7 / 15500 Results
  • September 4, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Death sentences of Maher & Karim Yunis [conferred 12/271/84] for killing Jewish hitch-hiker (1980) commuted to life in prison by...

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  • August 29, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Kach demonstrators march on Umm al-Fahm trying to establish Arab "emigration" office there; counter demonstration joined by local...

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  • August 23, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF convoy hit by explosive device near Amiq, IDF artillery units maintain systematic fire at guerrilla positions in Syrian-controlled area; IDF combat units in Chouf...

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  • February 1, 1983

    Military Action:

    First contingent of 22 British troops arrives to join MNF, will patrol road south of airport.


    17 killed, 34 wounded as artillery duels continue in...

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  • November 22, 1982

    Military Action:

    Several hundred Shiite militiamen attack Lebanese Army barracks in Baalbek for two hours before retreating, in first armed protest of Amin Gemayel's government; Lebanese...

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  • October 11, 1982

    Militarv Action:

    Lebanese Army continues searches and bulldozing of squatter dwellings; Army seals off 3 refugee camps, bars photographers and film crews, makes street searches; camp...

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  • August 23, 1982

    Military Action:

    Bashir Gemayel's election as Lebanon's President sets off jubilant celebrations in East Beirut, angry protests in West Beirut; houses of 3 West Beirut deputies, including...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Death sentences of Maher & Karim Yunis [conferred 12/271/84] for killing Jewish hitch-hiker (1980) commuted to life in prison by Lydd court. El Al airline announces $14.3 million loss in fiscal 1984.

Arab World: Christian Lawyer Joseph Hashem announced to replace deceased Pierre Gemayel as Lebanese Health and Communications Minister.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities demolish power station and grid belonging to Jerusalem Electric Co. at Ain al-Sultan camp claiming that construction was not licensed. About 50 armed Israeli squatters storm and take possession of Palestinian home near Herod's Gate, Old Jerusalem. 3 Dheisheh camp nationalists injured in stabbing by anti-nationalist group members after week of confrontations; nationalist supporters respond by demolishing Young Men's Muslim Assoc. headquarters.

Arab World: IDF engineer corps commander Cohen says IDF spending $17 million to fortify eastern front in Lebanon for winter. IDF release 45 detainees from Ansar concentration camp in S. Lebanon, where about 800 remain.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Kach demonstrators march on Umm al-Fahm trying to establish Arab "emigration" office there; counter demonstration joined by local Palestinians and Jewish sympathizers; police intervene to forestall violence.

Arab World: Pierre Gemayel dies of heart attack in Lebanon.

Other Countries: UN Security Council hears Lebanon's case against Israeli actions in S. Lebanon.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF reveals new upgraded Soviet T-54 & T-55 tanks adapted from those captured in wars with Arab armies.

Arab World: IDF armored convoys advance north of Awali River in new offensive against resistance. 3 IDF troops wounded by roadside bomb near Marjayoun.

Military Action:

IDF convoy hit by explosive device near Amiq, IDF artillery units maintain systematic fire at guerrilla positions in Syrian-controlled area; IDF combat units in Chouf reduced to minimum, removal of logistical and support facilities completed; Lebanese, Israeli and US officers reconnoiter Chouf positions to be occupied by Lebanese Army.


4 IDF soldiers wounded by explosion near Amiq.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: World Zionist Organization publishes $1.5 b. plan to triple West Bank settlers to 100,000 by 1986.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Pierre Gemayel says Phalange Party will not start discussion of entente before all foreign armies leave; Camille Chamoun criticizes government for contacts with National Salvation Front.

Military Action:

First contingent of 22 British troops arrives to join MNF, will patrol road south of airport.


17 killed, 34 wounded as artillery duels continue in the Aley and Chouf areas; 7 murdered in Sidon area as Phalange pursues campaign to force Palestinians to leave area or concentrate in Ain el-Hilweh camp.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin in Knesset rejects Reagan plan and says settlements cannot be frozen; Israel Aircraft Industries signs contract to repair and maintain helicopters for US Army in Europe.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese-Israeli-US negotiating teams meeting in Netanya step up frequency of meetings, disagree over Israeli demand for 28 mile deep security zone; Phalangists reported to agree in principle to President Gemayel's plan to extend control of regular army into East Beirut and surrounding suburbs; Prime Minister Wazzan meets Arafat in Tunis regarding withdrawal of PLO; Pierre Gemayel accuses Israel of trying to partition Lebanon and divide Muslims and Christians

Military Action:

Several hundred Shiite militiamen attack Lebanese Army barracks in Baalbek for two hours before retreating, in first armed protest of Amin Gemayel's government; Lebanese Army fortifies position around barracks.


Three militiamen killed in Baalbek fighting, several wounded, two Lebanese soldiers wounded; Maariv estimates 1,200 Palestinians have been killed in Lebanese Army sweeps through West Beirut, another 60,000 may have been sent to Syrian-controlled Lebanese territory and their homes destroyed; UNRWA officially decides to stop preparing cement floors for tents and giving out tents and to use money for refugees in other ways.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli defense ministry reportedly amending old work permit forms to include almost identical wording of loyalty pledge and note that permit can be withdrawn if holder helps the PLO; Israeli authorities order deportation of 9 lecturers at Islamic University in Gaza for "invalid" visas; curfew imposed on Nablus market and Askar refugee camp following attack on two Jewish settlers from Elon Moreh; Israeli authorities report 3-4,000 Lebanese visit Israel in last week since restrictions eased (Palestinians excluded); Israeli official says goods worth $20 m. arrived in Lebanon from Israel last month; Sharon and Zipori clash at Cabinet meeting; Sharon asks Cabinet to schedule full debate on state of PLO following invasion of Lebanon; Commission of Inquiry slates inquiry into discovery of IDF identity tag and card of IDF sergeant found inside Sabra camp, as Sergeant Benny Chaim twice fails to appear to testify; Israel accuses France of freezing economic relations since June invasion.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Army celebrates Independence Day for first time in eight years; Habib meets with Druze leader Majid Arslan and Pierre Gemayel in bid to ease Chouf tensions.

US and Other Countries: US State Department officials welcome Israeli decision to modify loyalty pledge requirements; Reagan Administration considering asking Congress for $500 million in aid for Lebanese reconstruction; Henry Kissinger says Jordanian participation in negotiations over West Bank essential.

Militarv Action:

Lebanese Army continues searches and bulldozing of squatter dwellings; Army seals off 3 refugee camps, bars photographers and film crews, makes street searches; camp residents lodge protests at French embassy as French forces patrol camps; Phalange transferring weapons outside city limits in expectation of East Beirut security sweep.


Men in civilian dress accompany masked informants into Sabra and Shatila, take away those pointed out (residents suspect Phalange); reporter for al-Safir arrested for reporting Army searches in camps, only released after protest from Lebanese press syndicate; Lebanese authorities refuse to release list of detainees; US, French, Italian envoys meet Gemayel to protest civilians arresting refugee camp residents (order later issued requiring all Lebanese Army men entering camps to do so in uniform); Lebanese military prosecutor says 328 bodies found, 991 missing, says most killed by gunshot or knife wounds; IDF casualties from Lebanon invasion put at 368 killed, 2,383 wounded between June 5 and October 10.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel displays captured PLO arms; Israeli Commission of Inquiry into massacres begins deliberations; Israel agrees to remove roadblocks checking student identification near West Bank universities; university administrators meet Yigal Karmon, who lifts Military Order 854 after protests by Pope and others (13 teachers from Najah University already expelled; 100 still threatened); West Bank surpasses US as Israel's major export market (excluding diamond trade).

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Pierre Gemayel invites Lebanese Army to impose security measures on East Beirut.

Military Action:

Bashir Gemayel's election as Lebanon's President sets off jubilant celebrations in East Beirut, angry protests in West Beirut; houses of 3 West Beirut deputies, including Speaker Kamal Assad, who participated in election, are burned or blown up; explosions heard throughout city; 1,000 PLO members sail for South Yemen (transport to port held up by car bomb 1 mile away); IDF reinforces Central Lebanon forces with 220 tanks; Syrians reinforce men and ammuntion, send in an estimated 400 tanks.


IDF says 3 Palestinians killed while trying to infiltrate IDF lines near Aimmiq; IDF soldier dies from wounds received yesterday; 5 IDF soldiers wounded in ambush near Tyre.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin's congratulation to Gemayel on election is addressed to "my dear friend"; Sharon indicates he had several clandestine visits to East Beirut to prepare for invasion months in advance.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: 34-year old Bashir Gemayel, leader of Phalange militia, elected to 6-year term as Lebanon's president on second Parliamentary ballot (one-third of deputies do not vote, voting delayed 2 hours until Bashir's brother Amin rounds up 6 missing delegates for legal quorum); Jumblatt denounces Gemayel as "stooge of Israel"; Jumblatt and Muslim leaders meet at Salam's house in West Beirut to consider rejecting election, later issue statement demanding "ironclad guarantees" to preserve consensus politics; Salam and others agree to seek meeting with Phalange leaders; Pierre Gemayel calls election a victory for Lebanon and a "commando operation" because of risks getting to it; Bashir Gemayel, on radio, calls election a "big achievement for our democracy"; Murabitun radio calls election "day of shame" and "nomination of military governor for Lebanon by Zionist decree thanks to Israeli tanks"; PLO officials in Syria express concern for future of Palestinian civilians in Lebanon.

Arab Governments: Syria reacts with anger to election, fears new strife.

US and Other Countries: Reagan Administration officials view election as "positive development" that could facilitate withdrawal of all foreign troops; Reagan sends congratulations to Gemayel and to Parliament; Harris poll finds support for Israel in US still high, but criticism of casualty levels growing; USSR parliamentary delegation arrives in Syria for "working visit." President Spadolini of Italy, addressing troops, says peace will rest on "reciprocal recognition between Israel and the PLO."