving through Nablus shouting through megaphones that the water had been poisoned; IDF confiscates film, arrests 2 Israeli employees of CBS news on charges of urging hospitalized girls to act ill, charges later dropped; 2 Israelis assaulted and injured near Damascus Gate; 9 Jews arrested during demonstration outside police station where Kahane's nephew is held; 7 persons arrested in Taiba after two days of demonstrations, stoning of police jeep, in support of West Bank Palestinians.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, in Amman, meets with PLO Executive Committee and Hussein; in letter to UN Secretary General, Arafat accuses Israel of poisoning thousands of schoolgirls.

Arab Governments: In Damascus, President Assad meets with George Habash.

UN: Iraq calls for Security Council meeting, accuses Israel of mass poisoning of Palestinian schoolgirls, Israeli delegate rejects charges as irresponsible and unfounded; Security Council requests Secretary General to conduct independent inquiry into reported cases of poisoning.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Hundreds of former residents of Birim, Maronite village on Israel's northern border evacuated in 1948, call on government to allow them to return now that security prevails, government reportedly will not agree to setting precedent since estimated 50,000 Arabs in Israel might also demand return to their original homes; another outbreak of mass sickness on West Bank causes hospitalization of 164 girls from Tulkarm and Anabta, 240 in Yatta; results of International Red Cross investigation of illnesses, released by Israeli Health Ministry, indicate no evidence of poison or toxic material, conclude that epidemic is mass phenomenon devoid of danger; curfew imposed in Yatta, 6 other areas; 2 IDF soldiers, border policeman, and 2 Nablus residents wounded by hand-grenade in Nablus; Israeli bank ransacked during protest demonstrations in Tulkarm; Israeli targets stoned in other West Bank towns; 18 year-old boy shot in arm and stomach by settler driving past al-Arub refugee camp, police question settler and impound his rifle; 2 Israelis injured by stones in Qalqilya; 2 Arab youths injured when Israeli driver swerves his car into group throwing stones; 65 year-old Jerusalem woman hospitalized after being beaten and stabbed, members of Jewish religious school seeking to take over her property are suspected; IDF investigating 2 settler-related shooting incidents in Hebron and Nablus areas; Muslim religious leaders call students to hold protest gathering at Dome of Rock against last year's Easter attack by Israeli soldier; police use teargas to disperse demonstration near Damascus Gate, 8 arrested; police prevent group of 50 Jewish religious nationalists, including Meir Kahane, from entering Temple Mount, group then holds prayers outside gates; teenage nephew of Kahane arrested after firing Uzi at Palestinian demonstrators.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat and Hussein hold third round of talks, Arafat tells news conference he is still committed to Fez summit resolutions, Farouk Kaddoumi says Reagan plan is not a vehicle for negotiation, Abujihad says PLO is not giving a mandate to anyone.

Arab Governments: Mubarak, in Peking, urges PLO and King Hussein to enter talks on Reagan plan soon, before next US election campaign.

US and Other Countries: US diplomats in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem reportedly sceptical of official Israeli explanation of mass illnesses, point to fact that Israelis on West Bank displayed same symptoms.

Military Action:

Syrians and Israelis exchange tank and mortar fire east of Beirut for first time in 4 months; gun battles in Tripoli between rival militias; Beirut offices of Arab Deterrent Force closed, premises handed over to Lebanese Army.


Lebanese doctor shot and killed at roadblock by Fiji UNIFIL soldier in South Lebanon; 3 killed, including Syrian soldier, 6 wounded in Tripoli.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Land Day demonstrations in Israel, West Bank, Gaza, 3,000 extra police on duty; 10-20,000 make Land Day march from Sakhnin to Deir Hanna; tear gas fired at demonstrators in Sakhnin; Peace Now demonstrates outside government exhibition in Tel Aviv of residential construction and housing finance opportunities for Jews on the West Bank; Labor Party chairman Peres says position of Haddad forces must not be infringed by troop withdrawal agreement, Israel should not submit to any preconditions, such as settlement freeze, prior to peace talks with Hussein; Habib meets Arens and Shamir who reject notion that Lebanese Army, without Haddad, can provide effective security on northern border; 7 year-old boy killed, 2 children wounded in Shefar Am when hand grenade they find explodes; commercial strike in East Jerusalem; IDF shoots, kills 18 year-old in Tarqumiya, near Hebron, during demonstration; curfews imposed in Nablus, 4 refugee camps; 2 molotov cocktails thrown at IDF vehicles in West Bank; 2 molotov cocktails thrown at IDF vehicles in West Bank; 2 grenades thrown at IDF vehicles in Gaza; 13 persons injured by stones; Al-Fajr editor-in-chief arrested; director of West Bank public health services says clinical symptoms of 53 girls from Arraba, taken ill on March 21, point to something more than a case of mass hysteria.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, in Damascus, tells rally he rejects Reagan plan, and Fez summit resolutions are only basis for solution to Palestine problem.

US and Other Countries: Soviet Union accuses Israel of planning a piratic strike against Syria, warns it would be playing with fire.

Military Action:

Marines prevent IDF from entering Bourj-al-Barajneh for second time, but IDF moves into Lailaki using random anti-tank grenades and machine gun fire to search area; after fourth encounter between IDF and Marines in 1 week, US Embassy in Beirut expresses concern; truce in Tripoli policed by PLO because Lebanese security forces refuse to patrol area so long as opposing forces maintain positions.


1 PLO member killed, 3 wounded in Tripoli.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Government rejects US-proposed compromise on agenda for Lebanon negotiations; at Cabinet meeting Begin promises Deputy Premier David Levy and Communications Minister Mordechai Zipori, both Herut Party critics of Sharon, that Cabinet will hold special debate on Lebanon; Young Guards of Labor Party elects as chairman Moshe Cohen, a political centrist who will seek to end leftward lurch of party, to terminate Labor's alignment with Mapam and a rapprochement with religious parties; all police units launch anti-terrorist drive following attack on bus, reveal several bomb incidents since summer, including 280 kg bomb in car in Negev defused, bomb under bench in Herzliya which wounded 4, 4.5 kg bomb in Jerusalem defused, security forces played down and withheld information on incidents; Israeli trade with Lebanon valued at $8 million each for November and December; Peace Now group demonstrates outside Prime Minister Begin's office; dozens of Palestinians arrested in Tel Aviv after yesterday's grenade attck, 2 molotov cocktails thrown at police station in Dheisheh refugee camp, no injuries, security forces seal area, search but no arrests; 10 Najah University students arrested, charged with incitement; Kiryat Arba residents pull down Hebron municipality electricity poles for second time, and Acting Mayor Mustafa Natshe says he received threatening letter from Kiryat Arba council demanding removal of the utility poles; Elon Moreh settlers fire shots into Nablus Dal al-Tafel kindergarten and its bus, military authorities seal off Nablus market area.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat holds talks with King Hussein in Amman, also attending are members of Joint Committee, as Hussein tells Arafat his talks with Reagan were positive and successful; Lebanese Director General of Internal Security Forces Hisham Shaar says conscription may be necessary to keep balance of Christians and Muslims in police force; reports circulating in Beirut that AUB President David Dodge, kidnapped during war, may be alive and held in Bekaa Valley; Internal Security Chief Hisham Shaar and Syrian Deputy Chief of Staff General Ali Aslan meet in Tripoli, agree to patrols there by Lebanese security forces.

Arab Governments: Egyptian President Mubarak calls on Hussein and Arafat to negotiate on the basis of the Reagan plan, before US presidential elections and more settlements make it too late to reach agreement, says that only thing that bothers him about US foreign policy is US Congress' decision to increase aid to Israel; Egyptian Foreign Minister Kamal Hassan Ali says Egyptian ambassador to Israel will return to his post as soon as agreement is reached on Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon; Saudi King Fahd holds series of meetings with Walid Jumblatt, Moroccan Foreign Minister Mohammed Boucetta, Fateh Executive Committee member Abu Mazen.

US and Other Countries: Senator Charles Percy (R-IL) states support for Israeli position that withdrawal from Lebanon should be accompanied by business-like relations; columnist Jack Anderson publishes opinion poll of the world's worst leaders with Menahem Begin ranking fifth after Khomeini, Qaddafi, Mobutu and Duvalier; 1,500 New York area Jews who have applied for aliya attend speech by Israeli President Navon in synagogue.

Military Action:

US Marines sail from Naples to Beirut; IDF continues to pull out troops from Beirut, but continues house-to-house searches for militia and arms; IDF troops seen loading trailer trucks with captured vehicles, weapons, PLO files, materials from Arab banks; Algerian government charges IDF soldier stormed Algerian embassy in Beirut, stole documents; IDF denies it flew Haddad forces to Beirut for operations in camps; IDF lifts curfew imposed in South Lebanon following Gemayel assassination.


Burj al-Barajneh residents say Lebanese Army demanded they disarm as condition for Army protection, and then Army disappeared; rumors of massacre sweep camp so residents leave camp at night to sleep elsewhere; Haaretz reports Phalange was given IDF aerial photographs of Sabra and Shatila, that forces involved were commanded by top Phalange liaison officer with IDF in Beirut.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli government accepts redeployment of multinational force in Beirut, but refuses to specify deadline for IDF withdrawal or to establish inquiry into massacre; Palestinians in Israel, West Bank, and Gaza stage strikes at schools and businesses, stone bus and several police stations, burn tires on highways to protest massacre; 2 Israeli policemen wounded, 8 Palestinians arrested; strikes 95 percent effective, but broken in Ramallah, Hebron, and Nablus when Israeli soldiers force open store windows; disturbances in Bethlehem and Israeli-Palestinian towns of Taibeh, Kaukab, Sakhnin, where residents carried pictures of Arafat; demands for national inquiry into massacre grow; Begin still staunchly opposed; Begin sends congratulations to Amin Gemayel as president-elect of Lebanon, still hopes for peace treaty.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat says Begin and Sharon are not Jews because such a massacre is outside Jewish morality and tradition; Arafat meets Saudi King Fahd in Jiddah, says Reagan personally responsible for massacre because Habib had given the PLO a signed guarantee for security of Beirut and its people; Amin Gemayel, elected Lebanon's President by 77 of 80 votes, calls for national unity; several Phalange militia commanders refuse to accept Amin's authority.

Arab Governments: King Hussein charges US with "direct moral responsibility" for massacre, supports Reagan's peace initiative but rejects Camp David structure for negotiations and peace talks with Begin government; Arab League emergency meeting accuses US of moral responsibility for massacre but stops short of endorsing PLO-sponsored call for sanctions against US.

US and Other Countries: Reagan Administration officials get wary approval for dispatch of Marines from House Foreign Affairs Committee, which sees Israel bearing some responsibility for massacre; Congressman Crockett blames Israeli government and US for "aiding, abetting" massacre; Congressional opposition to increasing aid to Israel grows as Begin refuses to open inquiry; Habib meets Mitterrand on way back to Lebanon.

UN: PLO persuades non-aligned group to call for one-day special emergency General Assembly session to request a UN inquiry; Jeane Kirkpatrick says she will oppose any such inquiry unless Lebanese Government supports it.